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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1913, p. 8

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fepfa^stiiti" iatiik • %SBb ' • j> is - jfci:'- •""' • ^ . S h i r t s a n d N e c k t i e s 1^' Shoes and Hosiery S"' ' » ^ S ^ ^ S-' > - - V • ' V-." i-'V-W ••«? \$r-J !>V'*1;!> Call and see the new li0l*WS. ' ' ' IP®' «tyle$ *»nd CQlors. « . ' " 1 5 v : *i.W TMS Mm JOHN STOFFEL WEST Wam, L , NONE S9J spIces ExtricU '••T! i / ' - y • : '* *f. * •'•: •;/ ; :T> (5̂ ; • ; » ' .• STOFFEL'S <H.' »jw>- *d is l^ood coffee at a moderate price, 23c per pound. Try* it today. This brand of coffee is always uniform and of excel­ lent cup quality. It is put up for us by the largest and oldest importing firm in tlie United States. Every pound guar­ anteed to satisfy or money refunded. :: We say it yet--try it today < v 5t'"^- "it '•>•' 11'a a lii-ni Xl t Other Good Grades at ' T % # »#f. •*• < > - •.«'« ? •. v •* *<*» - * y " OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK There was a man whose last name was Loer, Who, for his lawn, needed a good lawn mower. So he came^fco (More where lie found them galore, And the lawn looks neglected ££| no more. - appearance of the >f the HOOSIER Note the Neat Appearance Of the lawn and the unruffled ai ir.»..:A;«ian, revealing the efficiency ol £#awn Mower he purchased here and the ease <*irith which he accomplishes his task. Follow v^his example and fare likewise. We have a vari­ ety of good Mowers from $3.00 up to $9.00. J! vfe".' V Y C I T A L l#fe> J *•- ̂ §» % u >:/. :• m4- • V - : J f o w -- y o u r o w n r a i l r o a d s y s - ^" item! The ""light and right" v#r>^ord give§ it to you at small / ^ost! And back of the car > %<*"Stands a financial responsibility ... ^ a^id service--tfoat f any raifcv:v. '• P'vfefoad' might .envy, ? J)on't :sid^'":;* - v •#«<* that 4 'urge. ** y -Get yonjf •'• (UWord today../ • M }. . • M£jL;' *> '••• More ®#n a quarter of mTfMoii'Toras now ui. *,' ;>•.,"" 4. 8erv^ce--convincing evidence of their won-. H-|^erful merit. Runabout, *525; Touring Car, 'vV;* \'•**WOO; Town Car, $800--1. o. b. Detroit, witih :1:', - ^ vi all equipment. Get interesting "Ford Time®" i,--.jgHrom Dept. P., Detroit, Ford Motor pa»y» or John R. Knox, McHenry. . ewr. '• '5: ^ : v-1 - £• ij ••*?" ornamuoB i^y. iwuniois Statement ot receipts aad disbursements of fundi* for the Village of McHenry, Illinois, tor the year ending April 30,1^13:- 1918 May 1 ARvjBI trxp j Bal ou band per report..ii.Lji8M.13 Matl). Btuier, license ".L.^ 800.00 Htepban Heim«r, license. ^500.00 Gus Schoel. ItcABfle £*•„.. JOO.OO F O Oans, jicekse (000.00 P B Freand, llcease r.L. "B00.00 Helmer dt Blckler, llc«ns» 600.00 Helmer Bros., license .... J«l> 3 A»f If J J Martin, license Theo ScMean*, llceiise J C Hickler, license J J Bach, llcease M Winchester, license...II.'.. H E 1'rice, water r*tes.!!|..!." u £, " ^i liOWR.'.. license... '«rat«r rates .i.. fines tnlscellaneous license... ~<rr f rater rates.. Ice Sept 4 Oct as H t 8 it Nov 5 « «•?:. ,|nisco I Iane2>us"*rrr* • H'^^nes .y... ** ,.,3Vi».ter rates. $ , ,.!« iS('ellantjous s. ' '«flues'-. ir.Jl t? " * ** , ' '* "-"i^r-.' civater rat»s "dm iscel lantjous *. iniiscel lanaous.*,.. m •« - i* . V Dec 3 " :* ^ 800.00 moo W0.00 f)00.00 Jw» l¥> a"».o« 59.78 30.00 ;jo.oo 20.00 35.62 < 3.00 50.00 12.28 ^17.00 20.00 104.00 15.Q0 , 1W.4(! <OS.OO > 10.00 117.50 : 15.00 20.50 . Iis.dt Mf'i'J* ijiwariifcniMI>i<i,a«iii a»ni«)^|iB j: i:. Made from cream of tartar derived ^ «ote!y from grapes, tlie most ;^ous and healthful of all fruit acid* ' % \ Jan 6 . mM "Water rates.482.81 " i w a t o r r a t e s / O i U i l t . - tapping 15.00 •' m»ater rates..., j-yi-.'-gfr TtM .'tapping... '15.00 -'jmisceliaoeoas ...i. 72.00 f a tar rat4« 7.2S) aterrates 9.07 liih?c;ollanoous .-£iivi;"' 19-&1 , license.. •' 2.00 water i*atec...i.ii..:' I'l-OO license.... FefcJI:-,n* •'"'Mcense : **. .*.**:• .>'<iauDiue -- j'jsit. Mar 10 9fi April 1 . .n. ,#appiug ...Cii'..' * , " *nisoo!!»neous HL/ '" *' %ater rates • wat^r rates " " " miscellaneous J B Niesen. collector H E Price, water rates ........ -l*?1"'," «t>?~>ater rates Tip * , Iniscellaneous....» • V. • • ? " - " • .teater rates. 4.00 31.8tE CO. CO 30.00 '•34.28 1.00 40.00 • 10.00 370.52 <20.00 120.00 5.00 29.15 Frank Repkow, labor on street 2.67 Geo Meyers, Jr., rolling & grading. 7.00 J B lluss, freight on crushed stone. 858.77 JqIiju Thelen, grading ui J rreuuii, uauiiug crushed stone John Walsh, police service John Walsh, supt waterworks Geo Rothermel, police service...... Vt Thurlwel!, labor ftl J Freuud, hauling gravel N Weber, gravel John Thelen, labor on street* James il Clow & Sons, packing Ppblic Service Co, street lighting.. Geo Kothermel, labor--M Smalley. Everett Hunter, gravel Henry M Wel>er, lu'K)r on rolle^.i U84 J B Frlsby, kibor ou street 883 S Harbst, repairs on p h. Geo Meyers, labor on streets........ 1S6 987 m 980 9!*) 90! Sf.« 902 083 sn»2 094 '.•Wj SI90 1197 !)98 099 1'aul Meyers, labor on streets Wui Stoirel. sundries Valvoisne t>il <Jo, KasoSln© M EngelL> & Son. repairs on pump. Barbiao Bi-os. dli-t iiolese & ^hepui-il Oo, stone. Kerbes Bros, labor ...... Wni Dayts, gravel Herbcs Bros, labor on w w.... _ JoUsi J Vycltal, sundries " lire; " 10.50 t.iri 80.00 10.00 80.00 1.2S 80.60 '•fi.ia C?.25 3.60 87.00 5.00 8.56 7.80 ' (8.00 1.25 le.oo ».25 4.25 44.10 3.96 14.40 .6.25 Hi.b5 B.50 J.45 Matt Steues & Oo, gutter work:.... IK.55 J 11 Millar, salary .^... 4l,00 J«90 •XPERD1TDKMI =' Q©oGilbert, salary J©hn Walsh,salary ... .:.u_ Stephen Justen, salary. M Pureell, labor ..j. vwt.. Herb'es Bros., labor Herbes Bros., labor ........ Chas. B. Harmsen, election Judge.. Geo Beckwitli, election judge »oge Gtio Kotliermel, election ju John W Bonslett, election clerk BJ Brefeld, election clerk Wm Heimer, election clerk John 11 Milier, president servicie.".. ? S KK""' Geo Meyew, . P J Nickels, 1 "r-• •••. •* : Wm. Stoffel, •*• "• M Weber, " ... H E Price, clerk service Jos I Lang, attorney service..,,;,.^ Dr N J Nye. board of health....:;^ Ben J Brefeld, board of health....'. Chas B Harmsen. board of healthy Herbes Bros., labor Geo Meyers, Jr., labor Neptune Meter Co, meters ....... McHenry Plaindealer, printing .... Wilbur Lumber Co, coal v-»-- Jas. B. Clow & Co, lead pipe ........ Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline Anton Engeln, rent hose house....'. M J Walsh, dirt Public Service Co, lighting John Miller, president service....i. K G Chamberlln, trustee servloe... Jos W Freund, " " .-ip. 834 Geo Meyers,- ..." " 835 F J Nickels, ;.<£ Wm BU)ftei, v « M Weber, _ '• . 'cSI Herbes Bros, !hw». Uerlies Bros, labor P J Schoewer & Son, Iron M M Niesen, sundries Geo Rothermel, police service...... Stephen Justen, police service';..*. John Walsh, police service John Walsh, supt w w J P Miller, labor streets John Spencer, labor J li Clow & Sons, water suppliM ... Herbes Bros., waterworks.:. McHenry Plaindealer, treas report Public Service Co, street lighting.. Roy Mlllheam, labor James Meeham, labor Ben Wegener, labor Herbes Bros., labor Ben Wegener, labor f 3.00 50.00 , 50.00 8.25 24.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 , 9.00 f 9.00 9.00 .. 9.00 r 0.00 9.00 JJ5.00 33.35 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.85 18.00 50.40 39.00 11.36 27.74 •'30.80 10.00 32.25 93.00 3.00 3.00 • 3.00 3.00 3.00 i. 3.00 3.00 '21.00 12.70 0.00 2.88 150.00 10.00 50.00 10.00 2.75 13.50 ..73.15 28.50 29.85 75.00 1.00 12.50 12 50 -12.15 .50 J B Clow & Sons, supplies.......:... 10.02 Neptune Meter Oo, meters. Herbes Bros, labor John Walsh, police service ... John Walsh, supt waterworks Geo Rpthermel, police service.,.,,; 11 E Price, fgt, stamps, etc Anton Eugeln, use of pump...^..^.' Get) Meyers, Jr., lalKir Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline Public Service Co, street lighting.. John H Miller, president service... N- E Barblan, trustee service... Wm fisher, """ ^ R G Chainberlim, "" ... Jos W Freund, * * • ^".12.00 F J Nickels, .|12.00 Math Weber, " '* ... "12.00 11 E Price, clerk service 25.00 J B Buss, freight on road ^09.40 Wm Thurlwell, labor 4.50 Chas Geske, labor 2.00 Frank Repkow, 1 abor.........2.00 Jo<j Solnski, labor *.....1.75 wh M J li'reund, labor ;tu. ,20,00 882 Continental Bridge Co, bridge,.i._. llO.OO ,fe. .„ 50.40 16.25 50.00 'llO.OO J50.00 10.82 1.00 HI. 75 *J65.98 '>5.00 12.00 12.00 -12.00 0.00 883 884 885 88<5 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 804 896 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 900 908 909 911 912 913 915 917 918 919 905 907 910 914 910 920 921 922 923 924 m m (27 928 929 930 «;n «:j2 933 934 935 iCltt 937 938 939 940 941 931 932 933 942 913 914 945 934 «:ir> 936 %n 938 940 944 947 948 949 950 ft*)l 952 IkKi 954 965 956 10.85 11.45 3.15 50.00 857.00 85.00 20 85 <H) 36.50 19.50 31.28 25.50 C & N W R It, freight on sal~. Victor Oil Co, oil.;. %.2 Herbes Bros, labor .i.ivi Geo Rothermel, police service.:.... Standard Oil Co. oil Victor Safe & Ixxk Co, safe E Hunter, gravel 1.! McHenry Plaindealer, printing 7.: Wilbur Lumber Co, lum A cement. 135.i Geo Meyers, labor F L MeOmbor, sundries M Engeln & Son, labor J Stephen Heimer, hotel expenses... S C Adams Stamp & Seal Cq, dog tags 2.00 Geo Rothermel. labor, moving safe 1.00 Martin Johuson. labor 20.00 Neptune Meter Co, meters...! 50.40 John Walsh, police service •.. 50.00 John Walsh, supt waterworks 10.00 John J Vycltal, sundries 5.67 Public Service Co. street lighting.. 89.00 Matt Steffes & Co. lal>or 133.60 Wm Simes, livery 3.00 Public Service Co, street lighting.. M J Freund, labor on street. V S Luruley. service Jos W Freund. street oiling....... Math Weber, street oiling......*.. John Walsh, suit Geo Meyers, labor John Walsh, policeservlce...„,j.,i John Walsh, supt waterworks..^... E Hunter, gravel Ge<r Meyers, roller McHenry Plaindealer, printing.... Geo Kotnermel, suit Geo Rothermel, police service M J Freund, lal>or Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline 144.65 R G Chamberlln, trustee Bervlee... John Brents, labor John H Miller, president service... N E Barblan, t rustee service....... Wm A Fisher, . " • ' " J W Freund, " " .3*!.' F J Nickels, " " Math Weber, " " II E Price, clerk service „«»*.. Geo Rothermel, police Service...... John Walsh, police service.......... John Walsh, supt waterworks..... M J Freund, labor H K Price, stamps, freight, etc.*... M I) Stnalley. labor- j».. ,.! Neptune Meter Oo, seals Public Service Oo, street lighting-- Wm Bacon, pipe Ii... West Side Livery, Uverjr John Frlsby, labor C & N W R B U o , f r e i g h t o n b r i c k . . I'urlngton Paving BrickOo> paving • brick 106.50 Michael Pureell, labor--unloading brick M J Freund. hauling crushed stone John Malsch, labor in gutter... Walter Wright, labor on streets M .T Freund, hauling crushed stone rv N E Barblan, salary ............. Win Fisher, salary ...1.. J W Freund. salary 10.00 #.00 U.00 1000 M Weber, salary..., .\... 4.00 1001 R G Chamberlln, salary j;. ^8.00 1002 F J Nickels, salary 1003 11 E Price, salaijy 1004 John Walsh, supt waterworks ili< 1005 John Walsli, police service 1005 Herbes Bros., labor .*. 1006 Herbes Bros., labor 1006 Geo Rothermel, police seinrlce 1007 Public Service Co, street lighting.1. 1008 M J Freund. labor 1009 McHenry Plaindealer, printing 1010 Peter M Freund, gravel 1011 M Engeln & Son, sundrleS„ . . , . . . i „ 1012 P J Schoewer & Son, repairs 1013 H Kinsala, labor .-... 1014 H K Price, freight...., 1015 Wilbur Lumber Co, lum. cement &, coal 1S4.82 1016 Victor Oil Co, oil 9.73 1017 Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline^ W OO 1018 Legal Adviser Pub Co, stationery.. 1019 Wilbur Lumber Co, coal 9.00 *.00 10.00 60.00 7.35 1.00 80.00 60.00 40.25 8.35 16.90 •8.20 4.55 .50 1.97 1020 Geo Rothermel, police service 1021 John Walsh, police service 1022 John Walsh, supt waterworks 1023 Public Service Co, street lighting.. 1024 Jas B Clow & Sons, hydrant parts.. 1025 Public Service Co, street lighting.. 1026 Valvoline Oil Co, gasoliie.......... 1027 Wilbur Lumber Co, coal 1028 M A Theleu, blankets 1029 Herbes Bros., labor 1030 Geo Rothermel, police service 1031 John Walsh, police service 1032 John Walsh, supt waterworks 958 Ben Herbes, labor on w w 1033 Paul Meyers, scraping snow 1034 Herbes Bros., labor on w w • 1035 John Walsh, police service 1036 John Walsh, supt waterworks 1037 Engeln & Son, labor on engine... 1038 Anton Engeln, rent on hose cart ta. 1039 John W Kimball, judge prim elec.. 1040 George Beckwlth, judge prim elec. 1042 Martin Stoffel, clerk primary elec. 104:*. Joseph Engeln, " " " . 1044 Chas B Harmsen, clerk prim elec.. 1040 Valvoline Oil Co, gasoline 1047 Legal Adviser Pub Co, stationery.. 1048 John H Miller, freight & labor 1049 8 H Freund. wood anrl repairs. 1050 Public Service Co, street lighting.. 1051 Fred Matthews, sidewalk.....^.....' 1052 J Meeham, labor on w W.. 1053 F Thurlwell, labor on w w........... 1041 B J Brefeld, salary : 1051 John Walsh, police service ... 1052 Herbes Bros., labor on W W. 1052 John Walsh, sunt w W.._... 1053 Jacob Justen, supplies 1054 H E Price, stamps, etc 1057 John W Kimball, election judge 1060 C B Harmsen, election Judge ... 1005 li G Chamberlln, trustee service... 1066 Wm Fisher, trustee service 1068 F J Nickels, trustee service 1070 11 E Price, clerk service 1073 C B Harmsen, board of health 62 6.91 60.00 60.00 10.00 07.00 12.00 88,00 88-80 #.23 4.00 9.20 60.00 60.00 10.00 8.00 (.00 4.75 60.00 10.00 1.25 10.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 8-00 64.60 2S.11 .37 8.00 ;88.00 M.29 •1.50 1.50 .8.00 60.00 9.45 10 00 #.90 1J» a.oo .oo a&oo 18.00 #5.00 10.00 983M.80 .98606.82 . 8931.80 .» 305.08 Village Expenditures Bal cash on hand May 1,1M8....... I, Carl W. Stenger, Treasurer of the of McHenry. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing report is true and correct ac­ cording to the best of my knowledge and be­ lief. Cam. W. Stenukh, Village Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of May, A. D. 1013. H. C. Mbad. Notary Public. Movies at the Central Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and the regular price, 10c. Adv Read The Plaindealer. " ADDITIONAL PERSONALS.: Emery Kimball of Hebron wstft a vis­ itor in town Sunday, L. F. Block attended to business in the windy city Wednesday. W. F. Holtz was a Chicago passen­ ger this (Thursday) morning. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cobb passed Wednesday in the metropolitan city. George Johnson of * North Crystal Lake spent Sunday as the guest of Mc­ Henry friends. Miss Julia Dittman of Elgin was a guest of Miss Elizabeth. Thelen Satur­ day and Sunday. Mesdames B. S. Hammond and L. E. Hughes of Wauconda spent a recent day in this village. Mr. and Mrs. M. t). Wilkins.were among the Chicago' passengers this (Thursday) morning. • ' • *: ? Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of' Ringwood passed Friday of last week aS a guest of Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Block 3}nd .two small children spent a recent day'as guests of relatives at Dundee. ..,.vl... Mike Schaffer of North Crystal Lake spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his father and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and little children spent a recent day'as guests in the home of the former's sis­ ter, Mrs. G. A. Barker, at North Crys­ tal Lak% , " f ANTIGO H. Antlgb #,' No. 59504, wlgflteVeil ^0ftld standard bred, will stand at Math. Freund's blacksmith shop on Tuesday of each week until July 1. Antigo H. has a race record of 2:19) and is a full brother to Aegon Star, 2:11}. Foaled 1899. Black stallion, 151 hand high. Sired by Aegon 6994, record 2:18,1. Sire of 8, including Aegon Star, in the list 2:114, he by Nutwood (KX); record 2:18|, sire of 168 in the list. Antigo H.'s dam Gypsy A. 2:25i, dam of 6 in the list. Antigo H. is a very hand­ some black with a small star in fore­ head, broken single and of a good dis­ position, is clever in harness and is a square, open gaited trotter. $15 to insure. AH accidents at owner's risk. Lusk Bros., Round Lake,-111. 'Phone 12-J-2. 40-4t AGENT FOR FERRO ENGINES. Having secured the agency lor the Ferro engines, the world's standard two-cycle motor, and also the 3 h. p. plants, complete and ready to run, I wish to announce that I am ready to take orders for same. Jos. J. MerteS, 3 4 ^ ' M c H e n r y , I l l . .. r ' ;• thanks - • We desire to express our thanks to the people of McHenry and vicinity for the welcome given the Booster club idea. It now remains for the boosters themselves to get busy and secure these fine premiums. A. E. Beardsley, Adv ( Traveling Booster. Always a good program at the Cen­ tral Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. All seats 10c. Adv P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT * ; SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO THK SALE OF f : DrMsed Beet, riutton, Hogs, VcMUlU Hides, Btc., Butter and Bf ff» Tags and pMo^llltil to* 1*7.00 50.00 25.00 :>0.uu *10.00 This is the oldast honia* on the street application. COLD STORAOE FREE ^^.OHICAaO,. ILLINOIS. "stall i A 3. PiMMl li Whetosele Rtarlu*. . .. ... #£>•.. h&$.- i' : America's ^ ' '• ' • Hsa stood the test for twenty-eight years, yet it his never "rested" on the reputation of a past year--each year it has set anew the high . , 5 mark of maximum hose merit--each year it has earned a better $0, ^ name for excellence--that's why it has gained the confidence of the American Family--that's why it is demanded, purchased and worn by buyers of judgment and sensible economy. See the Black Cat at our hosiery counter--convine^ yourself as to its . f'\- • merits. Feel its luxuriant softness, see its shapeliness, its knit" glove ^ ? fitting" for style, of softest yarns for comfort, colored by the high- est salaried dyer in America for beauty,,made with, extended Pfiffo forcement in heel and toe for wear. ' ' 1 . I LOOK FOR THE SION OF THE BLACK CAT > "i y and you'll be sure to get satisfaction, you'll iret hosiery that Ik - 41^ product of the highest skill, of the latest improved machinery, of | twenty-eight years' successful manufacturing experience. You'll ? get the most durable and desirable hose made--Black Cat. ^ •4fe •>% >>-'• F. A. Bohlander, West McHenry |;UNITEO STATES DEPOSITORY 5 ti CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000 , " t.- •' . • n-'.i '•! fiO AFTER 9K Start a savings account with us. Take out a book and watch the account grow. You can depend uport getting a good rate bf interest on your sav­ ings. The difference be­ tween chasing Will-o'- the-Wisp or the unattain­ able and banking dollar upon dollar where it is earning money for you appealsito every practical person who thinks about the future. We would like to write your name in one 6f our books today. ...SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 « YEAR.... EOW1M L. WAGNER, PrM. -r^pFFICERS:-^ •V DR. C. H. PEGERS, / Vic* Pm. CARL W. STENGER, ftihlw. X^m li >' ;'|i. i m •% v Spend Your Summer i In the West t •*: -I" 1 Low round trip summer excursion fardi^ are in effect on certain dates via Chica­ go and North Western Ry. to all im­ portant points West and Northwest H Splendidly equipped daily trains pfo- * viding through service leave the new > v. and palatial Passenger Terminal, cago, at convenient hours. V reservations and foil Ttok«t AgMC Oiniosso and N#fM%|We stern NcHENRY. UX|NOi8 Wk MVni. 3fv^' ^ i,'j> f. '•Mi iM r&- M 7 John Tbeleu, labor on wnlkl,etc... 7.00 00.00 6.00 3.75 60.00 13.25 1S.50 12.50 10»"> John A Worts, labor on wal John Thelen, labor on waUca John Thclun. wk on croMwalks, etc John A Worts, wk OB crossWKlkR. et« 10.25 M J Freund, haulingernsbed atone 0«.00 J It Huss, freight on crushed stone. 490.23 Geo Meyers, labor on streets r>fi.00 Geo Meren.Br.. labor 2fi0 M J Krennd. labor , 1 42.SO J U KrlsbyTl^b01" .*t.. a C»oo Meyers, Sr., labor :w.50 Goo liothermel, police Mrvioe.i.... r>0.00 C J w ) M e y e r s , J r . , l a b o r * 1 2 . 5 0 M Steffes & Oo, sidewalks.1M>.% M Bteffes S Co, sidewalks .... nton Sngeln. labor.... 6 Ai 957 ViUvoUne'OH Co, gsatoUue 958 use 1)00 Mil W!3 904 905 966 967 967 m M DBwalltiy. labor PubUcHervlce Oo, street 11 Kiting.. John WiUrth, i^#!!co jorvlce John Walsh. »upt waterworks Sanl Xwyers, labor. I J F r * ' • " M J Freunt John h Worts, labor <m utrectw Prank Repkow, labor on streets John Thelen, cutting stamps park M i Pseund, hauling crushed stone . . g < . . M J Freund, hauling crushed stone 136.80 34.80 35.90 12.63 97.00 'AOO 10.00 20.00 00.00 06.00 0.75 3.% 4.60 QUALITY GOODS Tff 91 , Illinois SAVIIG 1 TISSUES OF EXTREME BEAUTY y New Novelty Tissue, white ground with colored patterns worked out in mercerized yarn. Will make up prettily into fancy summer dresses and waists, .an admirable fabric for soft dnaping and shirring effects. Price yet"yard 15, 25 CREAM WHITE COTTON CORDUROY This cloth is a favorite, the popularity of which as a fabric for chil­ dren's and women's summer garments has never been equalled. Launders exceptionally well. Per yard 2, 3d MESSALINE SATIN ^ In Rretty iMtir line stripe on cream back, new colonit very Bioart for wsJsta. Per yard -- ALL WOOL BATISTES; A light weight serviceable fabrie; all colors, for draping and shir­ ring use. Per yard 1.. ... 50 MERCERIZED POPLIN TtMrJtaeal and most dressy fabric on the market for the priflp; fine for weddings and parties; 27 inches wide, all shades in stock -- 25 1 ^ 5"-.' ' MEN'S TAN OXFORDS Nobby button, lace or blucber styles in Oxfords that "^rip proval for fli-st-class shape and give lasting satisfaction.* Nothing has been sacrificed in comfort or durability. You will concede the styles and prices are right. Price. $3-50 || ipa f WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS In patent, dull and vici kid, tan and^velvet. We have never shown styles. Prices......^ BARGAINS * :• One lot of Men's 83.00 to 94.00 Shoes in s£broken.tot of sixes--exeep- tional values, to close at RARE baroains , Here is your chance. Several good numbers in Pumps, lace and button Oxfords for ladies, $2.25 to <2.50 values, to close them out quickly, paip -- $1,39 X. Sr.- . w-*t" *-?r jp;V. SSalMiB" •* r'~ i * J1.1 ' ? jkHl ^ L.'r' t'.r . ̂ '-rV AJ,iZ i -r t,r ;V*, K'nf-< •S f *7* •V"S"'\:v-.v •M 1, 4 r* ^hf-v ^ - *.5s; 'iSJ •'WW'?-

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