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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1914, p. 8

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Spring Clothing maW- » >i: f \ * '^.i/V *, » •>% •• V'»*j",,u, * M i, i,>t VsJ^*" *Pt *c- *&. . t»^Ri(rf',l!v WET OR DRY '-•"?< •« nnKKC rN >$*V. % <*':?" <& '>"«5j In all styles and fabrics fot * -j . ., •.•'•-• _• Mem and Boys ^sassr: Also new style Shoes, Hats, Shirts GENTS' FURNISHINGS Jos. W. We& McHenry* Ml. W: IE Ife "Wii 9* sty*'.'- :1§I;V5 • 'fo " • 'V*1 •ifcy. & '.-"f ^W: •^*W, 3 --•> -, , . •£-' ;T7/ •• Summer Togs will soon be needed We have a fine line of Summer Dress Good9 in the popular shades and weaves in Silk, Wool, Cotton and Silk Mixtures in a range of prices to suit every purse. :: :: Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts made to your measure. :: :: :: Our line of Shoes and Oxfords is very com­ plete, in black and tan. Ladies' Strap Sandals at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $3.50, in low, medium and high heels; kid, gun metal and patent.' :: :: :: :: We have the finest line of Men's Ties-ever shown in town. Price, 25c and 50c. • v?r -;?2; Shirts, Underwear, /Hosiery and Wofk Clothing. :: :: :: :: £ FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. :: •• M ,'ij !*«-. a? Vt- f'-s;! ; Phone 63-R Goods Delivered E^i>vU vi;£7: .fc % OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK There -was a man, by name Mr. Griming1, "Whose fruit trees needed some pruning. So lie came to OurStore Where we have the right tools galore, And they have paid for the la bor by abund autly Rooming i" ,"V' I ' ' YOU WHO HAVE EVER A FEW FRB1T TREES "/ Will find that a careful pruning 'will well repay 7jrou for the labor and the slight co& of tooli. .{Vhave all the tools you want for fruit trees, flowers or hedges. Don't negled them. JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF American Steel wi §' f^t*. m: xwm S3.00 ARTISTS MlttON NEW SCALE OP PRICES ~S;^c $4.00 At covar BOOSE W WOODSTO«« *• •RAFT COHOTtruTlON A meeting of repre«enui<>ive,<*' different county organizsticms met in the court house at Woodstock on Fri­ day morning', April 10, in answer to a call of M% J. Wright, chairman of com­ mittee appointed at? the Federation meeting held March 5fl. The purpose of thfk committee was to draft a constitution for the Federa­ tion to be presented at their next regu­ lar meeting, also to prepare and make plans and set the dfrte of tjie next meeting. Following the adoption of a constitu­ tion (the same following), Mr. M. J. Wright was elected president and R. R. Forman, secretary-treasure^ both to act in said office until the next gen­ eral Federation meeting eoutd be called. The balance of the time was taken up in discussing plans for the Federa­ tion and making plans for a meeting whibh will probably be held in June It was decided that another meeting of the executive committee be held on April 27 at the court house in Wood­ stock, at which time it is hoped all of the different organizations In our coun­ ty interested iu this movement will have representatives in attendance. 1. Name. The name of this organi­ zation shall be The McHenry County Federation of Corporate and Rural Forces. 2. Object. The object of the Feder­ ation is to gain a higher symmetry and a larger aggregate of health, wealth, knowledge, sociability, beauty, right­ eousness and legislative enactments for the citizens of McHenry county. 3. Elements of the Federation. The Federation shall consist of the fallow­ ing organizations: The Farmers' in­ stitute, Teachers' association, Domes­ tic Science association, Ministerial as­ sociation, Women's Christian Temper­ ance Union, Bankers' association, Doc­ tors1 association, Business Men's asso­ ciation, Editors' association, Soil Im­ provement association, Live Stock Breeders' association, Milk Producers' association, Poultry Producers' asso­ ciation, Women's clubs, and local farmers' clu^s. 4. Membership. Any county organ­ ization may become a member of the Federation by recommendation-of "the executive committee. 5. Officers. The officers of the Fed­ eration shall consist of a president; as many vice presidents as there are county component organizations; a sec­ retary-treasurer, and ad executive oom- mittee. 6. Committees. The Executive com­ mittee shall be composed of the presi­ dent, the secretary-treasurer and the presidents of the component organiza­ tions. There shall be an auditing com­ mittee and a committee on resolutions, each consisting of three members and to be appointed by the president. The nominating committee shall consist of one member from each of the compo­ nent organizations and they shall be appointed by th0 president. 7. Duties. The executive committee shall select the date and fix the place of every meeting. They shall.also pre­ pare the program. The presidents of the component organizations shall be "ex-officio" vice presidents of the Fed­ eration. 8. Auditing. All bills shall be paid by the secretary-treasurer after the same have been countersigned by the president. 9. Term of office. The terms of all officers shall be one year or until their successors are elected. . 1(5. How elected. All officers shall be elected by ballot. 11. Financial sujpport. The expenses of the Federation are to be met b£ an equitable assessment of each compo­ nent organization. 12. Changes or additions to the fore going articles of the constitution may be made at any of the meetings of the executive committee by a two-thirds vote of the same. Dr. Roberts' veterinary remedies for sale at Petesch's. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. ' Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 4th ay of April, 1914, as made to the Auditor qf Public Accounts, for the Stat$of Illinois pursuant to law: RBSOOROSS. Louns: Loaus on real estate.-,. 966,853.40 Made by the American Stefel and Wire Comp«ity> Cheaper than wood and more durable Neither Rot, Rust or Burn H* r • i.. • »V, Not damaged by fire, lightning, heat, cpld or moisture. Frotect stock from lightning, Cwa be 4riven in ordinary fto& "Why waste money on cheap post material » When you can buy American Steel Posts which last a lifetim^Y?^ 'T.f J-. a ra.sao.80 KW.7U.S1 Loans on collateral ae- '•nrity Other loans and- dis? I'OUUt.S Orerdrafta Inve.stmenta: State, cotmty and mu­ nicipal lx>nds . .. , Oi lies- bonds Mthfi-llutjcous resources: Furniture and Dae from banks: National • Cattti on liand: Currency Sold coin ilver coin Hinor coin Other canto resource*: Checks and other cut items ... Total resources Capital stock paid ln...,( Surplus fund Undivided profit-. , ;,M Less current lntere«Ki' * expenses au l taxeS'. „ paid « DepositH: •" Time certificates 2O,83tJ0 Savings, subiect to no­ tice 143,K»JS Fteniaud, sutject to check 97,«N4t Iumiand certificates.... 1,1X0,00 Mfec •Be.itr.K, m.s6^ to.aoMi 27,000.00 1.300.00 17.2W.M 1.00Q.K m.m J,'.,000.00 15,000.00 wm< Phone WeA McHenry •ellaneous liabilities: %>ntlugent fuiid |^>stal »avin«s funds.... , Other liabilities Total llaUllltles. STATE OF ILLINOIS, | MOuM tOMM.1V 780.00 •W0.8SJ8 County of McHenry, f ®®* I, CARL W. SiENuER, Cashier of West McHenry Stat« Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. The finest tea and coffea in town ftt correct prices, lit. J. Walsh. VhT Aftew scale of prices has been afireed upon and will be placed into effect t$ local tonsorlal artists on May 1 of Uits year. The new aoale will be as follows: Straight shave, 15c; all hair cuts, 36c; hair tonic, 15c; ahatnpoo, 2Se; massage, 25c; beard trim, 15o. The shops, which have agreed to the above mentioned prices, are those of Martin B. Schuiitt, Henry Brefeld and Bishop & Olson. s McHenry is the only tdwirte'this vicinity where barbers are now scrap­ ing men's f&Ces at ten cents per. Other towns have adopted the new sccue uf prices long since and in view of the fact that barbers in all other towns are getting better prices and also the high cost of living we believe the public will agree that the barbers of Mc­ Henry are entitled to the advanced prices. We do not think that many will '.'kick" on the prices, as first-class work is worth the prices aaked. , Have yovi seen the new Staver bug* Kies? They're beauts. Sold by Math. Freund. • ' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, April 10, 1914. The village trustees met in special session by a call from President Stoffel for the purpose of considering the pas­ sage of an ordinance and amending license or ordinance liAiting the num­ ber of saloon licenses to be issued in the village of McHenry, Illinois. Trustees present: Barbian, Fisher, Nickels, Spencer and Weber, Ab­ sent: Chamberlin. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Rar- bian, that the saloon licenses are not to exceed twelve (12)."* Yeas--Barbian, Fisher, Nickels, Spencer and Weber. Nays--None. Motion carried unani­ mously. Motion by Fisher, seconded by Bar­ bian, that the saloon license fee shall be Five Hundred ($500) Dollars per an­ num, payable in advance. Yeas--Bar­ bian, Fisher, Nickels, Spencer and Weber. Nftys--None. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Weber, seconded by Spen­ cer, to adjourn. Motion carried. SIMON STOFFEL, President. WM. G. SCHREINER, Clerk. For pickle contracts call at F. A. Bohlander's store. National Pickle & Gannlng Co. > 40-10t TALK Off GOOD MMtfe B. F. Staymates of Clinton, 111., will talk on good roads at the court house in Woodstock at 2:30 o'clock next Sat­ urday afternoon, April 18. Mr. Stay- mates has recently completed a trip thru the Atlantic coast states, on which he traveled 6000 miles, studying roads and the road laws of those states. Dur­ ing his travels he has gathered much uncommon information on these sub- No doubt one of the heaviest tax items that the people of this state will be called upon to pay in years to come will be the road tax. It Is surely of vital importance to all of us that the money raised for this purpose should be expended in stich a manner that the taxpayer and the traveling public will derive the utmost good therefrom. We believe this can" be accomplished if a large number of our people become familiar with the road question and it is hoped! that the epeaker will be greeted by a packed house. The speaker is brought here tinder the auspices of the McHenry connty board of supervisors. * Men's hats and caps. New shapes' and colors. 50c to $3.00 at Walsh's. PUBLIC NOTICE The public is entitled to an expres­ sion at the polls regarding all ques­ tions of public policy affecting the vil­ lage at our village election aqd steps have been taken to provide special ad­ visory ballots for both male and female voters on April 21, 1914. The result of such a vote is not legally but mor­ ally binding upon the village board to consider and follow out. The questions in part will touch upon oiling the streets, licenses, public building, etc. Sample copies will appear in due time. The streets cannot well be oiled until the gas men have finished and the ditches and leads have settle^ : '/ l Yours truly, .^ ̂ i SIMON STOFFET; FVei. Complexion protection against March winds--our Benzo cream. 25c. Pefeeach. -- « INJURED IN PALL Mrs. Sarah McQtuber, mother of Mrs. J, W. Smith, was quite seriously injured at her home here last Satur­ day evening. Mrs. McOmber, who is 84 years of age, was preparing for bed when in some unknown manner she fell and severely injured her hip. Dr. D. G. Wells was called into attendance and made the victim of the accident as comfortable as it was posssble. Altho her age makes the injury more serious than it would have been had it hap­ pened to a younger person, Mrs. Mc­ Omber is getting along nicely and yes­ terday was able to sit up. Her many friends hope that she may soon fully recover from the effects of her mis­ hap. .• N. E. CHURCH NOTES Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; public worship, 11:00 a. m.; Junior league, 2:30; Epworth league, 8:00. We were very much pleased to note the large attendance on Easter Sunday at all the services. The children at Sunday school were especially delight­ ed by Easter eggs donated by E. V. McAllister. • The league was favored by two Easter solo* by Miss Greta Chamberlin and Miss Leone Perkins. We are glad to announce that Mr. Gaylord Is improving again. P. A. SHIPLEY, Pastor. Send us your for Groceries, or telephone it to lis* and our delivery boy will be pleased - to -bring It 40 yon promptly^. > e j ft IS: • , « Try our Coffee at.. 25c Best Rice......--10c 3 lbs. for 25c New Cabbage, lb .3 %c :v "V We will appreciate any order, large «*r small, that you may give us. 7 McHenry Phone 79-J THE Sv Junioit?; ELECTRIC „ F; R Auction, $37.50 Payable $3.75 down, bal­ ance in nine monthly in­ stallments of $3.75 each A LKfflT WERfflT, DEPENDABLE mmi EMBODYING NEW FEA­ TURES THAT INCREASE THE RAPIDITY AND THOROUGHNESS OF THE VACUUM CLEANING PROCESS ' .•*: 77^,:"' '• 7 DemonAratloii«at cmbNt dis­ play rooms at Crystal Lake PublicServiceCompdny OF NORTHERN IJ.I.INOI8 •^77 ^tock of Shoes to seledt from. Our ^tock of Jia dies' and Misses! Shoes has the mate* rial and snappy &yle that are bound to please the most discriminating individuals. Boys' and Men's Shoes with class and quality that will surely please. Buy your next pair of Shoes at BOHLANDER'S and Ijifure satisfaction. • ^ JL Jli Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery m UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY V'M ^ 4 < W; i m BANK BOOK STOCK, $25,000. j The bank book Will light­ en the burden of caring: for j our money. Depos­ it 3'our cash in the West McHenry State bank and you'will not have to sit and worry about its safe- . • ty. Thieves don't ^teal bank books and if fire destroys one you don*t lose anything, as you would if it was the cash itself. Open an account today and you'll sleep easier tonight every night. ^ ^ . ' jilti Ii' a i ! S > i ..SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR. ifo'i'1"' EDWIN L. WAGNER, rrrr. & i OFFICERS!* DR. C. H. FEGERS, Vie* Pra*. CARL W. STENGER, CmUW. F ̂ HON STOFFEL, m •'A3. 'i-i 7^ '!?y •; *356 MONROE" BUFFET OUOINER & SPANIER, 9poj^ 4/9 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE #R. F. J. AICHER r 7 ̂ DENTIST Otficc In Schumacher Building V Centerviiie McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 18 Telephone No. 118-R '» SIMON STOFFEL . fipfuraiice agent for all classeg of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS s fi. A. SATTEM K; f k X i • WSTRICT KAMAGER ;' uMivm. lite insurance ^ OF HEW VORK Jgrttf WEST H'lENKY, ILL ARE YOU INTERESTEOT I • I! I '• UHIVERSAL1ST CHURCH Regular services next Sunday, Sun­ day school at 10 a. m., sermon by Miss Margaret Hess at 11 o'clock. A Cor­ dial invitation is given everyone to attend' both of these services. •;\£Vcvv- k*.;i mrry in ^51 -i |MICK. Shoes that give the Amount of wear yon have a . /right to expect. New stock of Women's Colonial Pumps in patent leather and black velvet Al&o patent leather •. and velvet button, hlack and <tan calf skin button Shoes. Prices ll" BOYS' ANDlMISSES' SHOES that are strong and give a lot of service. 7 - LADIES' WH^TE WAISTS latest 1904©^? also Muslin Petticoats, Night Gowns, Princess Slip$ ,«fad Drawers at pvp nsual lbw pjrioes. • 7 McHenry •13 •^7 1 mr- Ladies' house dresses and large rons just received at Walsh's. ; • f A ̂ "' ,Vr% and Linoleum is the season of th« jear* when Cs|fc petet Hugs and Linolenms are in demandL We are showing a line of these goods that' will make you sit up and take notice. The pleasures and comforts of your -home never be complete without suitable coverings for your floors and then, too, think of all the work that may be avoided byv having yoar floors /:overedp wil^ Linoleum. ; JACOB JUSTEN v. -V*-' •7 '» '* 1 • <*Z 7$ ^.-1 ;•,. r,.-.; :.-;T ,v-' - -.1. ;; .v;: 1&L ft- . •- • • 7^ mM f v- '• % • y 7,4 Wil p ' * ' $£•&*•: v:7

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