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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1914, p. 5

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sp !6-r%wm .•v' *"-i Jft'HENRT. It v ^ SERVICE The Three Important Links In The Chain of Confidence fv ; • .. z A Right Dings means more than purity--it means also potency. We buy only drugs of standard strength and keep them in a way that insures against deterioration. 1 Right Service. You like the way we do business. Everything is done here to facilitate the handling of trade* Our rapidly increasing trade proves that our methods are appreciated. Use our free delivery service. 1 Right Prices. Careful and extensive buying enables us to furnish the highest grade of goods at a price lower than you often pay for inferior goods elsewhere. We ask for your Drug business on the basis of right goods, right service and reasonable prices N. H JPETESCH DRUGGIST McHENRY & (r SUMMER SCHEDULER rif i - Will run every day In the week t 0" •' • • ̂ #£' • 'xiW .*mj iJm't McHENRY r. Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake v ^Leaving at 10^0 a. m. and 2:00 p. a, •• * •* ^ .'<V rf v» • •" •••• • • - ' " f t s ' ' " " - - If' f X t - i f ~ <* ? ? y * •;. a bbI Mk I :. 5?4*.~3 8b Excursion to the Dance at Mertei* Hotel .-V leaving MeHenry at 8:00 p. ih. sharp :%s] n l r ' ' ' • 'f,rfe,0 Pl»: J.C.Debrecht QUALITY SERVICE RIGHT PRICES (ttjlinfftfyrgHj HI* . \: VV <>i. ON SALE are closing ««t last year's stock r of Summer Dress Goods and lawns at one-half former prices. Take a jook at the Laces on sale. ># f ~Bino«rooi> v H. W, AQen went to Raoine test flriday.> "• * Mrs. Charles' of Chicago spent last IShuraday with Ura. IUlney. ••"V. y Mr. and Mrs. Del. Abbottwere I ; .Woodstock visitors Tuesday, it Claude Fitch and Herbert Bum of -- ^iicago wer#£»estf in the Allea home iflver Sunday. E. C. Hawley and Mrs. Myrtle garrison were MeHenry visitors Tues- ||ay morning. , ' , Mrs. Kjiinia Brown and granddauifh- 0-'. |®r went to Harvard Wednesday to at» ft . |»nd the chajitauqiia. . Rev. Collins of Elisabeth, 111., spent friday nijjht in Ringwobd. He came : $0 attend Francis Abbott's funeral. J. C. Ladd and wife and niece, Miss jtargaret Harrison, of Aurora took a boat trip up the river last Saturday. ^ .Miss Stewart of (Chicago was in town Monday looking after music pupils, fibe will take Miss Roee J us ten's da«s > McHenrv. J. V. Buckland and Charles Thomp- ^K»n, wife and daughter of Greenwood Were visiting relatives in Burlington, Wis., Thursday of last week. Mrs. Florence Smith and mother, fe: Mrs. JBauna Brown^. TWted at Mn^| W®. Simea sells li^tning nd|r Mattie Harrison's in Alden Wednesday night and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mary Pierce of Harvard, who has been visiting relatives in Ring- wood and MeHenry a few days, re­ turned to her home Wednesday morn­ ing. - Mrs. Libbie Ladd visited with h^* brother, William's, family in Nunda Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Harrison and granddaughter of Chicago came home with her for a few days' visit. The Young People's Literary club will meet with Winifred Bradley and Paul Stephenson in the Woodmen hall. The following program will be given: Prayer Solo .Dorcas Foss Reading ... Burns Williams Piano Soto Mattie Smith Recitation Leon Dodge Piano Solo ^...Mildred Wolkos Reading _Joe Lynch Piano Solo \.... ..Emily Smith Recitation -...^...Mrs. Hitchens Response Favorite bird • To begin at 8 o'clock, sharp. GIRL WANTED--For my shop. Must be handy with needfe. John tX Lodtz, MeHenry, 111. ""*"""* 11 * . y1*? ' .* FOR BALE--A restaurant in West MoHenry. Inquire at this office.'/ miiiumiwii fer NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 7 at j Mii»iiMmnn»iiiminninnli immik TERRA COTTA. Walter- Keefe of Chicago visited J. M. Phalin's Sunday. Mark McMillan is visiting his grand­ father at Spring Grove. Edward and Harold Knox Spent Tues­ day fishing at Fox river. • Mr. and Mrs. Allen JaeksQb enter­ tained company last week. .Mrs. Walter Bolger and children called at M. Knox's Sunday. Miss Eleanor Phalin has left on a several weeks' trip to Ireland. Miss Kate Lawler of Chicago hi a guest at the home of B. F. Maitin. Misses Vera and Helen Bolger re­ turned to their home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jackson are mov­ ing to the Win. Schuman residence. Mrs. John Carey of Ringwood vis­ ited relatives here the lastof the week. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville spent a few dftys last week at M. Knox's. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin was visit­ ing relatives here and at Holcombville last week Marie and Phil Huffman of Spring Grove were calling on relatives here last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr of Spring Grove spent S\m6ay tirith Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy. Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock was a week end guest in the home of her brother, J. M. Phalin. Misses Vera Bolger and Eleanor and Edna Phalin spent last Tuesday with Florence and Frances Kn6x. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daugh­ ter and Mrs. George Phalin and son were Woodstock callers recently. John Starr and daughter, Mrs. Min­ nie Starr Granger, of Belvidere were recent guests of Mrs. A. T. McMillan. About thirty friends of Miss Eleanor Phalin tendered her a farewell party at her home Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and Mrs. Henry' McMillan were callers at the home of A. P. Pefck Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. John Carey and Mrs. Geo. Phalin were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. Several ladies from here attended the meeting of the Social Workers at the home of Mrs. John Carey near Ringwood last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hart la Eahritia The pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Martin was the scene of a most enjoyable gathering last Saturday evening, when they en­ tertained several friends in honor of their guest, Miss Kate Lawler, of Chi­ cago. Progressive euchre occupied part of the evening's entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox winning the first prizes, a deck of cards and a china game set. James McNamara and Mrs. George Phalin carried off the booby prizW Other games and dancing com­ pleted an evening of rare entertain- ^t6.*'vwuu«vula CCiuoioLiiig Of lemonade, ice cream and assorted cakes were served. At a late hour all de­ parted for their homes, assuring Mr. and Mrs. Martin that they had spent a most enjoyable evening. Those who made up the pleasant gathering were: Messrs. and Mesdames W. J. Welch, J. M. Phalin, M. A. Conway, P. H. Conway, M. Knox, B. F. Martin; Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock, Mrs. John Carey of Ringwood, Mrs. Geo. Phalin of Alabama, James McNamara and Misses Kate Lawler and Minnie O'Neill of, Chicago. UUUKFIKLUi Mrs. A. Peterson was a Woodstock shopper Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Skinner'wore at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mrs. L. Bennett and so*! James, were at Woodstock Saturday. " Mrs. R. L. Dulield and Mrs. A. Hunt were Woodstock callers Saturday. Miss Helen Mendey of Chicago is the guest of Miss Helen Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.'Barden were call­ ing on relatives at Woodstock Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Ajaderson aod children spent Sunday afternooa at Gary. Mrs. Ed. Anners attended the funer­ al of Mr. Ryan at Crystal Lake Wed­ nesday. Miss Helen Carlson entertained the Sewing Circle at her home Saturday evening. MrC A. G. Levey and Mh£^> Pur­ vey and son were Crystal La&e shop­ pers Friday. Miss Mary Ellen Dpnn of Chicago is spending a few weeks With lier sister, Mrs. Delaney. Miss Minnie Moore and Miss L. Fur- ney of Chicago are visiting their cousin, Miss Liazie Furney. W. Barden of Spokane, Wash., vis­ ited his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, Thursday and Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Timm entertained their cousin, Miss Timm, also a friend from Chicago recently. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Huntley and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson and sons spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. Hans Nelson and daughter, Eve­ lyn, and Mrs. Rushton visited the lat- ter's sister at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Schoof and Miss Marjory of LaGrange were recent visitors at the homes of F. S. Morse and A. Anners. Miss Crystal Conerty is at Frances Willard Memorial hospital in Chicago, where she wiil remain .for treatment this week. . Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard and son, Lester, of Woodstock were over Sunday visitors at the home of Station Agent Lynch. Prof. Spencer R. Smith and son, Kenneth, of Austin, are spending their vacation at the home of their son and blotter, O. a SpHth. Mrs. E. Williams and daughter, Mary, of Berlin, Wis., visited at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch, from Thursday until Mon­ day. Mrs,; JP. tteVofe, of Waupaca, Wis., from ifetirdlay until Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. H. Fan­ ning, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mrs. J. Barden of Woodstock, Miss Charlotte Brown of Chicago and the Misses Audrey and Mildred Brown of Nebraska visited at the home of Mr. Mrs. G. W. Wheeler Wednesday. KMKRAUt PARK. John Armstrong spent Sunday here. Jas. Haghes spent a day recently in Chicago. - W. K.,Burns of Chicago spent Sun­ day here. Mrs. Hill is spending a few days at. her cottage. Miss Cora Felmeten spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Berkircher. Mrs. Geo. Young called on her moth­ er, Mrs. John R/Smith, Friday. Mrs. Jack Alien and children are spending a few days at the Park. Joseph Sutton of Cary spent Stihday as the guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs. R. Sohns returned to Chicago Thursday, after spending a few days at 6er cottage. Miss Lillian Heany of Chicago is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ed Heany. Mrs. John Relihan and Mrs. John Gibbs were callers at the Ellen Frit-In home Wednesday. Mrs. John Smith and* ion called on her daughter, Mra. Geo. Young, at MeHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Flannery returned home Monday, after spending a few weeks at their cottage. Mrs. Love and daughter returned home Wednesday after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mrs. Edward Sutton and son spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoelscher and son of Chicago are spending a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ryan and son and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton and son autoed over from Woodstock and spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. The Misses Kathryn and Agnes Sut­ ton of South Dakota, who have been visiting • relatives and friends here, have gone to Elgin, where they will spend a few weeks before returning home. Among those who attended the fu­ neral of Nfrs. John Powers were Mrs. Peter Walsh, Mrs. John Gibbs, Miss Nancy Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sut­ ton, Mrs. Ed Knox, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mrs. Frank Martin, Miss Nancy Fris­ by, Mrs. Wm. Welch, Mrs. Ned Knoft and Mrs. John Pnaiin were among those who attended the meeting of the Social Workers at Mrs. John Camay's at Ringwood. , Tv OSTKITD. Mrs. R. H. Richardson is enjoying a visit from her mother and sister, Miss Minnie Benwell. Dr. M. W. Thompson and wife of Chicago were Sunday afternoon callers on F. B. Thompson. \ The Ostend Sunday school is grow­ ing nicely. Sunday morning last there were nineteen present. F. R. Eppel and family and Miss Nellie Silliman were enjoying an auto ride Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell and family have been entertaining a young* lady friend from Rockford the past week. The threshing machine has already commenced its song. C. E. Sherman, one of the company of twelve, threshed bis barley on Monday last. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and their daughter, Mrs. Nina Sher­ man, and their families drove to Rich­ mond in the former's auto and ate din­ ner uith C. F. Hobart and family Sun­ day. Nearly the whole neighborhood turned out to nay their last respects to their old frienlTand, to several, schotl mate, on last Friday. Francis A. Ab­ bott's rwtaains were brought back from Florida and laid to rest in the Green­ wood cemetery. He was born Aug. 12, 1847, in Ostend and died July 17> 1914. Just one week afler death he was in- tered in Greenwood cemetery. He leaves a wife, two daughters and two brothers, T. A. Abbott of Ringwood and ( T. Abbott of Woodstock. VOLO of Libertyville wsain Dr. Taylor town Friday. A. J. Raymond spent Saturday and Sunday in the city. . ^ Misses Maggie and Ruth Petersen are visiting in Elgin. Mrs. Fred Dunnill and Bessie were in MeHenry Saturday. Mrs. S. Russell and daughters were recent Waukegan visitors. Mrs. John Walton and son, Jasonr autoed to Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich of MeHenry called at Mrs. Stadtfeld's Thursday. Mrs. H. Krueger and son of Wau- conda spent Friday at John Walton's. Mrs. Fanny Towers of Crystal Lake was calling on friends here Thursday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Ella Moore were Wauoonda oallers Satur­ day. Peter Stadtfeld and wife entertained company from Waukegan Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. and Mesdames R. E. Nerger, J. O'Connor, Edward Ropp and Emil Theory of Chicago passed thru here via automobil e last Saturday evening for Twin Lakes, where they spent Are your valuables: protedted against the at­ tacks of burglars or the sudden outbreak of fire? Do not be- satisfied/with doubtful pro- tection, but secure the most positive kind of safety by depositing your ̂ valuables in the* x Fire and Burglar Proof Vault of the K -•a ' > - Tvi " \ C. v • Waft* V FREMONT HOY & SON, Bankers 'ir. HE BIG FELLOWS ARE RIGHT AGAIN with their talk about the world undergoing a general reconstruc­ tion. We've noticed this ten­ dency right here in our own town among the homebullders. More and more are people delv­ ing down into the question of values and costs and in buying building material they want to know all there is to learn about durability, sanitary properties and working qualities. We're gradually getting back to real sanity in the spending of our money and that means untried, new fangled materials are finding lumber a hard opponent. We've always maintained lumber was the best building material money could buy and we are certainly glad to see others joining with us in this belief when it comes to building a home. No matter what you may contemplate build­ ing, come in and let us show you where the right kind of lumber will help you. 'There's no place like home" WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY Wetft MeHenry. :: Phone 5 and friends want pictures Of you as they are accustomed to see you. Pictures of your natural, conversational ex­ pression. Such portraits are a pleasure for us to make and for you to have made. Drop in and have a chat-- you'll hardly know you ise being photographed. STUDIO OPEN EVERY DAV ̂ EXCETT SATURDAY SCHNABEL'S PBOTO STUDIO Third Successful Season AND BETTER THAN EVER Jt ft :;t Riverside Park'}®!® •v: MeHenry, Illinois OPEN EVERY NIGHT ""ifrvi '^Tfvy: i' i..;. j The Latest and Be^t Pictures AND ORCHESTRA '̂ Xr-A '*& •s:. - [ 'i-:' '• v*: T~r- - • .^ ,, , . . . . . . r •. j' y IP :«.<!•" 'PHONE 61-R HcHENKY, ILLINOIS "TIE MONROE" BUFFET DUGINER & SPANIER* Props. 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE 'Ss&i •if- fSs" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE F. B. BenuPtt. Attorney. ^ Estate of Prank Mas«iuelet, Deceased. The umlerslitntJtl liavliiK been appointed Admlniutriitrix. -with will annexed, of the Estate of Frank Masquetet, deceased, late of the (U)uiity of MeHenry and fctate of IUtnois, hereby Ktves notice that she wjll appear be­ fore the County Court of MoHenry County, at tbe Court, House iu Woodstock, at the Sep- t(., , , j ..... ti, i 1 • --1 • v '•'••y' -- bei' next, ut-whicb tluit- nil claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at (end for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tbto MtU day of July, A. D. 1»U. Qbrtrudb MABQubuct. Adnoln stratrix. with will annexed. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT ® is maiptained for your convenience and in order that you may maintain a comfortable existence by availing1 your­ selves of the good things it contains. It is replete with everything of the best and offered at the lowest pqssifele prices. Make it your commissary headquarters. -•£*;• . 1 SMITH BROS. mchSSZ f e - : . a ,| ' ^ ^ i - i P H I L I P J A E O E R dENERAL COOMISSION MERCHANT s SraCSAL ATTKNTIOW GIVBN TO THK 8A1JR Dremd Beef, rtatton. Hogs, VmI, 7 Iftdc5t Etc., Butter and Eff» th« oldest hooiM on ttM street Tags and pciea Uata fvnlahtl on turn." \ • 7' -C ' ̂ COLO STORAOB FK&B ' * chicaqo, (Illinois.

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