lur. : -;V.'-:,;; i» V ,w ' ' V Tie NcHenry Plaindeafer FVfeLIHHCD EVERY THURSDAY WW F. G. SCHREiNER. OlMti Buk Balldtac- T»l®ph«»«, No.Wt. TlRMt Of SUBSCRIPTION i oa«f**r B.» •l« wrti, note. Thm aonihi. Mots. Tbaradajr, July 13, i9"< PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenrv County^ Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar nold" Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 834, 903 ana Ml.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Richard Thompson & I to M Heimer, ltsw*sec», McHenry $800 00 Albert Etten A w to Fred Otto, Jr., Its 14 & 1ft. Sunnyside addc In McHenry.. 800 00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Isaac Harsh. Publisher's certificate of publication, clerk's certificate of mailing and receipts of notice of final settlement filed and approved. Final report approved and administrator de bonis non discharged. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Muffiey, 37 Woodstock Mrs. Ida Gay lard, 25 Woodstock RESOLUTIONS. At the McHenry County Sunday School convention held at North Crys tal Lake June 20 and 21 the committee on resolutions asked that the following resolution be published in the leading newspapers of the county: Whereas, the supreme court of the state of Illinois has handed down a de cision pronouncing the reading of the bible and other religious exercises in the public schools during school hours as unconstitutional, in which we be lieve that they have exceeded their authority and have done a wrong to the cause of public education and the highest welfare of the youth of our state, Therefore, resolved, that the Mc Henry County Sunday School associa tion in session at North Crystal Lake. 111., June 21, 1911, register our protest against said decision and respectfnlly request the supreme court of Illinois to bring a rehearing of the cause of reading the bible and other religious exercises in connection with the pub lic schools of the state. ARTHUR THELEN AGAIN HEARD FROM. The Elgin Courier of Tuesday even ing had the following to say regarding Arthur Thelen, a former McHenry boy: "Ding" Thelen continues to bear the brunt of the work for the Brandon pitching staff and is being watched by "scouts" from several teams in the Class A and big leagues. It is thought that he will be drafted before the close of the season. Of the last eleven games pitched, Thelen has won eight and lost three. When it is considered that Thelen is called on to pitch an average of three games a week, the record he has made can be appreciated. The motiograph at the Central Sat urday and Sunday. The latest and best of moving pictures. Great Throngs Flock to Rivcrview Exposition » Every Day. The popularity of summer amusement park enterprises in large cities, and the growth of this form of outdoor diver sion, is perhaps more strikingly empha sized by the success of Chicago's River- view Exposition this season than in any other way. This big park has already had two Sundays and one holiday (Dec oration Day) on which the crowds for each day numbered 200,000, which means that nearly one-tenth the population of Chicago was out for amusement on these days. For some unexplained reason the mm fe, "W: i A. F. Davis was in Chicago Monday Delmar Dufield and son are visiting friends in Elgin. Miss Sarah Ormaby was • ChfaMgo shopper Friday. Miss Arline Stephenson visited in Woodstock recently. Miss Emma Nelson is entertaining a friend from Chicago. Miss Hallie Barber is visiting rela tives at Bald Mound. Mrs. Castle and daughter, Virginia, were In Chicago Friday. • R. L. Dufield is improving his home by new cement walks. George Irish is quite ill at his home, caused by heat prostration. Miss Gertrude Fay returned to her home in Ringwood Sunday. Melvin Kline of Chicago visited rel atives here over the Fourth. Ed Cadwallader was a Woodstock and Crystal Lake caller Monday. Miss Glenys Jacobs visited with rel atives in Elgin Sunday and Monday. Frank Reed and family of Chicago spent last week with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Oglesby and sons are visiting his parents at Waukegan. Miss Mabel Skinner entertained her cousin, Mrs. Grey, of Dundee recently. Misses Hallie Barber and Genevieve Goddard visited at Crystal Lake Sun day. I Herman Irish and WEOttY PERSONAL OEMS COPIERS AND GOERS 0T A WEEK Of m WY UTTLE VILLAGE. MM TOI «Y PLA1TOEALE* REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIEND*. Windelin Meyers of Woodstock was a visitor in town Sunday. Miss Alice Knox boarded the Chica go train this (Thursday) morning. F. A. Bohlander boarded the Chica go train this (Thursday) morning. Miss Margaret Blake of Milwaukee, Wis., has been the guest of her sisters here. Miss Ida Burdick of Elgin is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. James T. Grant of Lamoine, Maine, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. C. Spurling. T. L. Grot and son, Ernie, of Otta wa, 111., were visitors in town a couple of days this week. Miss Laura Krause was the guest of relatives in North Crystal Lake sever al days last week. Mrs. Clarence Draper and little daughter, Bethel, called on Grandpt Merriman last Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hutson and chil- daughter of Har-1 dren of Woodstock were guests of rela- vard spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Rachel French returned Satur day from a visit with McHenry rela tives. Lee Baker and Perlie Peck jour neyed to Dundee on their motorcycles Sunday. Miss Clara Schoof was called to Chi cago last week to attend the funeral of an uncle. Mrs. Gaylord and son, Macon, of Woodstock visited at W. Wagner's last week. Mrs. Riley of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Oakroot one day last week. Miss Elma Shusch of Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. F. M. Risley. The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the church parlors Thursday, July 27. Everyone welcome. Earl and Tommie Hanson visited their grandparents near Huntley from Wednesday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pettingill and daugh ter, Ruth, visited in the home of F. Reed and family last week. Delmar Dufield and son, Kenneth, of Waltham, Mass., are visiting the former's father, R. L. Dufield. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kline, son and daughter of Woodstock spent the Fourth with his brother, D. O. Kline, and family. Mrs. Wm. Ormsby and son, Harold, accompanied by her father, E. E. Knilans, left last week for an extended stay in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Tack man and daughter of Chicago, Marvin Keeler of Elgin and Mrs. Rice of Crystal Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Johnson and son, Lloyd, returned Thursday from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Nelson, at Batavia. The latter returned with her for an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hua^Lavvout. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS riCKED BP BY MNDEMJX RE- fORTERS DliKim WiXI. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Northern Life of Illinois. Chicken feed of all kinds at M. M. Niesen's Centerville grocery. Now is the time for lightning rods. Better let us figure with you. Wm. Stoffel. For a square deal and a quick sale list your property with C. E. Gaylord, West McHenry, 'phone 414. Oct. 1 The employes of the Borden bottling plant of this village held their annual picnic at McCollum's lake yesterday. The members of Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R. N. A. will hold an ice cream social on the lawn of Mrs. Klizabeth Laures Saturday evening, July 15. Ice cream and cake will be served at 15 cents. All are cordially nvited to attend. ft J .! MONITOR AND MERRIMAC " public is more keen for summer amuse ments than ever before. Anticipating the conditions, the management of Riv-, erview, considered the largest outdoor amusement enterprise in the world, has built up to the cravings of the crowds. Riverview is the only park in the world that had the courage to put half a mil lion dollars in two spectacles such as the Monitor and Merrimac" and "Creation," each of which leave impressions of glory and splendor with the visitor never to be forgotten. The '"Monitor and Merrimac" is a most realistic production of the fa mous battle in Hampton Roads which revolutionised naval warfare. "Crea tion, with beautiful electrical and scenic effects and living tableaux, illustrates the birth of the universe. Each of these spectacles is described by interesting and impressive lectures. Another peculiar feature about the amusement park idea this summer is the demand for exciting rides of the thriller type. Riverview has more of these than any other park in the world, and they are crowded with riders all the time. Aside from all these expensive shows and rides, Riverview has one asset that other parks in Chicago would pay thousands of dollars for-- great acres and acres of shady trees and green grass. Riverview also employs none but the best bands, which give con- Altctwoii and eveaug. ' • ' ' t ' ' •' "It has again been brought to the aotice of the writer that several young sters about town have again acquired the habit of making targets of the electric light bulbs about town. The practice is going to get somebody into serious trouble unless it is stopped at once. Boys, take warning. Fire ignited the woodwork and caused considerable excitement in the home of F. PL Martin near this village one day recently. Mrs. Martin had lighted the gasoline stove and left the room for a few minutes, and upon her return found the room filled with smoke and the wainscoting in a blaze. The fire was extinguished only after about $25 damages had been done. The Woodstock Shamrocks rocked the McHenry team for the second tfme this season at the McHenry ball yard last Sunday afternoon. The McHenry team was all set for victory, but it just seems as if the county seat lads have hung up the Indian sign for keeps in McHenry and they carried away the bacon by the close count of 4 to 2. Both teams fought a desperate battle and with "ijpi even break of luck Mc Henry woiild have won. Don't forget the moving pictures at the Central Saturday and Sunday. THE POOR MAN'S DOLLAR. AND THE MILLIONAIRE'S Ewy town haa some danu who oooupy thm aftftude of U>61ff«r«na toward the community interests. They way; •'Well, let tha boost the plrncr- It can yet along without my help." Hits attitude Is well wsptmmsi and excoriated In a pam phlet recently Issued by the Commercial club of mmOtmt, M*., Mow* fwaln's town: M may be tint aoon IMted meant, ®pfortnnl* fy of ecmlags sWer tint tfeefer skare m tives here last Sunday. John Wahlen, Arnold Duensing and Ernest Reimer of Algonquin were Mc Henry visitors Sunday. Miss Maude Bernard of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of Misses Anna and Irene Frisby. Misses Anna and Ella Watson of El gin passed a few days recently as the guests of McHenry friends. Miss F. Hillebrand left for Chicago last Monday where she will make an extended visit with friends. Miss Mayme Morley of Austin, 111., is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Masquelet. C. Norager, of the Orchard Beach hotel, was among the Chicago passen gers this (Thursday) morning. William F. Wentworth of Belvidere passed last week at the home of his uncle, W. D. Wentworth, here. Mr. and Mrs. E as ton of Dexter, Mich., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting. Frank R. Holly and daughter of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent a recent day as the guests of McHenry relatives. A. R. Ball of Williams Bay, Wis., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. C. E= Gaylord, on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. N. J. Justen and daughters, Verena and Leona, were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. August Walters of Woodstock were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merriman last Sun day. Fred Southwick of Delavan, Wis., was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord on Friday of last week. W. S. Wood burn and son of Rock- ford were the guests of the former's father, David Woodburn, one day re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hahn and children of Racine, Wis., passed a recent day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mrs. Wm. Mix and sons, Willard and Orville, of Chicago are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Miss Verena Wentworth has re turned from a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. P. W. Thompson, at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, son, Theodore, and daughter, Bertha, were among the Chicago passengers this (Thurs day) morning. Miss Norma Whiting has gone to Chelsea, Mich., where she^ will pass the remainder of the summer as the guest of relatives. Miss Frances Kimball of Woodstock and Miss Elsie Rice of Wheaton, 111., passed a day last week as the guests of Miss Alta Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masquelet of Chicago are spending the week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masquelet. Messrs. August Krueger and William Burmeister of Chicago were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause Sunday and Monday. Miss Amy and George Smith of El gin have been spending the past week at the Mrs. F. K. Granger camp down the river near Emerald Park. Mesdames F. C. Spurling and Will C. Feltz attended the funeral'of their uncle in Chicago on Sunday and passed Monday as the guests of relatives in Lake Forest. Mrs. John Carlson and children re turned to their home in Rockford last week after an extended visit at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. J. M. Preston, who has been laid up at his home here during the past tvto weeks, suffering from a badly sprained foot, resumed his duties on the road on Tuesday of this week James B. Perry, daughter, Agnes, and son, Capt. Howard A., motored to Peoria, 111., last Sunday morning where they passed a few days as the gueste of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hanly. Mrs. Spencer Eldredge of Dwight, 111., was the guest of Mrs. Merriman from Thursday'until Tuesday. They took the trip around the bay and to the lotus beds Monday, which was very pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill and Dr. Norman Currie motored out from Chicago last Saturday and took diriner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ml Preston. They returned to the metrwtolitan city that evening. John R. Brents returned home last week from a two Wfjelu' visit with Mr. flame city la si s ffee* they have no respensih bility end lack Influence., Tfete 1R not true, Mo mi can evad* responsibility not one. The poor mac's dc'tiM ccsisiss sse kss? dred'cents. The dollar of the millionaire liss neither wore nor Sess, nor 4ms If circulate to better coa- ffitmal advantage. The poor man who send* kla dollar out of town to buy things from the mall order houses in the great cities evades his responsibilities. Just aa does the aallUon- alre who sends or carries his dollar away to buy goods outside Of his owa town which he might better have bought at home. The poor man's dollar counts In building up a town, and It la to the poor man's Interest that be spend his dollar with his neighbors, keeping It In circulation around town, for every dollar in circulation does Its part toward keeping the poor mnn In his job or getting him a better one or raising his wages. Goods of Quality Recommend Themselves So it is also with our Groceries. We have Fancy as well as Standard brands of Fruit Products and all are the best obtain able at the prices offered. To relieve all doubt just give us a trial order and we are sure that the old saying or proverb ' 'Once used, always used," will prove itself true. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh* 111. :: 'Phone 926. (r P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, ilutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Bffi ThiB is the oldest house on the street Tags and price llate furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE SSLaAHSr"- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Culcflfo & NortSs-Western. Effective June 18.1011. WHK DAT TKAIM. NOBTHBOUND Leave Chicago. *7.00 am Via Elgin *8.46 am Via Des Plalnes.. *12.30 p m_ Via Elgin tl.00 p m Via Dos Plaines... '1:15 pm Via Des Plalnes.. *3.40 p m Via Des Plalnes.., *3.15 p m Via Elgin *4.50 p m Via Des Plalnes. BUND AT THAIN8. 7.10 a. m Via Elgin ,45am Via Des Plaints >.05 p no Via Elgin WBBK DAT TBAIVS. SOUTHBOUND. Arrive McHenry, ...10.lti a m 10.1H a m 2.45 p n* £.12 |) in 1:45 p m 4.45 p m fi.27 B ID ....6.27 pm ...9.45 a. m. ...10.04 a m ....4.89 pa Letre McHenry. *7.10 tt m.. 7 . 1 0 a m . . J 7 . 1 H a m . . * 8 . 3 3 a m . . * 4 . 2 6 p n . . 4.20 p m ...!Vla Des Plalnes.. Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes. Via Des Plalnes.. Via Des Plalnes.. Via Elgin *6.27 p m Via Des Plainer.. SUNDAT TRAINS. 7.10am Via Des Plalnes... 7.10 a m Via Elgin 7.80"pin Via Des Plalnes.. 7.32 pm Via Des Plalnes.. 7.38 p m Via Elgin »Dally except Sunday. tSaturday only. ^Monday only. Arrive Ohicago. ti.00 a m 10.05 a m 8.38 a m V.40 a m 6.86 p rn 7.25 p m '.57 JJ in 9.85 a m 10.15 a m 8.40 p m 9.10 p m 10.25 p m and Mrs. James Lee at Medford, Wis. John reports a tine time while up north and declares that the lakes in that part of the country abound in the fin est fish to be found anywhere. George and Albert Fryer left Friday morning for their homes in Doland, S. D., after a visit with their sister, Mrs. J. F. Claxton. They had just returned from an extended visit in the East, vis iting the home of their childhood, New York City, Niagara Falls and other points of interest. DANCE AT RIVERSIDE HOUSE. A social dance will take place at the Riverside House on next Saturday evening, July 15. A number of our young men have gotten together and rented the place for that night and promise all who turn out one grand time. The hall at this time of the year is the coolest dancing resort to be found in McHenry county and the dancers are assured both pleasure and comfort on this occasion. Herman's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish the music. Dance tickets, 75 cents. Everyone is invited. The Northern Life of Illinois. CLilSslfiEv DEPARTMENT All adTerttaementu Inserted under this boad at the following r«t«i Five lines or leos, *6 cents for flrat iBMrtion; 16 cent* for each nubtiequent Inaertioa. More than fl*e line*, R cent* a line for lint Insertion, nd Soentsa line for addltionl insertions. SALE--House and two lots. Inquire of E. J. HANLY, West McUenry, 111. I7VJK SALE--A quantity of last year's corn. -1- Inquire of or write JACOB ADAMS, King- wood Lnqul: , III. 3-3t* -CV)R SALE--Estey organ .and wood stove. * Apply to Hiss EMMA A. PAT, Maple Ave. TXT ANTED--Girl for housework; small fam- ** ily, in Volo. MRS. LEH HOSON, Round Lake, HI., R. D. LOST--Somewhere on the streets of McHenry, on Sunday. July watch charm. Finder will kindly leave at this office. K. of <J. TXT ANTED--Yoang lady to learn the tailor's * * trade. Must be 4-tf handy with tiie needle. J. I). I.ODTZ. °CV)R SALE--A house and four lots. House J? is now occupied by two families. For further information apply to or write LKWIB WBBDE, McHenry, 111. TJK)R SALE CHEAP--A ten h. p. Stover gas- " ollne engine, a four-roll Appleton corn busker and a corn and cob grinder. For fur ther Information write or apply to P. J. BROWN, on Volo-McHenry road. Postoffice address, McHenry, 111., U. F. I). No. 1. 51-tf no.ivy uuiy engine, IMJUI in iiiimiiuu tu uia- hogatiy and has been overhauled this spring, placing It in A No. 1 condition. For further information apply to or address NEWTON OTTO, Orchard Beach, McHenry, lit. Phone 205. 43-tf. Passenger Boat "ELGIN" llakM trips Pw Rlv*r, the Chain *1 LakM mmi •!•• to Wiba«t, Wis. Beat may be charter** at any •*«ur- •iana • specialty. Safest and maet reliable Excursion Beat that travels Fax River and the «| Ukea. Leaves Riverside pier every htMiiy HMI >W4«T at Ml a. m. and 2KW p. m-- LEOPOLT GRUZLER, CAPT. TOQW It'lUMt Sll. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable result if you uaa White Swan ...Flour... jllWfiflliii1 FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. West ricHenry N. P. Steilen & Son ricHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johnaburgh TTNOR SALE--Havlug purchased the old mill ^ in Centerville and navlng already start ed work of razing of same, I hereby offer for sale all the lumber contained in same at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of everything, even to the shingles, and anyone who ran use the lumber will Nave money by consulting noe. Have quite a number of excellent tim bers that would make Hue barn building ma terial. This lumber will lie sold lu any quan tity desired. 3- W. BONSLETT, Mclleury, 111. Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfnlly solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. p. s. PA mr READY FOR USE A choice sHeclion of colors for exter ior decoration: also Outside (Jloss, Tn- side Flat, Semi-Flat; also Black. OUTS TDK GLOSS WHITE, an oil white for outside work. INSIDE FLAT WHTTK, a turpen tine white, dries without fjloss, used as a finishing' coat where a flat finish is desired, or for undercoats where Gloss Interior White is used for finishing coat. SEMI-FLAT WHITE, an oil and Turpentine white, half way between Outside Gloss White and Inside Flat. White. One gallon will cover over ;500 square feet of averaye surface two coats: under favorable conditions 400 square feet. BUY YOUR PAINT BY YEARS AND SQUARE YARDS NOT GALLONS s. w. MN, MMM **+4 •»"•* <9*9 HMW »*«£ f Professional. Society * and Business Cards f (( DAVID C. WELLS, N. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- KM tu iwUtnct, oornar Elm and Ovcen atrMta, McHenrv, lliiaoia. Telephone No. 811. I>R. R. G. CHAMBEKLUN DENTIST Office over Beiley's Drag Stre. Hours: »:oo to 5:30. W 1ST MOHENHY. ILU DR. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours 1 at Jehnsburfth, III., from 7:30 a. m. to 11:30 - m. Wednesday and Sunday ol each week.* PHONE; HcHENRY S33. DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOHNSBURGH, ILLINOIS Telephone No *93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, lllin<?i.* L. Q. SENG Same def ree of ex cellence in liquora ind cigara, aame service, aame old itand, aame every thing except the ]3rNUHBER_£r1 [a 106 N. 6th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKfiD FREE LOUIS H. ISEilWIR, JR. Telephone No. 662 BUYER OF-- Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc. Highest market prices paid. McHENRY, ILL. Pine Stock Marchandiae Farm Sales Real Eatate G. A. AUCTION!!* Telephone No. 804 WEST N flENRY, ILL. WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO LIVERY R. I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR. AUTOMOBILES AND Buses meet all l.i-aius for points on Plst:ikeo Buy aiitl IUJA Lake. Team - IUK of all kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention tciveu to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. West McHenry, III. - Telephone 6 ..Centerville.. l i f e Q , , Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. l\»r <"»cutl.eincii who rheri>.!i Ou;ilii>. For Sale by F. O. Gans SHOW COKING. The Adams Fetzer bi^ 1"> and 2."> cent shows will exhibit in McHenry on Wednesday, July 19. The show pre sents an up-to-date vaudeville, acro batic and gymnastic performance at popular prices. One performance only will be &iven on acoount of the hot w«»th«r. Night at 8 o'clock. us a chance to prove to you that just. ^ood a line of Staple and Fancy (Jroceries, Vegetables and Fruits is car ried in this little grocery as may be found anywhere. We are not as lar^e as some of the others; but, with your patronage, expect to jjrow and expand. Our business has ^'rown considerably since we started in McHenry which evidences that our goods and prices suit the public. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 604 flcHenry, - Illinois. =̂========SS=====# sJL