»%• mmm WflSK S«!&sS r;s£;E3-l m&ms&z KfsMSk<ar-*fta sfFi."Jl' OCT? ' * C"" "5 * ' 1 f » *" ^ ,i " * ' "* •^-;; :.-';^'^;v '":• •' wi./. :&';Ab'.V:;v,>$*•. v„;-, it ,ir - ,w. Flour the Reputation mSMSii NEWS AS C ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS fiii-.wwiM \P?*" Wvh. ^rsj'sL / ^w1'•*•*- V? ,,.1 £'; . . _ V»'«V !-»; •••:••. IjsV* Firstcla&a Drngs^ ••""?. Reasonable Priced; :r Prompt Service ^.'4'<; j^y"1"; an '*•-'<? Zfe ' McHenrv. ill.<^#3 •• >«%;•;'?'" i,*•;#:? • f- ss at's Early Riser Flour, |he home product. Why "lake a chance on other )makes when you haVe the "assurance from the many ^users of ilie home ur»nd that it |n fthgnlnt^iy ail tright. Are you willing to ;*rust a man who has made Ki. x;' • - # r . . • life long study of flour? so yon will buy none £>ut the Early Riser Flour. JBold everywhere in Mc- nam r^- 1 -?•• '-rt*. WEST PTBEHY Bank of &s is almost here and with its arrival will also come the Y demand for spring goods. ••'$ We are stocking up in pre paration for the arrival of milder weather and want you to make this store your Shopping place. At this time of the year Rub- ber goods are constantly *M iti demajid and we want • J* ©lj \ you to know that we are ^ v&. well stocked up in that • department*and are in a II position to fit oat the ESTABLISHED iM8 Tkta Bank rttceivea deposits, p*ya 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies cons int ent with good basinese principles and does a <(li[RAL BANKING BUSINESS ronage. . v • " •V floney to Lotfn •?*# whole family Ms J" , ' -K"" X; -A?* E. LOSS,: WEST M'BESRY PHONE ee-N on real estate and other first class secwlty. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to bay or sell, ci)all .oqT«|i,<; Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE ii first Class Companies l ib* lowest rates ' " ..V^,v ^ Perry & Oweil, Hankers. rnoiarv fuonc. • <iv»:,y,y ri?7 v.-? >?,-••:••• :<%$*?<,* :&'*• Jri: •:.<• •• •• -T'-tif--*-' m -Wi -••f 'W^si &-•& ijy** m mf m . Z i:-E ;.*rtsV' Pine ? White Cough Syrup ^ Menthol au^>- tv . •*?*• •'< -" *" "W . ̂ ith tar, contains no^opiates. Is ^ (I valuable Remedy for Colds, Coughs and Bronchial affections, ^j&afe for children ^ Should used with , * ~ - OVRBtOWN COLD TABLETS for 6oMa M^d dripip^at thU time; the year. Yours Hot health* .V. McAllister •ft Mctlrary is Pliene »-W * '",r\ ::0$$ is the time t|^ give us that ordep for that new \ L spring Harness; We are prepared to -- fit your horses with" >9liy style or weight Harness that yofr may desire and ca* ? do it at a very rea- v Bonablecost. Come!. :ia, examine ovr ex cellent line of good| j#iid let us tell yof- how you profit by < » cpming here for YOUR HORSE GOODS L. iBehlke Weft McHenry, III, LATIAIS rUSTERf FOR WARN MOHS 4iss been the standard ii>r A'CmS niany years and still bold their own with builders who want protection against cold and ver min. We've a good stock of both and can supply you on a moment's notice--and the same holds good on all kinds of lam* ber--whefahe* fey. iotfrJor <£,̂ jp-. terior use. -?* ,<• ;• Sv? wiLui unoEi co. VEST m«Y :: IIHCS PROGRESSIVE WOMEN DEMAND ADMIRATION For the fight they are against influences thai demoralize the home, woman is by instinct a waging tend to Ever.v natural lover of home. Prom time im memorial they have been the prime movers in heme building. Prom our experience few homes are built in which woman does not have hand, and when it comes to selecting lumber it does not take them long to see the saving in the carpenter's 1 (foot hill by supplying him with nice, smooth lumber that, oomes ready to be nailed on. The modernly equipped mills, from which we buy our lumber, pride themselves on smooth, high grade stock and the finish, flooring, ceiling, siding casting and base we handle cer tainly justify a careful compari son by any home builder who wants the most for tus - noney. Come in and see it. •.*'•; ••There's No Place Like Home*' l WILBUR LUMBER CO. W«t rictlew#; . .fllhe-- 5 ' * SUWKriKLU '• j Chas. Davidson was at (larf Siind^.v. Horace Fish spent Sunday at Wood stock. ,. / Elston Hunt of Elgin called on R. L. Dufield Saturday. " >, " Walter Reed was at Crystal Sunday afternoon. v: H. V. Bari>er was an ovf'r Sunday visitor in Chicago, j "Ffi • • •• 1 A. F. Salow'c* Ba*Hhg^rti ^^ Sunday caller here. . . E. E. Shepard was. a ffarvard busi ness caller Monday. '* -r Miss Glenys Jacobs client Monday ni^ht at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French returned from Kenosha Sunday. J;*,. Mrs. Hush ton entertained Crystal Lake friends Monday. Rosie Pet«rson visited her sletem in Woodstock Satm-day. Mr. and Mrs. A. pBifirey #ere' it Crystal Lake Sunday. . ^' f W. E. Whetstone was a Chicago passenger Sunday evening.. E. E. Kniians spent j Tuesday after» noon at Crystal Lake. > A. A. Dietz made a trip to Wood stock Sunday evening. Misses Mabel and Elsie WiHe Rpent Saturday at WwKistock. Miss Jennie Hesselgrav*;" cent. Woodstock visitof. Miss Eva Letter was a Crystal Lake caUer Tuesday afternoon. Mi's. A. Saaby ent-eruained her sister from Chicajro overSundaj'. Mr. and Mrs. Purvey entertained Woodstock friends Tuesday. Mr. Green returned Friday fitnn a visit with relatives in Rockford. , T{. WiHe and Harold Mason spent Monday in Chicago on business. Miss Marjory Reser was a Wood stock passenger Monday forenoon. Miss Ethel Reed was an. Over Sun day visitor of friends at. Woodstock. ' H. Giesselbrecht and daughter, Helen were Woodstock visitors,recent ly. Ed Pierson and Andrew Nelson mo tored out from Chicago Tuesday inorn- injr. ('hauncey Stephenson of Chicago spent last week at the home of his par ents. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake* was a business caller Saturday after noon. M rs. Shepard and daughter, Beatrix, visited Sunday and Monday with Wood stock friends. Miss Rose Barden of Chicago was a week end visitor of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Vandusen of Crystal Lake visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Dufield Saturday. Dr. Lichty of Woodstock and Dr. Freeman of Crystal Lake' were In the vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. OrmSby of Crys tal Lake were over Sunday guests at. the parental homes. C. E. Thayer of Woodstock has been papering at the'home of Geo. F. Gor- hani the past two weeks. Messrs. F. Thompson, H. Ornishv, Wm. and A. Yanke attended the horse sale at Woodstock Saturday. ' Miss Etta Irish visited relatives at Woodstock last week and attended the revival meetings at the armory. Misses Pearl Reed, Geneviev^ God- dard and Cora Look wood are attending institute at Woodstock this week. Mrs. J. Schalter of McHenry spent the past week at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson. Mrs. R. L. Dufield attended the re vival services at the armory at Wood stock Sunday evening and spent the night with her niece, Mrs. W. L}n- scott. ' Mesdames E. F. Anderson and L. Johnson and children, Miss Edna Rur- gett and sister, £elda, attended the motion pictures at Crystal Lake Sat urday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid society will serve their annual dinnef tlt the church par lors Thursday, April 3, at 12 o'clock, Adults, 2Txj; children, 15c. AH are cordially invited. Election of officers for the ensuing year will take place in the afternoon. \ • Harold, the infailb §oni of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobs, died of pneumonia at Woodstock hospital Tuesday morn ing. The remaiQs were brought here Wednesday and brief services were held at the home of A. Jacobs Thurs day afternoon, Rev. Giessdbrecht speaking words of condolence to the bereaved ones. The hymns were sweet ly rendered by Marjory Reser and Edna Stephenson. The remains were laid to rest in the Ridgefield cemetery,. HOLCOMHVII.LE. School is closed thif week for the spring vacation. Chas. Harrison was ft Chicago pas senger Tuesday. Geo. Zenk of Huntley was » caller In this vicinity Saturday, W. J. Beiser was * business caller in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders of Ostend were callus here Saturday. Mrs. E. Flanders had the misfortune to fall Saturday and break a limb. Misses Lucile Bj rd ajid Villa Flan-r ders were callers at Will Doherty's Tuesday evening. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Flor ence, of Terra Cotta spent Tuesday, afternoon at D. A. Powers'. Misses Margaret and Kathleen Pow ers are spend ing^a few days with the Misses Powers in McHenry. WNHWOOn. - / Gerald Carey was an Klgtn^ vlsitor 'Monday.' James Hell of Sffrinjf Qrovtf was at Ed Bell's Monday. • ;y J. V. Bucklrvnd is buiy eending ou his nursery catalogues. ; John McLaughlin aud Bert McCaa- non vvei-e Keystone ̂ visitors Monday. Lee Turner of Solon is doing paper hanging for several of our town peo«>le. ,The Unlvei-salist church service will be held at H. W. AllenV Suttday, Mai-ch .TO. r ' > * Mrs. James RobMirw "of Elffin S|)ent Monday night and Tuesday with Mrs. Susannah Harrison. The children are enjoying a week's vacation while the teachers are in at tendance at the institute. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter of Jftich- mond took dinner at, H. \V. Allen's Monday and attended William Ilarri- son's funeral, i ' Agn«ps. llbdgo,' Agnes C^atey, Lois ^Valkiutftou, Tjora and Elsie Smith are attending the. teachers!..institute at Woodstock this week. !. ""y * Thonias l'hom;}sou Qf- Bat'i'eville and Mis. Mayme Harrison of West McHen ry called on Libbie Simpson Monday and attended the funeral of Mtv Har rison. Among those from a distance vho came to attend Mr. Harrison's funeral were Frank Lawsou of ICljfin and Fi*ed Allen of Chicago. The latter spent Monday night with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Walkington. Mrs. Libbie LadQ and Miss Agnes Rigelour returned home Wednesday of last week. They report, a tine trip. They found Rev. Rolterts and family well and enjoygd the line vegetables from his garden, also his luscious straw - berries. ^ Another Pioneer Gone William Harrison, son of Robert and Antf Harrison, was ltorn in Chicago Aug. 5. 1842, and died at his home near Rfngwood March 20, HU3. In 1855 he came with his parents to Ring wood, which then contained only three hous es. They settled on a farm alwut one mile west of this village, where he has always lived. He was a veterjm of the civil war, having enlisted May ft, 18tt4, and serving until honorably dis charged Fob. 8. 18(10. In September, 18WJ, he was married to Susannah Dean. Wight children were born to them, all of whom survive but the daughter, Eva, who died in infancy. Charles W., Clayton C., bra D., Roy C. of Ring- wood, John E. of Greenwood, and Her bert A. and Edward E. of Kansas (who could not be present at. the funeral), nineteen grandchildren, besides other relatives, with his companion of near ly forty-seven years, are left to inourn the loss of a loving husband and father, kind neighltor and friend, and whose kind face will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The funeral services were held at his home Monday after noon, Rev. Collins officiating. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh sang. The Grand Army . Post of McHenry, of which he Was a member, were present and held their service at the home and cemetery. With sad hearts, and with his casket drapdd with the American flag, he was tenderly laid to rest in the West Ring wood cemetery. All extend their sympathy to the. sormy in^ fain- mmm y* 4 h Opera House J. W. SMITH, :: NANAGER Mm '0fi "MOVIES" WEDNESDAY SATURDAY AND «f All Seats lOc •d) What kind of • meal sweat corn make?- weuW twelve eere et C«m mat, «T twin, There may be greater hardships than to be obliged to go without good, wholesome meat for even one meal, but we Can't think of any just off hand. Don't do it. It is not necessary. We sell the best of meat. :: :: :: ;; E. P. Matthews WEST NcHENRY. ILL. :: 'PHONE 3 OUR EXQUISITB A ' - " . . Rev. Edw. Berthold passed Wednes day in the metix)|M)litan oity. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht, who has been wintering In St. Louis, Md, has re turned. Nett's orchestra of this plaoQ fur nished music at. a danoe held at the Solon opera house a short time ago. Altho the weather was anything but favorable, the Kaster services at our church last Sunday were very well at tended. s . Dr, A. Mueller has given his newly acquired automobile a thoro try out. The machine comes in mighty hfcqdy for the doctor. The farmers of this violnlty are anxiously awaiting the breaking up of this oold speli so that they can start their spHng work. Quite a uumber of our young people attended the danoe at Stolfel's hall, West McHenry, last Monday evening. All report a fine time. y The quarantine at the home of S. "H. Smith has been raised. Mr. Smith is surely having more than his share of sickness in the family this spring The farmers in this vicinity have been sticking tdQiheir demand for higher milk prices and it nOw looks as if they would be repaid for so 4oing/ A couple of dairy inspectors of Chi cago have been around this vicinity of late. We are told that they ordered several changes to be made on a num ber of farms. The school children *re enjoying their annual spring 'vacation. Altho the weather is anything but favorable for this annual event the children are making the best of it* The laborers of this place are won dering when tliey will receive orders from Geo. J. Sayer to report for duty. They are quite anxious to get back to work alter putting in a winter in idle ness. Most of our people were awakened from their peaceful slumbers during the terrific storm of last Sunday night. In many of the homes all members of the family were up and ready for a hasty exit. The n"w horse sheds that were con- The program of the "Aovlee*'Satut| tructed just we8t of the- s. H;Snrith j place here were pretty well demolished during the wind storm of last Sunday night. The storm did Considerable day evening of this week is as follows:' "An International Romance," a dr:» m&tic Selig; "The Hatlf Breed's Sacri fice," an Indian drama by Lubin, and a clever comedy entitled "Nothing to Wear/' We will have a feod pro gram for Sunday evening. - Adv. damage in this vicinity. Wui. B.>Tonyan, who resides west of this village and who la afain out for of children are not hap hazard effects. They are the result of patience and experience--the first being as necessary as the last with children'. £et us pro re this to you. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE PICTORB fKANW AT AJJL PMCii#. F. SCHNABEL NcHENRY, IIX. a u 'PHONE 1Q0-J We Know. W that yoft koo^r a -gbbd piece of meat when you see it. We know that a podfr piece of meat is expensive at any price, &nd that is why we are .-oerving the public with j^he very t>est ^fiat money "will buy. Hare ypu tried \ our home made sausage? not, you "don't know what you 're missing. > ;: J.W.Aebischer (Suceaeer to C. G.Frett.) NcHENRY. ILL. t-: 'PHONE M-N the office of highway commissioner, has been calling on his many friends here of late, and asking their support in the coming town election, which takes place on next Tuesday. The young ladies of St. John's Cath olic church of this place will give a dance at parish hall on next Wednes day evening, April 4. The' young ladies are making Extensive prepara tions for this event and promise to show all those who turn out most pleasant tin>ffjp /. •*/ AGENT T^ PEMO BI^INEat * V Having secured the agency for the Ferro . engines, the world's standard two-cycle motor, atid also the 3 h. p. plants, complete and ready to ruu, 1 wish to announce that I am ready to take .orylent lor tmoMb ; JQB. J. MKBTKi», 34-tf MeHenry, 111. P OCTORS and the general public* agree tha we provide most excellent service a% drugs of unquestionable quality. ! R IGHT OtTALITY h?« bn^OTsitiess aild will most assuredly be maintained and even • M mJ u NDOUBTEDI^Y you will be able to find what you want here at all 'time^' vumptete in all departments. _ P5T OURl PRICRS 'on a(l g*t»w}8 "We handle Q ti 7* „ and see if you can beat them elsewhere. But <?ppare quality al^,. , f i; v., EJLtflNG GOODS of right quality at right prices and serving our customers has made this store prosper. N. H. McHENRY i :: TELBPHONE 56-W We have told you before, but it is worth while telling: you again What Serine One Will mr ' 3?;r. / 4 a* M. y'V •• h • JPt will pay this ccMMpany^ for sufficient electricity ^ operate a 16-candle power carbon lamp fer two hours^ or a 20-candle pt^wer Tungsten lamp for four hours. It, will rtfn a sewing machine motor an hour, or n > vacuum cleaner 45 minutes, or a washing machine 30 minutes,an automobile tire pump 30 minuted ' It will keep a 6-pound flat iron hot 20 minutes, dr make four cups of coffee in an electric percolator, or boil a quart of water fcr heat babymilk twi6e, %r keep a heating pad hot tv^o hours, or cook a welch rarebit in an elec tric chafing dish, or heat an electric curling iron 15 minutes a day for two weeks, or toast 20 slices slices of bread., J \ c y : . - - . - ' k . ; Electricity tn the home II a luxury in everything but cost NORTHERN ILLINOIS " affords more enjoyment and' comfort to tEe family than anything in the world. No one need be without such a home nowadays.; We can fit you out and can do it in a most- satisfactory manner. Our goods and prices will meet with your approval and after we show you how easy it is for you to mak^. your home comfy and cozy, you'll wondet^ ̂ why you didn't consult us long since. v Wet f an fit your home with furniture that ranges 1? ^ n price from the costliest to the cheapest^ M that money will buy. Call and let ns tel| yoof more about it. ! i-i * t ' ' ,' -.-i: '*& JACOB JUSTEN. flEjncHENIir FURNITURE MAN PHILIP JAEGER MERCHANT | OENERAL COHM1SSION s ' s ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THK SALB Or!^ r , greased Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Vial, MUyt 1 ' / 'Hides, Etc., Butter ami Eggs ' '• This ie the oldast hooee on the street Tkp and price Hat» hun^al eft application. Mall i * s, PattM Ml WhotMflto ItaHMt. > COU> STQRAQE FREE 4 if 1 CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. ;V A . fr- i|f V jf s'^|-ve \f!i. '• .• ; TT^-I i I - ; ; . : •