-v- •;*" WET OR DRY $ <01&$&rj % Iff iV&'K-V ->:£* - «'""':"'*"• rtUao i&Wi&ftk ^r ,̂' fî ':' '"**u i,??{.'T' „ ?•>. i < . -A*-*! • !#-•.' . , - * / • ; • « ^ Cii\: !>WV K. * $:&* I" 2 x' ""J •» f< •• Shoes, ftats, Shirts' *v; £$K?\41ttxr*tlB>MnN0t ... 11 '**: '• Jos. W. Freund We^ McHenryt 111. ?4>" k* .->y •• h'- '. Summer Tog$~ ^viUsoon be deeded We have a fine liae of- Snmmertoress Gooefc in the popular shades and weaves in Silk, lWb6l/Cotton atniSiik Mixtures im n^e .:«£prices to wilt every purse. :: . s: Setts Coats, Di^sses and Skirts nude to j*^«*a»*Fe. *; :: Our line of Shoes and Oxfords is very com plete, in black aagft t&a. Ladies' Strap Sandals at7$l. SO, •$& 00, $2;SO to :$3.50, in low, medium and. high heels; kid, gun metal .and patent. :: tWe have; thefinest Hue of Men's Ties &t$r- shown in town. Price, 55c aad 50c. Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery and Work ling. ':: :: :: :: A FUXtL him OF OROCBRMJS. :: ' ; -.'J.' ; Phone 63-R V* Goods Delivered , hy/*a»e Mr. Xo*i lb dm hto to pitch, bat hud no pitchfork. So he came to Where we have UW4HOK, * Aarihe now pitches hay fromgimmeto dark. Garden Tools. When it rains to use bay forks, but a good Mike tftfryourfceadquarters and When irf the %et Ktou're ihra^ittiiie. (&&!>.' >fr%.;Xrr ^fcj" • tic*1 * * ii', IVM l|ililVHMVil • ;*• fftti* ;*• the *M0a <& tfcfe wbeiv'C&* pets, Rugs and Linoleums are in demandT ^ ar* shearing a Hne of these goods that ^lm*keymr«Htrp aSn! tstlre notice, pleasures ana comforts of jour home can mxte be complete "without suitable covefrings i<x y<m*om a«d tfcheA/it^rthfaik & itt the work that .may be avoided by having yonr fioora covereii with Linoleum. 'YvSs - & % l^'%r • •*•/$ <• ' ' / V - -g£- 1' • • W" The MoHenry Sox and U. S. Leagutn played seven innings to a 0 to 0 tie at the ball yard 3ast Sunday afternoon he* fore ihe largest crowd of the season. Both teams played a clever articled ball and the fins, altho a bit dlsap* polnM^-on aooount of the rain brhlfr in? a «top to the performance at thf end of the seventh, were satisfied with th« (MjMtiAn, This they surely should, have been as they were treated to.s>« fine an exhibition of the national pas time as one could see anywhere. The ChiCjHTO&ns lived up to their reputation^ a ball club and displayed to the fans that they were in a class superior .to that traveled by any other team which has visited MoHenry tbdseeasoQ. Hayes, Who-graced the mound tor the visitors, was the best LITTLE man whfliv we have had the pleasure of seeing in action in many a moon. His manner of keeping the opposing base runners hugging* the bags was exceptionally clever, while his half- balk motion was pretty near perfect. While all this credit is being ahoW- ered upon the visiting players, we miist cot overlook our own combination, which truly bore the ear marks of the big league variety. Sahlberg's arm was in splendid condition and the team behind jhim gave him support thai was almost without.a fault. Honors were very evenly divided be- fcweeo the two south-paw flingers. If there was any difference it was in favor of "Sally." The visiting twirler al lowed1 fotr feiftf, struck out aix men and. allowed one walk, while Sahlberg allowed three hits, struek out eight men and walked One. Of McHenry's four hits one of Warner's was of a ierfctchy variety, the batter beating out a slew gvounder to Browixat short. Both teams -had. a chance a-piece to mare. lfoH$nrf'» opportunity came in the second round, when with thf tapes loaded "Sally" rolled a slow ope down the first-base line. The visitors' chance efme in the sixth round, a foul fly to Grant cutting q& a threatening rally. The game by iwwpgs was as follows? Slrst ionUg; Brown was disposed.of by Sahlberg and Sahs. Rogers fanned? SmiM» was retired by Saidberg «n| Saba. Mo hits, no ruiu. I iirabbitea - made:» pretty running cat«h of; Ifanlpn's fly to short center. 9ah» . aisled past third and went aapund to third when the left fielder mikde a Jwid i>eg to first in his attempt to get Sahs at that bag. A moment later be> was caught napping off thin| and rm lor between fbafrataitipA aM hon*, Jh>«»r, SHfcith(>aod Bfwwi taking piurt inibe executioo. Coialftr key etruek out. Qse hit» no run*, Second inning: Weiae and Brabble fii|ja«d.aad 8ahlberg and 8*ha killed WaM». Jto blla, no runs. Orant opeMd thftseooad for McHea- ry iHilr arfeJMM JMt |NMaeeond. BraM#» fordhit toB«oiKn, «bo thiww Ofraot out ataeMod. Behikc hit one in the same plaoe ,as did Brailsford, Brown dupUeatM Jus pre nous; stunt t>y get- giOg Brtdlaford at second. Warner singled to adgter, the hit MQdiog Behl- lie. ta second. Both runners advanced a notch whan. Aebiscber was passed. With the bases loaded Sahlberg comr mitted suicide by rolling an easy bna idown the first base line, (tee hit, , a* runs. ThUrd ianing: liel&Kvn singed to the left field fence. He went to second vheB Spear 'drew f«ee transportation to the initial- sack. While Hayes wa* striking Out McKeown led off the oen» ter cuahion a fait too iar and. was* killed by Sahlberg.and Hanlon. One hit, no runs. Brown and Weise got both Hanlon and Sahs. Gomiskey was given life at first when McKeown fumbled his abort fly over second. Comitksy waa then caught off the bag. No hits, no runsi Fourth iniiing: Gomiskey and Sahs retired Rogers. 8mith struck out; W4ise singled pais firat. BrMMdtai fanned. One hit no runs. Grant went out o{i a high fly to Rogers in left field. Braiiaford was safe at first on an error of Brown. Behlke grounded to McKeown at sec ond, who tagged Brailsford, but was a trifle too late to complete the double play. Warner rolled a slow one to Brown at short. Brown fielded the ball, but found that he was too U»tG to get Behlke jt second and pegged to first, Warner beating the throw by a fraction of a aecond. Behlke atarted for third on the play and from all ap pearances had the base by two feet, but the "ump" did not see it that atay and waved the runner out, Weise and Smith figuring to the play. Que hit, bo runs. Fifth inning: Walsh was retired by Warner and Sahs. MoKeown struck Out. Spear shot a hot one to Comlakey at thlrd. The batsman was sale at firsfc when Comiskey made a low peg to 8aKs. Hayea^wea ̂out on a ground* er to Sahs. No hits, no runs. ̂ Aebischer sent a hot grounder mid way between firat second. If* Keown fielded the lMUl itti got the pot out at first uoaaiif̂ d. Sahlbarjf whifFad f̂ktla. Hanlon was rethrdd b7 SaMk aDd ̂ al*«. No hits, tto riarifc. ' 8Ui»' llbiw: " SAhlberg anil 1mM oil ' "flhily'a* *' fast q^aa for a' left field fence. Smith saaHOo^d runner to third by allowing7 be put out by Bahlberg ABd Sahs. Witfe doly oao.dos#® and a man oo tUM thlogs took onji saiioua mpmt, hut "Sally" agaib proyed hi--elf master hrhaf pop-up fOul to Grant. alruns. " «IM fcljW Conflfkay was safe at first wMkftlfiu fut̂ ppd his ground- -mrnt to s#oood Mi a, hall while Grant was fanning. 4M|t-ff«tired by Hayeaand Weiae. No Mto, no runs. Sahlberg and Sahs put a Walsh Trent #«t an.*Jll>orfe to Brailsford .in rfght field. Mdiiuaawn faooed. No hits„ no runs. With ifceiftin atouds hanging over Ahe haeahall ftaldaad rain threatening every . mnmant, JfeHenry seemed to lose. |i|h( vt the ball in their half of the aevecth as Behlke and Warner both fluaned, while Aeblsoher was re tired by Brown and- Weise. The rain then came and the "ump" called the game. • V The score folHrara: „ U. S. LEAGUEB8 " B. mbplMS, cf ...0 tlbiise Vteei .4-f r-'~; for - Electric S^rvk^ lis the facility f 5'W*: ^Suiis 8pear, c 0 Hayes, 0 S. a affords you to COOK BY WIRE - t /£tedric Toasters y- $3.50 up Eiedric Percolators 7.5® and $U>:0% Eie<Jb-ic Chafing Di^bes $10.00 up • sKiiiWw theaa? 'Theyrî ea" charming hooie acctsaories ruoio "Is" mcheMry a. Hanlon, 2nd b am, o Gomiskey. «n| b. 0 6nUti, ....0 Brailsford, rf. .6 Behlke. If .0 .Waro^r, es. AjBbiscaer, cf »...0 Sahlberg, p A.i OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ire over all too soon. A good picture, though, will keep the memory of those &Qrs filesh thru all the years of growth and changes. When was your ^toby's picture last taken? STUDIO OPEN EVERY EXCEPT SATURDAY SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO •PHONE ei-R HCHENRY, ILLINOIS "THE MONROr BUFFET 0UGINER & SPANI^R, Props, 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago ^ Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS MERE rUPlLS* RECITAL X • A. e 4 M 9 .Left on bmei--Ofcicago, 4: McHenry, 5 Two base hit--^Rogers. Struck out by Sahl- berc, 8; by -Haves, 6. Bases on balls--Off Sahlberg, 1; off Hayes, I. Umpire, Howard. BOOK! BT I»NIK£>8 OhicqfO .....0 0 0 • 0 8 McHenry ,..o o otto h-- Ian Bite Per Pan* McHenry had a new reserre man on the bench last Sunday. Grant caught an exceptionally good game last Sunday. This is just where the fans want to see John. McHenry now claims the fastest little team that ever represented this village on the baseball diamond. Grant's presence in McHenry's line ̂ up is bringing a hunch of Richmond and Genoa Junction faaa to the game each Sunday. Bahr, the boy with the gentle voice and some whip, will do the backstop- ping honors for Eaat Troy next Sun day. Now if the fans will only keep on coming McHenry will not be obliged to book anything but first-class teams in the future. An out-of-town apeetator at Sunday's game waa heard to remark that Mc Henry has one of the beat little coun try teams to be seen anywhere. E. V. McAllister, the Weat Side druggist, has the thanks of players as well as fans for the donation of the new sign and score boards. The gen erosity of 'the enterprising-druggist is deeply appreciated. Brown, who played short for the vis itors last Sufti&ay, was at one time one of Jimmy 'Cilftlhan's best men. He played on C&llahan's team when that old time star was at the head of the Logan Squares of Chicago. Behlke was safe at third by at leaat two feet in Sunday's contest, but the "ump" waved him out. The "ump" is excused for the error as he was driawn over towards first base on a play a moment before the third base play was pulled off. When pliays of this kind come up, which is quite seldom, it is only natural to expect that &e "uuip" la handicapped. 9MWB mext SUNDAY Next Sunday the local squad will have aa their opponents their most bitter enemies, th£ East Troy, Wife., team * It will b^ remembered that this team threw the hooks into MoHenry at Lake Geneva, Wis., on laat Labor day to the tune of 16 to 1 and ever since that inglorious defeat the'Mc Henry boys have been itchy for an other chance at thia aggregation. The McHenry boys feel that they were way off strike on this particular day and, while they give the Badger city lads credit of being a first-class ball team, they feel that they are equally as good as they and are more than anxious to prove to the fans that the 'East Troy bunoh are no better ball players than the McHenry Sox. The game is al ready the subject of general conversa tion among fans both in and out of Mc Henry and the manager of the McHen ry club is making preparations to en tertain one of the (biggest crowds that ever attended a ball game in McHenry on this day. The McHenry team is ai least 75 per cent stronger at the pres ent time than on that memorable da> uncx dcdccpt IN ev^TFM when the boys were handed that awful M0ST PERFECT ,N 5151 tW drubbing at Lake Geneva and the fana i#rf| Hots, a woRdaPful Improve- can rest assured that the game next fhrsr Its Predscesaor pf Only Sunday will be a battle royal from - ' « Pew Years Ag«.,'> ;" start to finish. The MoHenry manager! s V'^ " v is instilling into his players every bi/'lt is wonderful to appreciate the of "pep" at his command and everfferenco in hotel systems of today man on the team will be kept on edgld 15 y,3a^8 aga . , . olu conveniences that are offered to from now until the end of next Sunf5 ^ * ..." „orriQ * , t _ , Jests at. practically the same rates, day's attraction. Game called promptl Ig the man who flQds {auit ly at 2;30 o'clock. General admissioit:Today have telephones to prices will prevail. Don't miss thiL^ roomB, whereas several year# game. It will be worth going mile|o they had anything from a cow- to see. fen to a row of brass checks operate SPEND TUB SUianER IN T«B 1 with a cord. ( WEiTI "At the old Gobson house, about |psw*a--Mtrty f«wi ww in Cliwt vis CI yelve years ago, we Installed a de- m<» iM Nnrtk V^ton lb. jce for lessening labor which was Tickets on sale daily until Septet ailed' a. teleseme. It waa a sort of har 90 to all points of attraction in Cc unch button affair which was aup- Ovado, California, tha Northern PacU o«ed to signal for anything from a Coast and to Yellowstone Rark. Chok an Francisco newspaper to a bag of - - 'eanuts. You'd push the button so TO RE IELD RY HISSES LEACH AND Bl- WIN SATURDAY EVENINO Mlasea Leach and Irwin of North Crystal Lake, teachers of music and elocution, will hold their annual re cital at the home of Mrs. F. K. Grang er on Saturday evening of this week. Only those having invitations will be allowed admission. The following program will be rendered at 8 o'clock: Duet--"Polka Mazurka".--.., Flossie Conway and Miss Leach Bob o' Link Alvera Heimer Lullaby.. Genevieve Carey Reading--"Tit for Tat" - ....Dorothy Spencer Reverie ...1..Evelyn Carey Old English Danoe_..r..Mary McCabe Happy Thoughts Flossy Conway Reading--"John Burns". - Elsie Vycital (a) Das Souvenir; (b) Spinning Wheel. Miss Baker Trio--March Clara Freund, Lenore Freund, Pearl Claxton Poet and Peasant... - M ildred Darrell Reading--"Icky and the Porter" Dorothy Spencer Torch Dancc, Old Black Joe :. Helen Baker lYou can get the whole outfit here. Suits, cap*, shoea, wings, etc.I There 1ft always that better fceliM of when clothed la • Bavaria1^-, Outfit Ym loMtr your neighber caimoft look bettor than yourself--it adds to your genera* pleasure. Remombor! Nothing b so food for your bealth as bithiaj--sad aothlotf assists your exerels* so asssh as s properly coostructed S»thij| Mat--firmness where the wear comes, and roominess where tha action strains. W&allior yon want an elaborate affair or a simple om, makes no difference--here ycu have an eaormotis selection at absolutely tbe correct price. It's aot so mocha mstter of what you pey, as the brand you wear. All materia UshruaAbof oroeiteria^r the gerlnoal --sSturance of comlSf out of the water, ss yon go in. JtutiNp ofor aad look at the rest of oar story. ĵ You'U be Convinced and Mtiified; F. A. Bohlander t • 111 •Mm si •- •: ^ ' .' ! vv " '•>' ' •' •'jy-t. +-r> ;jk "U. S. Depository for Postal Saving ̂ . CAPITAL. STOCK, $25,000. Something to "Lean 0»"'i a visible means of practical au^port is a good, substantial honk account. Once you have a good balance at your bank er's, you do not care how things go, because you feel practically independent.- And the only way to get » bank account is to save, and acquire riches by patient thrift. We can help you do this by tak ing care of ybtir fevings iad paying you a good rate of inienpt thereon. Donot delay, but start saving at once. ^ ....SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR.«k BDWHQLIm WAttMBR* - Pms. OFFICERS:- ttR. i. M. PEOERS, V4M PTM. C4RL W. 8TENGER. Caahtor. ^ nwmni, VImPN*. ; 0 T " For the hot summer days you will want cook . . underwear. For men we have the "Pofo^ / Knit," mesh and Balbriggan Union Suits afc ; '4- 5dlc and 95c; Men's two-piece Balbriggai^t" ^ ^ > the 25c and 50c grade. Women's Union Suits at 25c, 39c and 5ftp; :̂'rXj.;' ' ^ " ' .viOc, 15c and 25#i{V$: ^ G a u z e V e s t s a t ' Hrt>Z White Wai^ts in all variety of patterns '•hr WM r̂r r̂ :- " die litest styles inc^ at reasonable pricest \ m us on Shoes for Women an^ Children. New summer styles in larg^ variety. Prices • .U-i-f- c- --J ight ^ .r-f " C John StdSlS A iany times and different lights would return ionise^ up on board In the office after df aeenic routes, favorable prtvilages and 11 bcrw A^k your local agent of the Chkp«le clerlc had reieaaed the indicator. 4od North Western Ry. for detaile „0ne day x ptt̂ ed oat the Indicator tofenaatton regarding thia great outL a eertaln room and the lights hw region; for the specific rate fronL-ed up. The signal showed a very yoachocae station, and for illustrated^cult drink and I hastened to notify Mi rao4dfaqrjiptive literature. Ha will bqe cafe. v gjad to supply you with any informa-l •' -n.toi-^'in our f«jn desired. i-2t ^ "xf- \ QUAUTY WRVICE :!4 "Phone <US-M4 Mc; mOc the drinkjBLDBto1 ann tc pW^^vcs ^ood com- 1 r cold ere; plexlona and Unp^ff M PotcMh'a j - - --/-t,-.-*. • RIGHT PRICES }ohnsbur|{fa, UL " *"& 25c .... NOW ON SALE . _ . \S^" ' - >»,