wmm •v 'tgippr * % * > f,-Mss*i m--ikt- > *? *"' ' tfHENKY FLATWBEAtEli, MFHEWB#,' ILL. ' " Am Central Opera » House -.jlpENRY, ILLINOIS j§£ ? Sunday Evening, August 17 "n,!!,1 V! •gpf 'yn" ni't.ijii ij !̂|̂ ,F.1hrrii«» presents the beautiful Hoary M th® far w ;̂ .1 :;fe-^-Vv : Prices:. - 25c, 35c, 50g Seat Sale at Petesch's. AnniversarySale BEGINNING AUG. 11 v;Jind continuing all the week Just one year ago this week we moved into our new build ing and this week we want to move out \all the goods we can. It's your profit to take advantage of this Clearing Sale as we will make some surprising reductions to move stock quickly, •'r*"V v. " We have a fine assortment of Lawns, Batistes, Etc. the new shades '•%& j fT^ - 15c quality reduced to...... 10c ^ _ 13c quality reduced to, 9c quality reduced to... .V7c in all Ginghams in pretty stripes, checks and plaids, 13c. 14c and 15c quality, reduced, for this sale, to 10c 25c quality -Tissue Gingham, sale price 18c Prints in standard brands, white, gray, blue, black and fan cies, 7c and 8c quality, Anniversary Sale price. . . . .6c Fancy Summer Dress Goods. Voiles, Panamas, Poplins, k Etc., at about 20 per cent discount , • ; ' . y o _ t ' • ALL SHIRT WAISTS AT ONE-HALF PRICE Wool Dress Goods in all the leading colors, black, navy gray, red and fancy at 20 per cent discount during sale. Fancy Flannels and Outing Flannels, 13c and 15c quality re duced to.^ -- • • 10c 10c and 12c quality, during this sale, reduced to. 9c All discontinued numbers in Ladies' Wrappers and House Dresses in Percale and Ginghams reduced 25 per cent. Shoes! Shoes!- Shoes! We have a baskfet of odds and ends of stock, worth up to $3.00, reduced to 98c Ladies' Shoes in Kid and Gun Metal, a good range of sizes, all broken lines reduced 25 per cent Ladies' Oxfords in black, tan and white, lace and button, $2.25 to 3.00 quality, reduced to $1.75 and ^2.25 Boys' and Children's Shoes in all sizes, good new shapes, at a big discount. . -tV-Sis- Men's Hats In all the popular shades and shapes, $3.00 quality at . . .$2.45 $2.50 quality at...... .$2.00 $1.50 and $1.75 quality at. • * .$1.25 Straw Hats... 1-3off regular price We have many other lines included in this sale that will be money savers for you, Come early and take advantage of those sweeping reductions during the great ;•*? Anniversary Sale. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 63-R. Walsh West McHenry, 111. P H I L I P J A E G E R ^g^ERAL COrtWISSION MERCHANT ' qpyrei AT, ATTENTION QIVKW TO Wtt BAUl OT US- •• ^ Dressed BcM, Hutton, Hogs, V««l, IMtrjt. A '* ' Hides, etc.. Butter an4 Efks • S. its Is the oldest house on tbe street. Tags and price list* furnished « 'UC*U0*' COLO OTORAOE FREE '•* CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. • 9. P< •to Market. w tn „ s, **. • J®*,- ./• • ".J- • ' | NEIGHBORING wnnfc.m>i>imm<iwminitMiimnn NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR MbLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ftlUHlCFICUk E. E. Knilans was a Sharon visitor overSundaj. B E. Hesselgrave started for Montana Tuesday afternoon. r 1 ' L. J. Gibson spent a couple of days last week with his parents. * Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Olmstead of Woodstock were ltidgefield callers Wednesday. - * ^ ! Mrs. A. Purvey and attnt,, Miss Jew- ett, of Woodstock^ were Crystal Lake callers recently. The Wednesday evening callers at Crystal Lake were R. MoBtrWe, W. Reed and R. Knilans. / •. J. C. Button and sister, Mrs. Hodg- kinson, were callers at ' Woodstock Thursday of JfcSt week. The M. W. A. camp here attended the funeral of Samuel Sinunons ul Woodstock Tuesday, Aug. 12. Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent several days with her parents Mr. and Mi*. J. B. Lynch, returuio^ home Tuesday. You'll be sorry 11 you miss the Mr Henry county fair. Intei-estinjf and instructive exhibits and marvels in machinery and mechanism, bt sidrs tlie bi^est and best attractions the man a^emeqt, has been able to secure, in eluding the Clifton Kelly Carnival CJmpany, the Du Brock jwlo" gam^s baseball games, horse racing, dancing and hundreds of other forius of amuse ments. August 2<»-2l», 1913. The" Wei come" sign hangs everywhere, Day and night. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch have just returned from a trip into northern Wisconsin. They spent some time at Hawkins, where they have a daughter On their return trip they slopped off at St. Paul, Minn., and also enjoyed a trip to Lake Shamrock. They report very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs, Lynch were also In*Chicago, where they made a satisfactory settlement with the Northwestern Railroad com pany for the injuries Mp. Lynch re ceived when he was struck, by an en gine at Ridgefield last May. The Mod ern Woodmen, of which society Mr Lynch is venerable counsel, also sent him a check for $1^7. Mf. Lynch re sumed his duties as depot agent here on Wednesday morning, the acting agent relieving ^r. Nolan at Wood stock. The many friends of Mr. Lynch are glad to see him at the old |>ost and are also happy to learn that he made a satisfactory settlement with the com pany. . JORNSRUBaB. Threshers have been kept idle fcr i few days lately on account of small showers. John M. Schmitt has his outtit working in the best of condition and the machine is doing up jobs at a good rate of speed. ^ The Johnsburg bkseball nine last, Sunday afternoon played the Fox Lake team at Fox Lake and lost by a score of 0 to 3. The game was well played, but lack of practice on the part of our boys makes proper team work an im possibility. A petition was filed in the county court at Woodstock last week by which it is intended to form a drainage dis trict to reclaim and drain about 1,000 acres of land in the towns of Nnnda and Wauconda, the latter town being in Lake county. The petition liled bears the names of Theo. Hamer, H. N. Given, E. H. Hughes, G. A. Vasey, F. E. Wilson, John Bfow, John Dowe, N. Donne) 1, Thos. Dowell and Michael P. Worts, who represent one-third of the land owneris in the district sought to be reclaimed. "Stubby" Smith, the ever popular manager of Smith's hall, is to be com plimented on his stand taken against the latest freak dances. The writer is informed that a sign reading: "No tango, turkey trot or bear c^t dances allowed in this hall, by S. H. Smith, proprietor," has been placed in his hall. A person with common sense will appreciate this move and it is hoped that neighboring proprietors of dance halls will follow Mr. Smith's admirable example. To supplement the above we will say it really is a disgrace that in our modern day, when people want to be so far advanced in knowledge, that such low >na immoral dances are still indulged in. Natural ly, it shows poor character, when such heathenish recreation becomes a pas time. A cleaning out of some of our rag-time composers would do a world of good. Why can't we have some good waltz, two step, redowa or other clean dances? Let's make a move. Who will assist? UOLCUHBVIU.lt. Miss Nellie Clemens spent Saturday at W. J. Beiser's. Ed O'Neill of Chicago spent Thurs day at Jay Doherty'a. Mrs. M. H. Conley of Chieagto was a visitor at Will Gilbert's Monday. Miss Margaret Biggy of Chicago is spending this week at Will Doheity's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison vis ited at Ed Gilbert's inrChicago Mon- day. Misses Anna and Etta Pewers. of McHenry spent last week with rela tives here. - Misses Cathleen and Ruth Powers are spending this wbek Witli relatives at McHenry. " Howard and Allen Oo'nloy returned to Chicago Monday after several weeks spent at the home >of Mr. Mrs. Will Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Beck lay of Crystal Lake and daughter, Mrs. j; Smith, of Nebraska were visitors at. ^Vill Gil bert's Tuesday afternoon. The latest and best of moving pic tures at the Air Dome, Riverside park, nvery night. Petesch's ice cream soda better than ttver. § «•••« Mtiiimiwimmmiimiiiwwiiil RINOWOO!) Mrs. Delbert Bacon of West Chicago spent Tuesday with home folks. Lewis Bell spent Sunday with his cousin James Bell, at Spring Grove.' Miss Mary Bell was the guest of Miss Ethel Elfers at Richmond last Wednes day. C. VV. Harrison and family attended the illuniinatioft frtf f^sA&ee'Bay Sat urday night. 1 . | " ' Mrs Emma Terry and daughter*)! Iowa are visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Coates. G.raudhia Haw ley was taken quite sick Sunday night, hut at t his time is much hotter. , »- Mrs. Ahna Thfynas. at^l daughter, Ella, of \1cHenrr spefrt Suitdajr at Jas.. Riiney's. « Sarah Wright of Three Oakf, Mich,, and W. E, Motley, her brother, of Richmond, cftllri! , at, Ed Bell's last Wfrdnesdav. " * Mr. and Mi's. Irving' Merchant ol WofK^twk s-pent. last Thursday with Bipgwood relatives and attended the funera) of Mrs. Coates. ' A reception was given Fred Walker by the Woodmen Saturday evening. He expect* to go soon, te Colorado Springs for his health. Mesdaines Lillian Marvin, Martha Bradley. Myrtle Sanborn and Nellie Dodge attended the meeting of the Lotus Woman's club last Wednesday! M rs. t lara I'oates, who has been sick for some time, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Merchant, last Tuesday night. The funeral was held in the M. K. church Thursday after noon. SMOOTH SMOOTHS 1511: problems from many of tM cost kinks In that it reduces the hand labor of the carpenter to the minimum. That's one of the little secrets that enables us to - Ip • out customers beat the building gjtme. Years ago when labor was cheap it didn't matter how lumber came to you, whether it was rough, of uneven size or odd lettgths^-your carpenter could use it, but that w.ouldn't do today. Lumber manufactur ers foresaw this and got busy establishing standard uniform grades, installing special machine ery to do automatically the work that the carpenter formerly did by hand. All this cost them money, but the actual saving to the builder, who uses this finely finished lumber, more than off sets the small additional charge asked by the manufacturers Come in and look at tlrts stock-- you'll then understand w]iat we're talking about. K.H Kit A l.l> I' % UK. George Blum of Chicago speQtSttn day at the Park. Mrs. Me(iee of Woodstock wap the guest of M r. and M rs. kd Sutton Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bending of Chi cago spent a few wews at the Bending cottage. - Mr. and Mi's. Ed Comiskey of Chica go spent a few dajs recently at James Hughes'. » Mrs. Jack Allen and daughter bf Chicago are the guests of Mrs. Burns this week. Mrs. George T. Scrivnor aud daugh ter of Rogers Park are spending a few weeks at the Muck cottage. Misses Helen and Mayine Smith and George. Young of Mcllenry spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. J*. Smith. Miss Eleanor Larkin has returned to her home in Elgin after a few weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hoelscher and son of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E R. Sutton for a few days. veto. was an Elgin visitor C. G. Huson Saturday. Miss Klla Moore was a Round Lake caller Saturday. H< Hanson and family were in Me* Henry Tuesday. Mrs. Chat. Thompson of Port Hill was in town Wednesday. Henry Davis of Wauconda was In town Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ben Cushman and daughter spent Friday at Jas. Kirwan's. Miss Zella Huson of Round Lake spent Saturday with Mrs. Ray Pad dock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohney of El* gin were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Rose Dunnill's. The oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ameles Ames of Waukegan was brought here for burial Monday. They resided near Griswold lake before going to Waukegan. There *8 No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED i#88 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per ceut interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and doee a (if life At BARKIK BUSIMSS reepectfnlly solicting pnblic pat ronage. Money to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Far lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to bny or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen Notary Public - Bankers Masquelet's We Protedt You On Quality \ Prices fi: •rf^.and No matter whether you are ^specially interested in either quality or price of goods or in both, we can meet every re- qiwrement. >It is always a sat-, isfaetion to feel that anything you have bought ia the line of drugs or sundries is entirely reliable.' v * ' 1 We have established a repu tation for quality and an equal refutation for right prices. If Quality considered our prices are low. We are always glad to quote prices and to make it c]ear that we can provide bQjJti^ saving and satisfaction. l#t us be your druggift N. H. PETESCH McHENRY <i._ TELEPHONE S4-W £ (r LJ PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McH«ury Oouipiiiiy, WooilsUK'k. lllii nold lilock. east side County Abstract IIOIH. Office 111 Ar- publlc square. Ab stracts of title uud con voyjincliiK. Mouey to loan on real estate In sums of nve hundred Time and payments to »uit\>orrower. Phonos 634. 903 and till.] REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Janette 11. SpauldlnK to Sarah K. l)er- mont,, pt It 5, bib 5, W McHeury., ( Sarah G. Uermontto Jauette H.Hpauld- IHK, It 0, blk 5, Hobart's addn, Wuxl- sttxck 3800.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Marshall W. Merriman. Petition for letters of administration died and approved. N. J. Justen appointed ad ministrator. Bond $50,000. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Roy P. Suchy, 21 Algonquin Emma Hacek, 18. -.Cary Station Fran"k J. May, 27 Spring Grove Tillie Kattner, 24 44 Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service ran wrtrmraiA mrron rciwisa- ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. : .*%:.( COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Aug. 6,"1913. The village trustees met. in s|>ecial session, with President Stoffel presid ing, for the purpose of letting the con tract for new sidewalks to be built in the village this year. Trustees present: Barblan, Cham berlig, Fisher, Nickels, Spencer and Weber. On motion by Weber, seconded by Chamberlin, that the conti'act be let to the McHenry Artiticial Stone com pany at ten (10) cents per square foot tot building all sidewalks to be built in the village this year, with the ex ception of the one along flanly's divis ion, and that to be considered by the sidewalk committee and, if found favor able, to be built also. Motion carried. Motion by Weber, seconded by Spen cer, \& adjourn. Motion carried., SIMON STOFFKr., President. , w. d. SCHREINER, clerk. I < •». You can't iniss those polo games aft the McHenry county fair. Twenty- four high-class trained horses for this act alone. The Clifton Kelly Carnival company will entertain you both dftjr aod night. August 2t>-29; 1913. PROUD OF HER BREAD So will every woman be proud who uses EARLY RISER FLOUR for her baking. Selected wheat goes into EARLY R1$ER FLOUR and it is ground in a modern mill by expert millers. It is best for every form of baking. If you're from Missouri we can show you if you will but try one sack. That's what we want, fo^ we know a steady ' customer *frill result from this trial. Order a sack now while you think " WEST lTHENRY FLOOR AND FEED HILLS Re&d The Plaindealer. m Another Chance to Win a 42-Piece Dinner Set We have in our store window a lamp filled with Pennsylvania oil. How long will it burn? The person guessing nearest .will be given the 42-piece Dinner Set and 10,000 Booster Coupons; the second nearest MM? 8,000 Booster Coupons; to the third, 6,000 Booster Coupons; to the fourth, 4,000 booster Coupons: and to the fifth, 2,000 coupons; and to any one making a guess, no matter how far from right, will be given fifty coupons free. In case of a tie for the lirst place the dishes will be sold at auction and the money divided. I " * Boosters, get all your friends to make some sort'of a guess and get their fifty free coupons. All guesses must be put in a sealed envelope and handed in by the person guessing before'the lamp is lighted, which will be at 11 a. m. Saturday, Sept. 6. On each succeeding week day it will be lighted at 11 a. m. and extinguished at 2:30 p. m., but if there yet remains oil in the lamp on Saturday, Sept. 13, it will be lighted at 9 a. m. and allowed to burn until it is out. What are the total number of hours, minutes and seconds that it will burn? The light is out when the wick leases to blaze. Remember we are giving triple coupons <», ail purchases er onde- posits of money this week and double coupons oil settlements of accounts this week. The word contest closes Saturday night. Have you gotten as many fifty coupons free as you can get? Who will win the third watch Monday, Aug. 25? ^ 1 < " I " SPECIALS FOR ̂ SATURDAY . 25c can of Calumet Baktnf PaW'iHr.__W 18c can •! Calumet Bakin* Pewder IM 10c can of Calumet Bakinf Pewder I 8 Ike bulk OtUaMl m a 18c earn Armeur ar Swift BNM...28 4 lOc cans Beaaa 16 ccan of Plums .10 18c C«M of Pur* 10 Music next Saturday by Boosters M. M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER Cj^UB STORE 1 j. c. •M QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, III. Pickling Season is at hand and you will want a vinegar that preserve# your pickles, etc., without affecting their quality. We have just such vinegar. It is distilled, not manu factured, from pure wheat, barley and other grains. No better preservation to be had than RICHELIEl| PICKLING VINEGAR, of a natural water color, un- \ 1 .,1V; polluted, at per gallon only... 25C CENTERVILLC TIIC Meit Hirttrf AND GROCERY GROUP mm r'ii . v -*:\i The choicest line of Meats and Groceries to be found in McHenry J.W.Aebischer (8UCM HtHENRY, ILL. »r to C. G. Frett.) J-! PHONE 80-H The fami}y in a group-photograph before they have left the old fire- ' side and gone out into the big world--ever ihink of it? Nothing - preserves ;the home atmosphere .* and honje memories like a group- picture with father and mother in the center. And when the family is scattered how glad you will be <f t < that you had it done in time. Pho- -'M tography almost puts thisobliga- tion on us, Make the appointment today--there may not always be a - photographer in McHenry. Sit- ^ " tiojrs made Sunday, Monday, Tuea- ^ v-day and of each ^ ' JiuA Kaaolwo4 A awi tUtk al Htlw* r*wea F. SCHNABEL ml RGHENIY, ILL