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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1915, p. 5

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t . HUENRY FLAINDEALEK, M'HENRT, TLL. ,Yo\if Drug Stori Bon*t buy drugs at the most convenient place, but select a druggist just as you select your physi­ cian. If you are not familiar with our store and its superior stock and service, ask your doctor about us. m • •'"S.-.-i We wlht our Drug Store to be your Drug Store If you trade here you may be sure of accuracy, . fttirityt potent drugs, prompt service and right prices. Let us HI! your prescriptions and family recipes N. H, Petesch PHONE 56-W S\ wmmaasas ̂ OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK , A fatyuer who lives out on one of our pikes, W-is doing some work which called for somo spikes. So he came to r y ^ iiSi Our Store and then come back for some more; Because ho found just the size that he likes. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for Spikes, Nails, Brads, Staples and Tacks. We make it a point to have the size you want, by the keg, pound or package, at the right price. See us for spikes and nails. J. J. VYCITAL The Centerville Hardware Man Coffee and Tea Top Notch Coffee, the fanciest of old crop Central American Coffees. To the critical coffe drinkers and those who appreciate delicacy of flavor and aromatic richness we recommend Top Notch brand. 3 lbs--$1.00 Per pound 35c Special Blend Coffee. v This is a special blend of old crop coffees and is a mild, full flavored coffee and our bestseller. Per pound 28c Sweet Girl Brand, a combination of old and well ma­ tured South Americas Coffees and is a sweet drinking: coffee. Per pound._^__. 25c Competition Brand, a blend of good coffees, far better than the pribe would indicate. Per pound 20c TEA. Uncolored Japan, a better tea for the price than we handled heretofore. Per pound 50c SPECIAL. We are closing out our Gunpowder Tea; the 50c grade while it lasts, at pfer pound -- 2c JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J /P I* :V " v;' Big Sacrifice On Mackinaws $9.50 Maciknaws now $8.00 Mackinaws now.. $7.25 Mackinaws now. All ready made pants in stock $8.50 $6.75 $5.75 $2.50 Come early and get first choice : NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS H. W. RiNttwonn Allen was a Chicago John Carey's sale Vast Saturday was well attended. Mrs. Sadie Hepburn was a Chicago visitor last Friday. * Henry Whorton went to Gary, Ind., Sunday to remain a few days. Ed. Dodge left for Texas with his sister, Mrs. Lucy Randall, Monday evening. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday with his brother, James, in Keystone. Mrs. < H. W. Allen isjo Lake Gen? eva, helping care for Mrs. Jay Haw ver, who is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd attended the sale of William Harrison at North Nunda last Friday. Mrs. Simon Kelley, formerly of this place' passed away at- her home in Allegan, Mich., last Friday. Mrs. Lucy Randall aad little daugh­ ter, Kathleen, spent last Saturday with Mrs. Nellie Phillips at Richmond. Mrs. Sarah Johonnott and brother, William, and W. E. Walker transacted business in Woodstock last Saturday. The many friends of Claude Hutson were grieved to hear of his death last Saturday, just in his young manhood. All sympathize with the bereav ed fam­ ily, as he had many friends in this place. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Ralney's last Satur­ day. Mrs. Wilber Bassett and Miss Mabelle Wheeler of McHenry were visitors. The next meeting will be with Mary Hodge. Among the movers: Mrs. Sarah Jo- honnoti will move to Richmond. W. E. Walker will move to the home pur­ chased of Mrs. Johonnott. John Carey to Mcllenry. Mr. Bigger to the Carey farm and Sam Beatty to his own farm. The members of th« M. K. Sunday school at Ringwood have been divided into two equal sides lor a R< U and Blue contest. 10 bring in new memlK»rs. Arthur Peot.. is the capiaiu of the Reds aJfnd Dorcas Foss of the. Blues. Much interest is being shown, and for the last two Sundays over fifty have been present at the Sunday school. The contest is to continue till the end of April and at its close a banquet will be given by the losing side. At the present time the Reds are slightly in the lead. Individuals who are ap­ proached are asked only to accept the button of one side and not of both. ALCOHOL A CRIME PRODUCER C«v«rn*r Rtllud H. SpiuMinl «f Naw Hamp­ shire One of the principal functions of government is to protect society from crime; to exercise what we call the police power in such a way as to pre serve order and to promote peace, hap- piness and prosperity. It is my opin ion that crime is very largely the re­ sult of the use of intoxicating liquor In so far as we can diminish the use of liquor we shall prevent and eliminate crime. I believe the best way to diminish the use of liquor is to pro­ hibit not only its sale, but alsd, in the first instance, ' its manufacture; and to that end should be directed, I think the efforts of those who earnestly and sincerely seek social betterment. sniumKLu F. Wille was a Crystal Lake passen ger Monday. J. Oak root was a Crystal Lake busi ness caller Monday. F. W. Hartman transacted business at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. W. E. Dike and Mrs. H. Timm were callers at Crystal Lake Monday. L. J. Gibson of Chicago visited his parents from Wednesday until Sun­ day. Mrs. L. Nelson of Franklinville vis­ ited her daughter, Mrs. W. French, Monday. Mrs. J. Gould and daughter, Jennie, were visiting relatives at Woodstock Monday. H. Nelson came home from August- anna hospital in Chicago on Saturday evening. Miss Doris Terw 11 lager of Woodstock was the week end guest of Miss Gene­ vieve Goddard. Mrs. A. Purvey and son were visit­ ing at the "parental home in Wood­ stock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lock wood of Wood' stock visited with J. C. Button and sister on Friday. Miss Etta Irish is visiting her brother's family at Harvard for a couple of weeks. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited Friday and Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. French, W. French and H. Rossmann attended the funeral of Claude Hutson at McHenry Monday. We received the sad news of the death of Miss Mattie Gibson, who passed away Tuesday morning at the hour of four. Full obituary, next week. Mrs. A. H. Skinner, Mrs. A. Hansen and Mrs. J. Mikkleson called on A. H. Skinner at Sherman hospital in Elgin Monday and all report him as getting along nicely and still wearing a cheer­ ful suiile. OSTENB (Hpeelai Correspondence) XMrs. Cookaly is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Har- rahar. Henry Hobart purchased a new horse of Brown & Com pton of Woodstock recently. Little Laura Mead celebrated her fifth birthday at her home Wednesday, March 3. The pupils of Ostend school wilf give a basket social Saturday evening. Ev­ eryone invited. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman ot McHenry visited at Ray Thomas' Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Thomas and Mrs. Frank Kaiser Rpent. Monday last in the windy city, attending the spring openings March 1. t Gerald Newman of MoHenry pur­ chased Ray Thomas? team of young grays and will do teaming in and around McHenry in the future. A young Chicago lad, who had been visiting Ed. Wallace of this place, left last week after gathering together sev­ eral gold watches and valuables. A Woodstock constable is looking for him. JOHJMgKUBGB. Considerable excitement these days. ^Billie Thiele was a McHenry visitor Monday. Rev. Father Weber was a Chicago visitor last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. v John Pitzen were McHenry visitors Monday. Henry Tonvan of Fox Lake was a caller in tow n Wednesday. Dr. Arnold Mueller was a professional visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Charles Michels was shaking hands with McHenry friends Tuesd^. Joe Hettermarin and Nick Nett were visitors at Janesville, Wis., last Sunday. George Wei land and Fred Pierce of Spring Grove passed thru this place Wednesday. A few from here witnessed the basket ball games at McHenry last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. .Tos. Miller of Fox Lake spent Sunday as guests in the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. Mrs. and Mrs. Win. Smith of Mc­ Henry were Suuday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels. Spring is almost here and local auto­ mobile prospects are beginning to look up the sevefal different makes of cars. Mrs. Roy Newel of Chicago is spend­ ing the week as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Michels. Miss Margaret Uucmann of McHenry spent Sunday as the guest of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann, here. Miss Katie Althoff of Spring Grove spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mesdames J. S. Freund and Mathias Blake of McHenry were Saturday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs Jos. Michels. Some of the youngsters have made remarks that beer is being sold in Johnsburgh. Unless th6y can prove this they had better look a leetle out, yes. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weinschenker of Mc­ Henry were Sunday guests in the home of Dr. Arnold Mueller. The two candidates for highway commissioner are doing quite effec­ tive work these days. Boti^.men are worthy of t he honor which they seek and we predict a close race. LOST:--Two fox hound dogs. Male and female. Male white with tan spots and wore a collar. Female, black with white legs. Generous reward if returned to the McHenry House, Mc­ Henry, 111. Bcwara if Falsa Talk Unless some of the people here in Johnsburgh and vicinity quitspreading false statements, thereby running down some of our young men, there will be an arrest which will give these idle babblers a chance to prove thei gossip. ONE INTERESTED Martin Y«m Dttd Martin Young, one of our most high ly esteemed citizens, passed away at his late home here at three o'clock on Monday morning of this week, follow ing an illness covering a period of only two short weeks in duration. When first taken down his condition was not thought to be serious, but as the days passed on the members of his family became alarmed and altho every atten tion was tendered him his life could not be saved and he died on the morn­ ing as above mentioned. He leaves heartbroken wife and seven children, most of whom are small. On account of this fact the death is a particularly sad one and the bereaved ones have the heartfelt sympathy of all our people. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic church here at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning, Rev. Fr. Weber performing the last Aad rites. Inter­ ment was made in the cemetry adjoin* ing the church. ;s\ DON'T TWICE The hurried or careless merchant may neglect to credit yolir cash payment. Your check on this bank is his reminder and your positive receipt. :: :: m Hoy Banking Co, FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY )W- I- M l! -'M 'A OSTKWD. Tony Bryan left Sunday evening for Peoria, the home of his early child­ hood. Elmer Francisco and friend of Wood­ stock were Sunday afternoon callers on relatives here. Mrs. Maud Howe and sister. Miss Edith Wright, were Sunday afternoon callers at F. R. Eppel's. Mrs. Mildred Francisco drove over from Woodstock Sunday and spent the day with her husband's mother, Mrs. Lou Francisco. Mrs. Eva Eppel visited from Friday until Saturday afternoon with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silliman, south of Woodstock. March 1 does not bring many changes to our neighborhood. Ray Bliss moves from F. B. Thompson's tenant house to Crystal Lake. Mr. Thompson has hired aqpther man, whose name we have not learned. Mrs. Jennie Sherman received a tel­ egram Friday last, stating tfyat her brother's wife, Mrs. Jennie Wainright Kelly had passed away at her home in iMlegan, Mich. Mrs. Sherman and son, Earl, left Saturday morning on an early train to be present at the funerqj. Ere they reached their destination a telegram was sent, telling them of the .death of Mrs. Sherman's brother, Clause Hutaoq, ADDITIONAL PERSONALS C. 11. Parks was a Crystal Lake vis* itor today. Wm. Cowen was a business visitor in Chicago today. Frank .1 us ten passed the day in the metropolitan city. Mrs. F. G. Spurling was a Crystal Lake visitor today. Wm. J. Welch was a Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Michael LaVello WM A Chicago visitor last Friday. Mrs. W. D. Went worth spfent last Saturday at Elgin. A. M. Brown boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Henning spent a few days in Chicago last week. Mrs. Fred Weinschenker boarded the Chicago train this morning. Raymond G rover of Woodstock was the guest of friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers and chil­ dren were Chicago visitors Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen spent Wednesday in the metropolitan city. F. O. Gans transacted matters of a business nature in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Rothermel boarded the train for Elgin Wednesday afternoon. F. M. Risley was among those to board tne Chicago train this- morning. William Smith attended to business matters in the metropolita oity Tues­ day. M rs. J. J. McCarthy spent a few. days recently as the guest of Solon rela­ tives. Atty. J. I. Lang of Richmond was a business visitor in town one day last week. Miss Marion Grover of Woodstock was the guest of Miss Anna Knox here Sunday. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock is visiting relatives in McHenry and vicinity. Miss Lena Stoffel spent a few days this week as the guest of Chicago friends. George Meyers took in the motor boat show in Chicago on Monday and Tuesday. Frank Maspuelei was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. A. M. Schiller was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. * Mrs. R. A. Howard of Elgin spent Wednesday in the home of her brother, R. Walte. Mrs. C. E. Gay lord attended to busi­ ness matters at Crystal Lake Wednes­ day morning. Mrs. Wm. Bacon entertained her mother, Mrs. S. Pierce, of Crivitz, Wis., recently. Clinton Martin has returned from his trip to Homeland, Ga., and other southern points. Mr. and Mre. J. H. Miller spent last Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eggebrecht at Elgin. Miss Katie H£sse of Wauconda has been a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Patrick Conway. F. E. Martin left Wednesday for Homeland, Ga., where he will look over his land interests. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wray anddaugh* ter are spending the day ss the guests of relatives at Harvard. Nick Miller, who resides near Volo, has gone to Zion, Minn., where he will make his future home. Miss Mabelle Wheeler is sp«nding the week visiting friends and relatives at Elgin and El burn, 111. Mrs. A. J. Raymond of Volo spent a day last week as a guest in~the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk. Mrs. Louise Southwieh of Chioago spent the week end as the guest oI her daughter, Mrs. Otto&enning. Arthur FUspatrick of Chicago was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Stilling last Sunday. C. H. Gardinier of Crystal Lake spenli, last Thursday as a guest in the horn* of hia sister; Mis. Alioe Coming -M'i Story will be published in The Plaindeafer while pictures will be shown at Central Opera House '• i M . t Bell System Your Name in the Telephone Directory ? l^RIENDS and acquaintances find you easily when your name is in the telephone book. It is the best reference list^fcp names in your community. : Order a telephone at ohce and your name will appear in the new directory now in preparafe^^|^:| tion. H f. : Chicago Telephone Company ' I. H. Conrath, District Mamget TclcpitoQS 999S * ' * '• .t-.-h «i> • 'iM:: M >4?1 £-i • • • k

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