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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1913, p. 7

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M'HUJJKY JtAWDEAT-BR.v fLt rSSSS • .=*. T>-i m? ,£f&" &e:t. -• •" • - ; :£'C J&X iKI Iv-'J iK£' •fr^r-V ?4' ; &-'• -j E; f ^"ii'.r-1 ?•« #^VHS¥3V"-:.• Yf*'? 'W>- • |: r^^~ E; •eft? *-k !P sjK^y lu; " Y t.' GkU)^hiiii^>TO': isNiit IfeSkyw yo«ir( mptbfr 5 . trades at the Eoo^ler Store? - .; Ask her and write iis-ft letteiv The boy or girlunder twelve years of age who vvri tes us a letter on why his or her mother does or ought to trade at the Booker Store and presents it to us will be given a sack of candy and fifty coupons free, which may be voted for any boo&er, and the one who writes the be& letter will be given a gold watch. The letters will be judged by a local committee of disinterested persons. This contest closes on Saturday, Oct. 11. The premium will be awarded the following week. The letters will be put on display in our stare for everybody to see. We want every boy and girl within ten miles to write us a letter, The lamp in our sftore window was lighted at 11 a. m. lasl Saturday. It is &ill burning. Come to our &ore and watch it burn. Be present when it goes out so that you may see how near your guess was right. What Booker will win the la& watch Monday, Sept 22? FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN: We have a complete line of pencils, tablets, pens, pen­ holders, ink and all kinds of school supplies. : ,v,.. Music next Saturday by Boosters M M. NIESEN THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE It has the best artificial light, and as Electricity Is Versatile • . c- it may have also many comforts and conveniences, including electric power, which is an uncomplaining, tireless servant- that , will do the hard work You can have your v house wired easily and cheaply. We'll tell you how. :: or NorranN ILLINOIS The Tailor-Made Suit Is Always Expressive i Yoti can always analyze it-- you can always recognize it in­ stantly, no matter where you see it. The refinement, the good taste, the style is sure to be seen and admired by.alk Don't deprive yourself of man- tailored-to-order clothes, but visit our tailoring department today. We fur^ tiie exclusive repre­ sentatives of the Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co., a tailoring firm of world wide fame for tailor- ing garments that give satis­ faction and are right in style and fit., .. Each garment made to your individual measure at a price suitable to , ' _ ..." *"* * J?--:'. -Zfr v • ----- •••••• •."« . J, WALSH West McHenry, 111. - .feii 'SfTr • j . 4 ' O w jMb;; " !} *'• • i 'VSr, - i f y i f L f -.v ~r 1 kt\ ... :?*££> i . MMtttlrt' NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLEDBY) OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS TKRKA CRM-A > Alice, of Kenosha visited with relatives P. N. Musser sells aecid»-iit, insurance, he*© Tu«d*.v and Wednesday. , Mr. aerd Mrs. (aIMj Mis. Chte. JKapple and day at Williams J lay. : j daiijfhfe*, Prancen, of Grayslake spent Geo. P. Bay of Chicago was a reeeot i Sunday #i»h Mrs. Kapple'aparenta ffuest al S. B. Leisnei-'s. Mrs. A. L. Jackson sjK*nt last Friday Mid Saturday at H mule v . A. L. Jack sun recei» tly enUr his sister from Indianapolis. Miss Ntuva Sassman ol i'liicHifo spent Sunday as the guest, oi Mrs. McMillan. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of her brother, M. Knox. Mrs. M. Kottx spent Saturday at Williams Bay aind Lake Geneva Mfith u party of friends. Mi's. Gannon of Chicago and Mrs. Happ of Crystal Lake were'calliu^ at J. Riley's last Thursday. Miss Eleanor Phalin returned Satur­ day from an extended, visit with rela­ tives in Ohio and West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. A. L«- Jackson enter­ tained a number of.relatives from Gil­ bert station Wednesday sud Thui-sday. Miss Mild:-ed Steinbach, returned Saturday evening from a viait with relatives in Massachusetts. Site re­ ports a fine visit. Miss Anna Hydquist of Crystal Lake began her duties as teacher in this district last Tuesday, with an enroll­ ment of eighteen pupil^ Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward, Misses Delia, Minnie and E^nma Conway of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. John Conway and Thomas Conway, son and daughter of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and daughter, Flossie, of Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway and fain il^ of McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway and family attended the Conway, reunicffa at the home of P. II. Conway on Sunday, August 31. HIMUWOOII P. N. Musser, sells health Insurance. .J. C. Ladd is in Wisconsin buying cattle. v Miss Katie Krohn was an Elgin Vis­ itor Friday. Mary Bell spent Thursday afternoon of last week in Richmond. Charles Stevens of Elgin spent part of last week with Elgin relatives. - Edith McCannon and Sarah Johon- nott were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. The Ladies' Aid had a pleasant meet­ ing at Mrs. Tattle's Thursday of last week. ' Mrs. Libble Ladd and Miss Agne» Bigelow were Chicago visitors list Thursday. Miss Agnes Biglow left Tuesday morning for Sun Prairie, Wis., te visit home folks. Ray Merchant, wife and little*son spent Sunday with his parents in Woodstock. J. V. Buckland went to Burlington, Wis., Saturday to see his brother, who is quite sick. Lena Peet and sister, Lor* Harrison, and Mrs. Holstrum were Elgin visitors Thursday of last week. M133. Sugf.nna Harrison, son, Roy, and grandson, Cecil, are visltinjfher two sons at St. Johns, Kan. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday afternoon of this treek with Myrtle Sanborn. Leader, Nellie Baldwin. Fred Bryant, wife and son, Harold, of Woodstock spent Saturday night and Sunday at Bert MoCannon's and H. W. Allen's. The Ladies' Aid and Home Mission­ ary societies will meet next Tuesday, Sept. 16, with Mrs. Collins in Green­ wood. Dinner will be served at 12:30. Program in the afternoon. All cor­ dially invited. KMKBAL.II PARK. P. N. Musser sells aooident insurance.- Mae Burns returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday. ^ L. Huck was a business visitor in Chicago for a few days. Mr. Bradshaw and son spent Labor day at Henry Berkircher's. Mrs. Kirk and family were Lake Geneva callers Wednesday. Raymond Powers, has been on the sick list for the last few days. Mr. Robinson spent the Labor day week end at Henry Bferklrcher's. " Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Myrtle Huck called on Mrs. Ellen Frisby Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sutton spent the Week end in Chicago, visiting relatives. Master William Edward Sutton spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Ellen Frisby. Mrs. Ellen Walsh and John Gibbs were callers at M. A. Sutton's and Jas. Hughes' last Friday. Mfs. J. J. Lonergan of Chicago, who was visiting at J. J. Flusky's last Week, had a narrow escape from drowning in Fox river, but was rescued by Aileen O'RIelly. Miss Beatrice Leyfors and Harry Ley- fore of Crestline, O., and Miss Nellie Byon and Mrs. Robinson were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berkircher for a few days. " VOLO. P. N. Musser sells Mrs. Peters was a Chicago visitor Thursday last. School opened Monday, Sept. 6, with Miss Hennessy as teacher- Fred Dunnill is havin^hfe bouse re­ modeled by Walton & Sod: - ' Volo was well represented at the fair last Thursday and Friday. Ves Wagner and family entertained a party from Chicago over Sunday. Miss Martha RossdeutCsher of Ingle- side is spending the week at home. Mr. and Mrs. 'F. Croker spent the past week with Lee Huson and family. Frank HironimuS and wife are re­ joicing over a ten pound boy, born Sept. 5, 1913. Mrs. Fred Dunnill and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and children were McHenry callers Wednesday. Kearns sad daughter, M r s . a r i a here, a. • ' E. L^tsler was at. Cary Monday. ' P. N. Musser sells health insurance J. Oakroot was in Crystal Lake MOD- day. . v.. Harold Wailkup Spent Friday in Chi­ cago. f N. E. Whetstone wjas in Chicago Wednesday.-' r Mr. aud- Mn ^ j^Bryey'.spent Fri­ day at Hunt lev. N. E. W he is tone loft Sunday for | week in Michigan. v B. c. tierg of Crystal Lake was in our vicinity Monday. F. W. Harunan was a Chicago busi­ ness caller Thursday. Mrs. A. A. Oieu and children spent Friday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille wei^e Wood­ stock visitors Tuesday. Miss Rosie Peterson is attending high school at Woodstock. , * Mrs. E. Aimers and Mrs. LynC)| were Chicago shoppers Monday. L. A. Walk up and son, Harold, were Woodstock callers Satui-day. J. W. Gilberts of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. Clifford Vance of Chicago was a week end guest of R. Knilans. J. H. Slater and R. Lynch were busi­ ness callers at Crystal Lake Monday. Mi-s. F. Reed and daughter, Ethel, were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mrs. E. E Shepard visited in Chica­ go from Friday uutil Sunday evening. Miss Aluieda Townsend left Wednes­ day for Joliet and returned home Mon­ day. Mrs. R. Goddard and Miss Etta Levey were Crystal Lake passengers Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs visited at the Tacku^an houte in Chicago Sunday and Monday. Mrs. L. Johnson and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Woodstock passengers Saturday. Mrs. Purvey of Huntley was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her son, A. Purvey. Mrs. A. Peterson, F. W. Hartman and A. A. Dietz were in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mts. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and children of Woodstocjc were Sunday 'visitors at H. Reed's. Mrs. Downs and daughter, Mrs. demons, of Crystal Lake spent a few days recently at the W. E. Dike home Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike will enter­ tain, the latter part of the week, Mr and Mrs. C. H. Baldwin of Toledo, O Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whetstone and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Whetstone and daughter, Elma, spent Sunday at Har­ rington. Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Thomas, Mrs. E. F. Anderson and children and Mrs. W. French were in Woodstock Monday. N. E. Whetstone, H. Jacobs, R. Mc- Bride, W. Reed and R. Knilans at­ tended the band concert at Woodstock last Thursday evening.^ 8ekMl rut*" ' . There are fifteen enrolled in the up­ per grades. Tommy Hansen visited the primary grades last week. School opened Monday morning, Sept. I. In the primary grades there is an enrollment of twenty-one, twelve of which are in the first grade. It is to be hoped that the. parents will bear in mind that it is absolutely necessary that their child be present and on time each day if good work is to be accomplished. Those in first grade are: Earl Han­ sen, Lawrence Nelson, Addie Hessel- grave, Mary Freeland, Irving Haugh- awout, Hazel Morris, Harold Morris, Alice French, Maudie Norton, Eva Johnson, Crystal Conerty and Marjorie School. C*l*krat«« AMifWMir Sunday, Sept. 7, marked the passing of another milestone in the life of our worthy and estimable friend and neigh­ bor, R. L. Dufield, it being the seven­ ty-six anniversary of his birth. Altho the day dawned clear and ex­ ceedingly hot, it brought about thirty of the nephews and nieces to join in the celebration. One of those good old fashioned chicken dinners wa,s served, where the tables groaned with their weight of mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken, baked beans, pickles, bread and butter, cherry pie, coffee, fruit, and last, but not least, a gorgeous birthday calfe, on which was inscribed 1837-1913, R. L. Dufield. The day passed all too rapidly and as the assembly was about to break up "Uncle Doc" was tendered a birthday surprise id the form of a f*urse, which held $19. The relatives present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ostrander of Evanston, Mrs. J. Dufield of Wood­ stock, Mr. and Mrs. Willis and son of Bull Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dusen of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Anna Hunt* Mrs. Doten, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skin­ ner and sons, Mr. Bode and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Manning and sons, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fink and Pearl Dufield of Elgin. P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. LUBBER IAS KETT # PACE WITH BUILDERS' demands thru all these years since the landing of the Pilgrims and in one respect has proven a savior for many house builders of moderate means in that the lum­ ber of today is ap perfectly manufactured that it requires scarcely any hand labor from the carpenter. This has aided in keeping down the oost of build­ ing. You'll understand this bet­ ter if you will come in and see tor yourself the smooth surface of our FINISH, CEILING, SID­ ING, CASING, BASE, MOULD ING, ETC. The manufacturers of lumber surely deserye much praise for their enterprise and the care they take in shipping. We*ve kept pace with them, too, in the storing of our lumber and can insure you nice, bright, dry, clean stock. Let us prove it. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry 'Phone 5 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank reoeivee deposits, pays 8 ]ter cent'intereat on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good bosi new principles and does a tfNERAl MRKIIK KUSIRESS renpeotfnlly aolioting publio pot* ronage. Money to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Far lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to bny. or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen Notary Public - Bankers Masquelet's East Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service L. W. VIALL . DENTIST PIMM. 3S-K ImMi SS-W > N. CRYSTAL LAKE P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. fUhj* k of! nouf I fiofr a* 1. m J ^ I ̂ IJ5 You wiir find at your grocer's a stack of EARLY RISER FLOUR in different sized packages. He will be pleased to take your order for Early Riser FlQur because he knows it gives genuine satisfaction, bakes the finest bread and biscuits, the flakiest pie crust. an4 the most toothsome cake you ever ate. WEST nTHERRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH­ ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. f W We Protect You On Quality and Prices ^ No matter whether you are especially interested in either quality or price of goods or in both, we can meet every re­ quirement. It is always a sat­ isfaction to feel that anything you have Ixraght in the line of drugs or sundries is entirely reliable. T We have established a repu­ tation for quality and an equal reputation for right prices, •f Quality considered our prices are low. We arte always glad to quote prices and to make it clear that we can provide both saving arid satisfaction. Let us be your druggift N. H. McHENRY TELEPHONE 56 W jgf m '•M m 'OO may hare thought electricity a luxury for wealthy citjf people, or for the Gentleman Fanner. The following , figures show, however, that electric service is easily withiij*' f your reach, and can be very profitable to yoti. These figures ar* the results of actual tests--compare them with what it is costing ; you now to do similar work. f > One Cent'sWorth of Electricity used in operating suitable motor driven machines and device#.. •M* it Will Separate Ml lbs. of milk Churn IS Iba. of butter Milk 5 Cows Shell 4 bustieta of corn Groom 2 horses Operate grindstone for 3 houra Operate forge blower for 2 hour* Keep soldering iron hot for II aUntH Heat glue pot for I houra Whether your farm be big or little, your tasks few or many, light or heavy--our reliable all-day Electric Service will gflSfl 4 . 3 in solving your "hired help" problem- aad add to y assist your ptoat#. Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS •Bell System Business Hen Who Solicit Busi­ ness by Telephone Sell More! They give customers an opportunity to get what is especially desired, when it is to be had. They first make themselves useful, then valuable, then indispensable, by this sort of attention. With the Long Distance Tele­ phone, the radius of trade can be lengthened almost indefinitely. Moreover, the volume of business transacted by each firm or individual may be increased without limit. m :V •» * • ' W.\-3 * •• ' ;H i • •* I f r ; • r i i k The Long Distance Service makes end! openings for husders. - CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY i J. H. Conrath, District Manager, Telephone »w03 * ^ T t w J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES |g Phone 625-M-2 :: Johnsburgh, I1L i-^k .'"t'i. Pickling Season ; % P. N. Musser sells health insurance. is at hand and you will want a vinepr that preserves your pickles, etc., without affecting their quality. We have just such vinegar. It is distilled, not manu­ factured, from pure wheat, barley and other grains. No better preservation to be had than RICHELIEU PICKLING VINEGAR, of a natural water color, un- polluted, at per gallon only.. •%§;& • CI"' 4:^ . . . » » • v.-; Zy&L-d* !tv;„; M-i ; •• 'C -d.

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