> ^ " ' i l l - I I [ • • h ' T I i \ ' . - 1 1 • V I f : ^ ^ r 1 / , f i r I , i ' ' ~ " • • " ••w&iBm U pssgss Hottinger ma REGRETS IT OwigjMlii. ;'i I'ii riiii ii "" i" ww wrzia MS OU6HTA. 6*T v PlUt 001MB w oe** 6ookb< /CT DA HOCKSHOttC gASV HQH.r raasT INVESTED *?.» IN som BOOKS It RCADlfKr 16 ON* THUHr I MARGERITE MARfeCR* em T; ..flfts ?*s • ̂ • >•.*-AL.WAV5 & TRYING '"M 5#^ ~I> to - -aft-v ••"• ( vacation The Ncflenry PUiHeilef . PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. (Mtata Bulk Building. Telephone, Hio.M> imn o* euMomftioNi .Mmr... UM •tx months. JIM. Thm mntte. Mote. Thiradaj, July io. HM3* AumomirenoMU F. L. Carr of Wauconda was a visitor in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls were Elgin visitors one day last week. Nick P. Steilen of Chicago was a * week end guest of relatives here. Rev. E. A. Roberts passed a day last week as the guest of friends at Wau- W m I Mrs. E. J. Hamel of Chicago is the guest of her sisier, Mrs. D. G. Wells, this week. Max Klein of Chicago was the guest Of McHenry relatives the latter part of last week. Mrs. Geo. Mix and children of Chi cago are guest^in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. N. P. Steilen of Chicago spent,the Jjrtter part of last week with his wife and daughter here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayer and children of Chicago are spending the summer mt J. J. McCarthy's. Joe Hoffman of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as the guest of McHenry friends. James Fitzsimmons of Chicago visit-; «d in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh last Saturday. u. Mrs. Hochstetter of-Chicago is spend ing the week io the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy. Joe Schoewer of Beloit, Wis., was the guest of his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Sphoewer, Sunday. Miss Gertrude Freese of Chicago is spending two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. C. Wi Holden of Chicago passed the Fourth as a guest in the home of Mr. fad Mrs. I. A. Hungerford, Mrs. Andrews of Chicago is being entertained in the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells this week. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and children returned last week from their visit to their Michigan farm. Mr. and Mrs. Michael of Chicago are qpending a couple of weeks as guests at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Steilen of Chicago were guests of McHenry rela tives the latter part of last week. Miss Sarah Mooney of Chicago has been spending the past month in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Harold Johnson and Envoi Severson of Chicago passed the latter part of last week in. the home of John Miller. J. E. Meehan and mother and Bert Hofsky of Chicago are guests in the Jbwne of Mr.. and Mrs. I. A. Hunger- ford. Miss Susan Frelt of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the fore part > sof this week at the family's summer ^fcome here. : Misses Gertrude, Margaret M«I »?>#»• *J Q Hoos of Chicago are passing two Jfedks in the homq df Mr. and Mrs | >. Peter Schoewer. \jj- •' Mrs. Anna Clemens and daughter, ^"Hauy, of Chicago are spending two Sv . *eeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs H'; -Peter Schoewer. 1 Mrs. Robert Henderson and daugh f; ter) Isabella, of Bel vide re are spend iPg the week in the home of Mr. *nd $Urs. F. V. Cobb. The families of Wm. Bonslett, C. G Frett and Simon Stoffel drove to Rock lord in their autos Sunday. All report a most enjoyable trip. ^ v, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mueller and son, Jj-V Btewart, of Chicago have been guests f . *f relatives and friends in McHenry jp ituring the past week. , Misses Anna and Theresa Feilen of \j/ Chicago spent the latter part of last fe- week at the summer home of Mr. and ;i ~l. '"'Mrs. A. M. Frett here. *a- Mr an? ^ Bonslett of Chic* fc|K° P"8^ the l*11?1" of last week fev, I® the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. ' Miss Florence Rockwell,/* Ltelavan, I; I; wis., was a guest in the t»ome oi Mr! J^'-ftnd Mrs. C. E. Gay lord from Thuss- until Mpnday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Calvert and son %,:t Robert, of Chicago passed the latter U: Av.:|>artof last week as gue8t« in the home S:. ,r^^f Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. > • . John Clemens of Chicago prinnpd ri>- Bunday as a guest in the home of Mr f: #V % m PI; M J. W. Fay is spending his with his family. Co Unti transacted business in the windy cityWednesday. N. A. Huemann was a business visit or in Chicago Tuesday. E. F. Matthews was a business visit or in Chicago Wednesday. ' Mr, and Mrs. James N. Sayler are visiting friends in Chicago for a few days. j John Schreiner and Ray Smith of Elgin are guests of relatives here this week. Mrs. Josephine Heimer spent the latter part of last week with Elgin relatives. Tj. Johnkon and daughter, Esther, spent the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fay. Henry B. Dowe of Waterloo, la., spent several days of the past week with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fisher and daughters of Elgin have been guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Adam Miller, son, Leo, and daughter, Agnes, of Chicago are spend ing a few weeks with relatives here. Miss Kathryn Meyers bf Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest of her mother, Mrs. Eva Meyers. Miss Elizabeth Holsmer of Kenosha, Wis,, spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Leickem of Keno sha, Wis;, were entertaihed 'in the home, of the former's brother, Jos. Leickem, and family, the latter part of last week. Mrs. Louis McDonald and son, Ford, of Woodstock passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. 'Newman. Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughters, Marian and Harriet,- of Chicago passed the latter part of last week at the home at Mrs. Alsena Smith. Mr. Chapell was out the Fourth and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Turner and daughter of BelVidere and E. M. Lanzendorfer of Chicago passed. the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wheeler. Miss F. Hillebrand left last Wednes day for a few days' visit with Crystal Lake and Chicago relatives. She sailed from New York Tuesday of this week for her old home .in Holland, where she goes to care for her aged father. Mrs. Andrew Miller, Mrs. Frank Buhr, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith of McHenry and Mrs. Adam Miller and Miss Isabelle Buhr of Chicago -were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walsh and baby of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. Walsh re turned home Sunday evening, while his wife and child remained for a long er stay. William and Harry Gallaher of Chi cago are spending .the week in the home.of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler. William has just closed a successful tour with the Alpha sextet, now playing in vaudeville, of which he is a member. The company will leave Chicago some time next month and are booked to appear in some of the principal cities of Canada. ^On their return trip they will follow the western coast, playing all the large cities of the West. A short time before closing the season, the company played at the Colonial, one of Chicago's largest and most pop ular theaters. HOLCOMBVIL1A, ' JULY 3; 1912 Geo. Zenk was a business caller iiere Monday. \ , Joe Fueker spent Thursday evening at Will Zeck's. Mrs. White spent last week with her sister-in Chicago. Mrs. Neff of Rockford is the guest of relatives in this vicinity, Miss _ Kathryn Neff of Rockford is visiting at Geo. Whiston's. August Pomrening of Ridgefleld was a caller here Sunday evening. Mrs. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Miss Tillie Pomrening of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Margaret Powers spent last week with her aunt at McHenry. Miss Lucile Byrd of McHenry spent Monday evening at T. L. Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. ChaS. Harrison visited friends in Elgin Friday and Saturday. Mrs. F. McMillan and Mrs. H. Mc Millan called at F. D. JDavoll's Sunday. Get ready for the great McHenry county fair at Woodstock Aug. 26-29. Misses Mary Knox, Mary and B. M. Doherty called on relatives here Wed nesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters were Sunday visitors at C. Colby's." Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutebn and daugh ter .were visitors at W. B. Gilbert's Sunday. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cotta spent Sunday and ^Monday with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. F. Carr and a friend of Wauconda were Sunday callers at F. G. Davoll's. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and chil dren were callers in this vicinity Thurs day evening. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Lola -Boyle spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Vera Doherty. fifr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert, Will Doherty and daughter were callers in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Frett and P. J. Dohegty of ' McHenry were callers at Jay Doherty's Saturday. Mrs. M. H. Conley and sons of Chi cago spent the first of the week with her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. W.. B. Gil bert. JULY 10, 1913 Ed. Powers is spending this-week at John Powers'. James Doherty of Sandwich spent Monday at his home here. Thomas and John Bolger were vis itors at Jay Doherty's Friday., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harrison were Sunday callers at F. Whiting's. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beiser and chil dren spent the Fourth in Elgin. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Miss Frances Welch and Ray Powers were Sunday visitors at F. Powers'. Miss Anna Powers of McHenry spent the first of the week at D. A. Powers'. Howard and Everett Conley of Chi cago are spending a few weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. 1. ana Mrs. Peter Schoewer. Hubert . ? t" k® DU'1 'rom the city next j at the home of Mrs. KMBKALI) PAlU|C. f R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent" a few days last week with home folks. Jas. Costello of Elgin spent a few days recently with Mrs. Ellen Walsh Wm. K. Sutton of Aurora was the guest of relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bella Logue andjn&phew, Hugie Gregori, of Chicago are visitors at the home ofJtt. A. Sutton. Miss Rose Justen and R. E. Sutton were the guests of Dr. C. H. Fegers at Pistakee Bay Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walsh and son of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Ellen Walsh a few days recently. Miss Lillian Harrington has returned to her home in Chicago after a week's visit with Mrs. Ed. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flarity of El gin were visitors at Mrs. Ellen Frisby's the latter part of last week. Mrs. E. R. Sutton nnd son, William Edward, and Miss Lillian Harrington took a trip to Pistakee Bay Sunday last Dr. C. H. Fegers and Misses Eleanor McG ee and Rose Justen were callers Ellen Frisby one i<day *, All advertlBementt.1. inserted under this he*d at the following rates: Five Unea or le«8, 86 eenta for flnt lliHertlon; lfi cento for each subsequent insertion. Wore than Ave linen, 5 eeiita a line for first Insertion, anil 3 cents a line for addition! Insertions. TERRA COTTA. Walter Coqway spent Sunday in El gin. Miss Emma Conway 4* visiting at her home here. '• •' - *. !- Miss Florence Knox spent Sunday evening in McHenry. , Miss Mary Burke of McHenry spent Sunday at M. Knox's. Mrs. Stella Peck spent-Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Henry Shales .spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Walter Hatchwell of Williams Bay spent Tuesday at Chas.' Buck's. Miss Kate Hess of Wauconda is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. P. H. Conway Rev. J. L. Lonergan of Crystal Lake was calling in this vicinity Monday. Donald Bolger of Woodstock is spend ing his vacation with relatives here. Miss Gertrude Klein is taking the teachers' examination 'afc'̂ Woodatock this w<^k. MissVera Bolger of Woodstock is visiting at the home of her uncle, J M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and chil dren of Holcombville called at Frank McMillan's Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox afid daugh ters and Miss Mary Burke were Crys tal Lake callers Sunday Mrs. J. Doherty and family of Hol combville and John Bolger dalled at M. A. Conway's Friday. Misses Delia and Minnie Conway and Mf. and Mrs. John Alyward of Elgin are spending their vacation at the esofP.H. and M. A. Conway. homes Special lot of ladies' oxfords at L. F. Btoetfa, toclaae atilJR. SUMMER SCHEDULE WIIL RUN EVERf D^Y Of tf wEEK ....FROM-.. MCHENRY TA MM I IhMM PIsiakee Bay and Fox LEAVING *T tt:M A. (L AND 2HI0 P. M. 50C .Special... Excursion to the Dance at Mertes' Hotel leaving McHenry at 8:00 p. m. sharp CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TTfT ANTED--Someone to ctot slough bay on »» shares. Inquire at this office. 4-3t* GlliL WANTED--For general housework, three in family; K<x>a wages. MRS. A. K. BECK, Pistakee Bay. Phone M-M. 58-tf 1JVOH SALE--The W. F. Tllton property con- sisting of it house and SX lots In village of McHenry. Inquire at this office. 40-tf Fl OK BALE--Fox river lots on both east And west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge, inquire of O. W. 8**NG*R, West Mc Henry. 38-tf tT*OR BALE--One 1 h. p., CO cycle, single U phase electric motor. Same guaranteed as a new one. SAMUBL M. ESI/KB, McHenry, 111. 'Phone 103-M. OTS FOR SALE on the Bast and West •' Sides, also on river front, and eight or ten acres for rent or sale on the mill pond. Also cottages on the river and at Pistakee Bay. O. N. OWEN, Bank of McHenry. 43 tf "JTUJU SALE--1U13 model motor cycles and motor boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly pay- buy-nient. plans. Get our proposition before buy- ' it, also bargain iu used "ay. ~ Address Lock Box 11, Treu- Jng or you will regret 1 . jnotor cycles. Write us today Enclose Stamp for reply, ton, Mich. . 2-10t \xr ANTED--Amateur vaudeville acts for the W McHenry county fair contest. Great opportunity for amateurs with talent. Acts coached free If you enter. Any kind of acts wanted, such as high-class singers, ragtime singers, male quartet, sister teams, lady quar tet, child singers, monologues, dancing spe cialties, rube acts and musical novelt ies of all kinds. This is a new feature of the fair to be produced in the grand stand on a special stage. Write for particulars. Address U. E. JONBS, 117 South street, Woodstock, 111. 52-4t ELGIN UUN CLUB VICTORIOUS The members of the Elgin and Lily Lake Gun clubs met in a shoot at Lily Lake last Sunday, the Elgin men be- Jng returned the victors by «a com fortable ipargin. The scores: Elgin (110) VI e rk e.,. . . u u w - ---u'~.«.,»2 j . 23 freeman ... >. *W. - 23 Andrews...» »«*>>•--^3 Keeh ........ --......^^^.21 Plum \ McHenry (^09) / * Hoi tZ ir.i»r r -r^r~ r* *•%. MI*. . - 22 Hamel W. F. miey^..._.^:.r..*---^20 Larson i 21 J. C. Riley Following ttee shoot a free-for-all was held for a solid gold pin, offered by the DuPont Powder company. It Was won by Kelsch of Pekln, broke 22 out of a possible 25. # ^ OYPS1ES IN TOWN reasy-looking band of gypsies thru town late last Saturday afternoon. They were headed north. Their stop here was made short. A gi passed All seats 10c and a ertidepark every show at Riv- W V' • KIMGWOOD ». J. C. Ladd was in Woodstock Mon day. Edith McCannon spent Saturday night and Sunday in Woodstock. W. E. Bradley and wife were in Chi cago buying goods Tuesday. W. E. Bradley and Clayton Harrison were Woodstock visitors Monday. Paul BryaDt of Woodstock is spend ing this week with Ringwood relatives. Mrs. Ella Smith of £edar, Kan., is visiting Amos and S. W. Smith's fam ilies. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Abbie Martin Saturday of this tfeek. ' W. E. Smith and family and J. C. Ladd and wife were Zion City, visitors Sunday. Some of our people celebrated the Fourth in Woodstock and some in Greenwood. John Carey Mid wife ttnd 'i'homas Kane and mother were Woodstock vis itors Monday. George Spaulding, wife, and friend of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Mesdames Florence, Jessie and Ella Smith, with S. W. Brown, drove to Hebron Monday afternoon to see Mir. and Mrs. Ellis Hewes. The Ladies' Aid will serve ice cream in the park Friday evening of this week. On Thursday, July 17, they will meet with Mrs. Florence Smith- Tea will be served. H. M. Stephenson, wife and son, Paul, Thomas Walkington, wife and daughter, Lora, and Mr. and Mrs. Hitchens took an auto ride Sunday to Terra Cotta and Crystal Lake for a picnic dinner and by Woodstock home. Henry Condict, who left Ringwood forty-one years ago to live in Bakers- Held, Calif., spent Monday night and Tuesday with p. T. Chase and calling on other friends. He enjoyed looking over the place where he spent his boy hood days. He also called on L. A. McCannon of Greenwood and talked of the war time and at McHenry, where he met several old friends. He was on his way home from Gettysburg. Mrs. Cornelia Morey Elsworth. a, former resident of Ringwood, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Phllo Roe, in Woodstock Saturday morning. The funeral was held at the home Monday afternoon. H. W. Allen and wife, Mary Dodge, Jennie Spaulding and Libbie Ladd attended. She had many friends here, where her girl hood days were spent, who extend their sympathy to the sorrowing rela- 4%$ •: McAllister's ^9$ San Toy Talcum - Wc Pensiar Talcum -l9c 25c Charcoal Lozenges.. 19c 25e Pensiar Pine TarCoug^ Balsam 19e 25c Aromatic Ca6capa'---^_^ri«r-.r19c 25e Aromatic Castor Oil . : .... lflc Pitcher's Castoria..^, ,._.l9c 25c Bunsen's Catarr^w-.i..,.. >... 19c 2 5 c B l a c k b e r r y C o r d i a l . . 1 9 c $1.00 Besley's Sarsaparillaili^.. ,.5flc $1.00 Cramp bark Compound for women...;..: ..i -1.^60c 50cGaSatid Dyspepsia Tablets 39c Crane's 25c Liver Pills, 3 for.i 50c McAllister's Cold Tablets, 2for....25c 6 sheets Fly Paper *..j Wc One pound London Purple^.. ..29c Gilt Edge "Box Paper.. 29c Pennants. 25c to 86c THESE PRICtS iiUUV OnCi mlRIrfG E.V. McAllister West McHenry Phone 59-W Soft Lumber for Interior Finish • ' • is always preferred by carpen ters who take pride in their work because after the nail is "sunk" 6uch wood springs back almost .to normal place and thereby reduces the size of putty -Spots, which, when large, are apt to show thru paint and Ornish. We select our finishing lumber with a view to its softness, bright ness and straight grain andean recommend it for (he finest work. Let us show you. - ^ WILBUR LtlHBEit t«t WEST W8ENRY :: PHONE S m L. Q. SENG 8-- <1TM »t »«• MIIWM * lln«* •M dfan, MM MrvlM, mmmtm aid •tand, nmtmnr* thing except the ^T-NUNBEK^ la 106 N. OUi AT*. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE C. A.SA1TEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LITE QfSURANCE 00. |F NEW YORK : WEST M'HENRY, ILL ARE YOU INTCITESTEO? Rubber bathing caps at the MoAllis- ter drug store." (1.00 gingham petticoats at h. F. Blnok'a for oClfei : PURTRER NOTICE Why *r« gMilpi Ilk* king* and GUMMT Because thay hava m SMMT raKjMta. A breakfast of sausage ' <*^1^ Would be the right thing, •*"••••»" * And if of our manufacture, - >: ^Fit for a king. A nice slice of bacpn, Neither too fat nor too lean, Well crisped before taken, Would be fit for his queen. They make a royal breakfast--try them some morning. :: :: :: . E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE S "A HEALTHY FEAST ii," % costs the least money," and what we say of our nuts, raisins and fruits ap plies equally to our^clioice line of cer eals, dairy products, canned goods, etc. They are the very best and purest pro- . : curable and those who live upon them 4 can save many doctor's bills and lay a '^ , . dollar by for a r^oy 4iyr la t^e eaeo- r omy o^priees. < • . , , w'.' Math. Laures Phone 8 T«kfh«M Na if). West McHenry =======̂ == K - : >i£r • *' SIMONSTOFFELr Insurance agent for all classes {tro|)er|^ i<^ the best compani^fe. v Wwt L. W. VIALL / DENTIST - • t Ct YSTAL UKE I*** McAllister says Sterizol is good for I w t a M j " ? V v ̂ iS/ri p: .y/-