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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1914, p. 3

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j -- _ -- • • , ~ , , • - • . • • , -- _ ' • • • • r • ' • • • . ~ s^ <iH - ®~& r.?^. 4'?'.: v^*.* • • .&><• r pit- I? i:•""••' r I *•f- . . WiH &••- " S(?- , ' IS.. •••;•: w. :.. ..»• &v£-" FCTFV. • V S$£V A y>! •'>m- .V» , ' e»i.-.- v >'.« SShf.r .A'. L?' • ?si* 'i>*» • -r5*. LCOHOL--3 PER CENT reparation for As i m«g ft* Stomal and Ikwels of INFAN IS ( H1L1JKI.N Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful­ ness and Re st Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC , &Kipt *f Old Ik-SAMVEijWfeAiS^jj AayJk'it if«V - jttxSfnm JMMrj i JWk - JmiwSnd • AmmiW - MI» Km - Oiwrflrfil'iyff Wnlktyrrt* filnvtr. Aperfcct Reropdy forClMi'sflpft- lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish' ness and LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile Signature of - C£*tfhi&b̂ 0$ r TWE CENTAUR COMPAW NEW YORK. gpr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bootes the I >&-.y J-* Up- A t t> mouths old ^ Dosii» J^CtMb Guaranteed under the Food a j Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use FoFOve Thirty Years CUSTOM TW« OaWTAUK OOMtANVj N|« YORK WTY. m HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know what you sell or buy through the aales haa about one chance In fifty to escape SALE STABLE) DISTEMPER. "SPOHN'S" Is your true protection, your only safeguard, for as Bure as you treat all your horses with It, you will soon be rid of the disease. It acts as a sure preventive no mat­ ter how they are "exposed." 60 cents and 91 a bottle; K and $10 dozen bottles, at all Rood drugfflits, horse foods houses, or delivered by the manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists and BaoUrlologltf , QOSHEN, IND., U.S.A. SUGGESTIONS REGARDING HOG CHOLERA Excellent Specimen of Healthy Hog. fV:\? !* v.]. ^ §};x 'V- 135 BUSHELS PER ACREI msthtybldsf WHEAT 50 on many farms In Western Canada in 1913, some yields being reported as high M BO hah nU pwacre. As high as 100 bushels were recorded in some districts for bu»b«U for barter from 10 to 20 bus. lor flax. J. Keys arrived in the country 5 years ago from Denmark with very little means. He homesteaded, worked hard. <» now the owner of 320 acres of land, in 1913 had a crop of 200 acres, which will realize him about $4,000. His vrlreat weighed 68 lbs. to the builnl and averaged over 3 6 bush. Is 1 to th. acre. Thousands of similar In. ' stances might be related of the I ' homesteaders in Manitoba, Sas- | lcatchewan and Alberta. The crop of 1913 was an abun-' dant one everywhere in Western ] Canada. Ask for descriptive literature and •educed railway rates. Apply to Superintendent of Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or t l SW..HI.J. IT BM; f*T S. V. McImm, i 78 Mhtm QatiaM. Canadian Goverameat Agsnt Unssasonsbls. - -Sonny--Pa, what I* mean tanxperar tvn? *. Pa--Zero weather in May. v • . JUDGE CURED. HEART TROU Judge Miller, well and hearty H-yyfer^ M ' ':i *£holerine m &-$Q? ? , ' vV ^ StmYowCUdMH. We wHI Yewr Me--y Prsftly if » Fafls. J» rmn *7 A Mlsr Bank Per Me GWMMI.CS. IM-25, It Lsek, FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If you (c«l 'OOT of SOFTTA' aacH Dowr *eo> (HA BLUBS' scrraa from KIDKST, SLABBBX, VBBVOVB DUBASBS, • caaoMio wxAKMKss, DLcm, un nntion, hlkb, writ* (or FRIK oun BODBS MBOICAI. BOOK OH . these disease* and wOHUBmnjt, ccass effected br -k: H; THt WKW FWgWCH WKMEDY No.1No 2Nq.3 TWrRAPIONl the remedy for TooaovmaUment. Abi and decide for U'onnelf if it Is Btely FREE. v- ,.j, ' No'follow ap'circular*. Mo obligations. DB. LKCIMO -'vi Mao. Co., BATBasTOoK Rs.. UAMFSTKAD, LONDON. Esa. ."I, V *1 wjjir TO raova TBUATIOH WILL CURB TOO. LANDGL FIEE ~P " ^ % :-f> - H&MBM ma a letter soerkiaa it ttail La ndtiify mini all • AJdrmt: LLOYO HlTgHlMMKi IMiuisn Land C*« 17 Hell Ave^ « , w $3.00 A DAY and Over Paid Men and Womea (o>er 21 years of age) for distributing advertising St '%it1 •' matter in their districts. If TOU hare nad any kina • of selling experience we can make you AB1GGHR OITKEB. w rite Immediately for tel . itory. Address Boom 1650. Great Northern Building, Chicago, 111. ; ? Readers of this paper desiring to buy anything advertised in its col- ^ Umns should insist upon having what they ' ask tor,refusing all sub^litutesor imitations CHICKEN PLACE--10 acres, fumlah 2i hens, to- cpbator, 28 fruit trees, near Irondale, Mo. Sellout B38: cash $12: -weekly U.tO. •OTIAS, 706OUTO. 8C Uels RIGHT COUNTRY rightpricesTrlabt wrms^Wrlte 8sf«l>lc Cnmit ttmlopmmt LMTH. allMf-- 1 H°WTO GET A FARM FREE IN CALIFORNIA Sana n»r IHpagehooIr containingrM maps oxclaslre \:\V' k' MBclsl ltuorwatlon--never published No locator -!• V" * £S®lrr2 20 million acres open. Mall 11 now. -1^ •WUSlasDKasflGiaa, tss-sl Black Aac^M.Cak SVEBTBODT suffering, piles, flstala, flssares. Uloera- I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid* ney Pills for Heart Trouble from which I had suffered for 5 years. I had dizzy spells, my eyes puffed, my - breath was short and I had chills and back­ ache. I took the pills about a year ago and have'had no return of the palpitations. Am- now 63 years old, able to do lots of manual labor, am and weigh about 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Dodds Kidney Pills and yon may publish this letter if you wish. 1 am serving my third term as Probate Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judge Miller about this wonderful remedy. Oodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box a1 your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re cipes for dainty dlsheB. All 3 sent free, Aiv. - •' T : - - -- • Comparison* "My boy has fc swelled head from overpraise." "So has mino from the mumps." RASH ITCHEDjIND BURNED 404) Sooth Hermitage Ave.. Chicago, 111.--"I was attacked with a breaking out on the inside of my arms. It was a small rash or pimples and it Itched and burned, especially at night, so that before I knew it I had made my­ self Bore. I had to wear the finest kind of cotton underwear, no woolen at all, because the least thing irritat* ed it and made it much worse. The rash itched and smarted untU at times I got no sleep at all. "I had this trouble and took treat­ ments for about one year, but they only gave me relief while taking them. Then I began using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and I got relief right away. In three months I was & well man ^gain."' (Signed) H. W. Foley, Nov. 6, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post­ card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."--Adv. How a man dews hate to make love to a woman Who wea-8 spectacles all the time. SPRING SUGGESTION. Take two or three Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills upon retiring a few times and you will say that they're the best Spring Medicine you've ever tried. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl street, New York.--Adv. ^ But many a slip occurs soon after the cup has been to the lip. •V; P^^VITAL Disease germs are on every hand. FORCE' They are in the very air , 4l.; IK; 1 -vyfe'-; V:4*; we breathe. _ A system Van cteWn" is a prey for them. One must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends on digestion--on whether or not food nourishes--on the quality of blood conning through the body. ML HEBCE7& Golden Medical Discovery Gfo« food digestion. Enlivens the Again full health and strength • Mfcrt to pump ttke «n engina power. Stzmni •to -- .. * --. return. the weak stomach, liver. Feeds the starved i «»*« & Year in and year oat for over forty remedy has been sp ability to make the "being yoor old eelf again." GlvatMa --•Now. You will soon reel "like newi Pruggists or trial box for GOcbymaiL c'. Dfc. , N JS' S? WWBK strong, uon't despair or Glv* ventalile mnedy a trial--Today eel 'nikeuewag^n. "HSold In liqnidor tablet form bv or GOcbymaiL WriteDr. R.v7pi«roe,B«ffalo,N.Y. (Prepared ty the tnUted States Depart­ ment of Agriculture.) R«ep posted concerning the condi­ tion and health of hogs on your neigh­ bors' farms, advises the department. et agriculture. Sick hogs on neighbor­ ing farms are a positive menace, for the germs of hog cholera are easily oarried on the feet of men or animals, look over your herd regularly in or­ der that any sick hogs may be prompt- ly discovered. If any hogs in the herd are found to be "off feed" or appear in anywise sick, separate them immediately from the remainder of the herd, and keep them and the main herd under close observation daily. If there is a ten­ dency for the disease to spread in the hard the trouble is probably hog chol­ era. This diagnosis may be confirmed by killing one of the sick animals and examining the organs in the manner described in Fanners' Bulletin, 379 of the department. When the first symptoms of sick­ ness are observed an immediate change of feed sometimes corrects the trouble. This is particularly true /of swill fed hogs. If there is any tendency for the disease to spread in the herd do not temporise, but imme­ diately treat the herd with serum from the state college or state live stook sanitary board. Prompt administra­ tion of the serum Is essential to suc­ cess. Remember that hog cholera kills millions of hogs where other diseases kill thousands. Dismiss from your 'mind all thought of such diseases as "lung pUgue," "infectious pneumonia," "pig typhoid," for these are generally merely fanciful designations given to hog cholera by uninformed men. An All-Metal Poultry Cooling Rack. It is essential that the animal heat be removed from poultry as soon as possible after killing. The all-metal the winter months than later when they have left their winter quarters. The burning of dry grass, leaves and rubbish along the margin of woods and fields is the best method of destroying the pest during winter weather. The chinch bug is distributed gen­ erally throughout the United States except In the extreme West, and has caused particular damage io the staple grains throughout the Middle west. The greatest losses from the insect have been in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Missouri, Iowa, Wis* consin, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. The bug when full grown is about one-fifth of an inch in length. It is black with numerous hairs. Pasturing sometimes aids in the destruction of the bug. This is particularly effective to the north­ ward in the Middle west, when the grass is green and matted or occurs along hedge rows and rail fences so that it cannot be burned. Leaving th% ground bare of vegetation permits the bugs to be exposed to the winter weather, which kills them. It is often possible to clear out hedge rows and along rail fences, piling the refuie to one side where it can be buried later. It is most advisable to get rid of the bugs before they enter the young wheat in the early spring. Once they have reached the wheat they are not readily accessible. Most of them spend the winter in the thick banches of clump forming grasses in waste places, pastures and meadows, along roadsides and railroad rights'of way. Vitality of Seed. As a result of careful tests made by t"he department of agriculture of over 3,000 carefully selected ears of what was considered good standard seed corn, more than half of the ears were found to be of low vitality and unfit for seed. By testing individual 4 Angle-lren Poultry-Cooling Rack-- Each Rack of This Six® Holds 180 Chickens Rabbits or Ducks, or 48 Turkeys. portable raclt for cooling and grading of poultry, rabbits, game, etc., facili­ tates cooling ssd permits r&piu and accurate grading, according to the de­ partment of agriculture. The dimen­ sion of a practical and durable iron poultry rack are: Height over all, 68 inches. Width, over all, 38 inch#. Width of base, 38 inches. Length of base, 61 inchea. Width of top of frame, 33 inches. Height of top of frame, 68 inches- End supports, four inches apart at base. • • - -- Bend In and supports. II inches flrom floor. , First. cross ba& if inches £ran floor., .,7.. . Cross bars, eight indies apart. Two bottom cross bars, nine Inches apart. End cross brace. If inches long; 5T Inches from floor. . Center brace rods, 76 Inches long. Top of base, eight inches from floor. Corner brace plates, ten Inches on square edge. End brace plate, t«a |nchea wide, aine inches high. Casters, six Inches in diameter, IK- inch face, extra strong caster socket. Base frame two inches by one-quar­ ter-inch angle iron. Great Damage Caused by the Chinch Bug. The department of agriculture states that chinch bugs in 60 years hstve probably caused a loss of $350,000,000 to the American farmers. The bugB are more effectively destroyed during ears and rejecting those of low vital ity, an average gain in yield of nearly 1$ per cent could be secured as s re­ sult of the better stand and better productiveness of strong plants. This is a very attractive statement. Figure out the coBt of these germina­ tion tests and then figure your last year's' corn average and yield and strike a balance; with a 60-bushel yield per acre and with corn at, say, 60 cents a bushel, the Increased profit per acre would amount to $5.04. ^ Spraylne Fruit Trees. It is not necessarv to apply arsen­ ate of lead, paris green or other ar­ senical poison to fruit trees, except when the trees are in leaf. These materials are poisons, used to destroy insects which eat the foliage and fruit. Because of this, these poisons do no good at times when th? leatea are ofll the trees. Sour Milk Substitute for Meat Rations for chickens should include a small portion of meat, but, as a rule, it Is quite expensive. Commer­ cially it Is sold in such forms as beef scrap, animal meal, blood meal, and fish scrap. Sour sklmmilk as s sub­ stitute for meat has given splendid results. If Sealed in a Bottle it couldn't be more Dust Proof, Dirt Proof, Impurity Proof! \ The mumi SEAL OF PURITY keeps out dampness--water--even the air. Evefy* thing undesirable is kept completely away from the fresh pure beneficial dainty inside. So give constant and delicious aid to your teeth, digestion, breath and appetite with the gum with the "Seal of Purity." -i§ 'm- *fjv? •'<#* ' $4,; 5 .»* "-9^' ? . * i - 4 M - r l f i "TrytfO* BUY IT BY THE BOX for 85 cents at most dealers. Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages. They stay fresh until used. Chew it after5'evenpmeal ic.ii-* Be SURE it's clean, pure. healthful WRIGLEY'S. ^ Xook for the spear. Ancient Stage to Bs Used. A more than usually interesting dra­ matic revival 1B announced for April H, when the "Agamemnon" of Aes­ chylus will be performed in the an­ cient Greek theater of Syracuse. Nearly 24 centuries have passed since Hiero I embellished his city with the theater which tradition attributes to the architect Democopor Myrilla. Aeschylus must have taken refuge in the court of Hiero very soon after its completion, and it may be conjec­ tured that the great trilogy, which be­ gan with the "Agamemnon," was often performed on its stage; it Is known that the "Persae" was per­ formed there and a work written for Hiero by Aeschylus, entitled the "Et- neae," of which no trace remains.-- New York Sun. ° L : ~ * ' v ' ~ r . . . < ' ̂ ^ \ Economical Cow. A cheap cow is not always the most economical. The value of a dairy cow should be based upon her capacity to produce, and not upon the appearance of the animal ittelft , : • . r ••• : n'-'V •;'t ."J,?.};* , One's Ancestors. How many male and female ances­ tors were required to bring you into the world? First, it was necessary that you should have a father and mother. That makes two human be­ ings. Each of them must have had a father and mother. That makes four human beings. Again, each of them must have had a father and mother, making eight more human beings. So on we go back to the time of Jesus Christ, 56 generations. The calcula­ tion thus resulting shows that 139,- 235,017,489,534,976 births must have taken place to bring you into this world--you who read these lines! All this since the birth of Chtlst--not since the beginning of time. M»lr«*g Farm Kitchens. Comfortable To cook overastifling,exhaust­ ing hot coal range during the summer is misery that no woman need endure. The NEW PER­ FECTION Wick Blue Flame cook stove does the work of any stove ever made, epin caer your kitchens comfortable and cool Burns clean, convenient, eco­ nomical oil, no dirt, work or trouble. Soon saves its cost in fuel bills. Operated exactly like gas without the expense, none of the dangers of gasoline. Makm* thm H*emp 5ornmcr Cooking Easy,' The NEW P E R FBCTIOM Wick Blue Flame cook stove has a fine cabinet top with warming shelves, and a portable oven that does the best baking and roast­ ing you ever tasted. Special pat­ ents broiler broils OS both sides mi one*, increasing tendernsss and flavor. Let your dealer show you the different alsas two, three and foor burner. Ask especially to see the NEW PERFECTION Range with THERMOS oven, which gives voa a splendid range and a tireless cooker combined. VmlmmhU OwA *oo&. S This sam Is simply to cover mailing. TZpasea ot ihe latest recipes and ways ot serving.. Address U®2f Tha StaM 03 Csapssy, Oka«* ti (A> mUASA oouoaATXM) Canal Comment. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tov* kins, "they are having a great deal 6t agitation abput the big canal, aren't they?" "Yes." "Don't you know, I sometimes think it might have been better if we had been content with the old-fashioned canals where sll the talking was done by the wan who was driving .the mule!" ^ • ii. .in it ?a.,\ Not Much. Bessr-Dp you think nook ot Hra­ mie? Teas--No, only about twenty-four hours a day.--Judge. All Shade* "Will yon give me a lock 0t your hata-r "Certainly. 'What color do you pre­ fer, green, purple or cerise?** It is easy to distinguish cut glass from the Other kind; the other l^nd Is found on bargain counters." * * • Putnam Fadeless Dyes itit the brightest and fastest. Adv. Some women believe that husband less marriages would be far. more sat­ isfactory. i'K-"ii•;.VeC.X •»' Y«•.*£*.' " Keeps Kitchen Cssl and Fusi Bills Low -v k, $ • • ii.tifflt;. JSC •, M Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liveris right the stomach and bowels are ngfat. CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS gentlybutfirmly cor pel a lazy liver to do its duty. i Cures Con­ stipation, In­ digestion, Sick Headache, Distress After Estaf. •MAM. PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL FRK3L Genuine must bear Signaftp* CARTERS ITTLC SPECIAL TO WOMEN •••A&s Hie most economical, cleansing aa4 . germicidal of all antiseptics i* ̂ A sokble Antiseptic Vwt im *s be dissolved in water as ntsdbdL As a medicinal antiseptic for dMdus In' treating catarrh. Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills lthaa aae^oaL For ten years the Lydia & Ptnkham Medicine Co. has reooanmondad Pasting in their private corrcapoaidsmes with women, which proves its saperkurity. Women who have beee enred asjr it is "worth its weight In gohL" it druggist#. 50c. box, ui by uiatL The Paxton ToUsi Os ̂ Bsstn ̂Mass* a: PARKER'S HAIR BALSA A tolls* pr*para« PSSRKMSSSTEE sftss; Pea i ib CHICAQO, NO. tS-ISH.

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