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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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,w ';[r * >- i* , * * + -» ^j»s-i: •::, . «- . 1 :-y, ;-:f - V ITHEKRY PLACTOEALIR, IPHMRT *T|̂ '.& v- RIGHT SERVICE , The Three Important Links In The GhaM of Confidence , -*?>>• . o,. 1 Right Drugs means more than purity--it means also potency. We buy only drugs of standard strength and keep them in a way that insures against deterioration. 1 Right Service. You like the way w*? do business. Eyeiy thing is done here to facilitate the ha idling of trade. Our rapidly increasing trade proves that our methods are appreciated. Use our free delivery service. H Right Prices. Careful and extensive buying enables us to furnish the highest grade of goods at a price lowc than you often pay for inferior goods elsewhen^V -4 We ask for your Drug business on the basis of right goods, right service and reasonable prices N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST ' 'A'" f" M'" ' McHENRY & SUMMER SCHEDULE Hunter Boat Line Will run every day in the week ^ •••• !V ii . • »> FROM McHENRY Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake .̂ ^Ivl-eiving at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Round Trip, 5 0c I!AL-- Excursion to the Dance/at Mertes' Hotel leaving McHenry at 8:00 p. m. sharp \ Look lor the yellow flag McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 92-J For a safe and jolly outinjj^take the old and reliable -EXCURSIONS TO t Wilmot, Wis taking in the chain of lakes and worl famous Lotus Beds. This trip may be ar­ ranged for at anytime at reasonable rates. Our boats always give the passengers plenty of time on land at all stopping places and boats will stop at any and all places agreeable to passengers. We can do this for the reason that we own the boats and have personal charge of same. Large and small boats for charter. Will carry any num­ ber of passengers. NOT IN THE TRUST. Koeppe, Capt NEIGHBORING NEWSAS&HRdNTCt.EDBY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 1 tEftRA COITA. Edna Phalta was a Chicago vis­ itor Friday, Mre. Geo. P. Bay is spending * tew days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Sohubbe have moved to Leland, ill. Mrs. Brantingham of Cbfoftgo Is fifth iting Mrs. G. P. Bay. Attorney Stenning of Chieagb passed Sunday at S. B. Leisner's. Leo Conway spent a few days last week with his aunts in Elgin. Prank Doherty of HolcombviTle spent Wednesday with relatives here. Miss Emma Conway visited Elgin relatives a few days last week. Misses Marion and Irene Conway were recent euests of Elgin relatives. Mrs. S. B. Leisner is spending the week with her daughters in Chicago. Miss Agnes Conway of Howell's Vil­ las spent last week at her home here. Miss Florence Knox was the guest of McHenry relatives Saturday even­ ing. Glenn Robison and Miss Florence Welch passed thru here Sunday even­ ing. Wra. Conway of Honey Creek, Wis., visited in this vicinity one evening re­ cently. Harry Brantingham of Chicago spent Sunday with his 1 ittledaughter, Georgia Irene. Miss Marion Conway spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of & 1. Mc­ Carthy. Henry Shales of Chicago spent Sat­ urday evening with his daughter, Marion. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry vis­ ited at M. Knox's Wednesday Thursday. ' Mrs.1 Jack Walsh and daughter, Pender, were calling on friends here Thursday. Fred and Will Powers of I^olcomb- recent guest in the homes of Mrs. Geo. ville were oalling in this vicinity Sun-^rish and Mrs. A. G. Levey. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Schuster and daughter, Lillie, spent one Sunday recently at S. B. Leisner's. Mr. and Mrs. Sjustrang and daugh­ ter, Frances, of Chicago visited friends here last Sdnday. Miss Mayme Huffman of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday at the home of her brother, Phil Hoffman. • Mrs. Stenning of Chicago has b&n spending the past two weeks at the home of S. B. Leisner. Miss Anna Rydquist of Crystal Lake was entertained in the home of Mrs. A. T. McMillan Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons, Quentin, Melvin, Joseph and James, called on relatives here Thursday. Miss Kate Lawler returned to Chi­ cago Sunday after a two we&ks' visit at the home of B. F. Martin. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday with his daughters and attend­ ed the funeral of Mrs. A. P. Peck. Mrs. Louis Schnelle and daughter, EleanOr, of Huntley passed last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jack­ son. Misses Dorothy and Eleanor Walsh of McHenry spent the latter part of the week at the home of their aunt, Ura Jf. Knox. SIKOWOOD The busy hum of the threshkig ma­ chine is now heard. < Mrs. Haw ley had as a week end guest her sister from Elgin. Mrs. Mary Stewart of Dakota is vis­ iting her cousin, Mrs. Libbie Ladd. Ray Dodge, who has been very sick for some time, is reported improving. Mrs. E. C. Hawley entertained her niece, Miss Smiley, of Elgin last week. Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock is visiting Mrs. Abbie Martin and other friends. Ole Wolkos entertained a sister from and a nephew from Milwaukee last week. Mrs. Paul .Webster and children from near Beloit are visiting at Ray Merchant's. Mrs. Emma Merchant entertained a young lady friend from Woodstock over Sunday. Miss Annis Jewett, mother and brother of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mt*s. Allen Sunday. The Ladies'. Aid will serve ice cream and cake in the^ park Friday evening, Aug. 14,1914. All invited. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison at­ tended the Thomas reunion at W. E. Thomas' at Ostend Sunday. The ladies spent a pleasant afternoon at the meeting of the Social Wheel at Mrs. Allen's last Saturday. Miss Lora Walkington attended the Thompson ice cream festival at Green­ wood last Friday evening and remained for a visit with relatives. * ' • f KMKKALI) PARK. .* Robert Smeltekop spent Sunday here. Jas. Haxton of Chicago spent Sun­ day here. Miss Aileen O'Reilly left Monday for a trip to Ohio. --• Miss Olga Lee of Genoa Junotion spent Sunday at J. R. Smith's. Miss Nancy Frisby spent one day re­ cently with Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Misses Helen and Marguerite Smeltz- er visited Miss Florence Scrivner Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Frisby of Elgin spent the week end at Mrs. Ellen Fris­ by's. Mrs. Chas. Malefyt and children are spending a few weeks at the Malefyt cottage. Mrs. Ed Sutton and son and R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Friday at Vin­ cent Martin's. Edward Heany of Chicago spent a few days as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Ed Heany. v JoejSutton of Cary spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives Miss Ada White of Chicago is spend­ ing a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs...George Fraiser and children are speeding a few weeks a£ the Haxton cottage. Mrs. Baker and children of Colorado are spending a few weeks as guests of Mrs. Robt. Smeltekop., . Mrs. Richard Keefe of Chicago and Mrs. Keefe of Woodstock spent one day recently at Ned Knox's. Master Robert Larkin of Elgin is spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Miss Mayme Smith of Lake Geneva spent'the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Misses Florence and Ruth -and Mas­ ter Byron Scrivner are spending a few weeks as thfe guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Huek. uiHurnuk ^. Mr. and Mrs. G, C. Smith ywei*^ re­ cent Chicago visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler were Woodstock callers Sunday. Mrs. H. Timm was a Crystal Lake passenger Saturday forenoon. | Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sim­ mons, on Sunday, Aug. 2, a daughter. Mrs. R. Hesselgrave and daughter, Hasel, are visiting in Woodstock this week; . Mrs. Wheeler entertained fifteen ladies at the Cemetery meeting last week. We have a new barber shop in our little burg. It is located In the Han­ sen house. J. C. Button enjoyed an auto ride to Woodstock Saturday with his grand­ son, Gerald Smith. Ray Lyncht visited his sister, Mrs. C. E. Conerty, in Chicago from Sun­ day until Wednesday. Miss Hazel Difford of Chicago was a The Ladies' Cemetery society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. C. E. Lock wood Thursday, Aug. 13. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughters, Mrs. Lola Bennett and Mrs. L. M. God- dard, were in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Hesselgrave and daughter of Richmond are being entertained in the home of their son and brother, R. Hesselgrave. OSTKNl). Roy Hobart spent Sunday with his parents on the old home farm. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas have been entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Hazel Belcher, from the county seat. The ladies of the Ostend society will meet Thursday afternoon, Aug. 13, with Mrs. R. H. Richardson and Miss Alice. Miss Nellie SUHman, one of our most able county teachers, is spending a few days here at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Eva Eppel. From appearances everybody within fifty miles that has an automobile was out Sunday. Every road in every di­ rection seemed to be lined with them. Emil Thomas is reported to be im­ proving. He is able to call on neigh­ bors and can walk half a mile and back. His friends feel very much encouraged. The hot, dry weather of a few days ago cut the oats and all other small grain short. ' The threshing machines are busy now threshing what there is. Leslie Francisco is laid up with an ulcerated tooth; He has gone t6 his mother for a few dtfys. He has been spending the summer at the home of his uncle, 'Warren Francisco. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL* •C. Unti attended to business matters in-the windy city today. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander boarded the Chicago train this morning. Miss Mayme Schaefer and Mrs. Geo. Bohr spent a few days last week in Chicago. Misses Clara and Esther StoiZel are guests of Chicago and Evans ton rela- ^es and friends. John and Miss Anna Sehreiner are spending a couple of days as the guests of Chicago relatives. Miss Evelyn Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week as the guest of Miss Clara Miller. Mrs. E. L. Behlke and two youngest children left this morning for a short visit at Yorkville, 111. 1 The Misses Ethel and Beryl Trant spent the past week as guests of Miss Marion McOmber at Jonell cottage. Mr. and- Mre. John Petersen have returned to their home in Chicago after spending a two weeks' vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. D. Baier and son, Ir­ win, of Chicago are spending a few days as guests in the home of J. H. Miller. Mise Alice Simes of this place and her cousin, Miss Lillian Simes, of Woodstock are spending the week at St. Joe, Mich. Mr. and Mrs; T. W./Wi^kel and Jam- ily mote red to Docrfield Sunday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Winkel. " Mr. and Mrs. A1 Guthrie and son, Howard, of Waukegan spent the past week as guests in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. D. Baier of Chi­ cago, motored to Lake Geneva and Willianis Bay, Wis., Tuesday and took in the sights. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doerk and daugh­ ter, Harriet, of Chicago are here to spend the weelc end as guestg in the summer home of' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans on Fox river, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Nelsoa, sou, Al­ bert, and niece, Miss Irene Burke, of Oak Park motored thru here Wednes­ day on their way to Madison, Wis., and incidentally stopped off for l few hours' visit with Henry Degen and famil fvtf- " " l i f e OF OPINION - "• ' ^ * . Someone has truthfully said that "a difference of opinion is what makes a horse race." In fact, it makes more than a horse race. It also makes war and a host of other things. There is one thing that there should be no dif­ ference of opinion about. That is that you should have a bank account and that our bank is the best bank in which to have that account. We can prove to you any time that there is no reason for a difference of Come in and let's talk it over. : . ' M'o ' •*A * time opinion on this matter. UJki FREMONT HOY & SON, Bankers » ".2 PLAIN TALK ON LUMBER BUYING -V'.vVfVk While lumber is beyond ques­ tion the cheapest form of con­ struction, that does not neces­ sarily mean that it should be ap­ plied haphazardly throughout a building without regard to oost or relative merits. Suoh use would be equal to pure extrava­ gance in view of the many grades and kinds of lumber that are to­ day offered. Price per thousand is certainly very misleading and for that reason we prefer to go into details with our customers and ascertain for just what U6e they intend the lumber we sell them. In rendering our custom­ ers this sort Of service, we are frequently able to save them money and at the same time in­ sure them better results and more lasting durability. Such service, we maintain, entitles us to your lumber business. Think it over. Then come in and get our ideas. 'There's no place like home' WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY WeA McHenry. - Phone 5 <?- --Old Fashioned-* adlldistindid ̂the of a generation ago. But your own portrait in clothes that have gone out of £tyle only looks queer and out of date. Keep the old pictures, by all meaqp--they will be a sacred possession some day. But it's equally important to have a new one taken when the old fails to <ta iustiqe* » • ,<,'"•%(! vi' "" ^ • /1' ' V. '• V •' ' STUDIO OPEN EVEMY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY SCHNABEL'S PHOTO STUDIO •PHONE ei-K McHENRY. ILLINOIS "THE MONROE" BUFFET DUGINER & SPANIER, 49 South Fifth Ave., Chicago Cor. Monroe. Phone Franklin 3754 CHECK YOUR PARCELS HERE Third Successful Season' & • Tv ---AND BETTER THAN EVEfc: •-* -V " .jaw-k THE AIR DOME Riverside McHenry, Illinois •M"- •VY •m ' '0 /.V •rnmmfim OPEN EVERXNj The Latest and Be& AND ORCHESTR I If*': One of the best patronized sections of our store is ; that devoted to undermusliqs. Here will be found every garment that has been devised for the cpm- fort and convenience of those who wear them, thostjj .̂ ̂ richly trimmed with lace, embroideries and inser- tions as well as the plain and less expensive style^y ̂ Many have been the expressions of delight and sat-',;" t; isfaction by our lady patrons in this department / your verdict of approval. ̂ . r i&i *i s #1 ADMINISTKATDOR'S NOTIOB F. B. Bennett. Attorney. Estate of Frank Mastiuelet, Deceased. The undersiitned having been unpointed Administratrix, witii wilL annexed, of the Estate of Frank Masquelet, deceased, late of the bounty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby (fives notice that she will appear be­ fore tne County Courtof McHenry Oouuty, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Sep­ tember Term, on the first Monday in Septem­ ber uu\t. :it Which, time ;•!' pprso?i«: htivin?; claWn^ sulci Ijw&tuXo .Lie iiotnicu reijuestea to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of July, A. D. 1914. Gkktbudb MABQUBUrr, Administratrix, 6-3t with will auMXM. A . , ' ' - ' - - ' %v j GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT - ' , • • • & arWOAL A9TSMTR0N QXVKi TO TBI UU ' ) >. S- K)rcssed Beef, flutton, Hoss, V«tl, Jlides, Etc., Butter and Egf» . J ^ ^ ^ This is the oldest fcooM on fttntmi t T»gs »nd pri^ • application. . FREB CHICAGO, IIXINOIS.

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