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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1912, p. 4

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p , f . fCBLISHlD 1VERT THURSDAY BY , F. O. SCHREINER. It Ink Building. Telephone, No. Hi TSRMB OP •UBBOmiPTIONl » •la wmtks. Viete. Three mouth*. «Oota. Ttniridajr, August 1, 191a. FATHER AND SONS AFLOAT AN BITEBE8TING TRIP DOWN THE ILLINOIS RIVER. COUNTY FAS OTHCERS SEET OrrtCERS ARB SUPERINTENDENTS Ott» TING THBtQS IN SHAPE FOR PAIR. [The Ottawa free Trader, Tuesday. July 23 1 For almost four hundred years all sorts of "voyageurs" have been pass­ ing down the waters of the Fox and Illinois rivers. Another party went by today. They stopped off at the hos­ pitable landing of the Ottawa Boat club to lay in supplies and take a look at the town before passing on down stream. This quartet were aboard two canoes, the "Voyag^eurs" and the "Iroquois." They were a father and three sons roughing it for a few weeks, sizing up the state of Illinois from the banks of its water courses. The father is Paul Armstrong of River Forest, 111. When he is home and at work he is the sec­ retary of the Armstrong Bros. Tool company in Chicago. His three sons, aged 19, 17 and 15, are with him. These are Lennox F. Armstrong, Hor­ ace M. Armstrong and l'aul Arm­ strong, Jr. They carry a complete camping out­ fit with them and make camp each night. They came all the way from McHenry, 111., by water, coming down over the Fox river. They expect to take their time about it. Their plans take them on down as far as the Mis­ sissippi river at Grafton. They were loud in their praise of the hospitality extended to them at the boat club. They expected to go oi^ down the river tonight as far as Starved Rock. They expect to spend tomorrow there. They will also visit Deer Park, but they will do it in their own way. They expect to go up the Vermillion in their canoes to the mouth of the famous glen. Father and sons claim that they are having the time of their lives and they look the part. They are mighty well posted on the history of the Illinois valley. They have packed away in one of their haversacks a copy of Parkman's history. Which is a suffic­ ient indication that while touring the streams of Illinois they are doing it intelligently. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. Get ready now. Make your plans to attend. The old time price of 35c general admission. The old time friends and neighbors will be there. Get a premium list, look it over and see if there is not something that you or your boy or girl can exhibit and draw some of the many premiums offered. Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood­ stock 111. 4 We clean anything in wearing ap­ parel for ladies and gents. We use the French dry system of dyeing and cleaning. J. D. Lodtz. 2 For Sale A rubber-tired trap, rub­ ber-tired top buggy and express wagon with heavy single harness. Also some household fur­ niture. Driving horse About fifteen years old, kind and gentle. Jersey Cow Registered, four years old; from the Bacon herd. Will average 20 quarts of milk per day. Far huthar laltmatltn addrea* ar call an W. D. COULD 620-J-2. WEST HcHENRV. ILL. WE WELCOHF WOMAN am m mtms. if through it she can accomplish a greater interest in tfood homes and set higher ideals for the youth of our country. By instinct woman is a home builder be­ cause she realizes the good in- ;!uenee It has on the children, and vou ineu would be terribly surprised if you knew as well as we do what ^ood common sense ideas they have on arrangement and in the choice of lumber. I hey know that our smooth fin­ ish siding, casing, base and moulding is a labor and money saver because it requires no ex­ tra work from the carpenter or painter, and their taste in the selection of doors and window„ invariably adds beauty and at­ tractiveness at little extra ex­ pense. If you're thinking of building we want to talk to both you and your wife and help you select your lumber. "There's No Place Like Home' WILBUR LUMBER CO PHONE • The officers and superintendent® of the McHenry county fair met at the court house on Saturday July 27, 1912. Present--Ben Throop, president; Theo. Hamer, secretary; J. H. Turner, vice- president, and the following officers and superintendents--Dr. W. W. Lichty, F. J. Hendricks, Mrs. J. A. Bgyrd, James C. Ladd, Gus Vogel, C. E. Rowley, William Gruenwald> C. A. Dunham, E. L. Hayes, G. J. Haven, Mrs. F. S. Merrill, Miss Carrie Rush- ton, Mrs. G. J. Miller, Mrs. T. H. Brown, Mrs. George Moore, A. M. Shelton, George Gay, Charles Steph­ enson. C. F. Dike, C. H. Ocock, E. A. Harrison. A general outline of the coming fair was discussed and each superintendent was called upon to report on the prog­ ress made in the different departments. All reported everything in a very sat­ isfactory condition and a splendid out­ look for a great fair. It was voted that the superintendent of the woman^s building have complete control of the rest room and checking department in the woman's building. The resignation of Mrs. L. D. Lowell as superintendent of, the art depart­ ment was read and on motion the same was accepted and Miss Carrie Rushton was appointed to fill the vacancy. The ball games of last year being considered a good attraction, it was voted to have a ball game on each day of the fair this year, arrangements for which were left in the hands of the secretary. It was voted to have the grand pa­ rade of live stock at two o'clock on Thursday afternoon of the fair. After lunch the officers and superin­ tendents went to the grounds to look over the buildings. It was decided to reconstruct and re-enforce all of the piers under the grandstand. It was also decided to move the judges' stand and wire fifty feet south to give a bet­ ter view of ball games from the grand­ stand. Several minor improvements and a general cleaning up was also recom­ mended to general Superintendent Lichty. It was found that considerable dam­ age had been done to the property dur­ ing the winter. The officers of the fair will pay liberal reward for the person who will inform them of the guilty parties. The fair of 1912, on account of the change in the date, the reduction of the general price of admission to 35 cents and the fine program to be pre­ sented, promises to be a grand success. It is the hope of the officers that the people will do their share. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Mrs. F. G. Spurling was a Wood­ stock visitor Sunday. Richard Wray of Richmond was a visitor in town Sunday. L. F. Block transacted business in Chicago last week Friday. Mrs. William Bonslett was a windy city visitor last week Saturday. Miss Katharine Frisby of Avon, Mont., is visiting friends in this vicin­ ity. J. F. Mugge of North Crystal Lake was a caller in town last week Thurs­ day. William Knipfel of North Crystal Lake was a business caller here Mon­ day. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling of Grayslake were McHenry visitors Sun­ day. Miss Helen Fay is spending the week as the guest of her aunt in the metro­ politan city. N. A. Huemann, E. Hunter and Mrs. J. D. Lodtz were Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. John W. Fay spent the latter part of last week as the guest of rela­ tives in Chicago. Alford Pouse of /Chicago was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse, Sunday. R. Hudberg of Chicago was enter­ tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse last week. George Schreiner of Chicago was a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Schreiner, Sunday night. J. W. Schaifer attended to matters of a business nature in the metropoli- itan city on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wirfs Saturday and Sunday. Miss A. Wernham of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. Mrs. Clara Grantham spent last Fri­ day as the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. .f. L. Colby, at North Crystal Lake. Mrs. F. C. Going spent the latter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block and chil­ dren spent a recent day as the guest® of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albrecht at Algonquin. Misses Katie Schreiner and Lucille LaVasser of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of relatives of the former. Mrs. James Waldron of Chicago was a guest of her mother and sister, Mrs. Sarah McOmber and Mrs. J. W. Smith, the first of the week. Misses Almeda Plagge, Rose Kam- pert, Jennie Homuth, Messrs. Dan Pomeroy, Victor Rieke and Sanford Kieke of Barrington passed Saturday night and Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer. Mrs. M. M. Niesen and daughter, Mrs. Peter Justen, went to Chicago Monday morning and left the same evening for Denver, Colo., the latter's home. Mrs. Niesen expec(% to remain away about three weeks. S. A. Nelson of Chicago is spending two weeks as a guest in the home Our Great Removal Sale IS NOW ON Before moving into our new modern store building, two dqors west of our present location on Main street, we Will place on sale i AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES in order to reduce stock and save the work and expense of moving. This is a sale that you cannot afford to miss. We have a large, well selected stock of Seasonable Merchandise. Space will not permit us to quote prices on every item. DRESS GOODS in al1 WOQl Serges, Taffetas, Poplins, Henriettas, Cash­ meres, Nun's Veilings, Broadcloths, Homespuns, Etc., at ao to as per cent discount. SILKS in Taffettas, Messalines, Max- ines and fancy .plaids and stripes, suit­ able for Dresses, Waists and Trimming, per yard from 25c to $1.15 Former price per yard, 35c to $1.50 DRESS GINGHAMS, plain and fancy, new shades, at per yard 11c Former price, 13c to 15c Cheaper grades marked down to yd.. Qc PRINTS in colors, marked down to per yard 5ic OUTING, TENNIS AND SHAKER FLANNELS. SHOES f°r every man, woman and child at a big saving, in black, tan and white. All odds and broken lines at about one-half price. Don't fail to lit your feet for summer and early fall wear. Ladies' and Men's Oxfords, worth $2.00 to $2.50, reduced to $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Children's Shoes in staple and nobby shapes at prices to sell them quickly. HATS--Men's and Young Men's Hats, in the new rough and smooth finishes, up to-date styles and colors, priced so you will supply your fall needs, 25 to 30 per cent discount, some sizes reduced to one-half. .« I Straw Hats, new shapes and staple blocks, priced regardless of cost. UNDERWEAR in Balbriggan, Jer sey Ribbed, Poros Knit, Shirts, Vests, Drawers, Pants and Union Suits in all grades. Also winter weight, fleece lined and all wool. OVERALLS, SHIRTS, PANTS, JACK ETS, ETC., marked to move quickly. MEN'S FANCY AND DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, ETC., AT ABOUT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. HOUSE DRESSES AND WRAP­ PERS, sizes 34 to 46, at 20 AND 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. LADIES' WAISTS, in white and colpred, new styles, PRICED TO SELL REGARDLESS OP COST. FULL LINE OF QROCEglES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. aaiiFii lows -AND- Delicious Pastries I* the inevitable mult H y*« «*• White Swan ...Flour... T f O t S A f J - WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST NcKKKBV. N.P. STE1LFN S SON, M'HENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, VOLO BUCK'S, GROCERY, M'HENRY WILLIAM ALTHOrr JOHNSBURGH. 4 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with Kood business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respeotfnlly policting pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and o^er first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. | Professional. Society V | * a»nd Bysinett Cards J DAVID G. WELLS, H. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- 1 fie# and r«aidanca, corner Elm and GnM •treets, McHenry. Illinois. Taiaphanr N*. 811. DR. N. J. NYE HcHENRV. ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ORte* W 1 at Johnsburth, III., Ir«m 7:30 m. mTtmuSa a. m. Wedassday wad Sunday «{ aash waafc. PHONE; McMENSY ML Heuae Phene, 246-J :: Office Phana M7- CHARLES I. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE WOH A SPECIALTY WOODSTOCK, ILL POCKET BILLIARD HALL BOWLING ALLEYS oUciUi la CMUrrlll*. Alaa jacket billiard hall ever E. F. Matthews' nmt market la Waat McHenry. Good placea to apawd vour idla hours. Bawiin* alleys open to tk* ladles evary Thursday i'ttrntM. :: EMIL GKIKH, »: PRCMPBRARROK Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEJL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Waat McHeary, llltnala Economize with Chi-Namei WliatUCki-NuMl? Ai. everlMtag nfiih riek in CTIITM OO. ao ma or Ea»w id ajiuiy... Flow. Ml ui SllOWi briwh kequire* little bwhiiig. ^ Wkat is Chl-Nam*! Fort T© uiatka old woodwwl IwuS; new. ~ To Ikstf* new wood Itoui fbdking old. 1'ib (Netate it* ktuural beaulty ̂ "st. ttttijkts wmkI waterproof, wear- wool, ituieptooL Y® luighiea tip old fwoilUK, m new \. color ana lotto ud bido the Wkat will Chi-N«m»§ Do? more abwM hard than may ordiuaiv varauh. iLuitie, color and <aw§tbil% ate not injured by boiling water' or atop. hmuiMar Mow thai cleaia the wood wrii dd-Umd VonMb •o AiJktj w |Mrt»dfcrw/ r ' I _ Torfisffigeold color aittds give «a ii%ti gi<2» 'wills oao'l •ppiktlioo^ we colored Ou-ISiauMsi VMoiaW To give i>n!ii«ki liutre wilhoitf ciituigii^ former color, use Ne»tM*«SiCf.! NWJ VONUIB. { Co*t£ o«i> loae-lmil ccut per M. ~ '" * Wm hmom It intM color* A - V S. W. BROWN RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS fr Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse. Mr. Nel­ son intended returning home Sunday, but owing to an injury to hia foot he was obliged to remain tiiis week. Everett Sherman of Woodstock was a caller in town Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Sherman, who is now attending the Northwestern Dental college in Chicago, tells us that he expects to complete the course he is taking oext spring. Previous to entering the Chi­ cago college he was studying ait Louis­ ville, Ky. Chicken feed at M. M. Niesea's. 40tf will run PASSENGER LAUNCHES to the lakes EVERY DAY including Sunday the balance of the season at 10:30 a. in. and 2:00 p. m. T^ound Trip, 50 Cents. Special Evening Trips can be arranged for at the same rate. All sizes Launches to rent by the hour, day, week or season with or with­ out engineer. For further information call up McHenry, No. 7 P H I L I P J A E G E R OBNBRAL COIIMISSION MERCHANT SPBCIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO TOT BALK OF Dreased Beef,* 1*1 utton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hldej, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on tbs stroet. Tags and price Mats furnished cm application. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A a. PiHn St. Wholaaala Market. I really ought to have his picture taken--he hasn't had a photograph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he was married in. ('Twas a noon wedding, you know). Yes, mother says 'twas a good one of him as he looked then, but rea>lly, for the sake of the fam- 11 TT 4-U oUnuM KA /VMA l i y j 1 i i & v - o i i u u l u L s v * u u v of him as he looks now. Sdliel's PlEGt! SMO TKMI: >01).J WET M'HENKY. ItL L Q.SENG tow fairaa al a«- eallaaca m liettara eifara, HUM aarvlca, MOM *14 atiM, awta avary- thing axcapt Uta tar-Nvm»Ea.ja lo 106 N. Otk Ave. CHICAOa. ;KED FREE Everybody's Doing It _ What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to be sure. Our line com­ prises the very choicest on the market and we are able to give you first-class service at all times. Call us up, give us your order and we will do the rest. We never fail to please. Give us your order for fruits for canning pur­ poses. M. h. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W rtcHeprya - Illinois. nnmffdr WHERE WOULD YOU BE HOST UKELY TO MEET A FRIEND OR ACQUAINT­ ANCE? AT OUR mm HOT, OF WR8B It is mete thst you should bar* the best meat. Meet us at our counter and it will be meted out to you. You'll meet your friend here, too, The friend of your up- petite. E. F. Matthews WEST HcHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE s You Can Depend on It { Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST PTBENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All Kdvertlaementa li»erU><l under this head at tkt following rate#: Vive lines or lew, K cent* for flvat Insertion; 16 cent* for eacli mbsequent linolliiii. More than lire line*, 6 cent* a Una (or Brat laaartloa, and Scent# a line for addlttoni lnaertloaa. WANTED--Good girl for general house­work. Good wages. Mug. O. W. HTKIMI- •a, McHenry. 4 WOR SALE--Houses and lots In McHenry E Also river property with acreage. Sold per acre or lot. Inquire of G. A. BATTIM. West McHenry, III. 41-tf LOST--^Tuesday, either ii> Werfi -HtJiufy or between town and Geo. B. h'Hsl-v'a. «* Hutson farm, it purse containing it small San of money. lieward if brought to this office. 7 TTNOK SALE-- Rubber tired surrey, In 11 rat. class condition. Can be seen and partic­ ulars given at Schoewer'S blacksmith shop. 7 MM. N. MAHTIK. McHenry. TJtOR PALE--A number of heaty milk Wag- ' ons. Will carry from Is to |0 cans. Wag­ ons are very well constructed Mi well worth the money we ask for them. Joi. MAT, Ring- wood, 111. W-tf TjAOK I5KNT A 290-jiore farm, more or less, " at it very reasonable rent. Will rent with or without stock. Vor further Informa­ tion address or call on MEUB. JOS. H. JUSTIN. McHenry, III. LOST--tkmiewhere between the alrdome and the residence of Wm. Stoffel. on Tueeday evening of this week, a gold locket and chain Locket has initials E. K. 9. engrared thereon Finder will please return to Mm EVA S*0»- riti, at 1* F. Block's store. Revs. J. A. and J. M. Bertram of Burlington, Wis., drove to this place in an auto last Thursday and spent a few very pleasant hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wegener. The reverend gentlemen are cou«insof Mrt, Wegener and their trip to this villas. WM an unexpected but enjoyable one. -:VVJ I •/

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