it ?ts T7&-mmm .,•£?/. i iy ' <'••• '" !,; C^n't Start Vt[y Car TRIVIAL affairs that often vex and irritate unless promptly adjusted, are easily settled over the telephone. Whether it be repairs to an auto, depletion of the larder, or the thousand other domestic affairs, the telephone insures solu tion of the trouble. Telephone service is particularly valua ble in the home when winter storms make walking hazardous. \jp| Every Bell Teltphont U ft Loag Dlituw Station . J CKiffiliU TfU-MMMPP: COINPIPr J. C. Debrecht & Co. T5he General Merchants Johnsburgh. 111. Phone 926. Begin the new year right by trading here. We will do everything to the best of our ability in conducting this business. This shall be our motto: Quality, service, right prices and a square deal to all. Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Better make that ap pointment today. :: Christniasdra ws near er every hour. :: :: [MUM LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries !• the Inevitable result II jo« use White Swan ...Flour- US S®1 1^ I^TEJfY, ' FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. West flcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son flcHenry John Richardson Vol* William Althoff Johnsburffli An enlargement given with each order. :: Sttid's Studio, 'PHONE 971. WEST M'HENRY. ILL- 1*. cres1 usu In hoi^\ Don't have colds. Our cold tablets will keep ypu free from them. 25c at Petesch s. 21-tf Pure cane and sorghum, per gal, 65c at Bloek & Bethke s. 29 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR . c - (7 n r* 9% r X S - Z & R fAh: iLY FLOUR I J. -SPENCER w * h f n r y I L L S .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST M'HENRY FL0U1 AND FEED HILLS Men's hats and caps at about half price for the next ten days at M. J. Walsh's. 29 Bargains in embroideries at 5 and 10c per yard at Block & Bethke's. 29 NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KHOOLS TAKE $87,929.41 SEVEN OP THEM SPEND A BI6 SUN OP MONEY. jj-3 an; i .1 ' • [Harvard Herald.] The public schools of seven cities and villages in McHenry county re- j Woodstock Friday quire the big sum of $87,929.41 for' maintenance during the year 1911, which is a trifle in excess of S3,000 more than was needed by the same schools during the year 1910. The seven schools are those of Harvard, Woodstock, Marengo, Hebron, Rich mond, McHenry and Crystal Lake. The big levy naturally is at Wood stock, which has two ward schools in addition to its main building, and the total levy there runs almost to $2li,0U0, representing an advance of over $l,ti00 above the levy of a year ago. Harvard is fortunate in that the levy is a trifle less, the reduction amount ing to $114.91, the levy this year being $18,553.72 against $18,439.81. Marengo struck a close margin on its school levy for the two years, the pxcess for 1911 over 1910 being only $15.74. Hebron and Richmond reverse places in their school j)osition. the former Ink ing obliged to pay off a maturing bond for a new building, which accounts for an excess there, the increase reaching over $1,000 above that of last year, while Richmond makes a reduction of more than $'J,000 in favor of this year's levy. Crystal Lake increases its levy $2,262 over last year, while McHenry has an excess of about $300, the former pay ing a maturing bond that accounts for a part of the advance. While some complain of the high tax to maintain scliools, yet no one objects because of the money being extravagantly ex pended, for no br anch of the state gov ernment brings better results than the money expended for its school system. Figures obtained at the court house disclose the cost or the levies made in the seven places heretofore mentioned for the schools for the years 1910 and 1941- They will be read with interest and for that reason are given below: Biuusnnu . Business is brisk at the department store. Oscar Johnson was at Woodstock on business Friday. J. J. Reser and family were at Beloit New Year's day. C. Lilja and E. Knilans were at Marengo $10717.28 Harvard . 18558.72 Woodstock Hebron Richmond McHenry Crystal Lake Total. 24337.3H 45W.28 8172.16 4396.84 14113.78 $10733.02 18439.81 25987.60 5629.26 6134.66 4629.24 16375.82 $8486."). 88 $87929.41 I 1 ififi ftcHENRY. If you're looking for a place to live, And you want to live in peace, Just come here to McHenry And help the town increase. Just buy a place or rent one, it doesn't matter much; Por you will be within easy reach Of the grocery man and "butch." And the telephone will help you, If you wish things brought to your home, And they'll bring you any thing you waat, Even a j>ocket comb. We may not have any street cars, Or taxi-cabs or hacks: But just take a bus from the dej>ot And follow the wagon tracks. And the driver he will take you Wherever you wish to go, No matter how muddy the roads are, No matter how deep the snow. And we have no mail men, either, That each day bring the mail to your door, But you don't live in McHenry If you're five blocks from the office or more. ' The milk man is around bright and early, And will leave milk or cream if you wish, And all you have to do for him Is to leave your ticket and dish. And the coal man is a very nice fellow, Especially this time of the ^ear, And you surely will have to excuse him If last summer he acted queer. And then we have our policemen, Just for protection, you know; In the summer they are fixing tbe side walks, In the winter they are shoveling snow. And the newsboy will bring your paper And you can keep posted on news. So you see, my dear friend, while you're idle, There is no chance whatever for blues. Our doctors are not very busy For there are not many people get sick, But whenever there are they will cure them, And do the job up very quick. And if the theatre attracts you, Just go there some Sunday night, And I know you will come away happy And say that the play was all right. Now I've just named a few of the good things We have here in this little town, But I'm sure you will think this over, And then you will take a run down. And I know if you once get in here You will not care to get out, But will join the merry thrOng that's here And give one glorious shout- Hurrah for McHenry! JAY GRAHAM WINS SHOOT. Jay Graham of Lake county contin ued his invasion at the Chicago Gun club traps Sunday, finishing high gun in the 200-bird event and making the second first position captured in -the two-day tournament at Keningston. The Long Lake expert smashed 192 of the clay birds, a High score consider ing the cold weather, which was prin cipally responsible for keeping down the field of participants to about twen ty-five shooters Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wille and son went to Elgin Friday. Miss Mario Heckler visited at Wood^ stock Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson spent several days at P. B. Haughawout's. Mrs. David Rattray of Woodstock visited at C. Stratton's Friday. Mr. Augenhaugh of Woodstock was in Ridgefield on business Friday. A. Dietz of Woodstock moved his family into the Jaynes house Friday. Mr. Reddersdorf of Crystal Lake was in Ridgefield on business Tuesday. Mrs. Rush ton and granddaughter, Inga Eriekson, were at Woodstock Fri day . Mrs. Sandlmrg and Eva and Edith Letsler were Woodstock shoppers Fri day . The choir was entertained at the home of Mrs. L. A. Walkup Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Kilt/, of Carv is caring for her father. L. H. Buskirk, who is seriously il!. Julin Schaffer of McHenry visited at the home of Miss Arline Stephenson over New Year's. Mrs. R. Ihgert and Miss Marie Heckler were business callers at Crys tal Lake Thursday. Mrs. Sandburg and the two Letsler girls, Eva and Edith, were at Beloit Saturday and Sunday. James Westerman of Capron, en- route for the city Friday, shook hands with Station Agent Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. L. Levey of Crystal Lake spent New Year's day at the home of the former's parents. Mrs. F. Fay and son of Ring wood are spending a few weeks with her sister, Mi-s. 1\ B. Haughawout. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. G. W. Wheeler Thurs day afternoon, Jan. 11, al 2:30 o'clock. Miss Rhoda Locke returned Friday to her home at Delavan, Wis., after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Knilans. Mr. and Mrs. Max Baldwin and son, also Miss Edna'Borden, of Carpenters- ville and Elgin, were at F. Reed's Wednesday. Station Agent Lynch entertained his nephew and niece, Archie and Miss Jennie Lynch, of Rush Lake, Wis., over the holidays. Mrs. J. £5. Lynch, Mrs. L. M. God- dard, Ray Lynch, A. Lynch and Miss, Jennie Lynch were pleasure seekers in the city Saturday. Ed Pearson, Freeman Giesselbrecht, Arthur Skinner and Louis Goddard, employes of the Oliver at Woodstock, spent their New Year's holidays with relatives at Ridgefield. Mr. Will French and Miss Emma Nelson were united in marriage Dec. 26 by the Rev. R. Shelt. The cere mony took place at the home of the bride's parents near Woodstock. The house was prettily decorated. The bride was dressed in pink silk with a white chiffon over dress. Miss Rachel French and Mr. Andrew Nelson acted as bridesmaid and best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous luncheon was served to al»out forty guests. K1NOWOOD. Gertrude Fay of Ridgefield is spend ing a few days with her parents. Louie Smith and Karl Bradley re turned to school in Elgin Monday even ing. I)r. Pussee of Chicago visited his brother near this village New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Woods spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuttle. Fred Allen of Chicago came out Wednesday to attend John Howe's funeral. John Green and family of Chicago were guests of his brother, James, New Year's. Miss Lora Walkington and Paul Stephenson visited relatives in Chica go last week. Mrs. Emma Brown and granddaugh ter, Mary Smith, visited relatives in Richmond last Friday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mary Smith Saturday afternoon of this week. Leader, Mrs. Tuttle. Mrs. Florence Lowell and children of Dundee ate New Year's dinner with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Whiting. The little Randall girls of Elgin spent the holiday vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Dodge. Walter Bradley, Luella Stephenson, Florence Smith and Harper Chase have all been numbered with the sick the past week. Floyd and Edson Howe were called to Michigan Sunday evening by the death of their brother, John. The remains were brought to Ring wood for burial Wednesday. Mrs. H. W. Allen was very pleas antly surprised Thursday evening, when a par^. of friends came in to spend the evening with her, the occa sion being her birthday. Miss Cora Waters, who spent most of last week with her 6ister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley, returned to her home in Elgin Saturday morning, accompanied by Miss Eleanor Hawley, who will visit relatives for a few days. "I listened with great delight and profit to your lecture, 'The Beginning of the Golden Age,' and I unhesitat ingly pronounce it a great lecture, well delivered. It is worthy of a place on every lyceum course and Chautau qua in the land."--Ernest J. Sias. with the Redpath Lyceum. At the Central opera house Friday evening, Jan. 5. 29 We are at your service every minute and want you to form the habit of doing your Grocery and »Fruit buying of us. All orders .over the phone and other wise receive our prompt attention. Our wagon is on the road the entire day, which makes us the quick service grocery of McHen ry. Better try a sack of our ARDEB FLOUR. :: LAURES & JONES Phone 653 Wert Mchenry What is that which la vary rara an4 rat rery common? 134 T 1 "1 Maat. We ask you here to buy our meat Because we know it's good. If you knew this as well as we, We know you surely would. There's nothing better than the best This, you'll admit, is a fact. That we have it here, to prove by test, Would be the proper act. E. F, Matthews WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 for tirulicmcn \v1w> cherish <,bi;ili»y. CLASSIFIED All »<lTfrtl«eDient« lnwrteo under thla head at the following rate*: Fire lln«« or le««, 86 cento for flrat ln»ertion; 16 cent* for each subne^uent turtertion. More than five lines, 6 cent* a line for flr«t Insertion, and a cents a line for addition 1 insertion*. F°", tjV)K SALE-A number of Huroc Jersey " boars For further information cult or write (irv Harbison, West • Mclleury, 111. ' I'hone 574. sl-tf „ KENT--An HO-acre farm situated three miles north of Crystal Lake. Inquire of or write O. W. Stkncibr, West McHenry State Hank, West McHenry, 111. 25-tf IpOK SA1.E -- Cord wood and fence posts. In- •T quire of Ohhkn I.Smith, R. F. D. Na 1, West McHenry, III., on Townsend farm, for merly the (Jardinler farm' 2B-4t* tpOK RENT--About thirty-five acres of " choice farm land, located on Volo road east of Fox river. Write or apply to Mi*8. Henry Kknnebeck, McHonry. III. 2P-2t FOR SALE -Choice eight acre garden and chicken farm proposition, close to l*is- takee Bay and Fox river, adjoining burgh, good house and barn. l>- F. Qi Woodstock, 111, Johns- UINLAN, 2VMt RIVER LOTS FOR SALE--A number of very desirable building lots on the west shore of Fox river at May's avenue, opposite Schaf- fer's grove. Inquire of or write Stephen H. Smith or The, McHenry, 111. ST.-Feb. 1* POB SALE - River property; house and four " lots, Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Also some choice building lots 011 the east bank of Fox river, south of McHenry bridge. Iucjulre of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. ~-tf T7UJR SALE Store and stock of goods, good point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc Henry county farms, prices right and terms easy. Also some tine bargains In Minnesota lands. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on or write C. E. (Jaylohd. West McHenry. 'Phone 414 15-tf Only SI.000 required by March 1,1912. to buy a first-class 200 acre farm on 15 to 20 years' time at 5 per cent. Title perfect, good land in high state of cultivation, free from foul wefwls: tfood. lurire bulldlnirs. on fine road, near school- orchard, timber, etc. May rent, act quick. Simon Stoffkl, West McHenry, III. 21tf | PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Offlc© in Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab- stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911-1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. DeYarroond & w to Alfred Nelson, Its ,2 & Son plat o" rounds, McHenry 175.00 1, 2 & 'i on plat of Spring Lake club grounds, McHenry Alfred Nelson & w to Augusta Holm- uulst, nely dO ft of It 1 on plat of Spring Lake club grounds; also pt e fractional half of nw fractional quarter of sec SO McHenry 10-00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Robert Sutton. Claims allowed. Amos O. Vasey. Report of private sale of personal property filed and ap proved. Publishers' certificate of publishing' and affidavit of posting notices of claim day filed and approved in the follow ing estates: Adelbert Noonan, Bruce W. Starrett. MARRIAGELICENSES. Walter M.C. Schroeder,23.Woodstock F. Doris Heidel, 22...N. Crystal Lake Jaroslav J. Klapka, 23 Chicago MaryT. Holicky,22...^.'..... " Phillip Mueller, 24 .Woodstock Mildred Schry ver, 20 " ( N. H. PETESCH DRUGS McHENRY, ILLINOIS. •i '1 /p Don't 1 LET US SELL YOU ONE OF OUR ROUND OAK HEATERS. IT WILL KEEP YOUR HONE WARN AND COZY ON THESE COLD DAYS. WE- 1 UXt l lJ We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found in any town in the state the size of McHenry. We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married couples and feel certain that we can furnish homes just aa cheap as any Furniture House in McHenry county. The fact that we have furnished such homes in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Grayslake, Ringwood, Woodstock and other places proves that we are giving satisfaction. JACOB JUSTEN r: 4 HMMMMMMttMM The Home of- PURE FOOD BAKERY If you have not been a patron of this Bakery now is the time to start. Be gin the new year by placing a trial or der with us and we know that you will become a steady patron of this Bakery. 'Phone 1033 11 A. TIETZ, Prop. •MMMMMNMMMttMtttMMtatMltMMW f $* (r P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMlSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE BAIJt Of Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, ¥••!« PMHffi Hides, Etc., Butter end Ejfgs jjon tbe street Taga a COLO STORAGE FREE This is the oldest hoiiaejjon tbe street application. Stall A 4. PattM 81 Wkoeml* Mark**. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. '• - -tiki, * i -t.. wsef*".