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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1911, p. 7

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-- :̂ v Lest You Forget WHAT to buy for Christmas and WHERE to buy it, we offer you a short list of serviceable articles to • be found at our store. :: SKATES- TEA SETS CASSEROLES PLATED WARE POCKET KNIVES CARVING SETS SAFETY RAZORS CHAFINQ PISHES COFFEE PERCOLATORS NICKELED SERVING DISHES FANCY SHEARS AND SCISSORS' A big line of enameled and plated kitchen ware. :: :: :: F. L. \ ll J. WALSH, A6ENT Don't your friend for a favor every time you see him drive to town. V Respectfully yours. J. C. Debrecht & Co. "She General MercKants JohnsburgH. 111. • 'Phone 926. Bank of MeHenry ESTABLISHED i«8« This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good basin ess principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to boy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary PuMic. - Banker*. Better make that ap­ pointment today. Christma&draws near­ er every hour. :: :: An enlargement given with each order. :: Stlwdbers Studio, 'raONEI71. WEST M'BEJOtY, U. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS JOHNtRUBGH. Wm. Schmitt passed Tuesday in Chi cag-o. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers of Mc- Henry spent Monday at the home of George Wirfs. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake of MeHenry were Sunday guests at the home of Jos. J. Mich els. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher are entertaining relatives from Milwaukee, Wis., this week. Miss Mary Pitzen of Volo is spend­ ing the week at the home of her brother, Mike Pitzen. Miss Grace Heimer of MeHenry 6pent the latter part of last week at the home of John Mertes. Mesdames Stephen H. Smith and Joe Hettermann were MeHenry callers Fri­ day afternoon of last week. Joe Adams of Spring Grove and Tony Wiedemann of Fox Lake were J®hns- burgh visitors last Sunday. The funeral of Peter Wirfs on Mon­ day morning was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends. Mrs. Ben Ij&ures and children of Me­ Henry passed Sunday and Monday among relatives in Johnsburgh. Miss Susan Thiel of Chicago was a guest at the iiome of her parents. Mi and Mrs. Michael Thiel, Sunda.\. Miss Eva Huemann of Chicago spent several days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Hue­ mann and family. A large number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John King on Monday even­ ing to help Mrs. King celebrate her 48th birthday anniversary. Kl NliWtHlll. Mrs. Barbara Lawrence Has in Wood­ stock last Saturday. Ora Harrison and wife were visitors at the land show Monday. Prof. Tower and family attended the land show in Chicago Saturday. Mix. Melissa Irceinbrac of Rich­ mond is visiting at W. K. Walker's. David Hall and wife are visiting their daughter at (Vonouiowoc. Wis. H. M. Stenhenson and .1. W. Buck- land attended the land show Tuesday. The many friends of William Coates will be glad to learn he is much im­ proved . .loe Miller and sister. Mis. Thurl- well. returned from Chicago Sunday evening. Frank Haw ley and friend of Chicago were over Sunday guests of the for­ mer's parents. Miss Anna Waterman is s|»endin" this week with Mrs. O. I'. Southw ck at Williams Bay. Mrs. Bertha Whiting was a Thanks­ giving guest of her sistf r, Mrs F. P. Lowell, of Algonquin. E. C. Hawlev, wife and son. An­ drew, ate Thanksgiving dinner with relatives in Harrington. Mary Dodge and son. Ed., spent Thanksgiving with the former's daugh­ ter, Mi's. Randall, in Elgin. H. W. Allen and wife celebrated | their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with friends in Chicago Dec. 1 and at­ tended the land show. | Will MeCannon and wife, Bert Mc- j Cannon and lamilj, Ray Merchant and i wife and Emma Matthews were Thanks- J giving guests at Irving Merchant's in Woodst (X"k. j KMKRAI.I) PARK. Miss Katie Knox was a Richmond caller Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Knox spent Tuesday and school at Winona Lake, Ind., and spent KlUUKltClU F. W. Hartman went to the city Monday. , , M rs. Harry CoOper was in Wood­ stock Saturday. Mrs. S. Wakefield was a Woodstock caller Tuesday. Wilbur Levey boarded the train for Chicago Tuesday. Charles Gans of Woodstock was at F. Reed's Friday. Will Barden of Woodstock was in town Wednesday. Arline Stephenson was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow were Chi­ cago shoppers Tuesday. George'Lynd of Sweden is visiting his brother, E. Letsler. Miss Ethel Reed returned from Woodstock Wednesday. John Schaffer of MeHenry was at Stephenson's Thursday. Miss Elsie Wille was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday morning. P. B. Haughawout and Nels Peter­ son went to Elgin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnson and son, Lloyd, were in Elgin Tuesday. .lolm Shuch visited his mother, Mrs, F M. Rislev, Sunday evening. Mrs. A. F. Salow and daughter, < lara. were in klgin Monday. Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, were at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Min. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- alene. went to Janesville Friday. Mi-s. C. Lock wood and daughter, • ora. were city shoppers Friday. Mrs. Salow and daughters, Florence and Clara, were in Elgin Friday. Mrs. James Thompson S\pent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at A. Jacobs'. Those wishing Red Cross Christmas seals can get them at our postoffice. I. E. Mason and F. Wille shipped a carload of cattle to the city Tuesday. Mrs. M. Shoen of Chicago visited at Shepard's from Thursday to Sunday. Rcbert Gronzo attended the wed­ ding of his brother at Hebron Satur­ day . Miss Genevieve Goddard was in Woodstock on a shopping tour Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Levey spent Thanksgiving with the latter's par­ ents. Miss Olive Hesselgrave of Wood­ stock spent Saturday and Sunday with her father. Floyd Morse spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Miss Anna Morse, at St. Charles. L. J. Gibson of Chicago spent last Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Gibson. Dewitt Lynch of Green Lake, Wis., spent a week with his brother, J. B. Lynch, and family. Misses Agnes and Ruby Waller of Genoa are spending a few days at the home of Edith Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dygert spent Thanksgiving day with the former's parents at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed entertained their children and grandchildren at dinner Thanksgiving day H. P. Barber returned to the city Monday after a short visit with his son. J. L. Barber, and family. Ralph Walkup came home from Wednesday at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs of West MeHenry called on relatives here Sun­ day. John Sutton was a guest of River Forest and Chicago Saturday and Sun­ day. Misses Mary Gibbs, Anna Frisby and Anna McGee visited the Misses Sutton Sunday. Mesdames John Gibbs and Mi's. E. Walsh visited at the home of Charles Gibbs Tuesday. Miss Anna Clearv is spending a few- days this week at the home of her uncle, Geo. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Frisby of Elgin were guests at the home of the for­ mer's mother, Mrs. E. Frisby, Sunday. Wm. Sutton left Tuesday for Madi­ son, Wis., where he intends to take up a course in the university at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelcher and son, Robert, and R. E. Sutton of Chi­ cago spent Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin and cliil- the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Hilda Kegebein was a visitor in the home of her aunt, Mi's. A. F. Salow, Saturday and Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will meet at the home of Mi-s. L. A. Walkup Friday, Dec. 8. Grandpa Olinstead, Mrs. Smith and Miss Mabel Skinner spent Thanksgiv­ ing day with S. E. Olmstead at Wood­ stock. Miss Lois Levey celebrated the tenth anniversary of her birth last Saturday afternoon. Ten little playmates were invited and a pleasant afternoon was S|K* lit. The election of officers of the M. W. A. will be held in the hall Tuesday, Dec. 12. It is greatly desired that all of the members be present at that date. -J. B. Lynch, Consul. Messrs. and Mesdames John and Joe Barden of Woodstock and Miss Rose Bai-den of Chicago spent Thanksgiv­ ing at tht' home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wheeler. The ladies of th^ Aid society will dren and Miss Mayme Aylward came up 1 give their annual bazaar and chicken from Elgin Thursday and remained pie supper in the church parlors Dec. until Sunday. | l/>. The chicken pie, for which the Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Whiting of: ladies are especially noted, will be Woodstock spent Thanksgiving at the ; served for 25c each. Everyone is cor- home of the latter's parents. Mr. and dially invited. Mrs. E. Knox. VOLO. Mrs. Ed. Lusk spent Wednesday Chicago. Will Dillon is on the jury this week in Waukegan. A. J. Raymond transacted business in Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Charity Raught visited rela­ tives in Libertyville the past week. Mrs. John Richardson spent Thurs­ day and Friday with relatives in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Lee Huson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Croker, of Libertyville recently. Miss Ruby Eatinger of Carpentei-s- ville visited relatives here the first of the week. A. C. Shepard, the youngest brother of E. E. Shepard, boarded the train in! Tuesday morning for West Palm I Beach. Fla. After a long sojourn in the tropics, Mr. Shepard finds the cli­ mate here too cold for comfort. He is expecting to return next March. liRKOOKY SCHOOL, DIST. NO. 75. For the month ending Dec. 5, 1911: Mi-s. Madsen and Mrs. Nymann vis­ ited school last week and listened to our Thanksgiving program. Our basket social held this month turned out very satisfactorily, consid­ ering the weather. The receipts were #•-'2.95. The first grade is very much inter­ ested in the Brownie Folks, with whom they have been, spending part of the month. Arthur Dowe of Kenosha, Wis., sj>ent. -j^e sixth grade is about to take up the latter part of the week with rela-1 the study of Whittier's "Snow Bound" tives here. Miss Bessie Dunnill returned last week from her eastern trip and is home at this writing. Mrs. ..Will Dillon visited Dr. Taylor of Libertyville Monday, where she is being treated for ear trouble. Mr. and Mrs. E. Haines of Chicago and the fourth grade will soon be sail­ ing with •'Hiawatha." We are about to begin on our Christ­ mas entertainment, which will be held the Friday afternoon before Christ­ mas. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to l>e present. Those neither absent nor tardy this month were: Leslia Nelson, Alice Mor- tensen. Caroline Nymann, James Gal- isited the latter's parents, Dr. and \ lather Louie Mortensen and Annie Mrs. Rossdeutacher, and family Satur-1 Nymann. Miss Arline Stephenson, da/ and Sunday. I Teacher. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries •• tkc laevltaM* result if you use White Swan ...Flour... T >• £ M FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. Went ncHenry N. P. Steilen.«& Son /"IcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff JohnsburgH of something amiss in throat and lungs. Colds mean a tearing down--an attack on vitality. A remedy to cure properly must not drug away the cough --it must search out and remove the real trouble. Then the cure is a right one. Our White Pine and Tar is first of all harmless. It relieves quick­ ly because it acts nature's way. It cures thoroughly so no Weakness remains to cause trouble later. Notice how well you feel after you are cured by it. Price 25c. N. H. Petesch Phone 274. McHENRY, ILLINOIS J ASK YOIfl GRfM FJR FOR M'-HENRY Roller FANfiV FAMJLi FLOUR *fty ILLS 3^ .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST fiHY FLOUR AND rfctw HILLS fr What la tha dllbrwc* batwaan • fuaat tag at 4 a. m. and a pretty girl speeding an auto? Ms, $14.50 Overrnats, $1450 I know T have a good thing. Come in and see. You don't need a Suit now, but the day will come when you will. It will pay you then to know the prices and goods. I'll give you my time and show you what you can do in the clothes line. I don't want you to buy and I want you to feel you don't have to. I extend to you the courtesy of an invitation to my shop and see things for yourself. Do me the courtesy of coming to see. It will tickle me and put you under 110 obligations. LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS CLEANED AND SCOURED JOHN D. LODTZ, MeHenry, Illinois SUITS, $14.50 OVERCOATS, $14.50 On* ia («in| pratty aarly, the other a pretty girlie going. "Where are you g'oing', inv pretty maidV" , "To the Quality Market, sir," she said. The maid in question was a quality lass And bought only meats of the qual­ ity class. She's headed here. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 ..Centerviile.. Grwery&Met Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• . C. Q. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS. AufliiwiBlKAruli h NOTICE. David R. Joslyn, Attorney. Efttate of Mary Ann Weber, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mary Ann Weber, deceased, late of the County of Me­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby (fives notice that lie will appear before the Couuty Court of MeHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons havluK claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same Ad­ justed. All persons tndehted to said Estate are requesting to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this l«h day of Noveml>er, A. D. 1911. P H. WKBKH, Administrator. Your calendar is waiting for you. Come and get one. Pet-each'#. 25 CHRISTMAS is almost here once more and many are they who are wondering and study­ ing what to give! We suggest a piece of Fur­ niture. It is something that* will be appreci­ ated not only by one member of the family but by the entire family as well. Not only will it be appreciated at the time it is given, but the receiver will be given 365 days in the year to get the benefit of the gift. This is tfce proper time to buy. I^n case that we haven't just what you want we can send and get any pie£e desired on short notice. Not only that, but we are willing to store the goods for you until such time as you see fit to have ua de­ liver them. Think this over. :: :: :: ..Jacob Jus ten.. & To the Hcmsewives There isn't a housewife in the world but what has more or less trouble with her baking. There are times when it comes out just dandy. But they are not always lucky. We can do your baking and do it satisfactorily. Our bakery is always right. Nothing but first-class bread, cake, piets, cookies, etc., are allowed to leave this establishment. That's why we want you to buy your bakery here. A trial order will verily this statement. -- • • •• 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop [ P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COfUYUSSION MERCHANT ' SPECIAL, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THX SAUE O* Dressed Beef, flutton. Hoes* Veal, Pwritry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Ef|S This is the oldest house on the street Tags and prios lists fmfahrf oa application. , COLO STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 1. Faltaa St WhoMHilt Market. sdl'

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