McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1914, p. 8

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s x / ' • ' \ r:"? r.' >K ->1^? ."A ei: vt^ k -., " '"" M1glpirRY ra)î |̂i>fc, ^#¥1, tLu - 1*11® WET OR • » •'•^'••Vm ;"•>*( L- -'•. • K .v*tV' 8 q.f -ir*; :t'^"-'-^7t. TTyTAj*"'*7 K i* trjfcte- *> wH^S. • 'III ail styles and fabrics flfc -W •'" - V.'V* < * . *• v- Also new style Shoes, Hats, Shirts GENTS' FURNISHINGS We& McHenry, III, TWOItfflSFMLTOSCttE AW EUW ARE SBJT OCT 'titf Summer Togs will soon be needed J We have a fine line of Summer Dress Goods ;|p ;jn the popular shades and weaves in Silk, $^;;JWool, Cotton and Silk Mixtures in a range ^ J$>f prices to suit every purse. :: :: ( Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts made to - y o u r m e a s u r e . " : : " - }|Our line of Shoes and Oxfords- is very com- ^..plete, in black and tan. Ladies' Strap JjlSandals at $1.50, $5.00, $2.50 to $3.50, in V:K! low, medium and high heels; kid, gun metal ^5 and patent. :: :; :: '•> ^f^We have the finest line of Men's Tiea ever |j >hown in town. Price, 25c and 50c. "'•> :: 5;. Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery and Work * Clothing. :: . • "* :: :: :: k PULL LINE OF GROCERIES; :: a ::n w J Phone 63-R '2 Goods Delivered > r OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK [ I !••• II iw iir inrffnrnr A wail by the iiflliie of VciuC JulcS, In the soring needed some good jranjep lools. ' ' I So he came 10 ^ • / v s where he found them galore, And he is now gardening by scientific rules. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS nj^V; - .1. for Garden Took. We can supply your \p& every want. They are made right, of . good material and work easy. Designed ; $ especially for the man with spring fever. J. J. VYCITAL 9 &•'& v'l and Linoleum- ISf';r **• f H . , '} Ife Ir: r?f Thi# is the season of the year when Car­ pets, Rugs and Linoleums are in demand. We are showing a line of these goods that will make you sit up and takejiotice. The pleasures and comforts of your home can never be complete without suitable coverings for your floors and then, too, think of all the work thai may be avoided by having your floors covered with Linoleum, ! ^ MM ?-y HANLON HOLDS WOODSTOCK RUNLESSON SATURDAY WHILE SAHLBERG HANDS ELGIN SAME MEDICINE SUNDAY Two shut outs in two days is the rec­ ord made by the MoHenry Sox last Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday the home players took the Woodstock Feds into camp to the tune of 5 to 0, while on Sunday the Elgin Nationals were handed an 8 to 0 defeat. Johnny Hani on (?) pitched Saturday's game and had the opposing batters eating, out of his hands thruout. He struck out seventeen men and allowed but three hits. While it is true that he got himself into one or two bad holes, his mighty arm, with the as­ sistance of A No. 1 support, pulled him out of the threatening danger each time. v Space will not allow us to give the story of the game by innings, but will endeavor to explain how McHenry ^;ot her five runs. In the third round the locals secured a three run lead, which came about in this manner. Hanlon opened the inning with a clean swat to left. Knox laid a hot one down to Geske at third, who let the pill get away from him. The third sacker recovered the ball in time to make a bad heave to second in an attempt to get Hanlon at that sta­ tion, the error allowing Hanlon to score, while Knox reached third. Sahs connected for a single to center, the hit scoring Knox. Sahs stole second,\ but was nipped at third when he tried to make the far corner on Comiskey's hit to short. Comiskey stole second while Grant was fanning. Warner drove one to center for two bags, which hit scored Comiskey from second. Behlke went out on a fly to Pierce. Two more runs were scored in the eighth. Behlke singled to left as a starter. The left fielder showed de­ cidedly poor judgment by attempting to get the runner at first. The throw went past its mark and as a result Behlke went on to" third. Aebischer hit to Edinger at short and Behlke started for home on the hit and beat Edinger's throw by a second or two. Aebischer stole second while Brails- ford was fanning. Hanlon sent a long fly to Alderman in. center, after which Knox rolled a single to left, the hit scoring Aebischer. Sahs ended the round by lining a long One to Alder­ man in center. The score follows: ; WOODSTOCK FEDS B. H. P.O. A. E. Geske, 3rd b ....0 OS 1 1 Pierce, If ...0 14 0 1 AUlerman, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Kdingnr, ss 0 0 2 8 0 Volkert, 2nd b. 0 0 0 1 0 Gessen, 1st b 0 I 6 0 0 Hook. irf. .......0 1 0 0 0 Wicks, c 0 0 8 1 2 Bennett, p 0. .6 0 2 0 0 24 McllENBY Knox, ss ...... Sahs. lsttt". Comiskey, lird b c 1.... Warner, 2nd b.. Behlke, If Aoi.ischer; cf .... Brailsford, rf Hanlon, p. . B. H. P.O. A. E. 1 1 ,..,.0 2 ""0 I Eli .....0 .1 ....1 1 1 ;* 0 17 8 r '1 ; 0 • 0 0 6 10 27 8 1 Left on bases--McHenry, 0; Woodstock, 9. Struck oat bv Hanlon* 17; by Beaatitt, 7. Buses on balls--Off Hanlon, 5. Two base bits--Warner. Umpire, Howard. SCORE BT INNIHQS Woodstock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 0 McHenry 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 X-5 Sunday's game, altho a hard fought one all the way thru, went to McHen­ ry via the shut out route. Sahlberg graced the mound for the locals and, considering that his arm is not quite back where it belongs, he pitched a splendid game. The speedy little port sider was told to take things easy and not to go after a strike-out record and in spite of all this handicap he let the Elgin Nationals down with three hits and shut them out by a score of 8 to 0. McHenry obtained her first run in the initial round. Sahs opened up with a single to left. Comiskey fanned. Brailsford's grounder got away from Holly at short, the error allowing Sahs to score. Gfant came across with a 'double to left, which sent Brailsford around to third. While Behlke was at bay Grant took such an immense lead off the second bag that the visiting catcher could not resist the temptation of shooting the ball to the center sta­ tion. Brailsford tried to make home on the throw, but was run to death be­ tween the two bases. Behlke fanned. Another runner crossed the rubber'tj the third. Sahlberg singled to left and was sacrificed to second by Sahs, who rolled a slow one down Uie first base line. Sahlberg went to third on a passed ball and came home on Com­ iskey's single between short and third. Brailsford singled to left, the hit send­ ing Sahs around to third. Grant and Behlke fanned. ' In the fourth McHenry fattened up their lead with three more markers. After Warner had been disposed of on strikes, Hanlon. was issued a pass. He stole second and went on to third on Aebischer's grounder to Holly. Holly tried for Hanlon at third, but made a bad peg, the error allowing Hanlon to score, while Aebischer took third. Sahlberg sent a slow one between first and second. The ball really belonged to the second wicker, but the visiting first baseman went after same while Gruno [covered first. Gruno dropped the ball and the runner was safe. Aebischer started for third on the play and in his haste to get the runner Gruno made a very bad peg to that corner with the result ttfat Aebischer scored and Sahlberg went on to second. Sahlberg went to third on a passed ball while Sabs fanned. Comiskey placed another single between second and third, the hit scoring Sahlberg. Brails­ ford went out on a .long fly to Fierke in ccnter. Just to make the victory as complete as possible the home lads added three more runs totheirstringinthe eighth. "'MM • nV * *• l r-ii 'ji«* WATER oirrLtT Season Electric Storms upon us Are your buildings protected from the ravages of that great destroyer LIGHTNING? ' not Adt at Once : xs, maybe too lat^. '• ber that the vW . 'V-;' " AaVj " . ' ) & • '"I SECURITY LIGHTNING ROD COMPANY OF BUKUNGTON. WIS. Ujis the dnly RESPONSIBLE lightning rod company having a. j which insures a moist grounding at -- n I all times, which is one of the essen- ~ |-- tial features in a lightning rod. Also ~ ̂ keep in mind that they are the only ^company having faith enough in t. their ground connection to issue a ° $500 GUARANTEE J^on their work. A po&al will brifig - .* / a salesman to your door. J mm ^Satisfied? It may h«r 606-612 South Pine St., Burlington, Wis. WM. SIMES, Si Agent Santee, who took Kling's place behind the bafafter the la tar's injury to his right hand, let Warner's third strike get away from him and the batter was safe at first. He stole second and com­ pleted the circuit on two passed balls. Hanlon and Aebischer struck out. Sahlberg was safe at first. James, who was now playing short, let his pop-up slide thru his fingers. The bad error seemed to get Gruno's goat, who weak­ ened long enough to allow Sahs and Comiskey to secure two doubles, the hits 'scoring Sahl^erfij apd Sahs. Brailsford went ot^t vift Gruno and Holly. f The score: - E L G I N B . H . P . O . Miller, 3rd b Santee, 1st b A e „.i„ 0 0 0 Zlorki;, 1 0 Gruno, p .0 2 0 Kltng, c ...0 0 12 Fierke, 0 0 Holly, ss & If & 1st b 0 0 1 James, ..0 0 £ Lusty, r|Ci -0 0 1 • cox, .JjT. o o o. 3 24 -r- McHENBY " B. Et P.O. A. Sabs, 1st t * • |* Oomlskey, 3rd 0 3 1^ Brailsford, rf..............0 1 S , " ! Grant, c 0 1 ltv ' 1;.: Behlke. If ; • • 8 rf ? Wnrner, 88 .......1 0 ' 0 I Ilanlon, 2nd b...» .1 1 2 1- Aebischer, cf...- 1 0 0 0 HalilherR, p 1 0 3^ 8 8 27 11 0 Two base bits--Gruno, Comiskey, Sabs. Left on bases-McUenry, 7; Elgin, 4. Struck out--By Sahlberg, 11; by Gruuo, 10. Hit hy pitched ball, Lusty. Bases ! on o»lw-»'n sahlberg, 1; off Gruco, 1. SCORE UPUWAS Elgin 0 0 0 0~0 0 0' 0 0--0 AlcBeqry 1 0 1 3-000 I X-- 8 GAME NEXT SUNDAY Next Sunday afternoon the to^ftal braves will do battle with the Dundee Peerless. The down river boys have a strong reputation and if their strength on the baseball diamond is as their name implies we can see where Mc Henry will be handed its first defeat of the season. The locals feel con­ fident that they can down the Dundee- ites an<3 as a consequence it will be a battle between the Peerless and the "Pearlers." Come out and watch a good game and thus encourage the boys in their efforts to give McHenry a baseball team of which every true fan should feel proud. Game called at 2:30 o'clock. General admission, 25 cents. Ladies and children, 15 cents. A special invitation is extended to the standpipe sports to come down an$ watell the game froiu the side lines# SPECIAL I TWO DAY FISHING TRIPS TO THE COOL NORTH WOOD8I The season for bass fishfng is just opened. Go early and get the benefit of the year's best Bport. The-. Fisher­ man's Special will leave the Chicago Passenger Terminal 6:00 p. m.^ Fri­ days, June 5 and 12, arriving in the heart of the Great North Woods early the next morning. Returning, arrive Chicago following Monday morning. For reservations and particulars apply' to ticket agents, Chicago an&- $Of&h Western Railway. V ' BULL MOOSE MEETING "' The Bull Moosers or Progressives of this county, will hold a public meeting at the Woodstock opera house in Wood­ stock on Thursday evening, June 18, at 8 o'clock, sharp. Congressman Cop­ ley and other good speakers will ad­ dress the meeting and there will be good music.; Everybody is invited. . C. P. BARNES, T Chairman Progressive Committee. /•? THE SOCIAL WHEEL Mrs. M. Ott entertained the Soda! Wheel in May. One of the features of the afternoon was a spelling match, which wm won by Mre. Eldredge, our guest. Mrs. L. F. House will enter* tain the Wheel on Thursday, Jwne 4, at her residence. To your eledtric light bill for May is attached a COUPON good on pre­ sentation for credit of $5.00 J, on the fir& payment for an WASIM NACKIffi of which we sell standard |p": types ranging in prices from ItSO UP TO $135 TERMS OF SALE 110 DOWH Balance payable in 11 monthly installments PuMicSerYkeCompaoy OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS lass stands ftjr. It's just as true in Men's Hftll Hose as ia Ladies' or Children1!. *The wear, the sfcylt, the "know-haw^ is there---anil you'll be tnighty 'glad--so will «he--wheti 4B4a<ek' Gat" for Men, comes into the home. ItVstife to try and then youTl'btly it aft the time. We know 'cause we 'hav^ seen huadieds tome to us for everytili weacr'just An aecount of a firet^trifrf. "Black Cat" Hosiery has mfM&ru^fHfeilds --4i's the'kind you are bound to weir. €oitte Now-^yeu'll findvUii ;̂ ^ad 'to wait upon yovc-v••• F. A. BoMlamlef fMKJWe 58-j Masquelef's You can depend upon the quality of our goods and thfe service in our ^lore. We endeavor to carry a com­ plete assortment of various- sundries always found igtjjk first-class drug &ore. v ; :f"; --- FREE DIPHTHERIA ANTITON FURNISH­ ED YOUR PHYSICIAN, ALL HOURS DAY OR WCHTfe MCHENRY, ILL. M HOHROr* BUFFET * &r*.1 DUGINER fc SPANIER, PTOfW. h. Ave., Chic Cor.Manw. Phoo* Franklin 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago a WM |CT. S. Depository for Postal Savings CAPITAL STOCK. $25,000. II your. bUls wWl • check instead Of cash. Then you have both a record of your payment and a receipt as well. Checks on the West Mc­ Henry State Bank are as good as gold. You can secure a book of them by opening an account there. You avoid lots of trouble and dignify their business by their use. ' V - - ' . . MMMMHMMatM 'rnh/m i uliiW •W SAFETY MFOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.. •OFFICERS: OR. C. H. PEGEM. .v." Pres. (Alt W. StENCER, CMkto|,. K': y&k:- #v;. - tft: .. i f &• ii'-' ' X P^ Bor the hot rammer days you will want coot underwear. For men we have the MPoro* Knit," mesh and Balbriggan Union Suits at 58c aid 95c; Men's two-piece Balbriggan, the 25c and 50c grade. •v- .-Oj' ; .. Women's Union Gauze Vests at • • . 10c, 15c and 25c •" t •' ' ' ^ : White Wai^tii m aB l»riety vof patterns at reasonable prioec. SHOES i:.;.' m Don't forget us on Shoes fw Women and Children. New summer &ylm in teife -variety. Prices right ' « 5. s ; i •• •iv r McHenry QUALITY SERVICE .Phone 625-M 2 &P RIGHT PR1C|$ Johnsburgh, 111. ' CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE •!, If it's an Eledric Washer you wiikt, hand in your order to J. €. Bebftdtt and p*y ou the installment jpfa^ tgs.'iy-iP^ • ] • - ^ '• • • v'V 4 • • • • . *-y'--

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