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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1912, p. 8

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NEW FALL P^ts, Gloves, Shirts, ients' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 59-R F CONE AND SEE WHAT A • I • P% I will buy in our 5 and 10 cent department. Quite a number of people residing in McHenry and vicinity have already taken ad­ vantage of this new department and satisfied customers are call­ ing daily. Come in and see the display. It will please you. J. J. VYCITAL T IT'S TIME TO BF THINKING OF wi i There is a chill in the air now that warns of colder days to eome when good, warm Underwear wilLseein mighty good. But it isn't best to wait until that time to make your selection. For a short time we give you a chance to buy Underwear at whole­ sale prices. C-ome early as the stock is limited. Women's fleeced vbbed Vests and I'ants, medium^ ^ C" _ weight, 35c value, per garment Women's winter weight, fleeced Vestsand Pants, sold Tft regularly at 50c, two garments, 75c: single garment. Misses' wool mixed Vests and I'ants, ages 0 to 14, TL C _ extra value at this price, per garment Some Other Bargains Standard Prints, per yard 5^c Sunlight Ice Wool, per box 60c Angora Wool, per box 75c Saxony Yarn or Shetland Floss, 4 for 25c. per sk 7c John Stuff el J) A' , . ' V ; • « . 1 tl*"' '• 1 Bank of McHenry B5T ABLI5HED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 par cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a tfRERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat- ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in Virnt Class Companies, at th$ V>WMt rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST fflENlY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS of Aurora, Illinois CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION NOVEMBER S, H48 PLATFORM. I belleva la public regulation and control, by properly constituted suthorftlea, of all public service corponrtiona--raihMty, traction, tel­ egraph* . .tplaphone* electric light, gas and ail otters, I believe that the public is entitta* to know that it gets affair standard of service, and at a fair price, and that the eorpprftipn makea.a fWr business profit I feel that the PUBLIC 18 AL80 ENTJTLEO, TO ASSUR­ ANCE THAT ITS LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY ARE SAFE GUARDED IN THE.UTMOST t>£ GR6IL I believe that the public and employee of the company are entitled to know that every possible safeguard la thrown about the life and feaaMh af the employes. I be­ lieve In a fair working out of Ero- player** Liability. 1 I btiieye in putting tKie burden o# TAXATION ON THE SHOULD- ERS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN BEST AFFORD TO BEAR IT, ant «ho get the most benefit from the stability which this gover nment ot fere to Income and capital. I be­ lieve in an Income Tax exempting moderate Incomes, and one in which the ratio of taxation--when the income is enjoyed by a private individual -- increases as the In­ come itself increases in size. I be­ lieve in an Inheritance Tax ex­ empting moderate inheritances, out one In which the ratio of taxa­ tion Increases as the size of the inheritance itaelf increases. Republican Nominee at the April Primaries by a Majority) of " . ' 4.900 - : - i 'm&*t mmm < L- ^ - -.s~ - j ^ ( £ Progressives Have Since Endorsed Him as Their Candidate H» PLATFORM.' I Nilim la the conservation of Ml the fictional and state xeaoureea tor Hit beiseDfe ef all the people. I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION, Bt/T I BELIEVE INUpftOTECTION THAT REDUCES^ AS FAR AB POSSIBLE, THE COST OF THE CHEAPVIK ARTICLES tfcat leooeaarily consumed by the poor r people and. If additional revenue uat be raised from this source, hat the tax on the LUXURIES! HAT ARE ENJOYED BY THE RICHER PEOPLE BE MADE TO sTANO SUCH INCREASES, ae far as possible. I believe in the irlnclpie advocated by President raft when he caueed the present Tariff Commission to be eetab- lished. After this body has had an opportunity to gather ita facts, this country, for the first time, will be able to approach tariff legisla­ tion from a fair and scientific andppint and, for the flrat time, tine schedules will be framed in the interest of the ultimate consumed, as well as in the interest of the producers. Heretofore no one has ever been heard on a tariff echeo- uie excepting the producer. To sum up my platform lit one sentence, I AM A -PROGRESS IVE" REPUBLICAN AND Bt LI EVE' IN THE POLICIES O*- T H E O D O R E R 0 0 8 E V E L T , NAMELY, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." To Voters of the Eleventh Congressional District: I have been twice nominated and once elected by you cm the above platform and I am again a candidate**for your suffrage without a single change of principle. I call your attention to the fact, that every plank of my platform promulgated four years ago as an epitome of my progressive Republican principles, is now embod­ ied in the platform of the new Progressive Party, of which Theodore Roosevelt is* nominee for president. The primary vote of this district aid the primary vote of this whole counhy, wherever primaries were held, bears witness to the fact that Theodore Roosevelt was the nominee of the Republican voters for president and the principles advocated by Theodore Roosevelt are the principles of a great majority of the voters of this coun­ try. As a delegate to the Republican convention in Chicago it is my judgment that the will of the people was overridden and the nomination of Mr. Taft by ihe con­ vention was accomplished by delegates illegally seated. I am enthusiastically supporting Theodore Roosevelt for president and if I am returned to congress will advocate and support the principles enunciated in his platform. The voters of this district know exactly where I stand and I submit my cause to them in the November election. Auction Sale! F. O. CANS, AUCTIONEER Having sold his farm the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Theo. Winkel farm situated i mile north of McHenry, on the McHenry and Rich­ mond road, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22,12 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. t in- following described property, to-wit: 27--HEAD OF COWS--27 some new milkers and close springers, four yearling heifers, one Angora goat HORSES--8-yearold bay mare with colt by side, 2 yearling colts. HAY AND OK A IN--15 tons timothy hay in barn, 10 tons millet hay in barn, i stack of straw, 35 acres corn in shock, 400 bushels of good oats. FARn riACHINERY--New clean sweep hay loader, new Van. Brand drill, new McCormick corn binder, pul­ verizer on trucks, Janesville sulky plow, walking plow, corn planter with 100 rods of wire field roller, 2 sulky cultivators, diamond tooth cultivator, one 3-section drag, one 2-section drag, surry, set light bobs, steel truck wag­ on, new top wagon box, heavy milk wagon, 2 sets heavy work harness Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine and belts, fanning mill, corn sheller, 4 bbls cider vinegar, 12 cider barrels, new hog rack, tank heater, 30 fence |x)sts, barb wire, ice box, pipe tools, grind­ stone, milk cans, forks, shovels, hoes and other articles too numerous to mention. GOOD LUNCH AT NOON. Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good batakable notes drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Theo. Winkel. s. H. Freund, Clerk. A neglected cough may become chron ic. Our cough remedy will stop i& 25c the bottle at Petesch'a. . Adv. 17 P H I L I P JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest boose on the street. Tags and price lists furniahed on application. COLD STORAOE FREE Stall A 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. er West VtlcYHtiry, Tllttt*!*. Fall and Winter Goods are coming in daily. Come and see our SWEATERS All kinds and prices for Men, Women, Misses and Children for Fall and Winter wear in high and Regular cuts for dress and service. h have, others it both UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. THE MAN WITH nONEY In the bank doesn't have to worry about w1iei*e he is to get cash to settle those un­ paid bills. He doesn't have any. He always has money to pay as he goes and to have something left over for a rainy day. The West Mc­ Henry State Savings Bank ipvites you to start toward that comfortable position Open an account with what you Don't be ashamed of the smallness of the amount. Plenty of have commenced with less. Once you start saving you'll find easy and pleasant to continue, and wise, too. :: :: :: SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAK. EDWIN L. WAGNER, Prea. --OFFICERS:-- DR. C. H. FEGERS, Viae Pr*». CARL W. STENGER, Caehier. SIMON STOFFEL. (r- % ill HE A BlfiE The all steel frame, low down Clover Leaf Spreader now on our floor. Come in and let us show you this steel constructed machine, backed up with our prompt service. McCormick Qorn Harvesters, Corn Klevators, En­ gines, Wagons, Buggies, Plows Twine and Repairs. :: :: WM. STOFFEL Phones: OFFICE 88-il RESIDENCE 90-J & Warm Goods Hav ; you given this any thought? Cold weather is coming and you or some of your family are going to need some tiling to keep warm. The question is, Can you afford to wait until you are forced to get them? We say you cannot. Why? Because right now is the time to get them, as the departments in all warm goods are full to the top and you will be better pleased with your selection now than later, besides the prices are lower, considering quality, now than when we will have to buy again. Think this over and then come and take a look. BLANKETS Bed Blankets are priced by weight, not by size. The line we are showing has both extra quality and fair size. 75 full size blankets, and all will weigh more than regular, at $1.00 St -29 SI-75 UNDERWEAR More Staley brand for men. You can't beat theflft. wool and more size than any line made. :: '>'• Two piece garments, each SI -00 SI -50 Union Suits at.... S1.50 $2.50 S3.00 WARM GOODS Children's 2-pfcece, fine ribbed, heavy fleece lined shirts and pants ' - 25C Ladies' heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, ribbed and excellent quality 25c 35c 50C Children's fleeced union suits 50© 69C Ladies' fleeced union suits 50c $ 1 .Q0 Boys' shirts and pants in heavy fleece, big value each 25c L. F. McHENRY : BLOCK, PHONE 79-J t - i'J-

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