k- ^ , Y v, *"H* *"<;)/y' "^' ' ~-< ';I"A ' v•#':•"; .' T^-'hiSL $9gN§ ^ '"""." < : "" "'. . ' '»1 V v * I - % * . V . v - • " r r - i W t i l Y f t f + . 3&r"»»~ > < * \ ' - 4 ^ S *„ ^ < ,<i*S ••.?•*$ " rx ? &£$ p?, -.f' - ipiS&T' •!W . •• •f ft-l* fr§3sJTihere is a wire i 5^ ,„,. ** "u'iv- i . i -. > *& V' - ( '-"sfy-'xi-, youiv/ ̂ door. Just phone us your needs and we'll*|; ofif&ofe toyour hotiiei r. This means there is a drug store at ST- do the rest Our messenger quick as the phone--but qqt quite as. 1« •"../ ? FREE DEUVERY SERVICE .#• j£&' •5e ̂ i î̂ îry prompt When you want drugfbr* other drug store goods of quality at right,̂ . prices, remember your phoifc--our m "<%? '-M Sil |and our quick free delivery service, N. DRUGGIST McHENRY ; v'Vi ^ }-j$p f:- CENTRAL HOUSE SrfTVf .,, ; ' V*,-. ; • 'if 'i ' »:'<H •• McHENRY, ILLINOIS, •ONE NIGHf- 4 Si'.' •^r Sunday, Uuly 19 J. B. Rotnour offer* A > • THE FLOR ̂DeVOSS COMPANY -IN^.' > - Mdii of the Hour The play of the times. flMore Comedy. ore Crisp Dramai t More Interesting than ever Smiles POLITE VAUDEVILLE.. A complete cast present ing a ^onderfuTPlajr.̂ Popular Seats Now Selling?* HOURS Iruniaq t'"*: THIS IS YOU WANT T& MAKE YOUR IRON Easier, Quicker and Cheaper •I..;:,? ;\<rn. ^Igfe'WfesteroUnited Gas ?0 aod Electric Compaq '-£|» Sis D, M. WORKMAN, Dbirict .T- .4*' ' /? ALL ROADS LEAD TO TiiL Rexall Soda Fountain. West McHenr$, IlLv r-K^xm PISTAKEE LAKE trim E. V. McAllister. Mm NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE 'CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I -- < f c » i m i « ^ RING WOOD Will Beck left last Saturday for North Dakota. Bert McCannon and {airily ttten^ed chdrch in Woodstock Sunday. Karl Bradley and Fred Weidrlch were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Glqnn Esh and wife were Sunday callers at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd returned from their western visit Tuesday morn ing. Robert McLean and wife of Wood stock were calling on relatives here Sunday. Fred BeU and little spn, Richard, returned from Nebraska Saturday morning. ' H. W. Allen, Fred Bell and Ed. Bell were WdMstocfc visitors Wednesday afternoon; ' Mrs. Miller of Iowa is visiting her brother, C. H., and Qep^ew, H. M. Stephenson. Messrs. Joslyn, Caaey and Dorr Thomas of Woodstock were Ringwood callers Tuesday. Callie H&iney went to Chi«»go Sat urday morning and remained until Monday evening. All those who attended the Chau tauqua at Mc Henry were please&with the entertainment. Mrs. Inga Merchant entertained two young lady friends from Woodstock Sunday and Monday. Gorden Larson went to Fargo, N D., Wednesday. Harry Stephenson will take his place in the postoffice. Floyd Howe and -Harry Stephehson drove to Kalamazoo, Mich., Thursday of last week in the former's aut>°« pe" turning Monday. Mrs. Nina Cristy and H. M. Stephen son and wife went to Woodstock, last Thursday evening. On Friday she went to Rockford, from which place she, with her aunt, would start Tues day for New Hampshire to spend a mobth visiting relatives. Polite vaudeville between acts by the, Flora DeVoss company. ' TKEKA COTTA. Ed Klein attended a weddihg in Chi cago recently. Mrs. Frank Peck ot Chicago waa a recent visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jackson enter tained company over Suodajr, Mrs. John Riley and son, Raymond were Woodstock visitors Friday. * Miss Vera Bolger ol Woodstock Is a guest in the home of J. M. Phaliar. Mrs. F. Da vol 1 and son, Clarence called at Henry McMillan's Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters were Ringwood callers Thursday even Ing. Dr. and Mrs. John Stanton of Chica go spent Sunday at the B.. F. Martin home. v Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dewey of Mil waukee were recent callers at J. M Phalin's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin are guests in the homes of the Conway brothers. * ' Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin are spending their vacation with rela tives here. Miss Marion Shales spent Thursday and Friday with Miss Anna Rydquist at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Ames and sons William and Thomas, were ' rpcent guests of Palatine relatives. Miss Agnes Matthews of Lake Gene va, Wis., has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck. .Misses Delia and Minnie Conway and Theresa Sou vers of Elgin have been visiting at the homes of M. 'A. and P H. Conway. - Miss Lillian Riley returned to her home here Friday evening after a two weeks' visit with het-slstqr In Wood stock. Mr. and Mrs., P. H. Conway cele brated their twenty-fiith wedding an niversary Thursday evening by enter taining a number, of relatives and friends. ^ ' You can't go wrong with V Flora De- Voss Co. ticket. OSTK1TD. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nellis and friends called on their daughter, Mrs. Carl Mead, Sunday. - „ F. B! Thompson went to Gilman, 111. last week Friday, where he sought advice from Frank Maun. Ray Thomas, so Madam Rumor says, has ordered a silo to be erected on his mother's farm, on which he resides. Mr. and Mt». F. Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harris have been enjoying a visit from two young lady cousins from Chicago. Mrs. Delia Hobart went to Waucon da Saturday last with her daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, who had seveVal teeth extracted. The ladies of the Ostend society will meet' this week Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Mrs. Oglesby, on the Francis Abbott farm Mrs. Jessie Harrison is reported as improving and has high hopes of re gaining her health. Mr. and Mis. Harrison live in Woodstock, but Mrs. Harrison is doctoring with an Elgin physician. Emil Thomas is gaining nicely now- He is at the home of his uncle, Wm. Thomas. He walks to the neighbors, a distance of half a mile, and feels more like his natural self than he has since his first sickness. While Mrs. Lena Herdic was visit ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Kaiser, an accident occurred. The children were playing on the lawn with a milk can and in some manner it came in contact with the little Her dic girl's arm and broke it. She was taken immediately to Dr. Nye, who set the bone, and she is doing nioely.. EMRKAI.I) PARK. George Blum spent Sunday at the Park. T James Eagel apen# a few days at̂ he Park, | Mr. and Mrs. Wl K. Bams spent Sunday here. % Miss May Burns J| Bpendtaf a few days at the Park; * - < Henry Bending ii spending a few days at his cottage. . - Joe Frye and Wm. Robinson spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. Steinmeyer and son, Leo» spent Sunday at the Park. R. E. Sutton 8pentfSunday~with Mr and Mrs. E. R. Suttoh. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. Ed Larkin of Elgin visited rel atives here for a few days. Mrs. Edward Armit is spending a few weeks at the Malefyt cottage. Miss Nell Ryan if spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher and son spent Sunday at M. A. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. Will' Lester of Elgin spent the week end at Ellen Frisby's. Miss Edith Geary spent Tuesday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin is spending a few day* with relatives here. Herman Murger returned Thursday after' spending a few weeks at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. T. Flanery and daugh ter are spending a few weeks at their cottage. Mrs. R. Sohns returned to Chicago Thursday after spending a few days at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and family are spending -a few weeks at their cottage. Frank and Joseph Romano returned home Wednesday aft£» spending a few days at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Mc- Henry spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith," Albert Munzer of Crestline, O.-, is spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berkircher. Eld Sutton, Charles Gibbs, Will Whit ing and Charles Page took a trip to Gilman, Iroquois county, last Thursday. Harry and Beatrice Seyfores of Crest line, O., are spending a few weeks as the guests of Mr. apd Mrs. Henry Ber kircher. ' JOHNSBUBCm. J. C*> Debrecht passed Monday Chicago. Mrs. John P. Sohaefer passed Tues day in Chicigo. Mf. and Mrs. John ;Ktein were Mo- Henry callers Tuesday. * ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. FTuemaim were McIIenry visitors Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Jungen entertained relatives from Chicago the past week. Miss Helen Adam*' and brother, Lewis, were Chicago passengtm Thurs day. Miss Barbara Smith returned Sunday from a week's visit With relatives at Solon< Mrs. J. C. Debrecht returned from Chicago Monday, after spending a week there. Mr. and Mrs. Wieland of Spring Grove were callers in town Tuesday evening. ' Mr. and Mfs. WW Smith of MoHen- ry passed Sunday in the home of Jos. J. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund enter tained a number of relatives last Sun day afternoon. * r Misses Verona and Laura Yoqng of McHenry were Sunday guests of Miss Celia Scliaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Senft and children of Chicago are spending the week in the home of Theo. Meyers. Mrs. Wm. Tonian of Solon Mills visy ited Monday afternoon in the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of John H. Freund. Mrs. Peter Wagner and children of Volo visited in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Tues day. Mrs. Joe Miller and little daughter of Fox Lake spent Sunday in the hotne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John'Pj Lay. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen and daughter, Clara, of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jolua Degen here Sunday. , KIlNiUMBUlii EL E. Knilnns was in Woo$stoek tm business Saturday r. e. Harrison spent Sunday after-, noon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed and two sons of Chicago are visiting at H. Reed's. Mrs. Anna Hunt and Miss Pearl Du- field of Elgin visited at R. L. Dude Id's Sunday. _ Miss Margaret Green of Woodstock spent Sunday with her Grandfather DufielcL Miss Johnson of Woodstttek was. a Sunday visitor with her sister, Mrs. A. Hansen. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and Mrs. L. Ben nett spent Saturday with Mrif» TL M. Goddard at Woodstock Mrs. H. Wille, Miss MableWille and Mrs. R. L. Dufield were Woodstock callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Grace Ford and children from Idaho arrived at the home Of her par ents Sunday for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Chester I. Nelson of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the home of Station Agent Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. E. Letaler and Miss Edith of Woodstock were recent visit ors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen. Mrs. Blanche Conerty and daughter, £illeLof Chicago spent Sunday after- ' Hw /r- ' : •"* I" V- ' • ; - Kk -V - yt>u a safe place to Jms tm, keep pour* papers and other valu able articles which should be kept secure from fire and burglars. A $ Safety Deposit Box in our strong Vault may be rented for a very 'rv \<*S: x-tw small sum per year. v t t.. x^mm,. FREMONT HOY & SON, Banker# -*r % TINE ALONE PROVES WHO'S THE WISE ONE when it comes to selecting mate rial for home building and time has certainly been kind to those houses built years ago of wood in comparison with those built of other materials. But durabil ity is not the only thing to be considered in home building. Because the Aztec fndianft of Ari zona and New Mexico built their homes of adobe is no reason why similar houses would be best for ^our climate. Didn't see the Chippewas building mud houses in their country. Sure not. There's a t^eap of difference in climates--some need houses that will absorb little moisture and dry out quickly while in othe r parts of the country moisture is scarCe. The one way to be on the safe side is to build of wood and then you'll be sure, of your house withstanding the test of time and giving you a healthful abode. "There's no place like home" WILBCR LUMBER COMPANY We& McHenry. :: Phone 5 are over all too soon. A good picture, though, will keep the memory oi those days fresh thru all the years of growth and changes. When was your baby's picture last taken? 8TUAIO OPEN EVERY PAY EXCEPT SATOM*Y < SCHNABEL'S PHOTO 'PHONE 01-R McHENRY. ILLINOIS "THE MONhOE" B&fttl DUGINER & SPANIB&, Pnpu, 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3756 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE noon in the hdme of her parents^ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. * Mrs. A.. Dietz and children were down from Woodstock to attend the Cradle Roll party on the manse lawn Wednesday afternoon. There's complexion protection in our mid cream. It preserves good com plexionŝ improves poor ones. at Petesob's 26c Third Successful Season --AND-- BETTER THAN EVER Riverside Park McHenry, Illinois -i %:• .1: Bern •AND ORCHESTRA W l̂ HE PROBLEM OF SUMMER COMFORT" Is largely one of the right texture and the right weight of underwear Men's Suits with the Closed Crotch. Athletic Suits, the coolest to wear in hot weather, 50, 85, #1,11.89' Balbriggan Suits, short or long sleeves, atll.OO each. . Porosknit Suits at 11.00. v ..4 '• \X' * ($$• Shirts and Drawers, 25c and 60c. \X^ ' • '•' ;y 4'LSO A FULL LINE OF LADIES' AfflDf ^ITTLDRIW'S WSj^R; rrr us FOR UNDERWEAR COMFORT » » »- . i SMITH BROS, mchenry'U-L. <p The Man of the Hour" will interest next Sunday evening. i -?.v w&x '*"•< >• ^ ' P H I L I P i J A E G E R '*XGENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT "•a SPBCOAX. ATTKMTIOSI OIWN TO 8AU or Pressed Beef, riutton, Hoga, Veftl, Hides, Etc., Butter and E{|f b Thin is the oldest houee on the street Tags and prieelMs tanfched <NI •ppllntkn. cgutWMIB FRBU | CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. •i 'V.