W - T O ' ! '*."•" V.'V*"V". •> "*..«//;"« • •' '* :' V-" **'" •/'-"',>l;] i ,: X~ :-A /**-" y---';u-- %f < >1' *•, ." a* ;• I ,*• |i J ' ' '• V R \.J^ t -i't" • t >24^»VV .f j| •V -•*•$ • -A "i * * ' -m •." ' i ,m r 'VOLUME XXXVII. McHENRY,< ILLINOIS, THURSDAY. MARCH 21, 1912. To the Republican I herebv announce myself a8 a candidate for the House of Representatives of the next General Assem bly, subject to the Republican primary to be held April 9, 1912. 1 had intended not to be a candidate at this time, but the same power and influence working along^ the lines of destroying local self-government in the counties and townships and centralizing all power at Springfield, is again seeking to control Republican affairs at Springfield, and in fact two months ago com- XBenced a campaign against me and my record at Springfield, especially upon the dairy subject and upon other questions, so that I have yielded to the solicitation of many friends that I have over the district, asking me to again be a candidate for the Lower House. In this campaign 1 shall try to set before every Republican voter and the dairymen of the Eighth Senatorial District the exact situation as to dairy legislation at Springfield; and also along the other lines that have been and now are insidiously working to -destroy the power oi local township, city and county govern ments in the State of Illinois and' establish a great job-holders' trust at Springfield. ,lflt I submit in this sheet the question of SCHQ01 S, and whether the local counties are capable of self- Jgiernment in the management of their schools and the Certification of Teachers, or whether that power should be exercised at Springfield. AND LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT 1. Do you believe in LOCAL SELF GOVERN MENT? 2. Do you think that the OFFICE of COUN TY SUPERINTENDENT SHOULD BE ABOL ISHED and all of its LOWERS TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD? See Senate Bill No. 414. 3. Is a certificate a COUNTY CERTIFICATE if the County Superintendent merely SIGNS his name to it? As it is now, he makes his own QUES TIONS, RULES and REGULATIONS and GRADES THE PAPERS, etc. This bill TAKES ALL THESE POWERS FROM HIM. See Sec. 6. 4. Do you believe that the TEACHERS' IN STITUTE--the COMMON PEOPLE'S NORMAL --SHOULD BE ABOLISHED and all training of the beginners left to the College? The TEACH ERS' INSTITUTE is RECOGNIZED as a school for the BEGINNING TEACHERS from the COM MON PEOPLE WHO ARE UNABLE to attend higher schools. Why CRIPPLE it FINANCIALLY (see Sec. 11) and MAKE the County Superinten dent a FIGUREHEAD? See Sections 6, 8, 11 and 15. 5. Should applicants have the RIGHT TO IG NORE the County Superintendent and go to the State Superintendent, EXCEPT BY AN APPEAL? See Sec. 6. 6. Why make the DIPLOMA of a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE the basis for teaching in all COMMON SCHOOLS in Illinois 7. Do you lielieve that RURAL and CITY schools can be superintended the best, through the certification of teachers, bv a COMMISSION AT SPRINGFIELD or bv a LOCAL COUNTY OFFI CER WHOM YOU ELECT AND KNOW and whom vou can call in TO SEE THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS BEFORE ACTION? See Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13 and 15. 8. Do vou believe that we need a "COUNCIL OF EDUCATION" AT SPRINGFIELD? See Sec. 15. 9. Do we need an EXAMINING BOARD AT SPRINGFIELD to take the place of the County Su perintendent or to improve our schools by *the selec tion of teachers whose "PERSONALITY" and "GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS OTHER THAN SCHOLARSHIP" may be BEST DETERMINED BY "LONG RANGE METHODS"? See See. 3. 10. Do you believe a NATURAL SENTI MENT arising from EXISTING CONDITIONS created this bill or was it not another CREATION OF TITE "JOB TRUST" at Springfield? Talk with your neighbors. 11. On March 30, 1911, (see Senate Journal 1911, page 581) this bill PASSED the ILLINOIS STATE SENATE. SENATOR A. J. OLSON VOTED FOR THE BILL. This bill was DEFEATED IN THE HOUSE. Senate Bill No. 414, Introduced in the Senate March 23, *1911--'A Bill for An Act to Provide for the Certification of Teachers SECTION 1. No person shall receive | for teaching in the common schools! of this state any part of any publW| school fund who does not hold a certificate of qualification covering the entire period of his employ ment and granted by THE SUPER INTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION, a County Superinten dent, or in a city having a popula tion exceeding 100.00Q inhabitants, • hy the Board of Education of such city. 'SECTION 2. State certificates grant ed by the Superintendent of public instruction and the requirements for the same are as follows: 1. A life elementary school cer tificate. 2. A life high school certificate. 3. Supervisory certificates of two grades, first and second. A second grade supervisory certificate shall be valid for five years for super visory work In any district in the state and for teaching in schools supervised by the ho'der. A first grade or life supervisory certificate •hall be valid for supervisory work snd for teaching in any district in the state. SECTION 5. County certificates grant ed by the county superintendents and the requirements for the same shall be as follows: A third grade elementary school certificate valid for one year in the elementary schools in the county in which it is issued. Applicants for such certificates chali be required to pass an ex amination In such subjects of the elementary school curriculum as may be prescribed by the super intendent of public instruction. The Issuing of this form of certifi cate may be discontinued at the option of the superintendent of public Instruction. 3. A second grade elementary school certificate valid for two years in the elementary schools. The requirements for this form of certificate shall be graduation from a recognized high school or the completion of an equivalent prepa ration and a successful examination in any of the methods of teaching and such other subjects of the ele mentary school curriculum as may be prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. 3. A first . grade elementary school certificate valid for throe years in the elementary schools, renew: ble indefinitely for periods of three years. Requirement« 8l"*ll be graduation from a recognized high school or an equivalent prep aration and four years S*JI teaching and an examination, etc.. from a list of subjects presr-ihei by the superintendent of public in struction. 4. A limited high school oer*:1- cate valid for one vear. etc Re requirements, gradation from a rec ognized high schro'. etc.. ?nd a successful examination in Enclish, etc.. chcsen from a list pr-scrilr « by the superintendent of public in struction. The issuing of this form of certificate may be dipcmHuirfl at the option of the superintend ent of public instruction. 6. A b'gh school certificate upon an examination upon subjects cu,os- en from a list prescr'bed bv the superintendent of public instruc tion, etc. 3Fr"TION 6. Examinations f o r c o u n ' v certificates shall be held at the va rious county seats on the same day. under such rules as may be pre- Hv •»-* superinfe"'<'>r» public instruction, and questions • eac^ examination shall be u n i f o r m t h r o u g h o u t t h e s t a t e a n d prepared by a committee of seven county superintendents appointed by the superintendent of public in struction. Such questions phal' be forwarded to the county superin t e n d e n t s , u n d e r s e a l , t o b e b r o k e n o n l y a t t h e t i m e o f e x a m i n a t i o n a n d In the presence of applicants. The county superintendent shall con duct the examination in his county aftd at the close of the examination a l l p a p e r s s h a l l b e g r a d e d b y t h e county superintendent or the super intendent of public instruction, at the option of .applicant snob option to be declared In advance of the examination. The papers sent to the superintendent of pub lic Instruction, when graded, shall be returned to the county superin tendent, who shall issue the certifi eato of the kind designated to each applicant in his county who ha? passed the examination. SECTION 8. An applicant for a cer tificate who has not completed a high school course shall be admit ted to a preliminary examination, set by the superintendent of pub lie irstruction, on subjects an pounced in advance, for the pur nose of determining whether such applicant possesses an equivalent ' rer anition. Spr TlOV 13. Committee of seyen ap pointed by the superintendent of prbl'c instruction shall be called a "COUT'I of Education" and shall di'cr ip what the word "recognlz rri" m-f-* when used in this act in r-ir-f-.tion wfth the word 'ollege" or "university." 7>e r• ' -n re such council shall also l-e f r-i !*, •' <s matter of determin irn •' Tv^'^'ng of the words "high c..,.i or'-- pnrt "equivalent prepara ii<n" li-ed in this act, and all o'^er worrtj t^ phrases In this act wHr.h ha e no recognized legal defi ni'i'-n. cprnnx i r, F^r ,vie purpose of as P" tie en r f r:"t end en t of pub lie ip«M-i.'ct'on 'p rirrying into ef pppvit'-'nt of this act, a ec.'iv' of Js hereb^ es t?M«sued. corp'rt'm rf eight mem h<*r«< st!n>""ir>*enr,itnt of public i-strv<-*!i-n *'i-o be chairman, pprf JP"»n -tbers ann'n}by ̂ ilm, r^prerpnt np the following school inures**:: 7>e University of Wi nd's 4he State Normal Schools, the Nor Colleoes and Univers' ties, t^e City Suoerintendency and the County Superintendency, the 8tate High Schools, the Non-State Schools. The incidental expenses of the council and the necessary travel ins; and other incidental expense? ot its members, incurred in the per formance of their official duties shall be paid from the s'ate treas liry, from funds appropriated, etc die above was an administration measure, urged and insisted by Gov. Deneen, and received the support of Gov. Deneen's friends in the Senate. During the last four years£ at every regular aession mnd »t two #necfj«! sessions ca'ivu for thai purpose, the state administration has endeavored to pass a measure bonding the State of Illinois in the sum of twenty million dollars, to construct a deep waterway, so-called, and develop water power and bujf water power sites ©is the Illinois river, for which there would not be one 'dollar** worth of compensation, consideration or ben efit to the paople of the Eighth Senatorial District. The proportion of this bond Issue, with the interest Next week I shall have something to say as a ^SCHOOLS. ._ i_ upon bonds during the time of construction, would mean a bond issue upon LAKE COUNTY OF $^15,504.94 McHENRY COUNTY OF. $178,821.09 BOONE COUNTY OF $ 87,894.73 8enator Olson has voted for these bills. They have been state administration measures, and »AT EACH TIME HAVE BEEN DEFEATED IN THE LOWER HOUSE. resume upon EOADS, TAXATION, ASSESSMENTS Very Respectfully, EDWARD a SHURTLEFF. Congressman c. AURORA. IIXINOIS I •I •:1|i a?* - "w'Sf w ^ vf v ! >; .v., loir M O&'&SPI Candidate tor Republic.m Kt -i\< >mtna( on t « venth Congressional Di trie : Prima ies April 9th My Platform 2 YtARS AGO iNJ TODnY: I bel»)ve in public regulation and control, by pron r'y constituted authorities, ot all public service ooiporations--railway, traction, telegraph, telephone, e'ectric light, gas <>nd all others. I believe that the publ c is entitled to know that it gets a lair standard of service, and at a fair price, and that the corporation makes a fair business profit. I feel that the PUBLIC IS ALSO E TITLED TO ASSURANCE THAT ITS LTFE HEALTH AND PROPERITY ARE SAFEGUARDED IN THE UTMOST DE Gii.EE. 1 believe that the public and employes of the company are entitled to know that every possible safeguard is thrown about the life and health of the employes. I believe in a fair working out of Employer's Liability. I believe in putting the burden of .TAXATION ON THE SHOULDERS OF jJKE PEOPLE WHO CAN BEST AFFORD TO BEAR IT, and who get the most benefit from the stability whioh this government offers to income and capital. I believe In an Income Tax: exempting moderate incomes, and one in which the ratio of taxation --when the income is enjoyed by a private individual--increases as the income itself increases in sise. I believe in an Inheritance Tax exempting moderate inheritances, but one in which the ratio of taxation increases as the sise of the inheritance itself Increases. I believe in the conservation ef all the national and state resources for the benefit of all the people. I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION, BUT I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION THAT REDUCES, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, THE COST OF THE CHEAPER ARTICLES that are necessarily consumed by the poorer people and, if additional revenue must be raised from this source, that the tax on the LUXURIES THAT ARE ENJOYED BY THE RICHER PEOPLE BE MADE TO STAND SUCH INCREASE8, as far as possible. I believe in the principle advocated by President Taft when he caused the present Tariff Commission to be established After this body has had an opportunity to gather its facts, this country, for the first time, will be able to approach tariff legislation from a fair and scientific standpoint and, for the first time, the schedules will be framed in the interest of the ultimate consumer, as well as in the interest of the producers. Hereto fore no one has ever been heard on a tariff schedule excepting the producer. To sum up my platform in one sentence, I AM A "PROGRESSIVE" REPUB LICAN AND BELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OF THEODORE R0us.fi; ̂ fELT, NAMELY, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." IRA C. COPLEY NUMBER 40. CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE McHENRY, ILLINOIS K. ID. 6racy'f Bfa 5.009 rTTT OF FILM mw nciims run fi, mm DRAMA AND CMHY ENTIRE CHANGE 0T PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. N„ SflOW AT 84* , mm, 20C IOC RESERVED SEATS ISI'JODR FAJMGV BMfO FLOUR Litk .THE FLOUR. that never goes < wrong WEST i'BENRY FLOUR MB FEED MILLS Why is a meat thtp Ilk* • railroad train? Bec«bib"« iii catcher A i-o» is :i cow in the pasture, but when we enteh her and transfer said cow to our shop it's beef, if you please, diyniJied beef that we have caught for you. It's beefsteak then, oow steak would never, never do. We are beef steak headquarters. E. F. Matthews WK5T McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 I I flU !«>• WU FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Democratic repre sentative ol the eighth senatorial dis trict and solicit the support of voters at the coming April primaries. 37-tf C. F. HAYES. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject to the de cision of voters at the primary of April 9, A. D. 1912. DAVID R. JOSLYN. 34-tf FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a Re publican candidate for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject to the decision of voters at the primary of April 9, A. D. 1912. 38-5t CHARLES H. FRANCIS. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Being desirous of serving the people of my home county in the capacity of county surveyor, I earnestly solicit your sup[>ort in securing the Repub lican nomination for the above office. Yours truly, 39 C. L. TRYON. TO THE PEOPLE. I have filed my petition for a renom- ination to the office of county surveyor of McHenry county. If the voters feel that I have been a faithful servant during the last three years I will feel grateful to, them for an endorsement via a renomination at the coming pri maries. Respectfully, 36-tf LESTER BARBER. I have calls for Fox river property of from i to 3 acres. If you should wish to sell send in full particulars. G. A. Sattem, West McHenry. 38-tf Let me sell you one of the very lat est Staver buggies* I believe I can save you money and sell you a buggy that can't be beat. Math. Freund, near river bridge, McHenry. 3i Olive oil, the yery best, 75c per pint at Petesch's. 38 ?as on- Kir- toe. .1X1- est ixt! eld YlOV his ! to ery ake opposite Bishop's mill. This section was visited on Naiui night and Sunday ui'h a genuine zard, snow falling t > the depth i or eight inches and the tluMmnm dropping to zeix> "Spring. > beautiful spring. The boys had a hi-h oiu tniR| Turner's slaughter ho ise the ot! day. They went nil a rat hunt and result was rats. AIK i, ,,f . .];iv for rats eit The boys say that 'here were a more left. Good seed wheat ft"' at the ' * ftilTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Those knowing themselves to be in debted to me will kindly call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adj usted. I have author ized C. W. Stenger to collect and give receipts for all outstanding accounts. 25.ALBKRT ETTEN. Friday at M. M. Fresh fish every Niesen's. HE LEBIfcH We are making a spec ialty of Lenten Eatables at this time and are sure we can please you. Our Groceries are always' fresh and our prices are always correct. We also make deliveries. M. n. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 094 rtcHenry, - Illinois. •4 '•:r4