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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1911, p. 5

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flpfemafionaf NEW YORKS5S5 CHICAGO. NWtt t . J. WALSH, AGENT When the Doctor Comes BY telephone he calls the druggist, the nurse* the hospital--or if the case is urgent he may summon a brother physican for consultation. In this and a thousand other ways the telephone proves its worth. It is an edu- ijfetor, a protector, a comforter. It is especially valuable during winter weather. Iwry BfU T«Mw i« a lm Mituw Hall-- CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPART J. C. Debrecht & Co. 15he General Merchants Johnsburgh, 111. :s 'Phono 926. Have you ever used any of our <#6ffees? We have a large line and we know that in this selection there will be at least one kind that will suit your palate. Here is a list of our different kinds in bulk and one pound cans: Alamo brand, per pound 35c Merido brand, a select San tee, per pound. 37c bih: best brand, a number of select Santees and fancy Gautemalas, per pound ; a8c Topaz, in pound cans .26c Mild Ton^ brand, a light roast coffee, per pound.. 30c Old Gol6ny, in pound cans 35* - New Moon, in pound cans. 40c Manor House, in pound cans 40c TRY THEH ... CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All ndTertisemeuli UiMrted under this bead at the UltvlncrmtM: {treUauor lena, H cents (or Brat IIMTIIIHI It cents Jor Mteb autteeqoeat InMrtlon. MSnttuu five lines, t cent* « line for flrvt iBwrilon, Ml 1 cent* m line for addition! lpHrtlnn. WTANTE1 >--(kmijttituut girl for general ™ hduse wOrk. D. F. QOiitLAS, Wood­ stock, III. 10 1JH>R SALE--A number of huvy, well-fon- • - struui/eu uiuii WtwOuB. jjui iae iflioK irnu have be*n looking for. Jos. HAT, Rinv- irood, 111. W-St* ¥°l >E SALE-- RLiMr property; house and four lots, just north of Orchard Beach hotel. INQUIRE of C, W. STENQSB, West McHenry Mate Bank. 7-tf TjV)R SALE--Six dollars buys a nearly new •E No. 13 Peninsular heating stove. Will bnrn hard ofsoft coal and wood Inquire of Mkg. J. M. Pn*6TON. McHenry, III. 17-tf 1JV5K SALE--\A bout sixty single comb brown -P leghorns, one and two years old. Call or nhone 907 any time except Saturday. M. I> Hn»i. H. F. D. No. 2, McHenry, 111. . 16-tf TTNOK BALE--Store and stock of goods, good " point, prices right. AlSo fifty good Mc- Henry county farms, prions right and terms easy. Also some tjUw> bargains in Minnesota lands. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on « writii C. E. Oituno, WS»t McHenry. Thone ±14. - 15-tf ^3«t your feed ground at Bonslett's feid mill by $le»ctric power. Come any week day, at any hour between 8 a. m. and 5 ii> m.. We will start up for you whether you have only a few bagB or;a full loag,: . -. 19-2 Cullui «^n's L iidvfi ami neU at Mrs. E. W. Howe's, over Block £ Bethke't, McHenry, SI, 'lO-lt NEW COMPANY HAS BEEN GIVEN NAME. The new company which is to take over the electric light, power and gas companies around Chicago will be known as the Public Service company of Illinois. The" corporation has al­ ready been formed and tlW charter granted at Springfield. The nominal capitalization is $1,000, but will be in- over. The merger, which is being put thru by Samuel Insull and his asso­ ciates, will include the North Shore Electric, the Economy Light and Pow­ er, the Illinois Valley Gas an£ Electric and the Kankakee Gas and Electric companies. Other concerns may also be taken into the combination later, as the company's corporate rights under its charter will be brbad enough to provide for grekt growth of public ser­ vice companies in the future. Prac­ tically all of the stocks of the com­ panies named have been deposited with the Illinois Trust and Savings bank under the terms of the call1 sent out several weeks ago, and it is expected that the first steps in the organisation will be taken within a week. <f . FARM POX SALE in Payette county, Iowa, of 238 acres. Will sell at a sacrifice If takes^-soon. Eoc garticular^inquireof owner. ^ W. A. STRANAHAN, 19-2t* Hurdland, Mo. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CffRON/0L£# BY OUR- ABLEX CORPS. QF CORRESPONDENTS af- Woodstock SIDuKriBUik i E. Letsler was; at the Lake Sltutv day. - ' • * • - i jh - i& f - ' ' Ray Austin was in Woodstock Sim- day. • .- Mrs. Tegtmire yj®, in Pal^^ urday. *'»«•.'.> -> " ?.* Ruth Kline went to Woodstock Sat­ urday. ' - * . \ Ray Dygerfc wa^. a'jphipago- y\^tpr Monday. Mrs. F. M. Risley was - in |he city Saturday. ' J. C. Button was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. ^ P M opart is vtiNffog^afk}. at.«r near Dallas, I>akota. •' Mrs. ('. H. Dufield was a Woodstock shopper FridAy. * *" " * "v ' A. F. Salow was a btiiiness caller at the T^ake Friday. . . M iss Clara Satj>w spent Sundjj^^with relatives at the Lake. ' ' , Lloyd HJQd of Pa^fttine visited sf£ F. S. Morse's Sunday.. a .Wari-en Swansen of Crystal Lake* spent Sunday in ioym, , Fred Hartruan was business caller Monday Misses Helen and Ha;sel Bak^r drove to Woodst<x',k Satu rdav. Mr. and Mrs. R. L, DufleW called on Elgin relatives Saturday. . Min. A. Jacobs had dental work done at the Lake Monday. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield yent to Elgin the latter part of last week, Mrs. Lynch and daughter^ Madaline, were in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. W. P. Allen was a Crystal Lake visitor last week Friday, Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frydendall and son were Ring-wood callers Sunday. Mrs. J. Michleson and two children were callers at Crystal Lake Friday. E. S. Olmstead apd Mis§ Mabel Skinner were in Woodstock the latter part of last week. Grandma Hutson of McHeqry is vis­ iting Ridgefield and Woodstock rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheel el* spent Sunday afternoon with Woodstock rel­ atives. Mrs. S. Crossman of Woodstock vis* ited at the home of 4- •losephenson Thursday. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown spent, Sat­ urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E-irl Jacobs. • Miss Glenys Jacobs -spent a part of Wednesday and Thui-sdav with Wood­ stock friends. • Mrs. Lyman Levey • of Crystal Lake was a recent visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Sain Levey's. • Miss Rachel French visited her uncle and family at Woiddsrock Satur­ day and Sunday -• E. E, Shepaid and- brother, Ar'C., were business and pleasure- visitor^ in tlite oity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter, Avis, of. Woodwork Sun- dayed in liidgetield. ' Mrs. Winnie Ward of Woodstock visited with Mrs. <J. W. Wheeler sev­ e r a l d a y s l a s t w e e k . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Reser entertained Miss Edna Goldstein of West? Chicago a few days recently. . • ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Trapah .eptertained company from Neosho, .Mo.,„.and Nor­ wood Park recently. Mi-s. A-.'fetephenjfon. and daughter?, Arline and Edna, drove to Crystal Lake on business Saturday. Mi's. F. M. Risley and .$0n, Ken­ neth, were called to Ft. AtkinsOn, Wis., to the bedside of'a.sick sister.- Ed Ford expects ttf leave Soon fbr Idaiic where he will if1 the country and climate prove favoraWe. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet at the home p^Mrs. K».B- Smith Thursday afteriioon, JJcv. 2, at 2:30 p. m. -> ) Louis Goddard and Ben Ames of Woodstock enjoyed a spin on their motorcycles to Greenwood lkstSatur­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ormsby of St. Louis returned home Tuesday, after a three weeks' visit at the home of Mr. Ormsb^'s parents. Rev. David Park was entertained b&. Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht and wife morning and evening services. Mrs. George Wheeler enjoyed a vis- ^ it with Miss. Foot and Dr. an<^ Mj$. Beckitt of Chicago at thuir, pottage ^t Crystal Lake Saturday ap3 ad. atrfb ride iu the afternoon. •< , . .Mrs. George Drury of Detroit. Mic&J" spent Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Dufield. Monday Mrs. Dufield and Mrs. Dfniiy. spent with Mrs. Ray Slcinner and fam­ ily at Woodstock. Mrs. Drury togfe the train to Crystal Lake, where she will visit'a brother: Site exacts in Witonniiin Iw^fore re- "°*v nw-- "-T-s1" "/** ',7 " JJ- turning hom^. •», ; - Saturday Miss Elsie Wille, accom­ panied by her mother, Mrs. F. Wille, and Dr. Cole of Crystal Lake, leTt on the early train for eife fnivfersity hos­ pital in Chicago. Miss Elsie has been troubled with adenoids and thei remov­ al of her tonsils was necessary. Her father and sister, Mabel; visited her Sunday and.Veport t^iat Nflss; Elsie had passed a suc&essfurt" operation, which her many friends' were pleased to lietrtv SJCHOOIA NQMS. Our spelling down victors are Mabel Klin6, Marjory Reser, Edith - Letsler, Gertrude HaughawoUt and Sadie Ris- ley. ' A .basket social will be given in.the McConnell Ahool, district 76,' on Oct. 31. Everyone is cordially invited Jto attend. Hazel E. Baker, Teacher. -- The Gregory -district,, rNfiC.,3f>, wJll give its basket social Nov. 10 instead of Nov. 9 as announced in last week's paper, A good program is promised and everyone is cordially jfavited t6 attend. Arline Stephenson, Teacher. Otaly three visitors have beeh with us this month--Miss Levey, Helen Reed and Mrs. Peterson, tf Ofore of the parents would visit the school and get mi idea df thfe condition of things it would eneour&ge^/the teacher and pupils.. " ' i . .A-^eYy successfuf basket social was held last Thursday evening' by the Ridgefield school. It was held in the lecture toom and parlors of thie cfcurch. In spite of the inclement w«atf>er a good'crowd came to enjoy th^ pro­ gram and the. social singing apd reci­ tations by the pupils formed the im­ portant partf of the program. D. O. Kline acted"as auctioneer and he made great fjfogress in that line, for bas­ kets to-the value of $42.00 were 9old. After the social games were played by those present and all declared that a Iswsst 'enjoyable v evening had been spept. Tbe;libentMty'of the people in aiaking the social an entire success is certainjjv appreciated by the school, and an amount of the u^es to which .llje'^noney i* but-.wftl be published later. An organ is to be purchased by the lower four grades with their.share of"lW$> Receipts, while the four upper grades are to furnish and supply books for a library. This library is to be in the girls' old entry and we hope to see it madf attractive with book cases, table, ichairs and carpet. The wall has already been varnished by the teacher."' Con Bade Beip, M1«fe Ruth'Peterson, Teachers. RiNdnooi). • James Gr^en and wife were McHen­ ry visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen returned fron Iowa Friday of last week. John Claxton of McHenry was in town Wednesday afternoon. The Northern "Life -Insurance of Illi­ nois. J. W. Gilbert, Gen. Agt.j 18 Frank Hawley of Chicago Hras an over Sunday guest of his parents. Leo -McLochlin, west of town, is en­ tertaining his parents from Ohio. ••Andrew Waters of Elgin spent Sun­ day with his sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley. - A. Hawley, wife and little daughter spent ̂ Sunday-with his brother in this this village. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. af»d Mrs. Ulayton Harrison Mon­ day inoftiing. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Mrs. Laura Thompson were Elgin vis­ itors Saturday.. Philo Roe' and wife of Woodstock and Mrs. Julia dark of Virginia visiti- ed at E.'T. Chase's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Westlake of Spring Grove "were Sunday guests of •t!ieir daughter, Mrs. Rae Dodge. Bert ' Mc&annon ami- family spent Sunday ith his parents in Greenwood And . attended the eh uroh. services. • . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petitt of Otta­ wa, 111., visited at J. C. • Ladd's Wed­ nesday and Thursday. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ladd took* them to Wood­ stock. The annu&l -meeting, -of the. Ring- Wpod Cemetery society will be held at H. W. Allen's Wednesiday evening, Nov. i. As this is the election of offi­ cers le*. all come out. The W. C. T. li, held a very pleas­ ant meeting at Mrs. Julia Abbott's last Satqrday. The next meeting is the due dinner at Mrs. Allen's. All are cordially invited to attend. VOLO. ' . Miss Naomi -Vasey was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Pencils, rjpens and pen holders at 'Petesch's A ug store. 14-tf Charles Parker made a business trip to Madison, Wis., Monday. . Mrs. B. Paddock spent Saturday with relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Chris Dillon of Morton Park is the g.uesuof relatives here. The Northern Life Insurance of Illi­ nois. J, W- Gilbert, Gen. Agt. 18 , George Kuebler and family of Pala- tipe Sundayed at John Richardson's. Mrs. George Eatinger and daughter, Maude, were in Chicago Wednesday. Frank Zuelsdorf visited Mrs. Zuels- Opera House One Laughing Night, WALLACE BROTHERS OTTER % People's ' i JM THREE LAUGHING ACTS The funniest play ever written. Sixth suc­ cessful year. SIKING Ml DANCING STOMTIES YOVRCOLD IT M&Y JLEAD TO SOMETHING WORSE Colds mean congestion and impaired circulation in delicate part of the system. To avoid the development of something worse, they should be cured at the very start, and they can be. Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets will break up a cold in a few hours. It does it by equalizing circulation, reducing the inflammation and restor­ ing the congested parts to normal con­ ditions. It has done it in hundreds of cases and will do it for you. Give it the chance. We guarantee it--refund your money if you are not satisfied. Price. 25 cents N. H. Petesch, : Druggist 'Phone 274 l^aai S0 1 " f f i . V>" > X' " •c$pTr- " t'fe , .#1; fr- OKEUDU LOAVES -AND- Delicious Pastries It the Inevitable result II you uie White 5wan ...Flour... witotR ntUKi*i HJK ^ALb DY Wilbur Lumber Co. Wut HcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son flcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johmtarfh ^orf at the hospital in Chicago Friday, tamed in the home of John Brown last Mrs. II. Kines yf JVaukegan was a idlest at Cha$. Baught'ss Friday and Saturday. , ; M r. and'MiWC. O." attended tHe fyneraJt Miss tyal*/Baldwin in Chicago Wednesday. ' yVIrs. IWbt. i*K3d6clr oi'-cAarlevoix, Mich 4 and D. V: Sfrnithiuiid wife spent Friday at the Paddock home. ~&rs. Lawrence Miller Was called to Ntuv~Miuister, Wis.,- last week on ac­ count of her mother's illness. -AI - T174.11 nillA» n{ nl, fitstwf the w^ek. '-©r. Taylor of Lib­ erty ville was called Tuesday. She is better at present writing. w "After an ilhieis of three months Mn. jtybu Paddock died at her home last Sunday. Funeral was held at the' home Tuesday afternoon and burial in tAe Fort Hill .cemetery. . . : • . I- .'I'. , n < ( • • • , MU.Liqi|S * have laughed at'"Other People's Hotk­ ey," 1 a guai-anteed shoy 1 under tlje mnpagement of^the Wallace brothers, whose pame ,0Onnected with any ctMh- panv is a guarantee "of a first-claSs per- tormanoe in ewery^ *«spect. "ptli«r People's jAoney" is for people who lov.^.pure, clean comedy that bubbles with wit and humor. A mind rest for the tired business man who is seeking merftal relaxation, the nervous woman who will forget she has nerves. Spe­ cialties are given that- are Clean and up-to-date, so that there is not one dull flKuaenfc during the play. Come oift next Sunday evening, Oct. 29, and g<?t a hearoi: wjUokpoutie la"ugh is better than a doctor's pre- sgri cie" ."rMher P»»nnl»-'k Monev" comes to the Central opera house for one performance onl/. Bank of McHen ry BSTABU5HBD 1888 This Bank reoeives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a tifllfRJU BARKIIK BUSINESS respectfully soliciting poblic pat­ ronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class seenrity. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ...YOU... L I I I I 1 about it all summer, but have never found time to do it. It's human nature to put off ordering Storm Sash until the snow is flying. If you have not already ordered yours, do not put it off any longer. Order now before the heavy rush begins. :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Company WEST McHENRV, ILL. TELEPHONE NO. 631. 'MM V • ? /• Come Here for It While we do not claim to have a better stock of goods than the rest, we do claim and can prove it that our stock compares favorably with the best to be found anywhere, and, bet­ ter still, we are selling our Richardson's Rugs and Linoleums at prices that are making oth­ ers sit up and take notice. Our Fnrniture department is always complete and we are always willing to deliver the goods right at your home without extra charge. We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine which you must see to appreciate. Too many good features about this machine to enumer­ ate, so the best we can do is to invite you to our store and let us explain its merits to you. ..Jacob J usten.. w >^4 si Sfcf ^ M r \$ . ^ •• V \~ -P| • 1 / -'.'V' *>< 1 m * - • m but YOU don't have to be so heroic. Penslar's Liver Sa# line is just as e$F fective, without the n&p^ea of Calomel* or the bitterness of salts. We sell it un­ der our guarantee, also. Price, 25c to 50c. Pen&lar Store, e. v. MCALLISTBRXCO.. DRUOOISTS 'PWM |«4. - IU, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMM To the Ho\isewives; There isn't a housewife in the world but what has more or less trouble with her baking. There are times when it comes out just dandy. But they are not always lucky. We can do your baking and do it satisfactorily. Our bakery is always right. Nothing but first-class bread, cake, pies, cookies, etc., are allowed to leave this establishment. That's why we want you to buy your bakery here. A trial order P., i j f l/UIO 01/4* fo f Am0»i f vMVv«uv>< w. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop MINHNMIIIINNNiK P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THX SAIA OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hots, Veal, Poaltrj, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ̂ Thfir is the oldest boose 6a the street Tags and prim Hats feinWMi on application. f COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall a 3. Paltoa at WbMHlt M*rk«t ' ^ • m •1i V > Viv i«'i« • ; 'ia*1, W -f •r . i t •' 4 •X . m. ir- / •

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