- < • . - Rr. Central Opera Rouse, Sunday, August SMASHING ALL RECORDS FOR LAUGHTER TtIF cJ^HLY COMEDV ?r THE0BI6IIML COMMW THff MAYFD MFVyvfiRK *00NIGHTS CHIG^SO 150 «i*lLE AT PFTGSGH'S. PIHOF3>: 25«S, 3SC, 50C lie FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD CARTOONIST PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY B¥ F. O. SCHREINER. Buk Building. Telephone, No. 171. Kv;^. . ss&p fir, w; TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Vlx month*. 76eta. Three months. Mote. Thursday, August 34, 1911. WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. *»' and daughter, and Tuesday ANDREW HETTINGER IS NATURAL BORN CARTOONIST-WILL HAKE NAME. AS SEEK' BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AMD HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. J. C. Bickler was a county seat vis itor Monday. J. F. Claxton was a county seat vis itor Saturday last. John Walsh boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Harold Veitz of Chicago passed Sun day as the guest of McHenry friends. Harry Wells of Elgin spent Satur day and Sunday with Charlie New man. James B. Perry attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wed nesday. Miss Elida Going of Chicago is spend ing a week as the guest of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman spent part of last week with Mrs. Fred Wells in Elgin. Dr. N. J. and Prof. A. EL Nye saw the monoplanes fly in Chicago last Thursday. Misses Margaret Neutzer and Flossie Millheim spent a day last week at the county seat. Emery Hartlette of Woodstock is passing the week as the guest of Mc Henry friends. Miss Agnes Carey of Ringwood spent the first of the week as the guest of Elgin relatives. Mrs. J. F. Claxton Pearl, spent Monday shopping in Chicago. Miss Pearl Hutson of Woodstock has been spending the past week at the home of J. F. Claxton. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa, W. Oihbs were among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, and Mrs. W. Wells are spending the week In Chicago and Indiana. Mrs. N. H. Petesch and children went to Chicago Tuesday morning for a lew days' visit among relatives. Jesse and Miss Theo Skinner of Elgin passed Wednesday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McAllister. Mrs. J. W. Bonslett and sons have gone to Waukegan to attend the wed ding of her sister, Miss Louise Zens. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald re turned to their home in Woodstock Wednesday after a two weeks' vacation at the home of L. F. Newman. Mrs. Leonard Rorer of Gilman, 111., was the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Button, from last week Thursday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Buenzow and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buenzow of Chica go spent the latter part of last week as the quests of McHenry friends. J. P. Smith, C. H. Parks, P. J. Freund, Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and Mrs. Chas. B. Harmsen and daughter were among the Chieago passengers this (Thursday) morning. AUDITORS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of Mc Henry, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, will meet at the town clerk'B Office in West McHenry, Illinois, on the 5th day of September, 1911, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to audit any Mid all bills against said town and to transact such business that may prop erly come before the board. Bills •gainst the town may be left with the supervisors or the undersigned. Dated Ibis 23rd day of AuguBt, A. D. 1911. CHAS. B. HAKMSEN, Town Clerk. This week we take the pleasure, thru the courtesy of H. C. Hettinger, to present to readers of The Plain- dealer an excellent likeness of a young cartoonist, together with a sample of his work. The picture is that of Andrew Het tinger, the fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hettinger, who have their summer home on the banks of Fox river, a short distance north of this village. The young man is a born cartoonist and, altho quite young, his work is of such calibre that has drawn the atten tion of many an artist. Andrew was born at Palmer, Texas, September 25, 1896, and came with his parents to Chicago, where the family has resided for a number of years. He is now spending his sixth summer with us and is known by quite a number of the school children here, as he attend ed the public school here five years ago. His parents are both portrait artists and are exceptionally good ones at that, but when it comes to cartoons the son has them beaten by far. He does no copying at all. He stud ies out his own jokes, pictures them firmly in his mind and then illustrates them on paper. His jokes are all original and the one we herewith pre sent, together with his picture, were raade especially for The Plaindealer. The young man spends a great deal of his leisure time in this line of work. With plenty of time for practice and abundance of ambition he is bound to make a great name for himself as a cartoonist some day. He has already had many offers for his service, but his parents will not consent to let him go until he has been given the very best advantages in edu cation. His parents are highly interested in his work and will do everything with in their power to see their son become one of the greatest artists of this kind that the world has ever known. The Plaindealer can see a great fu ture for the young man and hopes to see him accomplish great things in his line within the next few years. The Hettinger family's Chicago home is located at 2228, Barry avenue. The management of the McHenry County fair has secured the services of ^Dolman Bros., the greatest comedy horizontal bar artists in the country. Their stunts on the bars and their great trick house acts will amuse both joung and old. • -Y\ I JUST RECEIVED letter fa cm S&lNfr SHE ^ii£ OVfeR TO S£E. ME WEDNESDAY G-lFU- COML . U- vJASMeO^ I FORGOT that ( GIRL WAS COMIN6 TOr«f and look at the r«e.ss * 11 THAT'S HER NOW! HAVE A AFRAID CLEANS I'VE. JUST OOPIE TiWCiLHJtC'T THAt LITTUt l„. AOISH>Wf . THATS 6E.BN ruNNJN & FOR tmr&e: months 0RIN6-G osTEND. Clinton Martin attended the aviation meet in Chicago last Wednesday. Miss Mabel Pederson visited friends in this vicinity the first of th'e week. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Thomas. Miss Hettie Randall returned home from her Michigan trip last Tuesday ening. George Dalziel of Gurnee, 111., spent Saturday and Sunday at the homes of Wm. and Warren Thomas. The Sycamore Traction company is surveying from Woodstock to Wauke gan for the new electric line. F. E. Thompson raised his new barn last Wednesday. When completed it will be one of the best in this section. 1 homas McDonald spent ^Tednesday in Chicago and when returning home that evening he collided with an auto, and as a result one wheel was demol ished. Are you preparing to come to the McHenry county fair this year? You are cordially invited to bring the whole family. Bring them every day and take a good rest. HALF A MILLION ACRES OPEN TO SETTLEMENT. President Taft has proclaimed the opening of the Rosebud Reservation in Mellette county and the Pine Ridge Reservation in Bennett county, South Dakota. Registration points, Gregory, Dallas and Rapid City, S. D., Oct. 2 to 21, 1911. Drawing at Gregory Oct. 24. Direct Route, the North Western Line ---convenient train service. For rates and descriptive literature concerning the opening apply Ticket Agents, Chi cago & North Western Ry., or address A. C. Johnson, T. M., 220 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 10-1 If you did not receive that premium list for the McHenry county fair write to Theo. Hamer, Woodstock, 111. He is the secretury and has a small supply left. THE MOST MODERN RAILWAY STATION IN THE WORLD. Free for the asking--a copy of a hand somely illustrated folder descriptive of the new Passenger Terminal, Chicago, of the Chicago & North Western Ry. It will prove interesting to you and give you a splendid idea of the facilities at your disposal when you make yotir next trip to Chicago. It is one of the most modern and complete railway Passenger Terminals in the world. Apply to Agents, the North Western Line, or Address A. C. Johnson, Pas senger Traffic Manager, C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, 111. 10-lt CIDER MILL OPEN. On and after Wednesday, Aug. 2, my cider mill will be open and ready to do your work. Tel. 768. THEO. WINK EL, 7-tf McHenry, 111. Sunburn or windburn cause no dis comfort if you use our Benzo cream-- 25c at Petesch's. WALKER MOTOR BOAT LIN E Navigator and Neptune Passenger Boat NAVIGATOR makes two trips daily from Pis- takee Bay to the Lotus Beds, excepting on days when other wise chartered. :: :: :: Passengers from McHenry and along the river wishing to take a day's outing at reasonable rates, phone 494 the evening be fore to make arrangements. :: Witt make trips with one or more pesaenffers dpt. freiitricK Beller Captain Why are aeven chops better then ene? Because there are mere ef them. There is no limit to the number of chops we have here for you. Pork chops, veal chops, lamb chops, mut ton chops; wc have them in profusion to your appetite's confusion; we sug gest as a conclusion, between you and them--collusion! E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 TERKA COTTA- M. Knox was a Chicago visitor last Thursday. Fred Colby of Crystal Lake called in this vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, George, spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Lewis McDonald of Woodstock called or* friends here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck and son of South Elgin visited relatives here last week. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry is spending this week with Florence and Frances Knox. Mrs. G. P. Bay and son, George, of Chicago visited at S. B. Leisner's the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brantingham of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Brantingham and sons, Frank and Raymond, of Chicago spent Sun day and Monday at the Bay cottage here. Make your calculations now to at tend the great McHenry county fair at Woodstock Sept. 12 to 15. A base ball game every day. Reed Carr of Spring Grove spent Sunday at the home of Merton L. Gracy. He was accompanied home by his wife, who had spent a few days here. "HELLO BILL" This refined and elevating three act comedy under the management of Frank Mahara will be produced at the Central opera house August 27 by Harry Choate and wife, supported by a first-class company of comedians en gaged especially for their particular line of work, making the production one of the dramatic hits of the season. So if you wish to enjoy an evening well spent don't fail to see "Hello Bill" or "A Jolly Bachelor's Trouble#/' 10-1 fr EXCEUEN LOAVES AND--•-- Delicious Pastries la the Inevitable reault If you use White Swan ...Flour... II I ! pj 1 SjfiLttil "l0 FOR SALb BY Wilbur Lumber Co. West HcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son HcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johnsburgh | Professional, Society V j J Bind Business Cards jjj »***»* fit ****** fit * DAVID C. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- . lice and residence, corner Elm and Green etreels. McHenry, Illinois. Telephone Ne. 311. DR. R. G. CHAMBER LIN DKNTIST Office ever Beeley'a Drag Strr. Hour»: 8:00 to 5:30* WMT Mofl BNHY. Im £ DR. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office heure 1 at Johnsburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. ni. to 11:30 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. PHONE; McHENRY 33S. DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON JOHNSBURGH, ILLINOIS Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Weet McHenry, Illinois ri) Bank of McHenry (ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all conrtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE. in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates LPerry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. L. Q. SENG Same decree of ex cellence in liquors and cigars, same service, same old stand, aame every thing except the (3TNUMBER Is 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. PAJltfcLS CHECKED FREE Fine Steele Vlerchandlee Farm Sales Real Eatate G. A ADTTMHTO Telephone Ne. 884 WEST M'HENRY, ILL. WEST SIDE LIVERY & AUTO UVERY K. I. OVERTON, rwiwas- Biusei: umtsi u.U u-aiiu, fw polDts oti Plstakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team ing of all Kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. West McHenry, III. • Telephone 6 K-ENTUC MY J B. P. S. PAINT READY FOR USE A choice selection of colors for exter ior decoration; also Outside Gloss, In side Flat, Semi-Flat: also Black. OUTSIDE GLOSS WHITE, an oil white for outside work. INSIDE FLAT WHITE, a turpen tine white, dries without gloss, used as a finishing coat where a flat finish is desired, or for undercoats where Gloss Interior White js used for finishing coat. SEMI-FLAT WHITE, an oil and turpentine white, half way between Outside Gloss White and Inside Flat White. One gallon will cover over 300 square feet of average surface two coats; under favorable conditions 400 square feet. For Sale by F. O. Gans v ..Centerville.. 0 II I#3!/ it cu?ir Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. G. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. BUY YOUR PAINT BY YEARS AND SQUARE YARDS NOT GALLONS S. W. BROWN, RING WOW life: us a chance to prove to you that just as good a line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits is car ried in this little grocery as may be found anywhere. We are not as large as some of the others, but, with your patronage, expect to grow and expand. Our business has grown considerably since we started in McHenry which evidences that our goods and piioes suit the public. M. n. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 riclltnry, - Illinois.