CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT (?'• A Mazda Lamp, in the Ceiling* Will Complete the Character you give your porch in summer You use it as an outdoor room in the summer « for the family gathering to enteftain your guests--to work and amuse yourself in- - The porch room is one of the newest and most delightful ideas' in suburban life. But the porch needs for the varied^ func tions it performs illumination at night, and the Mazda lamp is the thing for this. Some of our customers go farther and ar range wiring so that ornamental lamps may be placed on the tables. Let us explain some of the plans of our lighting experts covering this service. You will be interested flOltli StiUiC LictlriC iUifipuiiJ =5* Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal1' line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: :: :: :r :: " THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE Our stock of Men's Shoes is now com plete. Good work Shoes as well as fine Dress Shoes in all sizes and make of styles can now be had. Call on us a£d look them over. We are positive ^ ^e can save you money on your Shoe purchase. :: :: :: :: KJ • Johnsburgh, 111. ^rv VT WUi *Phoi\e 926. "M P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTKNTIOrr iBIVKM ,TO THK SALE OF V* Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This 1B the oldest house on the street Tags and price list# furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE "• " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A GOOD DINNEK is not complete without a piece of good meat. Whether it be the Juicy steak, the tender^roast or the succulent chop It will be wise to come here for YOUR MEATS Then you will escape toughness and dis satisfaction. You will experience the real pleasure of eating a perfect meal. E.' F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 The Northern Life of Illinois. SUPT. FISHER RE-ENCAGED. Dundee Hawkeye: - At the meeting of the boarti of education Thursday evening, nupt of Schools E. C. Fisher was re-engaged and the various com mittees appointed. It seems probable that very few changes will be made in the teaching corps, the good work of the past year proving the capability of the various instructors. The retention of Supt. Fisher is especially gratifying. He has worked hard to bring our schools to their present high standing and is entitled to the thanks of, the en tire community. Dundee is indeed fortunate in being able to retain Mr. Fisher for another year, insuring not only a continuance of present condi tions, but advancement along estab lished lines and the opening up of new fields and the placing of our schools on a still higher round of the educational ladder, in all of which the superintend ent has had and will continue to have the backing and support of the best board of education in the state of Illi nois. The motiog^aph, the latest thing in motion pictutes, at the Central Satur day and Sunday evenings. NEIGHBORING N£ WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OW ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KIpUKTIKUk. A. Stephenson went to Crystal. Lake Thursday. Mrs. F.^ Wille went to Woodstock TH»uisdffj\ N Mrs. F. W. Hartman went to Wood stock Monday. M rs, F. M. Risley was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Florence Simmons was a Woodstock caller Saturday.^ Floyd Morse boarded the train for the city Thursday. •August Wille went to Woodstock one day last week. Joe Robinson went to Woodstock last week Wednesday. Reuben Hessfclgrave of Woodstock Sundayed in Ridgefield. Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughter, Ruth, went to the city Friday. Ray Dygert and wife drove to Crys tal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. L. A. Walkup is visiting with relatives in New York state. Mslton Jaynes of Woodstock spent Sunday with Donald Knilans. Miss Lizzie Furney was a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. Harold Mason started Thursday for Kiester, Minn., after a carload of cat tle. ^ \ Mr. and Mrs. B. Waterman and baby Sundayed with Father Reed and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson and son were Woodstock callers Saturday fv/en- ing. George Barden of Woodstock was shaking hands with friends here Sun day. The Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs. Alfi-ed Anners Tues day.. E. L. Kimball of DeKalb visited his sister, Mrs. Morris, and family Sun day. D» O. Kline and Arthur Skinner at tended the Masonic meeting at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Gorham and twoJehiWren were in Woodstock Sat urday, ^ Mrs. J, J. Reser was called to ('apron Monday by the serious illness of her father. The next R. N. A. meeting will b^ at the Woodman hall Tuesday evening, May 16. Ed Senne, wife arid son, Marcellus, of Woodstock visited!with Father Wille Sunday. v. Herman Irish of Harvard called on hi/parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irish, Sunday. Scott Thayer and son, Ralph, of Woodstock called on old friends in town Sunday. A. J. Murphy of Woodstock was in town Monday. Chauncy Stephenson was a McHenry caller Sunday. Ruth Kline, Elsie Anderson and Mar jory Reser drove to Crystal Lake Fri day afternoon. N. J. Garrison, wife and daughter, Hazel, of Woodstock were ltidgelield callers Sunday. F. Reed and daughter, Helen, and son, Howard, drove to'Woodstock last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Allen and daughter, Evelyn, spent Sunday even ing at Crystal Lake. Miss Clara Schoof visited with/Chi cago and La Grange relatives tha lat ter part of last week. Miss Rose Barden of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. George Wheeler. Miss Mabel Peterson of Woodstock spei^t Sunday with her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. A. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. French enter tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. B. Hntson of Woodstock. F. W. Hartman is hauling lumber for a new barn, which will be an up- to-date one in every way. The Ladies' Cetne^ry association will meet with Mrs. George Wheeler Thursday, May 18, at 2:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay of Ring wood called on Mrs. Fay's sister, Mrs. 1'. B. Houghawout, and family Sunday. Mrs. A. Peterson and son, George, also Andrew Nelson, were callers at Crystal Lake Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs called at the home of Mr. Jacobs' sister, Mrs. H. Rice, at the Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ford visited with Mrs. Ford's sister, Mi's. Bessie Water man, and family near Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Saui Warnock and two daughters, Florence and Muriel, re turned to the city Sunday after a week's visit with relatives here and at Wood stock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsey, after an extended visit with relatives in Ridge field and Woodstock, returned to their home in Kinderhook, Mich., last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht and Miss Mabel Skinner attended the production of "Fickle Ferino" given by students of the Woodstock high school at the opera house there last Friday evening. M iss Lura Davis of Austia spent a couple of days the first of tile week with her grandfather and aunt, J. C. Buttqn and Mrs. Hodgkinson. Miss Davis also visited with Mrs. Maine Hendricks at Woodstock a part of Mon day and Tuesday. "Mother's day" will be appropriate ly observed Sunday morning, May 14, and at the evening services Miss Grace Enright, a missionary from India, will speak of her work in that country. Everyone is cordially invited to be present at both of these services. Another accident occurred to one of Ridgefield's prominent gentlemen Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant and little son drove to Woodstock, and Mr. Merchant, after getting out of the carriage, was jerked by the horse and fell, striking his wrist on the curb ing, causing a very bad sprain. A fine new piano was plaeed in the Woodman hall last week and the young people enjoyed the music greatly at the dance given in the hail Friday evening. Those from out of town were Miss Helen Rogers of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jaynes and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thayer and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clarence Thaytsr, Miss Mabel Peterson, Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock. SCHOOL NOTES. Emma Nelson visited school Thurs day. The fourth grade is reviewing can cellation. sJ3dha Stephenson ranked first in the sixth grade. The eighth grade examination will be held May 19. Marjory Reser visited in Capron a few days last week. Sadie Risley and Mabel Kline both had an average of 90 for April. The fifth and sixth grades are read ing the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Beryl Burgett, a pupil in the third grade, has moved to Crystal Lake with his parents. Eva Letsler and Ruth Kline aver aged the highest in the seventh and eighth grades. Emma Weiland,. Eva Letsler and Willie Weiland were neither absent nor tardv last, month. "EVJK SALE--Lawn mower. Inquire of ' F. HILLBBRAND, West McHenry. 111. TiU>R SALE-Rural New r toes. Inquire of B. J. Henry, 111. Yorker seed pota- "7est Mc- 44-tf tX7 ANTED--Girl for general housework. ' * Good wages. Mas. W. D. GOULD, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf "n>OR SALK--The Dr. O. H. Fejcers, Jr., resi A denes and nnuwrt; in McHenry, Foi further information apply to or address T. J. WALSH, McHenry, III. l#-tf "CVJR SALR- At my Plstakee Bay cottage, flvexxs timbers. For further informa tion address MRS. PAUL GIRDING. 2423 North Clark ft., Chicago. fjVJR SALE-- Lots on the river front, summer r oottages and dw uds in the vlllae< N. OWEN, at the Bank of McHenry cottages and dwellings and other lots and lauds in the village limits. Call on O. X^OK SALE--18 foot launch in first-class *• condition, or will exchange for larger one. Best offer takes it. LBOPOI.T GRDSLKR, 47*-tf Box 884. McHenry, 111. r>OR RENT 1 tern, well and ga corner of Park aud Broad streets. Inquire of A seven room bouse, with cis tern, well and garden. Located on the or write J. W. BGNSL.KTT, McHenry .ST IpOR SA LK-Black pony, harness and new Stave r buggy. Pony Is six years old and weighs 72t pounds. For futher information wrlfeor apply to MATH. FRKDNO, McHenry. "CV)R RENT, CHEAP--The dwelling rooms | -- wn scCViud^ fiwor of iu« K. A. riuwaru buiiuiiiK, "test Mctieury. immediate posses sion Riven. Inquire of S. STOITEI., West Mc Henry. 47-it J O UN SUIT It»j| K C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Henry Schaefer went to Chicago Wednesday morning. Miss Clara Molidor of Volo was a caller in town Sunday. Miss Susie Nimsgern of Spring Grove were callers in town Tuesday. Mrs. C. Tuttle of Ringwood was a caller in Johnsburgh Saturday. Miss Emma Bugner passed a few days lust week with relatives at Mc Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Klein of Ingle- side were in Johnsburgh last Sunday afternoon. Peter Williams and wife of Spring Grove were Johnsburgh visitors 6ne day recently. Misses Dena and Tillie Kattner of Spring Grove attended church services here last Sunday. Joe Adams of Spring Grove was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, Sunday. Miss Lena Pitzen of Volo is spend ing the week with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mi's. Mike Pitzen. Mrs. Martin Freund and daughter, Dena, of Volo visited at the home of Tharnas Lay last week Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Meyers and daughter, Mary, of Spring Grove visited at the home of Mrs. Anton Meyers Tuesday. Miss Kate Laures of McHenry is spending a couple of days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Het- termann. VIIM). Miss Kate Frost spent one day last week in Chicago. Miss Clara Rosing spent last week with relatives at McHenry. Arthur Powers of Wauconda trans acted business in Volo last Wednes day. Mrs. Sadie Stewart of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huson attended the funeral of an uncle at Mendota, 111., last week. Mrs. Ada Smith and son, Arthur, of Grayslake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ljun aiu ijuniv oiiiiua) • Mrs. Richard Compton went to El gin Sunday and will visit relatives there for a few weeks. Miss Anna Compton, who has been at Biloxi, Miss., for the last few weeks, is visiting her sister here. Mrs. Laura Huson is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lon Russell, in Chicago at present. Mrs. Chancy Jepson and children of Maplehurst, Wis., were over Sunday guests at the C. G. Huson home. Mrs. Carl Atterbury and children of Waukegan are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught. On Friday afternoon, May 6, at the Croker home at Libertyville, occurred the marriage of Miss Delia Croker to Mr. Lee A. Huson of this place. Aft er a short wedding trip the young couple will be at home to their friends on the Huson farm here. Their friends wish them all happiness in their new life. OSTKND. R. H. Richardson transacted busi ness in Woodstock last Wednesday. Mr. and Mi's. G. S. Randall enter tained company from Marengo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Sherman and son, Lester, were Woodstock visitors Sat urday. Mrs. Warren Thomas and niece, Miss Hazel, attended services at Ring- wood last Sunday. Ed Sayler, who has been caring for his father, returned to his home in Elgin last Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Dimon and two children and Another left for their new home in Dakota last Thursday. Wesley Pederson has returned from MasonCity, la., and was visiting with friends in this vicinity 'Saturday. James Sayler of Silverlake, WisT, called on hy* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sayler, Sunday. Subscriber--An iron bed will con tinue to look like new if given a coat of Perma-Lac each year. A beautiful shade for the purpose is coral Perma- Lac. Large and small cans at F. L. McOmber's, West McHenry, 111. The Northern Life of Illinois. BVJK SALE OK RENT--Three cottages lo A eaied on the west shore of Pint&ke« Bay: one a nine roou; house, one an eight rooir find the other a one-story bungalow. About two acres of land go with thein. Address Box 2rt5, West McHenry, III. 4j)-tf "CjH>R RENT--An elegant new lodge ball, just A being completed. Everything new and up-to-date. The hail Is 26x28 feet and Is lighted by electricity. Toilet room in con nection Inquire of or write W. J. SCHU MACHER, McHenry, 111. LAUNCH FOR SALE-A twenty-two footer driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Boat is finished in ma hogany and has been orerhaifled this spring. ftlacing it iu A No. 1 condition. For further nformatlon apply to or address NEWTON OTTO, Orchard Beach, McHenry, 111. 1'houe 306, 43-tf.~- EjM)R SALE-Having purchased the old mill iu Centerville and navlng already start ed work of razing of same, I hereby offer for sule all the lumber coutalned in same at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of eyerythin«. even to the shingles, aud anyone who can use the lumber will save money by consulting me. Have quite a number of excellent tim bers that would make flue barn building ma terial. This lumber will be sold iu any quan tity desired. J. W. BONSI.ICTT, Mclieury, 111. KMKKALt) PARR. P. J. Aylward was a Hebron visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Frasier and children spent this week at their cottage. Paul Armstrong of River Forest spent Wednesday at ihe Park. Mrs. Ellen Walsh and W. Bolger were recent Hat-tland visitors. Miss Catherine Knox spent Sunday with M iss Adah Carey in McHenry. Miss Margaret Sutton visited rela tives in Elgin over Saturday and Sun day. J. J. SchafTer of McHenry was a caller at the Park Sunday. Misses Mabel and Marguerite Grang er of McHenry were callers here Wed nesday. Philip Rahn of Chicago is spending a few days with L. Eisenmenger and family. Miss Mayme Knox returned Tuesday from a week's visit with Chicago friends. Misses Mamie and Catherine Knox visited Mrs. H. Schaffer in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Heaney of Chi cago are spending a few days at their summer home. Misses Anna McGee and Anna Fris by of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Anna Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and daughter, Mae, of Chicago are spend ing this week at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sohns returned to their home in Chicago last week after several weeks spent here. Misses Ellen and Pender Walsh of McHenry spent Tuesday evening with their grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Chas. A. Cohan returned Sunday to his school duties in Chicago. His wife and family will remain at their summer home for the season. Jas. H ax ton and daughter, Mrs. H. Kirk and children came out from Chi cago Wednesday evening and will spend a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malefyt and chil dren, Miss A. De Wahl Malefyt and Master Edward Armit returned to Chi cago Sunday after a week's sojourn at their cottage here. Misses Anna Knox, Margaret Buss, Belle Carey and Frances Welch of Mc Henry and Eleanor Phalin of Terra C'otta spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Marguerite Knox. RINGWOOD. George Harrison was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. James Conway and Ed. Dodge spent Sunday in Chicago. , Ray Merchant and wife were calling in McHenry Saturday evening. Mrs. Hawley of Barrington is visit ing her son, E. C., of this place. J. C. Ladd returned from Minnesota Monday with a car load of cows. Miss Eleanor Hawley entertained Miss Smith of Elgin over Sunday. H. M. Stephenson and J. S. Brown were Chicago passengers Monday. Starr Brink and wife of McHenry were Sunday guests at II. W. Allen's. Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Big- elow spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. Joe McCannon, wife and little son of Woodstock spent Sunday with Ring- wood relatives. Call at Brown's drug store, Ring- wood, and ask about the C'hi-Namel griming contest. Mr. and Mr». H. W. Allen attended the entertainment given by Miss Annis Jewett and Miss Ada Johnson in Wood stock Friday evening. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Libbie Allen instead of Mrs. Jessie Smith Saturday afternoon of this week. Leader, Mrs. Libbie Ladd. News reaches us of the death of Z. A. Rutheford, a former resident of Ringwood, but late of Missouri. All extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. If You Can't 7 Find It Elsewhere We Are Sure to Have It When any item in drug store supplies is wanted, you will save time by coming to us for it. Yott will also get the best quality of it at the right price. Our aim is to carry a stock that includes everything ever required by the people of this community. Our drugs are pure and fresh and the best to be had and we carry many things not found in the average drug store. It will pay to remember this when anything unusual is wanted or you have an important prescription to be filled. N. H. 'Phone 274. Petesch, MCHENRY; ILLINOIS. That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu factured. The business man, the professional man, the far mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. West Mdteoij flu m WEST McHBNRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: :: FREE gWffl'G MACHINES We s^ill have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: - ..Jacob Justen.. (P r. \t;m : a well selected line of the celebrated KABO All in the latest cor rect styles at SO, 75 $1.00 $1.50 Summer Underwear, adies* waists, jabots, Dutiih Collars, Etc. 3obn Stoffel, Qlc^f ill-tfKMrv, HI* telephone Do* 301 J > .-M