*' 1 "» J^*<i v;«r -• "": "'tK-_;^r / M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, MHENRY START THE) NEW / YEAR RIGHT ' / by subscribing for the ALL THE^IVEWS ALL ?HE TIME xVwwvVvVkVkVTV J LITTLE THINGS ABOUT LUMBER that appear unimportant to the laymen, such as straight edfjes, smooth surfacing, freedom from planer bit marks, etc., all mean a lot to the carpenter. These are the things tj,hat add to or re duce building expense and our long experience has taught us to watch our lumber closely to see that the mill work is perfect-- thus we save our customers mon ey. Ask us to prove it. WILBUR LI WEST M'HENRY R CO. moms could scarcely be more elastic or adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses can be enlarged without injury to their appear ance for after a room or two is added on, a new door or window cut here and there, the whole house can be painted and it's as good as new. And pa^nt is not only a wonderful preserver, but it's the best beautifier known. In a day or two you can change he whole appearance of youj frame house, whereas the fellow who builds with other materials has to keep the same front for ever. That 's an advantage, isn't itV Build of wood and you've all the advantage. Come in and we'll show you lumber that looks most good enough to eat. There's No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 .VioW as I)•"> ' 1 • •'< •v.., •.' l.:t. i • ri • ! ' Math. Laures West McHenry 'hone 8 Masquelet's st Side First-class Drugs, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service FIEE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT McHENRY, ILL. j. c. QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Phone 625-M-2 :: Johnsburgh, 111. * Good Strong Shoes . me fifty pair left! over from our It Sale are to be had at sale price now until sold. Your choice NEIGHBORING NEWS MS CHRONICLED BY { OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ' SIDUBflKLll. Purvey was a city caller Satur-A. day. R. Knilans recently. N. E. Whet time at Pii L. J. Gil .son mas with his V F. W. II ai business caller R1NGVOOD C. W. Harrison was a caller in Alden Tuesday. J. S. Brown was taken quite sick ^Monday night. Harold Kelly, who has been very sick the past week, is*no better. Floyd Merchant visited his grand mother in Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent Christmas at Jay Hawver's in Lake Geneva. George Minshall and family were at Mrs. Jennie Spaulding's Christmas. Mrs. McDermit of Iowa visited Mrs. Hotchkiss ftnd Mrs. Ella Harrison Tues day. Mary Bell ate Christmas dinner wit h her sister, Mrs. Vivian Esh, ui Spring Grove. Guy Hodge and wife of Hampshire were calling at Edson Hodge's last Saturday. Mrs. -Tames Iiainey passed Sunday last as the guest of relatives in West MrHenrv. Mrs. Alma Thomas oi McHenry spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Rainey. W. K. Smith and family were Christ mas guests of Mrs. O. P. South wick of Williams Bay. Starr Brink, wife and little daugh ter of West McHenry spent Christmas Woodstock caller s spending some igo spent Christ- nts. an was a Woodstock aturday. Mrs. Knilan||;vnd Mrs. Purvey were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Harold Mas«D was a business caller in the city the'first of the week. Mrs. A. Hanson and sons, Thomas and Earl, were callers at Huntley Sun day. Mrs. Ray Harrison and daughter, Bernice, were Cary callers the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Senne's parents. Misses Rlsie and Mabel Wille of M»i- FTenry are s]>ending the holidays with Ridgefield relatives. Mrs. K. F. Anderson and children, also Mrs. R. L. Dufield and E. Cad- walleder were Crystal Lake callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Byron Waterman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waterman and o f " M T a n d " s o n to remind you that on <ftir offer to give you $1.00 f<f>r a new Savings Account of $5 or more will be withdrawn. m We pay 3 per cent interest twice a year on these Savings Accounts Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison and daugh ter were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bryant at Crystal Lake Sunday, E. Huffman accompanying them. Carl Grisvald of Woodstock has pur chased the stock of the Economy store and took possession Monday. Mr. Har rison will remain for some time in the store as manager. Mrs. L. Bennett., son, James, and niece, Crystal Conerty, attended the matinee at Woodstock Saturday. She was also a caller at the home of her sister. M rs. L. M. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. i ' . Tack man and daugh ter, Harriet, sj»ent a part of last week with their uncle, A. Jacobs, and fam ily. They went to Rockford before returning to their home in Chicago. VOLO Rav Paddock was a recent Chicago visitor. Mrs. Rose Dunnill spent the past week in Elgin. Mrs. Peters entertained friends from Chicago Thursday. John Walton entertained at a family dinner Christmas day. Mrs. Chas. Parker and children spent Friday in Wauconda. Miss Theo. Worts entertained her cousin from Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croaker spent the past few days at Lee Huson's. Wm. Frost is very sick at his home here. Dr. Martin is attending him. Miss Anna Rossdeutcher of Chicago called on her parents here Thursday 6f last week. Geo. Walton and family have moved onto the Snyder farm, two miles east of Grayslake. Miss Anna Compton of Elgin spent Thursday and Friday of last week at Jas. Kirwan's. Miss Bessie Dunnill and lady friend of Chicago are spending their vacation, at Fred Dunnill's. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Husonand Marion of Elgin spent Christmas day with Lee Huson and family and are visiting friends the rest of t^e week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond enter tained R. C. Hallock of Chicago, Mrs. Lucy Clough and Bessie of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and children of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple and Frances and Miss Ella Moore on Christmas day. OST£NI>. A happy New Year to Jan. 1, 1914. all. Mrs. Jessie Harrison is visiting rela tives in Chicago. Joe McCannon and family spent Christmas at Greenwood. No vacation in the Ostend school this week except, of course, New Year's day. Kb Gaylord and bride are here visit ing with their sister, Mrs. C. E. Jeeks, and family. * Guy Harrison and family ate Christ mas dinner with the former's mother and sister in Woodstock. F. R. Eppel, wife and little son, Glenn, spent Christmas with Mrs. Ep pel 's parents south of Woodstock. Jasper Davis and family and Clifford J. Sherman and family ate Christmas dinner with Myron Francisco and fam ily nearj^auconda. Henry Hobart, wife and daughter, Mrs Nina Sherman and the latter's husband and children, Dorr and Elma, ate Christmas dinner with Warren Francisco and sister. The next meeting of our society will be Thursday, Jan. 8, with Mrs. Eva Eppel. Dinner, then election of of ficers. All members are urgently re quested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas enter tained their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Will Belcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and son, Emil, all of Woodstock, on Christmas day. See ESLER for everything electrical. Expert house wiring, reasonable pricey Telephone No. IW'R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. W&ST McHENRY. ILLINOIS spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents in Woodstock. ' Alec Anderson and family spent Christinas in Wilmot with Mrs. Ander son's father, David Shales. Mrs. Florence Bell went to Rich mond Friday night and remained until Monday night with her sisters. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. Mary Smith's, wirs. Dodge not being able to have it. A young man from the State Univer sity has been here testing C. W. Har rison's Holstein cows for their butter record. Mrs. Martha Bradley entertained the Ladies' club and their husbands Satur day evening. Icecream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow ate Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Ladd's brother, C. W. Barrison, inNunda township. JOHNSRIROH. Mrs. Elizabeth Berthold is spending the holidays with Father Berthold in Johnsburg. Pews were re-rented in St.. John's church last Sunday. Unpaid pews are open to anybody after Jan. 1. The chart at the door will indicate where the empty seats are to be found. Nick Justen's little boy, Walter, of two months was interred Christmas day in St. John's cemetery, which made Christmas a very gloomy day for Mr. Justen and his wife, who have our sincere sympathy. The Richmond poultry show, Dec. 31-Jan. 3, is drawing many from Johns burg. Several of our people have some fancy exhibits in Richmond and many rigs are headed that way this week to see the chicken show. Christmas services were exception ally grand in Johnsburg this year. The crib and the colored tf-ee lights made things prettier than ever before. Altar boys and members of the choir each received a box of candy for their fine performance Christmas morning. Thursday night, Jan. 1. the children will appear on the stage with their Christmas plays. Colored lights on the stc^*« promise to add much to the show and a big crowd is ex- ^-ctod. Uncle Sam and Santa C'laus appear on the stage in splendid dress. Reserved seats, 35 cents. An old proverb says: "A stitch in time saves nine." The creamery cor ner is a bad corner. Several smash lips have been narrowly averted of late and a bad one is apt to occur any time. Some rig stands idle at that point. Milk wagons will do well to keep the main road free while waiting for their- turn and avoid trouble. Edwin Debrecht has returned from Chicago quite recovered from his oper ation. It's quite a disappointment to learn that he intends to leave us and take up an occupation elsewhere. The Young Men's club gave him a good send off in their club rooms last Sun day evening after electing hia. brother. Alfred, secretary, and he promised to look the club up after Easter. Edwin Debrecht has a host of friends. They all wish him "good luck."' KMKRAI.I) PARK. Pat McCabe called on J. J. Flusky one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Sutton and son called on Nancy Frisby Sunday. J. J. Sutton was the guest of Mr. ana Mrs. M. A. Sutton Sunday. Lawrence Huck is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck. Mrs. Henry Felmeten and daughter, Cora, called on Mrs. Henry Berkircher Thursday. M iss Helen Smith 8pent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. John I. Sutton of Montana is spend ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton and son spent Christmas day at Dr. C. H. Feg- ers' in McHenry. Will Sutton of Chicago was a Christ mas day guest in the home of his broth er, M. A. Sutton, and family. Miss Mayme Smith of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. UM1VEKSAUST CHUKCH Regular services next Sunday. Sun day school at 10 a. nj., sermon by Miss Margaret Hess at 11 o^tac^. A cor dial invitation is gjveq everyone to attend both of these services. FREMONT HOY & SON, BANKERS & IT'S THE COMBINATION of the farmer and the miller that makes EARLY RISER Flour so good. The farmer does his part by growing a high grade wheat which we select very carefully; the miller does his by watching with infinite care and skill the various processes necessary before the flour is ready for you. We want you to try this perfect flour. The sooner you do the sooner will your baking troubles be over. Will it be todayV You can depend on the QUALITY of our GOODS and the SER VICE in our STORE %fk~: WEST FLOUR fr A Happy New Year M. M. N. H. McHENRY DRUGGIST -THE MONROE" BUFFET DUGINER a SPA Nil®, Props. 49 South Filtli Ave., Chicago ' Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE G. A. SATTEM DISTRICT MAHAUEK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF HEW' YORK • ' K-fcw WLST M HENRY, ILL. AJUE YOU INTERESTED? Business men are fronted with the nect in several places at the sarn The Long Distance Telephone is the befc proxy in such a situation. It will keep the engagement, secure die answer and save your time. Use the Long Distance Lines Chicago Telepnone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager, Telephone 9903 P H I L I P J A E GENERAL CO/IMISSION MERs SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVXN TO THi SAj Dressed Beef, riutton. Hoes, Vt Hides, Etc., Blatter and Eggsj This is the oldest house on the street. Tsgs \ application. COLD STQRAUE Stall • * a, FaltM St. WtiUwto Maitwt. CI =^1- FOkR RI^NT--The seven roon over the John "VtfWlar shoe store West* Cide. Hard and soft watt quire of Fred Schnorr, West Mc! HI, . 'J