WILT THURSDAY «T ? F. G. SCHItEINER ^ OHMS'* Beak ftwOdlnf T*leplH>»e OF SUBSCRlPTlONi fU» Ttme Month*, «t m Montfca. nc * ' Thursday, July 30,491*- to THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT I hereby announce myself a candi date tor nomination for representative in the lower house of the general as sembly, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the eighth dis trict, consisting of the counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone, at the pri maries to be held September 9, 1914. SNILEY'8 I firmly believe that truth is a car-1 dinarvirtue and that a strtet adherens* thereto is the only path to pursue. I believe in a 6quare deal for every body, high or loir, riibh or poor, in oourt or out of it. ; I believe in protecting to the fullest extent the interests of widows and. orphans, in court or out of it. I believe that all children should have the best of cars at home and every opportunity given them for an education, and if they do not have such care and opportunity, then I believe in applying the law,, through the county m -VAm l-aiS«W5s:»i<< n % WM4 &N;> McHENRY, ILLINOIS 5;^ \ xxh&wm ONE NIGHT ONLY W&M ilMSilftiS m :*.?• & *0* REPRESENTATIVE M • JCENERAL ASSEMBLY, 8TH DISTRICT -V VOT FOR JOSEPH W. FREDIID WEST HcHENRY, ILL. BCNOCRATIC CANDIDATE PRIMARIES SEPT. 9, 1914 AMMOUMCEMENT ' I hereby announce my candidacy ior (jte Republican nomination for sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the de cision of the voters at the primaries Sept. 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit jour support and vote. j '•'.82 DORB W. THOMAS; ; r-,. >* ABHOUNCEMENT hereby announce my cnndidacy for ; ' Sheriff of McHenry county, subject to : the decision of the voters at the .Re publican primaries September 9, 1914. I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of said primary. • CIIAUI.ES WANDRACK. ffe A1DIOUNCEMENT " I nereuy announce myself as a candi- " date-for the office of County Treasurer, subject to-the decision of theRepub- x lican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, * 19A, and respectfully solicit the sup- ^^Rpt^iny friends. " LYNN RICHABDS, SO Crystnl Lake, IB. ANNOUNCEMENT ;4 r -± uciiwith announce myself r ^Qemocratic candidate for the office of* •/. aounty treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the vo at the primaries on Sept. 9,1914. will appreciate the support of the legal) voters. Respectfully, . 4 JOHN H. MILLER m I H tfcV EVE CANDIDATE FOR - JCOUNTY TREASURER VvV.M*:p ii If nominated and elected I. shall vote for and favor: 1. A constitutional convention, to the end that the state may have: (a) A more adequate and modern revenue law.. (b) A shorter ballot in elections. (c) An end to minority representa tion in the assembly and the (3) vote system. (d) A restriction upon the power of the city of Chicago in the legislature and a greater measure of home rule for the city of Chicago. ' (e) An easier method of amending the constitution than now proVided for. (f) Our constitution should be other wise modernized in various particulars. 2. I shall vote and work for an ef fective county local option law, as the results of the township law show plain ly that the county should be the unit in voting on the saloon question. 3. I shall favor, as I always Vhavcufa- vored, such legislation as protects the dairy farmer, and I shall endeavor to secure such a settlement between the state board of health and the Chicago board of health and the dairy interests so that both interests can live. 4. In the house, I snail favor the cut ting down of the standing committees from sixty-eight to fifteen in number and make them all working commit tees; and shall also favor the doing away w4%h all rules that prevent the house, hy a majority, from acting at any-time as the majority of the house see. fit. A stenographic record of everything said and ckjke1 in each house of the leg- re should be taken - and made a rt.pfj^ach day's printed Journal, and (jreiM-hti -widest circulation' and pub licity. Very repectfully, EDWARD D. SHURTLIEFF. V REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE F. D. PERKINS court, to compel the parents, guardi* ans or other perrons who may have their custody to give them such care and opportunity. I believe that the law should be obeyed and enforced and that a judge should know neither friend nor foe in its application. I believe' that all public officers should do their duty under the law without fear or favor, and more partic ularly if a judge of the county and pro bate courts. I believe that a judge should be a man of nerve, a student of the law, and fearless in its application, and, in the discharge of the functions of his office, should not be subservient to the will or caprice of any man or set of men. I believe that the probate, court should be open at all times as required by law, as it has been during my term of office and as it will be in the future if I am elected. The above is .the platform upon which I stand. I respectfully solicit the Republican voters of McHenry county, who can endorse these princi ples, to vote for me for county judge at the coming primaries, Wednesday, September 9, 1914. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have shown their unbounded kindness to me in the past, and can assure all my friends and my enemies that they will find me lis cour teous to them, under all circumstances, in the future as I have been in the D. T. SMILEY. FOR COUNTY . ROWLAND & CLIFFORD'S ' * I iX i* ' A'^ivr; < i £ * • • ^ K-v- f;V;' ' it# , •*\h. BY WM- ANTHONY -$.c; '.i* , 1-0.' ' • 'it'" • 125 performances at McVicker's Theater Chicago, to record breaking attendance ALL SPECIAL SCEN Reserved Seats now QA^ysale it Petesch's NOOSE CANDIDATE CLERK ANNOUNCEMENT v£\ I hereby announce myself a oftodi- • dete for the Progressive nomination for county treasurer of McHenry coun ty, and if nominated and elected I will account for and turn into the county treasury or other proper places, all in terest money that I receive on public FRED D. PERKJNS. ABMIN18TARTOK S NOTICB v P. B. Bennett, Attorney v # a . i H i n P 1 ^ T \ _ _ Adinitiisti sed, !ate of nry and State of Illinois, 'ounty of Mc hereby glvet notice that she will appear before the County ttourt of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the September Term, on the first Monday in September next, at Winch time all persons having claims airalnst •aid Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons Indebted to said Estate «*e requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this ltttii day of July, A. D. 1914 6 OKBTBDDB MASQUELET, Administratrix. XEGUTOR'S NOTICE OF1 FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT > Chas. S. Northrop, Attoraev nvn.l INilli; • ' ^1? STATE OF ILLINOIS, iT r^'Tr-- McHenry County, H»- -gBstate or Ellen Fhalln, D( ui r^neu maun, Deceased. ^ITo all whom it may concern. You are hereby notified that on Mondav >lhe 17tti day of August. 1914, I, as the Execnl tor of tiie last Will and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my HCt& &ud doings as sucn Executor, and ask the Conrt to be discharged from any and all farther duties and responsibilities connected Vtto taia Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, lfyon cboose so to do. ' •-3* JTOHB M. PBALIM, Executor. BEFORE »YQU' BUILD 1M 6m!mm (not i) or.sin* II eyarytUn« (or the . r!! ImiiL ur t ut • to - fit. u u w t u c ) , l i t t i l e , | > m i , v U««l tmwwtuJT c^, Ur Okf. iBck & Mead, Werft McHenry, " ' I hereby announce myself as a candi. date for the office of county judge, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, Sept. 9, 1914, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends. If nominated and elected the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. 5 - B. F. MANLEY. 'BULL MOOSE CANDIDATE FOB SHERIFF CLARENCL l-«. BLEliiEN Woodstock, 111. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if elected, I will earnestly endeavor to discharge the duties of the office conscientiously and to the very best of my ability, including the en forcement of all state laws It is made the duty of the sheriff's office to en force. I am an employe of the Oliver Typewriter company at Woodstock and have never before been a candi date for.any public office. I solicit the support of all the Progressives at the primaries and of all the voters at the November election. 7 CLARENCE M. BLENHEN. ICE CREAM LAWN SOCIAL The Ladies' Sodality of St. Mary's Catholic church will hold an ice cream lawn social on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Miller on Main street next Saturday evening, Sunday after noon and evening. Ice cream and cake will be served and the usual prices will prevail. Everybody invited to ])'ift!cipate. The Hunter Boat line will run erf*, cursions to Wilmot, Wis., via Fox riv er and the chain of lakes every Wed nesday. during the summer season. Boat leaves RiversidedoekatftOO a. m. Round trip, 85 cents. 6-H ' • • • • . . ELWELL J. PECK v,:! ̂ Ql Harvard, IlL / ANNOUNCEMENT c Beli'eving in the principles of the Progressive party, and in tho policies of Theodore Roosevelt, and having been a Progressive in 1912, I hereby announce my candidacy for the Pro gressive . nomination for the office of county clerk of McHenry county on the Bull Moose or Progressive ticket, and if nominated and elected I will earnestly endeavor £0 discharge the duties of the office to the best of,my ability and to the satisfaction of. the people. I am a resident of the /city of-Har vard, add solicit the support of all Progressives at the primaries on Sep tember D. EL WELL J. PECK, 7 , > ' Harvard, 111. BRAKMAN KILLO A Chicago & North Western brake- man by the name of Rierdon was killed at Genoa Junction, Wis., one day last week. The unfortunate victim sprained his ankle while the train was at this station and was told to remain in the caboose. As the train was rounding the switch near Genoa Junction, Rier don was seen climbing to the top of one of the freight cars. J$To sooner did he reach the top, when, in some man- ner, he lost, his halnnce ant? foil tween two cars. His body was ground beyond recognition. . Common are drinks uncommonly gt>od at our fountain. Petesob. * Ask for McHenry made lew ore am r Fresh daily. C. Unti. 51 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Stephen H. Freund spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. John F. Miller spent Wednes day in Chicago. N. J. Justen was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. William Smith transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. ' Miss Eva Ciocca of Elgin is the guest of Miss Josephine Worts. John Gibbs was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. . G. E. Schoel was a business. visitor at the county seat Wednesday. Miss Kate F. Howe boarded the Chi cago train Wednesday morning^ Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughter, Lil lian, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and daughter, Bertha, were Chicago visitors Wednes day. George Worts and Miss Katherine Pint were recent guests at friends at Hebron. 1 * Miss Lottie Lau of Chicago passed last week as a guest in the home of J. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer were among the Chicago passengers Wed nesday morning. Miss Barbara Wiedemann of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of Mias Elizabeth Thelen. . Harry Kist of Chicago waa enter tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint Sunday. Mias Kittie Lawler of Chicago spent last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin. Mrs. L. Seiger and son, Alouis, of Kenosha, Wis., are spending a month in the home of Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thelen and chil dren of Chicago are passing the week as guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Al Schuencmaon of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Josephine Heimer. Miss Mayme Penningfeather of Ke nosha, Wis., spent last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler. Mr. and Mrs. B. Tanner of Bellevue, Fla., passed Monday and Tuesday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schaefer and Miss Kate Schaefer of Chicago are guests in the home of Misses Gertrude and Kath- ryn Weber. Peter J. Freund, Miss Agnes A. Perry, C. Unti and Frank Schnabel were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and M rs. Peter WirfS and daugh ter of North Crystal Lake spent Sun day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aebischer drove to Chicago in their machine last Sun day afternoon and spent a couple of hours as the guests of relatives. Miss Sue F. Reiter of Chicago ar rived here last Saturday evening for a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Her sister, Auu.i, I- » a visitor, but will make a stay of only a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Heimer returned to their home in Chicago Tuesday morning after spending the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of t^e former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. BULL HOOSES RAVE CANDIDATE CLARENCE M. BLETHEN, A POPULAR OLI VER ETFPLOYB. WILL-MAKE RV* Woodstock Sentinel: Clarence M. Blethen, for many years an employe of the Oliver typewriter factory, will be Progressive candidate for sheriff of McHenry county. • Mr. Blethen will enter the race with the practical as surance that he will have no opposi tion in the primaries, and will make his big run at the November election. Mr. Blethen enters the contest un hampered by past political affiliations or activities. Be is a new man in the political situation of McHenry county, never before having been a candidate for any office. He is popular, both among his fellow employes and outside of the factory, a worthy citizen, splen did gentleman and #ould make an ideal sheriff. As this will - be the first time that Che voters of the Oliver typewriter factory have ever proposed a candidate for county Office, and with the splendid character of the candidate of their choice, we have no doubt that they will give him active support, both by their votes and among their multitude of friends in alb parts of McHenry county. ANOTHER WELL PLEASED POLICY MOLDER Mr. P. N. Musser, general insurance agent, was in McHenry recently ad justing claims and among the list was Mr. Earl McAndrews, well known thruout the county. Mr. McAndrews took out a policy with Mr. Musser a few months previous and in June he was ill with boils and ivy poisoning. Mr. McAndrews wishes to state to the public that he notified Mr. Musser when he had recovered and Mr. Mus- eor attended to all his papers for hitn, and the claim was properly adjusted, very satisfactory to Mr. McAndrews. The premium paid.to Mr. Musser was $10.00 per year and Mr. McAndrews received a check for his full claim of $17.15. Mr. McAndrews states that be considers the companies represent ed by Mr. Musser very liberal and just and that the company lives up to its contracts, and that he found Mr. Mus ser very prompt and just in handling his claim. Signed at McHenry, July 27, '14. Adv FRANCIS EARL MC ANDREWS. Hot cakes, light, browft, deli cious and plenty of them made from EARLY RISER flour, the king of all flours, which gives success every time. It is the best flour made and is always the same. Buy Early Riser flour next time and see how your appetite for good bread, rolls, pie, cake, cook ies, etc., increases. WEST HIHSNRT FLOPS ARB FEED HILLS i'J ite! (F Good Things to Eat^::^7 Now, doesn't that sound good to you? Of course it does and we are right here to tell you that we sell these good things and want you to leave us your next order for Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Vege tables, Fruits or. Bakery Goods.. The season of the year, is at hand when the housewife refuses to prepare all meals over a hot cook Stove and for this reason we have laid in a supply of cold lunch eats that will be sure to please your palate. All ordwep promptly delivered. iMMi-- L PROBATE NEWS •»»»«.»« [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office la Ar nold Block, east aide public square. Ab stracts of tltla and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payment* to suit borrower. Phones 634,003 ana 111;] REAL ESTATE TRANSFKKS. E P Flanders A w to Fred Breyer and Lydla Breyer. Its 1,2, a & 4, blk 1, E P Flanders' sub-dlv McHenry WO0OO John A Bowers & w to Atliis Moulding Band * Giavel Co, pt eH sec », 7.48 * . . Richmond Y MARRIAGE LICENSES. * . Peter Norman, 24....w«> Marengo Flossie Stock, 19.. . . M a r e n g o Arthie Pvo, ?4 D*»pl»jn*s (Jiara&tcppke, 20.. Glenn J. Kenney, 24.*..-i- - Woodstock Bessie C. Davis, 24...., ..-. Woodstock Edward D. Mullen, Jr., Woodstock Elnora Teskie, 25 Woodstock Ed Rossman, SI ........Woodstock Etma Zellhofer, 19.^-.^. Huntley omeone Will Lose , mother Barn by JGHTNING EaoS season at least one nam in its eounty U struck by lightning. may be yours. Protect yourMdf iw whil ̂there is time. SHINN Ughtnlag BoSs «r* ' he World's Best MM pm ooppn tMttii (•« Conduct! vitr OopiMtr circuit I >m ailver tlpixx) point* to f round I Is. four-t«rt«l. •etf-iockiftcf 1 MN. Kndornd br stoctrlcal • KiuMn. i^Mik for inulamaiR always en | uulii* Shlnn o»M«. mllvldunl Hiiiid yivan whin vmi purrliua I Inn Sgritem. Cniun in mid NO |7i,W s icb backs it. Catalog aee. SimanekBros. Lo^g Dist. 'Phone 483 Spring Grove CENTOMLLE AND GiOCLKY Aiw Hit' * i< e cnoicest line Meats and Groceries 4to be foaisd in v;.-. : .Aebischer (Saeosaer te C. Q. Pratt.) NoHENRY, ILL. M «-: 'PHOUE Wd J. F. Stop Torture Lice stop hens laylns snd duck tba growth of young birds. Tea can easily get rid of an Uea. mites and vermin with Powdcre< Fire Mtllcr MtetmdSOe tnd saveoMasgr. Also the bast bisect!" ide toe dogs, eats, pfauMa and Hewers. Refuse enbetitutes; insist on Piatts. gfcatisleetiee Ceanuiteedl er Meeey Beek " cut PraUa ltQ moo* Bntt GM PraMa ltd 909* Pemltm Boak Frr ffntr by Bonslett, - Wert McHenry Dehrechtj, - Johnsburgh Hows, - - Ringwood iThat's what we sell audfor ihis reason we are respeCI- jfully asking you to make .this your meat buying cen- Besides keeping on , Jband at all times a fresh and ^Complete stock of meats we also carry a fine line of Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Bak ery, Fruits and Vegetables *si'f ADDITIONAL LOCALS FiR SALE--House and four lots Exc llent building sites. Mrs. Mary Sch ainer, West McHenry, 111. T1 3re's complexion protection in dur cold cream It preserves good com plex 008 and improves poor ones. %c at F tesch's. Tl tt Lake OenevA speoisl which pass 5 thru here shortly after 7 o'clock on lunday evenings quite generally exce ds the speed limit. A warning fron edly Mi with last now fron ing A and by t com the village board would undoubt>- lelp some. W. C. Evanson, in oompany passetT C. Evanson, in her sisters of Palatine, thru McHenry in a machine one day «ek. Mr. and Mrs. Evauson are naking their home at Quinsy, 111., which city Mr. Evanson Is travel- >r a large radiator house. (he present time the village board boancl of health are very touch cone rned over the building occupied McHenry laundry. Numerous nr. rfijifRrdlT\!r 1*° ni;d the pot* wiiich comes from the base- of same have been made. The mat^r has been taken up by the two i well as the lire marshal and o have made complaints may --sur̂ i im bodi» thos) w I rest dont »oon.'.. in :Wago® is service. Our JdeHveiy m m •\Jk s v«# Successor to £. F. Matthews We^t McHenry :: Phone 3 i DR. F. J. AICHER , DENTIST In Schumacher Ceotervill̂ \ C-t-* McH •nry Tc , >: >>» Illiilol« elephone No. 18 v. :• fi. A. •fe Msnucr iMMm' -^5 WTUAL urc MSOMCC CO. 4 V y VEST nWT, OL w No. 1W-R . \ ^IMON STOFFBL | 'r •- -vyi Insurance agent for all elasssa of ?.s property in the best companies ffxiNa* 0^$ • ? . • -k M •