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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1915, p. 5

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"Square Dealing" * Is the Basis of Every ' 7 . ; " Successful Drug Business r\RUG stores have character just as people have' The public' in certain cases learn to rely upon a store, because of its fair and open way of doing business. We have a constantly growing business and believe that it is largely due to our methods of "square dealing." We pride ourselves on three things--promptness, purity of goods and accuracy. We endeavor to give superior service in every way. Our prices are always fair. If you are not a regular customer, a visit to our stdre will convince you as to how well we are living up to the principles outlined above. Let us be your regular druggi&s. N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W J) -7 CARLOADS OF- Gas Ranges have been set by us stnce the fir& of the year, and summer is &ill before us. There was a time when it was not thought necessary to use a gas range in the winter, but that time is gone; gas has done its own missionary work and women know that a gas range is just exactly as useful one season as another --because gas is a fuel ready on the in&ant for your mo& exacting demands and --because the new ranges are capable of accurate adjustment to the demands of cooking. See that you, too, enjoy these advantages. Western United Gas aod Electric Company D. M. WORKMAN, District Manager Summer Underwear! Women's Union Suits, low ne^k, sleeveless 25c, 39c, 50c Women's Vests, low neck, sleeve­ less, at - 10c and 15c Men's Union Suits, mesh or Jersey knit, ankle length and short sleeves, each 50c Seamless Hose for men, women and children, Foot Rest brand, at *_ 10c, 15c and 25c JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J / <rv: 1 DR. CARL STRUEH'S Sanatorium and Health Resort McHenry, 111. . Ideal place for the sick and for those seeking and recreation amid& the mod pleasant and \ home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHOpS Write for illustrated descriptive booklet. TELEPHONE McHENRY 92-M. xsf NEIGHBORINGNEWS AS CHRONICLED BY N OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RINOWOOD Mrs. Lib îe Bell was atjH>flg the tick last week, Mrs. Nora' Hawley visited relatives In Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were Hebron callers Sunday. „ Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday with his parents at Green­ wood. A little son cauie to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Younj» Wednesday of last week. S. W. Brown's drug store and Lewis Shrader's home are both receiving a coat of paint. Mrs. Bertha Eah and Mrs. Fred Pierce of Spring Grove spent last Fri­ day at Ed. Bell's.. Decoration day exefcises wtfll bo held Sunday afternoon at 2:50. Rev. Rat- cliff will deliver the address. Mr. and Mrs. H,VW. All'en drdfce to Salem, Wis., Tuesday evening to visit friends for a couple of days, Edith Todd of Dundee visited Miss Lora Walkiugton Wednesday of last week and attended the school exer­ cises. ^ The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Julia Abbott. Topic, "Sabbath Observance." Lead­ er, Mrs. Nora Hawley. Quite a number of our Modern Wood­ men attended the initiation of a large number of members at Libertyville last Thursday evening. The school entertainment iast Wed­ nesday evening was well attended and all the children did their parts well, showinsr that our teachers have done good work. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Esh of Spring Grove are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Monday night. Grandpa Gd. Bell of this place wears a broad smile and w^ are expecting a stick of candy. The recent Sunday school contest at the M. E. church was won by the "Reds". A banquet will be given in the Woodman hall on Friday evening to all who attended during the contest and no doubt the "Blues" will serve a bountiful repast. Rev. T. Atkey Brewster, Methodist minister at Crys­ tal Lake will be the speaker and there will be a miscellaneous program. Remember the date and be present Friday evening. A further contest has been arranged . with the Green­ wood Sunday school to start the first Sunday in June, and to continue for three months. At the close of the contest the Sunday school that has had the largest average attendance will receive a beautiful silk banner. There is no reason why it should not be won by Ringwood. Mrs. Abbie Martin is suffering with neuralgia. Frank Kaiser has a machine at his barn pressing hay. F. B. Thompson was a Woodstock caller Monday morning last. Fred Eppel's new barn begins to look as if he meant business. Leslie Francisco will drive the team to haul milk in Ernest Brott's absence. A milk inspector for Bowman was looking after business here Monday last. Ben Brown, a Woodstock stock buyer, was making purchases here Friday of last week. Warren and Miss Ammie Francisco ate Sunday dinner with their niece, Mrs. J. W. Davis. Mr. Cooper, the Empire milking ma­ chine agent, was calling on his patrons here Saturday last. Ernest Brott left Wednesday for Manitowoc, Wis., to attend his brother, Vernon's, wedding. Earl Sherman, wife and children, Dorr and Elma, spent Sunday, May 16, Mrs. Sherman's birthday, with her parents. Mrs. C. B. Durkee is a victim of rheumatism. She is never quite clear of it, but this cold, wet weather makes it much worse. A few farmers have some corn plant­ ed. Others say they would rather have theirs in the granary than in the cold, wet gronnd. (• > KMKRA |J» f>*RK. Miss Anna Malefyt of Chicago spent Sundry here, Jas. Haxton and Joe Frye of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Bille^pent Sunday at. their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hums of Chica­ go spent Sunday here. Mrs. E Sohns of Chicago is spending a few da» at her cottny. Chas. < 'ohan and family spent Sun­ day at their summer home here. John Armstrong of River Forest spent one day reeentlv at. the. iJark. M r. and M rs. E. R. Sutton and son, visited at Dr. Fegers' in McHenrv Sun- iay. Merman' Miirj/en and T»*d Thelin of 'icern S)»ent a few days last week at I'ark; Mr. and Mrs. Piimty and son arc spending a few day* at their summer home here. Henry Bending,and A! Apple of River Forest spent a few days this week at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Heany and daugh­ ter, Helen, of Chicago are spending a few days at their cottage. JOHNSBVROH. Dr. Afnold Mueller was a profes­ sional visitor in Chicago Wednesday. A few from here took in the movies at Spring Grove last Sunday evening. Barney Keller of Burliugtou,1 Wis., passed Thursday and Friday as the guests of friends here. Miss Louise Stilling of MeHenry spent a few days recently as the guest of Miss Barbara Smith. Miss Ella Huemannof Spring Grove spent Sunday as a ^uest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. H. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hetttermano drove to Burlington, Wis., in their new car one day recently and \passcd the day with relatives. John Mertes and his gang of men are making line progress on the Henry Tony an house here. The house, when completed, will be one of the largest and best in town. * n • The barn on the Willi&m Tonyan farm near this place was struck by lightning and burned to the grouod last Saturday night. All of the live stock was saved altho considerable of the grain and machinery were de­ stroyed. Our citizens are very much inter­ ested in the case of Charles Michels, which will undoubtedly come up at the Woodstock court house some time next week. The May term of court opens next Monday and his case will come up before the grand jury. Miss Eleanor Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, returned home from Chicago on Tuesday, where she had been for an operation for appen­ dicitis. The operation was performed at the West Side hospital about^two weeks ago and the patient is getting J along exceptionally well. The next dance at Smith's hall will take place on Wednesday evening of j next week, May 26. The Northern j Illinois orchestra has again been en-1 paged for the occasion and a pleasant time is assured all who attend. The usual price of admission will prevail. Everybody welcome. In honor of her fiftieth birthday an­ niversary a number of her relatives tendered Mrs. Joseph Thelen a very pleasant surprise at her home here last Sunday evening. The time was spent in a social manner and at a late hour refreshments were served. Those pres­ ent were: Mesdames John and Jos. Mertes, Peter Schaefer, William Oef- fling, Mike Pitzen, Thomas Mills and John Thelen. Nick Freund and Martin F. Schqiitt went to Chicago last Tuesday morning and returned that afternoon, accom­ panied by the former's wife, who re­ cently underwent an operation for ap­ pendicitis at the West Side hospital in that city. Altho still quite weak from the effects of the operation, M~s. Freund is slowly regaining her strength. Her friends were glad to hear that she has returned and that the operation was successful. VOLO Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was in Chicago Wednesday. H. Grantham of Wauconda was a re­ cent caller here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld were in Waukegan Thursday. Dr. McCormick and Jos. Haas of Wauconda were in town Friday. Mrs. Rose Dunnill and Mrs. Ves Wagner were in McHenry Saturday. Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. E l l a Moore were" McHenry callers Wednes­ day. Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. J. Frost spent Thursday with Mrs. B. Foid near Cary. On Thursday afternoon, May 27, the Ladies' Aid society will meet at the Raymond home. On Sunday, May 30, at 2 p. m., the R6v. J. A. Maitland will preach in the Volo M. E. church. Everyone wel­ come. 9T\f: banks and you A-plenty. But do the brokers from whom guarantee the securities to you? Our Mortgage Certificates are se­ cured by real estate mortgages and WE GUARANTEE THEM. Hoy Banking Co. FREMONT HOY CLARENCE F. HOY rc DC 31=1 E 3EIE 3E 3£5fl ..Special Sale.. -AT- YycitaFs Novelty Store j: : McHENRY, ILLINOIS Saturday, May 22, Children's Aprons 10c value for.. 5c SUN BONNET 10c value for _5c BOYS' OVERALLS 25c value for 19c HARVEST HATS 15c value for 9c Aluminum Soup Ladle 15c value for,. 10c Aluminum water dipper Each 25c WATER PAIL 10-qt. 50c value for..25c TEA KETTLE 3-qt. 50c value for. ..25c Preserving Kettle 14-qt. 50 value for 25c DAIRY PAIL 25c value for 19c HOUSE BROOMS 25c value for _19c CLOTHES PINS 40 for 5c BEAN POTS 10c value, for 2*5e>,' -- .-- Brown Mixing Bowls 10c value for 8c„ White cups and saucers 6 for-,,. 4tc JELLY TUMBLERS 12 for 20c WATER TUMBLERS 12 for 25c LAMP CHIMNEYS No. 1 and 2, each 5c.- (Li These Prices Good for Saturday Only4 th 88. NOTICE STATE OP ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, Sealed bids will be received on June 3, 1915, at 1:00 o'clock at the office of town clerk of McHenry township at McHenry, Illinois, for repairing of Johnsburg bridge. The work to con­ sist of repainting and reilooring said bridge. Estimated cost $2,000. Town­ ship of McHenry pays one-half of cost. H. M. TURNER, ) A. H. HALE, [• Com. D. M. WRIGHT, ) SMILEY EXPLAINS Woodstock, 111., May 12, 1915. Editor of McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, III. Dear Sir--It has been persistently rumored that I was only in the race for circuit judge providing the bill that. was pending a few weeks ago in the. legislature became a law, creating the fourth otlice in this district. This rumor so spread was started by some of the persons., who would like to see me out of thef%ce, but I want to deny most emphatically, thru the columns your paper, such rumor. I also want to this time that I have never had any intention of be-1 ing a candidate only in case of the 1 fourth ollice being created. That mat-! ter was foreign to iny thought*. Since ] entering the race, which I did under I pressure of my friends from the var» ious counties in the circuit, I am more j than pleased with the reception I have received from the voters in the circuit. { Certainly no one can say that Smiley l ever was a quitter. Those that know i rt^ne. 92-R. Box S3, me best know that I do not jump into things wiiii the purpose of afterwards abandoning the thing that I have un­ dertaken without fighting it thru to fiie end. i may add that I am in this race for circuit judge to the end and I want all my friends to understand my candi­ dacy in that way regardless of what­ ever statements they may hear to the oontrary. Yours very truly, v D. T. SMILEY. 3G EJEEJ •1EESE DC roi5 "UfsjLasf THE AEROTHRUST MOTOR As good as it looks Price J When boating season in cfver clamp it on an ice sled and eat w. scenery at the rate of 35 to 40 miles an hour while other motoni are taking their long winter's nap. Call, phone or write for de­ scriptive matter. H. C. HETTINGER Represents McHenry and Lake County fry ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Claud I>. llutson, Deceased.' The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of <'laud I), llufc- son, deceased, late of the Couuty of McHenry aud State of Illinois, htyeby s'ves notice that newill appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court, House in W<xKlstocW, ut the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time aUar­ sons having claims against said KstHte lire notified raid requested attend »<m iiu; pui- pose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Kstate are requested to make immediate paymeut to the undersigned. Dated this 18th day of May. A. I). 11)15. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE J. I. Lang, Attorney Estate of Frank Pfantienstill. Deceased. Th<; undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Kstate of Frank l'fan- nenstill. deceased, late of the County of Mc­ Henrv and l^tute of Illinois, hereby gives no­ tice that he will appear be fort! the County Court of Mellenry Count y, at. 1 he Court House In Woodstock, at the July Term, on the ttrst Monday lu July next, at "which time all per­ sons having claims against said Kstate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per ild Estate are requested t< layment to the undersigned. Offict Hours 9:0* to 1£M a. m. 1:00 to 4:30 p. m. ?iMto8:Mp. m. Telephones Office 17 Residence 51-W sons indebted to said Estate are requested to !U _ Dated this 3rd aity of May. A. I>. 1!)15. uiake immediate Date 47-St Frank Stkinhookkkhr. • Admlnist rator. 4fr3t C. W. Uakbisoh, Administrator. EXECUTOR S NOTICE J. I. Lang, Attorney Estate of Martin Yontijr, Deceased. The uudersigued having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Martin Voting, deeesised. late of the County of McHenry and State of UUiteis, hereby iriw-* notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on Uie first Monday iu July next, at which time all persons havlDg claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon Schnorr Bldg. WEST McHENRY Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS pnrpivse of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said F-state are requeste- to make immediate payment to the uuderd Dated this 17th day ot May. A. D. 191S. 48-3t Est ma Yodno. Executrix. « ORCHARD BEACH. McHENItf = SB. LOCAL DRUGGIST MAKES A STATEMENT We always advise people who ha# stomach or bowel tremble to see * doctor. But to those "who do not wish to do this we will say: try the mix­ ture of simple buckthorn bark, gly­ cerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka. Thla simple new retuedv is so powerful that JUST ONE DOSE relieves sour Btomach, gas on the stomach and co% •tipation INSTANTLY. People who try Adler-i-ka aro nrpriswl at itp: QUICK action. • ,3 L V. H ALUSTER. NHWOST wo*!y iibout "St". A e roth rust will d rive you r boat wlw«- ever it will float." Herbes, plumber. Tei 1Q8-R. ;

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