'gmm MTBraimr PLAimmAt/SR, ^..iKV'- !• - ';:.-V..3. Brown, Blue and Gray £$f I•#;' BLUE AND FANCY SERGE, FANCY BROWN AND GRAY Fin© Suits ' N -«• ; Line of fancy Mackinaw Norfolk Coats Jos. W. Freund ONLY A FEW MORE WEEKS TILL t.EASTER.. Older your new Suit or Overcoat now. We can have fUnstfe and deliver any time. Our new International Tailoring Sample outfit for spring is ready for your in spection. The goods are the nicest we have ever shown. Prices on many fabrics are much lower than former seasons on account of the new tariff. Call and leek them over soon. Correct fit guaranteed. Our sample line of The Ideal Ladies* Tailoring con-^ tains all the new and popular shades and weaves in Imported and Domestic Woolens and Silks. We invite the ladies to call and look them over. Have your Coat, Suit or Skirt made to your measure in any &yle. It costs no more and wears and looks better. Do not de hor ordering. It requires about two weeks to make the garment. Our Spring Dress Goods line is now nearly complete. We are showing a fine line of plain and fancy color Silks in dainty colors in Messaline, Eolienne, Poplin, Ratine, Tub Silks and Voiles. M. J. WALSH, Phone 63-R Goods Delivered & • '•>••• w iffit © Wi!' ,-SMv- :kf 'X> V fifc OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK i A carpenter, by the name of C. Law, Made up his mind to have a new saw. So he came to HARDWARE OurStore Where claims he saw snore Good saws than he ever saw. see YOU'LL FIND HERE Not ooly the be& makes of . saws but good tools of every description. While thoroughly reli able as to quality, we offer them at prices but JMe ine*ce»of inferior grades. Buy your tools here. VYCITAL Chicago 6c North-Western. Leave pklcego. T JO am. 8.46 a m.. 14.15 p tii 12.45 p in MO pro. B.tBpa>. i«|B. KStctin Nor. 16.1912. mi DAT mm. •OBTHBODHD Arrive McHenry -.Via Elgin .10.11 a m Plalues a U1 via VU 1 7.10 a.: ;tss: m, •"? ...Via Des t.Vla Elgin .ja.32 p ru Des Plalues..,...„a.H2 I) HI Des Fiaines .„...„4.Ds p m ...... Via Elgin..........jfl.fcl pm ..Via Dea Pf&lDeu,......„.4.2t p m •OHDAY TBAINB. an i...Vla Elgin ... JO. 10 a m i ...Via Des Plalnes „J0.10 a m in -- .ViaElgin 5.00 pm WMfIL DAT TKAIMII |kHenry. •OCTHbousd ctfcago I-K*® Des Plalnes ,9.18 a w 7.10 a m ... Via Elgin 10.10a in jVla Des Plaints <,#.*0 a m •eepni .Tla Des Plainer.... '.8.50 pm •UMDAT TBAINB< U9a m... Via Dt>» PUiuei, ..9.35 a m 740a m Via Elgin J0.10 a in IfSPJon... via Des Plalnes ..0.30 p w ®#®P Via Elgin 7.25 p ru M Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL ^ •; •; Insurance agent for all classes of ' property in the best companies. JbVPv '#MT McHENRY, ILLINOIS $ > A r 'I lu Ml M* G. A. SATTEM MSTKiCT AAJtAOER KWML LIFE nsnuMcc co. IPNEWYWK Ifc-fcS WEST NHQRY.IU. _ ABIS YOO INTERESTED? """ THE ENTIRE FAMILY including the dog, will rejoice and grow fat on bread made with EARLY RISER Flour. There is no other article of food that you eat so much of as you do bread. It is very essential that it be good bread. This is assured when it is made with Early Riser flour. It is equally as good for pie and cake. Order it today. :: WEST FTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS '•;?* • ;v. Bette Biscui Baked Yoa never tasted daintier, lighter, fluffier biscuits than those baked with Calumet. They're always good --delicious. For Calumet in sures perfect baking. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Puro Food Expotitioa, CbiuM Illinois. Pasta EzpodtiM, Fnbm, Monki MIX ffi I wZm w. S! Tsa doo't HTt mk; when you tmj ckt|i ui big-caa frr'irt v*w4*r. Daa'l be milled. Bay Calonet. It'* ical--Bora wholeiom*--give* best result* niiTt U l»r iap«rior te tour milk and ttxla SOIL IffPROVENENT ASSOCIATION TO HOLD ITS FIRST ANNUAL MEETING AT WOODSTOCK NAKCH 27 The annual meeting of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association will be held at Woodstock March 27. At this meeting' there will be held the annual election of all officers--presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer; the election of the directors, one from each township, and to hear the reports of committees and ;tny other business that may properly come before the association. This meeting will be called promptly at 10:00 a. m. In addition to the above business meet ing, there will be addresses by Hon. B. F. Harris of Champaign, banker-farm er, and Prof. W. G. Eckhardt, consult ing agriculturist of DeKalb county. Prof. Eckhardt is a soil expert and has a message for every one. These two men have national reputations and we were especially fortunate in securing them. This is a farmers' meeting and will represent their interests. We are at the close of the first year's work of the association. The execu tive committee has thought best to call not only a business meeting but also an educational one. As has been said, excellent papers have been se cured to interest and interpret the de lation of our organization to the suc cessful agricultural interests of the county. There should be in attend ance not less than 500 farmers from the ranks and files of the tillers of the soil. They should be there to participate in the election, to feed on the educational and inspirational talks and to aid in the determining of the future policy of the association. The following are the directors from the various townships whose terms have expired: P. C. Wells, Chemung; R. M. Patrick, Marengo; E. L. Kings- ley, Alden: J. E. Williams, Coral; M. J. Wright, Greenwood; Charles Con- ley, Grafton; George Richardson, Bur ton; Walter Walsh, Nunda; George A Gay, Dunham. L. E. Mackey, Riley; Emil Beilke, Seneca; J. H. Turner, Hebron; Fremont Hoy, Dorr; C. L. Osbora, Richmond; S. H. Freund, Mc- Henry; Henry Leesburg, Algonquin; William White, Hartland. FROM OREGON Waft. Baton is in receipt of a fatter written by A. G. Bishop of Eagle Point, Ore., in which he states that spring is well advanced in that country. Peach es, apricots and almonds are all in bloom, while pears are nearly out. He alao adds that alfalfa is growing fast. Complexion protection against March winds--our Benzo cream. 25c. Ptfeseh. Read The Plaindealer. TO IE HELD AT WOODSTOCK FRIDAY, : wtftlAKCB Ui.mir# -'•W" BUSINESS MEN. BANKERS. FARMERS AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS PREPARING FOR BIG EVENT / i Representatives from all lb* later- | !psts of the county will gather at Wood stock, Friday, March 27, with the view of re-organizing the old federation and placing it on a firm foundation for serv ing all the interests of the county. Letters are being sent out to t.he heads of the various associations in the county with requests that the member ship of each and every association be pntifift/1 nl >Kio rnaafmfy oni) ^ attend., _ The plan lias grown out ofaia ex pressed wish on the part of the bank ers and farmers that an association of this kind is absolutely necessary if the best interests of the county are to be perpetuated. In the various towns in our county there are organizations of the business men and thru this federation repre sentatives of each will be able to come together that will result in mutual benefit to all; in the same mannev there aire county organizations of our attorneys, editors, bankers, farmers, milk producers, business men, women's clubs, doctors and church associations that have their annual meetings, bat during the past few years there have been no means by which rep^senta- tives of each of these organizations could come together to unite all inter, ests that pertain to the general wel fare and policy of all. Each of these organizations are in terested In legislation, and in order that there may be a common view point and a better understanding of each of these various interests,, it is highly desirable that a permanent fed- oration of this sort be organized. Letters have been sent to the follow ing people who are representatives of their respective associations: M. F. Walsh of Harvard, president of the Press association. Charles B. Wright of Crystal Lake, president of tbo Bankers' association. Mrs. D. T. Smiley of Woodstock, president of the women's club. M. J. Wright of the farmers' insti tute. F. A. Daniels, president of the Wood- •stock Business Men's association. Ben Throop, president of McHenry County Agricultural society. . Rev. Wra, Kilburn, representative of the pastors of the county. L. D. Lowell, representative* of the Bar association. Dr. Hyde West, representative at the Medical association. W. A. Goodwin, secretary and" repre sentative of the Milk Producers' asso ciation. A. M. Shelton, county superintend* ent of schools. \ Any other organization of the coun ty desirous of affiliating with the fed eration will be gladly recognized. In order to facilitate business, a com mittee having the matter in hand have niade some necessary pre-arrange ments, such as the appointment of the committee on resolutions and thb com mittee on organization. The committee on resolutions will consist of the following persons: M. F. Walsh of Harvard, chairman; C. B. Wright, A. M. Shelton, L. D. Lowell, Fremont Hoy, Mrs. D. T. Smiley. The committee on organization will consist of: Charles B. Wright of Crys tal Lake, chairman; Fremont Hoy, Afc F. Walsh, Mrs. F. L. Hatch, Rev. Wm. Kilburn, B.^V. Thomas, M. J. Wright, H. E. Whipple, Attorney Marshall of Harvard, Dr. Hyde West and G. W. Conn. The committee on nominations, until the organization is perfected, will con sist of the presidents oT the various associations participating in the meet- ing. *• The program will undoubtedly be one of the most comprehensive and helpful that has ever been presented to an audience in this oounty. The committee is already in touch with such men as B. F. Harris of Cham paign, ex-president of the Illinois State Bankers' association; Prof. Hieryin- mous, community advisor of the Uni versity of Illinois; W. G. Eckhardt, soil expert of DeKalb county. A liberal amount of time is being allotted on program for the general discussion of subjects of immediate im- l>ortance to the people of this county. Discussions will be grouped under three heads. First, the alms, purposes anfr meth ods of the Soil Improvement associa tion, which subject will be introduced by our soil expert, Delos James, in a seven minute talk and. will be followed by a general discussion from the floor Second, the plaee and purpose of a county federation. This important theme will be treated by Banker C. B Wright in a ten minute talk and will be followed by a general discussion. Third, the report of committee on resolutions, in which instances, the resolutions will be adopted item by item, allowing five minutes' time for the discussion of each resolution. M F. Walsh, the chairman of the com mittee on resolutions, Will preside and will lead in the discussion of the reso lutions. The items contained in the resolutions will be classified under four heads: A--Legislative, B--Education al, C--Economic, D--Social. It is the firm purpose of the people promoting this movement to make this organization a practical working body. Theory will have small place unless supported by facts, and in time it is hoj>ed to make this body a type of what will soon become general thru- out the country. A timely suggestion has been made, that each organization f Voiles Grenadines i Ginghams ; Percales / Curtains Scrims. and Swisses ite' 36* ' 4'V.' II ;f;T KUsC:: . - <5 Look over our &ock and compare our prices before you buy McHenry _ - Phone 79-J fofthe time of joy and happi ness. Add to the happiness of your friends by giving them pictures of yourself, We'll make, the pidhire for you if you say so. At McHeniy on Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday. On other days at Crystal Lake. SCHlf ABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO McHENRY. ILL. >< i: 'PHONE 61-R DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office ill Schumacher Building Centerville McHenry, :-:JTlllinois Telephone No. 18 participating in this meeting, and be coming a component part of the gen eral federation, shall in the coming year conduct a survey in its own field. Arrangements are already being made for a banquet at the noon hour and provisions will be made for two hundred plates at fifty cents per plate. There will also be a program in the form of toasts during the banquet hour. • The various associations will hold their separate meetings during the forenoon hours, coming together for the first time at the noon hour for the banquet and for the program to follow in the afternoon. Abundant prepara tions are being made for musical en tertainment thruout the day. Every representative of these organizations is requested to send in a list of persons desiring places at the banquet table toSupt. A. M. Shelton, who will see that places are reserved. It will also be expected of each representative that he or she will notify the general membership sufficiently to secure a good delegation from each. 'i ,'V-. Spring opening of the Lotus tliilli- nery parlors on Saturday, March 28. sawoL not© - rrem pEirr̂ miNc to our grnxdrmtML INSTITUTION How about that gymV Miss Adah Carey of £lyin wa? a vis itor in room 3 Tuesday. / Venette Deady and Genevieve Kacx visited school Thursday. The second year Latin class crossed "Caesar's Bridge" Monday. Current events were discussed by Mary Bonslett, Clara Frisby and Vera Turner. The McHenry high school basket ball team will play Woodstock higl school Saturday evening at the village hall. Easter bonnets at the Lotus milli nery, West McHenry, t... NOTICE The owner of a dog which was lost In town Tuesday may have same by in quiring at Niesen*s grocery and paying for this notice. Palm Sundajr hato at Lotus mil linery parlors.' Wall Our hew papers jtor the coming seraoit ure now on di£- play. A full line of t*ea.$ ^ *ny room in the house. " " ' :• - •' \ •• Wo also haye a' jttumber . pf odd lo|« to .close opt at prices that arc rigt^ y Take ^vantage of, this chaaee by buy-"" _ ,' •- ^'<1 V.4-'.> •% Ginghams, Percales, Calicoes and Spring and Summer Dress Materials are now ready for ydtir inspection. The assortment we are showing this year surpasses that of any previous year. Buy^,||^j| |^nd to large^l assortment to choose from." ^ : , - * Odd : Lot^-^fillii ' F Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. * * . An Owl . Foot was nev er known. Making wise provision for themselves and families is an instinct with birds and beasts. Man's reason is depend ed on to take its place. The wise man will not risk his future by spend ing his all, but will lay aside enough to make provision for his. old age in a se cure savings bank like the West McHenry State Bank. -SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER TEAR.... EBfWIN L. WAGNER," PCM. •OFFICERS: DR. C. H. FECERS. : * » Vice Pr*i. CARL W. STENGER. CmIIIW. MNON STOFFEL, ' . ViwPHa West John McHenry K 5?-^ % •' & / • and Linoleunft 11 w?- is the season (ff the year when Car» pets, Rugs and Iyinolenma ate in detnancj^ We are showing a line #f these goods thati will majte you sit up and take notice. Th|i pleasures s^nd comforts of your home ca4 never be complete without suitable covering^: for your flqor^ apd then, too, think of aft the work that may be avoided by jour floors covered with Linoleum* M- • • mM ,r-: ' 'Jfl' *W-'. • t m' JACOB JUSTEN J - V*. i 'v-