y-i •MW:: pTjtnrDBALERarosnBXijax. Spring r " Clothing >R.RI in all the fashionable colors and at prices ranging from $10.00 and $22.00 per suit. You will save 25 per cent by buying a ready made suit and get workmanship which is equal to/any made to order suit. Shoest Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Gents' Furnishings. Jos. W. Freund We^t McHenry, 111. •D) Good Shoes For the whole family Our line of Men's Heavy Work Shoes is now com plete. New easy shapes in brown and black leathers at $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 to $4.50 » Fine Dress Shoes in new popular shapes $2.50 to $4.25 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes in lace and button with cloth or leather tops. Combination blacks and colors. DRESS GOODS and Suitings in a big range of col ors and qualities. All wool and dainty wash fabrics. MEN'S HATS AND CAPS, latest model* for the correct dresser. Shirts, Collars, Ties, Etc. SUITS AND OVER COATS made to your jneasuFet---j ALWAYS A GROCERIES M. J. WALSH, Phone 63-R Goods Delivered l . - j Spring Is Here THIS is the time of year when the housewife is busying herself cleaning house and discarding the old rugs and carpets and pieces of furniture which have riot only outlived their usefulness but become an eyesore to the home. We wish to call to the attention of the women folks that our line of carpets and rugs is larger and better than ever, and, what's more, our prices are most attractive. These are not dam aged, but new goods right from the factory and it will pay you to call and inspect what we have to offer. Our furniture line is also quite complete and easy to select from. Come in and let us talk shop to you. :: :: :: Jacob Jurften McHenry, - Illinois ' • f y - - r i*/" This week's sale of Gal- vanic Soap 10c to $1.00 worth of Palm Olive Soap FREE THIS WEEK With every purchase of the famous well known Galvanic easy washing White Laundry Soap amounting to 45c or more. When you buy Galvanic Soap you get one of the best Laundry Soaps made and in addition you get from 2 to 10 cakes of Palm Olive, a high grade Toilet Soap Free. With 100 bars at $4.05 you will get 10 cakes' of Palm Olive or Sl.M worth Free With 20 bars at 85c ) you will get 2 cakes >• of Palm Olive or ) 20c worth Free With 50 bars ^t $2.10) you will get 5 cakes [ of Palm Olive or ) 1 50c Worth Free With 10 bars at 45c) you will get 1 cake > of Palm Olive or , ) 10c worth Free F« A. Bohlander •Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery ».*•; franc MM SHOT OUT COLORED BOYS ! % RMSRM GAM HlfS AND ^ANS T NAKES WON- Wrapped up in heavy winter over coats and wraps two hundred loyal sup porters of the McHenry baseball team stood shivering- for two hours last Sun day afternoon to watch the opening game of the baseball season in McHen- ry. . Mayor-Elect Dr. David G. Wells was on the grounds and opened the season in the regular big league fashion by throwing- the first ball. He was then presented with a beautiful bouquet of pink and, white carnations. The Mc Henry white-garbed athletes then took the field and the game was on. The field was very slow and heavy, but in spite of the frosty .atmosphere and the mud the members of both teams put up an article of ball that was gratifying, to say the least. McHenry got the jump on the vis itors in the first and third innings of play and thru some classy twirling by 9&hlberg succeeded in holding the oolored lads scoreless, altho they threat ened to register runs in the seventh and eighth rounds. The manager of the club was more than pleased with the splendid turn out and feels that if a dark and gloomy day like that of Sunday will bring out two hundred fans a bright day should draw out at least double that number. At any rate he is encouraged over the loyalty of the patrons of the game and assures them as well as the public in general that McHenry will have the opportunity of witnessing some of the finest exhibitions to be seen outside of the leagues during the present playing season. So much for that. Now, to go ahead and go all over Sunday's game once more: First inning: Miranda drew a walk. Mitchell struck out. Mann rolled out to Warner. Wallace met his fate via Sahlberg and Warner. No hits, no runs. Riley beat out An infield hit in front of the plate. Comiskey was safe at first when Mann failed to hold Drake's throw from third, Riley taking second on the error. In an attempt to head off Riley at third in a double steal, our friend Wallace made a bad throw to Drake, Riley scoring and Comiskey coming around to third on the error. Brailsford planted a long sacrifice fiy to center field and Comiskey trotted home with the second run of^tfre day. Opfergelt doubled to left. Bending polled a long drive to center, which looked good for a single at least, but Miranda got under the hit after- a long run. Opfergelt, who had started for third, could not get back to second in time to prevent the double play. Two hits, two runs. Second inning; Sahlberg and War ner took care of Price. Donald al most knocked Sahlberg's right wing off with a nasty line drive. Riley re covered the ball, but could not get it to first in time to kill the runner'. How ever, the hidden ball trick, successfully executed by Warner at first, stopped Donald from going any further. Drake went out on a fly to Opfergelt. One hit, no runs. Warner fanned. Koobhit out a long fly to center and went all the way to second before he realized that our little Cuban friend, Miranda, had made a wgnderful catch. Meyers met his fate in the same manner 'as did Koob. No hits, no runs. Third inning: Mayes stopped one of Sahlberg's straight ones with his seventh left rib and went to first. He was sacrificed to second by Kelley, who. rolled an easy one down to Warner. Miranda sent a high fly to Opfergelt in center. Mitchell struck ont. No hits, no runs. Sahlberg singled to center and went to dbcond when Price made.a mess of Riley's grounder, Riley also resting safe at first on the fumble. Comiskey went out on a foul fly *to Wallace. Brailsford watched four bad ones go by and went to first. Opfergelt struck out. Bending picked out a good one and laced it to left field for two bases, the hit scoring Sahlberg and Riley, while Brailsford went to third on the hit. Warner was retired on an easy fiy to Mayes at second. Two hits, two runs. Fourth inning: Mann struck out. Wallace was retired on a foul fly to Chief" Meyers. Price was given free transportation to first. Donald whiffed. No hits, no runs. Koob and Meyers both fanned and Sahlberg went out on a lon£ .fly to center field. No hits, no runs. Fifth inning: Drake fanned. Mayes was cafe at first when Bending dropped his fly to left fleld. Koob made a pretty catch of Kelly's line drive just over his head. Miranda flew out to Bending. No hits, no runs. Riley flew out to Miranda. Comiskey was killed by Drake and Mann. Brails ford struck out. No hits, no runs. Sixth inning: Mitchell and Mann fanned and Wallace went out on a fly to Warner. No hits, no runs. Opfergelt was retired by Drake and Mann. Bending drew a pass and went to third on Warner's single between first and second. Warner was caught stealing second. Koob struck out. One hit, no runs. Seventh inning: Price singled to center and went to second on Donald's hit past Sahlberg. Drake struck out. Mayes went out on a short fly to War ner. Kelley »iuirled to ieft. the hit sending the men ahead of him a notch nearer to the counting station. With the bases loaded the visitors surely looked for Miranda to deliver the Ml which wouty briny in at least two of the men on the sacks, but all th the little Cuban was able to deliver was an easy roller to Warner at first. Three hits, no runs. Meyers went out via Mayes and Mann Sahlberg was safe at first when Mann dropped Drake's throw from third. Bowen, who took Riley's place, fanned. Comiskey was retired by Donald and Mann. No hits, no runs. Eighth inning .-Mitchell singled past third, stole second and went to third on Mann's sacrifice hit to Sahlberg. Wallace flew out to Koob. Prioe went out via Comiskey and Warner. One hit, no runs. Brailsford beat out an infield hit, which Price and Wallace both tried to get. A moment later be was caught napping and was thrown out by Price. Opfergelt went out on a fly to Miranda. Bending flew out to Mann. One hit, no runs. Ninth inning: Donald was retired by Meyers and Warner. Drake went out via Sahlberg and Warner. Mayes singled to center. Kelley . out, Sahl berg to Warner. One hit, no runs. The score: ALL STAKS Most mm*. Miranda, cf ......0 Mitchell, rf. Mann, Istb. r.O Wulluce,c. ...0 Price, p .0 Douald. ss . Drake, 3rd b :...0 Mayes,2nd b 0 Kelly, If 0 H. 0 1 0 0 1 P O. • ft 7 o e u MCHENRY B. H. Riley, ss 1 Bowen, ss .... 0 Comiskey. 3rdi b......j..i.l 0 Brailsford, 0 1 Opfer«elt, cf „ .0 1 Bending, If 0 1 Warner. Istb... 0 1 Koob, 2nd b 0 0 Meyers, c 0 0 Sahlberg. p...,. 1 I RQ. 9 I A. *> 0 1 0 0 « 4 0 1 5 27 11 ^ 4 U SOOBB BT ikllKOI All Pfcars 0 00000 0 00-0 Mcpenry. T 0*000 0 OX--4 Left on bases--All Stars, #; McHenry, 3. Double play--Miranda to Mayes. Two base hits--Bending, Opfergelt. Struck out--By Sahlberg, 8; bv Price, 7. Buses oil hall*-- Off tiahlberg, 2; off Price, 2. lilt by pitched ball, Mayes. Umpire. Howard, Notes Of Can* Some crowd, considering the weather. Ray Opfergelt, our fleet footed cen ter fielder, has been signed up for the season and the fans are happy. The jfeetny had the bases choked in the seventh, but Sally was there in the pinch and retired the side without allowing the visitors to score* Fine work, old boy. Keep it up. The McHenry boys hit that ball 9n the nose with marked regularity, agd for the excellent work of Miranda i^o center field the home crowd, would have registered one or two more runs. Miranda had six put-outB. Opfergelt made another of his shoe string catches and had he been able to get Bet in time after making thelong run he would have completed the double play. He turned a complete som ersault after making the catch. Bowen was given a chance at short during the seventh^ eighth and ninth innings, but was given no opportunity to show the stuff he is made out of. He was at bat one time and fanned. Bowen is a clean-cut young fellow and is going to try his hardest to make good with the team. He is said to be a heavy sticker. Cam* (text |«ni«T Moore & Evans' baseball team of Chicago will be in McHenry next Sun day to battle with the McHenry Sofci Mr. Williams, who brought the Chi cago Ansons to McHenry on June 14 of last year, is manager of the club which comes here next Sunday and he has sent word to Mr. Walsh of the Mc Henry Sox that all of the best men of last year's Ansons are with him this year, including the battery, Nemac and Williams. McHenry 'defeated the Ansons last year 3 to 2. The Chicago team played the Waukegan city team' at Waukegan a week ago last Sunday and were defeated by the close score of 4 to 2. This will give the fans of Mc Henry and vicinity an idea of the strength of the team which the Mc* Henry Sox will hook up with Sunday, May 23. Owing to the fact that the players will be obliged to catch the five o'clock train the game will start promptly at 2:30 o'clocTc. General ad mission, 25 cents; ladies and children, 15 cents. . ADDITIONAL PERSONAM Mrs. Wm. Bonslett passed Wednes day in Chicago. Otto Henning spent Monday in Chi cago on business. Mrs C. W. Goodell was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. R. A. Howard of Elgin was a visitor in town last week Friday. Fred Justen attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. Tom Bender of Chicago called nn friends in town on Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Henning returned home Friday, after spending a few days in Chicago. William Smith attended to matters of a business nature in the metro politan city Wednesday. Miss Agnes Osted of Chicago is spending a few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Henning. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, M. D. Wilkins and Frank Buhr were among the Chi cago passengers this morning. Michael Lenzen and Miss Eva Miller were Waukegan visitors Thursday. On their way home they visited Mrs. Henry Wegener at Libertyville, 111. Mesdames Wm. Bonslett and John M. Phalin attended the annual lunch eon of the North Shore Catholic Women's club at Winnetka, 111., today. aires M "OST of them at firdt had to fight every inch of th^f way, saving dollar by dollar, until they had capf tal worth while. Then they put their money fo worl| where it would earn the ̂ oo^ . We- can't all become mit* lionaires, but everyone who works can make a STARTS in that direction by systematic saving. And never yet has that rifcart been made hut the person making it has had cause to rejoice sooner or later. We would tike to be your bankers. We guarantee you safety and the liighe& rate of interest for every dollar you entrust to us. - . r Apply here for membership In the McHenry Poultry and Grain association. Membership fee. Wert McHenry,> Illinois. I PROBATE NEWS I Furnished by McHenry Oonnty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 91 i.l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Barbara Schlessle to Robertina Clara Schlessle and Annetta B. Weber, pt lb 10, Oak Grove club grounds, sec 17, McHenry f Rlngwood Cemetery society to 8. W. Brown, It 1 new aadn RingwoOd eenq- etery Bert E. Newell to O. E. Newell, H Jot in w* its io ec ii, bifc iw; & it 5, oik i«, McHenry Arthur M. McCoy St w to Edward A. Uoetter, pt ne$« sec 35 & pt nwH sec 30, McHenry John A. Bowers & w to Anton Alay, It ia» bj,k i. i'eicr addjy i.eo so,eo 1.00 iu» •• CENTRAL.. OPERA HOUSE THE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY The latent and be^t ..PICTURES.. THE Every Thursday Night WEDNESDAY Admission :: 10c CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All »(lT«rtI>ement8 inserted tinder tlkie lutud at the following rates: Five linen or letia, Sb cent* for flr«t Insertion; 16 ownts for each subsequent insertion. More than Ore lines, & cents a line (or first lncerttnu, and 3 oeuts a line (or additlonl InserttunH. T OR SALE--A sow and eight pigs. JOHN J-' B. YOUNG, West McHenry, 111. 48-lt XpARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of O. W, STKNO- -*• ER, West McHenry State Bunk. 19 Xj*OR.SALE--A one-year-old black colt. Will sell for 175. JOHN 1<\ MILLEU, McHenry. III. 47-tf "CiVjR SALE--Rhode Island Reds eggs for batching; also tlmottoy hay. Inquire ot JACOB DIBDHICH, McHenry. 4K-tf "C>OR RENT--A line pasture. Inuuire of -1- JOHN KLANNIQAN, Clay Balrd farm. 'Phone 308-Ii-l, McHenry, 111. 47-tf GIRL WANTED--For general housework. Apply to J. P. NICHOLSON, lngleslde, III. 'Phone 632-J-l. McIIeury, III. 45-tf "C>OR8ALE--A team of five-year-olds, welKl't 1200 pounds. Will drive single or double. F. C. FELTE, West McHenry, 111. 'Phone 71-M. 45-tf T OST--On Tuesday evening on the streets •*-» of McHeniy, a gold lavalllbP. BHiUer please return same to Miss MILDRED GAY- LORD, West McHenry, III. 4K-U "EjX)R SALE--Five-room cottage, barn, chick- en house and good well; also two and one- half acres of land. Location, Grant town ship. 2W miles south ot Ingleslde. Inquire of O. CA8PER3, McHenry, 111. - ~ 44-tf ANTED-- Middle aged lady with nochll- *" dren as housekeeper In a family of two. One wanting good borne. More than high wages. Permanent home for right party. Call on or address F. A. SCOTT. 8oo W. Ger trude St., Harvard, 111. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Alford H. l'ouse, Attorney The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of George Beck- with, deceased, late of the County of McHen- aud State of Illinois, hereby gl ves notice . . . . of McHenry County, at the Court House in ry ; tna ;it lie will appear before the Couuty Court vvooasiock, ai the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all per sons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur pose of having the sann adjusted. All per sons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 29th day of April, A. I). 1914. 40-31 J. C. HOLLY, Administrator. Edward B. Crook & w to Frank J. Freund & w, pt neJi sec X, 41.H9 a, McHenry 7780.00 O. E. Newell & w to John King, It 5» blk ____ 14, orig plat, McHenry HOO.UO MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thomas F. Morrell, 28 Chicago EmmaF. Elkins, 20...; Chicago David Richards, 40 .-Newell, S. T>. Alice Floy Bassetfc, 32 Woodstock Duane Dpssow, 28 Greenwood Elsie Fancett, 18... ...Woodstock James Booth 21 - Harvard Marie Peterson 18....Burlington, Wte. Prul D. McDonald, 24 Mai-engo Florence Reavis, It--.......Marenya Charles Frantz Burchard 23 Woodstock inger Louise Peterberg, 24. Woodstock Henry G. Heinle, 26 Spring Grove See what and Your Old Sewing Machine Will Do. I F you knew how much we would give you for your ' BEAUTIFUL WHEN CLOSED old sewing machine, if you knew how many dol lars you could save with Sewing Machine (Invented and patented by W. C. Free) if you knew the quality, guarantee and liberal terms of purchasing this machine, you would immediate ly come to see this wonderful sewing machine. - Two Antllog Inventions gave (be Th* FREE machine an evcrlsuftlng claim upon the • people, fh* Rotopcillo Movement, which makes it run as light as a feather, and the Toggle Link Movement, which makes it ladt forever. TJie FREE machine will give you • life time of splendid service, and be good for you children's children. The FREE Sewing Machine is guaranteed for life and is insured for five years againrft fire, flood, breakage or cyclone. We replace even a broken needle. The FREE will sew the finest chiffon and the thickest woolen goods with the same perfect rftitch. The FREE machine is made to match any room, and its beautiful case will be (fie most decorative piece of furniture in your borne. The FREE la tlie newcA, too* up-to-date, and the one perfedt High Grade Sewing Machine. We are making an upusual of- fee -during the Introduction ot the 1915 Model. $1.00 Come today and see what and your Old Sewing Ma- chin^will do. CONVENIENT WHEN OPEN You can j*it at this machine in a position that Is morft comfortable for you. , JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHILIP -JAEGER tlOBNBRAL. COniKlSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION QXVSN TQ THK SALE OF \ ./-JPfWWrt «*•«. nuttoPc *lof». Vol, Poultry, Hide*. Etc., Butter and Ef*» • street Tsrb and pctoe llot* on COLD STOKAQB FRBB '"f CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. application. stau i A a. PSHM «. Wholesale Market. Office in Speulding Bldg. ftoasM.W-11 ALFORD H. POUSE Attorncy-at-Law Weft McHenry, 111. The Aerothrust goes where you. can't PbiU<wieoa~Wagntr, ^.Spring GwifrtMlagara. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office In Telephone Exchange Centerrille McHenry, Telephone Now 79-W If you want to be healthy and m Perbaa for your plumbing. u.-.kr: W r - ' ' At.'. • "i,