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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1915, p. 5

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v -~y ' !" +'*-% -; ̂ ,juy ?^w,f - ffip * wWr- r^.- *r, P*\' w *'h> r #*•? •- v - j : ---- . . -. . .-.' . ^•^•.•:,'\^-);<"iii '::: vv\. • ^.j-"r.!^ ,.:*•<• ' j£^£ ' k^. > " VV$N STHENBY PLAINDEALER, MHEJfRT, ILL,. <?= • ?'Square Dealing*' Is the Basis of Every Successful Drug Business r\RUG stores have character just as people have The public in certain cases learn to rely upon a store, because of its, fair and open way of doing business. We have a constantly growing business and believe that it is largely due to our methods of "square dealing." We pride ourselves on three things--promptness, purity of goods and accuracy. We endeavor to give superior service in every way. Our prices are always fair. If you are not a regular customer, a visit to our store will convince you as to how well we are living up to the principles outlined above. :-: :-: :-: :-: Let us be your regular druggists. N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK Ther^ once was a lady by name Mrs. Grust, Who wanted her tinware a-11 anti-rust. So she came to Where slio bought it ga­ lore, And has fusfed vj-s since thnn she ever h: s iust. YOU MUST BUY ANTI-RUST to get the best service in tinware. We carry a large and varied stock of tinware and can supply your every want at prices that will be found as sat­ isfactory as the quality of the goods. J. J. VYCITAL The Centerville Hardware Man Summer Underwear! Women's Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless 25c, 39c, 50c Women's Vests, less, at_: low neck, sleeve- 10c and 15c Men's Union Suits, mesh or Jersey knit, ankle length and short sleeves, each 50c Seamless Hose for men, women and children, Foot Rest brand, at 10c, 15c and 25c JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-j DR. CARL STRUEH S Sanatorium and Health Resort McHenry, 111. Ideal place for the sick and for those seeking resft and recreation amidst the mo& pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS Write for illustrated descriptive booklet. TELEPHONE McHENRY 92-M. & •IWOMW IHiNMMIMWI NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •TOH^SBTTROn. Rev. Cbas. Weber was a business visitor in McHenry Monday. • Miss Eva Miller of Lily Lake and Michael Lenzen of Graysiake spent a recent day here. Mrs. Martin F. Schraitt visited her daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Freund, at the West Side hospital in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. John Jerack of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer. A May party will take place at Smith's hall here next Wednesday evening, May 12. Everybody is cor­ dially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nettnin were out from Chicago last Sunday, looking over plans for a new cottage to be erected in May's Garden on Fox river, just north of the Johnsburgh bridge. Jacob Justen, who resides at Justen's Corners, northwest of this place, has invested in a Paige Six touring car. He made the.purchase thru his broth­ er, Frank, of McHenry, who has the agency for the car. John Ahlstrom of Chicago - has let the contract for the erection of a cot­ tage on his lot in May's Garden on Fox river, just north of the bridge. From present indications this part of the river will boom this summer The people of Johnsburgh are anxious for the extension of the gas mains from McHenry to this place. The surveyors were thru here a few weeks ago and it is being reported that gas will be led to our hamlet this summer. At a meeting of the McHenry county board of supervisors it was decided to repair the bridge at this point. This is good news to all our people and the public in general ' as the bridge has Itoen in a rather shaky condition for some time paM. Mrs. Nic'iolas Freund was i a l-. •> to the West Side hospital in Chicago on Monday, wlier-' she underwent an oj erat.ion for appendicitis the following day. Altho the operation was quit^e serious one, Mis.' Freund is getting along very well, and her many friends hope that she may be able to return homo soon. The marriage of Miss Katie Schaef­ er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schaefer, who reside at. Dighton, to Mr. John Cossman of Lake county was solemnized at St. John's Catholic church here on Wednesday morning of this week, the ceremony having been performed by Rev. Charles Weber. ' The young couple will make their home with her parents for the the present. Their friends here ex tend congratulations. KING WOOD Mrs. Ililla Foss and Dorcas were El­ gin visitors Saturday. Ray Merchant and wife spent Sun­ day with her parents iu Woodstock. C* E. Iiawtey and wife and Mrs. Conway drove to Elgin Thursday of last week. ' Mrs. Lora Bacon went to the hos­ pital at Hinsdale Tuesday morning for treatment. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. J. D. Smith Saturday of this week. All invited. S. W. lirown and wife attended the Eastern Star dance at McHenry Satur­ day evening. Miss Southwick of'Richmond spent one day last week with her cousin, Lora, Walkington Mr. and Mrs. William. McCannon spent Sunday at Thomas Thompson's in West McHenry. Mrs. Libbie Allen attended the W. C. T. U» institute at Woodstock Wed­ nesday of last week. James Bell and family and Mr. Row- en of Spring Grove were callers at Ed. Bell's Sunday afternoon. Starr Brink, wife and daughter of West McHenry were calling on Ring- wood relatives Sunday afternoon. Edson Hodge took Mr. and Mrs. John Bell to Libertyville Sunday afternoon to see her mother, who is very ill. Word from Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow is that they are having a very pleasant time on their trip. Mrs. Libbie Allen and Mrs. Emma Brown attended the meeting of the Social Wheel at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley of Hyde Park, Vermont, parents of our merchant, W. E. Bradley, have como here to make their home and will live in part of P. D. Flanders' house. You Can Buy Good Securities A-plenty. But do the banks and brokers from whom you buy guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage Certificates are se­ cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY ' 5 9 •a KMKKAU) PARK. Mrs. W. Hill of Chicago spent a few days last week at her cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage Mrs. Edward Armit and children are spending a few weeks at the Malefyt cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and son Will, of Chicago spent Sunday at the Burns cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fraser and family returned home Sunday after spending a few days at the Haxton cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan and chil dren returned to their home in Chica­ go Sunday after spending a few days at their cottage. [Last week's delayed letterl Mrs. E. R. Sutton and son called on Miss Nancy Frisby Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Hayes spent a few days recently at their summer home here Geo. Blum and sons of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home here. Miss Anna Malefyt of Chicago is spending a few days at her cottage here. John Armstrong and son of' River Forest spent Sunday at their cottage here. Mrs. Will Stackable of Chicago vis- ted her sister, Mrs. Henry Berkircher, for a few days recently. Herman Murgen, Ted Thelin and Toe Kasmar of Cicero spent a few days recently at the Cicero Gun club. QUARTER OF A CENTURY (TENS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALBK OP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The McHenry County Teachers' asso ciation will meet in Woodstock on Saturday next. Died, at his residence, in this village, on Thursday morning, May 1, 1800, j Chester V. Stevens, iu the forty first ! year of his age. j But four saloon licenses have been j taken out in this village so far this tear. The prospects are that there j v ill be one more, making one less than j Inst year. I At the opening party at the Parker j House on Thursday <• veiling of next j week, the loth, Smith's orchestra will , furnish the music and will be com- : posed of seven pieces, with harp ac­ companiment, and Will J. Cutteredge with flute. j The Elgin driving park will hold |-thefl*spiing meeting June 3, 4, oand6 ! ai. which time they will offer $3,000 in ; purses. Entries close May 2»>. This is one of the finest tracks in this part of the state and a string of good horses will be there. At the meeting of the new board on Monday evening last Jas. B. Perry was re-appointed treasurer, E. Lamphere, street commissioner, and John Simon, lamp lighter, for the ensuing year. The office of village constable was left vacant until the next meeting. FOH SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, lit. J. C. Button was a Woodstock caller Saturday. S. A. Merchant, nnd F. W. Hartman j are driving new cats. Roy Cowlin of Woodstock was a bus­ iness caller here Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a business vis­ itor at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, visit­ ed relatives at Woodstock Sunday. The missionary society meets on Tuesday, May 11, with Mrs. P. Hodg- kinson. Mrs. Risvold returned home Sunday from St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, very much improved. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. D. L.Gibson Thursday afternoon, May 13. Mrs. R. Reed and Mrs. P. Hodgkin- son attended the funeral of Mrs. St. Clair at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Cordelia Davis of Berlin, Wis., is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Fanning, at the home of J. B. Lynch. Mrs. Blanche Conerty of Chicago spent Friday afternoon here and at­ tended the funeral of her nephew, Lester Goddard. Mrs. N. J. Garrison of Woodstock and Mrs. Wilson and daughter of Champaign visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Coates. Rev. J. W. MacGowan spent Thurs­ day afternoon and evening in Chicago and .attended the commencement ex­ ercises at McCormick's seminary. The Helpers are working hard these 1 days in arranging a special program ! for Friday night, May 14. On same 1 date they are also planning to hold a shadow social, for which the ladies will provide luncheon for two. Re­ member the date. THE AEROTHRUST MOTOR As good as it looks T i l l ee horse p o w e r . Double cylinder. Air-cooled. Detachable Wc i Mt only ">4 pounds, "it will drive your boat wherever it will Land any where without a pier. No woPry about weeds, rocks wit !<nul. • No pump to ̂ -et clogged. No leaky stuffing box. Nooll souk11; ni.-I s. Positively iu> vibration. No fly wheel. No valves- No gears No engine under water after each rain. No laying idle <i to s months a }ear. When boating season is over, clamp it to an ice sled and make 35 miles an hour. PitlCE COMPLETE--including motor, float feed, "Holley" car- buretor, propeller, propeller guard, fuel tank, muffler, plugs,starting crank, adjustable mounting, coil* batteries, wires, switch, hardwood coil and battery box and instruction book is only $64.75. Don't judge this wonderful little ail year around detachable mo­ tor by the low price it is sold for. Simplt>, powerful and durable. Out of the way but easy to get at., Only one coil required. Phone, 92-R. Box 53. H. C. HETTINGER Represents McHenry and Lake County 48 ORCHARD BEACH, McHENRY i l l ' END 11M A Story of the Santa Rosita Ranch on the Old Santa Fe Trail S m Tt OSTKND. F. B. Thompson is putting up a netf lawn fence in front of his residence. Henry Ilobart and Fred Cooley have both been putting new screen on their porches. Shoo flies. Freeman Whiting is still very weak from the attack of grip. At his age it is a serious matter. William Harris and sons are treating their aulo house to a fresh coat of red paint, with white trimmings. Arthur O. Whiting, formerly a resi­ dent of this neighborhood, and his son-in-law, Guy Graham, now of South Dakota are visiting with Illinois rela­ tives. It looks as though work would be pushed on F. R. Eppel's new barn. The cement mixer stands ready for use near the buildng spot and the umber is on the ground. Ernest Brott is in receipt of a card announcing the marriage of his broth­ er, Vernon D. lirott, to Miss Ida Sam {Mi on Thursday, May 20, at the home of the bride at Manitowac, Wisconsin. Warren Francisco has used his Ford car nearly two years and last Week he had his first expense. While in Mc­ Henry he picked up a piece of thick leather with a few .shingle nails driven through it. It, caused a bad breakage in the inner tube. Any Man or Woman can transform a soft wood floor into a perfect imitation of a beautifully grained hard wood floor in a few minutes with Chi-Namel and the Chi-Namel Self-Grainer Or an old hard wood floor, furni­ ture, etc., inay lie made to look like new, with a harder, more durable^ finish than it hod originally. Chi Naiiiel colors the wood, and var­ nishes it at the name time, and the sur­ face is so hard that walking or washing will not remove the (floss. This newnHf-frraliwrniftkes it easy for an> one to produce a beautiful grained effect. e\ ;r: 'y like tile must expensive haril wood floors. m ( 'all at < M I r store and allow us to demon­ strate how easy it is to Riuiii and variiiuh by thin improved system. _ Pro© samples while they last The VOLO Lee Iluson was in Round Lake Sat- rday. Dr. Taylor of Libertyville was here Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Monohan is visiting her daughters in Wauconda. Jas. Kirwan visited his wife, who is sick in Chicago, Thursday. Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. Rose Dunnill were McHenry callers Tues­ day. Misses Anna and Clara Rosing were McHenry callers Thursday of last week. Mrs. Laura Cook and Mrs. Lucy Clough of Wauconda were callers here last week Wednesday. You'll never go wrong by eating McHenry ice cream, made from Ilor- den's choicest cream. C. Unti. Sold in McHenry „ AT SssaMistore NOTICE OK APPLICATION H>i: I 'NOHATK 'OF WILL STATE OF ILLINOIS, i McHenry County. i i v ToAnnii Hvrd, August N'orili | in-;. t«ertrudi Clemens, IMIpli Clemens, Clarenre Clemens and John M. N°ordi|uKt. heirs at law auil l<>KUt4>es. SO far its known, of lietiKl N'ord(|UNt. deeeiised. late of Mellenry County. Illinois. You lire horeh.v notilied that application, has been inude t^i t in nt.v Court of Mc­ Henry County. Illinois, for I l ie proiiate of the will of Den^t Nord«| ulst, deceased, and that the hearing of the proof of said will has been set. by said Court for the seventh day of June. A. 1>. l t t lS. at t he hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the ( ourt llous" in »\oodst.o<*k. in said County, when and where y<>" can ap­ pear. If you see fit . and show cause, if any you have, why said wi.I should not be admitted to probate. ti . E. STILL. County Clerk. April 14. 1015. «-3t ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE Joseph I. Lanii. Attorney Estate of Mary Schmit t , Deceased. The undersigned havlni? I*>en appointed Administrator of tne Estate of Mary TVhmltt, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and Stateof Illinois, hereby gives notice that ho will appear before the County Court of Mc­ Henry County, at the Court House in Wood­ stock, at the July term, on the first Monday in July uext, at which time all persons hav­ ing eljilms against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons In­ debted to said Estate are requested to make "J OPERA HOUSE V^vMl II «•! Sunday, May 9 Immediate payment to the undersigned. this 22nd day of April. A. I). 1U15. ANTON M. SCHMITT , Administrator. Dated this 45-3t Announcement of the engagement and coming marriage of Miss Kva Miller of Liiy Lake and Mr. Micha?l Lenzen of Graysiake has been made. Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep post̂ i on local happenings aSrSffKM

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