•M • J, , r m. „ : . - , " the WcHcnry Plamilealer Published by F. a fCHREINER. McHENRT, ILLINOIS Next June we all may long for tbe tetany days of January. COMMERCE COMMISSION UNANI MOUSLY DECIDE AGAINST INCREASE IN RATES. : Possibly the pet In thp cat show would enjoy more keenly life In the alley. r Some people can find a typograph ical error who never find an Idea of their own. We have yet to discover an egg that kas been improved by the cold stor age treatment. "Gaseous imbecility" has taken its place in the ha!! of fam ̂ beside "In nocuous desuetude." Higher education, too, has Its dan gers. An Illinois girl started for col lege, but got married on the way. Chicago is to have grand opera in English next season. If Chief Stew ard has his way it will also have it in clothing. ADVANCE IS NOT NECESSARY Decision Shows Carriers to Be Pros perous--Do Not Need Larger Rev enue to Maintain Their Credit or Insure Against Adversity. In the Boston high schools 3,000 jirls are taktng the commercial course. The beys will have to go west or south. A Denver surgeon was stricken with j appendicitis while operating on a pa- i tlent for that disease. Maybe it is catching, after all. That Jersey architect who failed to j provide a stairway for a new school- house must have realized that this is the age of aviation. Three and a half -illions was the Value of the foreign trade of the United States last year. Pretty big country this, isn't it? Russia affords a big market for American typewriters. To Judge from the cartoons we see, Russia is not a big market for American safety razors. There Is a powerful movement in favor of grand opera in English, de spite the fact that such productions •ynH to discourage tbe elegant art of conversation. A Boston spinster wants a flve-dol- hur tax on bachelors. But surely she m>uld not have any man value her so cheaply that he would marry her to save a paltry five. Harvard astronomers have discov ered a new star, but as said star Is not one of the football variety, the discovery is not making much of a hit with the students. "Chicago is a burglar's paradise," •ays a Jurist who Is in a position to know. Aside from that and a few other defects it is a good place to live in if one isn't particular. Europe has now definitely decided that Tolstoi was insane. This may be true, but it seems as though a lit tle more of that sort of insanity wouldn't hurt Europe any. If the fashion of wearing tight trousers and padless coats comes into general use we know a great many supposedly brawny men who will dwindle woefully In appearance. Many readers of newspapers have wondered at the meaning of those oft- repeated words found at the end of mysterious disappearance stories: "Detectives have been assigned to the At any rate the Chicago woman who •aid she rode all night on street cars to cure a headache has invented a food excuse for persons who are prone to stay out until the wee sma' hoars. A New York woman says she lost her respect for her husband when she caught him with five aces in his hand. She is perfectly right. A man who allows himself to be caught that way deserves no respect. If that Buffalo man who would not give up a counterfeit bill to an agent of the government were to get the full penalty of $100 and a year's im prisonment he might think he had committed some real crime. Washington.--The Interstate com merce commission in a decision hand ed down Thursday rules against the railroads in both the eastern and the western rate cases. The railroads are prohibited from advancing first-class rates and they are ordered to reduce second-class rates. The commission ehow's that at the moment when the railroads were ar guing their Justification for a raise they were eminently prosperous. The decisions were by unanimous vote of the commission. The report, written by Commission er Franklin K. Lane, is an elaborat optimistic review of the American railway situation. Despite what the railroad reports say of the considerable increase in wages and the increase in the cost of fuel, the last six months of the year 1910, in which tbe new wage sched ules were in effect, the report shows for the carriers the largest operating Income they have ever enjoyed. The report opens with a considera tion of the effect railroad rate regula tion has had upon the revenues of the carriers, in which it is shown that, by reason of the law and its enforcement, the railroads have been protected against each other. As a result the revenues of the carriers have in creased under regulation and their dividends and their surplus have also increased as in no other period of their history. In the past ten years the railroads of the United States have borrowed over four and one-half billion dollars, or twice the amount of the national debt at the close of the Civil war. This is evidence of the faith the public has in these properties. The rate of dividends and the total amount has increased more rapidly than the additional mileage built. The west ern roads have increased their sur- Hius over 100 per cent, in ten years. Comment Is made upon the fact that the railroads are now seeking to Increase rates which were voluntarily made by them under competitive con ditions and wblch they admit could not be increased under such condi tions. The carriers are seeking to gain the benefits of protective legis lation and at the same time asking for a free hand and criticizing the law for the restraints which it casts upon them. It Is found that the car riers do not need larger revenue for purposes of maintaining their credit or insuring them against temporary adversity. The report closes with these words: "We shall ask the carriers to with draw the proposed tariffs and, if such action is not taken, the commission will further suspend these rates and make an order directing the mainte nance of present rates for a period of two years." FIGHT ON FLOOR OF HOUSE Mondell of Wyoming and Wickersham of Alaska Come to Blows Over Alaska Bill. Washington. -- Violent language boomed and blows were struck in the house Thursday when Representative Mondell of Wyoming and Delegate Wickersham of Alaska clashed over the former's bill for leasing coal lands In Alaska. Delegate Wickersham, in opposing the Mondell bill,- quoted' from his statement rrom the interior depart ment. "That Is a lie," said Mondell, in an undertone, turning in his seat to speak to Mr. Burt of South Dakota. "You are a liar If you say that," shouted Wickersham, who had over heard. Both men then apologized to the house for the language used and the house killed the bill that had caused the trouble. After the adjournment friends of the two men tried to ef fect a reconciliation, but without suc cess. We have it from a Qerman eco nomist thai. American women will sooa be forced to labor on farms like men. Here we have an outlet for the surplus energy of those fair dam sels who Beek "careers" In preference to husbands. A post-mortem examination of a Missouri lady who had a mania for heavy diet resulted in the discovery of 1,446 separate articles of baMware In her little inside.. If there is any truth in theosophy the lady was either a goat or an ostrich in her previous existence. Most of those who tell about rearing a family and saving money on $1,000 a year do not have to and hence are bet ter able to theorise in the abstract A florist in New Jersey turns his hennery into a summer garden with all sorts of flowers and is getting eggs of delicate flavor and various tints, violet, rose and carnation flavors being in the lead. A hen garden of this kind might be a handsome and useful addition to a combination club house for the Ananias members and the nature fakers. A federal Judge tells us that hens are not birds. Too true! Various hens we have tried to eat bore a close resemblance to fossils of the stone ««• State Troops Awe Strikers. Taylorville, 111.--Fearing he could not maintain order at the plant of tbe E. Z. Paper Bag company In this city, where % strike and lockout has been in force for some time, Sheriff Smith of Christian county Friday called on Governor Deneen for froops. The governor received assurance from other county officials that the situa tion was serious and at once ordered four companies of state troops from Springfield and Decatur to proceed at once to this city, filnce the Boldiers reached here no disturbances have occurred. RATIFY JAP TREATY; SENATE VOTES TOCONFIRM NEW CONVENTION. SCENE OF THREATENED WAR Japanese Give Written Assurance That Government Will Regulate Emigration of Coollea. Alienation Suit Causes Murder. Farmer City, 111.--U. 8. G. Kendall was shot and killed here Friday by Arthur Jones. The murder was sequel to a suit for damages filed by Jones who alleged Kendall alienated his wife's affections. Fatal Accident In Auto Factory. Lansing, Mifjh.--Henry Schrleber and P. D. Screber were probably fa tally hurt and Arthur Wilcox was badly burned by an explosion of gaso line at the factory of the Reo Motor noir ptiny Friday. Washington.--The new Japan treaty was ratified Friday by the senate on the understanding that Japan will not Impose coolies on the United States. The objection to the convention has consistently been that it did not throw sufficient safeguards around the immi gration of Japanese to the United States. Opposition was made to it by the people of California, and by their state legislature and by the peo ple of the Pacific states generally. President Taft personally pushed the ratification of the treaty by his assurances to the governor of Cali fornia that the question of immigra tion was effectively covered by the Japanese declaration, which appears above and which has been declared th^ treaty's efficiency and suf ficiency. The treaty was taken up for tbe third time in the senate and after two ours' discussion was ratified. e western senators who had con tinuously opposed the treaty, reluct antly voted for it, it is understood, while not surrendering any of their opinions that grave consequences might ensue from this peculiar docu ment. The sole basis for the belief that Immigration is safeguarded is the fol lowing personal statement for his gov ernment of Baron Uchida. "In proceeding this day to the sig nature of the treaty of commerce and navigation between Japan and the United States, the undersigned Japan ese ambassador in Washington duly authorized by his government, has the honor to declare that the Imperial Japanese government are fully pre pared to maintain with equal effec tiveness the limitation and control which they have for the past three years exercised in regulation of the emigration of laborers to the United States. (Signed) "Y. UCHIDA." This was deemed sufficient certain ty by the president and the state de partment and the president was ac tive in his efforts to impress the Cali fornia legislature with his view of the treaty's efficiency and sufficiency. Although the text of the treaty has been published the injunction of ce- crecy has not been removed and so far as the senate is considered it con tinues as a confidential document. FRENCH MINISTRY IS OUT Cabinet Resigns Following Victory By Ony 16 Votes--Causes Sensation in Political Circles. Paris.--Premier Briand and the mem bers of his cabinet tendered their res ignations to President Fallieres Mon day. The bare majority of sixteen, which the government received Friday night in a votes of confidence In the cham ber of deputies, following the pre mier's arraignment on a charge of clericalism by the radical Socialists, Louis Malvy and Paul Meunier, was a sore blow to the premier and his asso ciates, who had been sustained many times in previous crises by much larger votes. In the end, M. Briand de clared that he was "sick of It all." The decision of the ministry to withdraw caused an enormous po litical sensation. The conservative newspapers are sounding a note of alarm. They declare that the forces of extreme radicalism are triumphing over sane and progressive reform, re garding the clerical issue, which was naised, as a mere pretext to attain Briand's downfall. The vote in the chamber of depu ties is interpreted as the result of an intrigue among Briand's adversaries in his own party, who have been plotting his overthrow since the great crisis in the railway strike. DIRECT VOTE BILL IS HIT Passage of Sutherland Amendment May Defeat Whole Proposal--Final Roll Call Tuesday. Washington. -- The Sutherland amendment, which, ir is expected, will accomplish the defeat of the resolution for the direct election of senators, was adopted in the Benate by a vote of 60 to 37. The senate also agreed that the final vote on the resolution as a whole should be taken on Tuesday. The Sutherland amendment pro vides that the federal government shall retain control over the election of senators and prescribe the qualifi cations of voters therefor. This has frightened many southern Democrats, who fear that the federal government oould thereby interfere with their dis franchisement of the negroes. Senator Borah, who is in charge of tbe resolution, charges that tha amendment was supported with this cunning end in view. Taft at Coachman's Funeral. Washington.--President and Mrs. Taft Saturday attended tbe funeral of Edward McQuade, coachman for Sec retary of War Dickinson, who was killed in a runaway in which he saved the life of three-year-old Helen Dick inson. 10^ JAP** Q tovr/f CW*4 SJCA u Map 8howlng Where Russia I* Making a Demonstration Against China. 18 PROM DITCH HOUSE DECIDES BY OVERWHELM ING VOTE TO FORTIFY PANAMA CANAL. AID IS GIVEN BY DEMOCRATS Twenty Republicans Refuse to Sup port Measure Providing for Bat teries to Guard Big Waterway-- Sentiment In Senate Is Favorable. Washington.--By an overwhelming vote the house of representatives Sat urday night appropriated $3,000,000 to begin work on the fortification of the Panama canal. The total cost of pro tecting the big waterway will be about $12,000,000. There is no doubt of the result in the senate, where the sentiment is said to be two to one in favor of protecting the waterway with land batteries. The house disposed of the question after nearly five hours of debate. The real test came on an amendment pro posed by Representative Tawney of Minnesota,, chairman of the committee on appropriations, providing that no part of the $3,000,000 should be used until the president of the United States had attempted to negotiate treaties with all of the leading maritime na tions guaranteeing the neutrality and international protection of the canal. The Tawney amendment then was •oted down by 130 to 63. A motion by Representative Kelfer of Ohio to strike out all provision for the fortifi cation of the canal was lost by a vote of 135 to 51. The real iuterest in the debate Beemed to center in the Tawney amendment, and the speeches made for and against it by Mr. Tawney and Mr. Sherley. Mr. Tawney, a stalwart Republican, looked to the Democrat ic side for sympathy and applause and received both. Mr. Sherley, one of the Democratic leaders of the house, was accorded an ovation by the Republican members. The de fection of about twenty Republicans from the general policy of fortifica tion was offset by a similar defection on the Democratic side in favor of fortification. In passing the sundry civil bill car rying approximately $140,000,000, and of which the canal fortification pro vision was the last feature to be con sidered, the house made a new record. Never before has this biggest of all supply bills been put through in two days without any sort of "gag rule." It is taken as another evidence that the house is doing all it can to avoid an extra session. SENATE BRIBERY CASE FAILS Jury Acquits Frank J. Gardner of New York of Offering $10,000 to Influence Vote. New York.--The state's first en deavor to make a criminal case out of an alleged attempt to purchase legislators' votes to defeat the anti- race betting bills three years ago has collapaed. After an hour's delibera tion a jury In the criminal branch of the supreme court acquitted former 8tate Senator Frank J. Gardner, who was charged with offering a $10,000 bribe to former State Senator Otto Q. Foelker, who Is now a congressman. Dickinson's Driver Killed. Washington.--Edward McQuade, for nearly twenty-five years coachman for the secretary of war, was killed In a runaway accident here. He was driv. lng Secretary Dickinson's two-year-old granddaughter, Helen Dickinson, and Miss Dunning, her governess, both of whom, with the footman, escaped in- Jury. The horses were frightened by a piece of paper blown by the wind. A Chicago youth who admits that he •is "tail, chesty, very handsome and .{matrimonially Inclined," advertises that he Is open to wed any pretty young blonde who Is wealthy, can cook, play the piano and Is willing to £.Jt?;|atay home nights and behave herself. ', .^And then they tell us that the women | Iof today are without opportunities. McFarland and Moran at Terms. New Vork.--Packey McFarland. Chi cago lightweight boxer, and Owen Moran, \I\e> visiting Briton, Thursday agreed to weigh In at 135 pounds at five o'cloctk on the afternoon of March 14. They will fight that night at the Fairmont Athletic club. Dynamite Suspect Held. ChiUicothe, O.--A man giving hit name as Isaac Sachs was arrested here Saturday in connection with the quest for the Los Angeles Times building dynamiters. Jay Gould to Wed April 29. New York.- It was announced Thurs day that the wedding of young Jay Gould and Mist Annie Douglas Graham wiU take place on April 29. The cere mony will be in St. Thomas' church. Puts O. K. oti New Mexico. Washington.--President Taft Fri day sent to congress the proposed constitution of the new state of New Mexico, with a special message rec ommending its ratification by con gress. Port-aa-Prlncs in Peril. Kingston, Jamaica.--According to advices received here Sunday the Brit ish consul at Port-au-Prince, Haiti, has telegraphed for a warship to protect British interests. A general rising in that city is Imminent. Carnegie Cash Held Tainted. Crooksvilie, O.--Andrew Carnegie's money is "tainted," say union potters of this city, and they have protested the acceptance of $20,000 from him to construct a Carnegie public li brary. PACT UP TO SENATE COMMITTEE REPORT M'CALL BILL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. A BOON TO HUMANITY » * J If the Curative Virtue of Raainot Was *1* Generally Known It Would Ucfcd Exclusively for tha Cure of Ail Skin Diseases. A grateful user writes from England as follows: "Please accept my heart* felt thanks for bringing out Refelnol Ointment. Having been a sufferer for the past four years from that dreadful disease, weeping Eczema, I can now heartily recommend this great rem edy for it has cured me as nothing else could. My condition was mopt distressing: nearly everything I ate made me worse. Since I was advised to use Reslnol I have gained a new life, so to say. Surely there are thou sands of suffering people who ought to know of Reslnol Ointment and Soap. I certainly recommend every body to keep a Jar of this salve at hand. Gratefully yours, Lee Carter, Rutland Hall." Reslnol is a skillfully made ointment with almost 'magical healing and soothing qualities. It is universally recommended for the re lief and cure of Eczema, Herpes, Tinea, Barber's Itch, Acne, Eruption from Poison Ivy, Burns, Sores and abrasions of the skin of any kind. Itching Piles and other distressing Irritations are relieved instantly by applying this salve. Reslnol Ointment is sold by druggists everywhere. Res- incl Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. No Amendments Adopted--Measure Is Submitted In Exact Fprro as Passed by House. Washington.--The senate finance committee ordered the McCall bill to carry out the Canadian reciprocity agreement reported to the senate with out recommendation. The vote against a recommendation was 7 to •. The action of the finance commit tee in ordering the McCall bill re ported without recommendation came after two votes had been taken on propositions to make recommenda tions on the bill and each had failed by a margin of one. There was only one course open to the committee if the pledge to President Taft riot to smother the bill was to be kept. That was to return the bill to the senate without advice, and this motion was at once submitted by Acting Chair man Burrows. It carried unan imously. No amendments to the bill were adopted, and It will come up on the floor of the senate, therefore. In the exact form In which it was passed by the house. $130,000 IN GEMS STOLEN Widow of Marshall Field, Jr., Is Rob bed of Jewels on Board Atlan tic Steamship. New York.--As the Hamburg-Ameri can liner Amerlka reached quarantine Sunday a wireless message was flashed to the Hoboken police headquarters asking that a detective meet the ves sel to Investigate the theft of Jewelry worth $130,000, the property of Mrs. Maid win Drummond, who was the wid ow of Marshall Field, Jr., of Chicago. Some time between 10:30 p. m. Sat urday and five o'clock Sunday morn ing Mrs. Drummond's stateroom was entered and her valuable Jewelry, that she had thrown into a drawer of her writing table, was stolen. Most of the Jewelry was purchased in New York and it is so well known that It will be a difficult task for the thief or thieves to dispose of It on this side of the Atlantic. HULL IN FAREWELL SPEECH Vessel Burns; All Perish. Constantinople.--A 'local newspaper reports the Turkish steamer Hurriet, filled with Moslem pilgrims, was burned at sea Friday and that not one of the passengers or crew es caped. PeacS Near for Honduras. • Puerto Cortex, Honduras.--Gen. Manuel Bonllla, leader of the revolu^ tionary movement, Friday withdrew formally is a candidate for the provi sional presidency of Honduras, and there are prospects of an early agree ment with the government. United States Officer Frozen to Death. Nome, Alaska.--Lieut. S. B. West, TJ. S. A., of Fort Davis, waa frozen to j death Thursday five miles from Tlshov while out in one of the severest bilk- sards ever kzvown herd. Iowa Congressman Urges That Army Be Increased by Addition of 260,000 Men. Washington.--In his farewell speecb to the house after a service of twenty years in that body, Representative Hull of Iowa, chairman of the com mittee on military affairs, urged upon congress the necessity of supplement ing the regular army of this country with an effective reserve force of 250,000 trained men. Mr. Hull said he did not believe that war was im minent, but that so long as war re mained a possibility It was criminal negligence not to make proper prep aration for It. Mr. Hull said that such a force as he proposed could be maintained for $20,000,000 a year. NEW CURB ON JEWS IN RUSSIA Ministers Limit Number of Those Who May Take Up Residence Outside Pale. St. Petersburg. -- The council of ministers has rendered a deci sion that Jews are admissible to the state secondary examination only In the percentage fixed for their admis sion to state high schools. Heretofore Jews had been admitted in unlimited numbers to the examinations, success In passing which gave them the right of residence outside the pale. Coulon Retains His Title. New Orleans.--Before a crowd of 6,000 at the West Side Athletic club In McDonoughvllle Sunday Johnny Cofe Ion, the Chicago stqck yards wonder, successfully defended his title as world's champion bantamweight over Frankie Conley. Crown Prince 8tarts Home. Bombay.--Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany sailed for home Saturday. His visit in the far east was cut short owing to the prevalence of the plague. Aked Called to Frisco Church. San Francisco.--Dr. Charles F. Aked, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Bap tist church of New York, of which John D. Rockefeller is a member, waa Thursday formally called to the pas torate of the First Congregational church of this city. War Minister Brtin Drops Dead. Paris, France.--General Brun, minis ter of war In tttb cabinet of Premier Briand, dropped dead Thursday from a paralytic stroke at the offices of the ministry. WAS JUST COPYING MAMMA Child's Actions That at First Mys tified Father Were Easily Explained. The little six-year-old daughter of a well-known club woman was found in her playroom the other day doing all kinds of acrobatic stunts and gesticu lating wildly and weirdly. "What are you doing?" asked the child's father. "I'm playing I'm mamma," she an swered. Then she made more unique movements with her little arms and said, "There, father, you accept them. That's what they do when mamma makes them." "Why," she said, "I'm playing that I am mamma at her club. Whenever mamma goes to her club she makes motions aijd the others accent them. I heard her say so over the telephone to Mrs. Smith this morning."--Illus trated Magazine. Successful Life Work. "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little WHAT SHE THOUGHT* Mrs. Gumm--And what d'yer thinfc of that there Jones as is moved in next dore but one to you,? Mrs. Jawkins--Why, I don't talking about my neighbors; but as to Mr. Jones, sometimes I think, and then again I don't know, but, after all, I rather guess he'll turn out to bo a good deal such a sort of man as I take him to be. ALFALFA CLOVER. Salter's strain of hardy, luxuriant Alfal fa Clover grows everywhere and brings from two to five rousing crops annually. It.'a .the vigorous, healthy kina planted by Ex-6ov. Hoard of Wisconsin and thous ands of other successful farmers through out the U. S. We are the largest growers of clovers, grasses, seed oata, wheat, rye, rye, barley, potatoes, etc,, in America. For 10c in stamps we mail you: 1 Pkt. Luxuriant hardy Alfalfa Clover. 1 Pkt. Billion $ Grass--the 10 Ton wonder. I Pkt. Silver King Barley--173 Bu per A. 1 Pkt. Bonanza Oats- Sworn yield 259 Bo. per A, winning 4 Farms in 1910. 1 Pkt. Speltz--tne cereal hay marvel. And 5 or shore other packages farm seed novelties or rarities, together with our big catalog, bristling with seed truths all for but 10c in stamps, or send 25c and we add a big package famous French bean coffee! John A. Salzer Seed Co., 182 South 8th St., La Crosse, Wis. The strongest symptom of wisdom in man is his being sensible of his own follies.--Rochefoucauld. Druggists everywhere sell Garfield Tea. the Herb laxative. It acts as a gentle aia to Nature. What women feel lg more convin cing to them than what men know. Lewis' Single Binder gives the smoker s rich, mellow-tasting 6c cigar. Intervention in love is equivalent to a declaration of war. children"^ who has fiTled"]^1 niche j for y°u' That's why we want yoa and accomplished bis task; who left j to take CASCARKTS for liver and the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has nevef lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to .express it; who has always looked for the best In others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction." -- President Etehunnan. bowels. It's not advertising talk-- but merit--the great, wonderful, lasting merit of CASCAkETS that we want you to know by trial. Then you'll have faith--and ioin the mil lions who keep well by CASCA RKTS alone. « CASCAPJtTS ioc a box for s week's treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. fish Have to Pull Them In. Ella--There are just as good In tbe sea Stella--But you have to have a pull to land them. USB ALLEN'S FOOT-EASB tbe antiseptic powder to be shaken Into tbe •hoes. It makes your feet feel easy and com fortable aud makes walking a delight. Sold everywhere, 26c. Re tuse substitute. For free trial package, address Allen 8.Olmstead.LeRoy.N.Y. Sympathy sometimes means sitting in a car and passing out soft words to lame folk. Garfield Tea purifies the blood, cleanses the system, clears the complexion, eradi cates disease and promotes Good Health. The measure of what we love and admire Is the measure of our own worth.--Dobson. Will Kill 50 Rata They Icare every food for !' One nibble will kill a rat, N odor--it dries up tho carc For 19 years our offer has stoo " Money back if not satisiai tory." Common Sense C Roach Exterminator also d perfect work. Sold bT An DmIm. If not at yours write tjs a • tal and we will see that you - supplied. COM WO V MEIVSB MFG. • Klafara tttml B<.*a»a,l_-_ LK8 CURED IN S TO 14 DATS ngcist wlU refund money If PAZO OINT- tafl» to cure any case of Itching, Blind- PILK8 font drn« MBNT fail* to cure any ca Blending or Protrnaia* PUss in s to u daysT' M& A woman always fears she won't be In time for the bargain sale. Better health is sure to follow the use of the natural Herb laxative, Garfield Tea. All druggists. The ocean Is crossed In love- number of bridal parties. -by a I will send as long M they laat my Sir Soak STRONG ARMS For 10c in Stamps or Coin Illustrated with20 full pa*e halftone cuts, showing ererclseathat will quick ly daralep, brutil), aad faia (raat atraaylfc la yaar akaeUrra. inn ud kamtt, without any apparatus PROF. ANTHONY BARKER 1 744 Mif ftaMaa 111 tott UK Bwl, torn hit FAULTY METABOLISM AS A COMMON CAUSE OF DISEASE, it tbe subject iliaci.ssnl In Bulletin No. 1 of tbe Shafer paiiiolotica 1 Laboratory. The Bulletin li tent 3 ree on request and will prove twrr- to everyone la Pain and Stoot Health. Address: John P. Shafer. M. D. 467 Peon Ave., PlUsbur*. Pa. The satisfying quality in Lewis' Single Binders found in no other 5c cigar. A girl Is always sure her latest love is the real thing. H H "•PIP WstMi B.C«lenaa,WMk PATENTS INDIAN RELIC'S WANTED of cop per and stone. Write and teU uie what Jrou have. H. P. Hi.ail.TO!<, Twa Blnra. Wla Strong Healthy Women If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many women suffer from weaknass and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unatted ior motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cares the weakaesaes and disorder* of woasooa It acta directly on the delicatu uutl ibmport--t concerned in motherhood, xnakiuit tbjjssa healthy, strong* vigorous* virils sni 1 "Favorite Prescription" banishes the indiapoaitions ol the period of expectancy and makes hoby s advent easy ™ almost painless. It quickens and vitalixae the teminios organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands ol testified to its marvelous merits. .. „ r . „r „ It Makes Weak Women Strong. H Makes Sick Women Well. Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "{art •s good." Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop ol aloohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. la a purs glyoerio extract of healing, native American roots. THE NEW YORK VACUUM CLEANER "Thm Cleanmr that Cleans" No Dust or Dirt Escapes its Powerful Double Suction. Most Efficient and Durable. Least Expensive. These cleaners lighten housework, im prove the sanitary condition and clean- lineas of the home. Necessary to good Active went* are making $30 to $60 pei week and buildina up • peima- nentbuameia eel!ins these machines They nil rsadily when propefiy We want an intelligent Agent for this territory NEW YORK VACUUM CLEANER CO. Marfaridce Buildina. and 3*tb Stored NEW YORK CITY