BUT THEY DO CUT A FIGURE IN MAKING HIM A A Tailor-made Suit always fits. A ready-made one loses its shape very soon. Look about you on a Sunday and see the difference between store clothes and TAILORED SUITS. You can see--you never remarked the dif ference, maybe; 'tis there and you can see it. :: :: :: :: :: Tailored Suits, $14.50 up ANY MAN CAREFUL OF HIS APPEAR- ANCE WANTS HIS CLOTHES: ^ FIRST: DP-TO-MIE IN STYLE m « PERFECT IN FIT AND WOISIMIP THIRD: HUE OF IK 1 BEST mmi MATERIAL (INSISTENT WITH THE SIZE OF BIS POCKET BOOK A welt tailored, well trimmed OVERCOAT is cheaper than two poorly trimmed ready- made ones. The difference in looks may be noticed two blocks aw^y. :: Tailored Overcoats, $14.50 tip I Will Guarantee Style, Perfect ship in fit and finish in any material at a lower price than any man in the business within 100 miles. Give me a chance and I'll prove it. My rent is lower than city rents and I am willing to give you the benefit of my thirty-five years' experience for less than any competitor. Q-ive me your next suit to make and I'll show you that a country tailor can give you as much, if not more, satisfaction than any city tailor that ever puffed over a goose, and a darned sight cheaper. I learned my trade in Chicago and have kept up to date in everything but price. :: :: :: ;; Kf'y ft V. -r life & i' To fit perfectly a Suit must be well MEASURED. Can a butcher, for instance, take your measurements as well as a man who has done noth ing but measure and work on measurements all his life? I have just completed arrangements whereby I can save you the middleman's profit by buying direct from the mills. A Tailor-made Suit or Overcoat for S 14.50* That is from $4.00 to $7.00 cheaper th^n you can do anywhere for the same article. What do you think about that? A perfect' fit guaranteed Cleaning, pressing and re pairing are among our spec ialties and we guarantee sat isfaction. We also have the best house in Chicago to do our scouring, dry scouring. Silks and worsteds can be re newed to give perfect satis- factionv Try us and see what we can do in the dye ing line. :: :: lie McBenrv PhiiiiSn "RAIUIBIO EVEKF THE) USD A. Y BY F. G. SCHRE1NER. OSee Is Baak Building. Mepboa*. No. 171. TBRMA OP SUBSCRIPTION I * «U® Tiott, Three month*. 40 OTA. .aeyaar tlx Thir«Uj, November 9, 1911. HENS OF LOCAL INTEREST IS nCKED ur BY PLAINDU1IK RE rORTEKS DURING WEEK. WHAt rEWiLk; Am hhiinv m THIS VIL- U6E AMD HE IMMEDIATE vicmmr- OfHEK SMOMf FAKA0EAFH8. Feed ground by electric power. Bon- •lett'a Feed Mill. 19-3 FOE SALE--Two double harness, surrey and milk wagon. Mrs. E. S. Wheeler, McHenry, 111. 21 Peter H. Weber moved his fam ily from the Northwestern hotel to the rooms over the West Side harness shop. A forty-hour devotional service was conducted at St. Mirv'B Catholic church Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Of this week. The seat of most trouble is not in the trousers. If your garments need cleaning or pressing take them to Mc Allister & Co. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wirfs are now occupying quarters in the C. H. Parks house on the corner of John and Cen ter streets on the West Side. Jacob Diedrich, having decided Ur quit the dairy business, will bold a public sale at his farm near this vil- nesday of last week and those who fol low that line of work in McHenry and vicinity have already started opera tions. The trapping season extends until the first of May next. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McAllister have vacated the flat over the F. L. McOm- ber hardware store to take up their abode in the N. A. Huemanu flat re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. John, who have moved- to Chicago. The surveyors of the Sycamore- Woodstock road are working out of this village. The fact that surveyors and officers are not making a great amount of noise over the proposed road to McHenry leads us to believe that they mean business. Mr. and Mrs. Jps. J. Miller of Johns- burgh are entertaining a baby boy since last Saturday. The happy daddy is the young man who has been pitch ing great ball up in Canada the past season. Whether or not his newly ac quired responsibilities will affect his pitching armjxemains to be seen. A cow owned by John Claxton, one of our most successful farmers, gave birth to triplets last Saturday. Un fortunately all of the calves died soon after their birth. Tlu- occurrence is a very rare one and had calves lived the owner of the cow v^jiiid have been able to have opened a miniature muse um of his own. Milton Ott, who left McHenry about three years ago to take . up a claim at Judith Gap, Mont., has returned to McHenry and is again employed in the Barbian Bros, cigar factory. Mr. Ott likes Montana, but doesn't hesitate in saying that good old Illinois still looks good to him. He is undecided whether or not he will remain in McHenry. If he is successful in disposing of his western interests he will, no doubt, remain here. lage on Friday, NOT. 24. ulars next week. More partic- "4 Nick F. Freund will hold an auction on his farm, situated 5i miles north west of McHenry on Tuesday, Nov. 21. The sale bill will appear in these col umns next week. '* r'^e *»ter in the pond was frozen if ' «>*er for the first time this season the ss U ? latter part of last week. Since that H ' t t wJ*"* however, the balmy breezes have Cj f V, Removed the winler coat of frozen ^ v!'«water. r' *<•>• 'T>r Peter H. Weber and George R. Gil- ilsert have rented the N. A. Huemann building, located just east of the E. F. Matthews meat market on the West Bide, and will open therein a first-class %*we#i*y store. | The trapping season opened on Wed son, Paul, visited at Herbert Thomp son's in Ostend Sunday. J. S. Brown received a telegram Sat urday, announcing the sudden death of his brother, Frank, at Spokane, Wash. Irving Walker had the misfortune to break his nose Monday, by having a crank handle slip off from a gasoline engine. Mrs. Almira Dwelly and August Walters took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Conway and called on other Ringwood friends in the afternoon. Thru a typographical error the items last week gave the date for the Ladies' Aid bazaar and chicken pie dinner to be held Nov. 19. It should have been Nov. 16. A good program will be given in the evening. KING WOOD. E. C. Hawley was an Elgin visitor Monday. Miss Frank Ingalls of Elgin was in town Wednesday. John Howe of Michigan is visiting his brother, Floyd, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay were Mc Henry visitors Monday afternoon. Andrew Walters of Elgin spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Bert McCannon and family visited at Mr. Fleming's, in Dorr township, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh of Mc Henry visited at H. W. Allen's Friday of last week. Misses Eleanor Hawley and Lora Walkington were in McHenry Tues day afternoon. S. and S. W. Brown wives' drove to Del a van Sunday and spent the dav with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and I PROBA TE NE WS 1 ,1 [Furnished by McHenry Oouiily Atxttract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payment* to suit borrower. Phones 684. 903 and 911.1 REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nils F. Olson & w to Alfred Nelson, Its 1 A 2. John B. Festert's sab dtv nw frl sec 20, McHenry 11.00 Caroline H. Bear to Alexander J. Bear, It 89 Sunuysldc, being sub dlv of pt neM neM sec 35 & wVi nwM sec 36, A pc in w K nw'i sec 3ti. McHenry 1.00 Charles Koerner et al to Ernest Ayer, pt nw frl (lUiirtcf 30, McHenry 1.00 J. T. l'eacock & w to Chicago, Waukeean A Fox Lake Traction Co, pe 30 ft wide in sec 33, Greenwood, 4H-100 of an acre.. 1.00 M. J. Wright & w to same, pc 36 ft wide in •w)4 sec 34, Greenwood, 4-10 a. 1.00 T. A. Abbott to same, pc 36 ft wide In e 24 rds at sen ae5» see £4, Greenwood 1.00 G. W. I -•• miners & w to same, pc 36 ft wide in sec 25, Greenwood,/ 1.00 A.-U. Olson & w to same, pc 86 ft wide In sees 4 & 5, Dorr 1.00 Wm. Banford to same, pc 86 ft wide In sec 33, Greenwood 1.00 Stewart U. Givens A w to same, pc 36 ft wide in dH d«M sec 34 A In 36, Green wood 1.00 Michael W. & Geo. J. Frey to same, pc 36 ft wide In sec 28, Greenwood 1.00 Wealthy A. Martin to same, n 36 ft of wH seii sec 10, McHenry 1.00 F. A. A Irene A bbot t to same, pc 1M ft wide In sec 28, Greenwood 1.00 O. T. Abbott A w to same, pc 36 ft wide In sec 96, Greenwood 1.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Robert Sutton. Inventory filed and approved. Bruce W. Starritt. Clara M. Star- ritt appointed executrix. Bond (2000 filed and approved. Letters ordered issued. Decree of heirship entered. Casper Wirfs. Bond filed and ap proved and letters ordered issued. De cree of heirship entered. Claim day had in following estates: William B. Johonnott, James Doherty, Peter Nimsgern, Robert J. Sutton. Final reports filed in the following estate: Edward Lawless. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Homer Mitchel, 29 Kokomo, Ind Roxie Nicholson, 34 " " Orlando Boice, 21 Clinton, Wis Lena Sibert, 22 " " Sidney Jas. McCrudy,21.. .Crystal Lake Elsie Bowmann, 19 Crystal Lake Glenn Edwin Boomer, 23---Woodstock Alice M. A. Schuett, 23..2?. " Clarence C. Gates, 23 ...Hebron Abigail May Paul, 21 ......... " WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. John W. Schaffer spent Wednesday in the windy city. John A. Worts passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. C. Millheim was a county seat visitor Tuesday afternoon. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Thelen passed "• Tues day in the metropolitan city. Everett Hunter attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. John Sabel of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of T. W. Winkle. Peter B. Freund was a business vis itor at the county seat Tuesday. James B. Perry transacted business in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Mrs. Peter B. Freund was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. F. L. McOmber and daughter, Irene, were Chicago visitors Wednes day. Miss Frances Niesen is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Carpenter, at Beloit, Wis. Mesdames W. F. and E. E. Bassett are passing the day with friends at Dundee. Miss Marguerite Feffer is absent from school this week on account of sickness. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin attended to matters of a business nature in Chica go Tuesday. George Knaack passed a few days the first of the week as fihe guest of Elgin friends. Attorney Joseph I. Lang of Rich mond was a business visitor in town last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howe were among the Chicago passengers Wed nesday morning. ' Frank Rossman of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry rela tives and friends. Miss Iva Mead of Elgin spent Sun day at the home of her parents, Post master and Mrs. H. C. Mead. Herman Wegener of Humphrey, Neb., is visiting among relatives and friends in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger, Jr., and children passed several days recently with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger, Sr., of Crystal Lake visited with her son, L. Eisenmenger, Jr., and Jainily Sunday. Charles Crispin of Necedah, Wis., arrived in McHenry the first of the week and will make his future home here.] CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Whir are lie mast markets at the All advei tiHoiaents Inserted under HUB ww mk the following rates: Five lines or lens, 85 cents for Insertion; 15 eent» for eaeli subxequent insertion More than live lines, a cents a line for first Insertion!, •id :< cfiiitH a line for addition I iiieertlonn. TJV)R SALE--A sow with nine (0) pigs. JACOB 1 ADAMS. Ringwood, III. R. F. D. 1. 21-21 TX7 AN TED--Competent RLRL for general ** house work. D. K. QDINLAN, Wood stock, 111. trEATEtt FOR SA.1.E--A Columbia Joy base •LX burner, self feeder. CHAS. UIBTESISI., McHenry, 111. 21-lt TXT ANTED--McHenry property for Income '* property. C. ZADMHHI.OHS!U. 402r N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 2l-lt XpOU HALE--Family launch, 2 cylinder. 18 foot long, top and cushions. Address M. E. SOLOMON. UOH The Rookery. Chictwo. 20* E|H>R SALE-- A number of heavy, well-cou- J- structed milk wagons. Just the thing you have been looking for. Jos. MAY, Ring- wood, 111. |0 at* •pV)R SALE--A number of Duroc Jersey boars. For further Information c&ll or write Oor HAKHISOM, West McHenry, III. 'Phone 574. 21-tf fpOR SALE--River property; house and four lots. Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Inquire of C. W. STSNOBH, West McHenry State Bank. 7-tf WUNU--A heavy lap robe. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing for this notice. Call at Jacob Justen's furniture store. SO-it CV)R 8ALE--Six dollars buys a nearly new No. 13 Peniusular heating stove. Will burn hard or soft coal and wood Inquire of MRS. J. M. PRSSTON, MeHeury, 111. |7-tf Iwhm th*y mw M • c»«k tlwr». Ladies,'we have just been think ing what a hungry world 'twould be, if all the meat shops were trans ported far beyond the Northern sea. What would you do for dinner to morrow? __________ E. F. Matthews WEST McHBNRY - TELEPHONE 3 q^HE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE of Chi cago wants men to learn the barber trade. They offer sulendid inducements and a short term completes. They mail free beautiful catalogue and ask all our readers to send for one. 21 -2t' II^OR SALE--Store and stock of goods, good A point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc Henry couuty farms, prices right and term:, easy. Also some fine bargains in Minnesota lands. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on or write O. E. GAYLORIJ, West MftHenry. 'Phone 414. 15-tf 0"U 1,000 required by March 1,1912, to buy rst-class 200 acre farm on 15 to 'k* years' time at 5 per cent. Title perfect, good land in high state of cultivation, fn e from foul weeds; good, large buildings, on line road, near school; orchard, timber, etc. May rent, act quick. SIMON STOMPEL, West McHenry, III. 21-tf TLLINOIS FARM AUCTION--Three highly I cultivated, deep,' black soil, dairy and grain farms, 440,480, 450 acres respectively; located about one mile from three thriving cities in McHenry county, and about one hour from Ubieago; will be sold to the highest bidder Saturday, Nov. 1&. 1011. 1 p. m. at Woodstock, 111. Address or call on D. F. QUINLAN, Woodstock, III, H-1t Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling went to Woodstock last week Friday to pass a few days at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. Roy Colby. F. A. Bohlander, Everett Hunter, Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and Miss Dora Stoffel were among the Chicago pas sengers this morning. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter, Miss Nellie, of Chicago were recent guests of the former's m6ther and sister, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and Miss Anna. Mrs. M. W. Merriman went to Chi cago the 19th of September and by Dr. L. Emmett Smith, a specialist., had an operation for asthma. She has been in every week since for treatment. So far it has proved a success and she will not have to go again. L. Q. SENG iii-imm lurw *1 •* in llfWI* elftrs, MUM Hcnlet, MM *14 titiEag the NUMBER in IM N. 3th Av*. CHICAGO. FAKCbLS CHECKfiD FRBB ADQUPfl WEGENEK Dubr ia mmmf robes and supplies A. large display of blu»k«ts of sll kind*. Har- hh MH te M*r. MMtiy 4MM WUT NEKKNKY, ILLINOIS ~ ttfession&l. Society v» | End Bxxsiness Cards $ . DAVID G. WELLS, N. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- Be* wi rMMtno*, ecnwr Elm u4 Cm* itiMto, NCHMU-T. Illinaia. TaUphan* Na. 311. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST Offlca, aver Baalay'a Drug Strr. Moura: 8:00 to 5130. Wur MuHaNitt. TLU ML N. J. NYE HeHENKY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlca haurs 1 at Johnaburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. m. ta 11:30 a. m. We<lneadav and Sunday of aach waak. PHONE; NdKNIY 333. DR. ARNOLD MUEATER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOHNSBURGH, :: :: ILLINOIS Talapkaaa Na *94. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WMI Mattattry. Illlnala Plna Stack Marahaadia* Parni Salaa Kaal Eatata G. A. SATTEH ABCTIONLth n'tsNKY, m. W. P. KINNS .. GENERAL TEAMING... or ALL KINDS ON SHORT NOTICE it|. mm* WEST MsKEMKY. HXINOIS WEST SIDE LIVERY ft AUTO LIVERY EXFOUTOB'S NOTIOE. Joseph I. Laujt, Attorney. Estate of Bruce W. Sturritt, Hecsased. ^ I The undersigned liavinK l>e«n appointed f Executrix of trie last Will and Testament of I Bruce W. ritarritt, de<;eased, late of the Couu- < ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby ! Rives notice that, slit- will apoear l>efore the I County Uourt. of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the flrst Monday in January next, at which time .tU persons having claims against said Estate are notified and req uested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the uudersiRued. Datod tfeis ttth day of November..A. D. mi. XI-St OUBAM. STAKRITT, Sxecutrlx. Don't have colds. Our cold tablets will keep you free from them. 25c at Petesch's. 21-tf &. I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR AUTOMOBILES AND Buses meet all Wains for points na Pis take© Bay and Fox Lake TwS! lu« of all Kinds done promntly. *8wa> Cla attention Elvea tp tfaTallug msa. PI t at-class rigs with or without driv* at reasonable prices. West McHanry, IIJ. •\