:V"i- J. W. SMITH, LESSEE AND PfANAGR. On account of the "Amer ican Beauties** Company being unable to play here SUN., NOV. 10 that date will be filled with ..Moving Pictures- All Seatts, 10 Cer\ts m WHEN you buy a heating stove you want one that will consume the least amount of fuel, give the greatest a mou nt of heat, hold the tire, prevent the formation of clink ers, have a hand some up] >ea ranee and last a lifetime THEN BUY A .. ROUND OAK... That is the stove t h a t h a s m a d e jjjood in every one of the above tests for forty years. We depend upon satisfied custom- >rs for future iales. Our stove b u s i n e s s h a s i n creased each year vjiioh is proof positive that we »ave the right p o l i c y a n d t h e ilGHT STOVE, "all and see the line. :: :: F. L. McOMBER, West Main Street West McHenry P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THS SALE OF DrtMad Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hide#, Etc., gutter and Eggs This is th» oldest house on the street Tags and price list* famished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE VSJL\SSS~- , CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. It's T rue Mother has had her pic- tu re taken rather oftener than father has--but even she hasn't been in in two years and >that picture will never do to send to Aunt J^ne. She wears her hair so much more becomingly now-- and anyway, it's high time there was another picture far the family collection. Make your appointments now for Christmas Photos. We make and sell picture frames Sctindbers Photo Studio 'raONEMWJ WEST N'UENUf, ILL Don't Ask Us who is going to be the next president of the United States. We do not know a thing about it. Ask us all the ques- tious you want to about meats and groceries and we will be able to give yow a satisfactory an^ swer, We deal in these lines and know that we can please you. :: y J.W.Aebischer (Sucmmt (• C. tt, fr»tLI McHENBY. ILL. s-: 'PHONE BO-PI NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHR Ci\r/CL£D BY owe Moving pictures at the Centra] opera house Wednesday, Saturday and Sun day. Adv JOHNSRUBCiR. We understand that Johnsburgh is to have a new business enterprise in the very near future. A few of our young people took in the show at the opera house in Me- Henry last Sunday evening. Work on the foundation for the uew store that'is being erected by C. M. Adams is progressing nicely. A blue rock shoot will be held at Mrs. Nell's place next week Wednes day, Nov. 13. Local followers of the sport will all be there. The dance given at Smith's hall here by the Mystic Workers of this place last evening was very well at tended and as a result a neat sutn was realized. The event proved a highly enjoyable affair. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Joseph Palmes here last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley of Chicago, Mrs. JohnSwadish and son of Kenosha, Wis., Martin Palmes and two children of Harvard, 111., Math. Palmes of Marengo, Mrs. A. C arpen ter of Reloit. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. 'I ' Henry Mentzer and children of Wood stock. The young ladies of St. John's church gave a card parly in Johnsburgh hist Wednesday ni^ht which w as distinctly enjoyed by a large crowd. Mrs. Jos. King snatched the first prize, John Pitzeo the second. Considerable amuse ment was created by the booby prizes, which were awarded to lit-orge Kin# and Mrs. Catherine Schaeier. The young ladies served an attractive lunch and managed the financial end of the entertainment handsomely. The pro ceeds will go to defray bills occasioned by the w iring of the sisters' house. The dance which followed the card party closed promptly at 12 o'clock. This was the first of the series of card parties which the young ladies of Johnsburgh promise for the winter months. Activities commenced in Johnsburgh Sunday for a two day "Kirmes" in St. John's hall, which will lake place Thanksgiving eve and Thanksgiving afternoon and night. The married ladies held a meeting and elected a committee ol six for the advance uowk. An attractive display is being prepared bv the women. Aprons, quills anil all sorts of things are being solicited. The children have begun an exciting contest (or a beautiful, hu ge doll !o be divssed by the school sisters. The men and the >oung ladies will have a section of their own and everylnkly is taking an intense interest for the fes- tivilu». An appetizing Thanksgiving dinner is on the prog-nun Thankgiving day as well as a lunch in iho evening. Decorators will go to work very soon ?to give the large hall a beautiful ap pearance for the event. The Public Service company has remodelled the lighting facilities and the hall has al ready become the favorite gathering ground lor the jwople for the Johns burgh church. VOLO. Thos. Fisher was a W'auconda caller Friday. chas. Dunnill spent Sunday with hdlue folks. Mrs. Bay Paddock was a Iiound Lake caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaught s|»ent Tuesdav in Waukegan. Mrs. Earl Townsend and son spent Saturday at M. Hanson's." Mrs. I-iola Avery of Lake Villa is Visiting at Hay Paddock's. Mrs. Chas. Kapple spent Wednesday and Thursday w ith her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank £uelsdorf and children visited at Frank Hironimus' the past week. On Sunday, Nov. 3, \1912, occurred the death of Mrs. H. Dolbeer, at her home about two miles west of Volo, after a lingering illness. Church B«•**!•, Next Sunday, November 10, the St. Peter's ohureh bazaar will close. The members of the parish have made all preparations to make this day a pre mium day. An elaborate dinner will be served between 1» and 3 p. m. A delicious duck and goose supper will be given between <"> and 8 p. m. Altho the tish pond becamf empty last Sun day, there will be an entirely new as sortment of all different kinds of fishes. Hand made embroidery goods are for sale for the cheapest price. Here and now buy your Christmas presents. After supper the subscription books will be rattled. Everybody is only too curious to know who w ill be the win ners of the two contests. 1 he candi dates in the ladies' contest are: Miss Elizabeth Molidor. Miss Tttlie Wagner and M iss Lizzie Brown. For the young men's contest the candidates are: Theodore Wagner and Nic Miller. Who will be the w inner? The con tests will close at 12 p. m. Everybody is kindly invited and welcome. Mrs. C. Fitch returned to Chica go Saturday evening. Lewis Tonyon had the misfortune to break his collar bone Monday. Mrs. A. Lawrence attended the funeral of her niece in Chicago Tues day. Gleet MoCannon and family and Mrs. Emiqa Matthews s|>ent Sunday at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs, Wade Sanborn attended the domestic science school at Spring Grove Monduy and Tuesday. Mrs. Francisco, who has been caring for Mrs. Ada Dodge, returned to Wood stock Wednesday of this week. Mr! and Mrs. William Harrison vis ited at John Reynolds'* on tyound Prairie Wednesday of last week. Charles Stephenson and son, Henry, left Tuesday evening of last week for Oelwein, la., to visit the former's mothev, returning Sunday evening. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs one week ago Sunday. We ,were not in formed so could not (Mention it last week. Mrs. McGanus of Elgin will give a reading in the M. E. church Sunday evening, Nov. 10. She will also assist in an entertainment given by the Ladies' Aid at the Woodman hall Nov. 15-14. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. lnga Merchant's last Saturday. Kev. Schorb from near Aurora was present and made some good remarks and recited two excel lent poems TKRKA COSTA. Mr. and M rs. Kline entertained com pany over Sunday. v Mrs. Helen Fox spent last week with Woodstock relatives. Chas. Buck and Mrs. A.'T. McMillan are numbered among the sick. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Saturday and Sunday with Woodstock relatives. Misses Irene Frisby and Mary fiurke were guests of Miss Florence Knox Sunday. r M iss Mae Ames spent last Wednes day wit'n Mrs. Chas. La Plant at Ter ra Cotta. Mrs. Stacia Knox and Mrs. M. Knox visited the Misses Courtney at Wau- conda last Thursday. Mrs. M.J. Walsh, daughter and sons and Misses Ellen Doherty and Katie Weber of McHenry called on relatives and friends here Tuesday. Those neither absent nor tardy for the month of October are: Robert Knox, Timothy Flanagan, Harvard Phalin. Harold Knox, Margaret Grant •and George Phalin. Enrollment, 17 Average daily attendance, 15 plus. Fi.OKK.NCK Wkl.ch, Teacher. PRO P> ATIi Nil MS ry t'uu thiols. [ Lsl»e<t l iv Mi ' l lmiry t 'uunty t ' t impu' iv . \V,m>,|s |4K'U. I l l inois . < >t t le»- In A r - nol : ; HIIN ' I , . s i<lf publ ic Ah- s t r ic ls i i f l i t !<• uni t ronveyum'i i iw Money Ui |<)hii on r t 'u l i-hl . i t , ' In sums of l ive hundred to ten i l ious. ' t iu l i lul l i i rs . I ' l ine mil |mymentN tosui t Imrrower. Pinnies 834. WiCi nul Si t . ] RKAb KSTATK TKANSKKRS. Ueriwml Wegener & w In \V. I ' Knir , - tuel . J»t eH iw' i mv ;C. McHenry $4fl0 00 > |'i i fiictn t<> .l:uu> M. Small. It 12 .t iil« It 14. .11ill11 H Ke.^tert's Min-dl v m-<- 'JII. Melleury. 10.00 INJOUATK l'l!< K'KKDiNt JS. Estate of Andrew T. McMillan. Henry Mc Millan and Frank McMillan appointed administrators. Hood $11KM tiled and approved. Decree of heirship entered. Amos I). Wlnting. Proof of publi cation of notice of claim day tiled and approved. Peter Rothermel. Final re}>ort filed and approved and administrator dis charged. MARR1AC1K UOENSKS. Rupert (\ Kckert, 25. . Woodstock Pearl Johansson, 20 44 George It. Mallett, 21 Uuion Kmclia VV. F. Fritz, 20 44 Henry J. Schmid, 2i>. Woodstock Anna M. Weidner, 2<i .llartland Tp William A. Miller. 42 Dorr Tp Luella M. Sullivan, 45 " Edward C. Schroeder, 28.Crystal Lake Minnie E. Tiinm, 23 " 44 Daniel L. Shields, 29. Harvard Mary E. Slavin, 24 . . . Hebron Will Smith, 29 Johnsburgh Kalherine Michels, 20 44 Otto A. Krendel, 23. . Bridgman, Mich Frieda E. Cook, 20 Harvard Charles W. Fish, 24 - Woodstock Alice M. St. Dennis, 24. .. . " THOS. r. BURNS IS FOUND FOKKER MEMBER OF STATE LEGISLATURE HAS BEEN FOUND. Thomas F. Burns, former member of the state legislature from this district, and favorably known to quite a num ber of our people, has been found. Mr. Burns suddenly appeared at his home in Belvidere Saturday, after an ab- senoe of several months. He has been missing since February. A country-wide search had been made for him and his friends had given him up for dead. He states that he has been in Texas, working as a trav eling salesman. Previous to his sud den disappearance he had suffered busi ness reverses and his troubles culmi nated in a fire that destroyed his ^Iry goods stock. Then his creditors began to press him and, he says, suddenly one day he decided to quit and go away and let them take what they could get. He put on his coat, board ed an interurban car, went to Chicago, thence to St. Louis and'from there to Texas. He at that tinfe Intended to get located somewhQjrfJand send for his family, but finally cteQided t0 return to Belvidere. \ , His reappearance on t-he streets created almost as much of a sensation as did his disappearance. BUY niLLWORK THAT ADDS VALUE to your home by increasing its at tractiveness at little more cost than you'd pay for inferior stuff. We purchase from the best wood working factories in the country and can supply everything in Sash, Doors, Mouldings, 5tair Rails, Porch Columas, and Interior Finish on the shortest notice and lowest prices consistent with quality. Try us. Bring your plans in for prices. LUMBER CO. WEST H'HENRY, ILL * CHECK Why Suffer? DR. SHOOTS RHEUMATIC REMEDY WILL CURE. WE SIGN THE GUARANTEE. -WE ALSO SELL 5-- Shoop's Restorative Shoop's Cough Remedy Shoop's Preventics for Colds Shoop's Catarrh Remedy Shoop's Laxets Shoop's Magic Ointment for Piles E. V. MCALLISTER & CO. Druggists j: Wrst McHenry TO THE PPOPLF OF H'HENRY AND VICINITY CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All < >iim mt uU uni i t r aac it- t i i i n t the fol lowingratec Hv* l lue» ui 1bb», 116 oeuU for f lnt luwrt luu; 16 mil l fur each •ubevgurut l iuer t ion. More tu»t | t tvc l intM, & Ct>uu « | !Uf fur t l i -a t Inser t ion, and 3 cenU a l ine 'or addl t toni tnaer t ion*. TT^OK SAL.K--Base burnor and sideboard. " lixiuire at this office. Mbk Htro. XTVyK SALK - Ory oak cord wood. Inquire of r v John Fhbdkd, McHenry. K. a. Pboue 81-3t* r»OK 8A1.K - Indian Runner ducks, ft.00 r MRS. C. I. ALLKKixmr. Went Mc- Uenry. Ill- Houte 1. 8l-lt POl'Nl> A n«w siee 10 automobile glove. <ilove wns found ui'iir rullroiid tracks on West Sidi'. Owner Inquire at this office. 21 U\OB HALE A lirst-cluss surr»>y in fine eon- J? dltlon. Will be sold ehi-ap. Inquire or write KiNtirtKKY Hoiwk. PlwtaloH' Bay. 16-tf t^OB 8ALK. H(»um"k aud lots In McHenry £ AIm> river prop«rty with atrreage. Bold per acre or <>' A. t) ATT km. West McHenry. HI. ̂ *^~tf a BLACK VKAKLING Hul.STEIN HE1F EK bus come to uiy farm. Owuercan iittveaamebv proving property and pay Inn cbargw. J OS rtiLUHU, Mclltnry, 111. 3J-H I vvisli to announce that I am now located in the build ing: until recently occupied by M. J. Walsh and can sup ply you with Ladies' and Children's Coats, Waists, Dress Skirts, Dress Goods; Overcoats, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Shoes and everything to be found in a general store. Our gro eery department is also com plete. :: E. LDSK,: WEST H'HENRY PMONL m- SEE OtJR We are agents for this Storm Front and will be pleased to have you call and see it. It is absolutely the most practica ble Storm Front on the mar ket. Call in and we will tell you all about it and explain its merits. :: :: :: E: L. Behlke, WEST McHhNRY, ILL, U*OK 8ALF.--Mitchell automobile, four ptfs- I sender, perfect condition, $300 00 Now tires, three'extra tires, wind shield, speedoia- eter, chain*, pump, tools, clock, bumper, liorn and Jack. Jos. J. M*htics. Oak Park Hotel, I'Utakee Bay. )Wtf A neglected cough may become chron ie. Our cough remedy will stop It. 26c the bottle at Petesch's. Adv. 17 * THAT COLD jnstr.as quickly as possible. One can never tell what a cold wijLl develop into. Our PINI COLD TABLETS is a never-failing antidote for eolds. It makes no dif ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage or well advanced. It is guaranteed to cure. :: :: :: :: mo, 28 axis. N. H. PPT€SCH McHENKY, iu<lnwiB. WE are prepared to supply you with warm, seasonable goods. Our "new store, fully one-third larger than the old one, is crowded with seasonable merchandise. :: :: :: :: Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced 50c Men's Underwear, heavy wool. - - tl.00 to $3.00 Ladies' Underwear_.25c-$2 Union Suits for Men, Wo men and children at popu lar prices. Men's heavy Coats, duck and corduroy 12.25 up Bed Blankets, heavy and warm, medium and large sizes 75c to $6.00 Flannel Shirts and nobby Dress Shirts.. $1 to $1.50 All the latest fads in Ties and Collars. Our Shoe Department is full of good bargains--new est styles and shapes. Dress Goods in all popular shades and newest novelties in l'oplius Cords, Etc. Ginghams, Percales, Flannels. Silks in Messalines and new changeable combinations. We have a lot of Silk Kemnants to close at bargain prices. BUTTERICK PATTERNS IN STOCK. Groceries, Canned Goods, Cereals, Etc., always fresh. Try our Tol paz Coffee, 35c, 3 pounds for $1.00. None better. Other grades at 25c and 30c. Do not forget to call and see the new INTERNATIONAL Samples for your new suit or overcoat. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Yours truly, J. WALSH, PHONE 03-It. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST McflEMKY. fir PRETTY THINGS For The Home From now until spring you will be pass ing most of your time in your home and with the approach of cold weather also comes the thought of making your home comfortable and cozy. Did, you.ever stop and think of the many comforts there are in GOOD FURNITURE? Home is not complete without nice fur niture and we are here to supply you. We handle everything in the line of Furniture at satisfactory prices. :: :: JFACOB T H f r : M c H L N H Y FURNITURE MAN Just Like Mother Used to M&ke That's what they say about our Bakery and the assertion is absolutely correct. We exercise just as much care in our baking as mother used to anjl we use nothing but the very best ttour, sugar, butter and lard that can be purchased. That's why our goods are better than our cona- . petit^rs are offering you. / Phone 103 R NWMNNWNMI :: A. TIFTTZ iaaiiiiaicaiiiNi«9»Mmiai TELEPHONE N*. ioa-n ASK ME About ELECTRIC Christinas presents. Now is the lime and nothing better can U i ui u SAMUEL M. ESLER >: >: m-fhenry, ill*