"V : - 1 - " " < & ' > f:. vr*:-^ .> •wxv-tc: 5' ~i The Wilbur S <vkI' # .•*»•'* 0 * *** &»&** *4 *" . Jr. Made from Selected .Fir Lumber, one piece stave. The. swinging door divice is the beWest thing in Silo construction. Easily operated, always la place and always tight. The ladder arrangement is another excellent feature with 'OUR SILO. See the swinging door and lad der construction on , exhibition at our office. FIN OUR rnces AND WILBUR LUMBER CO. Tetephom 651 W«t Mcltenry, III. Watch and. Clock I am t^w prepared to dor al! kinds of watch and clock repairing. I hlftve had eight years ^f experience in this lirie of .Work and can assure the public of sat isfactory services, If yon have a clock 0it watch that is out of order, bring it to me and let mte* demonstrate what I am capable of dotqg. :: f * WM. WINCHESTER Schumacher Bldg.t :: McHenry, III. fp RAISE rtCKLES^ FOR WE WANT 300 ACRES FOR McHENRY THIS SEASON. THE USUAL CONTRACTS. *i. :: Apr *") SILOS! SILOS! farmers, you all know by OUT old way of feed ing corn.stalks we lose 4Q per cent of their feeding value. We must save this5 feed. The 'SILO is the only way. THE IDEAL SILO is the only silo that has hinged doors, auto mata take-ups to prevent silo falling down in summer. The only safe ladder and,* most im portant, the only silo you can fill full. It will pay you to inspedt the IDEAI* Silo. Address Ideal Silo Co., Chicago, III. Or Agent, R. (L HOOK, Lake Villa, II*. Phone 19R Rouad Lake t >: R. F. D. No. 1 VS t0k 4 mitHi >a. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CQRRESPONDHNTS T •^MMW«4pb ? am still the Electric Light Man SEE HE FOR WIRING AMD SUPPLIES ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER FOR RENT * TOE BEST or iMnaiG ELECTRICAL SAMEE N. ESLER :: M'HENRY, ILLINOIS V f ARM SURVEYS a MAPS sfc SURVEYS & faiawMK. y* rurus "4 SWAGS run •V li. L WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENCWOt \S+ * > UaiflSIOCHABD IPEAION, ILLINOIS A J t s i s : ~ MWGfWHS A*." *• UK««<H»D. G. W. Harrison wag in McHenry Sat urday. John Carey was a Chicago visitor last week Thursday. Prank Hawley and friend were Sun day guests of his parents. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and son, Paul, visited,in Elgin Friday. VW» Woods of Lake Geneva is vis iting her cousin, Flossie Conway. J. V. Buck land and H. W. Allen were Chicago passengers Monday. • Lewis Bell of Spring Grove was call ing on his parents Tuesday afternoon.^ Mrs. E. T. Chase had the misfortune to fall and break her hip Monday morn ing. Joe McCannon, wife and son of Wood stock spent Sunday at Bert McGan- non's. Andrew Walters of Elgin visited his sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley, one day last week. Miss Anna Waterman is visiting at, Charles Shales' near Richmond this week. Harvey Teft of Elgin was the guest of his cousin, E. C. Hawley, part of last week. Mr*. Emma Matthews of West Mc Henry is spending a few days at Bert McCarmon's. Fred MunSbaw and wlf$of Elgin vis ited at William McCannon's Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Lucinda Francisco visited at the home of her unele, Freeman Whit ing, last week. George Stevens sold two pianos last week, one to Dr. Hepburn and one to, W. E. Bradley. ' William Coates attended the funeral of Charles Motley at Ribhmond Thaq^ day of last week. Mrs. Francis Walters of New'Lon don, Fowa, vi&itecl at E. C. Hawley*6, part of last week. Mrs. Mary Chase of Chicago is "assist ing Mrs- Lillian Marvin in the ctre of Mrs. E. T. Chase. The Willing Workers wilL serve dinner at Mrs. J. S. Brovfti's Tuesday, April 9. All are invited: Ed. Bell, wife and daughter, Mary, attended Charles Motley's funeral in Richmond Thursday last. Mr. Metzger, agent for theBowman Dairy company, was in town Saturday in the interest of the factory. Wm. Simes, representing the Victor Oil company of Cleveland, O., can save you taoney on lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. See him. 31' osiKND. R. H. Richardson was a business caller in Woodstock last wGek. Mildred Gaylord spent her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Charles Jecks. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey spent Sunday wjfjh the latter's mother and sister. v Lisle Bassett spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bissett. Mrs. Lou Francisco spent several days last week with relatives in this vicinity. ? Mr. anA Mrs. Earl Sherman spell# Sunday at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson. The many friends of T. A. Abbott are pleased to learn that he is, much better at this writing. * Little Alice May Clark has been very sick the past week, but is much imr proved at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas spent a couple of days last week as the guests of the former's brother. School was closed here last week on account of the teacher, Miss Lillian Pouse, attending institute. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harris and two sons were calling-oa relatives in this vicinity one day last week. , NMiss Hazel Thomas returned to her home last Thursday after spending two weeks with relatives in Wood stock. Mrs. Guy Harrison and Miss Alioe Richardson spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavera Thompson in Chicago. * Before buying a bugjfy see our 1912 Ideal top. Something new^-a full line, to select from. Wm. Stoffel. 41-ttf KaKKALlI PAftK. P. J. Ay 1 ward spent Sunday in Chi cago. Martin Knox was a recent Chicago visitor. John R. Smith spent Saturday in Chicago. Dr. Hayes of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage. "Bugs" Patzke was a Sunday visitor at W. Walsh's. Thos. McDonald was a recent «aller in this vicinity. Ciias. Malyfit of Chicago spent Sun day at the Park. Geo. Sattem was a caller in this vicinity Saturday. Mr.-Frye of Chicago is spending a few days at his cottage. Mrs. J. R- Smith and son, Josie, were in Chicago Monday last. John Huck and Myrtle and David spent a few days this week in Chicago Ed Sutton, Jas. Doherty and Walter Walsh were in Barreville on business Tuesday. ' ^ * Mrs. clarence Whiting >nd son, Melvin, of Woodstock are spending a couple of weeks at Ed Knox's. • Miss Florence Schrivner of Rogers Park spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L J3uck. j . ' NOTICE or SBfrTLEMBMV. Tiiue.6 knowing themselves to be in debted to me will kindly cfU at ^e West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adj usted. I have author* wed c. W- Stenger to collect and give receipts for s)l outstanding accounts. 2&.tf ALHEBT ETTEI*. I AM UuSKVOLa Miss Clara Salow was a Crystal Lake •sailer Monday. Mrs. S. Wakefield was in. Crystal Lake Thursday. < Miss Rachel French Is spending the week at Woodstock. Mr. Augenbangh of Woodstock was in town Wednesday. . Harry Reser of Hebron yisited at' J.',J. Resets Friday. -. r. i. Mrs. F. Wille, Jr., - visited H>latives at Woodstock Sunday.* Clarence Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. F. Howanice and family were Chica go visitors over Sunday. ' ; v C. H. Davidson of McHenry cal)ed on friends here Thursday. F. Wille, Jr., was in Chicago on busi ness the first of the week. $ Miss Austin of Woodstock was a guest at the manse Friday. E. L. Kimball of Hebron, visited at H. Reed's one day last week. Harold Mason returned recently from & long stay in th* West. Miss Elsie Wille vitjjted friends in McHenry Saturday and Sunday. MrS. H. Reed visited among her children at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. P. Pearson and daughter, Mil dred, visited at Avondale last week. , George Barden of Woodstock visited tiiisdaughter, Mrs. R. Dygert, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Mink of Crysta' Lake visited^t R. Dygert's Saturday Miss Marjory Reser visited relatives At Beldit from Monday till Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. A^ A. Diet?, enter tained company from out of town Sur day. * Mr. fcnd Mrs. H. Wille and son, li vin, were Sjinday visitors at Crysts L|»b. I , George- Gorham, <3. Hoy and E. E. Knilans were Woodstock visitors Sat urday. Mrs. C. Nelsdn of Woodstock took supper with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch Monday. Mrs. F. WHle, Sr., visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Senne, at Woodstock Wednesday. J. Knilans of Del a van, Wis., was : guest- in. the home of E. El Knilat over Sunday. Miss Sadie Risley was the guest oi Miss Evelyn, Allen at Crystal Lake over Sunday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman visited her sister, Mrs. W. 1£., Qulnd, M Wood stock Thursday. Mrs. Lock wood and daughter, Cora, apd her three nieces were Chicago shoppers Friday. Miss Bessie McConnell of Woodstock visited at G. W. Wheeler's Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Marion Murphy of Woodstock $pent part of last week' with her si*-, ter, Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht. Mrs. Martin Anderson and sons spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Anderson, at Minover Frills, Wis. Mrs. Ruby Smith of Austin visited her father, J. C. Button, also her son, Gerald, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. W. P., Allen and daughter, -Evelyn, of Crystal Lake visited with Mr; and Mrs. R. Dygert Thursday. Miss Mary Quail of Woodstock visit ed her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher,..the latter part of last week. yj. Earl of Honey Creek, Wis., and sister, Mrs. J. H. vGracy, of Terra Cot- ta visited at the home of Mrs. E. Smith Tuesday. John Schaffer of McHenry md Chauncey "Stephenson of Chicago were visitors at the home of the latte? the first of the week. H. P. Barter came out from Chicago Wedn&day evening to visit his son, J. L., who has been confined to the house for the past week. * Miss Alida Rydquist of Crystal Lake called on her friend, Miss Arline Ste phenson, Friday, the latter returning hdme with her to spend the# week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutson and sons, Vernon and Merlin, of McHenry visit ed Mrs. Hutson's sister, Mrs. E. M. Stephenson, Thursday »t»d Friday of last week.: * ^ • ti;- - ,/ :* . Miss Clara", Salow entertained the members of the eh'otr at her. home Thursday evening. Each one came representing a book. Harold Walkup Was the lucky one in the peanut hur t apd carried off the prize. Music ant games were indulged in and refresh ments served, after which the guest retired to their respective homes at a very late hour. The Ladies' Aid society held their annual meeting in the church parlors Thursday, Mar. 28. The event proved a social as weH as financial success. After dinner was served the election of officers took place. President, Mrs. L. A. Walkup; vice,president Mrs. E. E. Knilans;.secretary, Mrs. A. Anners; treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Dike; chairman .Of directors, Mrs. E. E. Shepard. The next society meeting will be held irt the church parlors Thursday, April 11. EASTER DANCE AT STOFFEL S. An Easter Monday dance will be held atyStoffel's hall on Monday evening, April 8. The management having this dance in charge wishes to announce to the patrons of this hall that every arrangement is being, made to matte this event in full keeping with other Easter dances held at this hall. Smith's five-piece orchestra has been engaged and will furnish music for the occasion. Dance tickets, $100. Supper, extra- All are Invited. 11 E. CHURCH SERVICES. Order of services at the McHenry M. E. church Sunday next: Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. * subject, "The appearances of the risen Lord." Text, J Corinthians, xv, 1-11, being an Easter lesson. Preaching at 11:1$. WM. A. CROSS, Pastor. For 'the H. Kind Bakiog company of Elgin and re ceive fresh goods from that place daily. The Kind Bak ing Co. has the reputation of being far above the aver age of the baking concerns in this part of the state and a trial order will convince you that we are right when We say that our bakery goods are the best that come into Mcltenry. We also have a fine line of Fruits and Vege tables. :: :: :: :: WE DELIVER COODS Math. Laures Phone ̂ 83 " West McHenry APPLY THIS TEST Take a walk around this town and look over as many of the old iand marks as you can. Compare, Firsts the lasting qualities of lumflfer with -other methods of construction. Sec ond--average the present ap pearance of frame buildings with others. Third--note how many of ea£h kind of construction have had alterations since being built. Fourth--how many brick or stone houses that might have been moved to good profit had they been frame, and Fifth-- what class of homes could now be put into tip top shape for the least money. Then if you want specific figures on lumber to build come in and let us show you the kind of lumber we handle and our rock bottom, prices. Nothing talks like real facts and honest comparisons. '•There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 6S1. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVEK DISAPPOINTS FOR BALE BY . .̂ .f WILBUR LUMBEB C$ ' F. A. BOHLrANDER JOHN BTOFFKLi M. J. WALSH West MeHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S G&OCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh " and the many resulting disorders of the system acquired during a long, cold winter call for a ; good - - ' - - mw me We sell all the best known remedies for fh& blood, hat, especially recommend, pur Com- , pound Extract o^ Sarsa- parilla. t. V. HcALLISTEIi & (0. Druggists :: West McHenry I am agent for the Staver buggies and would like to . explain the merits of this buggy Matb,J^suuu, McHenry, 111. 97 Tj •t- * > • */,. r^ ' It at PETESCH'S When you want anything that druggists sell see how well prepared we are to sup ply you. You can be certain that the price is as low as it can be. It is your privilege to buy where you can buy best and your duty also. We are always glad to have you compare goods and prices. If we can give you, most and best for your money we want your trade; if we can't we don't expect^ it. But we court the privilege of always showing yoid what we can do. :: :: :: :: N. H. Pefesch, Druggist. - - McHenry, Illi -M-'v '4 IWarm will find you in need of many articles that are oa sale at only first-class Hardware Es tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season # F. L. McOMBEK. The West Side Hardware Man. We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found in any town in the state the size of McHenry. We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married couples and feel certain that we can furnish homes just as cheap as a n y Furniture House in McHenry county. j ^ ^ The fact that we have furnished such homes in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Gray slake, Ring wood, Woodstock and other places proves that we are giving satisfaction. JACOB JUSTEN ^Ml Tresl) Bakery There is nothing like the Fresh Bakery. Ours is of that kind. We bake every day and you are sure of its being fresh if you come here for your bakery. We will also bake up special ordeis on very short notice and guarantee satisfaction every time* TRY XJ3* Phone .033 :: A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL CO/lMiSSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION 81VBN TO TBI 8AUI Of Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veftl, Poatftry, Hides, Etc., Butter an* Eggp This ie the oldest house on the street Tags and pitoe list* application • stall 4 3> **• WhMi*'c Market. COLO STORAQB FREE i CHICAGO, ILUNOIS. : . "?• . 'w •*, < . ji , ^ -Mi