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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1913, p. 4

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f Metier 'U&LIBSRD ®V®my THURSDAY ST P. O. SCHRBINER, Ita-tafefc lUMlng. Telephone, Mo. 1TB. tTSMMtt OF •UMOniPXIONl ymt......... ..... mi •tx mouths, n<m. XfctM moatfas. 40 eta Haraday, January 16,1913. FOR JANUARY MIT MORNING. JAN- MITU. V-: IA fey- ^CWooistock Republican. 1 Tfce January term of the McHenry county circuit court will open at the owurt bouse in this city next Monday morning, Jan. 13, Judge Donnelly pre­ ssing. The following' cases will come u| for trial: >eople vs. John Erney--Appeal, lyn, Barber and Casey). People vs. Ben Silver--Larceny, (joslyn.) People vs. Dennis Coughlin -Lar- «Sny. (Joslyn.) People vs. Frank Noon an -- Burglary. Motion for new trial pending. (Jos- ./lyn, Shvirtleff and Casey.) People vs. C. & N. ,W. Rv. Co.--Ob­ structing the highway. Pending. (Joslyn.) ' People vs. Honora Nihan Assault 'V*: with intent to commit murder. (Jos- ' :• lyn and Casey.) :^v People vs. Edward McConnick--As- ^ mult with deadly weapon. (Joslyn and • Casey.) People vs. H. C. Thon Appeal. & Philip W. Mothersill vs. Wilbur Glenn Voliva--Trespass on the case. •/ (Orvis, Beaubian and Joslyn; Field and Barnes.) Bert Daniels vs. James Welsh--As­ sumpsit. (Casey.) A. S. Wright vs. (C. W. Hill- As­ sumpsit. (Smiley and Joslyn.) Dayton Pitless Scales Co. vs. B. Carpenter Appeal. M. J. Breen et al vs. Michael Hay- den--Assumpsit. (Hendricks.) Arthur A. Orissey vs. Marengo, Lake Geneva & Northern Railway Co.-- Trespass on the case of premises. (Joslyn.) Emeline Van Leuven Fry, Exrx., etc., vs. Ernest C. Robb, Admr., etc., of Almon A. Ryder, deceased--Peti­ tion for citation: appeal. (Shurtleff.) John McGee vs. Elgin National Brewing Co., a corporation Trespass. (Lumley.) People of the state of Illinois vs. Knickerbocker Ice Co Bill for in­ junction. (Atty. Gen. Stead and State's Atty. Joslyn; McKinley and McGuffin.) i Adella Diggins et al vs. E. L. Axtell >:* et al--Bill to redeem. (Joslyn.) Sarah Stewart vs. Nelson Stewart-- Bill for divorce. (Joslyn.) The case of the city of Woodstock vs. Frank M. Bunker came up before Judge Whitney in the circuit court last Friday, Attorneys Barnes and Lumley appearing for the defendant and State's Attorney Josyln and City Attorney Waite appearing for the plaintiff. The motion was to dissolve the injunction now existing, the argu­ ments starting at 2:30 and continuing until 11 o'clock. Judge Whitney reserved his decis­ ion in this case until the attorneys could submit briefs. This is the case in which the city of Woodstock is endeavoring to build a cement sidewalk on the north side of South'street, fronting upon the prop­ erty of F. M. Bunker. In the case of Frank Noonan for a new trial the motion was argued last Monday, Attorneys Casey and Shurt- leff appearing for the defendant and State's, Attorney Joslyn and his as­ sistant, Paul Donovan, appearing for the state. The case was argued be­ fore Judge Donnelly, who took it un­ der advisement, to return his decision at the opening of the January term. The suit of Powers vs. Zavitz was heard last Saturday before Judge Don- Belly, who rendered a decision for Mr. Fbwers. The case was a suit for com- imssions which Mr. Powers claims was due him from the defendant. Mr. Powers had found a purchaser for the land which Mrs. Zavitz offered for sale, whereupon she refused to make the sale, but afterward carried out the nme deal thru another r<-al estate agent. This is the third hearing1 in this matter and the judge decided that Mr. Powers was entitled to the full amount of commission sued for. Attorneys Waite and Joslyn repre­ sented Mr. Powers and Attorney Hen­ dricks appeared for Mrs. Zavitz. This is the case which the Harvard Herald reported some weeks ago had been decided jin favor of Mrs. Zaviu but that paper was in error at that' time. Saturday night Judge Donnelly •Ibsed the September terin of court. The January term will open next Mon day, Jan. 13. AUCTION SALE! «3JD. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Having rented his farm, the under 8igned will sell at public auction sale, on the Rohema Stock and Dairy Farm, formerly known as the bid Kennebeck homestead, situated at Pistakee Bay, on the McHenry-Ingleside road, two and one-half miles east of Johnsbur^, six miles southeast of McHenry, four miles northwest of Ingleslde, eight miles north of Round Lake, SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1918 coiui-iuiiciutf at 10 o'clock a. m., siuu-ft the following described property, to- 12S -.HEAD Or LIVE STOCK I2S consisting el 12 HEAD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEW CATTLE Rohema Aaggie* LVKol Korndyke, H. B. 157910; born May *p, 1910: sire. Beryl Wayne Korndyke, H. B. 474(58; dam, Aaggie DeKol Promoter, H. B. 96314. Bull calf, born Nov. 17, 1912; sire, Hilltop Mercedes Butter King, son of King of Butter Kings; dam, Rohema Aaggie DeKol Korndyke. Madrigal Mechthilde Colantha, H. B. 14270: sire, Paul Colantha 2nd, H. B. 26933: dam, Madrigal Mechthilde Tirania, El. If. 750H2. Sadie Pauline Meqhthilde, H. B. (M1377: sire, Paul DeKol 3rd America, H. B. 2H046; dam, Vickery Mechthilde Tirania. H. B. 58472. Rohema Fobes Burke Mechthilde, it. B. 157912: bora July 12, 1910: sire, Johanna Fobes Burke, H. B. 60437; dam, Sadie Pauline Mechthilde, H. B. 66377. # Lassie Pansy Gerben, H. B. 87890; born Oct. 15, 1905: sire, Terzool Mech­ thilde DeKol Lad, H. B. 34762; dam, Florence Jewel Gerben 2nd, H. B. 72980. Rohema Delvol Rue Gerben, H. B. 157911; born Oct. 7, 1910; sire, Johanna DeKol Rue, H. B. 33437: dam, Lassie Pansy C.erben, H. B. 87890. Hej»sa Hamel Mercedes Girl, H. B. 64180: sire, Aaggie Netherland Merce­ des Duke 2nd, H. B. 24770; dam, Hep- sa Hamel. H. B. 31829. Heifer calf, born Jan. 29, 1912; sire, Beauty Pietertje Beets, H. B. 63690; dam, Hepsa Hamel Mercedes Girl, H. B. 64180. " Maid Aaggie DeKol, H. B. 99934; sire, Mercedes H DeKol, H. B. 28978; dam, Scholton Belle Mercedes, H. B. 64841. Herd Bull.--Head your herd with the best of the breed. Hilltop Mer­ cedes Butter King, II. B. 64375, born July 19, 1909: one of the best sons of the King of Butter Kings; sire, King of Butter Kings, H. B. 50739; dam, Garland Mercedes 2nd, H. B. 71910. GRADE MOLSTKINS 10 Fresh and 17 Close Springers. Also choice lot of Heifers and Calves. REGISTERED JERSEYS Golden Venora, No. 189932; born Ap> ril 4, 1905: sire, Bessie's Diploma Boy, No. 62862; dam, Golden Reverie, No. 171958. Lily Gold Fox, No. 232063; born Feb. 10, 1908; sire, Gold Fox Fern, No. 75,- 126; dam, Gold Lill, No. 203424. HORSES AND COLTS Four year old black Pepcheron geld­ ing, wt. 1300; 4 year old black Percher- on mare, wt. 1300; 10 year old bay mare, wt. 1200; 9 year old bay mare, wt. 1200: 9 year old bay mare, wt. 1200; T" dog, Chicago & North-Western. Effective November :t. 1(412. VM DAT TBAIKS. OHLCAGO. KOBTH BOUND •7.00 a in Via Eluin •8.35 a ui Via lies Plaines *».S0 pnj Vlu Des Plaiues *11:50 am .. .Via Elutij Via D«s Flaii ies 3-Bpm Via Kljfin •H.45 p m Via Ues Plaint* . •ONI)AT TRAINS. a. -..Via Klein MS am Via L)es IMainr» Mftp m .....Via Elgin VWK DAT TBAlNfl Leave KcHeury. BOUTHBODND WL10 a in ....... Via Des PI al tics •W-lOaui Via Elirin WWa m .Via L)6«j Plaint*"...... ,.TO ^§.68 p m Via Den Plaiues p nj " * CDMDAT TRAIMA. ^ tUO a Ui .......Via Des Plalues.... . « 35 a m •». Vl ::.;.«:55tS : WOpai--T...Via Dee Plaint* 8.30 #J<*> P a> Via EIkIu ;".;.7.50p m *DAHFFMBMPT SAIUUY. Arrive McHenry. . 10.01 a m ...10.01 a m --2 .25 p m p iu ."i.oo p m p m -- 6.21 p ni .. .10.05 a m --10.05 a 111 --4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. ....*.15 a iu # 40a m .».« a m 12 ^ar old black mare, wt. 1300; 10 year old black mare, wt. 1400, in foal; 12 year old black gelding, wt. 1^00; 12 year old brown mare, wt. 1300; sor­ rel colt, 18 months old; black colt, 10 months old; bay colt, 7 months old; pair brood mares, wt. 2400. forty-seven hogs, brood sows and spring shoats. CHICKENS-White Plymouth Bocks, barred Plymouth Rocks, buff Plymouth Bocks. Seven months old Bhepherd prize winning stock. riACHINERY Hay rake, Emerson sulky plow, 3 walking plows, Clover Leaf manure spreader No. 3, 2 3-inch-tire truck wagons, narrow tire truck wagon, 2 light milk wagons, 'bus, Studebaker surry, nearly new; 2 single buggies, 1 nearly new; 2 hay racks and boxes, hog rack, swill cart with barrel, 2 feed carts, set light bob sleds, set heavy bob sleds, ^-section drag, 2 2- section drags, McCormick corn har­ vester, Deering grain harvester, Key­ stone hay loader, Deering mower, 16- disc pulverizer with truck, Hoosier broadcast seeder, Deere corn planter, Fuller & Johnson pump engine and jack, tank heater, hay fork, ropes and pulley A, sliding saw frame, fanning mill, ensilage cutter, 2 feed grinders, bone grinder, spraying machine, 1 ton Duplex screw block, 144-egg Cypher's incubator and brooder, 12 brooder coops, lawn mower, wagon jacks, Uni­ versal seeder, platform scale, 12 milk cans, pails and strainers, Babcock test­ er, tiO lb. dairy scale, butter churn, 3 sets work harness, 3 sets surry hai^ ness, 2 sets single harness and saddle. MAY AND QRA1N Quantity of timothy hay in barn, 75 bu. white seed oats, 10 bu. buckwheat. HOUSEHOLD QOODS Square piano, 2 ice boxes, 6 stoves, beds, tables, chairs, and other articles too numerous to mention. USUAL FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERnS OF SALE: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount U months' credit will be given on good bankable notes draw- ing interest at 7 per cent per annum. No goods to be removed until settled for with clerk. JOSEPH F. HAAS, Proprietor. SiriON STOFFEL, Clerfc^ * "MovidB" at the Central Wednesday ! and Saturday of this week. • Y\- In order to make room for our new spring stock which will arrive shortly we are going to give the gen­ tlemen of McHenry and vicinity the opportunity of th$irt lives to fit themselves with Pants, Sweaters and Rain Coats at prices never before equalled in the history of McHenry. Look over the below prices: raincoats Raincoats that for­ merly sold at $10, during this sale only $8.00 Special Prom now until Feb­ ruary 1 we will give absolutely free of charge a hat or cap with each suit of tailor made clothes purchased here. T PANTS AT COST & BELOW We are going to dispose of our stock of winter pants at cost and below. You'll never again have an opportunity of securing such high grade goods at these extremely low prices; Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, .Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, Pants, former price $3.00, now former price $3.75, now former price $3.50, now former price $4.25, now former price $3.75, now former price $3.75, now former f>rice $3.25, now former*price $3.75, flow former price $3.25, now former price $3.50, now former price $3.75, now $3,10 <$3.00 $3.50 S3„Q(J S3.15 $2.75 $3.00 fQrmer.pri^e •^50, now S3.0© <$3,00 $2.00 Sweaters All wool Sweatees ^ must be sold. For mer selling p^ice §2.00, now $1.50 $1.75 Listen These prices will hold good until F«*b. 1. Call early and Set first choice. f Professional. Society J | twnd Business Cards * DAVID C. WELLS, «. |. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Ol- 1 lie® ••jdrMUettc# c.rn.p Elm and Ciw*« irtrwsta, McHenry, I!lin*ia. Telephone N*. 311. -- HWIN Ph<HMT 248-S Office Mwa« M7. CHARLES R. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY WOODSTOCK, ILL Kendall Block 112 1-2 CIM 8treet Telephone Nm JM, SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West MfHeary, IMMI« Fine Stock Merchandi* Farm MM Real Eatata G. A SITFJ1 AUCflONEEE Telephone Na. 804 WEST N'BENKY, ILL L. Q. SENG Soma daf raa al ex­ cellence n ll«were and eigara, aame aervtce, same eld stand, same every* thing except the BF"NUMBER mi Is 106 N. 6th Ave. CHICAOO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE RING WOOD. E. C. Hawley was an Elgin visitor Monday. Bertha Bell was a Richmond visitor Tuesday. Thomas Walkington was in Rich­ mond Tuesday. A. Lawrence is acting as juror at Woodstock this week. Charles Krohn visited his sister in Harvard Friday and Saturday. Rev. Collins and John Coates of Greenwood were calling in town Fri­ day. Mrs. C. E. Bentley of Dundee visit­ ed Miss Eleanor Hawley Thursday and Friday. Robert Esh and son of Spring Grove were calling in town Wednesday of last week. C. W. Harrison attended the funeral of Mrs. Luinley in Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. William Coates attended the farm­ ers' meeting at McHenry Wednesday of last week. S. W. Brown and C. W. Harrison attended a Masonic meeting in Wood­ stock Monday evening. The Universalists will hold their church service at the home of J. C. Ladd Sunday, Jan. 19, at 2:30 p. m. Bernard Bell and wife, James and Duane Bell called on their father, John Bell, Wednesday of last week. At this writing he is able to sit up. The W. C. T. U. held a pleasant meeting at Mary Dodge's last Satur­ day. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Rilla Foss, when the county pres­ ident will be with us. Word was received here Monday aft­ ernoon of the death of Mrs. Thomas Lumley, a former resident of Ring- wood, at the home of her son, Vincent, in Woodstock. The funeral was held from the M. E. church of that place Tuesday afternoon. Thomas Walkington's house on his farm near Greenwood burned last Sat- day. The tenant, Mr. Swetchzer, could save only some of the household goods on the iirst liopr. The fire is supposed to have started from the chimney, as the upper floor was all on tire before discovered. All his seed corn and timothy seed were in the chamber, so it is a great loss. Mr. Walkington will build a small tempo­ rary home for the family until he can rebuild in the spring. SHOW YOUR BIRDS AT RICHMOND. The first annual exhibition of the Richmond Poultry association to be held at Richmond, 111., Jan. 29, 30,^31, and Feb. 1, will be one of the best shows of the present season. The list of prizes offered exceeds that of any other show in this section and includes seventeen beautiful silver loving cups, over ilOO in cash premiums and sev­ eral specials. W. A. Hal bach of Water-ford, Wis., will place the awards by the score card system of judging. A large list of. entries is expected and all fanciers are invited to enter their birds. Premium lists are now ready for distribution and can be procured by dropping a postal to R. G. Scott, Secretary, Richmond, 111. Briek ice cream at P»teach'« next Sunday. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* in»erte<l under this head at file foUowingratea: Kivelines or lone, 85 cents for fli'et Insertion; Ik cents for each subsequent insertiuix. More than Ave linen, 5 cents a line fur first Insertion, and 3 cents a line ̂ or additlonl insertions. XpOR SALE--A good cook stove nearly new. A Inquire of or write 8IMON MICBKLS, Mc­ Henry, III. 30 tf ANTED--Salesmen for article of merit; vv $4 to per day. Address W A u K EG AN JtovKLTY Co., WtujkeKan. III. 28-3t* X^OUND- -*• same -A ueck chain. Owner may have by calling at this office, proving property ana paying for this notice. TOR SALE--Six horse Fairbanks-Morse st,. tlonary gasoline engine, in good running order. Will sell cheap. WII.BDB LUMBER Co. 31-tf Just Like Mother Used to M&ke That's what they say about our Kakery and the assertion is absolutely correct. We exercise just as rauoh care in our baking as mother used to and we use nothing but the very best ttour, sugar, butter and lard that can be purchased. That's why our goods are better than our com­ petitors are offering you. •pMJK SALE--About 75 well marked, iargt boned Plymouth liock cockerels. WM C. DILLON, Round Lake, 111. 'Phone 13-W-s 29-2t* fill J Phone 103-R "CVJR SALE--Houses and lots in McHenry Also river property with acreage. Sold per acre or let. Inquire of O. A. SATTEM. West McHenry. 111. 41-tf XpOR SALE--Single surry, milk wagon, top buggy, single surry harness, light double bobsleigh, ('all at the store. J. W. FRECND, West McHenry, 111. 31-4t TjHJR RENT -*• as the Allen K. Colby p short distance west of McHenry. Inquire of - -11 r.> For cash, 138 acre farm, knows as the Allen P. Colby place and located a ED. POWKKS, North Crystal L.ake. 111. 29-2t* ANTED--Two ladies from 18 to 30 year- "* of age to take training in Cottage boss pltal training school; ten dollars a month gears' white in training, room and board; two coarse. "C^OR SALE--My 80-acre farm, situated in -1- Nunda township, about three miles southeast of Mclletiry. For further informa­ tion inquire of or write FKBO DBUTSCHMANN, McHenry, III. 27-3t* i. C. ROCKWELL'S SUNNY SOUTH CO. As a sort of diversion local theatre goers will have an opportunity of see­ ing something entirely new in the amusement line in the opera house, McHenry, Saturday evening, January 18, when J. C. Rockwell's Sunny South company, the show that leaves you laughing when they say good night, will make its appearance. This is said to be one of the strongest combinations of colored talent ever organized. It is up-to-the-minute, bright and pleasing from start to iinish. It contains more real humor, wit and novelties than any similar organization. The manage­ ment wishes to give the public a run for their money and have gotten to­ gether a strong and evenly balanced combination which is bound to please the most fastidious seeker after amuse­ ment. There is snap and ginger from beginning to end, the music is bright and catchy, it is all new and popular because it can be whistled after on^e hearing. It is an up-to-the-minute show for up-to-date people, freely in­ terspersed with several specialties of the better class, which will make the audience sit up and take notice. Dat­ ing from the opening scene until the final fall of the curtain there is not a moment when some of the numerous cast are not occupied rendering mat­ ters pleasing to the audience. The organieation is accompanied by a solo concert band and a superb orchestra. The band will head the Koontown pa­ rade, taking place at noon. The prices of admission have been placed at 2&, 35 and 50 cents. Seats are now selling at Petesch's drug store. Adv Number 14 won the Domestic vaecu- um cleaner recently raffled off by the agent, Gerald Newman. :: :: A. TIETZ ------sssssssssssssssssssssssssssissssssssi Get Ycur Hens Ready f"r heavy laying' this fall nn<] winter. 1'ush the pullets to 1 urly maturity, 1.1|, t he old hens throuKh the moult. I cttl • a varied rauuu and i.icluie preP* Poultry Regulator Increased egg production Is aaanrcd. "Your money back if it fails." In packages to suit your needs-*- 26c. 50c. SI: 20-lb. Pall. <3.50 Poultrv book PUKE. Get Pittti X*roflt-ebarlnc Booklet TKe Pajiirwi. I Hen Frank Mooquotet, J. C. Debracht, McHenry Johnsburth out West or back East. You don't hear from them as of­ ten now. You each have new friends, new interests. But after all, blood is thicker than water and your picture and pictures of your family would be welcomed by them. THERE IS A PHOTO STUDIO IN N HEMY, ILL 'PHONE 100-J. F. SCHNABEL GROCERIES The very minute that we hear the word Groceries mentioned we are inter­ ested. We are in the gro­ cery business and want everybody to know that our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Candies is always up to tlio minute and our ser- vivu» is correspondingly complete. :: ;; M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W flcHenry, Illinois. v£> NOTICE. This is to notify all concerned that all accounts due us and not paid by Jan. 15, 1913, will draw 7% interest from date of purchase. We must have our money or the use of it. If I owed you, what would you want me to do? Adv WM. STOFFEL,. The official program for the/' ies" at the Central on Sunday, iar is as follows: "Heartsof Men,^ class Essaynay drama; "The"( Sheep," a dramatic Biograph.>nd last, but not least, "The $2500.00 Bride," a Western comedy. Show starts prompt­ ly at 8. All seat* 10 cents. Adr Central OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18 J. C. ROCKWELL'S NEW Sunny South (o. AMERICA S GREATEST OF ALL COLORED SHOWS BEST IN QUALITY, LARGEST IN NUMBER. THE BEST SINGER^ AND DANCERS IN AMERICA ARE WITH THIS COMPANY, ;; a :: KOONTOWN PARADE AT NOON BAND AND ORCHESTRA SEATS AT PETESCH'S Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, I Notary Public. - Bankers. Calckea feed M M. Nieseo's. Winter Is Here In real earnest and the heavy fall of snow makes it necessary -for you to protect your feet. We have a ^oraplete line of boots, shoes, overshoes and rubbers. We have them for men; boys, la­ dies atifl children. Pring your feet in and let us §t you. E. LUSK,: WEST M'HERRY MMNE MM!

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