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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1911, p. 5

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Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is: Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on ,the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knpwjedge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. F. L. McOmber THE WEST HARDWARE by the North Shore Electric Company is the price of Satisfactory Service to its patrons. Whenever anything goes wrong this company wants to know it at once, in order that the trouble may be adjusted. To that end the company welcomes complaints. And we get them--sometimes a good many, tho their ratio to the total number of customers is small. A careful analysis of all complaints received shows that about 99 per cent of them are due to the wearing out of some appliance or fixture long in use, or to the lack of knowledge or carelessness of the complainant. Yet, whether trivial or serious, every complaint receives the same prompt, courteous and careful attention. This is a very important part of our service. This company has built up an electric service in a territory covering many hundreds of square miles. We are proud of this fact* But we are prouder of the fact that our service makes friends. This company's constant aim, instead of offer­ ing excuses, is to provide adequate and efficient ser­ vice--to meet the ever growing needs of this grow­ ing territory. (F A ) and good eating Crackers and Cakes always sat­ isfy the palate. We have a select line of the National Biscuit Co.'s bakery goods in bulk and in packages. When you have company you surely wish to save yourself all the kitchen drud­ gery possible, then why not let us help you pre­ pare for luncheon by telephoning or sending us your cake order. You will receive the best be­ cause you know that we knowU-need-a biscuit. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. •Phono 926. P H I L I P J A E Q E GENERAL COftMlSSION MERCHANT 9FECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE Or Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest home on the street Tags and price lint* furniahed 011 application. COLO STORACJE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * j, Pattaa St. Whoaaale Market. Advertising; Pays NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KMRHALI) PABK. Miss Hettie Randall visited Miss Katie Knox July 4. Miss May me Costello of Elgin is the guest of relatives in this vicinity. Miss Helen Smith spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Helen Kuntsman of Elgin is spending a few days with her parents here. H. J. Armstrong1 and family of River Forest spent the Fourth with relatives here. Mrs. Laper entertained her brother and sister of Chicago from Friday until Tuesday. Salvator Romano and friend, John Hayes, of Chicago were recent visitors at the I'ark. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bending and son of Chicago are guests &t the home of H. Bending this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Flaherty of Elgin visited relatives in this vicinity from Saturday until .Tuesday. Miss Alice Smith returned to Lin­ coln, Neb., on Friday last after a few weeks' visit iit her home here. Mr. and Mrs. l'eth and children and Miss Anna Eilert of Chicago spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Laper. Messrs. Joe Divitto and Michael Mar- inello were guests of Frank Romano at "Oak Villa" the first of the week. Miss Anna Gillespie returned to Chi­ cago last Friday after spending a pleas­ ant vacation with Mrs. U. Felmeten. John Armstrong drove their hand­ some new machine from River Forest the Fourth, returning the same even­ ing. Mrs. John Walsh and children and M iss May me Costello are s|>ending a pleasant day reclining at Emerald Park. Miss Alice Sutton has returned from her recent western tour and is busy relating incidents of her trip and the coast. I'aul Armstrong and family drove their automobile lroui River Forest last Saturday and opened their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Chicago are spending the week with the lai- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hums, Messrs. Kenneth Burns and Arthur Titus of Chicago visited at < the Burns cottage over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter, Messrs. J. B. Kelter and Martin and Leo Cooney of Chicago were at their Lake Defiance resort over the Fouith. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ciregori and son, Hugh, ol Chicago were guests at the home ot Mr. ami Mrs. M. A. Sut­ ton the tirst ol the week. Mr. and Mi's. M. A. Sutton enter­ tained the laiter's sister and cousin, Misses Belle and Elizabeth Lygue, ot Chicago the lust lew (lays. Messrs. and Mesdaines E. Buckley and Ceo. i'vtry and children of Chicago were tire guests ol Mr. and Mrs. li. lierkncher a lew days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher and son, Uobert, returned to Chicago alter spending a lew days at R. J. Sutton's. They were accompanied by Miss Mar­ garet Sutton. Mrs. C. 1). Whiting ol Woodstock had the misfortune to wrench he rankle while stepping troin a buggy Tuesday evening at the de|K>t. At present Mrs. Whiting is resting easily at the home of her lather, E. Knox. About twenty of Miss Alice Smith's young Iriends showered her with some lovely linen sets on.Thursday even­ ing of last week. Tho the shower came as a surprise Miss Alice received them with enthusiasm. She will be a September bride. KlAUWUUb. E. C. Hawley was a Chicago passen­ ger Monday. H. M. Stephenson and family drove to Richmond Tuesday afternoon. Ed. Robbins and wife were over Sunday guests ol Mi's. K. T. Chase. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday with his sister in Woodstock. Wai ren Foss lias a sister and his mothei lrom Johnson, V't.. visiting him. Frank Bell and wife of Ong, Neb., are visiting his mothei-, Mis. Mary Bell. Paul Webster, wife and children of Woodstock are visiting at Kay Mer­ chant's. Miss Ethel Bryant of Woodstock is visiting at H. W. Allen's and Bert Mc­ Cannon's. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Wade Sanborn Saturday ol this week. All cordially invited. James Conway, wife and daughter attended the wedding of his sister in Elgin Wednesday of last week. Prof. Edwin Johonnott, wife and son, Sheldon, of Terra Haute, Ind., are vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mi's. N. D. Stevens. Mrs. Jay Ilawver and children of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Tuesday at H/ W. Allen's and attended the cele­ bration at Greenwood. Miss Lora Walkington returned from Belvidere Thursday of last week, ac­ companied by Miss Margaret Bennett and brother, Russell, who will visit their former schoolmates for a few days. FOR RENT--Four furnished rooms for summer visitors; light housekeep­ ing if desired; pleasantly situated near the river. Address P. O. box 246, Mc­ Henry, or phone 251. TERRA COtTA. Mr. and Mrs. Hall spent Tuesday at A. T. McMillan's. Miss Leone Perkins is visiting at the home of G. W. Ames. Mrs. Mary Rogers of Chicago visited at A. T. McMillan's Tuesday. Will Wingate of Barreville called in this vicinity Sunday evening. Mrs. B. F. Peck is spending a couple of weeks with Chicago relatives. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited home folks the first of the week. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spr-iit the tirst of the week at his home here. Miss Esther Rose of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with Miss Frances Knox. Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman of Wau- conda called on Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and sons of Hoicombville visited at Frank Mc­ Millan's Sunday. Raymond Kinney of Chicago has boon visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. E. W. Kelley. J. R. Knox of McHenry and Miss Cecelia Geary of Waucnnda called at M. Knox's Sunday evening. Misses Minnie and l>elia Conway of Elgin visited at the homes of M. A. and P. H. Conway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward of Mount Vernon, la., were guests of rel­ atives and friends here Sunday. Miss Irene Conway returned to her home here last Wednesday evening after a ten days' visit with Elgin rela­ tives. Mrs. J. J. Doherty, daughters and son of Hoicombville and Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of Mcllenry s|»ent Tuesday afternoon with relatives here. OSTKND. A large crowd attended the barn raising at Frank Kaiser's. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey visited tin- latter!s parents Sunday. Gerald New man s|>ent the Fourth at the home of Mrs. Alma Thomas. M iss MalK'l Pedei-son and Elbert Thomas spent Sunday at C. E. Draper's. M iss Hazel Thomas spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives in Genoa. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Thompson and children of Chicago visited with rela­ tives here the tirst of the week. It. II. Richardson, Guy Harrison, Frank and Lavern Thompson and fam­ ilies held a picnic at McCollum's Lake July 4. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Randall were called to Marengo last Saturday on ac­ count of the severe sickness of Mrs. Henry Randall. Mrs. Ella Smith has returned to her home in Portland, Oregon, after spend­ ing a couple of months hero with rela­ tives and Iriends. NOTICE OF SALE OF KEAL ESTATE. H«pa«n it Holl*mb««k, Attamay*. To George Kthan Lamphere and whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that Mary H. Lamphere, guardian of said George Ethan Lamphere, on Saturday the lifth day of August, A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock a. in., pursuant to a Decree of County Court of Mcllenry County, will sell at public auction the undivid­ ed one-filth share of the said George Ethan Lamphere, minor, in the fol­ low ing described real estate, situated in the City ol Elgin, Kane County, Illi­ nois, to-wit: Lot number three in block thirty-throe of P. J. Kimball, Jr's., Third Audition to Elgin, in Kane County, Illinois, excepting the south (Ki leet of the east eight rods thereof; also the east two rods in width of lot two in said block, at the front door of the dwelling house on the premises, that said sale will be at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, ten per cent payable at the sale and balance when the sale is approved by the court and deed given. MARY H. LAMPHERE, Guardian. 3-3t ICE C»EAN SOCIAL. The members of the Lady Foresters of St. Mary's church will hold an ice creain social on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Miller on the West Side next Saturday evening. The ladies are making arrangements to en­ tertain a large crowd. Ice Cream and cake will be served at 15 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to all. For a square deal and a quick sale list your pro|>erty with C. E. Gay lord, West Mcllenry, 'phone 414. Oct. 1 All seats 10 cents at the Central Sat­ urday and Sunday. The best of mov­ ing pictures. Chicago & North-Western. heave OlitcnKO- *7.(*) a m . il Ml p ni •1.00 p ill . • I: !f> p m *3.40 p in •3 1") p m *4.SO p m 7 10 ». m. n 4o a in >.06 p m Effective June 18. Mil. WEKK DAT HAIRS. NORTHBOUND ..Via Elgin Via IH».s Claim's . Via EIKII I Via lK»s Plaints .Via I'laiuM*. . Via l>6fl Plalnea ..Via Eixln Via Dee Plalnes... BtJHDAT TRAINS. Via EIkId Via IMitlutw Via Elgin WIEK DAT THAI US. SOUTH BOUND. Via Pes t'laines.. ...Via ElRin Via l>es l'lsiines. ...Via I>68 rialntw.. Via Lies l'lalnes.. Via Elgin ... Via Des Plalnes.. SUNDAT TRAINS. ..Via l>es» l'lalnes... i. in a in . Via Elgin ; an u m Via I ws Pi nines., r e ii m Via I>es Plalnes.. 7.1 p II. V1» *l»aily f.xcept Sanday. tSaturday only. ? Monday only. Lcavp Mclli'ury *7.10 'i in *7.10 a m tT.l'J a ni a m • p ui * p m •t).2T p m. 7.10 am.. 10 a I I Arrive Mcllenry. ...10.16 a m 10.10 a m 24 5 p in 2.12 p in ... 2:45pm 4.45 p m --0.27 p m ..•.27 pm ...9.45 a. m. ... 10.04 a m 4JK> p m Arrive Chicago. H _.10.or>aro «.3m a in tMO a IB 6.2ft p m 7.25 p m 7.57 p m ..9.35 a m .10.15 a in . .s .4« p m ..9.10 p in . 10.25 p m WALKER MOTOR BOAT I ,INF1 Navigator and Neptune Boats may be chartered by the day. Can accommodate large or small parties. The NAVIGATOR will make daily trips to the World Famous Lotus Beds from McHenry during the Lotus sea­ son for the accommodation of the public, excepting on days when boat is chartered by private par­ ties. :: :: :: :: (apt ftstsrick Bsller Captain QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PUMDEALEI OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. The half mile foot race on Saturday last was won by Ed. Warner, Jas. Wells coming in second. Our police court ground out quite a grisffcn Monday morning, all caused by an overdose of patriotisft on Satur­ day. Three dollars and cost was the remedy applied in most cases. Our German friends celebrated on Monday by a picnic and dance at Pis- takee lake and a dance at Adams' hall, Johnsburgh. At both places good times are rej»orted. On Saturday last a match was made for $200 a side, between "George O," owned by Geo. W. Owen of this vil­ lage, and "Comanche," owned by J. Roney of Waueonda, the race to come off on the Libertyville track August 14. Considerable money is Jiable to change hands on the result. Eddie Camp, son of I. N. Camp, of the firm of Estey & Camp, Chicago, left Chicago after breakfast on Wed­ nesday morning and arrived at the res­ idence of O. W. Owen in this village at 12:30 o'clock, just in time for dinner, making the entire distance on a bycicle. This beats any long distance bycicle rides have heard of lately. He left for Lake Geneva at 3 o'clock this aft­ ernoon. Tony Barbian went to Geneva Lake on Saturday last and entered for the two hundred yards foot race, which was advertised by the 4th of July com­ mittee at that place, which he won easily. He returned home here on the 5:31 train, when the Waukegan base ball club thought they had a runner and a match for one hundred yards for #10 a side was made. "Tony" again car­ ried off the laurels, beating his oppo­ nent with ease. Waukegan may beat us playing ball, but when it comes to a hundred yards foot race we can down them every time. The Independence party at the Riv­ erside House on the lid was attended by one hundred and five couples and a more pleasant and orderly party is seldom seen together. The music by Preston's orchestra, eight pieces, was pronounced by good judges to be the best ever heard in that hall, and that is saying a great deal. Grand hall, Parker House, drew out their usual large crowd at their Inde­ pendence party on the evening of the 2d, one hundred and sixty-two numbers being registered, and notwithstanding this large party everything passed off in the most quiet and pleasant manner. The celebration in McHenry on the 3rd was a grand success in every par­ ticular. At an early hour the crowd commenced coming in and by noon full three thousand persons were on our streets, all bent on doing honor to the day we celebrate. The exercises at the grove were commenced promptly at half past ten and were listened to with the closest attention by all. We were detained by other duties and did not hear but very litile of the speeches, but those who did hear them pronounce the oration of C. H. Donnelly, Es^, a masterpiece of oratory, logic and pa­ triotism, and one that was an honor to both the head and heart of the orator. Remarks were also made by H. V. Shepard, Hon. Geo. Wait and others which were well received by the large audience assembled. In the afternoon the center of attraction was the driv­ ing park, where a base ball game be­ tween the Waukegan club and a pick­ up nine from this village took place which resulted in a scbre of 30 to 15 in favor of Waukegan, and two trotting races, one free forNall, for which there were three entrees, viz: "George O" of this village, "Comanche" of Wau­ eonda and "White B" of Libertyville, which was won by "George O," taking the second, third and fourth heats. For the three minute race there were four entries, viz: "Jockey," "Lady Argonout," "Bay Billy" and "Black Bird," the first three being owned in this village and the last at Liberty­ ville. The first heat was taken by "Lady Argonout," the second by "Jockey" and the last three and the race by "Black Bird." No time was given in either race. This ended the 4th of July celebra­ tion for 1886 in McHenry, and all agree with us that it was one of the most pleasant ever held in this village, everything passing off in the most quiet and orderly manner. _ ITi fl JSI S ® If you think all drugs stocks are about the same, just examine ours carefully arid note our prices. Com­ pare with those elsewhere. We are quite sure that after your investiga­ tion you'll decide that this is the place to trade. :: :: :: :: N. H. Petesch 'Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ ing in other brands. Get a sack <£. today. It retails at * * West Mtltory Floor ad Feed Hills WEST McHliNKV, ILLINOIS JOHN 5PRNCBR. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SEWING SACKISES • • We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits *of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: • • Real Bargains SPECIALLY LOW PRICES on elbow and ordinary length silk and cotton Gloves and Mitts. :: :: REAL BARGAINS in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. :: :: :: ~ WALL PAPER at greatly reduced prices. :v :: Children's Rompers at a saving 6f ten per cent. Low prices on Laces and Kmbroideries. :: Economy Fruit Jars at a saving of 15 per cent. Children's and Misses' plain and lace stripe white Hose at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere. Come in and get acquainted with this store's goods and prices. Pay cash and save money, because it pays to paycash. :: ' :: :: lebn Stoftcl, ttlesf tttcfHiirVt III. y

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