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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1912, p. 5

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& " £̂ fesUrt#V<»"-< T^. . «n»;»Tr*s» 6:SI?P»»^^ '^-*-•4" *' * sr"*i t 'i* -*r* -<•' * f4-'#? *' ZfPw?*" sTC *•.;. ' A V-'- •. • " ' <"')l * ^JW> ~ k-<': r ><•'»*'«-.* r E1ICTRK LIGHT > the most satisfying of All Artificial Lights ~_J»^not the only advan­ tage of the House Wired for Electricity for the manual service phase is included. :: The Washing Machine that assumes this heav­ iest of household labors The Vacuum Cleaner without which absolute ^cleansing is impossible The Electric Iron that transfers a task from a hot kitchen to the porch. • :: :: And many other appli­ ances all operated with a trifling' amount of cur­ rent are available. :: We wire houses at cost --24 months to pay--no interest. The expense is low. :: :: :: PubikServkeO). CENTRAL OPERA BOOSE McHEHXY. ILLINOIS My, May 19 H. «l» eracv*» Bia motion Picture KMtMMM NEIGHBORING NE IPS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •Ai SOCIO FEET OF FILM NEW nCTURES TOIL REELS ;»F NORTHERN ILLINOIS DRAM AND COMEDY .4 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED ittS This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principle! and does a fflYERAL BARKIFKi BUSINESS respectfully solictiug pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm - lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to/buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers,. $r 52%.. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable rwalt II you mm White Swan ...Flour... ENTIRE CHANCE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7.J0 P. It, SHOW AT 8.-00 , ADULTS, 20C :: :: IOC RESERVED SEATS SHINGLES ARE STILL SUPREHE when a good, reliable roof is de­ sired, notwithstanding the many substitutes now offered. Of course a good shingle roof costs a trifle more, but when properly laid it's good for an ordinary life time. The shingles we handle are all cut full thickness from straight grain heart timber, dried under slow heat so as to retain their life, and when put on with the proper kind of nails will last as long as the house itself. Let us show them to yor. WILBUR LIMBER CO. West McHenry. Phone 5 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR EARLY m FOR SAiLfc BY WILBUR UMBER CO. WEST MfcHJENRY. N.P.STEMJ1 i SON, FTHENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, V0L0 BUCK S. GROCERY, fflENRY mmm althoff JOHNSBURtiH. fANCV fAMILY FLOUR .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST irm FLOUR AND FEED MILLS We Apprcii We could charge more but we could not give more quality and style to our pictures. :: "They are more than good." Fine picture frames at reasonable prices. :: " Sdnjbel's Photo Studio PHONE 97 L WEST HHENRY, ILL the liberal patronage that has been extended us since locating in McHenry and ex­ tend our thanks to the many kind people of this village and the surrounding terri­ tory for past as well as fu­ ture favors. We are going to keep right on giving you the best that the market af­ fords in our line and hope that our goods and treat­ ment will continue to please you. :: J.W.Aebischer (SuCMMT M C. 6. flWtt.) NcHENRY. ILL. m e: 'PHONE 80-W Get some pointer from the profes­ sional detective, Bartholomew Jere­ miah Farebrother, at "The Masonic Ring*' Saturday evening, May 25, KlIWKflKLU. Mrs. H. P. Barber went to the city Friday. W. L. Yanke was at Woodstock Thursday. Atne! Berlin was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Quinlan of Woodstock was in town Thursday. J. J. Reser was a business caller in the city Friday. Will Freund and. wife motored to ' ystal Lake Tuesday. Mix A. Hanson and son, Rarl, were Crystal Lake callers Friday. Mrs. Elsie Johnson was a Crystal Lake business caller Friday. The Ladies' Aid society met in the church parlors last Thursday. I. E. Mason shipped a carload of cat­ tle to the city Monday night. Jamie Bennett spent Thursday with his mother at F. M. Risley's. Louis Thayer and Leslie Howarth of Woodstock were in town recently. Mrs. Barden of Woodstock called on her daughter, Mrs. R. Dygert, Wed­ nesday. Mrs. E. B. Smith is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Michigan for a few days. Mrs. J. B. Lynch spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Conert;, in th<> city. MNOWOOD. Ed. Bell went to Three Oaks Mon­ day afternoon. J. S. Brown was numbered with the sick last week. Thorn a Stephenson's house Mrs. Jessie Smith entertained her niece and husband last week. Howard Bell spent last week and this with Spring- Grove relatives. Mrs. Langham of Solon visited t^a- tives and friends in town last week. Harry Stephenson has not been 4ble to attend school for a couple of days. M rs. William Motley of Richmond visited at Ed. Bell's Thursday of last week. Miss Lucile Harrison of Richmond visited Miss Bertha Bell Saturday and Sunday. Quite a number of our people at­ tended the play in Richmond Friday evening. Oliver Lawrence and wife and Joe Miller visited at Lewis Lawrence's in Chicago from Saturday to Monday even­ ing. Mrs. Martha Bradley, Mabel Beck and Miss Lora Walkington drove to Woodstock last Friday in Mr. Tuttle's auto. Walter Winn of Richmond has been engasred as principal of our school for M iss Emma EichkofT of Woodst< ck ; the coming year and Miss Agnes Carey spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. S A.Mei chant. R. L. Dufield called on friends at Cary Monday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch apd daughter, Mad- alene, were Woodstock business call­ ers Thursday. Ixmis Goddard spent Sunday night and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reed at Woodstock. Miss Aiida Rydquist of Crystal Lake visited at the home of Miss Arline Stephenson Wednesday. Miss Rhoda Knilans and sister, Mrs. Win. Ormsby, were shopping in Wood­ stock one day last week. Mrs. Roy Skinner and children of Woodstock called at the home of Mrs. R. L. Dufield Thursday. Grandma French of McHenry is spending a few days with her children and grandchildren here. Miss Margaret Fay of Ringwood is spending a few days with her sister, Miss Gertrude, at F. B. Haughawout's. The young people of Ridgetield were entertained at a dance Saturday even­ ing, given by August Wille and Walter Reed. Miss Gepevieve Goddand, C. H. Gies- selbrecht and brother, Freeman, at­ tended a convention at Woodstock Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed enter­ tained their children, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and children and Mrs. Bessie Waterman and son, of Woodstock Sun­ day. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and grandson, Jamie Bennett, also Mr. and Mrs. L. Goddard and daughter, Louise, made a shopping expedition to the city Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans went to Delavan Saturday, where they ex|>ect to spend a few days visiting relatives as primary teacher. Mi*s. Robert Hunter of Richmond was buying plants of our nurseryman, J. V. Buckland, last Wednesday and called on Mrs. H. W. Allen. E. C. Ilawley went to Chicrgo Mon­ day to give the deed to the Bowman Dairy company, which, purchased our butter factory the first of April. Staver buggies, the kind that give satisiaction and are sold at the right price. Math. Freund, McHenry. 37 QUARTER OF A CENTURY. (TEN* CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Our citizens were startled on Satur­ day forenoon last by that dread alarm of "Fire! Fire!" and in a shorter time than it takes us to tell it our streets were thronged with an excited crowd of men, women and children, all hasten­ ing towards the scene of destruction. The fire proved to be in the barn of C. Stegemann, opposite the public school building. It was at once discovered that any effort to save the barn would be unavailing, therefore all turned their attention to saving the house which stood only a few feet away. And to say that men, and women too, worked with a will, but feebly expresses it. It seemed almost a hopeless ease, and altho it was several times on fire, the flames were finally gotten under control and the house was saved. The barn with its entire contents, consisting of hay, oats, corn, wagon, sleigh, farming tools, hams, bacon, one calf, one large hog and other articles too numerous to mention, were destroyed. Mr. Steg­ emann estimates his loss at 91000, with no insurance. He certainly has the and fixing the lot where some of their sympathy of this entire community, children are buried. jThe cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. Mrs. Richardson of Chicago, who has | Stegemann wishes us to return his been spending a few days at the home i shanks to all who so ably assisted him of her sister, Mrs. S. M. Simmons, re­ turned home Sunday. Miss Florence Simmons accompanied her as far as Crystal Lake. PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock. Illinois. Draw in Ar­ nold Block. east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title aud couveyauctng. Money to loan on real estate In sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 034, 003 ana 0U.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Marie L. Wadbanis & h to Et.liel Davis, pt iiw fruo quarter sec 17, McHenry fl.QQ Mathias Weber to Mary A. Thelen, It 12 tssrs pit of nwk nwij sec 30, Burt-on._fS00.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Adelbert Noon an. Inventory filed. Casper Wirfs. Appraisement bill & widow's relinquishment & selection filed. Gertrude Herbes. Interlocutory re­ port filed and approved. MARRIAOE LICENSES. George J. Wegener, 30 McHenry Kate A. Buss, 30 Terra Cotta Louis Bandlow, 23 Harvard Oiga Krause, 17 Hartland Edward Keiper, 23 - Hebron Margery Scott, 19 " GIVEN REWARD FOR HUSBAND'S HEROISM. The Carnegie hero fund commission has notified Mrs. Ella J. Martin, of Thermopolis, Wyo., that, for the brav­ ery of her husband, H. Burdette Mar­ tin, who lost his life in trying to effect a rescue of his niece, Miss Eva S. Wheeler, of Freeport, from suffocation in a sulphnr mine in Wyoming on the 8th of May, 1910, she is to be hand­ somely rewarded. Mrs. Martin is to receive a silver medal, the sum of $2,000 in cash (so much as is necessary to be applied to the liquidation of her debts and the balance for such other worthy purpose as may be approved by the executive committee) and in addi­ tion death benefits at the rate of 830 per month during her life or until she remarries. Besides, she is to receive $5 per month for each of her children under sixteen years of age, while those children are dependent upon her, and until they reach the age of sixteen. This handsome award to Mrs. Martin for the brave act of her husband was secured chiefly thru the efforts of Miss Wheeler's father, Mr. J. B. Wheeler, of 5 Park avenue, Freeport, who took t4fe matter up with the Hero Fund commission and who feels gratified at the magnanimous action of that body. Read The Plaindealer. on this occasion, and by their almost superhuman exertion saved for him his residence. He feels that he cannot be too thankful that it was no worse. Before buying a buggy see our 1912 Ideal top. Something new--a full line to select from. Wm. Stoffel. 41-tf DECORATION DAY DANCE. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend a Decoration day dance to be held at Smith's hall, Johns- burgh, 111., Wednesday evening, May 28. A committee conij>GS*5d of Messrs. John J. Lay, Jo6. J. Freund and Math. Jungen was appointed to secure funds with which to build a sidewalK along the street leading to the Johnsburgh church and after making a canvass among the residents of Johnsburgh it was found that the donations were not sutlicient to carry out the good work and it was decided to give this dance in the hope that the balance needed would be realized therefrom. Every­ one who can possibly'arrange to get away should attend this dance. Show yourself to be possessed with the prop­ er spirit by doing this. Every fifty cents will help. A fine time is prom­ ised those who attend the dance. Nett's orchestra of Johnsburgh will furnish the music. Tickets, 50 cents. Staver buggies and Northwestern truck wagons at Math. Freund's 43 FISHING AT PI8TAKEE. Jos. J. Mertes, proprietor of the Oak Park hotel, Pistakee Bay, announces that he is ready to take care of fishing parties. He can furnish you with poles, tackle, boats and bait, and if you so desire you can also take your meals at the hotel. Take a day off and enjoy a fishing trip before the summer season is the home of None Sitch Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de­ liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. Let us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. WE DELIVER GOODS Mat Si. Laures Phone 653 West McHenry opens up. 44-tf & COMING. Dr. J. J. Schaefer of Elgin, eye sight socialist, will be in Mc­ Henry on Friday, May lis at Dr. Chamberlin, uie dentist's office. Spec­ tacles and eye glasses accurately fitted. All work guaranteed. DANCEjAT STOFFEL'S HALL. Another dance will be held at Stof- fel's hall next Saturday evening, May 18. Smith's five-piece orchestra will furnish the music and a big time is in store for those who attend. An elegant line of Staver buggies and Northwestern truck wagons are now being shown by Math. Freund. Call and see him. 43 Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen's. 40tf FOR IftME BUNDING can be secured by the use of lumber, usually at a great saving over substitutes and with much greater stability. Shingles and novelty siding properly used is one example for exterior effect, and for interior purposes there are dozens of patterns and a variety of woods that, with com­ paratively little extra cost, fur­ nish just those dainty, pleasing touches that mean so much for comfort and cosiness. 'Twould surprise you what really can be done with the superior lumber we handle these days and how l>erfectly substantial a fran>r house can be built. We want to talk with you about this lumber question before you build and give you the benefit of our years of observation--tell you why frame construction is the best and show you by compari­ son why we think so. Come in and let's get acquainted. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'FHONE 8. Piilstey'! Best YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON BUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NJESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Little Chicks and Their Mothers should have Hess' Panacea the chicks t,o promote their growth and keep them healthy, and the hens to prevent chol* era and make them lay more eggs. :: Instant Louse Killer and Hess* Dip and Disinfectant will keep poultry free from lice. [. V. NcAUISTEfi & (0. Agents :: West McHenry Early Ohio and Early Roee seed po­ tatoes at M. M. Niesen's. 40-ti The Center r\f«| | of this -locality is !o* 1^1 i~. ^ cated here. Our stock is largest, It is the most complete. We handle everything that ordinary drag stores carry and scores of things that not one in a dozen carries. In brushes, toilet articles and drug store sundries it is the same as in drags. When you want anything to be found in a large and diversified stock and when you care to get goods of worthy quality at the fairest prices obtainable, come and see us. We are glad to show you goods; we are pleased to give you quotations. This is a time of the year when this store can be of especial service to farmers. Our assortment of stock arnd poultry supplies is not only complete but everything is fresh and of full strength. :: :: ;; N. H. Petesch, Druggist. McHenry, III. will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-c|ass Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBER* The West Side Hardware Man. r IS HERE We have an elegant new "line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Hugs and Linoleum In fact* we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN .>»••••••--tmm--imn-- nothing but the best of everything in making np 6tl bakery goods. The best grade of flour, good, pare milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy your bakery here and be sure you are getting the best. Phone103-R A. TIETZ, Prop. Nl PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COflMlSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTKNTlOtf eiVKN TO THE SAUK OF Dressed Beef, rtatton, Hofs, Veel, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldset boose oa th« street Tags and pries lists farelefcti «i application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * 1. MM St. Wfco«Ml« Market. 20 • ^ * J

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