J*s -.'sfr NEW EASTER Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 303 fl new Stock Goods Just In JOHN STOFFEL. # # llew Perfection ?? That's the name and this is the place to buy 'em.* While our Oil Stoves are, by far, the best sellers, we always aim to carry a good line of the Gas oline Stoves. Our showing of Oil Stoves is a dandy and it will do your eyes good to look over the display. Inspection^ free and we will be only too pleased to explain the many excellent fea tures about opr stoves J. J. VYCITAL. Easter Cogs! We have >u^t rsvoived r lino of MEN'S AND BOYS' SIM BATS in the latest rough and smooth finishes. Correct o>.o NEW SHUES AND OXFORDS in black and tan leather. Also a fine line of NuBuck and White Canvas. :: .DRESS GOODS. in V* plain and Novelty, Uotton Wash Goods in silk stripe Voile, Pop lins, Bedford Welts, Flaxon, Etc. All mercerized finished. :- SILKS FOR WAISTS AND SUITS OR DRESSES in fancy . foulards, messalines, etc., ranginj* in price from ^ to $1.00 - Groceries, fresh and pure. Always the best on tike market. Pillsbury and Early Riser Flour, Corn Meal, Graham and Rye Flour. Try our 50c Tea, nothing better. Good Coffee for 25c, 80c and 85c. Goodfi delivered promptly. 'Phone 348. M. J. WALSH. COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE HELD MEETING AT COUNTY COURT LAST SATURDAY. MeHteniry county convention was held in the circuit court room, in th'e court house at Woodstock, McHenry county, 111.-*, on Monday, April 15, 1912, at ten o'clock a. m. The meeting was called to order by Committeeman W. E. Wire. The mo tion was made and seconded that in voting upon a temporary organization of the committee each committeeman be authorized to cast the cumulative vote given him by statute according to the number of votes cast by the Repub lican party in his precinct at the last general election. The motion was made and seconded that the preceding motion be laid on the table. On roll call, motion was carried. The motion was made and seconded that each committeeman in voting up on the organization of the county cen tral committee have but one vote each. Motion carried. Undqr the head of nominations for temporary chairman, the names of Committeemen Theodore Hamer and C. B. Whittemore were placed before the convention and upon roll call the result was as follows: C. B. Whitte more received fourteen votes and Theo dore Hamer, thirteen. The chairman therefore declared C. B. Whittemore duly elected as temporary chairman of the meeting. Under the head of nominations for temporary secretary, the name of Com mitteeman P. F. Rosenthal was placed before the meeting and there being but one nominee he was unanimously declared the temporary secretary of the convention. Under the head of nominations for temporary treasurer, the name of Com mitteeman James Ladd was placed be fore the meeting and there being but one nominee he was unanimously de clared the temporary treasurer of the convention. The motion was made and seconded that the temporary officers of the meet ing be declared and elected as the per manent officers of the county central committee. Motion carried. The motion was made and seconded that the chair appoint a committee of three to report to the convention can didates for delegates and alternates to the state and congressional conventions. Motion carried and in accordance therewith the chairman appointed the following as such committee: A. J. Olson, James Ladd and Wm. Kegebein. The motion was made and seconded IIMO, the chair appoint a committee of three to appoint the several commit tees oqpese&ry in completing the organ ization of the county central commit tee. Motion W4t» carried and in ac cordance therewith /the chair appointed the following as such c^Qinittee: B. C. Getzelman, Charles T. AUen ind W. E. Wire. The motion was made and seconded that the meeting stand adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Motion carried. At 1:30 p. m., meeting was agaiil called to order Jay Chairman C. B. WhittemOre^and the following report* of committees were read: Committee to select committees to complete the organization of the coun ty central committee reported as fol lows: Executive «oj»«aittee--C. T. Allen, J. C. Ladd, P. Rosenthal, B. C. Get zelman, Eugene Saunders. Finance committee--A. i, (Olson, F. H. Wattles, Fred Fisher. Committee to secure speakers--W- E. Wire, A. J. Olson, G. W. Eldredge. The motion was made and seconded that the report of the cooupittee be accepted and adopted as read. Motion carried. The committee to select candidates for delegates and alternates for the State and congieaaiou&i convention re ported as follows: STATE CONVENTION. Alternates ventions be governed by the result of the preferential primary vote on presi dent in this county. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the chairman of each delegation to the state and congression&l convention be authorized to vote the full strength of his delegation la the convention. Mo tion carried. Motion made and seconded that the chairman of the county central com mittee, as a member of the congres sional committee, be given full power' to act in conjunction with the other; members of said congressional commit tee to name a candidate or candidates to fill any vacancy or vacancies which may occur by reason of death or resig nation of any of the present nominees of any congressional office of their dis trict. Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that in case of a vacancy occurring in any of t>he county offices by reason of the death or resignation of any of the present nominees, the connty central committee be authorized to select a candidate or candidates to fill such vacancy or vacancies. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the convention elect a permanent vice chairman of the county central com mittee and accordingly B. C. Getzel man was nominated and unanimously elected vice chairman of such commit tee. No further business coming before the meeting it adjourned. C. B. WHITTEMORE, Chairman. P. P. ROSENTHAL, Secretary. Axiy YmmIIm Standard CREAM £ Delegates A. J, Olson F. M. Abbott Fred Schueit B. Getzelman J. C. Ladd Simon Stoffel Geo. W. Eldredge John FLarrison C. P. Barnes J. H. Vickeiw J. H. Patterson Loui« Vogel P. S. Harrison H. A. Stone Ralph Powers P. W. Murphy Kd. Morton James Conway J. B- Perry Henry Greeley C. W. Thompson Charles Belcbjer Eugene Saunders E. E. Seward Will Forrest Krnest Fink I PR OB A TE NE WS j [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, east side public s<jjitire. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and psufmeats to suit borrower. Phones 634.903 and 911.1 REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. E. P. Flanders & w to Fred Breyer, It 11 blk 2, E. P. Flanders' sub dlv of the south 20aof wM nwii sec 9?. McHen ry taoo.oo Baale 6. Hepburn & h to Josephine Jones, pt It 4, Simmon's ado to Ring- wood 10.00 William Rothermel et al to Margaret Blake, It 4 & 4 ft from sslde Its 1 & 3, blk 2, Lewis Hatch's adn. Spring Grove 700.00 Clvde B. Zaumbreeher & w to Lena Saupe, It 11 Sunnyside sub dlv "of pt ne)t sec % McHenry Mftj Same to same. It 12, same. 400.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mathias Berger, 22 Genoa Junction Loretta M. Yanny, 19.. " " Charles Leonard, 28 Woodstock Marie Conway, 23 " Albert Groskinsky, 30 Harvard Alice Scheuring, 18...^ " Antonio Talone, 32 ...Harvard Lydia Benzel, 23 " James P. Riley, 30 .Woodstock Genevieve E. Alexander, 25 ' " Henry Janssen, 30 T..Round Lake Emma Krepel, 22 McHenry Frank Nielson, 21.. Woodstock Carrie Sorenson, 19 Genoa Junction John L. Hansen, 28. Chicago Katherine R. Peterson, 18.Crystal Lake PCID TEAMS OPEN SEASON. The local baseball season was opened up at the McHenry p$rk last Satur day afternoon witty 9 game between Xwo "kid" teams representing the j£ast and West Sides. Ttye gfme was * spirited contest #41 w?y at the end of th# aontest, vtyicty went {ten innings, the We#t Side boys were de clared the winners by a count of 1 to 0. Keep it up, boys, and sowe day your names may be among those of the big leaguers. FIRST DANCE A SUCCESS, The first dance of the season ftt the Riverside House last Saturday evening proved a decided success. About forty couples were present and an exception^ ally fine time was had by all. Smith's orchestra furnished the music and re ceived the glad hand from the danc ers. GONE TO RIDGEriELD. F. E. j^Jpcjk, who until a short time ago was eipp\oye$ as dairy inspector at the local plant qf the Borden Milk Co., has accepted £ .similar position vi&b the compapy ttyej^ Ridgefield plant. He entered upon his new duties Monday morrnxg of tfcis yeek. MOVE 79 CHICAGO. Mr. and Mrs. if, M- Preston hayp moved their household #99^ ,t<9 Chi cago, where they wi#l tfV&e ffoeir (fu ture home. Mrs. Preefew'? jpoth^r, Mrs. H. M. McOmber, has also gffPP to the city to make he# home with her daughter. -For the asking you may have a i lb. can of Chi-Namel. S. W. Brown, the &j#£w(9od druggist. 43 Motion was made and seconded that the rej>ort of the committee be adapt ed and adopted as read and that th,e candidates named in said report as del egates and alternates to said state con vention be declared the choiee of the convention. Motion carried and there- u|K>n the chairman declared such dele gates and alternates duly elected. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. Delegates Alternates V. S. Lumley Theodore H. Wulff Albert Abbott liobert Haeger P. ¥, Rosenthal Will K<e#ebein A. K. Bunker Fred Perkins Thos. Thompson " W. Harrison B. C. Getzelman Will Goodwin Charles Rowley Reed Pratt Will Flanders Ed. Lowell v JCd. Hawley Peter J. Freund George Vogel John Coition John WeiLzten A. C. Peters Frank Wattles G^oi-^e Weiland Jaraif-s Aldrich ' Fred Fisher Frank Manley B. Whittemore T. H. Gill E. Saunders O. M. Fuller F. W. Benjamin Charles Smith Carle ton Hunt Fred Richardson Motion was made aod seconded that the report of the committee be accept ed and adopted as read and that the candidates named in said report M del' elates and alternates to said congres sional convention be declared the choice of the convention. Motion carried and thereupon the chairman declared such delegates and alternates duly elected. Motion was made and seconded that the delegates and alternates as select ed for the state and congressional con- vmm A Cream of Tartar Powdor Hade from Orapas HO Mum * . ANNUAL STATEMENT OF SCHOOL FUNDS, Annual statement for publication, receipts and expenditures. Township and district fuads, treasurer of TownsfHp No. 45, n, range 8, e, McHenry county, IlllnoU, fiscal year ending AprllJ, 1812: In account with schoaf trustees. RECKIPTS. ¥- Cash on band April a, 1911, principal, township funds ...|1?89.54 Interest «e.oo From county superintendent. 7U2.84 Total ,«S598.38 KXPKNOITORES. Loans andin vestments, twp funds fl7(H».54 Distributed and put to credit of dists.. T^UM Couipansatlo# of treasurer... . 100.00 1.89 4.00 Jouipansatio# of treasurer Incidentals of trustee and treasurer. Punishing annual report Total ..$2508.38 ID account with school districts. BBCKIPTS. Balance on band April 1, 1911 $6681.28 From distribution of trustees 723.04 Special district taxes.... - 7025.72 Railroad and back taxes 1198.63 Treasurers of ether townships 278.74 Tuition fees ; 348.00 Total balance and receipts fltflsa.W KXPKNDrr trues. District No. 18: $1219.61 District No.-15... . 5372.03 District No. 17 W7.9f> District No. 34 • H(W.7« District No. J5 151.2D District No. 88 415.51 District No. 87 J...It-:... . . 543.20 District No. 80 300.20 District No. 40 District No.41... 9.45 Total expenditures.! 10619.00 Balance on band April 1,1012... 6574.BW Total expenditures, loans and balance f 16193.30 I hereby certify the foregoing report to be correct, according to the best, of my knowl edge and belief. OLIVER N. OWEN. Treasurer. • Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1st day of April, A. D. 1912. JAMBS B. PERKY, Notary Public. HAMILTON CLUB NOTE8. Teddy, the candidate, indorsed by the club seems to be making a clean sweep. The editor has been absent for the past three weeks attending a suffragist meeting in the East. Heine Harenspkeim entertained the club with a number of selections on his olarinet one night last week. Otherwise from sprinkling the streets with a hose, the club universally in dorsed the platform of Mr. Doherty and Mr. Stoffel. If you don't see the point of these notes it is a sign you need glasses. Go to Q. B. Eyelashes on Main street and you will see some spectacles there Our gents' furnisher asked us if we didn't find it economical to wear 92.00 shirt*. Sure, we always have $2.00 .shirts. Wear one this week and the £ther op,e pext week. Bruce, jbh<e jEljp Van Winkle of the cluty, bi^ds w.ejl to surpass the record of the QFi^iqjjd j$ip by hibernating foijir more ye^re- will make a total of 21 yeftrs, 4 ninths an4 lib days. Fred Andrews, the Han^ilt^n hqrti- culturist, is e?perfn^enting in hi^ lal^- orat^ry $t Qptta and later on hopes to report ^ successful trrafting of buttercup QrjtQ mjilkweeds so that you e&» have fpps^ butf.einffjk fn your gar den the year round- WANTED--Girls m»trim«nin41y in clined, must possess not less thp>n $25,- 000, have exceptional beauty and be between the ages of sixteen and twep- ty. Send picture^ and full particulars, Address Hamilton Club, West Mc&en* ry, 111. Box 1S3. IT'S A OWL. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller of Wood' stock welcomed a daughter to their home on Wednesday last week. Mr. Miller Is the sofi' of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller of this place and has j^een an employe of the Oliver Type writer; factory a number of years. OR. SPURLING TO GRAYBLAKE. We are informed that Dr. A. C. Spurling, who has been making his home at Woodstock since his return from the South, has decided to locate at Grayslake, 111. PROMPT DELIVERY We$t McHenry Phone J91 the family The very beat money can I' there were 'any * better made you would $ ' ' . find them here. All sizes, all prices, all colors and all the very best quality. Don't buy anything but the best. :: :: :: Children's Dresses and Rompers Children's dresses, all sizes, in ginghams, per cales and calicoes, at prices from.. sac to $3.09 Children's rompers, best gingham, at 50c fF CAPITAL STOCK, *25,000. A mm BEfilNNll is eagerly watched by the whole jfamilyi be cause they all kaow that from small begin ning^ great achieve ment# have arisen. Start a savfqgs ac count and you will be agreeably surprised at the progress you make toward the big figures. With a bank book in.one you can grasp an opportunity with the other. :: :::: ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.... EDWIN L. WAGNER. PIW. --OFFICERS:-- C. H. FEGERS. VIM Pres.. CARL W. STENGER. CaahUr, SIMWF STOPPEL, I Want to Meet You personally. I want you to know as I kijow the good qualities of the goods I have to offer you. Take the Emecson Foot Lift line of Sulky and Gang Plows, ^8 well as the Emerson Disc, nothing bet ter on the market tc$ay. The Yan Br^n| JJpe $rid pise t)rjlls, as w^l) 9s the flpqs- ier,--where jn |,hi§ V'de wprld can you ^ W^ing (?ettpr? f heft pur stppk ftf Plow«, Harrpw^ ppfft Platers, pul^i- v^tors, Spreaders, a hundred other article from <mr stppk is now fts complete as w^ can make it, And you know we stand back of every* tuhig we sell. With the kuowlcugc ob tained by years of experience, and a de sire to please our customers, I want you you to know. Make us a call. :: :: WM. STOFFEL / Ph Afl AC* 0FPIC0-773. • rfiunes. ResiDeNce-7t*. J! CHB CPRSgT y»u shoflUi fee selec^ jyith as pttcfi care as your dress for the re#sot) £))#( f^e of your (Jress 4epen<3s upop thp of your porset. pgt tbe correct model Adapted t-P yppr ^gur^. We parry a fnp»t complete linp pt poryets in tbe well knowfl brands yuch as Netrio, W* 8* Pflr)sianfl. There 19111 a Corset •"*<<» tbftt equals these makes in style, graceful lines and fit- We fa«Ty a fpU line in all three make* In tbe different models, kook tbem Mrt get tbe Pon»t beat fitted for yon. (! » !'• - U t: •" i: W. B. Corvetant SOc $1.00 >1-50- §2-50 S3.00 ParlflMM Cowt# st. . "SI .Ov SI .50 S^.OO S3.00 N«mo COTMU, Nothing their equal. 12,00 (-3.P0 SPECIAL BARGAINS To Clow For Men A good line of sixes in Thompson's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes at |2.65 Special value In Ladies' $3.50«nd »3,00 Osfords. to close -§1,65 Men's heavy work Shoea at $1.90 §32.25 $2*90 §3.00 Bes,iCWtoo, r yd..„ ..be |.. p. BLOCK. !S 'PHONE 541. 25c Window Drapes, yd.. 10 m •