••jBgrer-agsaBi HlWVWSis mk " " " Wp. * ; STHEKHY MJAITOBAXEB* •i#r K1 sr- ^ i •. W^' i m THE HIPPODROME'S 'e^'.'£rA* J • '•S";'.' >"s'.-t V»«i»nr*rrvT^t ^P: ft-DLUlWWIl^lU-- ¥̂li': NEIGHBORING NE tVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS armgNKg THURSDAY, At}©* 4-,-Exclusive Picture Shows--4 :v*l••<."• Per Week' '•&c: r0pr. ' Tues., Thufs., Sat., and Sunday NOTHING BUT THREE AND FOUR REEL FEAT URES. These are &rkftly "&ate rights" Pictures and have oever before been shown outside the larger cities. Thursday, August 7--Voodoo Vengeance * Saturday, August 9--The Great Aerial Disaster Sunday, Augu& I#--The Palace of Flames YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MiSS ANY OF -THESE, EVERY ONE A THRILLER A 50c SHOW FOR A DIME Two Shows, 8:15 and 9:15 p. m. 4^ WK •- A? BEGINNING AUG. 11 •y , " - , and continuing all the week v «' Just one year ago this week we moved ijjto our new build ing andthis week we want to move out all the goods we can. It's your profit to take advantage of this Clearing Sale as we will make some surprising reductions to move stock quickly. f r f ~ • We rave a fine assortment of Lawns, Batistes, Etc* in all the new shades - . • 15c quality reduced to . ... 10c ^ 13c quality reduced to--. . 9c 19c quality* reduced to 7e , Ginghams in pretty stripes, checks and plaids, 13c. 14c and 15c quality, reduced, for this sale, to ...»* .:*vyr; »alOc 25c quality Tissue Gingham, sale pricey*; . ... f8c Prints in standard brands, white, gray, blue, black and fan cies, 7c and 8c quality, Anniversary Sale price ..... 6c Fane# Summer Dress Goods. Voiles, Panatnas, Poplins, Et<x, at about 20 per cent discount. i• . i . -i • ALL SHIRT WAISTS AT ONE-HALF PRICE Wool Dress Goods in all the leading colors, black, navy gray, red and fancy at 20 per cent discount during sale. Fancy Flannels and Outing Flannels, 13c and 15c. quality re duced to - 10c 10c and 12c quality, during this sale, reduced,to.v. . * 9c All discontinued numbers in Ladies' Wrappers and House Dresses in Percale and Ginghams reduced 25 per cent. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! We have a basket of odds and ends of stock, worth tq> to $3.00, reduced to 98c Ladies' Shoes in Kid aodjGun Metal, a good range of sizes, all broken lines reduced.... I ....... .25 per cent Ladies' Oxfords ih black, tan and white, lace and button, $2.25 to 3.00 quality, reduced to . i. .$1.75 and $2.25 Boy^'and Children's Shoes in all sizes, good new shapes, - • at a big discount. 1 Men's Hats In all the poprnar shades and shapes, $3.00 quality at - • $2.45 $2.50 quality at. "... • $2.00 $1.50 and $1.75 quality at* • • • $1.25 Straw Hats 1-3 off regular price We have many other lines included in this sale that will be money savers for you. Come early and take advantage ^ of those sweeping reductions during the great Anniversary Sale. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 63-R. J Walsh West McHenry, 111. J) • • •Mb. =5}\ P H I L I P M l A E G E R GENERAL T3-ZS-:, - COflMISSION MERCHANT . •>>. . -T* * HI nil ^CTUIWMIORNW to RMT SAX am Beet, ftnttoo, Hogs, VmA. Pwalts?, - Etc., Batter •«<! Bn;s TMalalha oldaatfciaM ^wtaadjrioeH*^ tended on •ppUeetioB. Stall i * ». Whol*Hl« MAHMI COU> SWMde FKEE CH1CAOO, ILLINOIS. xV ( . m:0 BIlluBlflBUJk "• P. W. Wille spent Satu rday at Wood s t o c k . V ' ' ' Mrs. A. Btawen.wia;,a| Woods took caller Friday. ' Mrs. H. WW* Mtt Imwh qttife iiek the past week. 1 . . Geo. Baker *H * Woodstock bnsi- n«88 caller Monday. N. K. Whetstone was a Chicago pae- Scager Suuusjr everting. S. Levey visited last week with his son, Myers, at Rockford. Mrs. J. B. Lynch left Friday for a week's visit at Bawkins, Wis. Miss Mabel Wille of McHenry }« vis iting1 relatives and friends here. Miss Lois Leveyr is visiting a* the home of J. White at W»»odstock. E. Cad wall ader of BaVrevllle was a Sunday visitor at R. L. Pu(i."kPsi. P. B. Haughawout and Mrs. L .Tohn- aon were r» t;ent Chicago visitors. Misses Elide A.aderitOQ 4^id Mftbtl Wille were Crystal Lake callei* Mon flay. . , Mr. and Mr». Porvey sp^ut Sunds^ at Woodstock, Harvard and nearby towns. j M iss Gt*ace Kelly of Terra t'otta was the guest cf Miss Oora Lock wood over- Sunday. ' " Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Oniisby «f Crys- tal Lake are spending a weelc with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne and son, Mar cel lus, of Woodstock spent Sunday at Father Wille's. Miss Alta Hut son of Woodstock vis ited last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. F. French. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and sod, James, spent Friday and Saturday with her sister at Woodstock. :| The Ladies' Cemetery society will m^ef'with Mrs. G. Wheeler Thursday afternoon, August 14. Mis. J.&chatferof McHenry visited her parents, Mr. qod Mi-s* "ft. Steph enson, the past weekt Mrs. A. Jacobs returned home Sun day from Bel vide re, where she has been visiting relatives. Mrs. A. Stephenson visited with her daughter, Mi-s. J. Schaffer, at McHenr Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Haag and children of Chicago visited at the home of her brother, C Schumacher, the past two weeks. Mrs. Miller and daughter of Wdod stock visited with Mr. and Mrs. A Purvey from Thursday until Sunday Herbert Bucholtz and Kenneth Sprouse of Crystal Lake were caller at the library aiW news office Monday H. Jacobs, G. Evans, W. Reed, E l^erl and J. Robinson took in the band concert at Woodstock Thursday even ing. Mrs. Drier passed away at her home "^east of town Friday morning. Funeral services.;freve held Sunday at Crystal Lake. ' Misses Crystal and Grace Conerty of Chicago are visiting * «t the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. B Lynch. Stanley and Raymond Warnock and sister of Chicago were recent visitors in the homes of D. 1* Gibeoo •hd'A. A Merchant. Mrs. Thorsen and daughters, Grace and Nell, Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Ltoyd, and Mrs. E. Anderson and chil dren'were in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Saaby and son, Les ter, returned Friday from a two. weeks visit in Chicago and expect to move back to Chicago in the near fjitwre. JOHNSBtTBOR. C. M. Adams was a business visitor In Chicago Friday of last week. Martin Palmes and wife of Harvard visited with Mrs. las. Palmes Sunday, August 3. Good sper*I^ltirs and lots of them with Hans Hanson at (he opera house Sunday, Aug. id Miss Edna Henry is - spending a two weeks5 vacation k| Johushurg and is visiting at the parsonage. Sister Adelaide went to Chioago to secure prists for Uie tish pond yrhich is to be in fuU go ofe^'foulc di^ Aujr. TKRRA COfti. Henry Shales visited at MCMIU Saturday evening. Miss Mary Conway spent last week with Elgin relatives. The orchestra carried by the Hanson Co. is complete and perfectly instrumentated. M. Knox and family enjoyed an auto trip to Crystal Lake, Ridgefteld and Woodstock Sunday. Misses Bess and Helen Shales spent Saturday evening with their cousin, Miss Marion Shales. Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock Mrs. John Carey of Ringwood visited relatives here Monday and Tuesday. Miss Mabel Finwick of Huntley was the guest of her friend, Mrs. A. W; Jackson, from Friday until Monday, Charles Weltzen and Miss Myrtle Snell of Huntley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jackson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Nett of Wllmot, Wis., visited at the home of the for mer's sister, Mrs. P. H. Conway. Sat urday and Sunday. •. Mrs. Knox and daughter of Pasa dena, Calif., and Mrs. Burroughs and children of Crystal Lake visited Mrs John Riley Thursday. Mrs. Marion McMillan »mi grand daughter, Marion Shales, spent a couple of days recently as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatchwell at Williams Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers and Mrs. W. J. Welch attended the funeral of an old neighbor^ Mrs. Dryer, at Koieombviiie Sunday. Mrs. Bernard J. Shina and *mi, Ray mond James, of Chicago are spending a month with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mr. Shine was out Sunday. Mrs. Jleanay, Mrs. p; Fiannery and daughter, Eleanor, of Chicago, Mrs. Stacia Knox and Misses Mary* Burke and Dorothy Walsh of McHenry visited at M. Knox's Friday afternoon. A. T. Wingate and family^of Elgin, C. L. Matthews and family of Crystal Lake, Fred Matthews and family of McHenry, C. A. Buck, wife and son of Dundee, Mrs. Merritt Thayer and Mrs. Alice Barbour of Coffeeville, Kan., were Sunday visitors at tfce home of Chas. h. Buck. Nicholas Srhimlf., a student Of Ken- rick's seminary, has s|ient several we*»ks lately with his uncle, Rev. John <Schmitt, at Auprn, 11II - The new r.»siden«e, which is being constructed for J. C. D«-brecht, is go- irtg up-fast. They expect to have it under roof |»v the end <»f this week. v- Quite a number of resorters from the Bay attended church services Sunday. English sermons at the 8 o'clock mass seem to please our summer visitors. Father Bert hold gave a social after the play last Sunday to the actors who donated - their services so generously. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Bickler and Father Lehane were also in attendance. Little Be mice Schaefer and Karl Hi^kler sang again and com ical selections by the actors made the jollificat ion a happy after event. Last Sunday a good audiese^ enjoyed the viimleville show that was rendered for tin* benefit, of the sisters. Emmet Briscoe appeared as the. black faced bell boy iu the hotel act and his appear ance and acting were the backbone of the play. He was an original negro and plft.ved his parte very minute with tinish anil case. Miss Alecia Briscoe played the part of the telephone oper ator at the switchboard with charming grace. Her song, "Telephone," gave l he audience a splendid opportunity to hear her beautiful voice. Miss Flor« ence and Lee Briscoe appeared in the act with a "Flirtation Song", and did their dancing better than the j>oor stage ttoor permitted. The elevator and the dummy dance capped off the famous hotel act and made the even ing's entertainment a most memorable one. The second part of the entertain ment was vocal music. Little Bernice Schaefer and Karl Bickler appeared In a remarkably strong duet which called forth the loudest applause. Litjje Ber nice is scarcely more than seven years old and sang an encore with such a vol ume and artistic finish that would be marvelous and rare even among good grown-up singers. Jacob Schaefer, after accompanying )>he little singers, responded with a song himself. The Briscoe quartet came forth in the cho rus and concluded the evening with a flood of harmony that can't be beaten. It was a rare show for Johnsburg. The procerds go to make the first payment on the sisters' new piano. IffiffiALTROll OH COST OF LDMBEt makes the talic of some manufac turers of substitutes look ex ceedingly amateurish. Like jew elry there's a heap of difference in grades. If you buy a 14 kt. gold ring you pay a 14 kt. prfce and if you buy Clear siding you naturally expect to pay the price for specially selected stock-- and in either case you trust a lot to the dealer you patronize. W^N?e known of people buying No. 1 siding at a shade lowei than our price for Clear, think ing they were beating our price, when in reality our No. 1 siding was as cheap as the price the) paid, but they had confused Clear with Nof 1. We won't misrepresent to make a sale for we buy our lumber from milU using Manufacturers' Standard Grading Rules and the quality we offer is 100 cents to every dollar. If you have the time we can show you what tl is means in buying lumber. Befc&ej*. inseiti- gate. When You Want Drug Store Goods .QUALITY FIRST In selling certain lines of goods, price may be used as a strong selling point, bnt in selling drugs the first argument should be Quality* Right quality has made our business what H is and we expect to maintain the reputation it won for us. :: :: PRICE >S3 There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - . 'Phone 5 We believe that all careful drug buyers will ' consider quality before price. But prices asked here are right, too--as low as'goods of same quality can be bought for anywhere.' ,, 'i>% . -;- Let ha supply you vMth drug store good* '.f: KINUWOOO Miss Elsie Smith is visiting relatives in Nebraska. Grandma Hawley spent ppe'day last week with her niece in Elgin. Mrs. Grace McCannon and Jane Amelia Carr visited in Greenwood last Friday. The Ladies' Aid had a pleasant meet ing at Mrs. Jennie Spaulding's Thurs day of last week. Misses Agnes and Sarah Dodge left Sunday evening for a visjt with rela tives in Nebraska. William Beck is preparing to build a bouse on the lot just recently pur chased of E. T. Chase. Bern Bell and family of Spring Grove visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Friday. Mesdames Jessie Smith and Florence Smith and daughter, Mary, visited El gin relatives last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry and daughter, Agnes, of McHenry visited at H. W. Allen's Sunday. Mesdames Brown, Ladd, Steffhenson and Allen attended the Social Wheel at McHenry last Thursday. Frank Carr of Wauconda was in town Wednesday looking after the in terests of the electric light work. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and little daughter of Evanston were week end visitors with his sister, Mrs. Ingstrom. Miss Irma McCannon of Greenwood is spending a couple of weeks' with her brothers, Will and Bert McCan non. Mrs. Jay Bennett of Belvidere is vis iting at H. M. Stephenson's. Tuesday they went to Racine to see some of Mrs. Bennett's people. Frank Hawley is having two weeks vacation abd is spending the time at his home here and with relatives at Elgin and West Chicago. Mrs. Clarence Orns and children of Oskaloosa, la., who have been visiting her brother, Wade Sanborn, and other i elatives left Monday for home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johonnott and son, Sheldon, and Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn visited their uncle, George Stevens, in Elgin from Friday until Sunday. There will be aiJ" entertainment giv- -en by W. S. Feldwisch, an imperson ator and reader, in M. W. A. hall on Aug. 14, for the benefit of the M. E. church. The church is being painted otherwise repaired; SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE AT NEKTEB' Don't forget the free dance at Mer- tes' dancing pavilion at Pistakee Bay next Saturday evening and every Sat urday evening thruout the summer months. Good music will be in at tendance and a fine time is in Btore fur all who attend." 1-tf The very beat buggy manufactured lor the money is the Stover. Math. Freund, agejt, McHenry. Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends ail cenrtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respectfully eolicttog public pat ronage. Money to Loan on real estate and other first class •acurity. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and Til lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Clan Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen Notary Public - Bankers Masquelet's [ ,t Side N. H. PETESCH McHENRY TELEPHONE 56-W First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTIT0N FURNISH ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, AIL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. WHEN COMPANY COMES The. hospitable- hostess likes to have the nicest things to eat, and EARLY RISER flour will help her to do it. Her guests are sure to praise her cakes, and pastry when made with Early Riser flour, the best product of McHenry Mills. :: « :i :: WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS /-"Isii Triple Booster Coupons will be given from Monday, August 11, to Monday, AugQ 18, on all purchases made with cash or produce, or foir n^ney deposited during this time to be traded out after wards. All triple coupons obtained must be voted during the sale, or COUNT AS REGULAR COUPONS, ONE THIRD THE NUMBER, if voted after the sale. Double coupons will be given on settlement of accounts during tfris week. The word contest closes on Saturday night, August 16. Are you getting all the coupons you can in that way? Fifty coupons are given to anyone hanging in only three words. And the one getting the most words will be given Jfche 42- piece Dinner Set besides the extra Booster Coupons. Who will be the best Booster and win the third watch on Monday, August 25? - ^ i • "O Don't forget that we sell the choicest line of gro ceries and fruits to be found in McHenry county Music next Saturday by Boosted '^1 M. M. THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICK Johnsburgh, 111. ell Do You Read M/ consider what^i. ^ the little advertisement that we have in this BJvery week it is different. Do you labor U takes to keep these advertisements from being[ stale? If you appreciate reading them we certainly ^ | are recompensed for the time spent in composing^ /j same. But this is the least--the results are wfcat count. Let us have your patronage, which is the " " proof of having obtained these results. Our motto:,!: "Quality plus Service, to make Right Prices." We1 thank you. :: :: :: CENTERVH1E Big feature reels at the Hippodrome on Saturday and Sunday evenings of this week. AND GROCERY The choicest line of Meats and Groceries to be found in McHenry to memory to preserve the change ing likeness of your growing bo.vv. or jri rl. Memory plays stratum,, tricks sometimes. A^good photo-*_t, graph evej-y year or so will keep^v an accurate record of the subtle? changes in theirdevelopment. Ao4 ' what a satisfaction that little colt' "4f" lection will I* to m and (hem io after years.- :• • "S ' Wat is a raoTottm -..a ramr. MCTUBE RENTS J.W. Aeblscher p (SwcMMr UC. Q.FratU I 1 * 1 1 tv^aMha ReBEmtY. ILL. i-: 'X S" i " '"is. ;Slpi|SS^| 'A* 'PHONE to-M I RcU£f«Y. ILL. " • -A F- • > * » > r . . . ^ 'i