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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1913, p. 5

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"y& ^r. yfsK to 5fv w-' est m a prices paid i$t^y furs of every de­ scription. Bring them to us. Tel­ ephone c s. The Flour With th« Reputation , ITWKKY, 1UNMS ^felt's ibarly'$&£? the home product. Why take a chance on other makes when you have the assurance from the many . users of the home brand that it is absolutely aii ^ right. Are you willing to N trust a man who has made a life long study of flour? If so you will buy none but the Early Riser Flour. Sold everywhere in Ms- Henry. :: :: :: There is still for warm winter goods and in spite of the fact that February is , half oifcr winter goods will be worn for some time to come. Call in and examine our Underwear, Ladies' and Children's Cloaks ~ and Woolen Pants for men. We still have a complete line of these goods and our prices will fit the work lug mail's pocket book Let's get acquainted. E. LUSK,: WEST M'BENRY Phone Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED i«M This Bank reoeivea deposits, payt 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all conrtesieB eoneist- ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS reepectfnlly Rolicting pnblic pat­ ronage. * \ Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to boy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE la First Otesg CouipauieH, at-the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. MAKEMOREH On the Farm Get tiie best returns from your cattle and poultry. IK. IBS' STOCK TONIC helps to make more milk or beef ftom the same amount of feed. :: HESS' PANACEA increases egg production and also prevents cholera in poultry. I also sell Hess' Dip and Disinfect­ ant and Instant Louse Killer. :: •'V- " . E. V. McAllister West McHenry Phone 59-W Now is the time to give us that or^er for that new Spring Harness We are prepared to fit your horses with . any style or weight ' Harness that you may desire and can do it at a very rea­ sonable cost. Come in, examine our ex* eel lent line of goods &nd let us tell you how you profit by coming here for YOUR HORSE GOODS E. L. Behlke West McHenry, III. We Know that you know a good piece of meat when you, We know that a poor piece of meat is expensive at any price, and that is why we are serving the public «with the very best that money will buy. Have you tAed our home made sausage? If not, you don't know what you're missing. :: J.W.Aebischer (8U«mi MoHEMftY. ILL. tr t* C. a. Futt) 'PHONE 80-M ••How I shall miss you When you are grown." What the poet sang every mother's heart h a s f e l t , B a b y ' s p h o t o g r a p h t a k e n now and then will preserve the image and memory of baby days for all time. How long since you had your baby's pic­ ture taken? :: :: TKJtE IS A raOltKUMNBR IN M'KENRY, ILL 'PHONE 100*1. PINE PICTURE PRAXES AT MODERATE PRICES. F. SCHNABEL \ / SAMUEL M. ESLER ^ DXCTMCAl CONSTKUCTWN AND SWTUB ttjgigi tfUjjpiL Ju ai^StmaiiLL fftlCES fELE PMWC N*. I0S>H >'mmm MfHENRY, ILL. 'WHiwimwomiimMiiiiiiin NEIGHBORING NE tVS AS CHRONICLED B V ABLE CORPS OE CORRESPONDENTS «OWNSmTBiGB. > Mr, and Mrs. William Brltz have the sympathy of our people in the loss of their two-year-«ld child, which passed away at the family home on Monday. John Bonifas, who was called away on account of urgent business, will leave charge of the organ ir^St. John's church in the hands of a piano and organ teacher from Sublette, 111. Our patrons of the McHenry County Independent Telephone company are anxiously awaiting the time when th." system will again be placed into per feet working order. The recent storm deranged the system considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes have moved their household effects to Mc­ Henry, where they will make their future home. Mr. Steffes will rent tor awhile, but hopes to have a home of his own before the summer is over. St.. Joseph's school is looking for­ ward to a visit from A. M. Shelton, superintendent of schools. The weath­ er has forbidden bis coming to Johns- burg the last two weeks, much to the disappointment of the schooi sisters. Prank Miller has purchased the Mrs. Anna Bugner house here and is mov­ ing into same this week. Mr.' Miller has beeil looking for a home for some time and now that tie has finally mqde a purchase he feels a. bit more con­ tent. Miss Erma Lauer, who will substi­ tute for Mr. Bonifas for the next few months, offers the young people and childrc n who arc eager to learn'music a splendid opportunity for music lessons. Miss Lauer is an experienced teacher and loves her work. For the present scholars may see her any time at the pai-sooage. It is being rumored about town that Charley Michels has retired from the carpenter and lathing business and that Jacob A. Miller has taken up the work. We are unable to contirm |^ie rumor and therefore refer you to Charley for further information. Jacob Miller has already contracted for sev­ eral jobs and i^ looks as ii he is going after the business all right. The Married Women's Altar society will be enrolled Friday, Mareh 14, after making their Easter communion in the new Confraternity of Christian Mothers. A Franciscan father from Chicago is expected to arrive on Thurs­ day at 2:30 and will deliver the sermon on that occasion. New badges and. tuedals will be blessed and over 125 women are expected to be present. Lunch will be served in the school building. * »i •»»»« »^»» KINOWUOD. Mrs. Mattie Walters of Woodstock was at her farm Tuesday. M iss Mary Bell visited relatives in Richmond Thursday last; , <•. . Ed Hell and J. S. Brown were Mc­ Henry visitors Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison were McHenry visitors Wednesday of last week. Robert Bacon and daughter of Lake Geneva, Wis., were* in town Saturday afternoon. Mrs. M. Baldwin of Grayslake visit­ ed her daughter, Mrs. Ed Whiting, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon and Lewis Hawley were Richmond visitors Friday afternoon. H. W. Allen went to Lake Geneva, Wis., Saturday to see Jay Hawver, who is quite siek. A number of our young people at­ tended the basket ball game St Mc­ Henry Tuesday evening. Arline Harrison of West McHenry visited with relatives here from Fri­ day night until Monday morning- Leon Dodge and Ethal Harrison at tended the basket ball game at Crys tal Lake Friday night of last week. " The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday •afternoon of this week with Edith Mo Cannon. Leader, Florence Smith. Mrs. George Baoon of Antiocli was a week end visitor with relatives, re­ turning home Monday morning and taking her little girl with her. Bd Hopper went to Alden to see P. S. Harrison Tuesday of last week and on Saturday George Harrison went. They found him cheerful and quite comfortable. Colonel Slocum of Neoedan, Wis., visited at C. H. Stephenson's Wednes­ day and Thursday of last week, re­ turning home Friday morning, aocom- pftiied by Mr. Stephenson, who re­ mained until .Monday evening. Those who changed places last week are: W. A. Dodge moved from his farm to Anna Waterman's house, Ole Wolkos from Charles Thompson's farm to Mrs. Mattie Walters' farm, Nick Young from the Walters farm to the Carey farm, Mrs. A, Lawrenoe and Mrs. Wm, Tonyan went to McHenry Thursday afternoon to see their sister, Mrs. Thurlwell, who has been sick for a long time and who died Friday. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at McHenry. The relatives have the sympathy of all. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* Inserted under tbl« he*d at tbt. following rate*: Klre llne« or lew, (6 oenU for Orat Insertion; 16 rents for e»cb subsequent Insertion. More than live lines. 5 cent* a line for *»t insertion, and 3 cent* a line tor addition! insertions. C*OK SALE--Two lots on the river. £oliaef- ^ er'a Grove. F. MAayoBLCT, McHenry. 111. 35 TJ\OH SALE-- Fox river lots on both east and r west sides of river, north of McHenry bridtte. Inquire of O. W. SrwiUBit. West Mc­ Henry. ' 3Z'tf TT*OR SALE--TWO launches, one fitted with E Ferro engine uud run but one season; other without niulne, but otherwise In kcmkI running order. A pplv to or address Joseph J, Mkktkp, McHenry. 111. ir>-tf ftilMMCtfTEt.U. , > R. Reed was a Woodstock calleij iSttt- urday. ° J. Mikkleson "was avPalatine caller Sunday. Miss Ethel Reed was a Woodstock visitor Sunday, C. F. French has moved his family to Crystal Lake. /'£ Mrs. A. Hansen was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Mrs. L. A. Walkup spdnt Wednes­ day at Woodstock. • Hans Nelson* returned home from Chicago Satui-day evening. *5" Mr. and Mrs. tVliet.stone and baby went to Harrington Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French is ill with bronchitis. * Miss Mabel Skinner was a pleasant caller at Woodstock Tuesday. C. H. Ormsby was a business caller at the county seat Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of, Woodstock spent Sunday here. Mi*s. W. F. French visited friends'in Woodstock Friday and Saturday. A. Saaby of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with his family here. D. O. Kline of Austin was shaking- hands with old friends here recently. Jack, Jim and Joe were taking in the sights at the coupty seat Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch snd grandson, James Bennett, were Chicago visitors Satur­ day. M rs. F. W. Hartman visited her sis­ ter at Woodstock Saturday ud Sun­ day. W. Gorhnm of Woodstock visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. Reed, Sunday. The quarantines have been removed from the homes of Hans Nelson and P. Benson. , Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. /v. A. Diets were Woodstock passengers^ Friday morning. W, Simmons of Woodstock spent part 6f Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Mrs. A. G. Levey and Miss Elsie Wille were Crystal Lake callers Fri­ day afternoon. A. A. Diet/., A. Hansen and H. H. Burgett were Woodstock callers Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock spent part of Saturday and Sunday here. Arthur Skinner was down from Woodstock to spend Saturday and Sun­ day with his mother. Miss Annie Anderson of Woodstock spent part of Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson. Pf B. Haughawout visited his daugh­ ter, Gertrude, at St. Joseph's hospital Friday and reports her as getting alonp nicely. Mrs. Hermance and daughters re­ turned home to Rockford Saturday after several weeks spent at the home of her father, H. H. Burgett. Mrs. A. L. Swansen and daughter, Marian, accompanied her sister, Miss Edith Peterson, to her home in Attica, hid., last Saturday and will remain foi a short visit. Mrs. H. Wille and son, Arthur, Mrs. E. F. Anderson and children and Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, attended the motion pictures at the Crystal the ater, Crystal Lake, Saturday afternoon ' VOLO. Miss Elja Moore was a McHenry oaller Friday- Frank Henkle and son were in Mc* Henry Friday. Mrs. Sherman Davis of Round Lake was here Friday. J. H. Miller of McHenry was seen op our streets Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher" were re­ cent McHenry callers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock were RoUnd Lake callers Tuesday. Mrs. Spooner and daughter have moved from the Gardinier place to the city. Mr. Peterpon and family gf Elgin are moving on the Raught farm, which he purchased last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. litiSon of Round Lake attended the latter's sister's wed­ ding here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr of Seattle, Wash., are spending this week with Ves Wagner and wife. Bud Ford of Wauconda and Miss Kate Frost of Volo were married Thursday, Feb. 27, 1913, at the home of the priest, after which they went to the bride's home, where dinner was served. They left Friday morning for Chicago and Kenosha on a visit. Their mtfny friends wish them iftucb joy and happiness. ) Mri( Lit t'SiWi/'i •r:-A / to recognised in this day and gen­ eration as the Kin* of artificial lights. Electric power in the, house It is generally realized will . assume the heaviest labor. ^ The spectacle of a new house c o m p l e t e d n o w a d a y s w i t h o u t wiring is so rare nstto he cariftus. -It may be l<tcat«d hiiies away from the supply lines. But it Is wired just the siinje, 1 It isn't found necessary to ex­ pand on these fiu't.s. On the con­ trary we know the only reason why a house is not Using electric service is that it happens not to be equipped for it. 1 The impression previtft^ that there are difficulties In wiring an old house. The notion Is entirely wrong. It's Perfectly Easy * Special wire for thl$ particular purpose Is made. There are half dozen ways available to a skill­ ful man to. completely thread it. through an old house without damage or annoyance to the oc­ cupants. • We employ these methods. And t o m a k e I t a v a i l a b l e t o a n y i n ­ come we do the work at cost :n»d spread the payments over a peri­ od of two years, collecting a little each month. PuDlicServi(e(ompiiny OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Central Opera House J. W. SMITH, MANAGER 15he WEDNESDAY SATURDAY - AND SUNDAY of this week All Seats 10c What la th» Wftrtnc* betwMa wife ud a karktr'i wife? •t man's TjVDK SALE:-Four-year-old bay gelding. " weight. 1200 pounds. Inquire of or writ»> Petoi Brown. Mciionry. It. i>. No. 1. Oil Volo loii'J. 1AARM FOR KENT--Consisting of 170 acres. r Situated 8 miles from Crystal Lake= Good buildings. One of the best dairy farms In Nunda township. Address F. B. Powers, No. 0gjr*tal Lake, III. 'Phone 112-B-S. K-lt* - •'r--" < HOLCOM BVILLR. W. J. Beiser was a business caller in Elgin Friday. ^Chas- Harrison was a Ringwood caller Saturday. Fred Powers was a caller at D. A. Powers' Friday afternoon. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville spent Saturday at T. L. Flanders'. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert spent Wednes- da/ afternoon at Chas. Harrison's. . Mrs. C. Hutson and Mrs. W, J. Beiser spent Tuesday, afternoon in Mc­ Henry. Mrs. L. Lock wood and daughter spent Friday and Saturday at T. L. Flanders'. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty and James Doherty spent Friday afternoon at D. A. Powers'. Lewis Gardner and family moved from Mr. Daniels' farm to one of Will Whiting's farms Friday. Miss Florence Welch and pupils and Miss Florence Kuox of Terra Cotta visited Holcombville school Wednes­ day. Get your ice cream atS. W. Brown's, RingwoOd, 111., foryourSunday dinner. Rood The Plaiadealer., Tk« barter's wife n«w t# the mat shop te WUT meat, but tk« meat man's wife |*INI tha barter shap bv. We are sorry 'tis so, for we believe in reciprocity whenever possible. Not only barbers' wives come here to buy, but all good house wives. And this is why: Our meats are right, shop is cleab, and every week our ads arc seen. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 3 D R OCTORS and the general public agree th£t we provide most excellent service ag wdljis drugs of nnqnestioiiable quality.^ ^'arf'1 ;'\|T IGHT -QUALITY ha^ built ottr business and will most assuredly be maintained and $yen improved when possible. U NDOUBTEDtY you will be able to find what you want here at all t complete in all departments. G EST OUR PRICES on all* goods w6 handle and see if you can beat them elsewhere. IJut 'be sure and compare quality also. S ELLING- GOODS of right quality at right prices and serving our customers properly has ma^e this store prosper. T TELEPHONE 56-W • m. a • II McHENRY ^ m ~':0, & Cement Going Up The price of Cement has advanced materially within the last week. We are in position to take orders for shipment as late as April 1st. If you need any for spring Improvements, bet­ ter order now. >: f-W Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone 5 WEST McHENRY \ •.'A*;. mM ' s-'wHkv*•' • .p $ J ;;t^' A, ' | • 5il:; •' X-4' * $ 4 $ 5r-? affords more enjoyment and comfort to the family than anything in the world. Noonj£& need be without such a home nowaday% , ^ We can fit you out and can do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods and pricejt/ will meet with your approval and after we ' show you how easy it is for you to make ^ your home comfy and cozy, you'll wondef* * why you didn't consult us long since. can fit your home with furniture that rangef # ^ in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money will buy. Call and let ns tell ~ ; you more about it; :* :: ;; JACOB TH£ McHENRY FURNITURE MAN j "tS." > f: % t %?• »̂? 1 m 5 YOU'LL one of the best grocery ^stocks in . McHenry sit this store. Our aim is to keep our shel es well IiUed with staple apd fancy groceries-and will also handle a complete line of Lenten Eatables. Math. Laures P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE or ^ Dteased Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on the street Tags and price Hate fnrniahad m application. COLD STORAQB FREE " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall • A ». Pilt*. St. Wkolml* Martot. r - * *1" P \̂ 4 * j J * 'jfV ^ ! & .4: | • * 11 ? 51 : ' ^ | »a aaaaaeeaneseaa------------------------f Just Like, Mother Used to I That's what they say about our Bakery and the assertion is absolutely correct. We exercise * ' ̂ JUst as much care in our baking as mother used ^ 'if to and we use nothing but the very ^est flour, * sugar, butter and lard that can be purchased. u That's why our goods are better than oipr com-r ^ JS petitors are offering you. , :: " mmr® A.J1ETZ Phone 103-ii VM6 Wla*T 8100 UHOCtKV MAN # « Wert • > '. < v;'1- • . . i.V»'

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