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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1913, p. 5

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The Flour With the Reputatioii! " CORPS* OF CORRESPONDENTS . IThat'jj Early Riser Flour, i#ie home product. Why lake a chance ion other : jjbakes when you have the assurance from the many jksers of the home brand ufhat it is absolutely all fright.--Are you willing to trust a man who has made fi life long study of flour? ; ;ff so you will buy none "hut the Early Riser Flbur. Sold everywhere In Me- *% FHrstrdass Drugs,' Reasonable Prompt Service McHenry, WEST FTBEURT FLOGS AND FEED MILLS vil * :c' >? • v'"" !sif* ., to see <&•/ •0'-\ is almost here and with its arrival will also come the demand for spring goods. We are stocking upin pre- • paration for the arrival of milder weather and want ^you to make this store . your shopping place. At this time of the year Rub­ ber goods are constantly in -demand and we want you to know that we are well stocked up in that department and are in a position to fit • oat the 1 "\.V, • - • "j whnln family . " : " • " « - " " v v * * ' u " ' • • • • £ < 4 . L8SK,: WEST IfKIWY PHONE aB-N Bank of McHenry 5 ESTABLISHED 18*8 s Bank receives deposits, pays ^. 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good bosiuees principles and does a ' mmi BAHKIIK Business respectfully solicting pnblie pat* ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm land£ residences and Til­ lage property for sale. If you want to hnf or sell, call oh ns. Abstracts ordered INSURANCE V In First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Banker*. YOUR Let your Stock doctor themselves with The great (Conditioner and Worm Destroyer.\ SAL-VET is a med­ icated Salt for Horses, Sheep alid Ho^s. Is sold in 101b., 201b., 401b. and 1001b. drums. :: :: "*r . E.V. McAllister AQBNT, WMt McHenry :: Pbane $9*W Now is the time to give us that order for that new Spring Harness We are prepared to fit your horses with any style or weight Harness that you may desire and can do it at a very rea­ sonable cost. Come in, examine our ex~ eel lent line of goods and let us tell you how you profit by ' coming here for YODR HORSE GOODS E. L. Behlke West Mchenry. III. i w -- • > < KixawHOD. Mary Bell entertained the Ladies' club last week. I ; Bert M eCannfflo -wfsr 'to Greenwood last Wednesday. v Mrs. Hitching wad numbered*-w!|h the sick last week. v , . " , John McLaughlin was a Chickgo vis­ itor Friday of list seek. J. C. Ladd was W Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Florence Smith sBd Ifiother, Mrs. Emma Brown, were Elgin visit­ ors Wednesday of last week* ? Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn* left Wednesday morning of last week for Dubuque, la., returning Friday after­ noon. Mrs. L. A. McCannon and daughter, Irma, of Greenwood came over Sun­ day night to attend the Easter exer­ cises. Bert McCannon delivered a fine full blooded Hoistein calf to Mr. \fan Hoo- den in Alden Monday and c^ilwl t Phil" Harrison. The Easter exercises were held Sun­ day evening and were v?ry good, aU doing t^ieir parts w«H, and a goodly number were in attendance. Mpsdatnes Miphie Hutsoii and Cora Bassett, Misses Esther Sattern, Kt.hel Owen and Alice Siines of McHenry attended the Sunday school convention here last Friday. Mr.'and Mrs. H. W. Alton drove to Alden Monday to see Phil Harrison. They found him more copnfortable thgt day than he was the week before. He wished to be remembered to all his iriends. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Topic, Press Work; leader, Libbie Allen. All ladies are requested to bring a clipping- from some paper. Tea will be served invited- ttitMk WiMliH Aaalwurv On Saturday, March 29, 1913, at the home of their nephew, Amos Smith, .assisted by Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, was celebrated the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Amos Wilson. About forty-dve rela­ tives and friends sat down to an ele trail t dinner, after which there was a short program. Mrs. Collins san<,V "I Wandered Todjay to the Hill, Maggie," two little grand-nieces sang'"Silyei Threads Among the Gold," J. V. Buck- land gave a very nice recitation in his pleasing manner, Mrs. Allen read a poem telling the changes of sixty years, after which all sang. "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Rev. Col­ lins presented them with a purse given by the friends as a token of remem­ brance. All then hade them a fond adieu, feeling that they had spent a very pleasant afternoon. Among those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. George Smith ot Elgin, Mrs. Niz zie Holly of McHenry, Mr. ahd Mrs. Ellis Hewes of Hebron and Rev. and Mrs. Collins of Greenwood. March 29, 1853, Mr, Amos Wilson and Miss Ellen Perkins were spited in marriage at the home of the bride in Johnson, Vt. Thts afternoon lit ptaa&nro Is sppnt were pear M r. and M rs. Harry Nelson callers at the parental home Woodstock Sunday afternoon. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Cemetery Aid will meet wiih Mrs. G. H. Oriusby Thursday, April 10. Mrs. R (>. Nelson »rid little son, Eu­ gene, of WilmetUJ were guests at t he uume of Hsny "Nelson and family this week. v , Ho ward* Jacobs has accepted the posi­ tion of foreman of the coaling station here, extended him by the C. &. N. W. Uy. Co. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lock wood and daughter, Cyra, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben 'Poles, in Green­ wood Sunday. Mesdaines E. Smith, and A. Anners were business callers at Sharon Wed­ nesday and 17. H. Ormsby and ,G. B, Baker Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. i). M. Keeler of Elgin visited with Mr. Keeler's mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, and also called 011 Mr, and Mrs. A. Levey Saturday and Surc- day. : ' v\ ^ H. P. Barber is moving to (fee Qitv. H. H. Bnrgett will move his family to Kockfoixl and C. H. French cf Crystal Lake will move into the house vacated by Mr. Btirgett. The Missionary society meeting vi) 1 be held Tuesday, April 8, at the home of Mrs. A. Peterson. A cordial invi­ tation is extended to all the ladies of the society tb he present. LATH AND PLASTER - FOR WARN ROOMS has been the standard for a good many years and still hold £heir own with builders who want protection against cold and ver­ min. We've a good stock of both and can supply you on a moment's notice--and the same holds gra) on all kinds of lum­ ber--wither for interior or ex­ terior use. - WILBUR LDMBQt CO. WEST H'ffiNRY :: TIE WEALTHIEST BARONS LOOK OP to the man who owns a modest home and is contented with his lot, for they know'that iikli vidua] prosperity as well as national prosperity depends largely upon the home life of our citizens. A look at the birthplaces of our most illustrious meji shows one that a home, even tho humble, has been the raean9 of starting many successful careers. Of course, log cabins are no longer in vogue, but were the labor consumed in hewing logs com- Sared with the labor needed these ays to build the same .sized house with our perfectly manu­ factured lumber, the difference in cost would be but little. And then, considering comfort and durability, the comparison be­ comes ludicrous. By building of wood you are assured the lowest, oost and most satisfaction. Why prooastinate? Come In today and let us help you with yout- plans and tell you, first handed, just what the lumber wilt cost you. :: :: :: :: ••There's No Place Like ttome" V WILBUR LUMBER CO. West nclleary - Phone 5 in uelubrnMiiK't Kreut. evout Of tliosn who In Uit'lrHiirly youth Pledged their fondest love and triMfe. Life's Journey, with its joys and feafs, They have traveled U<£<•< (>••» »|*ty years. In the early fifties they Journeyed West I'Yom their pleasant hoiue iu the Careen iMouu . tatn state. Chicago was then much of it awamp Where now great buildings rise in pump. In those early pioneer days Things were different In many way*. The cowhide shoes and calico dresf Was the Sunday best for many a lass. In the log cabin the tire-place did grace. Where you froze your back and roaatftd your face. With the ox team and wagon low She went to ride with her sweetheart beau. No telegraph message from friend to friend. No telephones good news to send. No wireless to talk over the seas Amidst the roar of the ocean's breeae. It then cost twenty-live cents to gut our letter Foiling some loved one was better. It took lots of hustling to get tlua money, Which to get they traded their batter and honey. Now all t.hlnga are changed o'er this broad land; Fine bouses now so proudly stand. Where lie&t and light una all comfort* are found From the top of the chimney down to the ground. Now our letters travel for the little two cents And to bring them to au the postman is bent. Post cards are now too numerous to mention. Telling us of a suffrage convention-- A thing we are all so happy to note, For we know very soou the woaieu will vote. This couple have seeu these prairies ail abloom with tlowors. While stopping to r«st at the noontide hoars. Tho nutoiiiobile and palace car Have taken the place of the rude wagon's jar. Together they have traveled the Journey long With many a tear and a song. . ~ .And now may the rest of the JouruMr tie ipent lu peace and rest and sweet coutetiC, Until called to dwell with him above. Where all is rest and Joy and love; And It shall he said of them. Well done. The trials are over, the new life begun. L. C. A. KlMiklriKLU. W. E. Dike went to the city Friday. R. Reed was a business visitor in the city Monday.. A. P. Peck was an Elgin caller one day last week. j I. E. Mason and Dm B«ker were in the city Monday. v v N. E. Whetstone was AbusinMaeall- er at Matavia recently. • Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson and soo, Earl, are at Bock ford this week. Gerald Smith spent several days last week with his parents in the city. Mabel Skinner called on her sister, Mrs. Lindscott, at Woodstock Monday, F. S. Morse and Mr. and Mrs. P. B, Haughawout went to Chicago Thurs­ day. Mrs. Elpie Johnson and son were pleasant caller* at Crystal Lake Mon­ day. Mrs. E. Gorham visited with rela­ tives at Carpentersville and Elgin re­ cently. Mrs. L. A. Walkup was a caller at the dental parlors at Woodstock Wed- nesdayr'" * ' M. H. Fltasslmmona and F. W. Hart- mnil were callers at the county seat Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. I*. Kimball of De> Kalb were callers;lh this vicinity Fri­ day and Saturday. l'KKitA t:;rtTA. G. W. Ames was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss'Frances Knox attended insti­ tute Thursday. Wui. Conway of Klgin spent Tuesday with relatives here. \ Miss Edna Phalin was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday last. John Powers of llolcoinhville c&lled on friends here Sunday. Mrs. A. T. Wins^ate of Kljfin spent Thursday with relatives here. Miss Vera Bohert.v of HolcomhviMe visited relatives here Thursday even­ ing. M rs. J. H. Gracy was a Crystal Lake and Woodstock visitor Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Greene of Seattle, Wash., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck, Jr., tmd son of Dundee s|H>nt Easter .with rela­ tives here. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mrs. Frank Martin spent Sunday with Mrs. Win. J. Welch at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Schuman of De- Kalb spent Friday and Saturday with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Eliga Buck of Minneapolis, Mi n n . , s p e n t a f e w d a y s r e c e n t l y w i t h Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck, Mrs. Fred Matthews and daughters of McHenry visited at Chas. Buck s Easter Sunday and Monday. Mrs. John Riley was the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Bernard Shine, in Chicago several days last week. Mr. and Mis. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunduy with thtj former's moth­ er, Mrs. B. F. Peok, at the home of Henry McMillan. , V Misses Florence Welch, Eleanor Phalin, Gertrude Klein and Florence Knox attended the McHenry county teachers' institute at Woodstock last week. Opera House J. W. SMITH, MANAGER a WEDNESDAY SATURDAY AND SJJNDAY of this week Aii Seais 10c J OCTORS and the g^peral 13 we provide most excellent service ai drugs of unquestionable quality. R fi^HT' OUAnTthas bull tour -busineW aSl will most assuredly be niaintained and eve improved when ^ -fir. -" W u N-DOUBTEJDlyY you will4^ abla tio find what you want here at alt times, as our stock is complete in all departments* tS# : G PRICKS on all goods we and see if you can beat thfem elsewhere, be s»re and compare quality aftft: * hanSe But ELLING GOOl3S of right; quality right prices an^ serving our customers pt^jperly has made this store prosper. N. H. PETESCH McHENRY :: 't: TELEPHONE 56-W t; ^ ; 4 HO L.CO M It VI L.L& James Doherty spent last week in Sandwich. M iss Eva Davoil spedt Frklajr-at A. P. Peck's. W. H. Harrison called at F. D. Da vol l's Sunday. Miss Vera Doherty spent Thursday in Woodstock. John Powers was a business caller in Chicago Monday. A. P. Peck of Madison, Wis., spept Saturday at his home here. Mrs. M. Mason of Richmond spent last week at T. L. Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bunt we^e Sun* day visitors at Will Zanders'. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert were Sunday visitors in Crystal Lake. Chas. Gibbs and Walter Walsh were callers at Will Doherty's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hudson spent Sunday with relatives in Kingwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutsou and little daughter spent Sunday at George H.ut« I3n's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Wood* •took visited at C. Hutson's Friday evening. Misses Anna Powers and Mary Do­ herty of McHenry spentSaturday with relatives here.' Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilbert enter­ tained several of their neighbors with a new Victrola Sunday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Manning of El­ gin werfe guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will, Zanders Saturday and Sunday. M rs. L. Shenick of Iowa and Mrs. J. Doran of St. Paul came to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. E. A. Flanders, Saturday. Chas. tylichels, who recently an­ nounced thru this column that he had not retired from the lathing business, certainly received plenty of free ad­ vertising as a result of the article. The Chicago Tribune reprinted the article a few days after it appeared in The Plaindealer and since then no less than a half dozen papers in Lake and McHenry counties have given space f >r same. Chas. certainly has a system of his own when it comes to advertis? ing and no doubt will re*p a rich hai<- vest as the' result of the notoriety, gained. • 500 new International Tailoring Co. samples awaiting your Inspection. Call and look them over. A perfect lit. guaranteed. M. J. Walsh, A(Jv You'd Think It A Gift of fortune if you found a servant always ready, . always willing, never tiring, to perform the heaviest work for trifling wages. flftlRKIIY Will DO II Provide "yourself with the ' necessary appliances, press a button--that's all. 1J This is a feature of the ser­ vice possible io a wired house ^that's attract! v^in spring. If Trar kMM Isn't wliwi w»wlll wlr» Ituul ,tlw pav«Mrt« mr S4 •Maths. n a n PublicSerweCoiipy OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS WEST NcHENKY, ILLINOIS SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL 6 The* Star .Of Bethlehem. Not Pathe's old Passion Play, but the newefct and latest in scenery acting photography. No expense spared on "The Star of Bethlehem. A notable cast of players assembled, settings prop­ er and costumes suitable. Churches and lecturers are clam­ oring for this program all over the country. . V: S000 FEET OF FILM TWO SHOWS, 7:00 AND 8:30 r. H. GOOD SINGING, GOOD MUSIC R. W. GRACY, MANAGER ADMISSION, 10 AND 20 CENTS Whet to tk« Uttmac* hvtWM* « du«k ml, mt.i uiuiiT % Thm du«U town t* kill, but th« BM«t |ni||i ... kUU to 4tm«. "; ̂ , Once there was altttleoalf," 4;, - 'Twould make you laujfh To hear it bawl--that's halfi*^ Now we sell the best .. t,. " j| Of-veal, well dressed. ^ It makes a dainty That's all. " " Except a suggestion--h»y ^ jour treal E P. Matthews WEST McttEMK i . f : ' - A" .'fssj.'.* 4. >*»» :{ Our line was never so complete as now. We have all the new lasts in white Nuhuck, White, Canvas;- Tan, Brown Suede and Nubuck. Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt. Call and see them. >x m DRESS OOODS, fancy and plain cotton voiles in all leading'shades, 25c to 60c per yard. A nobby iiBejof silks, plain and, fancy, suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses. • _ -See our new line of Interna­ tional Tailoring Samples. You will need a new Suit, Coat or Trousers soon. We can save you money and give you a per­ fect fit. 1 New nobby line of Hats for Men and Boys, new shapes and new oulors, bow in back, from »1.00 to $3.00 Shirts, Collars, Ties, Overalls, Shirts, Working Clothing. :: Groceries, Canned Goods and Fruits. Try our Tea at 50c. None so good. We have a fine blended Coffee at 25c, 306 and 35c. Try it. Quality guaranteed. Goods delivered promptly. . M. J. WALSH i : ' , : § •S, - it" •; affords more enjoyment and comfort to the family than anything in the world. No one need be without such a home nowadays. We can fit you out and can do it in a most satisfactory manner. Our goods £nd prices will meet with your approval and after we •%. show you how easy it is for you tamake \ ^ your home comfy and cozy, you'll wonder 7*^ why you didn' t consult ( is long since. W e ' s i can fit your home with furniture that ranges ' in price from the costliest to the cheapest that money wjll buy. C<Ul asd let uf! tell you more about it. 5^ ^ :: :: m JACOB JUSTENl THE McHENILY FURNITURE MAN ss? .1 •f h >v|| * & 4 W ^ , P H I L I P J A E G E R QPNERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT . " 9PBOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SALS Of piretted Beef, flatten, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Efgs V This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished oa application. COLO STORAUe FREE "• CHICAOO. ILLINOIS. '•im * li The One Best Feed for your baby chicks Is on sale at our stora- A scientific mixture which starts xhera right and keeps them growing:. Stop exi^r" fcmenting. Just use pr&P Ba|>y Chick Food and you will positively grow the best flock ot you ever raised. Sample package free. u Your money back if it fails." In boxes and bars, ss« up. 160-page poultM^ book FKKE. Get Pratts Profit-sharing Booklet. il. t. DEBKECWT, IOHMSBURGH FKfANK MASQUELET, K„HFiVRy If:-- m tfo, H ' i.'.v "m .. . ia.v»a

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