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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1912, p. 8

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. '1 . 'i:-*r -•--' rvA'1 ••'• ' • > - V : ' > • • • • • • * V" • - * . • • • • . . : ; •£•-, .*; > ;•.•"•' --n-*. - - Mm VMs^" • X:^; •*&••• •' wsf.--'.^- it: I® 400 Suits 100 Overcoats Comprises otir stock of Fall Clothing for Men and Boys $24.00 to $3.00 in price to select the Garment that meets your choice. Call and inspectjjthe line and we will show you how to SAVE $5.00 on a Suit or an Overcoat JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 303 & SN W A L L IT^ ^2 LINE is now in stock. We ^'^are showing a greater variety, richer coloring and more beautiful designs than in previous seasons. We have a large and well selected line in stock at reason­ able prices, and if in need of Wall Paper this spring we will be pleased to have you call and inspect the line. DAPER HANGING. arrangements with We have made an experienced paper hanger who will do the work for you on short notice, either in town or country, at reasonable rates, and who guarantees satisf actofy work. JOHN ST OF TEL. Everybody isa Good Cook WHO USES A "QUEEN BEST" RANGE You hear people say, "I did not have good luck with my baking or cook­ ing today." The fault, nine times out of ten, is not with their luck or their baking, but with their stoves. "Queen Best" users al­ ways have good luck and good cooking. You can not name another range that will do this. Put an end to the extravagant waste of fuel and t° all of your cooking and baking troubles. BUY A "QUEEN BEST" RANGE TN spite of the fact that hundreds of people have taken advantage of our Sal­ vage Sale and supplied themselves with wearing apparel we still have a good assortment of Hats, Shoes and Underwear that are going at give-away prices. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. BO. jr*s. Walsh and family movedrlb El­ gin this week. Our public school closed oo Friday last tor a two weeks' vacation. Afternoon mails for Chicago now seat from both the McHenry and West McHenry postofflces. The M. E. church in this village is being treated to a coat of paint on the outside, which will much improve its in.... M. J. Walsh, WEST McHENRY. J The old Roman game of ^"knuckle down," "dubs," and for "keeps" has broken out among the "kids" with all the virulence of a spirited political canvass. Marbles are a forerunner of spring. H. H. Nichols, one of the best paint­ ers in the county, has moved his shop to tbe rooms over Simes' blacksmith shop, West Side, where he can here­ after be found ready to do all work in his line. John Evanson & Co. is the name of the new firm which will open business at the old stand of Fitzsimmons & Kvanson April 2. Mr. Evanson is one of our most enterprising business men and our citizens will be glad to know that he has decided to remain in Mc­ Henry. The new two-cent postage stamp which will be put into general circula­ tion this month is said to be the hand­ somest design ever issued by the gov­ ernment postoftice department, and will have an embossed profile of Wash­ ington upon it, surrounded by blue tinted back-ground. The trotting stallion, "George O.," will not stand for service this season, as he will go to Chicago April 15, knd will be under the care of Peter V. Johnson, one of the best trainers in the West, and we shall expect to see him make some very fast time before the season is over, as he is capable of doing. His blood lines trace back to all the best and fastest bloods now known, and the time is not far distant, barring accidents, when they will all want a "George O." colt. ALGONQUIN APPOINTS WANDRACK. John Wandrack, the "original Algon­ quin Indian," has been annexed to the village of Algonquin. The formal an­ nexation took place at the meeting of the village board and Mr. Wandrack has decided to acquiesce and has as­ sumed some of the multitudinous duties thrust upon him. Mr. Wandrack is now performing the duties of chief of police, superintendent of the fire de­ partment, superintendent of streets, superintendent of the water works, health officer, superintendent of briqlg OS, sewer inspector, custodian pf the i village hall, building inspector, admir­ al of the port of Algonquin and a fe\y other positions, Mr. Wandrack, who a well known former business man of Algonquin, has been io the wilds of Wisconsin during the past few years, where he was keeper of the properties of the big Turtle Lake Lumber com­ pany and he has acquired the owner­ ship of Turtle island and has one of the best hunting and fishing resorts in the west. He had no intentioh of re» maining in this section when he was called home a few weeks ago by the death of a relative. But the village needed him and he has been induced to remain. In his conduct of the office he has decided on a new plan regard­ ing the treatment of tramps. Wand­ rack has rigged a gasoline stove in an .aiM-eroom of the bastile and will feed the tramps in a substantial manner while they are confined. They will be compelled to perform short stuntys cleaning the streets bridges. He had four on Saturday whp ^c^ieerfully cleaned the long bridge aero$? Fox river. TOWNSHIP MEETJNC ANP ELECTION. Notice is hereby gjyej) to the legal voters, residents of tb« township of McHenry, county of McHenry, IJ1-, that the annual township meeting and election of officers of said township will take place Tuesday, the 2nd day of proximo, being the first Tuesday in said gponth. The election will be­ gin at the h*>ur of 7 a. m. and close at G p. m., in the ptoses designated as fol­ lows: District No. 1, ^oodman hall, Ringwood, 111.; district No, 2, village hall, McHenry, 111. The officers fcp elected are; One township clerk, on# assessor, one eoUector, one commission­ er of highways in district No. 3. And tius electors will also v^te to decide the following public question-; "For or Against" to abolish the poll (cash system). The town meeting will open in the village hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour of 2 p. an$ after choosing a moderator will £>r£fte^d to hear and consider reports of offi^e^ to appropriate l»oney to defray the necessary expenses of the township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of, come before the meeting. Given u^- der my hand this 20th day of March, A. D. 1912. CHARLES B. HABMSBN, 40-2t Township Clerk. MWnmCCNENT OF COLORS FOR DAL LOTS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I county of McHenry, \ Office ,o# the County Clerk. This is U> that the ballots for the primary of AprU M. 1912, for the respective parties shall be printed on paper of the following colors; JE^epub- lican, white; Democratic, gre»enj Pity* hibltion, blue; Socialist, red. ; la witness whereof I subscribe my name, mad affix the seal of the County Court this., jtJae 20th day of March, A. D. 1912. G. E. Snu^, County Clerk jsKAI. | Bee Wm. Simes for lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. He guar­ antees satisfactory goods at satisfactory prices. 31 *35 coffAM dsylE's r,zv; stesr. Something new In romance--so ab­ solutely original that it will thrill the most hardened novel reader! Such is Conan Doyle's "The Lost World." Did you know that in the unexplored wilderness between the Andes and the Amazon there still exist many of the monster animals that walked the earth before mm was created? It has re­ mained for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-- and the irascible Professor Challenger --to discover this lost world and take you right into it. How does it feel to be chased by a dinosaur as big as a house, or attacked by a pterodactyl as large as a biplane? You will know before you finish this fascinating story, for the author'makes you see and believe. At the same time you will learn more about the prehistoric world than a dozen scientific treatises could tell you, for the story makes you live in it. The action is easy at first. Don't let that deceive. Challenger is a terrific and captivating hero, and when he gets away on his expedition look out for danger unequaled in modern romance. The story is told with the imagination of Kipling or Jules Verne and the masterly skill of the creator of Sher­ lock Holmes. "The Lost World" will appear exclusively in the Sunday Mag­ azine of The Record-Herald, begin­ ning March 24. Tell your friends to read it and enjoy a new sensation. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Misses Tillie St. Germain ancf Julia Dittman of Elgin were entertained by Miss Elizabeth Thelen at the Park hotel Sunday. B. J. Frisby and daughter, Clare, of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frisby. Miss Elfreida Berner came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besley and Mrs. Mayme Lamphere and son, George, returned Tuesday evening from Hous­ ton, Tex., where they spent the win­ ter. 3L -v ' fy. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Those knowing themselves to be in­ debted to me will kindly call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adjusted. I have author­ ized C. W. Stenger to collect and give receipts for all- outstanding accounts. 25-tf ALBERT ETTEN. • CREAM • BAKING WtVDffi lade from pure, grape Cream of Tartar Best for good food and good health Mo Blum CONN LOSES rOlPIER SUPPORTER NOTED ELOIN JURIST CHANGES CONN TO COPLEY. FROM I PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of tt tie and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. 903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John J. Barbian et al to Frederick I'egel, Ji., It'21 Mineral Springs Park. Mc­ henry $500t00 PBOJJATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate Elizabeth Schneider. Proof of death atid petit/ion for fetters 9f administra­ tion filed. MARRIAGE LICBtySj£$. Ma* /5iajiijern*an, 25 Harvard Hattie Gu^tschpw, 20 Laurence Charles Cteborn, Solpn Mills Anna M. Westmgnt, 22 " Carl E. Wittmus, 23 Harvard NelUe Zimmernjap, 18... Judge Henry B. Willis of Elgin, who is on the appellate court bench at Ot­ tawa, two years ago supported George W. Conn, Jr., in his struggle to secure the Republican nomination for con­ gressman from this district. This time Judge Willis is support­ ing Congressman Copley for a renomi- nation and has departed from his usual custom of refusing to be interviewed on matters of this kind, and last week gave out the following, statement for publication: "My opinion is not worth very much," stated Judge Henry B. Willis, "but it is my idea that Conn's candidacy is a political mistake. It will make the situation embarrassing for the local candidates. It is poor politics in my opinion." DR. SCHAEFER COMING. In response to many requests from former patients in McHenry and vicin­ ity, and^jthers who feel tbe need of his services, Dr. J. J. Schaefer, the noted eye sight specialist of Elgin, will visit here professionally for one week, beginning Monday, March 18. All those desiring bo have their eyes ex­ amined, and, if necessary, to be fitted with glasses, will please send their name and address to the office of this paper. With eighteen years' exclusive optical experience behind him, you may expect and will receive guaran­ teed high grade service at moderate cost. Dr. Schaefer was raised in Johnsburgh, where his father, the late Wm. Schaefer, formerly owned the corner store now owned by J. C. De- brecht, and among the grown-ups in McHenry and surrounding territory are numbered many of his former Johnsburgh schoolmates. --As I wish to make my trip to Mc­ Henry and vicinity in my auto, and I find the roads to be in very bad con­ dition, I have postponed ray trip unjtil next week, March 25. 40 -- a J. c. QUALITY DEBRECHT SERVICE Johnsburgh, III. RIGHT PRICES 'Phone 920 FOR MEN itan, lace Oxfords Men's gu# Jft&tal, button Oxfords Men's tan b#£«tp,n Sjhpes #... Men's gua metai Shoes FOR LADIES Ladies' tan Pumps Ladies' gun metal Pumps , . Ladies' tan button Shoes Ladies' suede, satin top, button Shoes. $3.00 '$3.00 -$3.00 .$3.00 '$2.50 $2.50 $3 00 $3.00 F. A: BOH LANDER West McHenry PROMPT DELIVERY II Phone 491 WALL PAPER , -v • ». ' .tV... • - We have an entirely new line no:# iff stock consist­ ing of over forty pattern^ with prices, per double roll, ranging from.... . yf... &C to 35c LACE CPRI« m C01TAIN GWPS One hundred pairs, full length curtains, at per pair 50c to $5.00 We also have a large assortment of scrim to choose from if you prefer to make your own curtains. Don't buy before looking over our stock. 'V: 5H fp CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. KEEP IT IN Mil A Bank Book is above all others. It protects what you have and makes you want to save more. Sickness may come to any family. It may be the one who earns money, so the best way is to West McHenry State than one way, and present is the best b'X V'-t) start an account in the Bank. You can do it in more with very little money. The time to talk it over. ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.... EDWIN L. WAGNER, Pni. --OFFICERS:-- C. H. FEGERS, Vice Pre*. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. SIMON STOFFEL, Vic* Pm. <?• This is the time of the year when the farmers find that there are more or less repairs to be made on their implements and we are the people who can take care qf yp# in that respect. Our repair de­ partment is as complete as it is possible to make it and we are always ready to drive put to your very door to deliver and replace broken parts of machinery. Call on us when in trouble. Also remem­ ber that our line of buggies, wagons, en­ gines, spreaders, horse blankets, whips, lap robes, etc,, is always complete. :: Phones: KBS'OENIE-? ARE VALUES BIG SAVING Calico and Ginghams I . I . 1 . .«• 1 n ii.11 (n. Everyone SPhajt the Anerican priflt or calico is. It staphs the hest in quaiijby. We are showing a lafg.e l£ne of fcfres<e goods #jb prices you cafljox# duplicate. Per y$r4 . .. .5c PRESS GINGHAMS Owr «j>ring swmmer lioe oi OJng- ham* arrived apd w<e can show you a large lime of 4awty plaids and stripes, per y»r4........ r *3? For the summer and hot weather wo can sfooy ^you the most up to date line of Tissue Oi#ghams we have ever placed on sate, Jjb .jyfrjl pay you well to look them over now, <3*4 the cream of .the pick and get out of sewipg the hot weather. Tissue Ginghams 3? in. wide Zephyr Ginghams, yd 15c Curtain Materials and Drapes We are showing ^ of £h.e .Colonial Prapery in short lengths. YQU have qever bought these goods fpr less than 25c per yard, lake aM yo# want npw per yard "ISC- (CURTAIN VOILES Ifere a F.W bargain. Extra fine auality, with a dainty floral bor­ der--the latest in window grapes. We are showing a line of these 35c $qo4s in short lengths at p£r yarjd..... w • : : 23c SHIRT WAISTS . We fcave placed pn sale several lots of brpk^n si?es in Ladies White Sbirjt Waists, yataes (to $2.00, a gopd run pf: sizes, and values you can: not a#or4 to pass tyy. QMce pf lp£.. • 51 -00 Take advantage of owr J^adies' Coat ptfep. Yofa paD save 35 per cent by buying a coat now suitable fpr spring, fa|l or wi^tep. :: I.. F. BLOCK. 'PHONE 541.

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