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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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fTW -saw*:'"s1. r-Tort>cricinu r<n tix'sZxwmtGK,!afc:£':3w*Yf>j3x&raV' 5*?riVr.^ ,NSf.ft-<?»a2 i '^i-y-ViiP'--?. •mtwrnF-m*^ •%* #>fvS&W rw.jjij ^'"' v"i"' , w.-V. '*£?.* ;-> &:.:&. <• -. v ^ 1 »djYMr«<fctSttfldard CREAM BAKING POWDffi A Ina if Tartar Psviar Into fraa Urates S» > NO ALUM THE W'HENRY PLAINDEALER tfV PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY S|i,: • F. G. SCHREINER :'=' 'Ma to Bnfc BuildinK Telephone H-M afe?-;--. : •• ••: jpy;' ©ae Year $$b:•!* Vkmnim,p$ii:l TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION: ..1. «IJ» Three Months. 4tc r|." ^Thursday, April 16,1914 W$< 1 ••• • •• --~ i.j£- « ... • - STATEMENT ?$Vwf the ownership, management, etc., of *'0;•<•„ The McHenry Plaindealer, published ii'_ Weekly at McHenry, Illinois, required l>y the act of August 24, 1912, " Name P.O.Address f i "faitor, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Ed., P. G. Schreiner, " 'v Bus. Mgr., P. G. Schreiner, ,t>v^ublisher, F. G. Schreiner, •' There are no bondholders, mortgag- i« :\#es or My other security holders. F. G. SCHREINER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April, A. D. 1914. OLIVER N. OWEN, [Seal] Notary Public. Mr. Irtk: 1^#- fe$-. PERSONALS : Jacob Justen spent Wednesday in the . -p ',, Tjl indy city. *' > Fred Schnorr was a Chicago visitor %• /•$.'/* Wednesday. h' ?>r .. Mrs. S. H. SVeuqd was a Chicago f* visitor Tuesday. 4 Thomas McDonald was a Chicago ,H*isitor Wednesday. F. J. Barbian boarded the Chicago ? |rain Tuesday morning. ^ fl; ' Simon Stoffel was a business visitor p.j' fa Chicago Wednesday. 'f'i : Miss Delia Conway of Elgin visited welatives here recently. William Conway spent Sunday as the Vainest of relatives at Elgin. % -Fred Mershon entertained his father ^ • r-Kal&mozoo, Mich., recently. Peter B. Freund and daughter, Clara, 1.-: Were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago jjjassenger Wednesday morning. P Miss Margaret McDonald of Fremont jijpent a few days here last week. '}•$*% Dr. Heller of DesPlaines was a re- £ «eni guest of Dr. F. J. Aicher here. s-4 - • )»- K. V. McAllister attended to busi-Wg - ; * «^r .1 - > i aeas matters in Chicago Wednesday. 'f.% j " - I Mrs. N. J. Justen was among the g.; V % Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. George E. Si«i!eu w Chicago spent $#' fe" •;> C K?., f M Sunday as the guest of McHenry rela- :|lves. ; Miss Hit Mollohan spent Sunday as 'g. Hw guest ofrelaliTas at North Crystal lake. * lr^' Jacob Josten spent Sunday with his 'P|;U:#ife at the West Side hospital in Chi- l • Misses Anna and Etta Powers were , JElgin visitors on Wednesday of last xX"t "Veek. l £ r G e o r g e M e y e r s , S r . , w a s a b u s i n e s s fisitor at North Crystal Lake Tuesday f toorning. , ^ ; George Bauer and daughter, Martha, ff Wauconda pawed * recent day in McHenry. Victor Liska and William Bennett |W of Woodstock passed a day last week In McHenry. i|f.l ,. Misses Caroline £nd Tessie Worts of i,', - Hebron spent Sunday and Monday with fv'n relatives Here. - Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin attended the funeral of Mrs. Rose Givens here last Thursday. / Joseph Hoffman of Chicago spent a few days this week as the guest of Mc- Henry friends. Wm. A. Fisher of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of his wife and daughter here. M. J. Walsh attended the funeral of <Mrs. C. M. Buel at Elgin on Wednes­ day of last week. Geo. H. Hanly attended to matters ^Pf a business nature in the metropoli- ; ^^.;;'^tan city Wednesday. ! $ ' C l a r a S t o f f e l s p e n t a r e c e n t d a y the finest of Mrs. C. P. Johnson at ^f jNorth Crystal Lake. ||J Miss Gertrude Steilen of Chicago Si,v-^pent a few dftys this week as the guest •r-'liO'-*>f McHenry friends. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter of Elgin spent : jl'1* day recently as a guest in the home V tfe^f Mrs. J. B. Fmby. ^ ̂ Mrs. Wm- Bonslett attended the fu- i,\"^'jberal of Mrs. C. M. Buel at Elgin on Or - ednesday of last week. ^ Miss Lottie Lau of Chicago is spend- iag the week as a guest in the home tWtf&t Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, ^flvMrs. Sarah Dermont and grand- daughter, Gladys Cobb, were NorUt Crystal Lake visitors Monday. P': | " George Chesnut of Marengo spent ^ ' Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr, ||C ftnd Mrs. George Meyers, Sr. Mesdames Ed. Lusk and Fred Nickels •pt"|i.- -were guests of Mrs. Peter Wirfs at North Crystal Lake Wednesday. George Heimer of Chicago visited iu • -'/"• •••he home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '•^tfohn Heimer, several da^s this week. .v Miss Martha Althoflf of Kenosha, Wis., passed a few days the first of the %6SK JNIONF PIF m Rev. D. Lehane of a^atia is la town todays Mrs. Frank Hutson was a county seat visitor today. Dr. F. J. Aicher spent Sunday with Chicago relatives. George Johnson was up from North Crystal Lake Sunday. M iss Elizabeth Thelen was the guest of Elgin relatives Sunday. Gilbert McOmber was |iome from Bloomington, 111., Sunday. Mrs. A. A. Landwer was a North Crystal Lake visitor today. Fred Mershon spent Sunday as the guest of Woodstock friends. Everett Hunter and Theo. Schiessle were Chicago passengers this morning. Herbert Landwer of Harrington was a Sunday visitor in the home of John F. Claxton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond of Lake Ge­ neva, Wis., were guests of relatives here Sunday. Sister Mary Henry of Mt. Carmel, la., was called here thru the sudden death of her father, Walter Bolger. Miss Margaret Ward of North Chi­ cago has been a guest in the home of her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Ray McAndrews of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McAndrews, west of town. .1 Mrs. Chas. MoArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home ef the former's mother, Mrs. Augusta Wolff. Ralph and Glenn Van Natta Of Chi­ cago spent Sunday as guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Mrs. Mary Wingate and Kenneth Sprouse of North Crystal Lake spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Gorman at the Park hotel. Miss Nellie Wil^pn of Chicago was a recent guest in the home of her grand­ mother and aunt, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daughter, Anna. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers and son of West Chicago have been guests in the home of the former's parentsr Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mrs. McNish and Mrs. Will. Van Natta of North Crystal Lake passed an afternoon last week as guests in the home of Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Mrs. George E. Steilen and daugh­ ter of Chicago are spending the week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer. Mrs. John Steinbach, daughter, Lu- cile, and son, Paul, of Kenosha, Wis., passed the week as guests in the home of the former's father, Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Warthen Kimball and daughter of Ingleside and MT. and Mrs. Wm. Monear and daughter,-Helen, of Solon spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kim­ ball. 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoffel of Mil­ waukee, Wis., spent the first of the week as the guests of McHenry rela­ tives. From this place they went to Alvado, Ohio, where they will pasS a short time with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Miller grandchildren, who have been spend­ ing the past few months as tne ^guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown at Has­ kell, Okla., returned \p McHenry on Wednesday Of this week and have tak­ en up their abode in the Mrs. Kate Surges house on Washington street. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrp. Rose Givens here last Thursday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Givens of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cronin of Cary, Mrs. Emma McGinnis and ^daughter, Josephine, of Elgin, Charles Givens of Wauconda, Miss Katie Manyan of El­ gin, Mrs. Will Wright of Barreville, Mrs. McNish and Mrs. Will Van Natta of North Crystal Lake. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC­ TION FOUR (4) OF CHAPTER TWEN­ TY-THREE (23) OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AS PUB­ LISHED IN BOOK FORM IN THE YEAR A. D. 1911, BY AUTHORITY OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF SAID VILLAGE OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, WHICH CHAPTER IS ENTITLED LIQUOR." BE IT ORDAINED BYTHJ5 PRES­ IDENT AND BOARD OFTRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY, COUNTY OF McHENRY ANDSTATE OF ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Section Four (4) of Chapter Twenty-three (23) of the Re­ vised Ordinances of the Village of Mc­ Henry, Illinois, as published in Book Form in the year A. D. 1911, by author­ ity of the Village Board of said Village of McHenry, Illinois, which Chapter is entitled "Liquor," be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 4. That no license shall be issued hereunder for the selling or giv­ ing away of any such liquors except for the place stated in the application, and the place where any such liquors are sold or given away hereunder shall not be connected directly or indirectly with any theater or place of amuse­ ment, dauce hall ot- shooting gallery; provided, that no more than twelve saloons or dram shops shall be licensed annually by said President and Board of Trustees after the expiration of the present municipal year." Section 2. That this ordlhance shall be in full force and effect from ^nd after its passage and approval accord­ ing to law. Approved: SIMON STOFFEL, President* Attest: Wm. G. SCHREINER, Village Clerk., . Passed April 10, 1914. "? Approved April 10, 1914..'^ ' Published April 16, 1914. Filed in the office of the Village Cferk of the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Iilinoia, this 10th day of April, A. D. 1914. I " ? - s W * . G . SCHREINER, ^ Village Clerk. R. W: GRACVSl ^ Stoffel's Hall ? West McHenry |i Three Reel Eclair Drama of the Great Northwest --ENTITLED-- Into The Wilderness and Other good pictures will be shown 5000 Ft. of Film Two Shows, 7:00 and 8:30 ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW! 10c PRICES 15c CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisements Inserter! tinder thte bead at the foliowiiiffratoe: Five lines or lenn, 85 cento for lint Insertion; 16 cento Tor cach Bubsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, & cents a line fur ftrst Insertion, -? oento ft line for addition! in?€>r?ion«. ~GV)R SALE--Quantity of good farm lmple ments. George J. Bayer farm, Plstaket Bay. 111. 42-3t E*OR SALE A of JACOB DIEDBICH, No. 631-M -2. Two new milch cows. McHenry. Inuuirc Phoue 42-tf •CVDR SALE--A four burner, new Perfection -1- blue flume oil stove. Used but one sea­ son. WM. SPKNCEB, West McHenry, 111. 43-2t "CH)UND-- In our store, a purse containing A money. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property. M. J. WALSH, West McHenry. CHXR BALE--Bay team. wt. 3,000 lbs., 10and -1- II years old; also sorrel filly, wt. 1000 lbs., 4 years old. HAKLY BROS., West McHenry life 42-tf Xj^Ott SALE--Fox river lots on both east and * VAfit BMAB nf »IVA» vuiwth nf MAUAVIPV bridge. Henry. west sides of river, north of McHenry Inqalre of O. W. &TBNUER, west Mc- 32-tf rOR SALE--A top baggy used one year. *- Newly re varnished and in first-class shape. Inquire of RAYMOND HOWABD, Mc­ Henry, 111. 44-tf I^OR RENT--The Martin farm west of Mc- -1- Henry, consisting of 900 acres. Cash rent. Inquire by phone or write D. F» QOIN- " ~ " iW-tf LAN. Woodstock, I born cockerels that will make dandfy breeders. Mas. GW>. WULARP, Richmond, III. Route 3. Tel. 407. 31-tf "C>OR SALE-- New ft-room pebble dash house, furnace heat, good barn, hen house, yards and a little over two acres of land, on Wood­ stock road, near the creek. Inquire on prem­ ises. L. F. POUSK, West McHenry, III. 42-4t T7U3R SALE CHEAP--'Shallow draft launch, 2d feet long, canopy top and curtains. Runs ten miles an hour. Boat is at Fox Lake and in excellent condition. Address "i>." 2141 N. Richmond St.. 2nd flat, Chicago, III. 44-2t* MlNfelllMiMMiN V' ' 7 ,^4": * 1 ' ' « ' •• •• " -• 'ii II • *y. ;& >•*' vmage of McHenry, III: fledioo, Tuesday, April 21, 1914 ,U reOPLTS TICKET . 'v . ^ • % ' : • ;?y v;,- 1% VHhge Tru«tei«» N. E. Barbian Wv:sA < | | John Heimer \ f I~1 ^5chun>ach» d ' 4 * • * *&>{*.: u ^ ;a --T" ^v - ,\ \ • V ' Jt • '~K n • •' i • • • i ^ Clerk I j William G. Schreiner v.; • (' > >r S'H~ Vv. ^ ' 4V?:U1' .yt i. ' • i-'? Specimen Wpman's Ballot "'•3 'i wmn TICKET Y4' VlUacre |mlM N. E. Barbian j | John Heimer ' i [ 1 Wm. J. Schumacher n D--iu_ - ' . ')9& AW* Vlllmge Clerk William G. Schreiner v IS >•1 vi, W~i. .<*"• ; . . , T • • • > ' r \r?< \ h ' -'h\f r. ':ri T^ORSALE AT A BARGAIN-One slightl A used 12 h. p. Stover gasoline engine wit shafting, belting and pulleys; ti h. p. fee grinder with elevator, machine saw, adjust able table, saws and mitre attachments; 1 h. p. 115V. direct current dynamo. 2 compressor tanks, 20 and 30 gals; new 2 passenger cycle ear. Inquire of E. J. KNOWDELL, Itigleside, 111. 43-11 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC­ TION NINETEEN (19) OF CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE (23) OP THE RE­ VISED ORDINANCES OP THE VIL­ LAGE OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AS PUBLISHED IN BOOK FORM IN THE YEAR A. D. 1911, BY AUTHOR­ ITY OP THE VILLAGE BOARD OP SAID VILLAGE OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, WHICH CHAPTER IS ENTITLED "LIQUOR." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRES­ IDENT AND BOARD OP TRUSTEES OP THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY, COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OP ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Section Nineteen (19) of Chapter Twenty-three (23) of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of McHenry, Illinois, as published in book form in the year A. D. 1911, by author­ ity of the Village Board of said Village of McHenry, Illinois, which Chapter is entitled "Liquor," be and the tuype is hereby amended ao aa to read as fol­ lows: / ^ "Sec. 19. That the fee for a lieense or permit hereunder shall be as fol­ lows: a. Por selling or giving away such liquors under a license as provided in this chapter, the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per annum, payable in advance. b. Por selling or giving away any such liquors by any druggist or regis­ tered pharn^cist for medicinal, cheVn- ical, sacramental or mechanical pur­ poses only, the sum of ten (910) dollars per annum, payable in advance." Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publi­ cation according to law. - Approved: SIMON STOFFEL, President.' Attest: WM. G. SCHRKINEB, JV. / Village Clerk. P^ssecl April 10, 1914. A proved April 10, 1914. ^ Published April 18, 1914. v Piled in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, this 10th day of April, A. D. 1914. > # WM. G. SCHREINER, C • Clerk. Form amenyae and spraying tions at McAllister's drug store! solo- I hereby certify that the above are true specimeus of the Official Ballots to be voted at the Annual Village Elec­ tion, in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, Illi- nois, on the 21at day of April, 1914, • l'.'isfep pillage Clerk. Specimen Ballot. m> *-'V - f*'•?' * ' • : I1W 11 a t -- ft QUALITY m SERVICE C'A. % 4 you want, youll make mistake by* doinff your ^#eat and grocery buying at displace. We always aim to carry the be«ft quality of goods in our line and With it give you the very best ser­ vice at our command. Let tis convince you that we are WW tm G. C. BOSMA Successor to E« F. Matthews # We^ McHenry :: Phone 3 SEED New is the time to order your Seed Potatoes and we have a large supply with which to fill your orders. We have both the early and late varieties and know we have the kind you want. Come in and we will talk over the potato question with you. Always a full line -of fancy and staple GROCERIES m. i ! CENTEKVILLE GROCERY J The choicest line oC: Meats and Groceries : be found in McHenry !- ' f • " T3. *' [ r ' •sH'"*?. •*$.' f. : ' " ' i "f •^4^; l. • **' > I.W. Aebischer (Suce«a«r to C. C. Frott.) McHENRY, ILL. 'PHONE QO-N Water Stre^T t •' •' ' . • 'jy* ' Always on hand a fidllin# %ot the best Fresh, Salt and|^ Smoked Meats. Also a full > toe of Fresh Vegetables, ' at, all times. Give *us a- r - • : Qlal-we know we can please you. Orders del " Wrered pr<riHi|itty," .v} V-: m L.H.EISENHENGER.JR. 'PHONE S7-M McHENRY, ILL. PRINCE NERO 12925-A. S. H. S. B. A Shire Horse of excellent type, weighing about 1900 pounds. Seven years old. Very heavy boned. Col­ or, brown; small star, three white feet, beautiful mane and tail. Ex­ cellent disposition. , Has proven an extra suce sire* His colts are alt extra good. Prince Nero was bred fcy George Keller, Naperville, 111., and is now owned by George H. Harrison of Ringwood, 111. Mr. Harrison's farm is situated 3 miles east of the Green­ wood factory, 5 miles west of Mc­ Henry t* l tnfle wegV Qf Smith'a cor- TERMS *12.09, "due when colt stands, or immediate­ ly if mare is disposed of GEO. H. HARRISON RINGWOOD, :: ILLINOIS =p;i Yours the Gainf** " ' V • . •' . * f. •&*;> - 4.'. •iU •S. .-V' M Novone photographer c4& know all there is to know about portrait making. We've learned a few new* . things lately. Our ilk- creased knowledge is your, , 4 , ̂ I|'?i At McHenry on Sunday, lloa day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Other days at Crystal Lake. " i: >,% 'tip-* SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO McHENRY. ILL. n 'PHONE 81-St Amraal School Ele<ftion District No. 15 1 McHenry, Ili. fey ; |̂̂ Pn>ij4ent of Board of Education ' j&xtoior James B. Perry v,. • *P* '•£<• *>/%•r ' ; f A • * ' Wot Ueaabers Bond of Mmtlw, fall 'fena .,^•1 P-t,--:' m;-- v.; (Vote for two only) • n Stephen tit'lreuiid | | Charles t. ftsge • • • *•£' ".'j..*X- r"'i *• Aj •••a, %> »# idi + H hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the Annual School Elec­ tion, District No. 15, McHehr^j^fl^., 18th day of April, A. D. 1914. -mf-t ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS Better and Redder The kind that laj from three to four times their N«*n weight in eggs, each, per yean -Eggs own ^hatching, $1.50 and $2.50 jselect from. No waiting- per 15. •I have fbr Three pens to them on hand. H, C Hettin|<| Orchard Beach Spraying^' Solutions? i ; ' Lime--Sulphur Bordeaux Aconite Lead Paris Green Formaldehyde sale at 7he Store Ef. McAllister WeA McHenry Phone 59-W KHBRALD PARK. / Wm. Welch was seen in this vicinity Wednesday. -- - • • - ^ Lawrence HU&, Jr0 spent Saturday in Chicago. Jas. H ax ton of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Q'Flarity spent Sunday at Ellen Frisby's. Mr. Schliep is spending a few dfcys with Lawrence Huck. Mrs. Berkit-cher spent Wednesday at Theo. Winkel's in McHenry. George Frisby and daughters, Clara and Mary, visited at Ellen Frisby's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien and son, Ed- gat^ of Chicago spent Sunday at Ber- kircher's. M i s. I'ld. Sutton and the Misses. Mary Gibbs and Myrtle Huck called at Flem­ ing's Sunday. > r The Sunshine of Summer Fields is in every sack of EARLY RISER Flour. The wheat is the finest grown; it is milled under the most cleanly and healthful conditions; the re­ sult is the best flour on the market for every pur$pg^ the housewife requires. . ^ ?%EST ITHENRY FLOUR ARD FE» HILLS -A' Get youf seed Nlesen's. potatoes at M. To corset you correctly is my profession. Your comfort and health are. promoted by wearing S pire mam Mssa i\_ORSETS (NOT MLO IN rronu) My personal services are free. Aa appointment, srranged to suit yo»|r convenience, plsces you under lia Obligation. A postcard or teleplMMfe Call will bring me to your home. . MISS NABELLE WHCOEI 4 HcHCNRY nrnicn-R *<- p'-1 Vtsrf' w • V yj- 'ijk. if;',1';**; T' * 1 Dr. Roberts' veterinary remedies for sale at Peteseh's. Mm*

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