Hwm'M . K-'ri •K-.f 'j.w I CHKCK \ I,fJM«l««4>|ta»n«MM{ NEIGHBORTNG NE WS AS CHRONICLED S Y "^XJ« S%£ 'W.:--:';l'. + • - f'jf M l|r1sC^ *1. P° n°t consider a cold as a nsinor ailment. ^v:5rr y cold is dang^ir^ua because of the fact > ' that it may quickly develop from a head , cold to inflammation of the lungs. Stop a cold just as soon asit starts by using :-,- OUR PINK l.AXA QUININE ...Cold Tablets... This is a safe remedy for children as well m adults. It breaks up a cold in its early stages and prevents serious complications. ' Have this remedy constantly in your home During cold weather. Price, 25 cents. N. H.vP J OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRES/'ONpENTS fp- % OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK T'tere was a family by the good name of Teeter, >• „ Who, for cold weather, needed :i heater. So they came to Of Store Where we have Heaters galore, And they have s i n c e t h e n t h r o w n o u t their thermo meter. Too Will Have No Use for a It you have a Cold Blast or a Royal Elmhurst base burner in your home. They throw out an even heat^retain the fire, use little fuel, and will give you the highest degree of satisfaction. Come in and see them. ' " S 'Si. S J. J. VYCITAL r UVtKLAND CARS at these low Prices Model 80 F $1075 Model 80 R Model 81 F $ld50 $850 Model 81 R $795 1 All cars sold F. O. B. Toledo, O. .. Ovefton & (Gwen AGENTS • M .. iriin' i WEST MCHENRY TT BlbUJUTIELU. J. El. Slater was at Elgin Wednesday. E E. KtlHans was a busia<(Mi oaiter*' at the county seat Monday. ' -- Mrs. E. P. Anderson arid also 1**. Wille were at Crystal Lake Monday. ' Miss« Bessie Uueli gf Woodstock called at the nouieof Mr. &nd ivt r>. A. Petersou Saturday. Mrs. E. P. Anderson and daughter, Mary, were Woodstock husrnej-s call ers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Dike u <'rvst«l Lake caller Wednesday and* ml :nv She is havins?1 dental work lioue. Mrs. S. A.-Meixiiiant uu«lson. L'-'Ster, and Mrs. A. Peterson nnd d:ui£fhtet% Hosle, were callet-s at, Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. L. M. Godtiard and son, LpstrM-, of Woodstock returned Monday Jroin a three davs' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lynch. L. J. Gibson of Chicago Sundayed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson,. Mr. Gibson was alst/a caller at "the home of his sister, Mrs. S. A. Merchant, and family. Walter Reed and Miss Elsie Will© were city callers Sunday. They were acompanied on their return by Miss Elsie's sister, Miss Mabel Wille, who has been a week's visitor ..with friends in Chicago. ' A farewell party was given in honor of M iss Edythe Nelson at the lioihe of her parents Thursday, Nov. 12. Quite a number of Miss Edythe's Crystal Lake friends were present, it being a great su.-prise to her, as she left for the city Monday morning, where she wi1.} attend a business college and also assist her uncle in his bakery. The young pepple spent a mefet delight- evening. At the midnTght hour a dainty luncheon was served to al>out thirty guests. After luncheon the young people joined in wishing her success iu her college" career "iWore leaving for their several different homes and this one pleasant evening will linger in Miss Edythe's mind for mAriy long years. cago Sunday morning and was the /juest. of his mother, J^^ JUju J?ran- cisco, for the day. . Th» yonnsr man, who to Chi cago and forgot his manners and spit on the sidewalk one day last week and wns arrest and lined $5.00 and court costs, will be likely to lookout where he spits next time he visits the windy city.. J. E. Harrison certainly hasn't lost 1 i. phick. He has mad#! regular week ly visits thril this neighborhood every Monday ItM similiter wiih his grocery Last Monday he came as usual with a well filled wajfon and paid .10 cents pi^ dozen for eggs when he could get ihem. ' QUARTER OF A CENTURY ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PI.AINDEAf.ER OP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Subscribe for the Plaindealer ami I(eep posted Qn local happeajags % >*?• JdHNSRITaGB. Peter Miller was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. John H. Preund was a recent Spring Grove visitor. Mrs. Geo. Nell was aeounty seat vis itor one day last week. t Mathias Freund, who resides north west of here, was a McHenry visitor Tuesday afternoon. We are still looking for a corres pondent at Johnsburgh. Will not someone take up this work? What's the matter with our moving picture show? Are we not to have these entertainments this winter? The Miller-Stilling wedding cer emony at the church yesterday morn ing was witnessed by an unusually large crowd. As a preventative of the foot and mouth disease the farmers in this vi cinity are keeping the hunters from their premises. The wedding dance at Smith's hall last evening very well attended and those present enjoyed the event to the fullest extent. Dr. Arnold Mueller, our popular townsman, has recently written a let ter to one of the officers of the vGer man army whom he met while abroad and is now anxiously awaiting a reply Preparations for the three day Kirmes, which is to take place at par ish hall here Nov. 22, 24 and 26, go mer rily on. Every member of the parish is taking a great interest in the com ing event and with everyone enthus iastic the affair cannot help but ter minate into one grand success, both socially and financially. K1NOWOUV R. C. Bennett of Chicago was a busi ness visitor in town Friday. Mrs. Ma^y Green and son, Willie, were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Fred Bell and son. Richard, of Rich mond spent Sunday with Ringwood relatives. C. W. Harrison is serving as circuit court juror at Woodstock, this week. H. W. Allen is still attending county court. James Kitchen and little daufghter from near Lak€ Forest were visiting at John and Edi Bell's Sunday and Monday. The missionary meeting /at Mrs. Green's last Thursday was well at tended and all felt they had spent a pleasant afternoon. The VV. C. T. 17. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Cora Flanders. Topic, School of the Present Day. Leader, Libbie Allen. Evan Bfyant and wife.of Woodstock and Ethel Bryant and Mabel Hill of Elgin spent Saturday night at H. W. Allen's and Sunday at Starr Brink's in McHency C. E. H. Tuttle has sold his home to Mrs. Alice Peet and will move to Dun dee this w'eek. While we regret to loose Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle, the best wishes of their many friends go with them to their new home. i OSTJi.N D. F. R. Eppel husked corn several days last week. He quit when his barn was full of fodder. E. L. Francisco of-Woodstock spent last week Wednesday at the home of his uncle, Warren Francisco- Mrs: Ray Bliss returned from the east'last .Saturday, where she went to be at the death bed of her mother. F. B. Thompson's little barn for young stock is well under way and will be sadly needed if this searching wind continues. The frame for H. C. Hobart's new wood house is up and the siding on. He says if the wind ev6r goes down'il will be shingled. Clyde^ Francisco came out from Chi' Fred McOmber of Chicago is spend ing^ few weeks with his parents in this village on^count of poor health. Miss Elsie Ga^ge, we learn, has been somewhat better the past few days, which will be good news to her many friends. A. S. Wright, penitentiary commis sioner, and Warden Bergren, of the Joliet penitentiary, started last week, by order of Governor Fifer, to inspect the prisons of the South. They were both accompanied by their'wives. O. C. Peterson and wife, who have been stopping at the Riv£hside House, in this village, for the past six months, left on Monday for Jackson, Miss. Mr. Peterson was lately proprietor of the Riverside property, in this village, which he has just sold. The Second Adventists now announce the end of the world will adven^ on the 21 inst. (tomorrow), and that there will be positively no postponement on account of the bad weather. That's real mean. They might have waited until after Thanksgiving. However, be sure to get a copy of The Plaindealer next week, and read a full account of the affair. Married, at the church, in Johnsbur&r, Tuesday morning, Nov. 19, 1889, by Rev. Father Menring, Henry J. AlthofT and Miss Kittie Gilles, both of McHenry. The groom is the junior member of the firm of AlthofT Bros, and the bride the eldest daughter of Joseph J. Gilles. Henry, "here is to your health, und your family's good health. May you live long und brosper." The success of the McHenry Lecture association last year in procuring a course of lectures that were of a high order in all respects, has prompted the association to make a greater effort this fall and winter- The first lecture will be held at city hall, Friday evening, Dec. (i, by Rev. Dr. Rowland, pastor of the Baptist church of Elgin. Subject, "Tantalus." Prof. Somers of Fort Atkinson, Wis., will give his famous lecture on "The Prehistoric Races of Americal The Mound Builders," etc., as one of the course. This lecture is alone worth the price of the whole course. The other lectures will be announced from time to time. Season tickets will be but fifty cents each. Single tickets will be but fifteen cents. As the lectures are intended to be educational as well as entertaining, the managements make this offer, viz: All schoolchildren who will sell one season ticket will be given a paRS admitting them free to all the lectures. In order to insure financial success one hundred season tickets must be told. Every body should buy one at least and so help a good work. Those wishing to sell tickets can apply to J. B. Perry. Tickets for sale at Stevens & filler's and Perry & Owen's. By order of the committee of arrangements. Wm. Mosgrove, who lives south of this village, was robbed of the sum of $800 on Saturday night last, and up to the time of writing no clue to the robber (although well known) has been obtained. The circumstances, as we understand them, are as follows: Mosgrove came to town on Saturday and drew a large eum of money from the bank for the purpose of paying for some property which he had purchased. It appears that before disposing of his money he proceeded to fill up on corn juice, and while in this condition made the fact known that he had a pocket full of money. A young man by the name of Swadi9h, whose reputation for honesty has not heretofore been the best, was around, and later in the even ing accompanied Mosgrove home, where during the night he succeedediin get ting possession of $800, sihce1 which time he has been missing, notwith standing the earnest inquiries made for him by Mosgrove and his friends. The particulars as to how he got possession of the money we have not learned. The matter was immediately put into the hands of Detective Benthusen, of Nunda, who is sure to run him down if any man in the world can. Young Swadish is a hard citizen, and that he may be caught and justly punished for this crime is the wish of all good OUR CHRISTMAS ... will soon be completed. Only members paying promptly will receive interest. Are you paid up to date? Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY • :<a : JI "•:£ It A"*"3k A W Even Diamonds of small size may be worn with a feeling of pleasure in their genuineness and lasting beauty. When mounted in such exqui site designs as we are now showing they are doubly appreciated. Small, but brilliant diamonds in a vari ety of pretty rings for ladies at from $1022 to $2522 Solid Gold La Val- lieres in the most beautiful patterns, with genuine Dia monds, $92 TO $202 This new jewelry must be seen to be appreciated. We are always pleased to show it. ROVELSTAD BROS. Jewelers and Opticians ESTABLISHED 1883 ELGIN, ILL. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COilMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE a*r.« OP Dressed Beef, flutton. Hoys, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price liats tarnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A j, Paltoa St. WhoUsala Market. citizens. EXECUTOB'B NOTICE OF FILING FINAL HKTTLEMENT F. B. Bennett, Atty. STATE OF ILLINOIS, >. Estate of Sam- McHeury County. • t McDonald. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You ar« hereby notified tbat, on Monday, tlit* Ti ll <lay of I>ecenil>er, 19U. I. us the Execu tor of the last .Will and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House iu Woodstock. Illinois, my final report of my acts and doiuxs as such Executor, and ask the (fourt to he discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which time aud place you may be present and resist such application, If you choosv so to do. SS-ot , James B. Pbbry, Executor. Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen'a. School books and all necessary school supplies at Petescb's. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All ailv,>rtln»ert< cl under till* bead at the following: rates Five line* or lege, t6 cente for itrct huertiun; 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than Ore line*, 6 cent* a line for first Insertion, and 3 oents a line for addition! Insertions. FA RMS FOB SALE--Inquire of O. W. 8TBKG kr. West McHenry State Bank. 19 LOST--A gold watch, In or near McHenry Finder please return to tbt> Busy Bet cafe and collect C5.00. OTRAYED--From the Homer E. Clemen> 0 farm, a red and white heifer, one yeaj old. Notify JOHN PHALIN. McHetji-y, 111. "C^OK SALE--A Ford touring car, second J- hand, but In splendid condition. Inquire of JOHN SPENCER, West McHenry, 111. lfl-tf •p^Olt KENT--The Jos. Buss house on John street on the West Side. Keys obtain- table at the home of Geo. Buss, who resides on the same street. "CV)R SALE--A flre-year-old bay mare. A Broke siiiRle and double. A good family horse. Inquire of or write JACOH JUSTEN, McHenry. ft. I). No. 3, or call phone OlS-W-1 LOTS FOU SALE in the village, on the river front and at PisCakee Bay; also farms for sale and rent; also lots, some including buildings, iu this village. O.N.OWEN Mc Henry, 111. 16 fpOR SALE--A 1913 Paige, 36 horse power. A electrtcally started automobile, In first- class condition. Price, $700.00. E. M. Mijllkk, Owner. Telephone Mertes, Oak Park hotel, for Information. 3, In aud I^OK SALE--The west H of lots 2 and block 13, iu the village of McHenry, east H back street lying west of lots 2 and 3. In block 13, in the village of McHeury. In quire of O. W. Stbnokb, west McHenry State Bank. 19 PROBA TE NEWS THH STYLE OF A BUILDING has a lot to do with its sell rag value and in as much as architectural and decorative styles change frequently, it pays to consider carefully the material you will use in ycmr home. Of all the ma terials used, wood is the easiest to alter. It can be repainted at little expense and made to look like new. Porches can be altered, win dows cut in and even ex tended additions made with out apparent distinction be tween the new and old once it is painted. This may seem trivial to you now, but weVe been supplying lumber to homebuilaers for a good many years and we know this is a vital question. Think it over. nA:i- FOR CflNSTMAS GIFTS? Of course! Make your appointment at once and so insure the services of Saturdays at Crystal Lake s.fe«r 3a "There's no place like home" Sch WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY Werit McHenry. Phone 51 rvaoei Photo Studio 'Phone 61-R [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Monev to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.T REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Emnia Brown to Anna and John Miller, strip off w side of It 6, adjoining It 5 of orlg Reynolds plot of Kingwoop; side strip running the entire length of sd , It 6 « being ft wide at s end and 18 ft wide at n end, village of Ringwood. 1800.00 John Ilerbes & Gertrude Herbes to a I Mamie Herbes, It 1 Herbes' addu, W M(Tlenry t.00 John Herbes and Gertrude Herbes to Lucy Wegener, It t Herbes' addu, W Mclienry 1-00 Same to Katie Pelle, It 3, same 1.00 Same to Mary Stoffel, It 4, same.... 1.00 Same to Henry and Anthony Sch&efer, It 5 & 0. same 1.00 Same to Engelbert Herbes,>lt 7, same... 1.00 Same to Lena Herbes, It 8, same ........ 1.00 MARRIAGE L1CENSE8. Martin Jacobson. 27 Wilmette Minnie Helen Nelson, 2^...Woodstock Walter M. Eberlein, 21' Wopdstock Elva O'Donnell, 18 Woodstock TH.Z, Qmem Every one knows that his brain works better, his mind clearer und that he feels good all over when his digestion is right. Keep your digestion right with good healthful food. Ask the women folks in your home to use for the next thirty days EARLY RISER flour; eat bountiful ly of good things made from it, then note the improvement. How much better you feel, how much quicker your brain and your muscles re spond; all due to eating delicious healthful baking made from EARLY RISER flour. WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS ~^OlL Some Day Next Winter you're going to wish you had your home fitted out with our s|orar sash. Now's the time to prepare for the cold blizzardy days for our stock of sash and doors is oomplete and we can make deliveries withlitte delay. If there's anything else you seed in lumber--we have also it. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry. - 41 Telephone No. 1W-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes at property in the best companies. WEST McHENRf, ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange! Centerville McHenry, Telephone No. 79-W Illioolf Mv*; •