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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1913, p. 4

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W*m '"•: t.. vw'>- ___ 'nOACS WAS ;autot a waiter iWlii'iliM NOW m 60ft* TO LIKC A RCftULAR , CU8T0HKR-SO I wwvoumr fu. TRY YOU OUT ftS W_ IN HV WSWMIIT. PORK wa« '•V- <$?? ' r^r'^x'S'^rJsSv •.'•'r-i • v>s£-;- 0 .%: , St *-.}•;- rf$£r ..1 fi% P" «*f. iri £k* ; PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY «Y ' F. G. SCHREINER OtBet I* Bank Building Telephone Sfr-M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: All Ad'/erUAernenttf inserted under tbla heart at til* following rated: Fi*c lifcos or less, 25 cent* for flrtt insertion; 15 cent« for e»ob subsequent insertion. £Aoze th«ua Are llnjM, 6 cento a lino for drat insertion, find 3 oenta * Un© for addition! insertions. Mast be clean WILBUR LCMBBB CO., West 10 tf TltTANTED--New white oats "* and bright, vvnunni.i McHenry, 111. OH Year Six Month*, 78c »1J» Three Months, He Thursday* September 18, 1913 TTTT ANTED--Boys and g: '! permanent po6ltKi CASS OO. Elgin IIT Iris sixteen and over; ons. EIOIN WATCH 13-3t SALE--A kitchen range, practically new. Inquire at the 'home of F. E. Co- «H-tf pOR A m VAM\ West McHenry. Collie puppies, six months old. Inquire at Scliillerview (arm, West Mc- Pri; Mf£r f e ? : ADDITIONAL PERSONALS P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. Dr. c. H. Fefers was a windy city vkitor Monday. W. F. Holtz was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. •• F. A. Bohlander was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Wednesday. J. H. Miller was a business visitor - si Lake Geneva, Wis., Tuesday. L. F. Block was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Thursday. C. J. Hoeft of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday with his family here. C. Unti attended to matters of a busi­ ness nature in the windy city Tuesday. Jos. Leickem attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tuesday. J. W. Freund was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morn­ ing. Mrs. W. A. Cross of North Crystal Lake visited friends in town Wednes­ day. N. A. Huemann attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wed­ nesday. ""' ' Mrs. J. C. BfeUer was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Miss Ruby Claxton was the guest of Dundee friends from Wednesday until Sunday last. Mrs. Chas. J. Hoeft, Mrs. Fred Hoeft sad Mrs. Schroeder were Algonquin vbitoN Monday. Jack Zimmer of Milwaukee, Wis., was a guest in the home of Wm. Stoffel Several days this week. Miss Alice Waite visited relatives ' aad friends in Chicago and Palatine from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Hoeft and Mrs. Schroeder and son of Fontana, Wis., are visiting • is the home of Chas. J. Hoeft. Miss Elizabeth Miller will go to Chi- mgo this evening to spend the week ' md as the guest of Miss Lottie Lowe. Rev. George Nell of Quincy, 111., is •pending the week as a guest in the : .jNhne of his mother, Mrs. George Nell. *- Mrs. Harry Geary of Grayslake sppnt several days last week as a guest^in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. , flihaffer. Simon Stoffel, Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, ,, Ifrs. D. G. Wells and Mrs. E. W. Howe were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aebischer autoed to Chicago Sunday, returning Monday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. John Oliver, who remained for a few days' visit. James N. Sayler and G. A. Sattem attended a banquet given for the agents _ of the Mutual Life Insurance company at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago last Monday evening. \\l Mrs. Louis Wolff and children of wh Ohicago are here for an indefinite stay - Si the home of her father, Nick Weber, •ho resides east of the river on the Pistakee Bay road. g T. H. Bethke and family, Mrs. C. J. ?; Bethke, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Block "4* *Bd Mr. and Mrs. William Boenhoeft of Dundee were entertained in the \ home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block Sun- %y. "r* Mrs. C. A. Hutaon and son, Orval, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Reser, SQn and daughter motored out from Austin and passed Wednesday as guests - Is the home of Mr. and Mrs. John r: Claxton. .r • M. C. Schaid of Chicago was the •$,.t ^nest of McHenry relatives and friends 9 couple of days this week. Mr. Schaid one Ume resided here and is known ' «p many of our readers. He holds 1T lucrative position with the Interna- i ttocal Harvester company attheChi- C fago works, where he has been em- Ivt ployed during the past sixteen years P. N. Musser sells accident insurance " *• E. CHURCH SERVICES Services at the M. E. church on next > Sunday will be as follows: Sunday * school at 10:00 a. m.; preaching, liroo v S. m. and gospel service, 8:00 p. m ¥«.m r» irinri Trnlcomc to wor ship with us in any or all of these ser- Vices. ] Friday, Sept. 10, will be the fourth feuarteny conference. All official mem- :;/* Jpsrs are urged to be present. ;-V F. A. SHIPLEY, Pastor. Hlttsser sells accident insurance. P^OR SALE A Inquire Henry. III. 'Phone 603-J-2. »-tf "p^OR SALE--Fox river lots on both east and A west sides of river, north of McHenry bridge. Inquire of C. W. STKNQKB, West Mc­ Henry. 82-tf Xj>OR SALE--Ten horse power I. H. O. gaso- -1- line engine, together with wood saw. Will be sold together or seperately at reason­ able price. Inquire of HETTKRMANN BROS., Johnsburgh, 111. 9-tf LOTS FOR SALE on the East and West Bides, also on river front, and eight or ten acres for rent or sale on the mill pond. Also cottages on the river aud at Pistakee Bay. O. N.Ovu) Bank of McHeDry. ,43tf T OST--On no^th McHenry road, bet McHenry and Woodstock, on Thui afternoon, August 28, a tan mackintosh velyet collar. Finder return to O. P. BAI JR., Woodstock, and receive reward. T^OR SALE--The old McOmber homestead -1- in McHenry; house and barn electric lighted, barn has cement floor and is suitable for garage. I want to sell this property quick and no re.osonable offer will be refused. Ad­ dress MRS. EiiiiA L. PRESTON, care Plaindeal- er office. Keys at J. W. Smith's. POR SALE The 94-acre farm of the late Anton Meyers, situated along the east shore of Fox river, near the Johnsbnrg bridge; mostly under cultivation, some timber: good buildings; excellent frontage for summer home sites. Inquire of or write JOHN MEYERS. McHenry, III., or Faw> M SVSBS, Spring Or rove, 111. 13-tf 5i•*-' •*.' KMBBALD PABK. * John Gibbs called at Ed Sutton's Wednesday. Jas. Haxton spent Saturday and Sun* day at the Park. Walter Walsh was a caller at Ed Sutton's Monday. . Phil Aylward of South Dako& spent a few days in McHenry. Raymond Powers is the proud pos­ sessor of a leather medal. 'Mrs. M. A. Sutton and son, Robert, are Elgin visitors this week. Thomas and George Phalin were visitors at L. Huck's Sunday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago was the week end guest of relatives here. Misses Anna Frisby and Mary Burke called on Mrs. Mack Sutton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Laper are now\ mak­ ing their home on Dr. Wells' place. Miss Mayme Smith is making her home with her mother for a few weeks. Miss Mae Burns has returned to the Park after a week's visit in Chicago. John Armstrong and family autoed from Chicago and spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and children re­ turned home after a few days' visit at the Park. Miss Katie Knox and Raymond Con­ way were Chicago visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Romano and two sons returned home to Chicago after a couple of weeks' stay at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. O'Flaherty of Elgin spent a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby. Mrs. Harry Bending and Mrs. Wal­ ters were guests of Mr. and Mr*. Hen­ ry Bending for a few days. VOLO. The Volo (district school opened on Monday, September 8, with an attend­ ance of sixteen pupils. The school has undergone considerable repairs and offers its pupils a friendly welcome. St. Peter's school has also reopened its kindly portals with an enrollment of fifty pupils. The Misses Martha Eberler and Elizabeth Haberlan of Chicago constitute its teaching staff. Next Sunday evening, September 21, a card party and social under the auspices of the Married Ladies' Sodality will reunite all parishioners and their friends in a few hours of pleasant pastime and pleasure. The proceeds will go towards furnishing the rectory. It will surely interest our many friends at McHenry, Johnsburg, Spring Grove, Round Lake and Fox Lake to learn that the St. Peter's church sum mer festival proved to be Volo's great­ est gala day, and surely all parishion­ ers realize their indebtedness to their friendly neighbors, who came in such large numbers to co-operate with them in making this event an unprecedented success. A hundred and thirty Chica goans, friends of the reverend pastor, were also on the scene to enliven things a little. The majority came by t r a i n t o R o u n d L a k < - - t n / i v i " h a y racks" to Volo on the previous dav. They spent Labor day at Fox Lake as guests of the Volq people. Sunday morning, the day of the festival, brought many automobilists from the citv among them Aldermen Swift, Bergen and Healy. They carried back with them all the poultry on the picnic grounds. There must be a rnneon " A DM IN 1ST UATOFT'S NOTICE! Joseph I. Lang, Attorney. Estate oi' Marshall W. Merriuian, Deceased The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Marshall W. Merriman, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the November Term, on the 6rst Monday in Novetnber next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment) to the undersigned. Dated this 27th day of August, A. D. 1913. 15-at N.J. JUSTER, Administrator, Commissioners of McHenry A Nunda Union Drainage District No. 1. NOTICE FOR LETTING CONTRACT: For constructing a system of tile drains, for what Is known as the McHenry & Nunda L'nion Drainage District No. 1, In the Town­ ships of McHenry and Nunda, McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, a more particular description ot said district and the work to be done being on file in the office of the County Clerk of Mc­ Henry County. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is here- bygi ven that sealed bids will b6 received for tbe above referred to system of drains. Ihe specifications for putting in the said system of tile drains are on file in the office of the County Clerk of McHenry County. The total length of said drains is 14,680 feq£. The average depth of the main line is five feet and the maximum depth is six and one-half feet. - * Said bids must be delivered to the Commis­ sioners of the said Mcllfnry & Nunda Union Drainage District No. 1 by leaving the same with or sending the same to E. li. Waite at his office in Woodstock. Illinois, on or be­ fore two o'clock p. m. the 29th day of Septem­ ber, 1913, at which time and place sala bids will be opened and examined. •» The Contractor or Contractors to wlibm said work may be let will be paid in cash as the work progresses, and is inspected and ap­ proved by the engineer for the said McHenry & Nunda Union Drainage District No. 1. less twentv-flve per cent, which amount will be reserved by tne said McHenry & Nunda Union Drainage Commissioners' until the whole work under any bid accepted by the said Commissioners is inspected and accept­ ed by said Commissioners. All proposals or bids must be accompanied with a certified check, payable to the Com­ missioners of the McHenry & Nunda Union Drainage District No. 1 in their official capac­ ity, in a sum not less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal or bid. No bid will ity, in a sum not less than ten per cent be accepted unless accompanied by a check 6a herein provided. The Contractor to whom the work is let will be required to give a bond of two thousand dollars (§2,000) for the faithful performance of said contract. The Commissioners of the McHenry & Nub- da Union Drainage District No. 1. aforesaid, reserve the right to receive any or reject all bids. Additional information including plans and profiles may be secured from O. L. Tryon, En- >c" 1 gineer, YVoodstock, Illinois w. E. WHITING ) Commissioners of McHenry C. R. DBAPEH J. H. PARKS & Nunda Union Drainage District No. l. l£-8t NOTICE OF CONSERVATOR'S SALE OF REAL E8TATB» STATE OF ILLINOIS, I ' County of McHenry f w®- By virtne of a decretal order of the County Court of said County, entered at the Septem­ ber term of said Court, A. D. 1913, on the ap­ plication of Anton Schaefer, Conservator of Hubert Hess, au insane person, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to Hubert Hess, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: A piece of land situated in the Southeast quar­ ter of the Southeast quarter of Section num­ ber thirty-one (31), in Township number for­ ty-six (40) North, of Kauge nine (9) East of the third Principal Meridian, extending along the highway running in a northeasterly di­ rection through said forty (40) acres from the Southern to. the Northern boundary line thereof, the Eastern boundary liue of said land being parallel with the Eastern bound­ ary liue of said Section number thirty-one (31), in the Township of Burton, County and State aforesaid, aua containing fourteen (14) acres of land, more or less; also a piece or parcel of land running eighty (80) rods East and West by twenty-two (22) rods North and South, situated in the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quar­ ter of Section number eleven (11), in Town­ ship number forty-five (45) North, of Range nine (9) East of the third Principal Meridian, containing eleven (11) acres of land, more or less, lying and being in the Township of Mc­ Henry, Count y and State aforesaid, I shall, on the 21st day of October, A. D. 1913, at the front door of tile Spring Grove Bank in the Village of Spring Grove. County of McHenry aud State of Illinois, at the hour of two (2) o'clock p. m.. sell all the interest of the satd Hubert Hess in and to the satd real estate at public vendue. Terms of Sale; Ten (10) per cent of said purchase money to be paid cash in hand and tno residue thereof in two (2) equal payments, one of which shall be payable in six (tf) and the other In twelve (12) months from the day of said sale, the purchaser to give his notes with approved personal security and a mortgage on the premises sold to secure the uaymentoftbe purchase money: Provided, however, th$t no hid shall be received for said eleven (11) acre parcel of land for less than forty-five (46) dollars per acre, and that no bid shall be re­ ceived for said fourteen (14) acre parcel of land for less than sixty-five (So) dollars per acre if the two(2) tracts are sold separately; and if the said tracts are sold together that no bid shall be received for less than fifty-two (52) dollars per acre. ANTON SCHABPER, Conservator of Hubert Hess, an Insane Per­ son. . By JOSSFH I. LANG, Attorney. i4-;st IKEKA COTTA. P. N." Musser sells accident insurance. Ray Conway spent Sunday in Chica- *°- / Mrs. Allen Jackson was aChha ^o visitor Monday. Mrs. M. A. Conway visited her sister at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jackson spent Sunday at Huntley and Gilberts. Mrs. W. H. Grant and daughter, Margaret, were McHenry callers Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Covalt of Mc­ Henry were recent eallers at S. B. Leisner's. Mi88 Crissie Stenson of Crystal Lake visited Miss Annie Buss a couple of days last week. Louis Steinbach returned oh Monday from DeKalb, where he has been em­ ployed for the past three months. Raymond and Miss Alice Riley board­ ed the Chicago train Monday morning. Alice will spend a couple of weeks with relatives there. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and four sons, Idn. John Walsh and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry were calling in-this'vicin­ ity last Wednesday. Jay Doherty and family of Holcomb- ville and M, Knox Mod family autoed to , Hot BIast Range in Actual Operation See it BROIL STEAK with­ out smoke or odor. See it BAKE,BROIL,ROAST TOAST, WASH and IRON, all with same fire at same time. See the AUTOMATIC FRES|1 AIR QVISN--brown top ̂ bottonv without changing pans. ̂ fe-, See the DOZEN OTHER EXCLUSIVE . FEATURES of Merit that other range has. '..f t*- ,-4 : $8.00 Set of FREE! It consists of nine large pieces atid will be given away Absolutely Free with every range sold during the demonstration only. Date of Demonstration Sept. 25, 26, 27 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED COME EARLY AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS J J. This is the Enamel Ware we give away* Why la • bakery Ilk* • L Q. SENG Sam* d*gr** *t •«• cellence n liquet* and cigara, aanM ••rvl**, (uw *M •UiiMmmrr* thing newt the t3F~ NUMBER It* 100 N. BthAw. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE ss C. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK WEST M'HENRY, OX. N*. ARE YOU INTERESTED? Elgin Sunday and spent the day with relatives and friends. Raymond Riley will leave Saturday for Champaign, 111., where he will take a course at the state university. A scholarship in ceramics was awarded him by that institution last summer. «rOHNSBVRGB. P. N. Musser sells accident insurance. J. C. Debrecht attended to business matters in Chicago yesterday. Carpenters have erected a very strong scaffold reaching to the top of Masquelet's YOU NAY IE JU> A HORSE TO WATER but you can't make him drink, goes the old saying. Especially if he knows the water Isn't good. If you are thirsty for big values in the better class of groceries come here and drink your fill. This store is full of them. First-class Drugî Reasonable Prices, "prompt Serving r FREE DIPHfifttlA ANTIT0R ItlO ED YOUR FHYS1C1AN, ALL Math. Laures} hours day or nuit McHENRY, ILL. J 'Phone I West McHenry , I:,-,,,*, the church transept for the extension of the - church chimney. Mr. Deters did a very substantial job and shows exemplary abilities as a builder. Mr. Wirfs finished the work on the chim­ ney and the drafts will probably not suffer when the wind comes from the west, and the trouble we had from that source ought to be over. The school chimney and the one on the parsonage wil^also receive careful attention the oourse of the next few weeks. ' * it market? mm p/ BmnM thara'a Mtta* there. Old Mother Hubbard went to the board to get her poor dog a bone; but she was mistaken, for she had ordered some bacon of us that morning, and ao the poor dog had none. Have you tried our line breakfast bacon yet? E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY, ILL. 'PHONE S Telephone Now 58*11 i \ . < SIMON STOFFEL M' • w-'x'- Insurance agent for all classes oKf property in the best oora£»anies£', ' ' WEST McHENHY, V fuLlNOtB >:4 •V:

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