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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1915, p. 5

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>Vt. 4 ifTrade Marked and Advertised Goods" If you read the magazines and newspapers,you are familiar with "trade marked'* advertised articles. Come to us for such goods. We handle such articles because we find that goods which justify repeat or­ ders must necessarily be trade marked as a protec­ tion against imitations and unfair competition. The manufacturer's advertising is an insurance bond of quality. It protects youagainst undependable wares. In the drug line, more than any other, people de­ mand a "quality guarantee." Therefore, we make a practice of selling trade marked advertised goods and to the manufacturer's guarantee we add ours. You will find in stock all worthy drug store goods as soon as they are on the market. :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK A carpenter by the name of C. Law, Made up his mind to have a new saw. So he came to HARDWARE • Of Store And claims he saw more Good saws than he ever "see" saw. YOU'LL FIND HERE not only the best makes of saws, but good tools of ev>ery description. While thoroly reliable as to quality, we offer them at prices but little in excess of inferior grades. BUY YOUR TOOLS HERE. J. J. VYCITAL The Centerville Hardware Man THE STORE WITH THE SPRING GOODS There's a reason why you should buy everything here for your spring and summer wear. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND WE MAKE THE PRICES. Come iq and see. JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J Big Sacrifice On Mackinaws $9.50 MacUtngws now .$8,50 $8,00 Mackinaws now $6.75 $7.25 Mackinaws now-- $5.75 All ready made pants in stock-- $2.50 Come early and get first choice J. D. Lodtz NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CtlRGNICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS JflHNSRDBOH. Math. Jungen was a business visitor in McHenry Wednesday. George Forrest of Crystal Lake passed thru town last Sunday. Wm. Althoff attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city last Friday. Stephen H. Smith was in Chicago last Thursday to sete his daughter thru the operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht boarded the train for Chicago at McHenry on Monday evening. Movies at the Central Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Al­ ways a good program. Rev. Chas. Weber was among those to board the Chicago train at Mc Hen­ ry last Monday morning. William and Jake Thiel were, called to Chicago last Saturday thru the death of their brother-in-law. Rev. Geo. Nell of Effingham, III., spent Thursday last as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Geo. Nell. Miss Eila Huemann of Spring Grove was a Sunday guest in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Mrs. Nett's granddaughter of Kan­ sas City arrived here this week and will make he? future home in Johns- burgh. Quite a few our young people attend­ ed a dance at Peacock's hall, Spring Grove, last evening. Ail report a dandy, good time. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith was in Chi­ cago the latterpart of last week where she visited her daughter. Barbara, at the Washington lilvd. hospital. Ben Freund, who resides near here has invested in a beautiful new Over­ land touring car, purchased thru Hie Overton & Cowen agency at. McHenry. Miss Elizabeth and Fred Freund were in Chicago Tuesday, where they attended the weddiug of their sister, Miss Mr. Lewis Kishop of McHenry. Eighty four tickets were disposed of at the Easter dance held at Smith's hall here on Monday evening of last week. As usual, everyone present had a fire time. Mr. and Mrs. John Degen have moved their household goods to Mc­ Henry, where Mr. Degen hasjentered the employ of the Borden Condensed Milk company. Another social dance will he held at Smith's hall here next Wednesday evening, April 21. The same music, and the good time is promised to all. Tickets, 50 cents. Mrs. Jacob Miller is quite ill with pneumonia. A trained nurse is ex­ pected here from Chicago today to take care of her. Her many friends sincere­ ly hope that she may recover soon. Henry Freund, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freund, who reside near this place, returned from Chicago last Wednesday where he recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Washington Blvd. hospital. Services are once more being held in St. John's church, which, since the boiler explosion were conducted in the parish hall. Now that warm weather is here the church is again being used. Everyone was glad to see the beautiful edifice reopened. A number of Chicago cottage owners have been out during the past week, getting their places in readiness for the coming summer season. These people own homes on May avenue on the west side of the river, just above the Johnsburgh bridge. The farmers in this vicinity are the busiest people in the land at this time. The spring work is now on in full swing and everyone seems contented. The recent rains have helped the soil greatly, but the farmers would not ob­ ject to a trifle more. The annual school election will take place here next Saturday evening, Apr. 17, at 7:00 o'clock. Jos. Stilling, whose term as director expires, is again up for re-election, while he is being opposed by John M. Smith. In previous years very little been'displayed in the sohool elections held here but from the general aotivity which has been aroused by the two candidates it looksfas if an unsually large vote will be polled this year. The body of the late Jos. Faus, who passed away at his late home at Willow Springs, near Joliet, (11., last Satur­ day, was brought here on Tuesday- evening and the following morning at nine o'clock the funeral was held from St. John's Catholic church, with inter­ ment in the cemetery adjoining. He leaves a wife and an eight-months-old child. The wife was formerly Miss $usie Thiele of this plaoe. The sym­ pathy of our people is extended to her in her sad bereavement. Miss Barbara Smith, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, was taken to the Washiqgton Boulevard hospital in Chicago last Tuesday even­ ing, where she underwent a successful operation for appendicitis on Thursday morning last. Reports from Chicago are to the effect that she is getting along very nicely and that she will be able to return home shortly. Her mary friends were sorry to learn that she had to make the trip to the hospital, but are pleased to know that she passed thru the operation so successfully. SORE EYE EPIDEMIC An epidemic of sore eyes is going the rounds among the school children in McHenry. At first it was thought that it was pirtSc eye, but physicians of the village declare that it is caused from colds. Many of the children of both the public and St. Mary's paro­ chial schools have fallen victims to the disease. FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreinert West McHenry, 111. RldflWOOD Bert McC'aonon ami wife visited rel­ atives in Alden Monday. Vivian Esh and wife of Spring Grove were at fid. Bell's Monday. Mrs. Missouri Baldwin visited her daughter in Algonquin last Sunday. William Motley of Richmond was a caller at Ed. Bell's Tuesday morning. H. M. Stephenson, wife and son, Paul, were Woodstock visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Edith Mc- Cannon were Woodstock visitors Tues­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawley and son, Andrew, and Joe Brefeld drove to El­ gin Thursday of last week. Medames Hattie Fitch and Alice Butterlield of Chicago were over Sun­ day guests in the H. W. Allen home. WHITEWASHING--Dairy barns,8c per stanchion. Inquire of Smith & Baer, McHenry, 111. 'Phone 623-R-l. 42-3t Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Misfc Agnes Bigelpw left Wednesday morning of last week for the Pacific coast, where they will attend the exposition and visit friends. Mrs. Minnie Hutson and mother, Mrs. French, Mrs. W. F. Bassett and Mrs. J. Wheeler of McHenry attended the W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Spaulding's last Saturday. Del Abbott and wife went to Ostend last Saturday to see their little grand­ son, who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark on.election day. We do not know which political party he approves of. The W. C. T. L\ had a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. Jennie Spaulding's last Saturday. County President Mrs. Goodknect of Harvard reSfl an excel­ lent paper, which was enjoyed by all. The next meeting- will be w,ith Mrs. Mary Green, April 24. Made In Garmanv "i chanced yesterday," said Rev. .Tames J. Keane, archbishop of Du buquo, speaking at the Niagara Falls convention of Catholics, "I chanced to tind a copy on the train of one of the most carefully written reviews of so­ cial movements in this country, and that number, to my gratification, pub­ lished a brief review of the results of a study, made a little better than a year ago, under the direction cf the German government, with a view to bringing before the German people the injurious effects of the use of alcohol. The commission decided that what was called a temperate use of alcoholic drink--accounted generally innocuous --was positively hurtful. It inevitably works harm, the commission says, and is especially hurtful to those engaged in any employment which demands of them physical labor. It was a sober, keen analysis of a very thorough in­ vestigation made ip Germany." Ger­ man army officers find that out of 30 shots fired, men averaged 23 hits on abstaining days, three hits on drinking days. And the amount taken was less than that contained in a quart of four per cent beer. These and similar ex­ periments hate made the kaiser a total abstainer, and it is why he is urging the army to follow his example. BIUumKLIJk Mrs. W. Reed was a* Woodstock shopper Saturday. Mrs. H. N. Cooper was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Chi­ cago passengers Monday. A. P. Peck was home from Madison, Wis., the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Irish is visiting in the home of her son, Herman, at Har­ vard. Miss Pearl Zenk of Huntley was the guest of Miss Genevieve Goddard Sat­ urday. J. H. Slater, Clarence Anderson and H. Timm were Crystal Lake business callers Monday. Miss Rose Peterson and sister, Mrs. R. Hesselgrave, visited their sister at Woodstock Saturday. Master James Bennett spent Satur­ day afternoon with his aunt, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Woodstock. Mrs. Emma French and Mrs. C. F. French and ohildren visited relatives at McHenry the week end. ' Eld. Pearson returned home Thurs­ day from Madison, Wis., where he had been employed for several months. Mrs. Bell Dufield returned home Saturday from an extended visit in the home of her son, Leroy Skinner, at Alton, 111. A. Stephenson, who has been a pa­ tient sufferer and confined to his home most of the time for the past year, passed away this Tuesday morning. Obituary later. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McElroy add ohil­ dren of Beloit, Wis., visit&l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Risvold from Saturday until Monday, Mrs. Risvold returning with them for a few day*' visit. •NBRALO PARK. Jas. H ax ton of Chicago spent Sun­ day at his cottage. Miss May me Smith of Lake Geneva spent Sunda^ as the guest of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Vineent Martin of Wauoonda visited her sister, Mrs. E. R. Sutton, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty and son of Chi­ cago spent Sunday at their sunnier cot­ tage. Mi's. Geo. Young visited at M. A. Sutton's last week, Miss Mary Gibbs spent a few days last week at M. A. Sutton's. Mrs. Geo. Young spent one day re­ cently with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Joe Ahrens and children of Le­ roy, Minn., are spending a few days with her brother, John R. Smith, and family. YOVL Can Buy Good Securities A-plenty. But do the banks and brokers from whom you buy guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage Certificates are se­ cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY Cord Wood at WILBUR'S Any Man or Woman can transform a soft wood floor into a perfect imitation of a beautifully grained hard wood floor in a few minutes with el and the Chi-Namel Self-Grainer Bell System Equip Your Home With a Telephone planning improve­ ments for your home this year, head the list with an order for a Bell Telephone. » We furnish residence service to meet all requirements at a mod­ erate monthly rate. Your order will be given prompt attention as soon as received. Chicago Telephone Company. - J. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9903 Or an okl hard wood floor, furni­ ture, etc., may be made to look like new.witli a himier, more durable tints!) than it bad originally. Chi-NameI colors tiie wood, and var­ nishes it at the name time, and the sur­ face is so hard that walking or washing will not remove the gloss. 1'his new self-grainer makes It easy for anyone to produce a beautiful grained i ltVct. exactly like the most expensive hard wood floors. Call at oursture and allow us to demon­ strate How easy it is to grain aud by this improved system. Free camples white ttay last Sold in McHenry AT Tha Itt&xaJUl Store DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office In Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W PICKLES Vat run, 75c; large, 30c. Contract now with John L. May or at F. A. Bohlander's store. .%-10t C. F. CLAUSSBN & SONS. Chicken feed at U, M. Nlesen'a. At Your Me We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned and Bakery goods to be found in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best of scrvice at all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a favor if you will come and tell us, as it is our aim to make it a pleasure for you to trade here. Don't forget that our delivery system is at your constant ser­ vice. Call us up at any time and your order will be filled with care and promptly delivered SchneiderBros. West McHenry, III. /F SEED POTATOES We have just put in a supply of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes and want you to give this va­ riety a trial. Those who have used this variety ot potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why w e want you to be one of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy and dispatch. M. M. NIESEN. I VV. J "'Vli. 4 You Can Save Tinte and Money by letting us help you plan ft trip to the wonderful ' * Calif orni 8c Expositions Our representative will giaJly inform you regarding UwmI Katoo, With Chilw «f Kantan Goinf and Returning, Fimt Sconory aa< Inttrattinl Points Enrout*, Favor* able Stopover Privilefoo and Liberal Return Limits. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY and connections operate more miles of double track, protected by auto» matic safety signals than any other transcontinental line. OVERLAND LIMITED the fastest and only exclusively tirst- class train between Chicago and San Francisco. Direct connection made villi Ibis magnificent train and five other t transcontinental trains daily between Chicago and the 1'acitic coast. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Fur Illustrated booklets and full lofo^- nwitlon ask auy ticket a*ent Chicago « North Western K». or uddreas A rt: j. U. 1'. Jt T. A.. Chicago. III. X | W£,

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