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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1912, p. 7

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s 1 . • Light Users hould Enjoy These Privileges There are many handy elec­ trical devices for saving time &id strength in the home that can be operated at low cost. Here is a partial list of them--all sold at prices generally lower than else­ where. Why not have one or more of these appliances in your home? Vacuum CImnmps Washing Sewinl Kitchen Call Cafta* Parcalatars Chafing Diahaa Else trie Taastara E toe trie CrtlU Likrut and Reading Lam Luminous Electric Flat Electric 1 Many other electrical .devices for comfort and economy in the home at our display rooms ifServfctfo OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE Sunday, In i£ Ten (eats to All Bank of c Henry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. EX' LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries la the Inevitable result if jrou use White Swan ...Flour... __FOKi SsAU- WILBUR LUMBER CO. fV*EST rSciiEHk.¥• » N.P. STEILEN & SON, ICHENKY JOHN RliMRMJN, VOLO BUCK'S, GROCERY, M'HENRY WILLIAM ALTHOFF JOHNSBUKCH. it. (P. flwcy'i teg Piiiares 5000 FEET OF FILM NO SHORT REELS. BEST OF SUBJECTS Popular Physic! 10cts. TO ALL Evwi!? W^'imp NO RESERVED 8EATS GOOD GATES ON YOUR FARM will add mightily to the ap­ pearance of your place and increase the value of your property many dollars. There is no single improvement you can make that will cost so little and bring you such thoro satisfaction. We've some good straight graui, well seasoned boards suitable for gates we want to show you--and price is right. Come in and see them next time you're in town. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WeMi; McHenry. Phone 5 It seems like yesterday that mother mourned t h e t r a n s i t i o n f r o m skirts to trousers--his rocking horse will soon give way to the base­ ball and the pigskin. He's developing, chang­ ing, every day, and you haven't 'had his picture taken in more than a year--yes, it's two years last Christ­ mas. There's a pho­ tographer in this town. Sdilldbel S PlOtl) Sill THONE 871. WEST N'HENRl, ILL. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. J. E. .Wheeler Friday afternoon, June 14. , jfy'riH-inbers are requested to be pres- Milt in quilting- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IC W H E N R V ft t FANCY FA Mi l l FLOUR E N C E X ' a A IlLS.^s .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST M'RMY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY * OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •rfMfc OUR CORN BEEF Our Corned Beef, we claim, is just a little bit better than any other, and those who have tried it declare that it is immense. If you have not given it a trial, better do so at once. We know you will like it. We also have a fine, fresh stock of fruits and vegetables at all times. If you haven't the time to call at our shop ring us up and give us your or­ der. Our delivery system is something that we boost of. J.W.Aebischer (Suceasor t® C. C. Frettj •aBENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 60-W RING WOOD. Mrs. Buck land is entertaining rela­ tives from the East. H. W. Allen and Bert McCannon were Racine visitors Thursday last. J. E. Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., was in town Monday, looking after his farm. Miss Bertiice Prickett of Fairfield, Neb., is visiting relatives in and near town. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and son, Paul, spent Sunday with relatives at Delavan. Richard Lawson of Elgin was in town Monday, looking after some work at his farm. Misses Mary and Bertha Bell attend­ ed the alumni banquet at Richmond last Friday night. Thomas Walkington took a trip to Racine with Fred Walters of Wood- stock last Saturday. The Woodman memorial was very good and enjoyed by all. Rev. Collins gave a very good talk. Mr. and Mr». Ward Illoss of Salem, Wis., visited at H. W. Allen's Satur­ day evening and Sunday. Frank Hell of Ong, Neb., arrived in town Sunday morning to visit his mother, who is still quite poorly. Mrs. Cogswell of Woodstock and daughter, Mrs. Cora Skinner, of Crys­ tal Lake visited Mrs. K. T. Chase Sun­ day. Mrs. Edith McCannon and Edith Turner of Solon went to Milwaukee Tuesday to attend^the Mystic Workers convention. The W. C. T. I', had a very pleasant meeting at Greenwood last Saturday. Mrs. Collins, assisted by some of the Greenwood ladies, served an excellent tea. A ten pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Todd of Dundee last Friday. Grandpa Tuttle is look­ ing pleased. We do eat candy some­ time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Bernice Prickett left Sunday evening for Champaign, Hi., to attend the re­ union of the early pupils of that school, Mr. Ladd being one of them. H. M. Stephenson and family and Miss Lora Walkington attended the graduating class play at Bel vide re last week Thursday evening. Miss Walk­ ington remained for a visit with Mar­ garet Bennett until Sunday evening. KMKKAI.Il PAKI. Miss Rose Justen spent Sunday at Ed Sutton's. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sun­ day at home. Mrs. E. Walsh and Walter spent Sunday at C. W. Gibbs'. Miss Cora Felmeten visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Goggin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Whiting and son of Woodstock spent Sunday at Fid Knox's. P. J. Ay 1 ward was a Sunday passen­ ger on the new excursion boat, Glad- ene. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buss of McHenry called 011 friends in this vicinity Sun­ day. Miss Anna Cleary spent the past week with relatives and friends in Elgin. Misses Helen Smith and Rose Freund of McHenry spent Sunday at John R. Smith's. Miss Louise Buttner of N. Crystal Lake is spending a few days at E. Walsh's. Mrs. Robt. Sohns has returned to the Park after a two weeks' visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laper enter­ tained Mr. Laper's sister and her hus­ band over Sunday. J. B. Kelter and a party of friends autoed from Chicago Sunday and are spending a few days at Lake Defiance. B. Lama came out from Chicago Sat­ urday evening and spent Sunday with his wife and daughter at M. A. Sut­ ton's. Messrs. E. J. and Chas. Cohan, Jas. H ax ton, W. Blum and H. Bending of fchicago spent Sunday at their summer homes. A party of McHenry high school girls, including one of the "sweet girl graduates."' spent a few days of their first week of their vacation at a very pleasant house-boat party on the river south of Emerald I'ark. Miss Katie Buch acted as hostess and the way the hills and vales resounded during their stay gave evidence of the good time they had. VOLO. Mrs. Charity Raught is visiting in Libertyville. Peter Frost and children of Chicago spent last week at John Frost s. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gainer and son of Wauoonda spent Sunday at Theo. Worts'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker and chil­ dren spent Sunday with friends in GrayBlake. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant are re­ joicing over the arrival of a little girl, born June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kappleof Grays- lake called on Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ray­ mond Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Raught spent Friday in Waukegan and was accompanied home by Crellis Atterbury. Mrs. Sarah Gill of Chicago returned home Monday, having spent three weeks with her granddaughter. Ray Cook and the Misses Grace Wells and Edna Broughton of Waucon- da attended church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stadtfeld and son are moving to Round Lake, where Jack has bought the blacksmith shop of Martin Thelen. The only big show to tisit McHenry this season--Tiger Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Sever­ al that were with Teddy Roosevelt are with this genuine Wild West show. 52 Henry Wille was in the city Monday. J. J. Reser went to Crystal Lake Tuesday. J. J. Reser was a Marengo business caller Friday. Mr. Whit worth of Woodstock was in town Sunday. Miss Clara Salow was at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Bethel Nelson's school enjoyed its picnic in Walkup's woods. Hans Nelson and family visited with McHenry relatives Sunday. Miss Arline Stephenson's school had its picnic in Rossman's grove. Ray Lynch visited his sister, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Woodstock Wed­ nesday. The Cemetery association served strawberries and cake at the church Thursday. R. F. Gronzo went to Hebron Fri­ day to see his brother, who is sick with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dygert and Mrs. Gardner of Woodstock called at Ray Dygert's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Yanke and son, Vernon, spent Sunday and part of Mon­ day at Lake Geneva. A. Stephenson met with what may prove a very severe accident while at Barreville hvst Saturday. Mr. Hannaford and Frank Terwilla- ger of Woodstock were in town Mon­ day with the auto delivery. Mrs. W. E. Dike entertained her Sunday school class at a lawn party at her home Saturday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley and sons, Berwin and Kenneth, called on Ridge- field friends Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and grandson, James Bennett, were Woodstock and Harvard business callers Saturday. Miss Cora Lock wood visited Grace Kelley at Dundee Thursday and at­ tended the high school class play there. The interment of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard of Crystal Lake occurred last Friday in the Ridgelield cemetery. The C. E. society held a lawn social on the manse lawn Saturday evening of last week. The weather was just right for the ice cream and cake that were served. Mrs. Richard Reed will give a straw­ berry and cake social for the Ladies' Aid society at her home Friday even­ ing, June 21. The ladies of the soci­ ety are requested to bring cake. Mrs. R. Goddard and daughter and Mrs. S. Reed and children were callers here Tuesday. They also attended the graduating exercises of the Crys­ tal Lake high school at Crystal Lake. Louis Goddard of Woodstock was a Ridgefield caller Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Goddard's little daughter is very sick with whooping cough and bron­ chitis at the home of Mrs. Goddard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. The Ridgefield public school enjoyed its annual picnic in Mr. Dygert's woods near the lily lakes Friday. They went and returned in hayracks,. The racket the youngsters made was strong evi­ dence that they had spent the day well. The Ladies' Aid society would like to have bids to hang the paj>er in the audience room of the Ridgefield church, the ladies fur nishing the paper. Said bids will be received by Mrs. Alfred Anners, secretary. All bids will be closed July 1. HOLCOMBV1LLK. Will Biser was a caller in Elgin Fri­ day. Ed Fuller of Elgin is a visitor at W. Biser's. Miss Etta Powers spent Thursday with friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert visited relatives in Elgin Sunday. Miss Gertrude LaSage visited her sister in Chicago last week. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry spent Thursday with her sister here. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert -spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. W. Biser. Wm. and Chas. Harrison were call­ ers at Griswold Lake Saturday. Raymond and Will Powers spent Sunday afternoon at Ed Knox's. Robert Knox of Emerald Park was a caller in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, were Woodstock callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Davoll were call­ ers at Thos. Thompson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Randall called at W. B. Gilbert's Sunday evening. Chas. Harrison and daughter, Mrs. C. Hutson, spent Friday at Geo. Hut- son's. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was a guest of Miss Vera Doherty Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and fam­ ily were callers at M. Knox's Wednes­ day evening. Miss Letah Pomrening returned home Wednesday after several weeks' spent at Woodstock. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty spent Thursday evening with the Miss­ es Doherty in McHenry. Messrs. Will Pomrening and Pearlie Peck and lady friends went to the class play at Woodstock Friday evening. DANCEAT STOFFEL'S HALL. The m a n n e r in which the dances are being patronized at Stoffel's hall thus far this season gives much credence to the report that the present season is destined to terminate into one of the most successful in the history of the resort. The next dance at this hall takes place next Saturday evening, June 15, with the McHenry Imperial orchestra engaged to furnish the music. A general invitation is extended to all and a fine time is promised. Dance tickets, 75 cents. Tiie (not Season Don't miss Tiger Bill's Next Friday. June 21. Wild West. 62 The canning season is now here and we can supply you with the very choicest fruits now in season. Better see us before buying, because we know that we can save you money and supply you with the choicest fruit that is now on the market. Don't forget that our delivery system is the best in town. 'Phone your order to us and we will see that the order is prompt­ ly filled and delivered. We are doing business on the twentieth century method, which we know you will ap­ preciate . Math. Laures VtiL WEST SIDE GROCERY MAN 8 :: West McHenry CUT THROAT POLICY IN LUMBER SELLING was abolished years ago by all reputable manufacturers. It marked the realization of the fact that Nature had given this generation but one crop of tim­ ber and that as the population grew and the forests were dimin­ ished the value of lumber would necessarily increase. This awak­ ening stopped the wasteful use of lumber and brought out many substitutes, which have proved excellent for railroad and other outdoor construction, but from the conservative housebuilders' viewpoint, don't come up to the genuine old fashioned frame house. One of the most impor­ tant considerations in building a home is that of health--to avoid dampness, mustiness and the dis­ comforts from sudden changes in the temperature--all of these things must be carefully consid­ ered in homebuilding if satisfac­ tion is to reign supreme. Maybe we can help you--if you think so come in--our advice is free. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE S. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT 'POINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. F. A. BOHLANDER JOHN 8T0FFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh TERRA COTTA- Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Sunday afternoon at the home of E. Knox. James Lane of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks at S. B. Leisner's. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was the guest of relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Waterman were Mc­ Henry callers Saturday. Mrs. J. Doherty of Holcombville vis­ ited at M. A. Conway's Sunday after­ noon. Fred Bergman of Chicago was a guest at the home of S. B. Leisner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wingate of Bar­ reville called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Raymond and Will Powers of Hol­ combville called on relatives here Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Doherty and family of Holcombville called on relatives here last Wednesday evening. Paul Doherty and the Misses Grace, Vera and Nellie Doherty of Holcomb­ ville called at M. Knox's Monday even­ ing. PIANO TUNING. Mr. Mayr, having tuned pianos in McHenry and surrounding country for a number of years, will call regularly from now on during the summer months. Price per tuning, *3-00- Ad" dress all communications to Frank J. Mayr, Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. ̂ 47 Dependable Drugs There are distinct advantages in buying clrugs and medicines where you know the experience and training of the management is such as to insure scientific service. - - - For Your Protection When we supply your drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con­ sider right prices as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. N. H. PBTESCH DRUGGIST. 'Phone 56-W McHENRY, ILL. Warm 1 Weather will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season *%• F. L. 1VE IH& jEL# The West Side Hardware I IS HERE We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN F * • , • m INIMMMMMNNtNtMMNNHMMK nothing but the best of everything in making up our bakery goods. The best grade of flour, good, ptire milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy your bakery here and be sure you are getting the best. Phone103 R A. TIETZ, Prop. •••••••!• I ff P P H I L I P J A E Q GENERAL COIIMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION QITKN TO THK SALS OT Dressed Beef, fluison. Hogs, Veal. Poultry, Hides, Etc., butter and Eggs This is the oldest house oa the street Tags and price Hato application. COLO STORAGE FREE Stall A 1. FattM M. WkoMtlt Mirktt CHICAGO. ILUNOIS.

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