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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1913, p. 1

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WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS AND GOERS Or A WEEK BI MI unit nut m-\ U SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS FE' AIR) HANDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR !!}>-: 31 " PRIEKDS t" j Miss Rose Jutten spent Saturday last ' '-i in the metropolitan city, I Everett Hunter boarded the Chicago ^ ' i train last Friday morning. V f eter J. Freund attended to business : matters in Chicago last week Friday. F, E. Martin spent Saturday and Sunday last with his wjfe in Chicago. } J. W. Smith v.vas a business visitor inOhicagooa Thui-sday of last week. $'*v ' An. Anna J^yon-Of Chicago spent I'; „> ' the week end as the guest of McHenry fHends. x ' ; '>„• Mrs. Christina Schreiner was the ^ guest of her children at Elgin one day v s last week. & Lawrence Huck of Chicago was the guest of relatives here a couple of dilys 1'sat week. Simon Suiffel attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last week Saturday. ' Miss Elizbetlr Thelen passed the latter part of last week asthe guest of Blgin relatives. Miss Maude Grander of Chicago was entertained by home folks, the latter part of last week. Dr. M. C. Reed of Chicago spent tgte week end as the guest of Dr. F. J. Aicber here. Mr. and Mrs. A Jk Laodwer spent Thanksgiving day as guests of rela­ tives at Barrington. Mr. and M rs. F. E. Hutsonfani chil­ dren spent Thanksgivingday'wiih Rel­ atives at Ridgefield. , Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hungerford and sabs, Gail and Wayne, were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Dr. C. H. Fegers and Miss Eleanor McGee were Thanksgiving day guests of Woodstock relatives. 1 Mrs. E. L. Hamil ofChicago'was a Thanksgiving day guest in the home f of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells. W'V.5- Clinton Martin passed Thanksgiving ,, day as the guest of his mother, who is coofined'in a-Chicago hospital* Johnson of North Crystal several days last weefc as s? v.. ? • 'ffr. W^ *' *>-.*• T:i' ' • ' V -l;v *4i-. ~;i >s George .. V «*•«* the guest of McHenry friends. . ̂ ̂ Loren Martin passed Thursday and Friday of last week as the guest of his mother and other relatives in Chicago. • 'V „ \ Mrs. E. V. McAllister passed several 7^;" days last week as the guest of relatives in Elgin. Milo Loomis of Gary, Ind., was a ' : guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. James Perkins, the latter part of last ; i w 1% i Prof, and Mrs. SVC, • Fisher and ohil- Dundee passed: the week end in the home of Mrs E. S. :'r; :• dfen'ol v as guests Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McClintock of •Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as ; guests in the home of Dr. and' Mrs. D. i jtG. Wells. | George Heimer of Chicago ate ;• ^ Thanksgiving dinner4n "the home of -pLj his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hsi- mer, here. Mr. and Mra. John Meyers and chil- • * "v dt>en attended the funeral of Mrs. ;r$^« Rauen at Spring Grove on Wednesday '* rf*, of last week. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent the latter part of last week asthe • nx-anM Mr. .and Mrs. T. £ y : guest of his parents, J. Walsh, here. Mrs. Wm. Nogle and granddaughter, Joy Nogle, were guests in the home of - .• Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord the latter > part of last week. Mt*» Margaret Ward of North Chi- ^ c^go spent the latter part of iaste week , ^ as the guest of her pafentSt Mr. and sS; Mrs. Frank Ward, here. v Miss Florence Rockwell of Williams "£;:[ Bay, Wis., passed the latter part of lBt^ week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger of Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald and in c'$t" i*v BASEBALL WWtE HG SUCCESS 141 TICKETS ARE DISPOSED OF--PAYING OF DttEBTEDNESS . son, Pardv of Woodstock were- gwmts " in tb» hom»of her «A#entsr Mr. aiHl Mrs- L- F- Newman, on Thursday and " Friday otlart w«4k; ' Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield and Mr. ^nd Mrs. Ed» Martin and daughter, ; Plaribel, pf Woe^stock were visitors ! ip the hpme pf MF. AN^ Mrs. E. E. Ba«8pj,t thanksgiving day. Mr. anfl Mrs. Joe. Sphoeww and daughter, ^luth, pf Beloit? Wis., apjl Mr. an^ Mrs. Japob Miller of Clinton, V îs., were Thanksgiving day guests ip the hom« 0? Mr- sphppirpr- Mrs- Mary Carey and daughter, Mrs. Mayme Overton, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Tet« low, Miss Bridget B rah an of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carey and children of Spring Grove were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mf» afl# Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs, A* D. Loomis passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of their daughter* Mrs. ? James Perkins. They went to Wilmot, i; c' Wis., last Sunday ^ to range for tfce shipment of their- household -geods to ;Janeaville, Wis., where Mi». Loooiis 4 has. secured" a poaitlon il Borden's fadU>ry at that plaoe. The management of. the ̂ baseball team desires tp express in this publio manner their sincere appreciation of the loyal and generous support to them prior to and carried to the limit on the 27th ult., with an enthusiasm that can­ not be questioned for loyalty. When we say management^ " let us impress upon th# public, the fans and the members of the teams that without them and their co-operation nothing could tyave been so completely accom­ plished. and let us add that once again this fact is proven, viz., "That in union there is strength," and let Us hope that in 1914 the team will come forth so equipped, regardless of who might be elected to supervise and manage, that the visiting teams may be unable to cope with our boys aid that we'll have the support of the fans so justly due. And now we realise that we owe much to the members of the Just Us club for tbeir untiring efforts in the beautiful hall decorations for this par­ ticular occasion. Such spirit, so spon­ taneous and voluntary on their part, we really find it difficult to fully ex­ press our appreciation. Suffice it to say that their kindness and support Will ever be remembered.' The only criticism we have to make is in reference to the East Troy-Mc­ Henry 10 to X poster so conspicious in the center of the hall. Surely it was a gloomy sight. We wonder who of the team it was most meant for, but have come to the conclusion that it looked decidedly bad for the manager. The shots that hit aft the shots that count. Since the funds contributed right­ fully belong to the people who gave so liberally, we feel it our duty to show the financial condition of the McHenry baseball club and therefore have pre­ pared a statement, and so far as known each and every }>ill has now been paid. We are also submitting a list of names, showing the various people who proved to be good supporters of the team. Thanking jrOU for your COHipSratioi), we lure, Very respectfully yours, - RICHARD B. WALSH, Mgr. REV. DAVID LEHANE, Treas. BALANCE SHEET , Advance sale of tickets, .9 73.35 Tickets sold at hall- 68.76* WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS A5> TAKEN FROM TIE COLUIfipr PUNY EXCHANGES^ : v Y^jotal receipts $142.10 ' DISBURSEMENTS iff *. J. Walsh, music t27.0Q Railroad fare, musicians.. 6.00 Park hotel 4.60 Mrs. S. Stoffel, hall rent. 10 Q0 N. A. Huemann, tuning pi­ ano in hall 4.35 McHenry Plaiudealer, ptg 7.25 A1 Krause, selling tickets 2.00 Kirk Harrison, checking. .50 Geo. Stoffel, checking .90 N. H. Petesch, base balls. 3.75 John Vycital, base balls .. 5.00 M. J. Walsh w-V-.- .53 E. V. McAllister., .90 $72.18 169.02 Balance All past bills underformer man­ agement havehesn ptid as fol­ lows: J. C. Bickle*..w~ 920 McHenry Plalnaealer . N. H. Petesch, base balls. 6.25 John Vycital, base balls.. 1.25 935.70 • Balance 934.22 We also paid Mrs. E. I* Behlke a hack Mil earlier in the season for meals. This amounted to 97.70. Geo. ITanly Fred Helling Dr. W. F. Btouef^ M. Ucriuan A. Noonau F. G. McAudref#-,' Walter Hattem ? v' F. W. Sayler .j. Clinton Martin Wm. Eichkof :> • Kay Powers , John P. Scbr»}lBer Math. Karls V Dr. F. J. Alchef1 John Karls H.H. Halt Leo Smith " Thomas Thompson Leonard PhlUljir Arthur W rede F. Q. Scbreluer ^ Frank Welngari Joupb Fetfer > Bay McAndrewpi T. J. Walsh '•?-' ^ M. D. Wllkins W. Lane . E. Nelsou •f-- O. H. Johnsou r',,L. C. Hutsou • } < O. Ret-teratb • luadore Kerfer 'ft.-. Kruuk Justin Mike Worts, Jr. Thomas Bolder Geo. Vouug Win. Bonsilettt Wru. Cowan ' WUJ. Hanson Wm. Powers Charles DOIMLLV Peter W. EugMK Jay Comlskey _. Nick M. FreuHfl Charles Gibbs >v> M. Thelen A. W. Cooover W. Steuger P. Bowman Charles Chrlsi Wm. Knlppel iV-,.; E. L. Whltlutf P. Elchkoff .v ' •*"' W'. It. Wlntiiifi • . Arthur Sahs < -JM H. C. Hinckel . H.Alexander ""^O. Chestnut. " ltov Bohlander John Enneln F. A. Bohlande#1^ M. M. Nlesen Dr. K. G. Chamberlln J- C. Blckler W. 1). Gould - Johu I). iHKllit Mrs. BarbaraJohn J. Vycital Miss Clara Schleaale James Oouway C. E. Whltten Stanley EdwioHs R. B. Walsh , . Geo. Adams N. H. Petesch ..Ray Dod»?e ^ Dr. D. G. Wells V# .John Bolder .• •' Jacob Justen . ":-pJ° Wm. If eliuer N.A. Huemanittl^^ Arthur J. Blc U llllapi Bacon " V - ireter Dohert: W. G. Schreiuer^i 'C 1' tj- McOmb« Ray Howard >| vWrn Spencer , R. 1. Overton . , E. F. Matthews Everett Huotefj ' • .< Francis BousW SA. HungerfoiH^, John P. Koob .J. Hauly Sir 'i, Itoy Sahiburg ^ Fr«d Justen '^ # Oeo. Brallsfor)4 Wm. Dolierty ^: , R*y u Stephen HelmeRdv*:* Charles L. Pa Alford Pouse < •* MfiwnOtt ^ J. W, Aehlschef . Joseph Hoffm|H John R. Knox , -4 , Henry Heimep Jos. J. Miohels t- Vi * Beller Richard Lau»blfe? V: F- J- Barbiuu msCELLANEOUS ASSORTMENT OF NEWS ITEMS IN CONDENSED FORK FOR BUSY PEOPLE. The Chicago & North Westeiik de­ pot ut P'dffefield Is now being heated with steam. , Mr. ana Mrs. Lester Barber of Ma­ rengo celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Nov. 30. The Board of Lccal Improvements of North Crystal Lake is plugging hard for a sewer system for that village and it now begins to look as if the members of that body will see the project thru Woodstock's new motion picture theatre was formally opened to the public on Thanksgiving night. The show is one of the most up-to-date in northern Illinois and has, a seating capacity of 430. Harrington citizens h»T? subscribed for over $10,000 worth of stock in the Morenus Piano company of Chicago, which practically assures them of the location o£ the piano factory in that village. Atty. J. I. Lang of Richmond, one of the county's most promising young lawyers, has recently added a large number of volumes to his library. Over 500 new volumes arrived last week and his library now ranks with |lie host in McHenry county. Employes atv the Elgin National Watch factory wilUnot enjoy their usual ten-day holiday vacation this year. Rush of business has necessitat­ ed curtailment of the holiday rest. The factory will be closed on Decem­ ber 25, 26 and 27 and January 1, 2 and 3. A couple of Greeks who conduct an ice cream parlor, barber shop and pool room in the Gracy building at North Crystal Bake were last week arrested on a charge of selling intoxicating liquors and cigarettes without a license and allowing gamblingin their billiard hall. Mrs. Besslo Harris of Cjur; Station has accepted an offer of $5,000 from the Chicago and North Western rail­ way company in settlement of her ctaim against the company for fatal in­ juries received by her husband, Law­ rence Harris, last September while in *the company's employ. . A $10,000 fire occurred on the Dan Webb farm, just west of Hickory, in Lake county one morning recently. The fire destroyed the mammoth barn on the placet together with its entire contents, consisting of twenty head of milk cows, five head of horses, a quan­ tity of grain and machinery and tools. Judge Chas. H. Donnelly of Wood­ stock has declared the city ordinance of Marengo, which required all barber shops to remain closed on Sundays, in­ valid. The decision came as the re­ sult of a legal battle between a Maren­ go barber and the city of Marengt^ in which the barber was charged with violation of the above ordinance. Two robberies were committed in the Typewriter city one night last week, the cleaning establishment of Custer Connor and the Greek fruit store being the places entered. A ne­ gro and a young Greek were arrested for doing the jobs and are now taking their meals at the county jail, where they are awaiting the action of the grand jury, which convenes next month The new road law lambaste the road hog who thru unnecessary hindering delays a motorist by not allowing him to pass. The fine for this performance is from $10 to $25. This is an even greater penalty than the fine of $3 to 910 that may be imposed on the farmer that allows hedge cuttings to lie along the road for more than ten days, turns water from a dijtch into the road, or obstructs it by felling trees across it The penalty for hiring a driver or chauffeur who is addicted to" the ex cessive use of spiritiiou^ liquors is 95 per day. UKAL SOCIAL HArriNNGS I POPULAR COUPLE HARRIED HBIIMIIWI PiiPYABLE EVENTS ARE Di ftcHEHRY r. n. wijv David Pas Ged. Willi Pou Simon K.M. Bradley Theodore 8ohleH0^ John Boyle Robert Knox LawMnce J. Htislt Ray Conway Walter Walsh Edward Bonsletfc Bern Williams - Frank Hitchings Anton P. FreiMR. H. C. Mead ^ ' Carl Bradley , V' , * . L. F. NewmaU Dr. C. H. Fen*!* ' " Clarence Whiting Bsv Diinl"! !<©haoe Leon Dodge Leonard Hobeosteln It is a fact. We gave away many dollars last week - to new savings de­ positors. We are still doing it. this week. Better starffan acpount NOW. Btafk of McHenry. N. I CHURCH SERVKES Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preach­ ing, 11:00; Epworth league, 7:45. Our Sunday school needs more elders. Let's be an example to the children. Those prevented from coming last Sunday missed a treat. These treats are so often unexpected. Ep worth league will be led ty Mrs. Frank Hutson. An excellent topip an<3 a more excellent leaaer. Choir practice Saturday evening at 9:00 at the home of Miss Alice Waite. All are urged to be present, as we be-., gin special praetloe on Christmas an­ thems. F. A. SHIPLEY, Pastor. K ; Cll^mrstkr Werkws to - The Mystic Workers of McHenry will hold a business meeting and elec­ tion of officers at the Central opera house on Thursday evening of next week, December 11. All members are •urgently requested to be present." " Pitann Cinl Clafc A very enjoyable time was hM tfjr the members of the Pleasure Card club when they met at the home of Mrs. Peter J. Freund on Friday even­ ing of last week. Tho evening's prizes went to the following ladies: First, Mrs. William Fisher; second, Mrs. Gertrude Miller; booby, Mrs. Peter J. Freund. The usual refreshment were served. Elect h«w OHhetra At their regular meeting at Wood­ man hall on Tuesday* evening of this week, the Fox River Valley Camp, R N. A., elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Oracle, Mrs. D G. Nellis; vice oracle, Mrs. Etta Wat­ tles; chancellor, Mrs. Minnie Hutson; recorder, Mrs. Loretta Walsh; re­ ceiver, Mrs. Leah Brown; marshal, Miss Alice Sirnes; inner sentinel, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures; outer sentinel, Mrs. Gertrude Miller; manager for three years, Mrs. Kathryn Weingart., \ Entertains at Cirdi Miss Rose Huemann entertained a oompany of friends at progressive cinch at h^r home on the corner of Pearl and Court streets on Tuesday evening of this week. After the customary number of games were played, the successful contestants were awarded with suitable prizes. The winners were: Miss Elizabeth Thelen, first; Miss Elizabeth K. Miller* second, and Miss Elizabeth Miller, the booby. The evening came to a close with the serv­ ing of tasty refreshments. All present had a fine time. Per--tr Liiln Entertained " v'The members of the Forester Ladies' Card club were very pleasantly enter­ tained at the pretty county home of Mrs. Ben Stilling on Wednesday even­ ing of this -week. Progressive cinch was the chief form of amusement and, to say the least, the amiable hostess entertained her guests right royally. The prizes were awarded as follows: First, Mrs. John W. Bonslett; second, Mrs. Ben Stilling; consolation, Mrs. M. M. Niesen. A palatable luncheon was served at the close of the game. Twkey Dinner Ten young people enjoyed an elabo­ rate seven o'clock turkey dinner at the cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Boley on Green street last Saturday evening. Mr. Boley was selected to do the carv­ ing and that he did a good job not one of those present wiH deny. After do­ ing ample justice to all of the good things before them, a few short stories were enjoyed, after which a few hours were passed at cards, progressive cinch being the game indulged in. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames G. C. Bolay, C. M. Bickler, A. W. Bickler, J. P. Weber, Miss Maude Schreiner and Joe Rothermel. The event was highly enjoyed by all. Hie Seventv-elfkth Birthday In honor of the seventy-eighth birth­ day anniversary, of their father his children carefully planned and execut­ ed a very pleasant birthday surprise party on John Klassen at his home in the north end of town on Wednesday of this week. The day was most en- joyably spent in visiting and going over the family's past history. A sumptuous dinner was served, an enor­ mous birthday cake containing seventy- eight candles being a conspicuous dec­ oration of the table. Those who helped to make the event a memorable one were the following: Mrs. Gertrude Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Klassen, Villa, Leo, Alvan and Carl Rothermel and Cora Schaid. took ruq SATURDAY LAS MISS MARGUERITE E. GRANGER BECOMES WIPE OP NR. ALLEN KENNETH BURNS OF CHICAGO On Saturday, No*. 29,1913*, at high noon at the home of the blade's mothe.r, occurred the marriage of Miss Margue­ rite E. Granger, daughter of Mrs; F. K- Granger of this plaoe, and A. Kenneth Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.- K. Burns of Chicago. . * The marriage ceremony WM, per­ formed by Rov. Flack of Chicago and witnessed by the immediate relatives and a few clo^s friends of the bride and groom. • \ Miss Granger wore white crepe de chine and carried roses and lilies of the valley. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel Granger, who wore pale blue crepe de chine and carried Killarney roses. The groom was at­ tended by Arthur M. Titus of Chicago. After the ceremony a wedding din­ ner was served, the dining room being decorated in carnations and smilax. In the afternoon the bridal couple left for Solan, 111., where the boarded a St. Paul train for Chicago. After Dec. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Burns will be at home to their friends at 713 Waller Ave., Austin, 111. Acquire the cold-curing habit. Use our Pink Laxa Cold Tablet&Anti It will be easy to free yourself fronr colds, no matter what the cause. 25 cents. Pet- teCh't drug stove. SUICIDE OR MRDER SCHOOL NEWS ITEMS raTAINHK TO OU* EaOCAIMHAL : , MWHIUHOH. .« • > ^ Tho lower grades are prtparing for the holidays. The Fellows children have discon­ tinued school. The McHenry High School, Athletic association will give a New Year dance at Stotfel's hall on the evening oflDec. 31. The visitors for last week were as follows: Rooms 2, 3, 4.and 7, Miss K. Knox; room 7, Misses Helen Heimer and Clara Miller. Mr. Fisher of Dundee visited Mc­ Henry Saturday and was talking about what a shame it was that our boys didn't have a gyip. He said that in a town this size and with as maUy robust children in, school a gym would be practically a necessity. Board, take a hint and start the ball a-rolling. Let the slogan of McHenry high be, "We want a gym." Victory No. 1 The boys on the basket ball squad, including, Nickels, Dodge, Petesch, Bacon, Bonslett; Heimer at&l Stoffel, rambled to Dundee Friday, Nov. 28, and administered a defeat to Mr. Fish­ er's youngsters. The game was fast and snappy thruout, the first hajf end­ ing with the score tie, C and 6. There wasfno individual starring on McHen­ ry's part, all of the boys playing ex­ cellent ball. Think, dear readers, what an awful score they would hav£ run up had they had some practice in a real gym. The boys left town with­ out a single practice, yet with an abun­ dance of confidence that they would out-class and defeat their rivals. The final score was 25 to 15. ITEMS 0T LOCAL as ncuB or by njuKua e- fORTER? DURDKWEEK WH-aoN S annual MEPSAGB . fp accord with our plau to give our readers the best kind of service in The Plaindealer you will find in this issue President Wilson's message to oon- gress. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Progressive or "on the fence" you will be interested in the president's recommendations on the Important questions of the country. Read the message on another page. It is there for your benefit.* Please bear in mind that the Bank of McHenry, as now controlled, is close­ ly affiliated with banks, insurance com­ panies and other financial institutions controlling assets of over 11,500,000.00. THE SOCIAL WHEEL The ladies of the Social Wheel spent a most delightful afternoon at the very pleasant home of Mrs. S. M. Esler, Waukegan street, on Saturday last. A feature of the entertainment was a buttonhole contest and the prize was carried off by Mrs. Ott, a distinction which was mucH envied hy all present, Pelicious refreshment# were very daintily served- There will be no more meetings until after Christmas, Watch the paper for a notice of the meeting at that time, «a there will ho election of officers. M. WHRELRR, See. *RKE TARGET now Lovers of the sport are invited to take in a prize target shoot to be held at the Oak Park hotel grounds, Pista- kee Bay, next Sunday, December 7. Three prizes 1rill be awarded to con­ testants shooting the entire program of 100 targets, as follows: First prize for high average, second prize for sec­ ond high average and third prl*e for low average. Plenty of good shells will be on sale at the'grounds, and all who turn out are assured a square deal, plenty of sport and the hospitality of ye landlord, Jos. J. Mertes. J. J. Vycital is now prepared your plumbing. Get his prices when you get ready to have that plumbing installed. Tsngo pumps at John WoUar*s. ^•©AT" BOWE rnnn DEAR NEAR CHI- J&^ ̂AOOLART WEE* • ,£ V ^ &&L1V": .A§». •The body of Edgar Clement Howe, more familiarly known to the older residents of this village as "Boat" Howe, was found near a haystack at Proviso, west of Chicago, on Wednes­ day afternoon of last week. A bullet wound in the side of his head, together with a revolver con­ taining three empty chambers, was the only evidence as to the cause of his death. Some seemed to be of thp ^pinion that the deceased came to his death by his own hand, while others are sure that be was murdered. The deceased was born and raised in this village,, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Howe, who built and owned the old Tyler Howe block on Water street which was destroyed by fire six­ teen years ago the first of April last. He grew to manhood in this village and later on left for the west, where he remained some years. After re­ turning from the west he passed much of his time with the Hankins boys, who were at that time such prominent factors in the gambling game in Chi­ cago. "Boat" Howe, while a resident of this village, was ever in the public limelight and some of the old timers hever get thru telling of the "stunts" that he pulled off while a McHenryite. According to the Chicago papers he leaves a wife to mourn him Don't wait until the lastday to make arrangements to secure your farm loan. See us now. Bank of McHenry. STILL AT WOODSTOCK The 'two colored boys, who a short time ago got into a mix up at the shack near the site of the Fox river dam, are still confined within the walls of the county jail at Woodstock. Their (Base has not as yet been disposed of. LATER: Just as we go to press we have received word from Woodstock that the colored boy, who caused the disturbance at the cottage of Miss Christine Belle Miller a short time ago, was bound over to the grand jury this morning. His bonds were placed at $1,000, • which he was unable to fur> lotah. .. M Bonslett Bacon , Nickels ^; Dodge Stoffel *•> Heimer „ ^ Petesch M, Stern burg 1E. Stern burg yi*'? Haverkamp •1&-. E. Miller - v Qotfaard RF R a : c, • L<* L P 8«*t>0 sub J? - Field goals--Nickels, 4; Bonslett, 4; Stoffel, 4; M. Stern burg, 3; Haver­ kamp, 3; E. Sternburg, 1. ^ . Free throws--Gothard, 1; Bosalett, Referee, R. Knox; umpire, Corsine; timekeeper, Fisher. Game called at 9:00. Attendance, 148. Beruhmte Kapuziner Tropfen DI* Allgemeine Familia Medicine. ' BOH and $1.00. Petfesch's. ' : 4j t HtS. COBB WINS PIANO LEAM ALL OTHER CONTESTANTS OVER 1,000.000 VOTES •AREPQOTED NY Residents on the West Side of town and others who happened to be on Main street at about the noon hour on Wednesday morning were greeted wiVh a most pitiful sight when a young lad was seen sitting in a farm wagon wait­ ing for his father to oome from a sa­ loon. The boy was barefooted and at­ tracted considerable attention from those who saw him. Officer Revor was notified and was not long in getting the father strrted for home. ENTERS OPEICE OP D. T. SMILEY Alford Pouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse of this village, entered the law office of County Judge D. T. Smil­ ey at Woodstock on Monday morning of this week and will in the future be found tbet$. Alford has some time since been entered to the Illinois bar and his many friends in McHetiry hope to see him make good In the of typewriters and attorneys. " v ̂ ' CARD OF THANKS I wish in this public manner to ex­ tend my sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion to the many kind people of Mc­ Henry who in any way assisted me in winning the piano in the contest re­ cently conducted by M. M. Niesen. I assure all that their kindness will never be forgotten. MRS. F. E. COBB. The piano contest, which has been going on a't the M. M-. Niesefi store during the past several months, came to a close at noon Wednesday. A com­ mittee of six counted the ballots last night and returned the following count: Mrs. F. E. Cobb .....4,J85,55{i Mrs. Jos. Rothermel..;..^ 2,fcU>^).">5 Fred Uueser... 189,420 Erna Norairer '4. ̂ ^ il20,93T» Laura Uarbiatu'„_ ; J-i. •> 55,488 Etta M eye rs.jv-. . . . i -i. 415.550 Katie-Karls..11 7 34,795 Genevieve Klink 34,135 Marion Matthews.22.500 Mamie Schaefer 17,930 We offer to loan money on farm mortgages at current rates of interest In any amount. Bank of McHenry. APPOINTED TO ANOTHER CHAME The parishioners of St. Patrick's Catholic church were much surprised and deeply/-grieved*last Sunday morn­ ing when it was announced at both masses that their beloved pastor, Rev. D. Lehane, had been ordered to the Holy Cfoss parish at Batavia, 111. The announcement was read from the pul­ pit by the Passionist father who has had charge of St. Patrick's' church since the illness of Rev. D. Lehane. The latter is just up from a severe attack oT acute inflammatory rheuma­ tism and his doctor informs us that it will be several weeks before he will be able to attend to his duties. Bishop Muldoon has been notified as to Rev. Lehane's condition and for that reason it cannot be definitely decided when the McHenry pastor will leave for his new charge. The Plaindealer will have more to say regiarding the change in a later issue. WHAT PEOPLE ARE MM IR THIS VM^ LACE AND THE THWEtilATE VSCSOVV-- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Butter Hnfcet. Butter was declared firm at 32 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Ice cream served the year amend aft C. Unti's. ; 25! See ESLER for everything electrical." Expert house wiring, reasonable prices. The Dorcas society will mee& at the home of Mrs. James Sayler on Friday afternoon of this week. Call at the Bank of McHeniy let the banker show you how to make five dollars look like six. * The Centerville bridge hsk bejfo '.r; re-planked, thus making the structure v absolutely safe in every respect. '* In spite of the unfavorable weather good progress is being made on the ' new additioijr to the Bank of building. N. H. Petesch has moved his family from the Fitzsimmons house on Pearl /*».% • street to the James B. Perry cssicleoaa ^ on Maple avenue. The first l>oy or. ' girl finding iqtpr ,;|§§tg|: spelled word and bringing lit sop? Of ^ v ^' ̂ our ad to Rexall store will reNfafrflcODt cash. E. V. McAllister. The presence, in our the past week or more of a number of itinerants has kept the cots in the vil­ lage lock-up comfortably warm. Rev. D. Lehane is again able t{$ibo up, but is still confined to the house. It will be some time before be will be allowed to enjoy the open air. Thanksgiving day passed off very quietly in McHenry. Outside ofthe several family dinners and the in the evening there wasn't modi do­ ing. A gang of men went to work oil old "Tip" Smith building on the \ Side this morning. We are told the structure is to undergo esteu repairs. River View camp? Royal of America, will hold election of offi­ cers at Eagle ball Tuesday evening, Dec. 9. All members are requested to »" > be present. ' -1 ? 1 ' Mike LaValle, who has aotod at ^ ̂ egragh operator at the local ^ejni dur- ipg the past few months, Am been transferred to Rockford. His place here has been"taken by Fred Helwig. You would probably open a savings account with the Bank of McHenry if a hired solicitor were to call upon fopf We would have to pay him to get pAtf. ^ account. We will pay YOU if you'taNf' V' *• at the bank in person. - j-m > ; See Splrella corset adv on another Mabelle Whpelor, Ooraet̂ ere. *•v ' *:v. *>• • •.i, • 1913-1914 fall and winter latest styles in party slippers and shoes at John Wollar's. SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK At the E. F. Matthews meat market* West, McHenry, beginning tomorrow, Friday: "Diamond C" ham, 17c per pound; country cured ham, 18c per pound; picnic hams, 12*c per pound; bac^n, 19 and 20c per pound; home dressed pork loin roast, 17c per pound; pork shoulder roast, 15c per pou&d; pot roast, 15c per pound; chicken^, young or old, 15c per pound. The new box papers are beautiful. Ask to see them. Petesch's drug store. v NOTICE M. R. Moses, optimitrist and op- tioian, established in Chicago in 1876 office at 224 East Garfield Blvd. (5oth St.), who is well known in McHenry county for his cure of headaches by the use of glasses, which has made him an expert in his line, will be iiS West Mc­ Henry, Park hotel, Wednesday, Dec. 17, and will return at regular intervals. I have po agent. 24-2t i '/3tMA The Plaindaaler. ' ;,T •.sir Andy Hettinger, the is now keeping himself busy on a series of drawings which, when finished, will be used for moving picture purposes. Ancly" has some real clever idea% stored in the upper part of his head which should bring him handsome re­ turns some day. • • " When a time of money stringency comes, the man who has established credit at his bank is the one who can demand accommodations where others are refused. Credit is established by carrying an account with the bank. Why not open an account with tho Bank of McHenry today? A tile roof is now being laid on.t|lr new business block of Barbian Bros. The building, when finished, will be- as near fireproof as it is poswhln 'ffv make same. The only wood on ̂ - the building thus far is the window .'I frames. Outside of this, ""Tif j itwil and tile are used exclusively. The water in the mill pond is higher than it has ever been in the history of that body of water. Parents shouldf warn their children of the danger in venturing too. close to the shores. At the gates the water is no less than fit* teen feet deep and a child would have little chance of escape la Case of till* ing in at that point. The public wants to know whether epjBot the village board will ever soo fit to build a cross walk on Green street in Centerville. It seems a shame that one is obliged to wade thru mud water when very little expense work would fill the long-felt Wake up, brothers, we are living In the twentieth century. f m Our business men are now display ing their holiday goods as usual are asking the public to do its Christ­ mas shopping early. J. W. Aebisher, the Centerville meat cutter and gror eery man, has the distinction of bote* the first to deck his place of busiMS in holiday attire. Remember, ooiy twenty days to Christmas. J. EL Waite has rented his T'Tliiir cottage to the Sullivan family of Chi­ cago, who will occupy the same naxt sfasuO. Tile Sullivan family OOOIIpicA one of the Lasch cottages durtfcf the past summer and so well pleased A)C* they with McHenry and Vtatrlvw I resort that they have dsoiAad lou here again next year.. Thay inMff' chaise a summer noma *

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