•'mWm lie NcHenry PMHier ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. f§ OOM in Bute Building- Telephone; No. tit. T«RI^8 OI» SUBSCRIPTIONS ; \ < neyew tl.W <||x months, 75 eta. Three month*. 40 eta. s * 1 .i; s ,J•,!,*.? ' ! *wi»--es.i| ILiHiMJl I SUIT Thursday, August as, 1913. WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS COPIERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. A ittmafirtifilf fir t-'fis? i mriv i ffJUl Jt*** A r#iM5Kf M- AH advertisements Inserted under this heart at the following rate*: Five lines or U>R*, W <*entfl for flrvt Insertion; 1ft cent* for caoh Subsequent Insertion. More than ftve lines, ft cents a line for flrtt insertion, and 3 oontg a line for additioul insertions. Tj>OR SALE--Houses and lots in McHenry •*• Also river property with acreage. Sold per acre or lot. Inquire of G. A. Sattkm, West McHenry. 111. 41-tt Attend the Great T7K>K KENT For cash or shares, my 180 acre farm, situated noar Kinftwood. Fully 125 acres under cultivation. Inquire of or write John H. Kknnebeck, McHenry, 111. 10-tf rJV>K KKNT A 2i*>-iwre farm, more or less. J- at a very reasonable rent. Will tent with or wit ho'ul stork. Vor furl her informa tion ad<iress or cull on MRS. JOB. 11. JCSTKN. Henry, III. 10-tf I.AOK SALE --A nine-room house with one, I to roil lot and a-s many additional lots us purchaser may want at $900 and up. fall or write I'HANK BI 'HR. on north town iiue one Mod, from I'nx river. Mclletiry. 111. 10-tf MBM (OW Ml AND IMB EXCELIENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries la the inevitable result If you use White Swan ...Flour... - •»» the AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. John Olson was ;umm^ the < 'hic:i!_ro passengers last Saturday. M. L. Worts left last Sati:ril;i\ morn- » mg for a trip to Indiana. Russell Hille of Irvine I guest of Germcr IVtesch. Martin Stfiith was business visitor in Chicago Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. K. Nye and Miss Kmnia Nye spent Wednesday in the windy city. F. J. Kerbes was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Ray Wienke of Woodstock -pent Sunday as the attest.of Mcllonry frit inK. C. H. Ostrander of Fo\ T>;ikt• c : i IN d o n f r i e n d s i n t o w n o n e d : i \ t h i » w e e k . M. D. Wilkins was anions: the (hi cago passengers Wednesday mo mini.". J. J. Vycital and i l n n i ' l n r r . l - ' J s i e , were Chicago visitors la>t week Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. ,7. M. Schoower aifB Ruth were visitors at M il w aukee last week. F. A. B o h l a m l e r a t t e n d e d t o b u s i n e s s m a t t e r s i n t h e m e t r o p o l i t a n c i t y W e d nesday. Miss Mary M e y e r s s p e n t a f e w d a y s l a s t w e e k a s t h e g u e s t o f r e l a t i v e s i n Wauconda. Robert Nimsgern of W : u i k e g :in was shaking hands with friends in town Wednesday. John R. Knox attended t o b u s i n e s s m a t t e r s i n t h e m e t r o j > o l i t a n c i t \ T u e s day afternoon. Misses Uernice a n d M a r y B o n s N i t a r e s p e n d i n g t h e w e e k a s t h e g u e s t s o f Chicago relatives. Mrs. Frances Thieliold of Kennsli:i Wis., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey of Wil- mot, Wis., spent Monday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kane of Tusca loosa, Ala., are spehding the month of August at McCullom's lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. J; O'Mara of Chi cago are spending the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee. Mrs. M. A . Thelen and son. L e o . o f Elgin spent several days this week as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. I. A. Hungerford was the guest Of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goodrich in Ma rengo the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ellis Jecks and d a u g h t e r . L a - M o y n e , w e r e r e c e n t g u e s t s o f r e l a t i v e s *nd friends in North Crystal Lake. Edward, Marie and Leon Millet vis ited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Geary, at Wauconda last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Marshall a n d c h i l d r e n o f M o r t o n G r o v e . 1 1 1 . , a r e g W J S t s o f M r . a n d M r s . G e o r g e M e v t i > here. Misses Fanny Granger a n d H e t t v a n d F l o s s i e R a n d a l l r e t u r n e d T u e s d a y e v e n i n g f r o m a w e e k ' s v i s i t a i I J a n g o r . Mich. Miss Marguerite Granger passed Ihe latter part of last and the fort* part, of this week at Lake Catherine and Anti- och, 111. Mrs. Theo. S c h i e s s l e , s o n . T h e o d o r e , and daughter, Bertha, went to < hicajo y e s t e r d a y m o r n i n g f o r a L « o d a \ - ' v i s i t with relatives. Jos. Rothermel, Jr.. w e n t t o < h'u-.rjn Monday to take out a pilot license. He now carries the necessary creden tials with him. Mrs. Frank Schnabel and daughters. Aldene and Elsceta, left, last Naturda*. morning for a two weeks' visit at Indianapolis, lud. Mr. and Mrs. G e o r g e M o v e r s , Jr., Mrs. W. H. Marshall of M oi ion Grove and Mrs. H. 11 ermarisoii ol Chicago autoed to Elgin Sunday. Mrs. L. F. Block and children spent Thursday and Friday of I:M week as the guests of Mr. and Mr- William Schneider at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Liebert Hoelle and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Senfi of ('hicago were g u e s t s o f M r . a n d M r s . T h e o . S c h i e s s l e f r o m T l i u r s d a y u n t i l S u n d a y . Mr. and Mrs. II. Newell ol |iui - lington, la., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mcrriman from Thursday e v e n i n g u n t i l T u e s d a y m o r n i n g . Dr. H. H. Hanly of I'eoria. 111.. •-j.ent a few days last week as the guest of McHenry relative-,. He made ihe trip to this \ illage ami back home in his Ford runaboui. ^ Jos. and John l'.uge;n. \ |> Steilen and Theo. Bicklcr saw the < ubs lick the New York Giants mi in Chicago & North-Wcstern. Leave Ohirajco. ' T.00 a rn. •s.-t'i a m.. *1,00 p ni. * 1^: Itt) p in *1 p m ".1.40 p m •:t.i."« p tn *i.IS p in T.lin H in s.l.'i :i in . •I IMI II III 8.(1" p in Leave McHenry. •7.10 i in *7.1H :i in J7.l!» a 111 - * >. Xi a m . . •4.4"i p in "(i ".T p in 7.10 a in 7.10a in ... 7 p in 7 P m 7 .1(2 p m Effective .Line 2.'1. lt»12. WREK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBODND Via Kljcln .Via l>es I'laines Via Pes Plalties. .. Via Kltin \ ia l»es Plainea. . Via l>es i'laines Via Kltcln Via l>es IMalnes huniVXy trains. ia Klgin Via l*es I'laines. Via I »es I'laines Via Bl^ln . W IKK PAT TRAINS SOUTHBOUND .. Via I»es I'laines Via Klgin. ... Via I>eS I'laines Via Des Plalnes ..Via l*es I'laines ... ...Via l>es I'laines . SUNDAY TRAINS. ... Via l>es I'laines Via Rlfrin ...Via l>es I'laines Via 1 Ks I'laines .Via Klgin Arrive McHenry. ..10.16 a m .. 10. Ki a m . 2.12 p in .. 2:45 p in 2:+ft p m . ,4.4.> p m 6.27 p m #.27 pm .. 10.25 a m 10.04 a m . 10.35 a ill 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. .. .V.05 a m 10.10 a m .. s.li'i a tri ..9.40 a m .. .fi.45 p ni 7.55 p m .. .9.35 a m 9.55 a m . .H.40 p m 9.20 p m 10.25 p m 'Daily except Sunday. +Snt.urday only. tMouday only. Th l a s t a n d : l - I - N a l ; l e Thursday afternoon from Chicago w as mail.- m auto. Dundee con( s]ioihN m t, ier, Monday, August p.e a c c o m p a n i e d h i s s o n . M a n Kee^an for his lirsi r ide launch Rambler yesteitia\ from Algon(|uin to MclL without a liitch and now thusiastic over launches. MissGristine B. Miller ha,] i e«d guests her brother, Geo.-e Miller, of Ilavenswood rv-. Stevens of l'arkei-sbin .r \y \ W • HosehuuT, No,',mn, -tenner of Irving l'ark, Cecil u,.nia- niin of London, Kng. * Major and Mrs. Thos. L. Hartigan Of Manila; P. I., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee Monday. The major came to the IT. S. ,\. as a delegate from the far-off island and was in Chicago during the recent Republican conventi^i. He will return to the Philippine islands soon, while his wife will remain a while longer as the guest of relatives in these parts. Miss Ruby CI ax ton spent Friday in Sharon. Wis. M. J. Walsh was among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. G. W Besley went to Chicago this (Thui-sday) morning for a week's visit. Mrs. .1. W. Aebischer boarded the ( hicago train this (Thursday) morn ing. Miss l'earl Claxton spent the latter part of the week with Richmond friends. Misses Erminia Lauletta and Anna l'agliarul are visiting- at the home of John Claxton. Misses Pearl and Lelah Claxton spent Wednesday and Thursday with Dundee friends. Miss Leonie Zimpleman of Wood stock sjient Sunday and Monday with Miss Pearl Claxton. Mrs. M. M. Niesen returned home from Denver yesterday evening. She reports a most delightful trip. Mi's. James Button entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. *E. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. Merriman last Monday. Messrs. Walter and Hoyt Morris of Woodstock and George Golden of Richmond spent Sunday at the home of J. F. Claxton. Mr. and Mrs. (Jus Walters of Wood stock and Mr. Striener of Pittsburg, Pa., and Mrs. Button spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Merriman. Kloyd Thompson and Miss O. Dalton of LaGrange. 111., spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's grandfather, Thos. Thompson. I»i. K. G. Chamberlin left Monday evening- for Muskegon. Mich., where he expects to spend about three weeks on his farm. Dr. A. Ray Manock of ( hicago w ill have charge of the West Side dental parlor during the former's absence. F. K. Covalt, the hustling manager ol the Wilbur Lumber Co. yard and oilice here, attended the lumbermen's convention at Milwaukee last week. He was accompanied by Mrs. Covalt, who spent the week as a guest in the Wilt (in home at Waukesha, Wis. liev and Mrs. Cross spent from Aug* 1-11 at Kpworth Grove in attendance oif tin I lock ford district Camp meeting. From i here they went to Rockford, when thev remained until Friday aft ernoon \ isiting their children and Mr. Cross an ended the Lincoln chautauqua then in session iu that city. Mr. Cross was elected vice president of the camp meeting association, to succeed Rev. G. R. Vanhorn. Rev. J. A. Matlack of Rockford was elected president, I lev. W. II. Tuttle of Winnebago, sec retary and Judge W. C. DeWolf of Belvidere, treasurer. Rev. Cross re port s a very pleasant and profitable meeting'. Among the special attrac tions were an address by Gov. Robert B. Glenn of North Carolina, Friday afternoon, a sermon by Rev. R. H. Pooley of Kvanston, a lecture Saturday afternoon and two sermons Sunday by Bishop Jos. T. Berry and the address soldiers' dav by Rev. John B. Brush- ingham on "The Patriotism of Peace." Mr. and Mis. Martin 15. Foley, daugh ters. Kdna, Helen and Emma Marie, and sou. Albert: Leo Doyle, Misses Clara Dovle. Julia Doyle, Ethel Bates and Mrs. Joseph M. Miller and son, Paul, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived in their motor cars at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers last Wednes- having made a trip of , ILL., 'AUGUST 1128,29, 30, 1912 $10,000 in Premiums and \ The Greatest County Fair in Northern Illinois i Speedy Horse Races, Exciting Motor Cycle Races, First Class Ball Games, Elegant Music, Splendid Free Attractions and Fine Exhibits of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Products of Farm and Garden, Handiwork, Manufactures, Art, Textile Fabrics and School Work. Take a day off and, bring your families. General Admis5ion, SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE For Premium Lists and Information Address at Woodstock, 111., BEN THROOP, President. THEO. HAMER, Secretary. DR. W. W.- LICHTY, Supt. of Speed. ?5J QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. lie .I bark week litchie derick M r. \'riiff ' day evening, "MiO miles in two days. They visited the homes of their relatives, J. M. I'halin, Wm. Welch «and Fred R. Towers, and many friends in and around McHenry. ' During their stay here they went to some of the summer resorts around McHenry, including l'ox Lake, Pistakee Bay and Lake Genev a. While at Lake Geneva they went to see the great pleasure farm of J. J. Mitchell. The party started from McHenry Tuesday morning to make a tour thru Canada, where they intend to spend the remainder of their vaca- lion. Mrs. M. B. Foley remained in McHenry, where she intends to spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. "Dad" Holmes left on our desk yes terday a bean pod that measured twen ty-four inches in length. How is that for a dry seasonV P. Hauperisch has been putting a new veranda on the south and east sides of his residence and otherwise improving its appearance. It is reported that the boys are again stealing grapes from the gardens in this village. Thirty days in the coun ty jail might prove a wholesome leg&on for such lawlessness. Thos. Thompson had the misfortune to break his leg while loading feed at the depot on Tuesday afternoon. Both bones of the right leg were broken just above the ankle joint. The Congregational Sunday school of Woodstock had a picnic to Fox Lake via the steamer "Mary Griswold" on Friday last. There were something over fifty aboard, men, women and children. Ed. W. Owen started on Monday traveling on the road for the Bell City Manufacturing company of Racine, Wis. He will visit the state and prin cipal county fairs in Wisconsin and Illinois in the interest of the company. Miss Bessie Knight, daughter of C. A. Knight of Chicago, aged about four years, is the best lishertnan of the lakes for her age. One day last week she caught a four and a half pound bass while out with her father on Pis takee bay. E. B. Perkins' orchestra, which is advertised to play at Heimer's hall old settlers' night, Sept. 1, is composed of six pieces and is certainly a credit to McHenry. They have been organized but a few months, but are now furnish ing music that would be a credit to older organized bands. We are to have a new series of post age stamps, on which the vignettes will not be changed, but thg colors will conform to those embossed on the stamped envelopes now used. The most notable change will be in the two cent stamp, "tvhich will be green instead of reddish brown, as at pres ent. A Grand Army Post will be mustered in this village on Monday evening ^iext, Aug. 29, the mustering officer having signified his intention of being here on that date. All old soldiers who have signed their names and all other honorably discharged soldiers in this vicinity are requested to be pres ent. On Friday morning last Chas. Huff man, who lives five miles east of Nun- da, reported that a horse had been stolen from his premises the night be fore and that at the same time a buggy and harness had been taken from the barn of H. Bryant, a neighbor. De tective Benthusen immediately took the matter in hand and by three o'clock the same afternoon had cap tured the thief with the property in his (possession. It proved to be one Adolf Weise, alias Carl Weidinger, who had been at wOrk th* past month or two for a farmer near Riugefield. After capturing the thief and while on his way back to Nunda with him, Ben thusen by adroit questioning drew out the fact (which he before suspected) that he had also stolen a horse some time ago in Chicago and disposed of it somewhere in this section. From what he drew out of the thief he was en abled to trace the lost property and on Saturday found the horse, buggy and harness in this village, where they had been sold to Robt. Schiessle of the West Side. Thus inside of twenty-four hours Dettctive Benthusen had found two stolen horses, captured the thief and had him safely lodged in Wood stock jail. When Benthusen gets after a thief he can make up his mind he has got to the end ol fei* rope.. You Know and so do we that baking during the hot summer months is anything but a pleasant undertaking> and w e a r e h e r e t o s a v e t h e w o m e n o f M c H e n r y ^ a n d v i cinity a lot of work. LET US DO YOUR BAKING FOR YOU. We can do it more quickly and just as good if not better than you, kind lady, could do it yourself. Let us do the worrying for you. Phone103-R • • ' • • A. TIETZ, Prop. 7 J. I. Lang, Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County, ( In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of IIthiols. September Term. A. D. U12. Frank Nimsgerii, Complainant, vs. The unknovln heirs or devisees of N. F. WyuUoop. deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Francis O'Harrou, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Charles H. Rus sell, deceased ; the unknown heirs or devisees of Lewis liathboue, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of James C. Keunedy, de ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Johu F. Kathbone, deceased: John H. Nichols, Harriet K. Nichols, William Overton, Chris tina \V. Kidiiell. Margaret VV. Wilson, the un known heirs or devisees of liichard K. Swift, deceased ; the unknown heirs or devisees of Simeon Holden, deceased; Isabel Caine, Mar garet Mead, Lilly Mead, ltosabelle Cain, Wil liam James Calne and Charles Christopher Calne. Defendants. In Chuncery. Bill to Clear Title. 'Notice is hereby Riven that the above Is the title of the Court and ihe names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room iu the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23d day of September. A. I). 1912. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, 4t my office in Woodstock this 20th day of August, A. I). 1912. Theo. Hamkr, Clerk. •I Circuit Court Seal t . I 10 3t J. I. Lang, Solicitor, ST ATE OF ILLINOIS, I __ McHenry County, ji * , In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. I). 1912. Henry J. Klapperich, Complainant, vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Matthew (Jerharz. deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of John Fretrf., deceased; the un known heirs or devisees of Michaell Wiukle, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Nicholas Mullidor. deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of L. morse, deceased, alias I>oren Morse, deceased, alias Lorlng Morse, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Samuel H. Walker, deceased; Johu May, Elizabeth May, Matthias May, Margaretta May, Nicholas May, Anna Maria May, I'eter May, Kathrlua May, Henry May, Anna May, Bernard May, Margaretha May, Elizabeth Klapperich, John Klapperich, Christina Freund, i'eter M. Freuutl, Matt. J. Miller, Mathlas J. Miller, Rebecca l.). Stlllson, Aluiina X. Butler, Rolland L. Stone, Julia M. C. Stone, the unknown heirs or devisees of James A. Stone, deceased, the unknown heirs or de visees of Johu F. Stone, deceased ; the un known heirs or devisees of Alfred A. Stone, deceased, and the. unknown heirs or devisees of Jacob Miller, deceased. Defendants. In Chaucery. Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the. parties to a suit which Is now pending In said Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Boom in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23d (lay of Septefnber, A. D. 11(12. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand aud affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 20th day of August, A. D. 1912. Thko. Hamkb, Clerk. Circuit Court Seal 10-3t Mullen & Hoy, Bollcltors. STATE OF ILLINOIS, („ McHenry County, f In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1912. Patrick Cleary, Complainant, vs James Cleary, Johanna Cleary, Wm. J. Welsh and Margaret McCarthy. In Chancery. Bill to Foreclose. Notice is hereby given that tbe above Is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court aud that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of Mdi e 11 Fry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the Zki day of September, A. I). 1912. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand aud affixed tbe seal of said Court, at my office lu Woodstock this ttth day of Au gust. A. D. 1U12. Tbbo. HAMBB, Clerk. | Circuit Court Seal j- 8-4t An ice cream social will be given by •he members of Fox River Valley camp, No. 3251, R. N. A., on the lawn at the home of E E. Bassett Aug. 30. Ice cream and cake at fifteen cents and cones at the usual price will be served during the evening. Everybody cor dially invited. i0-2t IF YOU HAVE CARPETED FLOORS 'AND PREFER Harl Wfflod and Ru*s B ,I§P: THIS SPECIALLY PRICED Chi-N&mel Floor Outfit WILL INTEREST YOU ^ It contains 100 §(]. ft. of hard-wood floor surface, whicli looks and wfars like newiy variiutiedl wood. At easy to apply a* plain paint. H,tady to walk on next da$. Graining First Coater hides the old color. Graining Compound gives the grain ing color. The little Self-Grainer makes the pain. (Does not require a skilled hand to hold it.) Chi-NameS Varnish gives it any color desired, and a high lustre with One application. 1 This Floor Outfit con tains a Self-Grainer, Set of Brushes, and material to grain* stain and varnish 100 square feet of surface Only $2.50 A TSB-YMT old Child Can Apply »*• You Can't Go Wrong. Come to our store and learn to grain Wfe an expert in 5 minutes. You U, not have to buy. S. Vv BROWN Kit*«• WOOD, luunwiu In our experience covering a good many years we find the ^Chicago Double A" brand of Portland Cement, is giving the greatest satisfaction to the greateotnumber of our patrons. "Double A" Means ~Thm b*9t that ctm 6t madm" •iftsfci kmtpful booMM» WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY r. L COVAU, not FOR SALE BY- WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST MNHENRY. N.P. STEILEN & SON, i'HENRY JOHN" RICHARDSON, VOLO BUCK'S, GROCERY, PTHENRY WILLIAM ALTHOFF JCHNSBURGH. Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respeotfnlly solicting pnblic pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vi] lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on n* Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, I Notary Public. - Bankers. I you wish you had a photograph of your great-great - grand-fa ther? Of course you can't have, because there wasn't any pho tography in thosedays But your great-great- g randchild re n can have photographs of you. And you owe something to poster ity. :: :: :: Stiiiel's Pboto Studio PHONE 100 J WEST N'HENRY, ILL. You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER ° FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for^? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make it a |>oint to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants FLOUR WEST N'lEMY AND FEED NIL! m n: ***** t Professional. Society y* | * a.nd BustaM* Cards £ DAVID C. WELLS, M. D. pHYSICIAll, SURGEON AND OCULIJ** f lice tn4 residence, corner f lm .nil - •- - streets, McHenry. Heuse Phone, 245-J i: < Office Phens M , CHARLES I. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY Kandell Bleck 112 1-2 CMS Street WOODSTOCK, ILL POCKET BILLIARD HALL HOWLING ALLEYS oLecated in CentervlUe. Also pecket billiard hell ever E. F. Matthews' meet market in West McHenry. Good pieces to spswd year Idle hours. Bewling alleys ope* to tlx ladies every Thursday afternoon. :: •; ®MIL OKIES, 1: PROPRIETOR Telephone No >93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McKeary, IKtaots Fine Stock Merchandise Fern Seles Real Eetate G. A. SATTEH AUCTIONEER WEST H'HENRY, ILL "•lohtnt N«. 6*4 L. Q. SENG Same degree of ex celience n liquors and cigars, samo service, same eld stand, sane every thing except the tar-NUMBER^a la 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO PARCELS CHECKED FREE Everybody 's Doing It What!" Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to be sure. Our line com prises the very choicest on the market and we are able to give you first-class service at all times. Call us up, give us your order and we will do the rest. We never fail to please. Give us ycftr order for fruits for canning pur poses. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W HcHenry, - Illinois. WHY ARE SEVEN CB0PS BETTER THAN ONE? BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE OF THEM There is no limit to the number of chops we have here for you. Pork chops, veal chops, lamb chops, mut ton chops--we have them in pro fusion, to your appetite's confu sion. We suggest as a conclusion, between you and them, collusion. E. F. Matthews WESY MeHENMY. JUL. "rittflE S Speaking of Groceries Did you ever go into a gro cery store where a better line of Groceries and Fruits was to be found than at ours? We believe not, and we fur ther believe that you'll have to go a long ways before you find another grocery with a better delivery sys tem. We are not afraid of work. Just telephone your order and we will get it to you with promptness and despatch. We believe in keeping abreast of the times. Try us and find out. Math. Laures THE WEST SIDE OttOcl ioMAN Phone 8 W«t McHenry Rrad The Plaiodealer*