S3 JTHEXRY X. ' BTHENRY, IW. *£•; ...v, .„.. fe-v;-,?.*/-" M* V--5:: .'V;1^ ggp *̂ t^V r 4-**' <£ *• * Votes Free With each tenth purchase made at our &ore from Monday, Nov. 10, to Monday, Nov. 17, we shall .give, 5*000 extra Booster coupons in the Booker club. Those 5,000 free coupons "will•$& given with each tenth purchase, whether it be to the same person or not. Get all your friends to make purchases. If they make enough purchases they are bound to get a big quantity of extra coupons. :^x;: " ?•<;>• • We Are Convinced XHat ̂ re handle thfe right groceries, fruits, bakery* goods and vegetables at the right prices. The public is no more to be deceived. It demands pure food, groceries and the befft of service. All this we are giving them and for these reasons many have found this iftore to be an acceptable trading center. Have you convinced yourself of this fad? Pdur weeks until we &all know who Is the beft Booker ' . • • . .. . < MONIES EN r; . THE BOOSTER CLUB STORE Our Advice on Building goes free to our customers, but that is no sign it's worthless, for we give it freely to insure our friends against th6 common errors of homebuilders and as an advertisement. No matter what 'you are going to build vouMl ftnd us always ready to advise you.- Even if it's only a board for a repair job or a bunch of lath or shingles, we, want you to come in and see us., .. WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST N'HENRY :: PHONE S GOOD REASONING ON HONE BUILDING seems natural with good citizens, btrt there's no denying the fact that our forefathers gave home- building a grand boost for all time when they almost to a man selected wood as the best ma terial. There's absolutely no doubt they adopted it not alone because of its low ^ost, but also because it afforded the most sanitary homes. For the, same reasons |*eople are still using wood to build homes. It's one thing in the world supplied by Mature tj^pt human minds and hands have not been able to im prove upon. The lumber, how ever, made these days from Na ture's ,wood does show a big im provement--due to man's in genuity in the milling--and the stock, we want to furnish you for your home is truly a marvel in smoothness, softness, £rain and color. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry 'Phone 5 J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh* 111. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ------>»»•»»«»inninnmiiiumi ;>».» JOHNSBIIRGR. Wm. AUhofT was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. ... POUND--A small sil ver bead rosarj. Mrs. Schillo call at the parsonage C. M. Adams transacted business in the iiieiropolilan city last week Friday. First Friday devotions during the winter months are combined with holy mass at 8 o'clock. Iloly cojpmunion is distributed at 7 o'clock every day. For two weeks only. A fiue selec tion of overcoats at- from $15.00 up. Meltons and fancy English tweeds and other selections. , Lawrence Baer Johnsburg. Sunday afternoon and Monday priest and people devoted their attention to the departed • souls--sprinkled the graves and recited the rosary • for the dead. It was a touching sight to see so many people turn out. The church was well filled All Saints' and All Souls' days. Our altak* boys again made & splendid appearance and performed their parts with distinct stylo. Johnsburg has always been famous for its fine church services. Our many well dtvssed altar boys take a gt«at part in these services. The Confraternity of Christian Moth ers held a meeting last Sunday and found their financial standing in fine condition. Mrs. Jos. Freund made a fine report. The women decided to hold a kafee-kiatsche and karten partie and have a little fun in the old fash ioned way. Come along when they call. People inust have patience in regard to the heating of the church. Boilers must have grates as well as stoves and it won't do to start a flrfe in the ash pit. Both sets of grates sent are a misfit--we sent them back. Besides, we are waiting for new smoke hoods. Overshoes and heavy, warm coats are trump now. We can be glad the weather is so fair. Father Bert!*old' has decided riot to hold any kirmes this fall. This will accommodate many people who are behind in their work on account of the many rainy days we have had. Every body has a lot to do this month and when one is tired he wants to go to bed". In place of the autumn festival the pastor will visit the people of his parish, incidentally take up a house collection and at the same' time take up a census of the souls in the parish/ Geo. J. Sayer of Pistakee Bay did us a fine turn in helping defray the ex penses for a new boiler in the parson age. The old boiler was a sick dwarf and did a lazy business, pretending to keep such a big house comfortable In cold weather. Mr. Sayer deserves un stinted praise for the loyal interest he takes in St. John's parish, and the tine driving horse, three years old and val ued at $200, which he donated will be the backbOmTof an exciting ratlie that will come off ^>y and by. Tickets, 50 cents. Make up yoqr naind to win this horse. ' Things are livelier tham ever in our school. All the grades are doing hard work and there's a sh%rp competition among the pupils to get on *the roll of honor. The following have won the best averages: t FOR SEPTEMBER Eighth grade--1st, Teresa Mertes: 2nd, Rosa Millar. - Seventh grade--1st, Joseph young; 2nd, Teresa Iluemann. Sixth grade--1st, Martin Weber; 2nd, Clara Mertes. Fifth grade--1st, Catherine Oeffling: 2nd, Stella Debrecht. • FOR OCTOBER Eighth grade--1st grade, Letf is Pit- zen; 2nd, Teresa Mertes, Seventh grader-Matthew Karls; 2nd, Joseph Frett. Sixth grade--1st, Martin Weber; 2nd, Frances Freund. Fifth grade-1st, Leo Freund; 2nd, Agatha Schmitt. WE HEREBY wish to inform the people of Johnsburgh and vicinity that after October 20, 1913, our STORE WILL BE CLOSED ON SUNDAY after late mass. People wishing to take along goods on Sunday morning will kindly telephone in their orders Saturday evening and the ' goods will be in readiaess Sunday morning J. C. Debrecht, Prop. PHILIP JAEGER OENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT 9PKC1AL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THK SALB OF DrciNd Beef, riutton, Hags, Veal, Poultry, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs Thir&oktort *®P*o«i the street Tags and price Itete on • COLD STORAGE FRBB ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. application. Stall I * J, Palteilt Whiilmli Markit Subscribe for the Plaindealer on local happenings I'EBKA COfTA. Mi's. Nellie Biggy of Chicago is vis* iting friends here. Harold Knox visited the Holcomb- ville school Friday. Miss Mildred Steinback spent Satur day at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Allen Jackson was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Willie Doherty of Holcsombville w$s seen on our streets Sun&ay. Neill Doherty of Holcombville called at M. Knox's Friday afternoon. , Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mrs. Clarence Martin spent Friday at Emerald Park. Miss Lillian Riley was a recent guest of Miss Catherine Gannon at Huntley. Misses Vera Doherty and Florence Knox spent Saturday end Sunday in Elgin. Miss Anna Rydquist spent Wednes day evening last with Mrs. At T. Mc Millan. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Simonson and two children spent Saturday and Sun day at Dundee. 'Misses Eva and Neva McMillan and brother, Glenn, visited at F. Davoll's at Holoombville Friday. Robert Knox and Timothy Hanagan visited the Lincoln school. Howard Phalin visited the Emerald Park school Their teacher, Miss Anna Rydquist, spent the day visiting the public school at Crystal Lake. Misses Florence and Frances Knox entertained a company of twenty young people at their home last Tuesday even day, Oct. 28, in honor of Miss Mary Burke, who left Thursday for Chicago, where she expects to spend several weeks. The affair was in the form of a Hallowe'en party. barg ains in ovebcoayi - . For two weeks only. A fine selec tion of overcoats at from $15.00 up, < _ Meltons and fancy English tweeds and I XAWreuM Peer, •Fark- , SIUUKFEBLU. ' Mrs. E; Smith and Mrs. L. Nejson are among the sick. Wm. French was a business caller at Woodstock Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey were ship ping at Dundee Thursday* I. E. Masop and H. Nelson were Chi cago passengers Wednesday. N. E. Whetstone was in Chicago on business the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs visited their son, Erie, at Greenwood Sunday. N. J. Garrison of Woodstock trans acted business here Sunday afternoon. • Mrs. Wm. French attended the fun eral of a friend in Chicago last week. Mrs, Emma Norton was at Wood- stock Wednesday having dental work done. • . Mr.- and Mrs; I#man Levey and son; Sheldon, of Crystal Lake Sundayed here. H. Wille went to Chicago Friday, returning with: Jerome Lino jtal tfte latter's car. •. Miss Doris Terwillager off Wood stock attended the dance here Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ormsby of Crys tal Lake were over Sunday guests of their parents. Miss Clara Hobart of Richmond spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Glenys Jacobs. Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock visited her parents from Saturday un til Tuesday evening. Miss Purvey of Huntley spent part of Saturday and Sunday at the home of her brother, A. Purvey. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, and Crystal Conerty were in Chicago Satuj'day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and'daughters of Woodstock spent part of Saturday and Sunday with their parents. Misses Rose Barden and Adaline Leonard of Uhicago were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. K.' E. Knilans spent Friday afternoon with their daughter, Mi's. C. Ormsby, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. J. Delany and daughter, Nora, visited the formers parents in Chicago frolu Friday until Wednesday. Mi*s. R. Frydendall and sons and Mrs. J. Nelson and daughter of Batavia vis ited with their parents here from Fri day until Sunday. Mrs. P. Benson and Mrs. H. Nelson called on Edith Nelson at the hospital in Elgin on Wednesday. Miss Edith returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Haughawout and daughter, Gertrude, Mrs. E. F. Anderson and daughter, L. .Johnson, H. Wille and W. Reed were Crystal Lake business callers Saturday. Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht, who has been with us for nearly four years, has resigned his charge here and has moved his family to M^nston, Wis., where he will continue to ^Teach from- the Presbyterian church at that place J. Roger Sillars of Chicago,-' who is preparing for the ministry, filled the vacancy Sunday, both morning and evening. Rev. Allen of Harvard will preach here next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sunday school at 1 o'clock. Skliutw-Klekleeee Mr. John Mickleson and Miss Mabl6 Skinner, both of Ridgefield, were unit ed in matrimony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Linscott at Madison, Wis., Nov. 1, 1913, at 11 o'clock, Rev. C, II. Giesselbrecht officiating, using the ring service. The bride had been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Linscott, and, as had been previously ^arranged, Mr. Mickleson' joined her on their wedding mdrn. 1 On Sunday evening they returned >and will reside here. On Monday even ing they were given a good, old fash ioned charivari. Rice and good wishes were abundently bestowed on the hap py couple by their many friends. SchMl Nttoi The pupils of the first and second grades planned an entertainment for their parents last Friday afternoon at 2'oclock, no special program being prepared, only some of the many things they do each day in their school work. Marjory Schoof gave the welcome in a pleasing manner. Many old time fables were enacted by the little ones, ^hich proved most entertaining. Long fellow's poem of Hiawatha by the third and fourth grades, each one as called upon taking up the part left by the pupil in advance almost without in terruption, showed how painstaking and attentive each pupil had learned to be thru the united efforts of both teacher and pupils.' The parents who were present were: Mesdames Hessel- grave. Hansen, Morris, Harrison, Nel son, Freeland, Haughawout, I«ynch, Purvey, Bennett and Annere. SAt VET TIs total Vsrm 0«stroy«r and CwxJHfoi»f WORKS WONDERS on all farm strvV drives cut the pesis that Steal your profits--that kill your sbMpt lambs ana pigs--that keep yo-jr Stock from getting the good of their feed. Sal-Vet is a medicated stock salt. It nqoires no handling, no drenching, ao doting. Just let ell your stock run toit and they will doctor themselves. Stock £tm fircm worms gain fast--thrive better co leas feed--go to market earlier--keep baa!thy and put on money making flesh rapidly. T»r S&L-VET Voolt bfc astonished at the rcaultt. W« carry it in fttock in %1! packagra from >3c up and guarant ee every pound of it. $o& by i E.V. ftic&liister We& McHenry 'Phone 59-W •Hi fr Photographs for Of Course! Studio open only on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Fine enlargements and pidure frames. SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO MAKER CF PINE PHOTOGRAPHS NcHENRY, ILL. :: :: 'PHONE 100-J What la tha dilteranc* batwea* • Ih4 ataak and a pa«r ataak? timiai A Hiataka We make no mistakes. We are always oh the right side of the steak question. We eouldn't af ford to fall down in our reputation for good steaks. That's your guar anty of satisfaction in tYading with us. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. n 'PHONE 3 Don't Be Deceived By • The : Difference tiAtTTY counts in clrugs, aM qoafily" counts m aft drug store goods. Best quality at lowest cost is a rare combination and is worth consideration. We can offer you such inducements. If you pay higher prices than we ask, you pay too much--if you pay less than we ask, you are apt to get inferior quality. Don't be deceived by price induce ments aloner--but compare quality of goods. We ask for your drug trade on the basis of best quality and superior service and guarantee prices to always be as reasonable as can be had elsewhere* . >' •A.5 LET US BE YOUR DRUGGIST N. H. DRUGGIST * McHENRY small to hold a could no1 That measly little ash pan. Hot as blazes an^to^ day's ashek , . ^4 " He never would have had such bad luck wit I Cole's Hot Blast Range U THE MONROE" BUFFET other selection*. Johnsburg. FOX LAKE OCTOBER 30 M rs. Armes was a WaukegajLYjaitQ'1 Sunday. Ruth O'Boyle was a Chicago passen ger Saturday. Harry Maypole had business in Chi cago Saturday. Constable Walsh had business in Hebron Saturday. The dance at Henne's hall on Sc^ur- day night was well attended. Earl Shultz and Daniel McTagget were in Waukegan Saturday. Postmaster aud Mrs. Brown were Chicago passengers on Monday. Miss Billy Joyce, who waa at. We- nonah cottage all summer, left Tues day for San Francisco. Miss Frances O'Boyle and Miss Eva Marsh of Waukegan spent Sunday with the former's parents on Forest avenue. ICM KKALD PARK. Smith spent Tuesday at the Sam % M Jas. Hazton and Geo. Praxer o| Chi- DUGINER & SPANIER, Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE L. Q. pG Sam* dtgn* •( •*- cellanc* in li«u*r« «nd cigar*, ium aenric*, atmt *M at and, aam* avery- thini except the {^T NUMBER la 106 N. 3th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE SVWT 1 G. A.SATTEM DISTRICT MANAGER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK WEST M'HENRY, ILL ARB YOU 1NT£K£STED? cago spent Sunday at the Park. Mrs. Will Heaney of Chicago i*, spending a few days at the Park. Lawrence Huck and Mr. Shillp of Chicago spent Sunday at L. Huck's. • Waiter and Harry Blum of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home here. Mrs. John Phalin and Mrs. C. Mar tin visited the school Friday last. , - - > It has a great, big, generous pan, twice the size of other makes--holds 24 hours' ashes easily. Another thing--it fits up tight under the ^clean-out" door, and no soot can be raked out on the floor--not a par ticle. }m m Come in and examitiC this modern and perfect range. It has a dozen other special economies and conveniences that will please you. Bums any fuel. ' '""vSiS. Shows tMgc ash pau, twice the s^ze oi ottur i See the nam« "Colt's"on mch Amf*. Nmm genum» tuithami H . J.J. VYCITAL McHenry, 111. ssm Bell 1 System mc results IO OBTAIN the best using the telephone, rectly into the mouthpiece in a clear well modulated tone. When speaker turns his face from his audito he materially reduces his chances of ^ being understood. The same occurs when: one talks over, under oxi aside from the telephone transmitter. •M ^ Chicago Telephone-Company 4 J. ^onrath, District Telephone 9903 f fm relephone No. 58-R SIMON STOFFEL: Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best eompaniM. WEST McHENRY,; HJLINOIS i, • • • ; • i .1-•ti <i>' L •'mi ... a, *•<»' T DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST ̂Office In Schumacher Centerville elephoae No. 18