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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1912, p. 5

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f ^ Ir NMMJ ! J* i : REDUCTION In Cost of Residence Lighting .Beginning September 1, 1912, this com­ pany will offer to its residence customers "the privilege of using its service for lighting at the Maximum Demand Rate. Un^er this system electricity used for residence lighting wilfbe fourteen and one-half cents (14^c) per kilowatt hour for the*first thirty hours' use of the maximum number of kilowatt hours taken at any'qne time during the month. The rate charged for all remaining kilo­ watt hours will be eight cents (8c). A discount for prompt payment of one cent per kilowatt hour on the custom­ er's total consumption of electricity will be allowed by the company on all bills paid at the proper office or agency within ten (10) days after their dates by him. :: :: :: Customer^ having installations of less than five kilowa'tts (that is, less than 100 lamps of fifty watts each) will have tl^eir maximum demand determined by fixed per centage of their installation. This rate will effect an average reduc­ tion in residential lighting bills of 15 per cent. :: :: :: - Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Riverside Park, McHenry, -WILL PRESENT- Moving Pictures Tuesddy,Ttiursfldv, Sdiurady&Sunwy OF £ACH WEEK, GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING • 1 All Seats, : ioc. (r We Have Moved We are now located in our new building and invite the puBlic to call in and look over flcHenry's finest shopping center. Watch this space next week for live store news. : : : : M. J. WALSH, WEST rtcHENRY, ILLINOIS v£t VOLO. Miss Ella Moore visited with friends in Wauconda Friday. Miss Mary Hook of Rollins spent Saturday with friends here. Mrs. John Sutherland of Waukegan called on friends here Wednesday. Rememl«r Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huson of Liberty- ville spent Sunday at Ray Paddock's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker of Lib- ertyvllle spent Sunday at Lee Huson's. Mr*. Carl Atterberry and sods of NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY. { OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Waukegan spent part of last week at Chas. Raught's. Miss Charity Raught has returned home after spending several weeks with relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Ben Martin and daughter and Mrs. Walter "Sykes of Fort Hill spent Wednesday with Nlrs.^Ray Paddock. What you ask for is what you get here. You are not asked to buy some­ thing "just as good." Petesch. 52 Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. auwmiLu F. Wille, Sr., was at Crystal Lake Friday. D. O. Kline was a Chicago caller Thursday.. Mrs. French, Sr., was a Crystal Lake caller Friday. Henry Carlson of Woodstock was in town Saturday. Wilbur Levey was a Chicago busi­ ness caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Grandma Hutson returned to her home in McHenry Friday. Mrs. P. B. Houghawout is entertain­ ing a friend from the city. Miss Glenys Jacobs was a Crystal Lake business caller Friday. Mrs. Wakefield attended the W. R. C. at Crystal Lake Saturday. Roy Skinner took the train for De­ troit, Mich., Tuesday morning. D. O. Kline and family visited with relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Nina Johnson was visiting friends here the latter part of last week. Roy Skinner of Woodstock moved his family to Ridgefieid last week. Mr. Schuch of Sioux Falls, S. D., called on his son, Henry, Wednesday. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds. Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. J. J. Reser, wife and daughter and their company went to the city Fri­ day. The Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille spent Wednesday and Thursday in Woodstock. The young peoples' class had a marsh- mellow roast at Walkup's woods Fri­ day evening. Eva and With also <'larence Sandberg. were in Woodstock Thurs­ day forenoon. Marvin Keeler and Lester Jenks of Elgin were visitors at Grandma Wake­ field's Thursday. Mrs. Rushton and granddaughter, Miss Inga Erickson were Woodstock visitors Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E. \V. Merchant, and family at (.'adutt. Wis. The Misses Emma and Martha Hoepp- ner visited with their parents at the Weiland home Sunday and Monday. If anyone has any special news for t!ic paper call up I(i20-Ij-'J. That is the number of your correspondent's phone. Tne Misses L. F. Furn.\v. Luey S|H>oner and Minnie Moore of Chicago spent part of last week at the Furney farm. Louis Goddard of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Miss Rhoda Locke, after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Knil- ans, returned to her home at Delavan, Wis., Saturday. Gene Cox and family of Burton's Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln of Oshkosh, Wis., called at tjie home of R. L. Dutield Sunday. Irvin Kennedy, who has been spend­ ing two weeks at the home of Station Agent Lynch and family, returned to his home in the 6ity Sunday. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1^12. The 1912 McHenry county fair promises to be a great success. The price of general admission has been re­ duced to 35 cents. Several hundred dollars have been added in the pre­ miums for educational and boys' and girls' farm product departments. Get a premium list of Theo. Hamer, Sec., Woodstock, 111. 4 KMKBAtn PARK. Will Cohan is spending his vacation at the Park. Miss Carrie Romano was on the sick list this week. Walter Walsh was seen in this vicin­ ity Wednesday. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. The two Armstrong autos took in the doings at Wauconda Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. V. Martin and family of Wauconda called <jn Mr. ^nd Mrs. Ed. Sutton Tuesday. Miss Margaret Aylward returned to her home in Chicago Thursday after a visit with relatives here. Miss Lou Schneider of Burlington and Miss Eleanor McGee called on Mrs. Ed. Sutton Wednesday. Misses Ada and Genevieve White of Chicago and Mrs. Ed Sutton visited the latter's sister at Palm Beach Sun­ day. Miss Alice Sutton has gone to Du­ buque for a few days' visit with her sisters, Sister Mary St. Bride and Sister Mary Roberta. The Misses Ada and Genevieve White of Chicago, Rose Justen of McHenry, Robt. Sutton of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton autoed over to Wau­ conda Thursday evening and attended the bazaar given under the auspices of the Transfiguration church of that piace. At the air dome will always be set n a program diversified to please all, made up of clean, moral and instruc­ tive subjects, not forgetting the high- class comedies headed by John Bunny and others. Now, the reason that Bunny is funny is because he couldn't be anything else. , 10 McHenry county fair August 21-30, 1912. Get ready now. Make your plans to attend. The old time price of 35c general admission. The old time friends and neighbors will be there. Get a premium list, look it over and see if there is not something that you or your boy or girl can exhibit and draw some of the many premiums offered. Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood­ stock 111. * Use Roberts' Fly Oil, Best by test. At Petesch's. *1.00 per gallon. 1 RING WOOD. Miss Bird Hodge of Solon is visitii g relatives and friends for a few days. Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Big- elow were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Mereness of Walworth, Wis., visited at Bert McCannon's Tuesday. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Miss Elfers and friend of Solon spent Saturday night and Sunday at Ed Bell's. Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson of Burlington, Wis., are visiting at &. V. Buck land's. Mrs. Mary Chase and Mrs. Ed Rob- bins of Chicago remained with E. T. Chase until Tuesday evening. Miss Clarissa Harrison of Richmond spent two days last week at the home of her uncle, Ed Bell. Mrs. L. A. McCannon of Greenwood spent a couple of days last week with her sons, William and Bert. Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Har­ rison and Cls.ude Hutson and daughter of Nunda township spent Sunday at J. C. Ladd's. Mrs. Ellerton, who has been visiting her brother, J. S. Brown, returned to her home in Crookston, Mien., Thurs­ day of last week. ' Mrs. Kittie Harrison of Woodstock and Mrs. Lucy Edwards of Dixon vis­ ited Mesdames O. A. Tabor, Mary Dodge and Jennie Spaulding one day i^cently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morey ai d two sons of Minneapolis, Minn., ard Mrs. Emily Roe and daughter, Lillian, of Woodstock were calling on friends in town one day last week. Mrs. William Coates is entertaining her two nieces, the Misses Terry, of Iowa. They, with her daughter, Em­ ma. M rs. Florence and Libbie Bell, all took a trip ,l) Lake Geneva Wednes­ day of last week. McHenry county fair August 27-30 J912. The premium lists for the Mc Henry county fair are now ready. If you did not get one write to Theo Hamer. Sec.. Woodstock, 111. 4 ANOTHER OI-D SKTTI.ER GONE Mrs E. T. Chase has been called home. Lucia Jones was born in Tops- ham, Vt., Nov. 3, 1827, and died at Ringwood. 111., Aug. 15, 1U12. Feb. 12, 1850, *he was married to Levi A. Tabor, who died Nov. 10, 185ti. One soil, Os- ear. was lx>rn to this union. After Mr. Tabor's death she came with her parents to Illinois, where, at Syca­ more, on Oct. 19. 1858, she was mar­ ried to Eli T. Chase. One daughter, Florence, was born to tliem, who died at the age of three years. She was a devoted wife and mother, a kind neigh­ bor and friend to all in n£ed, and will be greatly missed by all her friends. The funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon, Rev. Collins officiating. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh sang. The floral offerings were beau tiful, and with loving hands she was tenderly laid to rest in Ringwood cem­ etery. The aged husband, with whom she has traveled life's journey for fifty- four years, has the heartfelt sympathy of all, and also the son who has lost a good mother. TKRKA COTTA. Miss Agnes Conway is visiting Elgin relatives. Miss Anna Knox of Chicago is vis­ iting relatives here. Raymond Powers of Holcombville called in this vicinity Tuesday. Misses 'Mary Burke and Florence tfnox spent Tuesday in Crystal Lake. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Dr. Tallerday of Belvidere was a caller in this vicinity Tuesday even­ ing. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry is vis­ iting at the home of M. Knox this week. Misses Katie Knox and Adah Carey called on relatives and friends here Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunday with the former's moth­ er, Mrs. B. F. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin enter­ tained several relatives from Ohio the past week. They made the trip in automobiles. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan attend­ ed the funeral of a relative at Spring Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Bergman and Miss Lind­ ner of St. Luke's hospital returned to Chicago Saturday evening after spend­ ing a week witii the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. HOLOOMBVILLB. Fred Powers took an auto trip to Ohio the first of the week. Mrs. L. Gardner entertained her sis­ ter from Chicago last week. Miss Minnie Pomrening of Wood­ stock spent Sunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beiser and chil­ dren spent Wednesday at Malta. D. Rowson and Miss Ir^ne Davoll were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mrs. Gardner and sister spent Wed­ nesday with relatives at Wauconda. Remember Farmers' day at the fair groilnds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Mrs. Jay Doherty and daughter, Lil­ lian, spent Wednesday at W. Bolger's. Mrs. P. F. Hunt and Miss Laura Hill spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Gilbert. Misses Catherine Knox and Adah Carey were callers at Will Doherty's Thursday. , ^ Mrs. W. Beiser and daughter, Edna, spent the latter part of the week in Aurora and Elgin. Miss Laura Hill returned to Chicago Friday evening after several weeks spent at P. F. Hunt's. Remember Farmers' day at the fair grounds, Woodstock, Saturday, Aug. 24. Start Right on Home Building and you will save a lot, of trouble, worry and money. Much depends on the proper selection of your 'lumber--strong, durable dimen­ sion and joists, good siding that will take and hold paint, sound shingles and smooth flooring, end matched and hollow backed, guar­ anteed to lay close. There are a lot of things we can help you with taht will make your home a home a haven of contentment. Let's talk it over. Willi! LUMBER CO. WEST H'HENRY, ILL. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVE! DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. F. A. BOH LANDER JOHN STOFFKL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh RWWDY CAN'T OWN A REAL FAKN but. nearly every American citi­ zen Van own a home. That's what our ancestors fought for away back in 177t> but ances­ tors can't help those who won't help • themselves. My placing within out reach "life, liberty and the pursuit of happines" and setting for us the example of good hemes, our worthy fore­ fathers did about all they could for us. In the building of their homes wood was used almost ex­ clusively, due, of course, in a large degree, to it* availability, but more particularly because of its making a healthful and sani­ tary abode suited most wonder­ fully to the climatic conditions of the country. Wood has ever been the favored building mate­ rial and the luml»er we have in stock these days makes the building of a home an easy mat­ ter compared to what our ances­ tors experienced. It's all ma­ chine worked, cut_ia> exact sizes, smoothly finished and ready to nail on. Come in and let us ex­ plain about its cost and quality. "There's No Place Like home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. PHONE e ind Grocery This is the place where the best of meats and the fresh­ est of groceries, vegetables and fruits are always obtain able. We aim to please our customers and with that end in view we buy nothing but the very best and sell at a price that is fair. Our ser vice cannot be surpassed. We solicit your patronage. J.W. Aebischer You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool a! of the peop* all the time. So follow the usual crowd on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and see the show at the air dome. Drugs There are distinct advantages in buying drugs and medicines where you know the experience and training of the management is such as to insure scientific service.' - For Your Protection When we supply your drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con­ sider right prices as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. N. H. PETE.SCH DRUGGIST. Phone 56-W McHENRY, ILL. | will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that" you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBER., The West Side Hardware Man. Be Comfortable Why let the sultry days annoy you and make you uncomfortable when we can save you all the displeasures? Let me sell you a lawn or porch swing, lawn chairs or hammock. I have them in all * styles and prices. :: :: :: t Window Screens (Si Doors Don't let that disease spreading fidget into your house. Get our window and door screens. We will put 'em up for you. Possibly you need an awning, too. If you do, we can fix you with anything in this line. A telephone call will place us at your service. :: :: :: JACOB JUSTEN. THE McHENR^Y FURNITURE MAN fP" H jj^ will run Pa s s k n c k k La i n c h k s to the lakes EVERY DAY including Sunday the balance of the season at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Round Trip, 5a Cents. Special Kvening Trips can be arranged for at the same rate. All sizes Launches to rent by the hour, day, week or season with or with­ out engineer. For further information call up McHenry, No. 7 SPECIAL TRIPS TO THE LOTOS BEDS EVERY DAY AT a O'CLOCK P. il.

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