J*'- 7 •i'ISh a»--»___̂ ___ - --•-- - - t.̂ inJtJhrat'.*«̂ KI'$«,.. •.- >»•„..••-». -Nc...--.-- . _̂ . n . . . ... PIiAINDEATvEH, -HTHEHBT; • • - \ \ t , - . V - „ ! ; » < * , t " • < • ; " " , " • ! " * • j ? " • , < " » . • » • - ? ' • > - k S ^ f c i ? ft ni.-"--'-->-^'-'iv -IV' ~ ^ -' !v^ -4^ * ;"fi :'^S Ifc •M K* fe$& >' I ' Hi |fep? f :c^'^ y *v &•:*£ • ll:" & ;V> '•&« 5 "" .3 ;.v*» ; l'<j$ appj'^i * ,: ; «r BE PREPARED &*& vi--M -•'Vi'sf ,-y$-:.̂ 'ie ••• m *wj m begins February 25. lis 81. •• f W &#$ •'-JT'S /<•£>* '•ivvA ,/v ^ |Sf •. '.'/'".'is- .V&'S iffe • .'"'•J-;4' :A4r" * ^ HETHER actuated by religious convictions or, motives of health, it is a wise dispensation that calls for a period of abstinence from meats* In days agone, the Iaenten Season may have been one of ' real deprivation, but »ow a wealth of SEA FOODS is at '- our command in forms so varied and appetizing, that a change of diet is as welcome as it is refreshing, healthful, nourishing and rejuvenating. In economy, too, these abundant foods from pecans, lakes and rivers afford every good reason for encouragement in reducing the cost Of ' good living. To this bountiful choice of Fish Foods mo dern conservative methods have provided Vegetables and Fruits of every luscious kind with their rich, ripe flavors preserved in glass and tin and Cereals in a bewildering variety of tasty preparations that upbuild brain, bond and brawn. With all this abundance to choose from, well may one exelaim, "Abstinence, where is thy vigor, Q Lent, ^bere is tft»y stkig?'? ^ NEIGHBORING NEWS'AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS " M;".̂ 1' ,',."; ̂ UI ' I I •• 5>ri.,W',r •• y yliinjM t M | Don't forget yOur discounts. We allow a cash discount of 5 per cent on every one dollar purchase. Do your shopping at our store and save money. X- ' ̂ m G «•> --Vi+vit M 30HNSBURGH, ILL. 's* li&rs, 9 »'! " -i *•. ,v% <- • ?r HrSi fMm yjki j '*!&!?£*• s $Y-$t £$i. System sM: -W <• j'tfi Vi, '••)$, • :>365:.'m£V 1 *r ;V.V_; . . Long Distance telephone service was provided to meet modem conditions in family life. "V 'MM 1'4 Today there i$ more travel than tliere was some years ago. The members of, many families are seldom together; th$ men travel <fa business, the women an4 children tor recreation or study. As S result of this separation there ji more or less anxie;/ and loneliness. The Long Distance Telephone is the tie th«f Jb^d« the family}together. Use the Long Distance Lines N . \ v Chicago Telepnone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager, 1 Telephone 9908 J. C. DEBRECHT QUALITY SERVICE Phone 625-M-2 :: RIGHT PRICES Johnsburgh, III. i® ,! Xl>; |v»t • r £ i r ! "• './•> vj'v'^-'. Our sale in Winter Goods is &ill in progress. Did you Consider the great saving? Masquelet's . PiC \ - You cau depend upon tjie quality oi our goods and th^ service ifl our ^lore. \V© endeavor to wry a com plete assortment ofvariouf sundries always found in a flrst-clasf drug sftore. ^ ;«EE WPflTBERIA ANTITON fURNlSi- ..-v •. ?4, r, # ' • •{j ; • p r«K flYSKUH, ALL BOOtS DAY M IBCfiT McHENRY, :̂ r •J** & Let Show YQU • - ̂x- l^ow . reduce tfye l^igh post of living. Yon can 4o tl^i§ by bwyiqg yotir Qfoceries an4 Fruits of Hi, We believe ifl quick sales and smaH profits. Will you not give us the opportunity to prove this assertion? r$- 4 r .Ai ..' aitwisnKU& ; ; H. Salter was a Chicago ^amen^er recently. • •. Miss Ett» Irish ^pent/Satorda; at Crystal Lake. ' "• Miss Edna Stepheiwm was ® recent McHenry visitor. > . W. L. Yanke and B. l^rndi were In Woodstock Sunday. M rs. E. P. IIesse!grave was a Dun . ••rv* . "y: '•./ KIKOWOOD C. Ehttrlej was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. George SteVettt of lHffin was to town last Saturday. Deputy U. S. Marshal Donovan of Woodstock was in tbwn Tuesday. William Coates and little Andrew Hawley are among the sick this week. Rev. and Mrs. Baker attended the meeting1 at Mrs. Green's Tuesday aft- ffr dee shopped Monday. Miss Pearl Reed visited higfa school | ernoon. tt CFjfiUS Like rnmjr> • j The Miss Willwd memorial exer- E. E. Knilans was a Crystal Lake cises at Nellie Dodge's *ere well at- Cuilei.* Mouua} afteruooa. J tendcu and a very good program was Mrs. R. L. DuSeld was a Woodstock [ given. shopper Monday afternoon. | Miss Mary Bell and Mrs. Libbie Bell A. P. Peck was down from Madison I spent Wednesday with Mrs. Carrie with bis family over Sunday. I Bell, helping her to pack goods ready Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson werej to move to-Richmond soon. The bible study class jnet at Mt$. William Coates' last Wednesday even ing. The meetings are vejry interest ing. All are cordially invited. Mrs. Luella Stephenson, Miss Mary Bell and Mrs. Libbie Allen attended the meeting of the Social Wheel at Mrs. Cowan's in MclTenry last Satur- Crystal Lafte callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey spent Sun day with her parents at Woodstock. H. N. Cooper, A. Wille and W Senoe were at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V and use n of Crystal Lake visited at R. L. Dufield's Friday. F. W. Hartman and J. Gould were Woodstock passengers Monday morn-1 day. ing. } There were fourteen ladies present Mrs. F. W. Wille sp^nt Friday with M the missionary meeting at Mrs. her daughter, Mri. E. Senne, at Wood- Green's Tuesday afternoon. Miss Char- stock. ' ( ' v : lotte Madden had a good program pre F. W. Hartman and F. Mufliey were I pared. in Chicago on Friday, purchasing Lewis Whiting's sale Tuesday was horses. I well attended. Joe Cristy of Waupaca Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters I came down to help adjust things ready were Sunday visitors in the home of j f°r new tenant, FVed Gibbs, to JF**' -yr v MAKING L .'a£ a Matter of Your Banker Knowing Ybu H. Reed. Mrs. Herman Irish and baby of Har vard were Sunday visitors with re)a tives here. Mrs. Lolo Bennett spent Saturday with her sister, Mrft. L, M. Goddard, at Woodstock. -<' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne ancf son, Marcellus, of Woodstock spent Sunday at Father Wille's. Mi*, and Mrs. H. Ormsby took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ormsby at Crystal Lake Sunday. • Messrs. Wm. and N. EL Whetstone and families left, Monday to make their home at Pitwood, 111. Miss Margaret Green of Woodstock was a visitor in the home of her grand father, R. L. Dufleld, Friday. T. Bonnicksen, E. Vandusen, N. E. Whetstone and L. Nelson were Wood- Stock business callers Saturday. Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin is helping dare for her uncle, R. L. Dufield, who is under the care of Dr. Freeman. Mrs. J. Dufield and daughter. Mrs. Wright, of Woodstock were recent Wallers at the home of R. L. Dufield. move onto the place. W. K. Walker and Charles Olson at tended the . cement show in Chicago Wednesday. They also met Fred Walker, who returned from Colorado that evening. His many friends will be glad to welcome him home again. The Modern Woodmen met last Sat urday night and elected the delegates from this camp to the county camp meeting April 1. Delegates--H. W. Allen, 8. W. Smith, C. H. Thompson. Alternates--L-o Brunswick, S. G. Gld* dings, N. D. Stevens. M rs. Alma Thomas of McHenry and Mrs. Lyon, state lecturer on health and hygiene, were at Mrs. Rainey's Tuesday and attended the home mis sionary meeting at Mrs. Green's in the afternopn. Mrs. Lyon spoke a few minutes to the ladies. Floyd Howe, Bert McCannon, J. V. Buckland, H. W. Allen, A. Lawrence and son, Willie, attended the cement show in Chicago Monday. In the aft ernoon Howe, McCannon and Buckland went dowto to Indiana to the Uniwe^eei Cement company mil is. - ' ^ 5 A common idea is that a bank'g Interest in a client is based solely on what he is worth. This is wrong. ; ' Today, personality is a large fac tor. A bank wants to know what a man is, as well as who he is, before extending credit. Personality, or charadter, is a real asset. That is why this bank invites the young man to come and make himself known. The officers of this bank are al ways accessible. There is no red- tape formality to go, thru to consult with them. V You can confer witli them at will, know them, and get them to know fj/f ̂ W0U' ;. , ^ $• ' 'J A " A. }* *' " '~4 •' iK' >" '<< ' 4 Some day you may want credit ex tended. How much better will your bank be able to serve you if it does know you! '% For credit cannot be seized, bo& rowed nor inherited. It mu& be built by you. A checking account, properly kept* goes far in establishing your credit with your banker. And this credit may be worth much to you some day. This bank offers the be# of ser vice, from the cu&ody of a child's savings account to the largest check ing account. % . . Mattii: tSftres Phone 8 :: West McHenry '/ Vof - ' •> M r. and M rs. Fred Reed, Helen and | OSTEND. Howard Reed, Mrs. E. E. Shepard andl. Frank Kaiser and family enjoyed a Beatrix were seeing The Adventures ] sleigh ride to the county seat Satur of Kathlyn at the Princess Saturday j day, afternoon. I T. A. Abbott was a Hlngwood v!«> Those who are under the doctor's I itor last week, looking after business dare this week and on theliick list are: affairs. R. L. Dutield, A. Jacobs, Mrs. E. Mrs. Richardson returned Monday Smith, W. E. Dike, Mrfc Nash, Mrs. from a several weeks' aftay with hef T. Bonnickson and Gerald and Claude daughter in Chicago. French. j The next meeting of the Ostend so- Miss Ethel Roue of Crystal Lake ciety will be at the west end with Mrs sent in her resignation after one week | Cora Thompson on Thursday, Feb. 26, of McHenry EVEN HONES BUILT OF ROBBER of duties as principal in school, owing to some misunderstanding, Mrs. C. E. Lock wood substituting until» new one is installed. Messrs. Perle Peck and Lee Baker were at Elgjb on business Monday. These young gentlemen expect to start a garage and repair shop, and also have a salesroom for Indian motor* cycles and will locate at Elgin on or about March 1. The Presbyterian church gave a re oeption and banquet in honor of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. McGowan, which was very well attended. Several toasts were given and responded to. Each department of the church work gave* an address of welcome, which Rev. and Mrs. McGowan responded to in a short address of appreciation. Everyone is invited to see South Dakota in motion pictures and colored still pictures in the M. W. A. hall on Friday evening, Feb. 20. It is free. An exhibit car of South Dakota prod ucts, decorated after the style of South D&kota's famous corn palace,twill be at the Northwestern depot during the day and any information will be cheer fully given.'- Mrs. Myra Thomas and children en joyed a short sleigh ride to the home of Mrs. Ellis Jecks one day last week Warren Francisco's eye is slowly improving. It is very weak and he has to wear a bandage over, it most of the time. Wade Sanborn and wife of Spring Grove were seen passing thru here Sunday in spite of wind, snow and bluster. Mrs. Maude Clark spent a day re cently at the old home with her par* ents. These visits will soon have to be made at Ringwood, as her parents move there March 1. , We have been informed that the Cherry Valley school is closed on ac count of mumps among the pupils. George Hutson and two children, Vera and Milo, are victims. R. H. Richardson, wife and little daughter, Sylva, went to Chicago Sat urday to spend the day with Mrs. Richardson's mother, it being her birthday. She has passed the four score mark, but is still quite lively: Joe McCannon will move to Green wood March 1 and commence farming for himself. Ue has lived in F. B. Thompson's tenant house and worked Our business grew last year and will I for Mr. Thompson the past year. Mr. grow more during 1914. The secret of Thompson offers good wages and house this growth is right drugs, right aw | rent free for a good man to fill Mr. McCannon's place. C. E. Jecks received the said news of l the death of his oldest brother, \yill A. Jecks, at his home in Tennessee on Feb. 8, 1914. Mr. Jec\cs ^as here last I September an^ visited ^is brother and other relatives and called on his old schoolmates an<l seemed in reasonable vice and right prices, at Petesch's, HOLCOMBVJLLK. Miss Eva Davoll visited school Thurs day. chas. Harrison was a Chicago caller Tuesday. Mrs. Hunt oi Elgin spent Friday at P, F. Hunt's. Ray Powers was a caller ^n Wood-! health. About a motith after his re stock Monday. [ turn ho/ne hf was taken ill, which re M. Knox of T<ernt Cptta called at j suited as ^bpye stated, Will A- Jecks Jay Doherty's Mo,nday. ' I w^s bom in England came here Mrs. C. Kuiaou and dauffht^crffcd fin early chilcM\o.°d with his parents, at W. B. Gilberts Sunday. ' I He has been twice married. Qe leaves Mrs. L. Gardner and Mrs. I^qy Hot [ a wife and two children by his first bait- weye callers i^e^e Monday. Mrs. David Pqwers and children spent Monday tftemoon at Will Doher- ty's- Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Mrs. Jay Doherty were visitors at P. R Hunt's Tuesday. Miss Marguerite Knox and Ray Powers were vlsltors~at W. E. Whit ing's reoently. * Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters were vislttofs at M&. A. Byrd's Saturday. . \ Misses Gertrude LaSage and Itene Da vol 1 were callers at Will Doherty's Monday evening. Don't have grippe this winter. Keep a package of our Pink Cold tablets on baud and stop all such troubles when they start. .Petesch. f * -r»V marriage and three by the last. JOftNSnUBOIL The jroong men's club has something up for tonight t<o surprise Tony Sohmitt, one of their club. Several bobs are headed for Tony's plaee and a big time is in plain view. John P. Schaefer, John J. Pitzen, Peter M. Schaefer and Henry Williams did much credit to themselves in re sponding to the call for additional coal for the sisters' and priest's house. Fine sort of men. Many thanks. Miss Rosa Mary Althoff was married to Wm. Christ Sattetn with unusual solemnity in St. John's ehurch Wed nesday at 9:30 a. m. The church was thronged with many out of town peo ple. Congratulations. An after wedding celebration took oottkl scarcely .be mors elastic or adaptable to the requirements of increasing families than is wood. Frame houses can be enlarged without injury to their appear ance for after a room or two is added on, a new "door or window out here and there, the whole house can be painted and it's as good as new. And paint is not only a wonderful preserver, but it's the best beautifier known In a day or two you can change he whole appearance of your frame house, whereas the fellow who builds with other materials has to keep the same front for ever. That's an advantage, isn't it? Build of wood and you've all the advantage. Come in and we'll show you lumber that loolcs most good enough to eat. There'* No Place Like Home WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry - 'Phone 5 place Wednesday at the home of John Miller, who was married to Miss Susan Mueller in Stacyville, la., two weeks agp. Everything was in ft merry mood at Miller's place, wising well to the young couple. ' The young ladies had a fine crowd last Sunday night and the weather was not half so bad as it looked. Every one proclaimed it a capital night and enjoyed the dainty revelation lunoh which lady fingers served afterwards. The first oinoh prize was won by Miss Rosie Schmitt, a fine umbrella; second prize, a fine box of candy, Miss Clara Miller; booby prize, Mrs. Jos. Freund.' First euchre prize, Wm. Mayers, box of sausage and sauerkraut; second, Mrs. John Miller, embroidered apron; booby, unknown Fastnachts" dance at St. John's parish hall on Tuesday evening, Feb 24, is a big affair every year. This is not so much a money making affair, but an opportunity for the young peo ple to attend a clean dance in a re spectable plaoe. On aocount of closing at twelve o'cloek, the correct hour for all good dances, and especially because the following day is Ash Wednesday, the danoe will start at eight o'clock. The Air Dome orchestra will furnish popular music on this occasion. Ad mission, 25 cents a person. The sch,opJ trustees held an. impor tant meeting last Monday night, in which the play room question for the ohildren was discussed. In order to clear away all doubts the trustees went to Father Berthold and got the prom ise that no bowling alley would go in to the school basement. With this promise the trustees found the road clear and decided to give the children as much of the basement as they could without touching the school treasury. A call will be made fot a lift from the farmers about March 15 for sand and for excavation. At that tita* the trustees believe they will be better rigged up for the wocrk than now. They want the jqh to* go thru then without a hitch v especially the. tail end of it--the cement ftoor, for which they propose ta awing by a dance or spme entertainment. ~ • --- I I mwm ' < FOR SALE--Alfalfa seed N"o. 1, Da kota and Montana, non-irrigate<& Best for this locality. Call or wri|e for prices and samples. ISsft" ftill Seed Farms, Dundee,. 114 34-3£ It We Have It, It's Right If It's Right, We Have It Fir^t /T\UR CHIEF AIM is to satisfy customers. Our &ock is an unusual one--unusual for its high quality and wide variety. High-grade drugs and medicines repre sent the principal line Ifandled, but we have all the differ ent sundries that are in demand. You will do well to come here first when you want drug store goods o^ any kind. You will be sure to find .what you want and the price will be reasonable, v Our specialty is prescription work. We provide tfep most expert service and employ a system that insures ' accuracy in every instance. Let' us be your druggtt.' . SMI* Mid* Wm . V-\V iM -1 riM* - S ' U- m N.H. PETESCH DRUGGIST McHENRY zr >v PARISH HALL; JOHNSBUGH, :yMusic by tip;v; Air Dome Orchestra ^f McHenry • ft.-V •w--sT1 Everybody Welcome Admission, • • " •• 25c a person "'V<v»5:0 • It" SI t M P H I L I P J A E G E R OBNERAL COnMISSlON MERCHANT SPBCUX. ATTBNTIOR OITM TO T«* SUB <£ . ] / Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hojs, Vtal, PMltry Hides, Etc., Butter cod E|gs This is the oldest hooae on the stresi. Ta^s and frios lists apnlication. GOLD «TORAQ£ FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS stall i a a, p«ito« WbotMafa Marftat. Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local hippeniagiK'l^#,^ i'-fe ' > x 5 i .x t-i.. ,.s.% . xhk , 4